Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Aug 1962, p. 4

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Attending the bride were her sister. Mrs“ Shirley Lowin as Matron of Honour, -and the bride's cousin, Judy Barnes. as flower girl. The matron of hon- our wore a princess-style cock- tail-length gown of green ell-if- fon and a matching'headdress. She carried a bouquet of yellow and orange mums. The flower girl, in a full-skirted pink chif- fon dress with tiny jacket. car- ried a nosegay of tiny red and white roses. {n at ceremony performed by Rev. H.-R.-MacDonald at Thorn- hdll United Church on August 4th,; Joan Luceile Amos, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Amos of 113 Westwood Drive, Thomhill, became the bride of Mr‘. Bruce Lennox Borden, son ofers. Wm. McGoey and the late Mr. Lennox Borden. Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore a street- lenz'th jacketed gown of white lace in princess style with three- quarterâ€"length sleeves and deco- rated with sequins. Her shoul- der-length veil of nylon net fell from a coronet of pearls and she carried a bouquet of red and white roses and lily of the valley. ‘ ’ '4 THE LIBERAL, Richmongl Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August Intermediate champions werefltermediates (12 Lorraine Aho and Mike Lipp swam one lengt and junior champions were Di- (15 and under) sw lune Calm and Ian McKay. All of the pool. 5 1: a“. L- for the diving competition were Jim McGhee. John Hanna and Pete Nutta-l. The juniors each did two dives and intermedi- ates and seniors did three. Synchronized Swimming The meet opened with a repe- tition by Marianne Gain of her 9 r i z e - winning synchronized swimming solo entitled “Teach- er's-Pet”. Two other synchroniz- ed" solos were interspersed with the swimming races. "Arana de la Noche" by Anne Rogers and “Green and Carefree" by Pat Vl’assof. Several of the male members of the pool staff. John Henna, Ted McGhee, Brian Mc- Lean, Liam Whelan. Ed Bean, John Lambert and Murray Han- na did an excellent synchronizâ€" ed- swimming number to the tune of ‘Buglers’ Holiday”. John Hanna. Ted McGhee and Pete Nuttai performed in an appar- ently flawless diving display as well [as entertaining the crowd with some amusing clown diving later on in the program. The big splash o: the ev- ening was created by the that!!! looked - forward - to “Money Toss" when all the competitors were in the pool together. diving for money tossed from the roof of the Building. Races were held in breast or side stroke“ back stroke and free style. Iii-each of these classif- uu ..... Breast or Side, girls: Dianne Gain. Janet Dempster and Sally McLean; boys: Ian McKay, Jim McKenzie and Timmy Bean. Back stroke. girls: Dianne Gain, Kathy Ross and Karen Wood; boys: Bill Wilcox, Ian McKay and Kenneth Francis. Free style, girls: Pam Phelan. Dianne Gain and Ann Secord; boys, Bill Wilcox, Ian McKay and Keith Thirgood. Diving, girls: Sally McLean. Pam Phelan and Janet Demp- ster; boys. Timmy Bean, Ian McKay and Stephen Tilston. Intermediates Breast or side, girls: Lorraine Aho. Sheena Ashworth and Marianne Gain; boys: Mike Lipp, Rod Hooper and Mike Turnpenny. Back stroke. girls: Lorraine Aho. Marianne Gain and Olive Knause; Boys; Rod Hooper. Mike Lipp and Chuck Sowdon. Free Style, Girls; Lorraine Aho, Marianne Gain and Kelly Burkhart; Boys. Mike Lipp, Rod Hooper and Jim Davis. Diving, Girls; Kelly Burk- hart, Ruth Evans and Ann Per- cival; Boys, Mike Lipp, Nick Glasow and Mike Turnpenny. Breast or side, girls: Francis Baird. Dorothy Whelan, with cations, juniors (9 and under) Stephanie McKenzie and Lor- lwam one width of the pool, in- ravine Davis tied for third place; Thornhill United Setting Borden -Amos Wedding loiraine Davie 8. Keith Maston Sr, Svyim Champ§ V (By Margaret 1. McLean) In‘spite of a very cool evening, a goodly number of Th'or‘n-hill and district residents turned out to see over 100 youngsters compete in the Thornhill area an- ual swim meet on iAugu_st 1_5: _ M Ih'spite of a very cool evening, a gooaiy numuur ~ , ~ _ of Th'or‘nhill and district residents turned out to seelDafigngggggercgggér gggrgée over 1.00 youngsters compete in the Thomhill area an- phanie McKenzie; boys: Dale ual swim meet on August 15. Crouter, Keith Maston and The Senior championship trophies were proudly Brian Clarke- Free style, girls: Judy Phel- carriédlofi' by Lorraine Davie and Keith Maston. The L . D , d 1);. W. R. Wesley Trophy for the boy _or girl With the acklggfimgoysfwgefi £23123 highest points in the diving competition was won by Kim Wildfong and Brian Clarke: Briana Cumming. Brian was also awarded a medal for Diving, girls: Karen Glassow, the hi est boy and Karen Glassow won the medal for Stephanie McKenzie and Chris- tine Moore; boys: Brian Cum- t e h t ' l' d' ' com etition. h is es glr m the wmg p ming . Greg Anderson and Don Groomsmen was Mt. Alan Every Saturday, 8 AM. To 5:30 PM. YONGE & ELGIN STS. â€" THORNHILI. 50 INDEPENDENT STANDS Filled With Good Things lOTS OF FREE PARKING Choice VEGETABLES 8. FRUITS POULTRY - MEATS - DAIRY PRODUCTS HONEY AND MAPLE SYRUP HOME BAKING AND DELICATESSEN CUT FLOWERS AND POTTED PLANTS DISTINCTIVE HANDICRAF’I‘S AND SMALL ANTIQUES SUITABLE FOR - ' HOSTESS GIFTS From Farm Fields 8. Orchards TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 Hartford of Weston, a lifelong friend of the groom. Ushers were the bride's brother. Gordon Amos, and Kenneth Borden, brother of the groom. Soloist was Mrs. Hugh Martin. Following the ceremony, there was a reception and buffet din- ner held at the Villa Hospital, Bathurst Street. where‘ both the bride and groom are employed. .Winners of first second and third place ribbons in the three categories were: Juniors Diving. Girls; Kelly Burk- hart, Ruth Evans and Ann Per- cival: Boys, Mike Lipp, Nick Glasow and Mike Turnpenny. The mother of the bride re- clved wearing a blue chifion street-length gown with full skirt and a lace bodice. With this she had chosen white acces- sories and wore a corsage of red and white roses. Breast or Side, girls: Dianne Gain, Janet Dempster and Sally McLean; boys: Ian McKay, Jim McKenzie and Timmy Bean. “Elfiékrstroke. girls: Dianne Gain, Kathy Ross and Karen Wood; boys: Bill Wilcox, Ian McKay and Kgqnety Frggci; Free style, girls: Pam Phelan. Dianne Gain and Ann Secord; boys, Bill Wilcox, Ian McKay and Keith Thlrgood. Diving, girls: Sally McLean, Pam Phelan and Janet Demp- ster; boys. Timmy Bean. Ian McKay and Stephen Tilston. Intermediates Breast or side, girls: Lorraine Aho, Sheena Ashworth and Marianne Gain; boys: Mike Lipp. Rod Hooper and Mike Turnpenny. Back stroke, girls: Lorraine Aho, Marianne Gain and Olive Kmuse; Boys; Rod Hooper, Mike Lipp and Chuck Sowdon. Free Style. Girls; Lorraine Aha, Marianne Gain and Kelly Burkhaa‘t; Boys. Mike Lipp, Rod Hooper and Jim Davis. Following a trip to the Thou- sand Islands the young couple will reside in Thornhill. The groom's mother was gowned in a flowered green nylon sheath-style dress with white accessories and wore a corsage of pink and white car- nations. Out-ofâ€"town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson of Chatsworth, Mr. Elmer Fer- guson of Chatsworth, aunt and uncles of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Barnes of Cooks- vllle; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Storey and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bruce of Belfountain. “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill are- - - . . . . . our representative In Thomhill in Mrs. Margaret MoLeon. