Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Sep 1962, p. 12

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: LAKE WILCOX Trustees Endorse Brief Want Shortwave For County Trucks York County Council will coon be asked by representa- tives of the county's 21 fire bri- grades to equip all fire.appara- tut with short-wave radio. Fire Commissioner Jim Sim endorsed the move at the Aug- ' K. 0 mg SOCIaIS Friends have been receiving post cards from Mr. and Mrs. Art Riggs at Banff who chose a western train trip for their holi- ‘ days. , ‘ Wedding guests Mr. and Mrs. S. Bower of Halifax stayed with . Mrs. Bower’s brother-in-law and I sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells. Village Trustees, ’ David Glass sought trustees approval. I Other brigades are asking municipalities to support the brief to be presented by Chiefs James Davidson of Vaughan, Harry Jones of Aurora, John Gibson of Newmarket, David Glass of King City, and a Pefâ€" ferlaw representative. The request Township Council read: "We the members the members of the municipal the Township of King to sup- port the brief to be presented Miss Jennifer Bryant left last to the York County Councd, Friday for her home in Sussex, by the York County Mutual 4 England, after spending a month Fire Aid Associatmn, to pro- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cure and equip all fire appara- Harry Cunningham. tus within the County of York The first time Temperance- with short wave radio equip- ville United Church Women atâ€" ment on a county mutual fire tempted a barbecued chicken radio network." lupper, they attracted 250 pat- Chief Glass commented: tons to the affair on the church “This radio equipment lawn last week. would have been a great A professional chef tended the advantage at Maple”. He barbecue. while members sup- considered the police and lied salads, ice cream and coffee. fire departments were the Customers were served buffet only ones organized to deal style and ate at small tables. with disaster, Mrs. Helen Annand convened Trustee Sim read an August the supper. which was consid- 21 letter from Vaughan Reeve cred highly successful and will Albert H. Rutherford to Chief boost the church fund for equlp- Glass. “May 1, on behalf of the Ding I new kitChen- council of the Corporation of "' T * T the Township of Vaughan, Fire King-Vaughan plowing matChI and Police Chief James David- ! large annual event- 15 being son, and the residents of Maple, Planned for 0010b” 23- express our grateful thanks to The association executive is you and an personnel concern. makinfl arrangements to 110111 ed for your co-operation in as- the. event on the King sideroad sistmg om- fire and police de- “ms Of Dr- J- T- PM“ and partments during the recent ‘u’easurer 530k Meekun- fire and explosion here in Ray Jennings is president of Maple." the Plowmen’s Association. “Your immediate response, T T T * to what may well have been a Miss Donna Jennings and Miss major disaster without the help Pat Macklin were hostesses at and assistance of your depart- the farmer’s home on King Side- ment, is deeply appreciated", road at a miscellaneous shower wrote Reeve Rutherfor¢ in mm" of a september bride! Chief Glass said: “I was very M155 Mugar“ chn' proud of our brigade at Maple. ' several of the 15 9195” were Not one refused to do a job." junior farmer friends of Miss Mr. Sim asked Secretary mm’h' Manager G. T. Thompson to Golden Wedding - . prepare a list for the fire hall - Mr. and‘Mrs. Raymond Burt, of village 1,3,,”an Who were married years ago “When are required we need them in a hurry", said Chief Glass. Arrangements were made to ensure the hydrants “Egon 2 :3 awful b; are all in working order. on“ e ten 5 8“ Mr. Thompson was requested neighbors at their King Street to home. . Posters are around the village torrthe next few days, announ- cing the September 15 after- noon bazaar that King City day. Saturday. with a list of expenditures and financial balance. Mr. Glass was interested in having the , winter. gauges; will be halding Await water Report A special attraction for child- Repmmg 0“ Water‘WkSI - Chairman Robert O’Reilly was figslrngnbé’taifissecgfieiorafd hopeful that current test-drill- comlc books. ' ing in the valley near the pre- For their mothers there will sent two wells might indicate a be afternoon tea, a sale of home “name place for developing baking, knitted and sewn goods, the th‘rd ‘Veu' knicbkmcks and rummage. He showed a bottle of water Club proceeds are used to. taken