?«>x(6(A, (6 (A (A (6 Egg v vVvvvVVVVWVVVVwVwVVVVVVWVVVWWWk kW «\~ ~ Frank Watts Sod & Seed Supply Co. Ltd 7059 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE. ONT. W YONGE ST. JUST NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL PHONE AV. 5-5122 Dated at the Township of day of September 1962. That parcel of land situate in the Township of Markham and being part of the road allowance between lots 10 and 11, Concession 4, said road al- lowance being that portion reverted to the Munici- pality by Deposited Plan Number 2649 (Highway File-A-42-_31) Registered May 16th, 1930, more Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Township of Markham proposes at its meeting to be held at the Markham Township Council Chambers at Buttonville, Ontario, on the 22nd day of October, 1962. at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon to pass a by-law to authorize the stopping up and sale of the following described portion _of highway. Sec any Juno hugs ihis spring? Ii you did, It meansjhai next Spring yom lawn may suiier from whiie grub damage as well as winler kill. GM full protection lpainsl both ihese malar law‘n problems by ieeding your lawn now with SO-GREEN 7-7-7 Ferti- liler WITH _ALDR|N'â€"While Grub Killerâ€"posnlive protection againsi whim grub damage. bring in this advertisement for a FREE motor shampoo with any work done by us in September. straightening, and painting. . AS A BET‘VEEN SEASON BONUS! Clip and All _types_0f allï¬ompUiJe body repairs, frame NOW is the time to have those scrapes and rust spots looked after. Put your car in top shape NOW for the winter months ahead. - , Look f01‘,the silver shield with the bright red "R" your sign of “REGAL†workmanship at a REASONABLE price Sabin tarticularly described as follow “\LS'W W .J'4702 Regal Auto Body Thence S. 72 deg. 31 min. 1( and along the south limit of above road allowance a distance of 60 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT Thence 68.72‘ on a line bearing S. 1 deg. 19 min. E. said line being the productions of the line from a bar at the south west angle of the property described in Instrument N um- ber 33640 and through a bar planted in the north limit of said property and 41.51' from the north west angle of said property as shown on Toronto and York Roads Commis- sion Drawing Number L-122-17. Assuming the bearing of Don Mills Road to be N. 10 deg. 11 min. 50 sec. W. thence northerly in and along the east limit of Don Mills Road 66.54 feet. _ b‘rom a bar planted at the north-west angle of Registered Plan Number 3560 a dis- tance of 10.08' on a bearing of S. 72 deg. 31 min. 10 sec. W. thence N. 10 deg. 11 min. 50 sec. W. a distance of 10.08' to a point in the east limit 'of Don Mills (unwidened). said point being the‘point of commencement. _ From a bar planted at the angle of Registered Plan Number Thence N. 72 deg. 31 min, 10 sec. E. in and along the north limit of the road allow- ance between Lots 10 and 11 a Histance of 70.97’. . PUBLIC NOTICE SE Everyone is requested to read special articles in the Toronto Daily Newspapers of the above dates re the second round of Sabin vaccinations to be given in Metro- politan Toronto and York County com- mencing during the week of October 7. TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM ENDEAN NURSERIES Corner of Industrial and Enford Rd.. Richmond Hill Thence 68 DEPARTMENT OI" HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK Oral Polio Vaccination News "I‘. 12 - SEPT. 26 - OCT. 3 ARL E. HILL, M.D.; M.O.H. “Where Quality Comes First" PROTECT YOUR [AWN against 0 WHITE GRUB DAMAGE - “WINTER KILL†Shenï¬eld - Deputy-Clerk WHITE GRUB KILLER* 31 min. 10 sec. in FEED YOUR [AWN NOW WITH 7-7-7 FERTILIZER above mentioned Markham this 7th WITH to the Kelly will serve on the gift shop committee. Assisting on the refreshment committee for the laying of the cornerstone will be Mrs. J. Robinson. president of the Buttonville group. Mrs. iiCompleted In I965 $90 Women of the Burttonville branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary met at the home ’of Mrs. A. Robinson. Thornhill. Friday morning of last week for a brief meeting. Mrs. A. W. Miller‘ Mrs. Aub- rey Stephenson and Mrs. George Hospital Auxiliary Dr. A. F. Bi-nningtoh read U1; benediction. Hostesses were Mrs. John Wilkins; Mrs. Ross Hord. Mrs. ‘ During the business discus- ;sion it was announced that the autumn thankofl‘ering service will be held in the church at 2 pm. Sept. 26. with guest spea- ker Miss Margaret Halliday. Hostesses will be Mrs. Wm. Rod- ick, Mrs. Norman Reid. Mrs. S. J. English. and Mrs. Sherman. During September, Mrs. Douglas Hood and Mrs. Edgar Fuller will greet church attend- ants at the door. A business discussion of com- ing social events