TO P Q U A L | TY u SE CAR 61 Yonge St. S. er’s name on request 1957 Plymouth 8 cylinder automatic, ex- ceptional 1957 Chevrolet 8 cylinder Sedan, one owner 1956 Volkswagen Coach, good value ON SALE NOW AT 1960 Dodge 6 cyl., 22,000 miles, perfect 1958 Edsel Citation 4 Door Hardtop 1957 Dodge 6 Cylinder automatic, own- In November they will be re- visiting the Hill to attend the wedding of Mrs. Taylor’s sister. Miss Gall Williams, whose mar- riage to Mr. Jim Brown of Ot- tawa ls taking place at St. Mary's Anglican Church on No- vember 3rd. Leaving the Hill on Friday, they will weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor at their home in Kingston. returning to Montreal on Monday. at the home of Mrs. Taylor’s sister, Mrs. Joseph Rainey, Rockport Crescent. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor and their young daughter Jennifer from Montreal are holidaying at the home of Mrs. Taylor’s sister, Mrs. Joseph Rainey, Rockport Crescent. Leaving the Hill on Friday, they will weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor at their home in Kingston, returning to Montreal on Monday. . In November they will be re- visiting the Hill to attend the wedding of Mrs. Taylor’s sister. Miss Gail Williams, whose mar- riage to Mr. Jim Brown of Ot- tawa is taking place at St. Mary's Anglican Church on No- vember 3rd. Amongst the international visitors to Don Head Farms, re- cently entertained by Mr. and 'Mrs. F. M. Redelmeier have been, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox, and their daughters Susan and Janet, from Geneva, Switzer- land where Mr. Cox is attached to the I.L.O. an agency of the United Nations; Mr. and Mrs. Willy Perchard and daughter Rosemary, prominent Jersey. breeders from Jersey Island,‘ and Mr. Kenneth Barham, form- erly of Uganda, where he served as agricultural mission- ary, presently completing his theological studies in England. SIRLOIN, WING or 7 ‘ _T-B_ONE S‘TEAKS lb. SHOULDER STEAK lb. 49c Chicken Wings lb. 25: BAYVIEW PLAZA MALL“ C. NELS GAGE LEZAN FRESH MEATY’ Your Chrysler, Plymouth, Fargo, Fiat Dealer Classes For Children & Adults THE OPENING OF THE 1962-63 SEASON SYLVIA GARSON THE DANCE STUDIOS . NEAI. announce Editor Margot Crack of in TU. 4-7691 TU. 4-7381 r _ '_ u“. “w. Fun“. u; Lau beirié M'ontreal, where they spent a day visiting relatives. - friends and sightseeing. at 2k t * 771‘? l Doing the Twist may be old fashioned these days, but it is featured in 3 CBC production to be seen this fall. The show is “The Gimmick†by Bernard Slade, and among those taking their exercise in this strenuous fashion will be Mary Monks. who says she got most of her practise at Curtain Club par- ties last season! Alex Clarke, Morley Hall and Al White were winners of second prize at Agincourt tour- nament last Wednesday. An oceanside cottage on the east coast was the holiday locale for four Richmond Hill boys, Ron Ashkanase, Jack White, ___.__...-_u uuun " uluc, Colin Craddock and Keith Relt, who arrived home on Tuesday, having enjoyed a leisurely car trip home with various stop- overs â€" their last point of call being Montreal, where they spent a day visiting relatives, friends and sightseeing. Barry Brent, Hugh Yerex and James Grainger won third prize at the annual trebles lawn bowling tournament at Elora, Labor Day. They received rec~ 0rd cabinets as individual priz- es. Seventy-six rinks took part in the competition. Visiting with his cousins Mr. and Mrs. Harold Monks this weekend was Mr. Norman Ram. sey from London, England. Mr. Ramsey was in Canada for the International Radiology Con- gress in Montreal, and had stopped off in Richmond Hill tc see the Monks after an inter- val of over ten years. Barbara was the guest of Dr. Wendel Hughes and Mrs. Hughes, Roslyn Point, Long Is- land. Miss Barbara Dean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Dean, Vaughan Road, returned on Monday from Long Island, New York, following a ten day cruise from Rideau Lake. The play will be the ï¬rst pro- duction of the