LEMONVILLE : A $3,500 bulld- lng program at Lemonville church will include a new front éï¬trance, washroom facilities and a stairway to the Sunday School room. SEALED FIXED SUM TEN- DERS properly endorsed, on forms supplied by the Depart- ment, will be received by the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, East Block. Parliament Build- ings. Toronto 2, Ontario. until 3.45 pm. (E.D.T.) on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1962 for the General Trades work which includes the Mechanical and Electrical trades the storm drainage and sewage disposal etc., in connection with the con- struction of a Five Bay Metal Patrol Garage, Ontario Depart- ment of Highways. Stouflville, Ontario. Plans, Speciï¬cations, Tender forms. Tender envelopes and Contract Requirements, may be obtained from, or viewed at Room T 704 (Tower), Depart- ment of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Onlario, (Telephone No. 365-1079), and may also be viewed at the Builders’ Ex- change, Toronto, Ontario. ’ A "$4,000.00 Bid Bond and a 100% Performance Bond will be required as speciï¬ed. Tenders will not be consider- ed unless made on forms sup- plied by the Department of Pub- lic Works. Ontario. in accord- ance with the terms and condi- tions as set forth therein. A Deposit of $50.00 CASH, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treasurer of On- tario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be refunded if documents are re- turned in good condition within thirty days of above closing date, otherwise forfeited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. D. Millar. Deputy Minister. Department of Public Works, Ontario. GENERAL TRADES FIVE BAY METAL PATROL GARAGE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2. Ontario. August let. 1962 STOUFFVILLE. ONTARIO «an, mgum Mr. McEacheren generously allowed the Hi-C group to have his four color plates for cards‘ for sale this year. The proï¬t; to be used for the organ fund. The church was built in. 1882 by the combined. volunteer ef- fort of the minister, Rev. Pim- lott, the congregation. the school teacher, Robert Nichol and the bigger boys from the school. Church News The Headford congregation regret that Rev. G. Fitzpatrick terminates his association with the charge September 9. His practical and inspirational mes- sagw directed to daily prob- ‘lems have been appreciated. Mr. Frank McEacneren wnu spends considerable time at his farm in Markham frequently passed Headford church. He admired it as a ï¬ne example of Victorian rural church archi- tecture and he asked permis- sion to use a picture of it for his Christmas card. 1961. It is his custom to have his card Mr. and Mrs. Fitzpatrick leave September 14 for a holi- day in the Barbados. Mr. Fitz- patrick’s home. Sinvcere good wishes are extended to them riot a happy holiday and for the work they will undertake in the fu/ture. Sunday School was Desumed in Headf-ord Church September 2. Mrs. Cummer Lee conducted the open service using a ï¬lm strip. The topic carried the mis- sionary theme and it empha- sized the message that it was not necessary to go to a foreign land to be a missionary but by 1actively working to bring other young people to Sunday School each member could be a mis- sionary at home. Claéses will be 'held next Sun- day and Rally Sunday will be held September 16. A pot-luck supper will be held in Headford Church at 7 pm. Friday. September 7, sponsored by the Hi-C group. Following the supper Elizabeth Barker will show ï¬lms taken while she was in Europe. On Tuesday, Sept. 11 Eliza- 'bemh will show pictures of spe- cial interest to women at the regular meeting of UCW. The meeting will be convened by Mrs. Cummer Lee and will be held in the church. The roll call word is, Nation. Socials RR. 2. Gomle! HEADFORD NEWS xursuay, oeptember 6, - Mrs. Loren Guild A f-amily of many branches gathered at Bondhead recently. " The Barkers, Dooks, mees, Julians and Jewetts from Woodbridlge, Owen Sound, 5. Clarksbu-ng and neighboring areas had a beautiful day for ' heirr reunion. Attending from ‘I Headford were Mr. and Mrs. Freemarn Barker, Mrs. George Barker and Elizabeth and Mrs. William Wellmsan. Guests during the weekend in Headford were Mrs. Elton Rae at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cummer Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wellman and family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wellman. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leek and family with Mr. Herschel Mc- Connell visited Sibbald Point, Lake Simcoe. They were very much interested in the Angli- can church within the park where the east windows of the church were painted by the daughters of General John Graves Simcoe. Stephen Lea- cock is buried in the church yard. Mr. and Mvns. Ben Terry and family with Jim Curtis sr. spent a most enjoyable week end at Sibbald Point. This was the in- itial trip with their trailer. con- verted from a bakery wagon amd they report that it served their needs perfectly. Albert Leek, Murray Clark- son, Bill Robinson and leader Don Brodie attended the Tor- onto Emh'i'bition to judge beef for their Junior Farmer 4-H Club. They brought home no pnizes but gained a ï¬ne exper- ience and had themselves a time to remember. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed from the community to Mrs. Jim Moorley and her husband in the loss of Mrs. Moorley‘s mother, Mrs. Laura Edn-a Cous- .ms. ALBION TWP. : Owners of farm and residential property in Albion Township will pay a gen- eral tax rate of 37.6 mil-ls this ‘year. Fiona TU. 4-3040 Just Fill In Your Lucky Buck Coupon Available At Any Member Store and Deposit in the Store Box 5 000 ICE CREAM CONES FOR KIDDIES Will Appear On Channel 11 Sunday Thursday, Friday, Saturday ACCOMPANIED BY ADULTS aAnAM‘ (ammmml , a JIIWWUH Swoeovvvovvvw 'S'Enmmmm«\anmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmnInmmï¬mï¬mmï¬g "mmmmmmmmm“\MNNNINNHIHmmmIllummlmmmmmlummmumr - 5’ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WUNIW WWW Wflvflflwflflflflm W -. 4.. M- Don't Forget To Fill In Your Lucky Buck Coupons LUCKY BUCK Available In All Member Stores BACK - TO - SCHOOL RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE IQJQ'JQJQo'Qg‘eBeJ L9395e§%595$6905°a°$39093 ‘aï¬aï¬nAOA: munmm I: ' Mid-'52; “I m