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. "Everything seemed so inter- !sting that I didn't mind the homework at all," Mrs. Heron states. “I even looked forward to going to classes." Mrs. Heron suggests that school may be a little easier for a mature adult. “You can llook at things more objectively.” ashe explains. “When I went to ischool before I concentrated on ‘the subjects that I liked and Diving, girls: Karen Glassow. Stephanie McKenzie and Chris- tine Moore; boys: Brian Cum- ming . Greg Anderson and Don Rogers. Beginners The "beginning" beginners held their races in the small pool. First and second place winners in their races were, for running backwards, Andy Sell- ers and Mary Arnett; fish flop, Michael Smith and Jimmy Free style, girls: Judy Phel- an. Lorraine Davis and Sandra Dackman. boys: Keith Maston, Kim Wildfong and Brian Clarke. The beginners meet was also held on August 15, but in the morning and some 100 enthus- iastic beginners competed in it. boys: Keith Maston. John Ma- ver and Kim Wildfpn-gl The name was Mrs. Margaret Heron, who finished near the top of her class with seven firsts and two seconds. Mother, Son Top Pupils At District High School One of the names in this year’s list of Grade 13 gradu- ates at Thorn‘hill Secondary School had a Mrs. in front of it. “I was surprised, too, at how mature my fellow students seemed," she said. Mrs. Heron expects to enter York University next month to study in the faculty of arts. stressing English, French and psychology. ‘I think I was doing fairly well," she recalls now. “I had to quit but it was not my deci- sion. I liked school." Two hours of homework be- fore and two hours after supper was Mrs. Heron’s usual diet throughout the school year. look at things more objectively.” Attending the bride were she explains. "When I went to matron of honour, Mrs. Carol school before I concentrated on Ward of Willowdale, brides- the subjects that I liked and maids Miss Ellen Jackson, were easy for me. Last year I Thornhill, and Miss Linda Dee, concentrated on subjects more sister of. the groom, flower girl difficult for me." Janice Marchiori of Thornhill. Her son, Richard, will go into,and ring-bearer, Master Larry Grade 11 this year. His average Dee,- a nephew of the groom. was 72 per cent. Only 14, he' The groom was attended by was accelerated one year. Bruce Dee, his brother, of Rich- Mrs. Heron. 38, was forced to leave school to work after Grade 11, when she was only 16. I. N. M ulholland, 80 Richmond St. West. Toronto Consultation by Appointment Phones: Thomhill AV. 5-3315 Toronto EM 4-2780 MRS. MARGARET HERON AND RICHARD LEGAL 23, 1962 Q.C. Thompson; crab race, Howard Knight and Carl Myers; wheel- barrow race, Teddy Percival with Mary Arnett and David Tilson with Mary Secord. The “advanced” beginners competed in the big pool, also for chocolate bars. Winners were: flutter kick, Wendy Wal- ker, Leisha Van Louen and Mar- tin Maietr. Swimming on front, Raymond Sullivan, Wendy Wal- ker and Matthew Stow. Swim- ming on the back: Wendy Wal- ker, Raymond Sullivan and Lance Aho. Winners of the free style re- lay were Ricky Pyle. John Fitz- patrick and Michael Smith. Teams of five