Toronto Arts Theatre Foundation. Mr. Stephen Ker Appleby, Centre Street West, has been appointed director for Brendan Behan’s “The Quare Fellow" scheduled for Centre Stage in the fall. Bowlers Wanted! Next stopover was at Agawa Bay in Lake Superior Park, where the weekend was spent hiking and sightseeing, the scen- ery being just beautiful. Father and sons swam in Lake Super- ior, but found it very chilly. Recently returned from a camping holiday up north are Mr. and Mrs. 0. Richards and sons Dennis and Raymond, M Demraine Crescent. Leaving ‘Richmond Hill on Friday nigh the ï¬rstxweekend was spent i' :Grundy Lake Park. On Sunday ‘there was a ski and water safety ‘demonstnation which was ven interesting. ‘ Starting from Gurd Lake ear- ly Monday morning the party continued on and toured the K.V.P. Paper Company at Es- panola, then on into Elliott Lake. It’s a lovely little town, but so sad to see so many rows of homes boarded up where people have had to leave and look for employment elsewhere. From Elliott Lake the route led to Sault Ste. Marie, where one day was spent to look over the locks and tour the Algoma Steel Company’s plant which proved extremely interesting. At Wawa â€" the new Indian name given to Jamestown â€" a day was taken to visit the “Big Goose". one of the portal: on the Trans-Canada Highway. “Twist of Lemon". is an or- iginal revue compiled from material mitten specially for the club by many well-known writers, and some members of the clwb who have had previous experience in this sort of com- position. The highly original de- sign for the revue is by Mary Donnelly, whose original set for “Ladies in Retirement" was seen in the spring. Dowbling as pianist and actor is Dennis Steiner. who is also responsible for some of the material. A completely new departure for the club, who have hitherto conï¬ned their activities to more conventional productions, (with the exception of the annual pantomime) the revue promises to provide a sparkling opening L‘_‘,n .. -rv...u= to a full and_ ixilterégfirc'mg season A sure sign that fell ls upon us is the resumption of rehear- sals art the Curtain Club Theatre. Director Rex Seven- oaks is wasting no time, as re- hearsals for the season’s open- ing production “A Twist oh Lemon" resumed on Tuesday evening, and will continue un- til its presentation in the Theatre on Oct. 10, 11, 12 and 13; and Oct. 17, 18, 19 and 20. Mrs. Case went to Edmonton in 1906 with her husband and four children. Mrs. Alice Colt- ham, formerly of NeWmarket is a sister -â€" in her nineties â€" and travened to Edmonton, to be with Mrs. Case this summer. “Being kind to people surely has something to do with long- evity," said Mrs. Case. “If a person is kind, they have fewer regrets, worries and fears. Peo- ple from Eastern Canada seem to live longer". “Links kindness with longe- vity" was quoted in a headline of the Orillia Packet & Times :just received by Mrs. James J. gLey, Richmond Street, in refer- ence to her aunt, Mrs. Sarah (Duncan) Case, as this lady cel- ebrated her 104th birthday in Edmonton. All the young men of the parâ€" ish who are Servers or Cruci- fers will attend Evensong at 7 pm. with a meeting afterwards. Enjoy a special night out on the town by securing your ticket now for the Caribbean Carnival being staged ad; the Lion’s Hall on September 29%. Relax in a night club atmos- phere, dance to a calypso band, enjoy the rhythm of the limbo floor show, indulge in native iuices - all for $5.00 a couple. The regular schedule of two morning services begins again next Sunday at St. Mary’s An- glican Church at 9:30 am. and 111 am. The Church School ac- commodates from 2 to 11 years during the 9:30 service, and in- fant care and those 12 years and over are accommodated during the 11 o’clock service. Caribbean Carnival Spending the weekend at Lakevlew House, Jackson’s Point, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ra- binowitch attended the Satur- day night performance of the delightful melodrama “Murder in the Red Barn" at the Red Barn Theatre. __ __ “r--. The evening is being spon- =ored ’by the Richmond Hill 311111th of the Canadian Peace leseai'ch Inrstmute, and tickets nay be obtained by calling Mrs. 