Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Aug 1962, p. 5

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Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gleason and daughter Gail of Yonge of Church Street South spent Street South are enjoying the an enjoyable holiday visiting Iummer at. Camp Ken-Dar in relatives in Renfrew and Kilia- Muskokai 'lloe. a t i t Local lawn bowlers James Grainger and Hugh Yerex came in third in the doubles compe- tition at the provincial tourna- ment held last week at the Balmy Beach Club in Toronto. Both lucky fellows won a pow- er lawn mower. In the same tournament on Friday Mr. Gnlnger came in third in the singles and won a lovely new modern coffee percolator. The service will begin at 10 mm. in Walter Scott Public School on Markham Road. Everyone is always welcome at the services, but the guest pas- tor's friends and former school- mates are especially invited tol attend. For the first time in the his- tory of the Edinburgh Festival. the Supreme Cup for Highland Dancing is leaving Scotland, Ind is coming to Canada. Miss Ann Gall, 16 year old Canadian girl from Galt. On- tario. a dance pupil of Miss Mollie MacGregor la the win- net. Student Pastor Barry Boeckner To Preach Sun. Barry Boeckner will be guest student pastor Sunday at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Rich: mond Hill. He is the son of Ma‘. and Mrs. Earl Boeckner. Maple, and an nlumnus of Richmond Hill High School. He is a pre- mlnisterial student at Water- loo Lutheran University. This will be Mr. Boeckner's first Sunday morning worship service. He will conduct the li- turgy and preach the morning sermon. M-r. Boeckner is past presi- dent of the joint Luther League of Zion Lutheran Church, Maple. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, and Bethesda Lutheran Church, UnionvllLe. Mollie MacGregor To Teeth “Fling” At Dennis Moore Dancing School The Dennis Moore School of‘ Dancing re-opens September 5,‘ It 8 Yonge Street South. Rich- mond Hill. And with the com- mencement of another season. something new will be added. Mollie MacGregor, a Scottish lassie, who comes straight (tom the Edinburgh Festival held recently in Scotland, is joining the staff of dancing in- structors at the Richmond Hill studio of the Dennis Moore schools. The signatures Mollie Mac- Gregor is entitled to write after her name, sound like the beat of a fast drum; for they read. CDTA, DEA, BATD, SOBH, HDAD. NADAA â€"â€" and were attained by her for her excel- lent interpretation of Highland dancing. So far Miss MacGregor has won 927 medals and 91 tro- phies. just for Highland danc- mg. She Is presently adjudicating at the Edinburgh Festival, and Susan Elford, talented ballerina student of Dennis Moore School of Dancing, who swings into her third season in ballet at Dennis Moore’s School of Dancing. Editor Margot Crack Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Walsh and family have returned home af- ter holidaying for the past two weeks at the Fern Resort, Lake Couchiching. An invigorating evening was spent on Monday by the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill. who, with their wives. enjoyed a swimming party prior to their weekly dinner meeting at the Summit View Gardens Restaur- ant Demonstrating life saving and mouth to mouth respira- tion in the pool were Mr. Dave Boulter and Miss Rita Gilfeath- er, Red Cross volunteers. A Following dinner, the pro- gramme included a film show, showing in greater detail, met- hods of life saving with mouth to mouth respiration, not only in the water, but for E\‘Ch cases as car accidents, electrical shock and suffocation. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, both members of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Bowling team, are hoping to resume bowling in the fall, but in the meantime extend an invitation to all their friends in the Hill to drop in - they live on the 6th concession east of Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rabino- witch entertained on Sunday M . Rabinowitch's sisters, Mfs. Lévine and her husband Dr. ‘valne from Manchester. Eng- ‘land and Mrs. R. Lindsay from Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Leo McDonald and son Freddie, residents of 438 Bent Crescent for the past seven years, have recently moved to RR 1, Cedar Valley, where they are the proprietors of Hi Dee's Kennel, breeding \long and short haired chihua- thuas. This followed a family re- union on Saturday at the home of another sister, Mrs. A. White in Toronto. Staying with them at the present is Mrs. McDonald's fa~ ther, Mr. Fred