youngsters took part in the battleship race and the group also took part in an enthfisiastic tug-ofâ€"war. Judges were Ted McGhee and Anne Rogers. The winners re- ceived 5 and 10 cent chocolate bars. This group also enjoyed a tug of war and a penny toss. The bride wore a floor-length gown of white satin, the full skirt having tiers of lace, with a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves. also of lace. Her shoul~ der-length veil of white illusion fell from a sequinned tiara. She carried a bouquet of pink sweet- heart roses and white feathered carnations. She was given in marriage by her father and the ceremony was performed by Rev. H. R. MacDonald. In a lovely setting of white gladioli, carnations and mums, the marriage was solemnized on August 11th at Thornhill United Church of Karen Anne Hunt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt, of 330 John St., Thornhill, and Roger Allan Dee, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Dee of Willowdale. Karen Anne Hunt Weds 87 Yonge St. NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED urges! All-Canadian Consumer Loan Company When unforeseen events cut into your savings, quick cash is the best first aid you can find. Borrow up to $2,500 at your nearest Niagara Loan oflice. Remember, you will always be wel. come at Niagara. NEEDA Loan Manager â€" J. Koscher Open until 8 pm. Mondays Davis, Norma: E.C. III,'E.L‘ Zoo. c. Donkersley. Paul: E.C. III, L. c, Alg. III, Geom. c, Trig. Phy. c, Chem. c, F.A. c, F.C. Elliott, R.: E.C. III, E.L. III, His. 1, Bot. 11, Chem. II. LA. ‘11, LC. II, F.A. II, F.C. III. Evans, R_: E.C. c, E.L. III, His. 111, Alg. c, Trig. II, Bot. II, Chem. c, F.A. 0, RC. c. *Flerheller. D.: Bot. I. Fierheller, W,: E.C. c. E.L. c, Alg‘ c, Geom. c, Bot. I, Zoo. II, Phy. III, Chem. 11. ‘ Fumerton. David: E.C. c, Hist ‘c, Trig. c, Bot. c. Gibson, Joan: E,C. c, E.L. c. Alg c, Geom. c, Trig. c, Zoo. III‘ Chem. II, F.A. c, EC. c. Thornhill Grade I3 Results Code for the following: â€" E.C. English Comp., E.L. Eng. LIL, His. History, L.A. Latin Authors, L.C. Latin Comp., Al. Algebra, Geom. Geometry, Trig. Trigonometry. Bot. Botany. Zoo. Zoology. Phy. Physics, Chem. Chemistry, F.A. French Auth- ors. F.C_ French Comp.. G.A. German Authors, G.C. German Comp. Donkersley, Peter: E.C. II, L. c, Alg. c, Geom. c. Trig_ Phy. c. Chem. c, EA. 111, F.C Freeland, L.: E.C. c, EL. 0‘ Alg. c, Geom. III. Zoo. 11, Chem Corkill, D.: E.C. c, E.L, c, Alg‘ III, Geom. II, Trig. II. Phy. 1, Chem. 111. FA. c, F.C. c, Hallm-an. K.: E.C. c, EL. II, Mg II, Geom. III, Trig. II, Phy. c, Chem. II. Andrews. 13.: E.C. Alg_ III. Geom. III, Phy. III, F.C. c, F.C‘ Barker, D.: EC. 111. EL. III, Alg. I, Geom. III, Trig. I, Phy, I. Chem. 11, FA. 11, F.C. II. Beatty, Kathleen. .‘I‘is. II, Bot. c. Zoo. II. Chem. II. RA. III. F.C. III Benum, F; E.C. c, Alg. c, Geom. III. Trig. II, Bot. III, Phy. c, Chem. III Cook, B.: E.L. c, Alg. c, Geom. c, Trig_ III. Chem. 4:. F.A. c, *Cordingley, D.: Alg. c, Geom c, Chem. 11. H‘arvle, P.: E.C. c, E.,L. c, His. III, Bot. III, Chem, c, L.A. c, LG. 111, F.A. 0, RC. c. Heinonen. 1.: EC. c, EL, 11 His. 11. Alg. III, L.A. I, L.C. I PA. I, F,C. 1, GA. II, G.C. II Brennan. R.: Alg. Ii. Trig. II, Phy. II. Chem. II, G.A. c. Bushell, J.: Alg, III, Geom III, Bot. III, Zoo. 11, Chem. c. F Cairns, Brett: E.C. c, EL. c, Alg. c, Geom. III, Trig, II, Phy. c. Ohem. III. F.A. c, F.C. c. Harm, R.: EC. 1, EL. II, Bet In, LA. e, no. c, F.A_ c, no .I First Class Honours, II Sec- ond Class Honours, III Third Class Honours, c. Credit. Aho, A.: E.C. I, EL. 1, His III, LA. 11, LC. 11. F.A. I, Blackburn, 'J.: EC. 0, His. c. L.A. c. L.C. c. F. 