as a_ sample nearly two ward providing accessories for wee“ earnerv Whmh appeared the fire brigade_ clear and free of sediment. a a a a “We are now awaiting an an- No‘ night school classes are alytical report from the Chi- heing arranged at King City cage office of Intennational Composite School for next year. water supply", he reportad‘ classes as usual will be held “The water table is getting in the evenings at Aurora and lower daily and has not re- District High school, covered from heavy use early Twelve additional rooms are in summer. I assume residents under construction at present are not suffering much from at the King City school and are present restrictions, unless expected to be in use after Jan- Possibly car-Washing." Ml‘. 0’- uary. Reilly commented. 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, KING CITY, OAK RIDGES ust 27 meeting of King City when Chief which Chief Glass was taking on to King of the King City Fire Brigade request council of the Corporation of supply the fire department fire hall heating changed for out: He noted daily consumption Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells, parents of the groom, entertain- ed the wedding party and choir at their Station Road home, fol- lowing the wedding rehearsal in All Saints' Anglican Church. is averaging a moderate 75,000 gallons and the well has 18 feet of water in it at present. High School Board, stating the BODY SHOP Expert Auto Body Collision Repairs and Repainting FREE ESTIMATES - GM A C FINANCING C. M. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. King City G.M. Dealer TE. 3-5301 WWW“ ova RICHMOND HILL W t\° COMMERCIAL CLEANERs,4’lJ FLOORS SANDED. STAINS REMOVED - WAXED We specialize in all types of floors Complete professional work . . . . .Free information, estimates on floors. . . . . Janitor Services and Supplies PHONE TU. 4 a 3714 NEW WORK -â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS ROGER PROULX PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given Telephone TU. 4-1650 62 Crosby Ave. RICHMOND HILL Mr. Sim requested a letter be sent to Aurora and District September 6, 1962 “The Liberal" is always please terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. in King City is Mrs. water situation is critical and asking that its use he control- led as much as possible at King City Composite School. Mr. Thompson said the school averaged 100,000 gallons 8 month. Trustee Robert Berwick re- ported No. 1 pumphouse need- ed a new roof, the door fixed and the meter box repaired, while No. 2 pumphouse needed the stucco and discharge pipe repaired. Trustees agreed the work should not be delayed. Mr. Berwick felt residents should have notice of the new water bylaw concerning re- strictions. Trustees Sim and O’Reilly considered the ex- pense unnecessary when pre- vious bylaws were neither ad- vertised nor mailed to indivi- duals. Constable John Hughes reported the one resident charged under the bylaw received a suspended sen- tence and was charged $8.30 costs. He pointed out the police- Inan’s role is to investigate and present facts to court, then his job is done and he is not con- cerned with the Verdict and whether there is a conviction. Roads Commissioner Berwick announced that Cadden Bro- thers, tendering for $3,900.81, had been instructed to proceed with the two King Street side- walks since trustees had re- ceived King Township Council's notification that 50 per cent subsidy was approved by the Department of Highways. The sidewalks will extend from Patton Street east to the high school and on the north side of King Street, from Les- lie Motors east to William Street. - “I've been told sidewalks take three years to materialize. These have been approved in seven months. Township has been most co-operative", Mr. Berwick said. Trustee O’Reilly announced that under the street lighting program 12 lights would be in- stalled by the hydro along north and south Keele Street, on King Street and Springhill Road. The budgeting of $3,318 in- cludes new installations, retub- ing and cleaning of 36 lights All Saints’ Anglican Church was decorated with candelabra and white gladioli for the early evening candle-light ceremony uniting in marriage Miss Betty Cunningham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cunningham, to Fly- ing Officer Eric Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells, all of King City. Rev. E. H. Costigan conducted the choral service. As soloist, Mrs. J. L. Forster sang “The Lord’s Prayer”. The