Rchmond Hill Arena September 15 8. 22 m--‘----_----_~------.« BOOSTS BENEFITS WITH BIGGER CASH BONUS Brand New Ultra Modern Buildings â€" ONLY STEPS AWAY FROM All CONVENIENCES Check These Outstanding Features ..... Country club living â€" KING SIZED and ï¬ltered. No more hot highway driving for you, just use it anytime from noon till â€" 9 pm. â€" fenced for safety, spot-lighted at night. _To speed you automaticany and silently in complete comfort. - 5335:3th Aflill'ggeofftï¬tdd ï¬sheri‘tneucofgflitan. With factory fresh fridges and stoves, lots of cupboard space EQUIPPED â€" 33331232313311.0135mgggï¬etii‘y'eieifli'aTe?†°" F.M. _ into each suite â€" no extra charge and m control it. 1 B _ For your private outdoor comfort. FREE TV HOOKUP â€" FREE INTERCOM â€" FREE PARKING â€" lARGE AN ADDRESS YOU'LL BE PROUD OF . . . . . RENTAL OFFICES ON PREMISES located At Colbourne and Elmwood AV. 5-2303 ME.3-8572 - ME.3-9506 Scotiabank now pays you on increased cash bonus on all Personal Security Program contracts. PSP is Scotiabank's exclusive life-insured savings plan. You set your own goal . . . save in 50 convenient instalments. Should the insurance become payable your estate will receive all the deposits you have made, plus the full amount of your savings goal, plus this increased cash bonus. Ask for details and your free copy of the PSP folder at your local Scotiabank branch. All Boys in the district 6 to 18 years THE BHNK OF NDVFI SCOTIH Another sound reason to save at Scoï¬abonk landscaped 8: Flood-lit Buildings Set In Beautiful Residential Area NOW RENTING 10 A.M. TO 4 RM. < APARTMENTS One and two bedroom suites, modem in every detail â€"â€" (also some bachelors) SEPTEMBER 9 â€" Sunday. St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church An- niversary Sunday. At 11 o'clohk service the choir will be assisted by the Graham sisters of Wood- ‘bridge; at 7.30 pm. service the choir will be assisted by a Male Quartette from Bolton. Mess- age-s by Dr. J. A. Koï¬end of Fairbanks Presbyterian. c2w9 SEPTEMBER 13 -â€" Thursday, 8 pm. Lions Community Hall, Richmond Hill Horticultural Society Flower show. “Indoor Plants for Show†by Mr. John Budd. Horticulturist with the Metropolitan Pamks Commis- sion. No admission charge. Everyone welcome. clwlO OCTOBER 20 â€" Saturday, 10 am. to 3 pm. All Saints’ Fall Fair, King, Luncheon 50 cents, art. baking, ï¬sh pond, handi- work, hats, treasures. clwlO County residents. both young and old, are invited to come out and enjoy an evening of fun at the Queensvilie Arena on the evening of Wednesday, Septem- ber 12th. President John Neufeld of the York North Liberal Association announced this week that the association is sponsoring a giant corn roast and old time squnare dance on that evening. In addition to the loads of tantalizing sweet corn there will be dancing to Ken Ponting and His Rhythmalres. As a special added attraction ace ï¬ddler Charley Vanzant and well-known caller Morley Batt will both be there. Proceedings are timed to com- mence at 8.30 pm. so come one and all and enjoy an evening’s fun. BINGO every Wednesday even- ing at 7.45 p.111. at the Canadian Legion Branch 375, Carrville Road. tfc48 SEPTEMBER 7 â€" Friday. Corn Roast and Square Dance, 8.30 pm. St. Matthew's Church Yard, Crosby Ave. Admission 50¢ per person; $1.00 per family. c2w9 County liberals Hold Corn Roast EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT â€" Euchre, Legion Hall, Camille Road West. 8.15 pm. tfc39 Coming Events “But your poor mother will worry about you. You really must go to the Lost Children's shelter. son", the good woman hastened to tell the lad. She turned away from the booth, and was again surprised, to ï¬nd the little fellow was Una- velling along beside her, his blonde head bobbing up and down as he hurried to keep up to her swinging step. The lady stopped in her tracks, bent over and asked, “Are you lost?†At this the boy's faced screw- ed up and he clasped his small brown ï¬sts together and im- plored, “Ah, please. Don't turn Heading up the Richmond Hill Junior Chamber of Com- merce pwblic speaking course this year is Murray McLeod, ac- cording to information released this week by Jaycee officials. Then the 13.5. boy put one ï¬n- ger to his lips and whispered, “Shhh. 'Course I am. But don’t tell anybody." “Where is your mother", the lady asked and was nomplused to hear this small bit of human- ity exclaim disgpstedly, “Oh, she’s over in the food building. She won’t miss me! She'll be there for hours . . . and I want to see the rest of the Ex." A charter member and past president of the club, Mr. Mc- Leod has had wide experience in teaching public speaking. Anyone wishimg to take part in the course is asked to con- ¢act Gordon Brown at TU. 4- (Continued From Page 1) he would like very much to have that balloon." 