'Brain, R.: E.C. c, E.L. 111, Mg I, Geom. I, Trig. I, Phy. 1‘ Chem. I, F.A. III. F.CA II. III, Bot. III, Chem. c, L.A. c, Henry, S.: E.C. II, EL. II, Geom. ,III, Trig. II. Bot. 1, Zoo The bride’s grandmother, Mrs. Arthur Hum. Sr.. of Toronto. wore a corsage of red roses and feathered white carnations. Other out-of-town guests includ- ed the bride's great-uncle, Mr. Joseph Weeks of Vancouver Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the Button- ville Community Hall where the 100 guests enjoyed a cold plate dinner. The bride’s mother re- ceived wearing a blue taffeta sheath-style dress with lace overskirt and three-quarter- le-ngth lace jacket. Her acces- sories were white and she wore a corsage of pink sweetheart roses and stephanotis. The mother of the groom wore a flowered silk sheath with over- skirt of beige chiffon, with beige accessories. Her corsage was of orange roses and stephanotis. For the wedding trip to Northern Ontario, the bride wore a blue silk sheath-style dress with white accessories and a corsage of yellow sweet- heart roses. The wedding music was play- ed by Mrs. D. Gunn and soloist was Mrs. Hugh Martin who sang “Because” and “The Wedding Prayer". low and carried a tiny nosegay of yellow sweetheart roses and pink daisies. The ring-bearer wore grey flannel trousers and a navy jacket. III, FA Hender'son, D.: E.C. c, Phone 884-4423 Trig. III II, Judges. W.:’Alg. III, Geom. c, Trig. c, Chem. c. F.A. III. F_C. III, Alg. c. Geom, c, Trig Chem. c. EA. III, F.C. III. Kedwell, 1%.: EC. c, ELI Alg. II, Geom. III. Trig. Chem. c. Heron, M. (Ml-5.): 21.0. 1, EL. I, His. 1. Alg. II, Trig. 1, Bot. I, Phy. I, FA. 1, EC. II. Iversori. 1).: EC. c. E.L. III. Alg. c, Geom. c, Zoo. c, Chem. Hills, D.: E.C. II, EL. II, Alg‘ III, Geom. III, Trig. c, 200‘ III, Chem. c, FA, c, F.C. c. Howes, Robertf E.C. III. E.L. II. Alg. I, Geom. III. Trig. c, Phy. c. Chem. II, F.C. c, RA. 0. Inglis, 1.: E.C. III, EL. 11, Mg. 1, Geom. III, Trig. I. Phy. II, Chem_ I. F.A. c, E.C. III. Potvin, 13.: EC. II, Jackson. 2.: EC. III, EL. c. Karklins, D.: E.C. II. Photos above show truck’s condition following the accident, and after the vehicle has been repaired. Cost of re-building the truck amounted to $3,468.59 - paid for by The Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd., Toronto - estimated by Mr. Mario Battaglini, and appraised by Messrs. E. W. Smith and R. G. Newton of Aurora. The truck, a 1958 Reo, C-330, is owned by Sonto Guizzetti, 90 Rockport Crescent, Richmond Hill. This company - RICHVALE AUTO SERVICE - for many years has been engaged in general repairs to all makes of cars and trucks. STOP 22 ' 9076 YONGE STREET RICHVALE, ONTARIO EXPERT GENERAL REPAIRS - 24 HOUR TOWING RED SALES 6'1 SERVICE * RICHAVALE AUTO SERVICE BEFORE REPAIRS Wright, Maureen: 151.0. I, E. L. I. Chem. II, L.A. I, LC. 1. FA. 1, RC. 1, G.A. I. G.C. III. *Grade XII students taking U.C. subjects or Grade XIII students taking 3 or less sub- jects. Awards and scholarships to be announced next week. Van Haastreet, J.: E. C, III, E.L. c, His, 1, Alg. I, Geom. I, Trig. I, Chem. II, F.A. c, F.C. c. Wight, M.: EC. 1. EL. c, His c, Bot. c, Zoo. 1, Chem. c. *Welland, K.: His. c, Bot. II Zoo. III. Twiss. 3.: EL. II, PORTABLE TV RENTALS Rlchmond Hill TV 8. Appliances AV 5-3756 TELEVISION WE URGENTLY REQUIRE l7" 8: 2|" TRADE-INS For Waiting Customers For The Best Deal - See Us AFTER REPAIRS PHONES DAYS: AVenue 5-4971 NIGHTS: AVenue 5-2291 34 Yonge St. S. TU 4-7456

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