Bing of Toronto, who is recuperating following a fall from a roof, dislocating both shoulders. He is receiving physiotherapy at Branson Hos- pital. Richmond Hill is fortunate in the prospect of her talent‘being available soon in this town, for those who wish to learn auth- entic Highland dances. At the Dennis Moore studio, Mollie MacGregor will use strictly the “Official Board Technique". And for those who know their Highland dances, and for those who do not know them as yet -â€"- this is it! This is the real thing, vhich puts the scurl in the wail of the bag- pipes, and the measured joy and precision in the dancing of the Highland Fling. Miss MacGregor's pupils had the honor of being chosen to dance at President Kennedy’s Inaugural Ball in Washington. And earlier this year her High- land dancers won the Freedom Festival Trophy at Massey Hall. Toronto. Mollie MacGregor will teach all types of Highland dancing to classes from 4 to 6 years old; 7 to 9; 9 to 11, and 12 and up. I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rabino- 'witch attended “Lullaby” at the Theatre in the Dell on Friday WiPrior to the performance they dined at the Dell Hotel. last Mr. and Mrs. W. C. [meson and their children, Judy and Bobby have recently returned from a camping trip in the Canadian Maritime provinces, spending a day in Quebec City on their homeward trip. Mrs. W. D. Paton, Driscoll Roéd. spent the weekend in Montreal visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Grosvalet. There is a period of outdoor play each day with plenty of equipment and space. Juice land cookies are served and a rest period is also set aside. There are opportunities for free play with a wide range of toys. Painting and creative work of all kinds are encouraged and there are stories, songs and games to complete a well round- ed programme of interest and benefit to the children. On Saturday she attended a bridal party for her sister, Miss Helen Grosvalet. who is to be married in September. Mr. Alt McDonald, brother of Mr. Leo McDonald, former resident of the Hill, will be flying lead solo with the Gold- en Hawks on Air Force Day at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion A week of holiday and re-‘ laxation was enjdyed by Depu- ty-reeve Thomas Btoadhurst, Mrs. Broadhurst. daughter Su- san 13, and son Christopher 9. at Lakeside Cottage, Lake Elsie, in the Haliburton Highlands. Guests for the week were Mrs. Broadhurst's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith who are here, in Richmond Hill on an extended stay from Ealin-g, London, England. Mr. Smith is a retired aeronautical engineer. The Richmond Hill Co-opera- tive Nursery School will open on September 10th at Wrixon Hall. Mrs. Dorothy Wood will again be the very able super- visor. Two new well-qualified teachers have been added to the staff - Mrs. McGregor who has had many years experience and Mrs. Harris who was trained in Switzerland and whose fluent‘ French will add to the schools varied curriculum. The child- ren are taken on nature walks ‘during the fine weather and to places of local interest such as the fire hall, library and for pony rides. During the winter the older ones enjoy a regular session at the skating arena. This is a co-operative nursery school where the parents have a part to play in the school's organization and where each mother has an opportunity to be at the school and so learn from the trained staff how mod- ern nursery school methods are put into practice and how each individual child is helped in his or her natural development. On Aug. 11. St. Mary's Angli- can Church, Richmond Hill, was the scene as Allan Douglas Gid- dings married Carol Ann Get- liffe. Couple Exchange Vows The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Getlifie, Richmond Hill. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Giddings, Toronto. Wide lace bands formed back interest. The bride carried red roses and white cal-nations in a Victorian posy with white rib- bons. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white mist chantilly lace gown with a scal- loped sabrina neckline, scatter- ed with seed pearls. It had long sleeves coming to a cathedral point on the hand with a full skirt over a net panel forming a redingote efiect. Rev. J. R. F. Moore officiated at the ceremony. Bridesmaids were Carol Cun- ningham and Jeanne Chaplin, who wore primrose-yellow or- ganza gowns with molded lace ‘bodices and caps of white pique and carried posles of yellow 'mums. Christine Getlifle was maid of honor for her sister. She was in a powder blue organza gown and carried a posy of blue corn- flowers and white button ’mums. Junior bridesmaid was Mel- anie Dagger who wore a gown of pink organza and carried a; posy of pink mums. ‘ George King was best man. The bride's mother wore a ‘pink brocade dress with a mat- iching coat and organza picture ,hat at the reception which fol- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas nether? ington and daughter Laurie of Lynett Crescent have returned home following a two week va- cation at Gull Lake near Min- den Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Allan, New York. accompanied by their daughter Marilyn and son War- ren have been holidaying with MrS. Allan's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wagner of Rich- mond Street Dr. Dennis Stainer and Mrs. Stainer entertained on Satur- day at a housewarming party in their new home on Centre Street West. Taking full advantage of an empty home â€" their official moving day being Saturday of this week â€" over 40 friends and neighbors of the Stainers welcomed them to their new role as houseowners. Congratulations to Mr. Law- rence Wall, 126 Libby Blvd. who was the winner f a 1962 Chevrolet Bel-Air at the Can- adia-n National Exhibition on Friday last. 7 A 'draw for a car is made nightly from tickets issued for the grandstand performance. Following his recent success in “Twenty Seven Wagon Loads of Cotton’ at Centre Stage, Torâ€" onto, Mr. Joseph Rabinowitch has been cast as Juror Number 11 in ‘Twelve Angry Men’ the opening production of the Crest Theatre commencing Sep- tember 12th. Following their return from attending the Lions Internati- onal convention at Nice, France, Mr. and ‘Vlrs. Jack Bentham, Lennox Avenue. were involved in an automobile accident in Ottawa shortly after their re- turn to Canada. Mr. Bentham suffered a bro- ken foot. but is up and around with a walking cast, but Mrs. Bentham is still in hospital in Ottawa, in traction and par- tially paralized. Their many friends extend best wishes for a speedy recovery. The grand old man of Elgin Mills. Mr. Albert Jones, known affection-ater as ‘Paw' was the guest of honor last Sunday at a family picnic to celebrate his (August 17th) 88th birthday. Held in Stouflville Park, over 75 immediate relatives were present to extend their congratulations and best wishm es. Also attending was Mr. Jones’s sister Mrs. Maria Brown â€" 94 years young â€" who received the prize for the oldest relative present. Beloved by young and old alike, ‘Paw’, enjoys good health and still spends several hours daily in his garden, where over the years he has gained a reputation for his fine fruit and vegetables. His many friends join with ‘The Liberal’ in wishing him many happy returns and con- tinned good health. lowed at the Town Inn, Rich- mond Hill. Later, the couple left for a tour of the Thousand Islands. The bride’s going away outfit included a tangerine colored moire suit with white accessor- les. Out-of-town guests from Lake- field, Cobourg, Chicago, 111., Alexander, NJ. and London, England. attended. 20 Yonge St. TU. 4 - I853 Opposite Woolworths SCHOOL BAGS 79c BACK TO SCHOOL BARGAINS SOUTH STURDY PLAID EACH Miss Sharon Whittaker from Oklahoma City is visiting at the home of her cousin. Mrs. J. E. Htmebook, on Cartier Cres- cent -â€"-uâ€". er at Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church next Sunday morn- ing, is a grandson of Mrs. Thomas Moore of Richmond Hill. Daniel and Stephen Dengate, sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dengate, Lynett Crescent, re- turned on Sunday having spent the last two weeks with their grandmother, Mrs. H. Liddicoat, at her cottage in the Peterbor- ough area. Rev. Kenneth Clark of Chi- cago. who will be guest pfeach- Mr. Teodor Wynnyk, proprie- tor of W & P Service local Volkswagen dealer on Yonge St. N. is enjoying a nine day all expenses paid trip to Ger- many durin-g which he will visit the Volkswagen plants at Han- over and Wolfsburg. He will al- so spend several days sight- seeing in southern Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pullen, Kerswell Drive, have just re- turned from a motor trip to Northern Ontario. They were accompanied by Mrs. L. Knapp and her daughter Irene from ‘Gormley. The many friends of Mrs. Jack Bayley, will be pleased to hear that she is now making good progress following an op- eration last week at Toronto General Hospital for a cracked knee ca-p. Mrs. Bayley is publicity dir- ector for the Richmond Hill Women’s Institute. Mr. and Mrs. George Major, Ricky and twins Pam and Kevin of Lynett Crescent have return- ed home following an enjoyable vacation spent at Gull Lake near Minden. Leaving for Werl, Germany on Tuesday last was Miss Bar- bara Turton, daughter of Mr.