4947 Markham Rd. Elmwood Ave MURRAY McLEOD Episode At The The woman felt a slight wrench, and realized the boy had escaped her handclasp . . . and she was alone. The dimin- utive-sized one had gone, dis- appeared, vanished. She waited around for several moments to see if the lad would return, and when he failed to appear she found the policeman too was out of sight, so she reluctantly went on to the flower show, feeling rather badly she had been un- able to do somebody's mother a kind turn, by delivering the boy to safekeeping. _c_~-_._ There was no sign of a police plied almost philosophically, man, and the woman thought, ‘O.K. Guess I’m ready to be I'll ï¬nd one outside the build- turned in. I’m hungry and my ing. 50 taking the boy's small mother has my lunch.†He tuck- hand in hers she proceeded to ed his hand in hers again and the open air. And there, stroll- accompanied hercquite willing- ing down the avenue in front of ly to the shelter. the twosome was one of Toron- There sat his mother. She was to’s ï¬nest. Suddenly there was a pleasant-looking little woman, the sound of an indrawn breath and she listened to the story the beside her. The p.s. boy had good samaritan had to unfold, seen the policeman too. with an understanding smile on On Monday, a rear-end col- lision at Yonge Street and Lorne Avenue resulted in an estimated $210 damage. Alfred Bagg and Sons, with farms at Woodbridge and Thorn~ hill, were named premier breed- ers and premier exhibitors. She was admiring the flowers and plants when she heard a small voice saying, “Here I am." and, there he was again. Report One Accident Over Holiday Weekend A car driven by Mrs. Robert Hunter, 198 Taylor Mills Drive, North, collided with the rear end of a car driven by Robert W. Brown of 313 Second Street, York County Jersey herds pulled down more than their share of prizes at the recent CNE Jersey Show. And there he stayed. For the next three hours. Whenever authority, in the guise of the law approached, the boy with an instinct for elusiveness, was gone like the wind. Each time the coast was clear. the young culprit reappeared, smiling, and bright as the proverbial bad penny. Pol-ice report only one minor accident in Richmond Hill over the Labor Day weekend. Newmarket‘ County Animals Cop Top Honors At Jersey Show Finally at 1 o’clock, the wo-l ‘man called for a truce. “Lookâ€, ‘she said, “I’m going home now. But I'd feel a lot better if I knew you were back with your mother. I can't think why you would want to worry her like this.†And this ï¬nal appeal seemed to touch the boy’s heart . or his stomach. Their Edgelea herd picked up a total of 13 ï¬rsts in competi- tion. Miss Helen Baker of Maple was successful in placing second in the three year old in milk class with her single entry, Bea- con Nettie. Prizes won by the Edgelea herd include ï¬rsts in the graded herd, junior herd, and produce of herd classes. Dom Head Farms of Richmond Hill won ï¬rst prize for senior bull calf with Don Head Charm- ing Boy. They placed in the top ï¬ve in other categories. Correspondent Mrs. Bert Middleton Phone AL. 7-8920 Rev. Howard J. Veals was in charge of the service at Carr- ville United Church on Sunday, September 2, and Rev. Hugh R. MacDonald will be in charge of the services on September 9 and 16. Then he leaves for his new charge at Port Arthur. Am Edgelea cow, Visiting Bracken. won ï¬rst prize for ï¬ve years and over in milk. as well as senior and grand champion. The Oarrville United Church Women will hold their Septem- ber meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Bushell September 12, at 2 pm. Devotional will be given by Mrs. J. Williams, and Mrs. J. Baker, Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Middleton are the social com- mittee. Mrs. Ramsay. formerly of Perth, Scotland, spent several days with her cousin, Mrs. Jack McEwen and family. Mrs. Ram- say and Mrs. McEwen hadn't met in 22 years, although they came to Canada together. Mrs. McEwen remained in Ontario and Mrs. Ramsay went to the United States. Carrvllle United Church Sun- day School will stag-t Sep_t. 23: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Barton of Downsview visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson of Toronto, recently. The John Bartons took his parents out to dinner be- fore returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton. Gretta and Nancy, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Murphy and family at Alliston on Sunday. At the evening meal Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Price, Mr. Geo. Price, Ralph Price and friend and Bobby joined the party for a barbecue. The Middletons went on to Mooreï¬eld to spend Sunday night and Monday with the Jim Ash family. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Walker Jr. spent two weeks at a cotâ€" tage in the Peterborough area. and took a trip to Montreal and in all had a lovely holiday. CARRVILLE There sat his mother. She was a pleasant-looking little woman, and she listened to the story the good samaritan had to unfold, with an understanding smile on her face. “Oh, that's alrightâ€, the p.s. boy-‘s mother explained, “I wasn’t worried about Freddie. He had his carfare and his name and address pinned into the in- side pocket of his coat. And I knew if he missed me enough he'd speak to a policeman, or turn up here." But just before they were quite out of earshot. the pint- sized lad turned his blonde head and called back over his shoulder, “Bye, lady. Thanks for the best time I ever had at She thanked the woman from Richmond Hill for her kindness to the youngster, and off they went, mother and son, to have lunch. the Ex." ‘Don't Get Torugh' Says Chipmunk To Garter Snake It had a ï¬rm grip on the back of the snake's neck and was chewing and growling when dis- turbed by Mr. Hamilton, who was trying to get a closer look at him. The lowly chipmunk is a lot tougher animal than most peo- ple give it credit for being. S. R. Hamilton, timber gï¬per- visor for the Lake Simcoe Dis- trict. recounted a rather unusual inéident to “The Liberal" last week. While walking along a bush road one morning during his va- cation, he saw a small object thrashing around on the road in front of him. He approached quietly and was amazed to see a chipmunk in the process of killing a garter snake. The chipmunk backed into the heavy undergrowth by the side of the road, dragging the snake with him. Mr. Hamilton was a little star- tled by what he had seen and told officials at the Fish and Wildlife section of the Maple office. They told him that snakes are natural enemies of the eastern chipmunk, especially because they often invade the chip- munk’s nest to eat the young. It is unlikely that the chip- munk had plans for eating the snake, but was probably pro- L--L:_ _ r - tecting a nearby n‘eisï¬t‘ ilton said. \\ Ex]! Iye blue-eyed vagabond re: 29 YONG! ST. S. Blue Bonnet Yellow Quick BE’I'I‘Y’S “ASSORTED†JAMSUELLIES 29oz.iars43c ROUND STEAK and RUMP “ASSORTED FLAVORS†Duncan Hines Cake 2pkgs. KENNEL CLUB PREMIUM Sockeye Salmon 1/2's tin 50c Ontario No. I Staked M 6 qt. bskt. DOG FOOD ‘9 Mr. Ham- A special closing program on August 24 wound up a success- ful summer for the Langstaï¬ Baptist Church daily vacation Bible school. Total registration for the school was 188. Pupils donated $54.65 to buy a Union Jack, The Red Ensign, and the Chrisâ€" tian Flag. During the closing program, put on entirely by the pupils. visitors viewed workbooks and crafts which the students were responsible for. Ceremonies Mark Closing Program At Bible School Theme for this year’s ses- sion was “Patriots for Christ". On August 25. a church fam- ily corn roast was held at the Dutch Oven, Master Feeds Farm. A wondrous collection of high fashion millinery in this sea- son’s outstanding silhouettes and colors are now at Madel- eine’s. Many show Far East in- spiration as domes, fezzes, tur- bans, in the important - - “Fur Look" - - real and fake, so chic in high pillboxes, draped and slanted slouch styles. You have noticed I had a new photo taken - - - just couldn’t resist the attractive white mara- bou feather, trimmed in satin petal chapeau. Handbags, colorful costume jewelry, gloves, soarfs are also featured to add a ï¬nishing touch to your fall ensemble. (at Fairlawn) HU. 8-5406 2 bus stops below City Limits 9 am. - 6 p.m.; Friday to 9 pm. OVER 1,000 New Fall Hats Millinery & Accessories 3319 YONGE ST. J41 Mania/ewe ’5 Wade/ewe THE LIBERALtIMupond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 6, 1962 k MARGARINE 2 I lb. pkgs. 57c ins 39C 69c ’ Eflflï¬lfl comco BOLOGNA lEAN MINCED CARNATION Swanson's Frozen PII Turkey, Beef, Chicken 3 for MITCHELL’S APPLE SAUCE 22002.tins39c évaï¬oratéd 3 tall tins 41C 1960 Anglian 105E The Canadian winter rally winner. Economical transportation plus out- standing performance. Priced to sell at l 1958 Ford Tudor Hardtop Original Sherwood Green, with white top, equipped with V8, automatic, ra- dio, whitewall tires, a one owner, low mileage automobile in truly outstand- ing condition. Standard transmission. New green and White paint. A very scarce model in immaculate shape. Priced to sell atpnly BRADFORD NO. I lOWEST PRICES IN METRO R. D. LITTLE 8. SON 1955 Ford Fairlane V8 O Softset Finish‘ g Q 8-Hour Service 0 No Extra Charge 285-1105 Richmond Hill PA. 7-5001 “Metro’s Oldest Ford Dealer†Sliced or by the Piece‘ 0 Minor Repairs CORNER YONGE & LEVENDALE RD. For Prompt Pickup Service Jumbo Size Stalks Above Cars All Carry Our One-Year G and W Warranty CALL TU. 4-4411 a sum SERVE: PIES 49c "$1335 LIMITED $695 79c I