Unsettled Calm- sensitive nervous system wan Perhaps to those who were|hum~ans. Ca‘ts evidently got by not at home during “the blast", in better shape although some it would seem that life and disappeared and haven’t re- things' in general were pretty turned as yet. So give your pet well settling down to near nor- an extra pat â€" it's been tough mal. However to those resi- on him too! dents more involved, it is only Delayed Report now that “FY “"9 Stop?“ to Lowell House DID call me let out their breath, that they to tell me about his father's 90th are realizing the eï¬eots m that birthday and we’re sorry it night on their nervous systems. kind of got put aside in the 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, 'August 23. 1962 ‘ Our local doctors, Dr. R. A. Begford, Dr. Charles Birkett and Dr. Peter Van Nostrand are treating several men, wo- men and children who have silffered from a nervous react- ion â€"-â€" which is indeed under- standable. - "The' leeral" L9 always willing to publish interesting items regarding people Our representative in Maple is Mrs. Len Shore, ALpine 7-1150; in Edgeley an: Ke (fer. 285-4040. It is not only the ‘humans' who are suffering but we un- derstand the veterinarians in our district have been called on to treat many dogs who have suffered (really) nervous break downs because of the blast. In fact some dogs have had to be destroyed because they have turned on their own masters. Dogs seemingly have a more Fire last Friday completely destroyed this unused barn on the Jarrett Estate, Keele Street, Maple. Vaughan Township Fire Chief James David- son said the blaze was started by children playing with matches. It took ï¬remen over an hour to bring the flames under control. (Photo by T. White) FIRST TO BIOHMOND Maple Notes n.“ .â€".._. ulnaâ€... turned as yet. So give your pet an extra pat â€" it's been tough on him too! Delayed Report Lowell House DID call me to tell me about his father's 90th birthday and we’re sorry. it kind of got put aside in the excitement â€"â€" it was August 4 too! Mr. Fred House. a United Empire Loyalist from the Nia- gara district. was born August 4, 1872 on the banks of Niagara Falls. He lives with his son and daughter-in-law, Lowell and Mary House on Sherwood Side Road. enjoying good health and taking an interest in the garden and cutting the'grass. Indeed the only part of the celebration that wasn‘t planned was the “ï¬nale†that went 05 with such a bang. When Pro- pane exploded, the men left the party immediately to offer their services where necessary. We in Maple extend contin- ued health and happiness to one of our senior citizens, Mr. Fred House. Abrupt Ending to Holiday When the Thompson's heard :word of the explosion. they cut short their holiday and came on home but fortunately found their house and property un- harmed. Ray and Ilse Thompson. Da- vid and Judy. in their two and a half-weeks of camping. had Lowell House DID call me pane to tell me about his father's 90th the D birthday and we’re sorry. it their kind of got put aside in the We excitement â€"â€" it was August 4 “Ed This summer he went camp- covered a distance of 2500 ing along with the family to miles in their small European Honey Harbour when he tented car with all their equipment. out at Morreau Landing, Maâ€" They spent ï¬ve days visiting cey’s Bay. in St. Paul. Minn. with Ilse’s Lowell and Mary held a uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. birthday party for him on his H. Jacob having travelled via sensitive nervous system than Fire Levels Barn :h interesting items regarding people and evfents contributed by its readers in Maple, Shore. ALpine 7-1154): in Edgeley and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart, AV. 5-1934: Ray and Ilse Thompson. Da- vid and Judy, in their two and a half weeks of camping. had covered a distance of 2500 miles in their small European car witlh all their equipment. birthday with guests from Co- lombus. Ohio, Buffalo, N.Y., St. Catherine," Hamilton and sev- eral local friends and family. WATCH FOR THE SPECIAL RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE ADVERTISING SECTION In Next Weeks LiberaI» AUG. 29th 'I'O SEPT. 15m Over 40 Fabulous Pnzes ; m . In Cash And Merchandlse Wig \ ~l:'n| M Just Fill In Your Lucky Buck Coupon Available At Any Member Store And Deposit In The Store Box ENTER OUR FREE lUCKY BUCK CONTEST and then During their travels they had camped out almost every night. They had stopped at thirteen different