‘ Kenneth Tux-ton, business ad-t ministrator of the Richmond Hill? public school board and Mrs. Turton. of Mill Street, who has accepted a position as a grade 4 teacher with the children of personnel of the Canadian Army for the next two years. Miss Turton, a graduate of Hamilton Teachers' College, was previously teaching in Brantford, her appointment in Germany being sponsored by the Brantford Board of Educa- tion. s1.99 TOWN DEPARTMENT STORE SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Shown above are some of the ladies at a tea and bake sale held last week by the Richmond Hill Women's Institute at the home of Mrs. C. Harding, Mill Street. They are, left to rlght: Mrs. D. Andrews, Mrs. A. Fox, Mrs. F. S. Rumble, Mrs. J. Dewsbury, president, Mrs. T. Bowes, Mrs. Harding, Mrs. C. H. Sanderson, Mrs. G. Patterson, and Miss Eva Tracey. Behind Mrs. Fox are Mrs. L. Masters and Mrs. M. Fry. . 7 (Staff Photo) 150 PAIRS QUALITY PAIR A welcome to the Hill is exm tended to Mr. and Mrs. D. Crowe from Willowdale, who have re- cently taken up residence at \438 Bent Cre'scent. Presiding at the tea table was Mrs. Marion Frankish, Oak Park, Michigan. “Pleasant memories but very happy to be home again," were Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jaeger, South Fernleigh Circle, who returned last week from a month's holi- day with their son Heinz Jaeger and family at his home in Dort- mund, West Germany. This was their first trip back since their arrival in Canada ten years ago. Returning with them was Mrs. Jaeger’s sister. Mrs. F. Bruns, who will be hol- idaying here for the next five ‘weeks. Mrs. James Winton, 304 Rich-‘ mond Street, entertained on Sunday afternoon in honour of Mrs. Charles Parsons, Scarbor- ough, who is leaving shortly to take up residence in London. Congratulations to 10 year‘ old Jimmy Kent, son of Mrs. 0. Kent, 90 Bedford Park Ave., on winning a gold medal, $25, and an elementary scholarship in the 6-10 group, at the Music Festival held at the Canadian National Exhibition. A pupil of Mr. A. Melecci, Willowdale, Jimmy will be play- ing with other scholarship win- ners in a concert to be held on September 3rd in the west audi- torium of the grandstand, ex- hibition grounds. Tea And Bake Sale Draws large Crowd REGISTER NOW SPECIAL FOR MOTHERS' KEEP FIT CLASSES ANNUAL RECITAI. AT EATON AUDITORIUM Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hannah and children, Michael and Su- san, have just returned from an enjoyable two week cottage va- cation at Lake Kasshabog, Lake- field. SCHOOL OF DANCING As a service to our read- ers. ‘Life in the Hill’ is al- ways pleased to receive your news items â€" vacations at the lake, motor trips, guests from out of town, anniversaries and birthdays /' ., “ LOANED 4L" .1\ FREE Start Playing Today Our 8-week Beginners Course at $2.50 weekly includes the free use of an mstmment in your home. Call T'U. 4-5272 Taday MUNDINGER MUSIC â€" make interesting read- ing. Why not drop us a line at 63 Yonge Street, South, or call the Social Editor. Margot Crack, at TU. 4- 1105, we’ll be pleased to hear from you. C. S. D. A., A. G.V. A. Yonge & Centre Sts. Richmond Hill TAP - BALLET - BATON MODERN JAZZ - BALLROOM HIGHLAND - TOE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, August 23.#_196A2_I THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT $3) OF YOUR 7.1531. CHOICE Fully Qualified Teaching Staff 8 YONGE ST. SOUTH â€" RICHMOND HILL CALL: TU. 4 - 2875 Children 3 Years Of Age 8. Up If You Have THE Child Then This Is THE Schoo| At the recent Peterborough‘ Exhibition, Warren S. Ramer collected honors in the Ayr- shire group, with both the Sen- ior and Grand Championships on “Netherhill Kathryn." He was also awarded the Grand Championship in the male division on his Senior Champion. “Sanholm Lucky Ross." Two Reserve Grand Championships and five first prizes were also awarded him. EOTTAGE ROLLS LB. 49: LE AN TASTY SMOKED Sirloin Steak “3. 73¢ LEAN coigk A TASTY SNACK BRlSKET POINT lb. 4%“ c. NELS 6mg ; BAYVIEW PLAZA TU. 4-767” eatian gm SAVINGS Mr. and Mrs. D. J. :13th and children Ron. Susan and Nancy. Montiei Road. returned on Sunday from two weeks vu- cation, enjoying a motoring trip around Lake Superior and Lake Huron, visiting friends at Fort William, and spending the re- mainder of their holiday at their cottage at Tobermory. MI‘T Ashworth is the businell administrator of the York Cen- tral District High School 30%

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