'oseph Rabinowitch at TU. 4- 2117. Don}: delay - tickets are imited to 300 - call now! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kaye, who with their West Highland terrier, Ch. Dina-Ken’s Little Pip, took ï¬rst place in the terrier group at the Canadian National Exhibition Dog Show. Mi“ Raj/t 0am“ Registration: Sept. 6 to 13 from 4.30 to 9 pm. Will Resume Teaching At Her Studio 428 s. FERNLEIGH CIRCLE, Richmond Hill Well known local residents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Little are seen prior to their flight to England, with 25 other happy couples with whom they are now exploring the highlights of London, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Oxford. Paris, Versailles, Rome and other European tourist attractions. The 25 couples are Ford of Canada’s dealers and their wives who are taking an all-expenses paid trip as guests of the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. Piano, Voice 8. Theory (Preparatory for Royal Conservatory Examinations) Markham-Bayview Area Teacher 0f Enjoy Trip To Europe A.D.C.M. ‘NEWMARKET : The new Brit- ‘igh Montgalge and Trust Com- pany is slated to open its new offices in Newmarket Septem- ber 14. Welcome to new residents Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller, son Christopher, and daughter Car- ol, from Aurora, who have re- cently taken up residence at 261 H‘arrygan Crescent. Miss Rut‘h “Garson, A.D.C.M. music teacher for the past 12 years, who, in only a short per- iod of six years residence has brought to this community her vast knowledge of the piano, voice, theory; not only in reg- ular lesson time, but through the M.T.H. Musical Club of which she is the founder. This group has brought to young people a better understanding and appreciation of music, the Pupils 0f Miss Ruth Garson To Appear TV various instruments of the or- chestra. the lives and interests of composers; the concerts, the guest artists who have appear- ed and performed for this grompHMiss Garson, as well as some of the members of this group were interviewed recent-‘ ly on Channel 9, CFTO. and‘ will be again seen on “Profes- sor’s Party" show, within the next few weeks. It has been a constant source of pride to Miss Garson, and her students. that those entered for Royal Conser-‘ vatory Examinations have come through with honors or ï¬rst class honors. Many have ap- peared on television from Ham. ilton and Buffalo; many have received medals and honor cer- tiï¬cates from Kiwanis, Peel, York and Woodbridvge Muslc‘ Competition. Charitable groups have never been turned down, when a request has come for some talent to be presented for a worthwhile cause. Yonge 8: Centre Sts. Richmond Hill REGISTER NOW FOR THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 6, 1962 C. S. D. A., A. G.V. A. SCHOOL OF DANCING TAP - BALLET - BATON MODERN JAZZ - BALLROOM HIGHLAND - TOE SHIELDS 'Your ofllce machine specialist' 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond mu nee portable models at 'nght'e Phlmncy’ Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 ‘ typewriter: ~ Adding Machine- SALES â€" SERVICE - RENTALS I‘ l.. H SIMS South Block Deposit This Coupon and See Prizes on Display at CLAIRTONE MARATHON comm PRIZES TO DATE $238 [717! HOME You're top driver in the style circuit wearing this lawh slung beauty. It takes the checkered flag for the sweep- lng low moc seam and finagraln finish. Just right (or class and weekend wear. Go for a trial spin soon. I estimate the Clairtone Italian Provincial will run day & night without stopping for hrs. Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pedwjn hot rod Richmond Hill Music Centre In The Mall at Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Heights Centre h “11‘ I A" popular makes on hand Sneclal Students' Elle. F0]? 77/! 54/11/17 TU. 4-5341 LT n