Provincial, State and National Forest Camps. David and Judy had fun swimming, exploring and had nature training throughout their holidays. The general consenSus of the Thompson family is that “trav- elling and camping. along with visits with friends. is a w:|der- ful way to spend a holiday." Apprehension lDetroit and Chicago and re- injured and taken by ambu- turned through Wisconsin and lance to Branson Hospital. north MiChigan t0 Ottawa- In Maple Brigade joined forces Ottawa they stayed with their on their return and K9919 friends MI‘. and Mrs. Keith St. north was blocked to traffic Cooper and their ï¬ve Children for 7 hours. The barn and sur- It was here that they heard rounding pens were completely about the blast and returned destroyed but nearby homes home. were well protected. The hay During their travels they had was soaked but all realized it camped out almost every night. would smoulder for a few days. Travelling with only a min-i- mum of equipment. including their 9 x 9 x 7 tourist tent, they had a grand time through very good weather and cooked their own meals outdoors. Maple folk are still tense and the sound of a ï¬re siren is enough to send cold chills along everyone’s spine. On August 17 when the ï¬re engine was out, the “old Rumble barn†west of Keele Street North, burst into flames. A two year old crop of hay was in the 51 year old barn and urged on by a strong wind. it was burning furiously within minutes. The Richvale ï¬re De- partment answered the alarm but by then it had a tremen- dous start. The wind blew parts of the roofing over a wide area amid the billows of dense black smoke. Norman Lund of Maple Road raced home from the Township office to ï¬nd his wife Zellma armed with a hose and lthey were able to stamp out burning fragments on their lawn. Across the road on the. south side, sparks landed on ‘Dick and Olive Seeds house‘s roof. This is one of the few houses with wooden shingles and in no time a section was ablaze. A motorist stopped to lend a hand and a neighbor. Mr. Bone gave his hose to add as an extension. The Wood- bridge ï¬re Brigade arrived and .put out the flame but only after a large hole was burned through the roof. (The next day, being very sensitive re sparks, Dick had his barbecue so well shielded for protection, the meat had to ï¬ght its way to get near enough to the heat to get barbecuedl). A ï¬reman from Richvale was Concord 5; Edgeley districts. and in Concord, Mrs. Ruth This barn has been a source of worry for several in the im- mediate vicinity because the children played there. using the big rope to swing across from one loft to the other to land in the hay. As any adult. who remembers their youth when they played in their old farm barn. realizes the lure of- fered but also the danger of probable ï¬re ~â€"â€" it is a great sense of relief that that has gone and no children were hurt. Sympathy Extended Ln Mr. Roy Sheir. who sud- denly collapsed and died while cutting his lawn at his home on Carmichael Ave.. Toronto on August 17, Mr. Arthur Wells has lost a close friend of many, ‘many years. Onxboth Saturday and Sun- day the ï¬remen were called back because of fla-re ups to re- soak the hay. Mr. S‘heir was known to sev- eral here in Maple and was re- spected and liked by them. During many a holiday and trips to Florida, the Wells and Sheirs had enjoyed each other’s company and friend 5 hi p through the years. A Ray of Sunshine While sorting through the attic at her home, Joan (Jo) Joslin came across her cat “Macâ€. He had dis-appeared two weeks ago (understandably) and hadn’t been seen since and Jo was naturally concerned. However because Mac is a ‘mighty h‘un‘ter‘ he had fonaged for himself and hid out in the attic. To double check he IS all right, Mac is enjoying a few days of motel treatment at the vet’s. where Dr. Ripley is check- invg him â€"- and a ray of sun- shine came through for Jo. Postscript Bruce and Dorothy Murchâ€" ison found their spaniel, “Boots†in a ï¬eld behind the township offices. Mrs. B'ryce, mail carrier on RR 1 Maple is a patient in St. Michael's Hospital and Clara Baker and Sally Lloyd of Tes- ton are going to look after the meme until her return. Birthday ther her assistance was such a Mrs. John Ash. Highway 7. good idea after all. celebrated her eighty-ninth Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haliawell birthday recently. Members of and children of Ohio have been her family gathered at her son visiting Mr. Hahlawell's father Percy’s