choir, of which the bride' has been a member several years, sang, “Praise My Soul The King of Heaven", and dur- ing the signing of the register, “Jesus Joy of Man’s Desiring." Choir leader Howard Herome of Hamilton presided at the or- gan. The bride was given in mar- riae by her father and wore a white gown made from 17 yards of white silk organza over taf- feta. The bodice featured a high scalloped neckline and long pointed sleeves, the full skirt, with detachable overskint, forming a chapel train. Her shoulder-length veil was caught to a headpiece of white flowers and sprays of pearls. She. carried a cascade of white shas-. ta chrysanfhcmums accented William .1. Houston, TEmpie 3-5457; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox, Mrs. Lillian Atcheson, Wildwood Ave. 'MARKHAM ‘ Mark Maynard loccupied a vacant Markham 0 Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Socials ‘ Two families have returned The summer school at the from lengthy vacations, both lake has finished. It ended up ,having left Canada together the its term by taking the children ‘day before school ended in .Iuncwon a hike and picnic. The tea- Mrs. McLennon, Lake Ave., cllers feel they have had a good .and children returned from season and hope there Will be {Northern Scotland last Tliurs- another session next year. ‘day. Mrs. G. Woods and cliild-, They do fCEII however. that ren, South Rd., returned Friday a set of swings, teeter-totter, from a vacation in Manchester, or something in that line England. would add to the time being ‘ On September 7. the “squirtn‘spcnt. It. is a little hard to keep team are being given a treat"sma11 children occupied in the‘ 100 HEAD SWINE CONSIGNMENT SALE Comprising registered breeding stock from the three major breeds of bacon hogs â€" Lacombe, Landrace and Yorkshire at the MARKHAM FAIR GROUNDS MARKHAM, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12 at 7 PM. Your opportunity to purchase top stock for your cross-breeding programme. Col. Walter Atkinson, Auctioneers; Geo. Robson, Clare Wassam Farm Langstaff. Ont. Village Council chair Aug. 6 d to publish items of in- Our news correspondent telephone . PR. 3-5479. Pedigrees THURS, FRI., SAT. Spring Loam Farms Cooksville, Ont. when they will be taken to thelsummer; , _ 1 d A SEPT“ 6’ 7’ 8 Fara“ Maple Leaf Stadium by their e$513133“:lvaipglfigxftfo OPERATION PETTICOA'I 1 en' 1“- coaches. Dick Sweeney and Er-,C . ‘ ‘ .. . nie Collins. Hugh Orscr, Tom-Idem'S 0“ Maplegmvev Aumey: Gary Gram peranceville, will also accom- éfmdt fehfggeafeiggzlfi HIRED GUN pany the team. The "Squirts" 01' 0 , '1 are one of the Oak Ridges’ Le- duced to 20 ""195 per hour‘ Rory calhoun gion sponsored teams. cartoon Rev. D. C. H. Michell, minis-I for at St. John‘s Anglican I A P p L I A N E S and the power bill. IChurch for many years and latc- I A c ' Trustee Sim moved that suit-1y of St. Mark‘s Anglican CIlap-‘ ° CAR ' able screens be purchased for el, Oak Ridges, is leaving about the small opening windows of September 16. He is returning MON.. TUES., WED., the village office and prices obtained on window blinds. While outdoor use of water is restricted, ratepayer James Wilkins had an unusual com- plaint. He reported he could fill a two gallon pail in 50 minutes from a water break in front of his house beyond his lot line. “I’m not wasting the water. I’m using it for my flowers", he said. Trustee Berwick said: “It's our responsibility if village wa- ter is being wasted". The rate- payer, who did not want the pipe to freeze in winter, was assured by Chairman O'Reilly, “It will be fixed". Ratepayer William Willough- by brought to trustees' atten- tion a faulty culvert on Den- nison Road, which left water lying in the ditch where neigh- bors' children play. Blames Parents “Ditches are one of the town's biggest headaches", Trustee Berwick pointed out. “Culverts are needed under nearly all driveways". As for children playing in ditch water, Mr. Berwick considered that “a lame excuse" and blamed “lack of parental control". Trustee Sim added, “Resi- dents want ditch work and storm sewers, but no one wants to pay. Very few roads were put in right in this town”. Mr. O'Reilly cited a newer street, Elizabeth Grove, as be- ing “a most satisfactory road." Mr. Berwick suggested the village office, as a public hall, needed a portrait of the Queen. Mr. O'Reilly wanted to see the interior finished better before pictures were added, then with Her Majesty’s portrait he hoped Prime Minister Diefen- baker‘s Bill of Rights