for the occasion. Mrs. and brother. Messrs. J. and Bill Eva Ash served tea in a china Hallawell, Concord, as well as tea set over one hundred years relatives of Mrs. Hallawell's in old. The set was a gift to Mrs. Toronto. Ash Sr.’s mother on her wed- Mr. and Mrs. J. Keffer ac- di'ig day 109 years ago. companied Mr. and Mrs. Bill ’Another Accident Hailes on a trip down the Trent Within a few months the inâ€" Canal from Boboaygeon to tersection of Duï¬erin Street Trenton recently. According to and Highway 7 has been the the group, it was a very inter- scene of another fatal accident. esting. and at times exciting Earlier this year Pat McCloskey trip. was killed as he crossed the in- U.L.C.W. Picnic tersection, and last Friday Ed- Over thirty people attended wa-rd Vance of Woodbridge was a picnic at the summer home fatally injured when his truck of Mrs. J. Ket‘fer. Cedar Har- was involved in an accident. It bour, Lake Simcoe, Last Sat- iwould seem that. possibly, traf- urday. Mostly members of the tie lights should be installed. U.L.C.W., Zion , Luth e ra n Socials Church. the group met for Mrs. Bert Witty broke her wrist recently while “helping†her husband clear some branches from trees overhang- ing the barn. Both Mr. and Mrs. Witty are now wondering whe- Socials kitchen of the gentleman's house Rev. and Mrs. P. J. Lambert in the village. and their daughter. Carol, of Happy Birthdays New York. will be the guests June Young, August 15; Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Avery A. Tomkow, August 17. Dwight during the August 25 weekend. Cook, August 19. and Keith The Lamberts are holidaying at Charles Snider, August 20. their cottage in Northern 0n-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" tario. Miss Judy Bodker has passed her Grade XIII exams and on August 28 will commence her studies as a nurse-in-training at the Wellesley Hospital in To- ronto. Her many friends wish Judy much happiness and sucâ€" cess in her chosen career. County Representative Miss Helen Spencer of the Edgeley 4-H Homemaking Club is one of the girls chosen to represent York County at this year's 4-H program at the ONE. The girls‘will be the guests of the Department of Agriculture and will take part in the num- erous 4-H Club activities at the fair. Items Pioneer Village Go to Ex Those from this area who‘ visit the Better Living Centre‘ at the Canadian National Exhi- bition are apt to stop short in their tracks and exclaim, “My. that looks familiar." And, in fact, it is, because in one sec- tion, the village's u-nique 300- item pioneer toy and doll col- lection affords the “Ex†visitors an opportunity to see the type of dolls and toys which delight- ed 19th century children. Over in the Queen Elizabeth Building, the second display consists of furniture from the master bedroom and from the Edgeley Socials Concord Socials ther her assistance was such a "more 1? good idea after all. 3 “jun†Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hallawell they 11 z and children of Ohio have been Thomson visiting Mr. Hallawell’s father ane‘ ‘and brother, Messrs. J. and Bill â€" Halla‘well, Concord, as well as relatives of Mrs. Hallawell's in Toronto. U.L.C.W., Zion Luth e r a n Church. the group met for lunch at noon, after which they enjoyed swimming and boating, and just plain relaxing. Roy and Pat Smith and fam- ily are having a double kind of holiday this year. They are vis- BILL DING says: BOWDEN LUMBER Co. (Home Improvement Division) eAaAAAeA q 3% 'FQL'QJQEJJélééébvééï¬Ã©Ã©ebVHV‘ QJHHIHIHIH "mummy! INIF 5" amnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmumwnmmmmm 57wmmmmwmmmwwwmmmummm!\ymflgwm;{SQQLLEL‘IQLCEIQXIE’} I; _- â€" 7. 5-4921 - TU. 4-11 Evenings: Craig Bowden TU. 4-1668 Stop 23 Yonge St. Richvale LUCKY BUCK Don't Forget To Fill In Your Lucky Buck Coupon Available In All Member Stores 'I‘U. 4-1121 BACK-TO- SCHOOL RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE it.ng Roy's sister in Washing- ton. DO. and upon their return will stop only to change clothes before leaving for Muskoka on a camping holiday. Oh. yes. they’ll also pick up Donna SYATE FARM MUTUAL AUYOA MOB|LE INSUQAFCESS) v‘ emit-u mu om“ TORONTO Another reason for regular saving at as company for Di- THE BHNK 0F NOVH SCOTIH ‘r \u \'I v; v, \‘r 'vvovvvveée‘oe°e°v°vd B. W. MILLER The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. PHONE ALpine 7-1471 or AL. 7-1363 Keele Street Maple. Ont. GROWER â€" FLORIST Since 1880 motâ€"«9 \u‘xinmmfl mmuwg