would be shown. The secretary was in- structed to make inquiries about obtaining the picture. Trustees arranged to discuss |with Austin Rumble his claim for damages and loss of crop regarding test-drilling on his farm. Four ratepayers were pres- ent to witness trustees trans- acting village affairs. Next trus- tees’ meeting is scheduled for September 24. King City Couple Wed In All Saints' Anglican leaves. All the attendants car- ried wicker baskets of white Shasta Chrysanthemums and green foliage. Timothy Grew, King City, was best man. Flying Officer Tom Stobbs, Greenwood, Nova Sco- tia, John Dew Jr., King City, and David Burke, a cousin of the groom, ushered the giiests. The bride’s mother wore a cocoa brown silk crepe dress and jacket, trimmed with satin and heading. She had a hat of pink lace and organza petals, brown shoes and a corsage of pink rosâ€" es. The groom's mother were a printed green crepe dress and sage green coat with print lin- ing to match the dress. She had a brown satin hat trimmed with to England where he will con-' tinue in his work with the church. I Mr. and Mrs. K. Robinson, Wildwood Ave., owners of the taxi at Lake Wilcox, have re- turned from a trip to Manitoba and parts west. Birthday wishes to Dennisi Marr, Oak Ridges, on his 15th? birthday; Joyce Stevenson. 12th. birthday; and George Good who was seven years old. Joyce eel-I, ebrated by having a weiner roast, with 12 friends present. George and about 15 friends, also had a weiner roast on his‘ birthday. I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goddard, l Wildwood Ave., are moving to . Toronto after living here for ,' four years. A shower home of Rev. Roy Nigh, pastor of Brethren in Christ Church, [I for Sharon Brown, former resi- . dent of Bond Ave., and mem- 3: ber of the Young People’s Class f‘ at that church. Sharon is to be f. married on Friday. The annual corn and weiner roast was held at the home of »' Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell, Aubrey Ave., for the young 5 people of Brethren in Christ‘ Church, last week. About 50 ad- ults and 25 children attended. June Barnsdale took her Sun- I day School class to Centre 15- ' land recently. Marion Dion went ; along to help. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pletnik and :- U.S.A., 1 several days last week I_ with Mr. and Mrs. Murray and ; children, spent Milwaukee, Judy, Penny Place. Mr. Bob Atcheson, North Road, was home for the week-end from Ottawa, where he is now working. Mrs. Laurie Conboy tained the euchre club onto after the summer. daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Henning 1. and Mrs. ~ Hutchinson, also attended the E euchre along with regular mem- Mrs. Pearl Murphy, bers of the club. A shower was held at the ,' home of Mrs. Dawn Willis, Rose- 1 mary Ave., for Miss Pat Wilson who is being married September ‘ ten ;, She received ‘. 29. There were people present. many lovely gifts and cards. Memo To Mothers about If you have become a mother 4;- for the first time recently you may be interested to know that a baby clinic is held on the sec- ond Tuesday of each month at St. Paul’s United Church, South Road, Lake Wilcox, at 1:30 pm. Doctors and nurses are pres- ent to take a history of your ba- by, weigh them and give advice on baby care. When the time comes they will also administer needles. Mothers may also ob- tain polio shots if necessary. By the time you read this ar- ticle, school will be started, and I can hear many of you heaving a sigh of relief. You can relax a little now and have a few free moments. Appoint Fred Fudge Markham Township Council last week hired an inspector to conform with a new Depart- ment of Labor regulation. Appointee is Fred Fudge, presently the township building inspector. was held at the I: enter- I‘ last - week, before going back to Tor- ' Her .j FARM FEEDS The Biggest Little Mill north of Toronto. We have Installed BULK FEEDSERVICE ' For Your Convenience CaII AL. 7-8725 includes all occupants MON., TUES., WED. SEPT. 10, 11, 12 SGT. RUTLEDGE (Adult) Jeff Hunter Tony Curtis Cartoon l l I 5000 son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Atcheson, ,5 “ ‘ WAKE OF A STRANGEB , c fun spot far all "r ONZIDUFFERIN STREET: , SOUTH Of-NOJ HWY. FREEIFREE! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ICE CREAM CONES FOR KID-DIES ACCOMPANIED BY ADULTS SmS‘ ICE CREAM BAR RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Secure Your FREE COUPONS At Any MemberStore OI Richmond Heights Centre Rentals - Repairs ANTENNAS HI-FI - STEREO SERVICE See Us Richmond Hill TV 8. Appliances AV 5-3756 34 Yonge St. S. TU 4-7456 No need to Buy . .. NOW YOU CAN RENT A CONVERSION BURNER FOR YOUR PRESENT FURNACE Enioy the efficient comfort of automatic, truly economical heating with a Gas conversion burner installed In your present heating system. Replace your present equipment with a yellow and brown corded ribbon beige, brown and sage green flowers and corsage of bronze and yellow Chrysanthemums. A reception was held at the Ridge Inn, Oak Ridges, for 100 guests including visitors from St. Catharines. Toronto 'and Halifax. For travelling, the bride wore a pale yellow wool suit with short jacket and chocolate brown accessories, a white straw trilby trimmed with bands of His official duties will be to inspect safety conditions on construction and building pro- jects in the township. Notice To Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF Bertha Maud Riddell, deceased. safe, dependable Gas conversion burner . . . You'll pocket I the money you. save in operation and there's No Cash Outlay. CLEAN, DEPENDABLE OPERATION SPECIAL LOW HEATING RATES 14 Rate reductlons In 7 you". FREE INSTALLATION 24-HourA-Day FREE SERVICE All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of Bertha Maud Riddell, late of the Township of with green foliage. ‘ Miss Jennifer Bryant, form-l erly of King City, had comeI from Portslade, Sussex, England,1 to be maid of honor. She was' dressed in forest green silk‘ pongee cotton with headband of white leaves. Bridesmaids Miss Julie~Anne Falstrem of Toronto, Miss An-I gela Powell of King City, and; Miss Bonnie McCachen of Oak' Ridges were dressed alike inI cotton print dresses of forestl green and white, styled with slight scoop necklines, bell-g shaped skirts and short sleeves! They had matching green shoes: ‘Lake Wilcox area were report-' ‘ed recently. ‘ Four pasengers in a car driv- en by Mrs. Eva Willis suffered, bruises when Mrs. Willis was ,forced to stop her car suddenly to avoid a collision on Newman Avenue. F:ed Oxley, a passenger in I. the Willis car, received a bump ;to his head. The Willis can: ‘and yellow veiling and a corsage graduating five years ago from Vaughan, in the County of York, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of June, 1962, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the un- dersigned on or before the lst day of October, 1962, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to the claims of which the executors shall then have notice. of bronze baby ’mums. The couple will be living at Greenwood, Nova Scotia, where the groom is a radio officer at the RCAF Station. The bride has been employed as stenographer in Toronto since LOW COST, FULLY AUTOMATIC HEATING CONVENIENT lZ-MONTH EQUAL BILLING PLAN SAVES USEFUL BASEMENT SPACE DEPENDABLE, AUTOMATIC FUEL SUPPLY NO CASH OUTLAY! RENT IT FOR ONLY Aurora and School. DIStUCt High In older to ensure that you get proper healing. Consumers' Gas mll not install I burner ii the fur- nace is not suitable. REPRINTS AVAILABLE Readers may order re- prints of staff photos appearing in “The Liberal" at the newspaper office. 63 Yonge Street South, Rich- DATED at Toronto, this 28th day of August, 1962 . SCHUYLER & ECCLESTONE, 320 Bay Street, Toronto I, On- tario, Solicitors for the Execu- IT PAYS TO GO "ALL GAS" . These rental appliances now make it and headbands of forest green‘, mond Hill. tors. c3w9l ",ym qualifyfonhe 3M. 5mm”, $ a monTh 1 and SAVE AN ADDITIONAL $21.60 or more annually. Blue Star Rate is a I T T ' ° ‘ special low rate available when a _ l i customer uses-gas for heating, wnler g I l healing, cooking and clothes drying. No payment on“! adobe, ' Tlirce minor accidents in the travelling east, was rounding from a badly mangled hand a curve when Mrs. Willis not- after a battle with an outboard iced a car driven by Keith motor. Munroe of Oak Ridges. Mr. Shulz raised his hand as Two Lake Wilcox boys each be surfaced to investigate the suffered a badly scalded foot noise of a motorboat piloted by- when they dropped a tub of Mrs. Oiva Hoikka. I Eiot water they were carrying. Mr. Siiulz is in 5 mary Tile boys are Lee Peters and condition in York County Hos- Manfred Lottermoser. ‘p‘ital, Nell'market after an op- In a third accident, Bruno‘eration. No charges have been Shulz, of Toronto. is sufferingtlaid. » @onsumer'S’CEIas I6B Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 285-48" atisfa

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