will be held in committee Tuesday afternoon of next week at the home of Mrs. A. W. Miller. The president. Mrs. Harold! Stefller occupied the chair and By Sept. 30 bridges are to be completed at the West and Main Humber River sites, CPR’s M-ac'l‘ier subdivision, Woodbrid‘ge Rd.. and subways at Hendenson Ave.. Babhurst and Jane Sts., Mr. Cann said. ‘ By mid-October the subway at the Seventh Line, Vaughan Township is to be ready and by the end of the month the east and west Don River bridges and subways alt Bayvie‘w Ave., and Dufferin Sts., will be completed. Girding of various sections of t e access-line from Milton to Bayview ranged from 60 to 90 per cent complete. By Oct. 1. track-laying crews will be- gin laying line on the section between Georgetown and Milton and ballasting operations will be carried out concurrently. Work on a set-off yard near Malton will begin in mid- September. Brown's Corners United E. Fuller and MrsnF. Leaf. Church Women in the christ- Mrs. J. Robinson chaired the ian education room Wednesday meeting and noted that the evening of last week for their campaign for hospital funds ï¬rst meeting of the season. lwill soon be organized and un- “The Rim of Tomorrow", aderway. Until that time there ï¬lm depicting problems in South will be no fund-raising activi- Korea. Okinawa. Tokyo and ties in the branches. Hong Kong. was shown and dis-: At Markham Fair there will cussed by Mrs. John WilkinS. ;be a YCHA booth, and the aux- Mrs. Walter Craig conducteddliary uniform, a pink smock the devotional service, using as‘bearing the emblem of the white her text Ephesians 2. v. 1. Sheirose Of York, Will be mOdEHEd- discussed briefly “The Division} For their October meeting, Wall." Special music was prov-the Buittonville group Will 30 10 ided by Misses Margaret andzth hospital site on Maple Side- Patricia Patterson. accompaniedlroad to view construction. after by Mrs. S. J. English. [which they will meet at the During the business discus-lRichmond Bowl for a brief sion it was announced that the‘meeting. autumn thankoï¬â€˜ering service‘Neighborhooli Notes l...-n u, 1n the east. the Hendenson Ave., subway and the Woodbine bridge separating rail access- lme traffic from roads have been completed. reported John L. Cann, project director. Considerable installation of signals has been made at Georgetown and this work is continuing at Dunbarton to the Ne\\'market CN subdivision. Buried cable is to be laid this fall on the Milton subdivision between there and Georgetown. Ja Clearing amd fencing of the right-of-way between Dunbar~ ton and the Biaila subdivision has begun and is to be com- Teams of ~construction and pleted by Nov. 30. the project railway crews continue to sus- engineer said. tain the on-schedule work pro- CN Telecommunications en- gram for Canadian National‘slgineers and technicians now are Toronto Terminal Project. It working with their railway includes a 34-mile access-line counterparts on aspects of sig- and 1,200-acre freight classiï¬- nallin-g and telecommunications cation yard slated for comple- for the Project. tion by early 1965. ‘ Turning from the access-line 'aig CNR Work On Schedule For Terminal Project BUTTONVIllE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 RICHMOND HILL You have to move fast nowadays to keep up with the population of Richmond Hill. When a photographer from “The Liberal†passed the sign to the south of the town on Bayview Avenue (left), the population was only 16,030. When he entered town from the south on Yonge Street ;Corners Church begins this iweek for junior and senior choirs. Mrs. George Hooper will meet with the juniors at 7 pm. and Mrs. S. J. English will con- duct senior practice at 8 pm. at the church. I The task of choosing an as- sistant for Dr. A. F‘ Binnington is before the Victoria Square charge since Rev. Gerald Fitz- patrick is unable to continue his ministry here. During the balance of September laymen will assist. Dr. Binnington in his work. Friends were Happy to David Leper, formely of community, among the We day diners. Two hump bridges and a bridge separating road and rail traffic at Sherwood Road are nearing completion. Dr. A. F. Binnington'was in charge of the church service Sunday. It was his ï¬rst Sunday with us since returning from his vacation. Sunday School and church will be combined on September 16, at 11.30 am. There will be no Sun-day School, but all the child- ren and teachers are asked to meet in the Sunday School room no later than 11:15 am. in or- der that they may march up and sit in a body at the front of the church. All parents are invited to attend. The Sunday School pupils will be taking part in the service. The Explorers began their fall term on September 10 in the Sunday School room. Brown’s Corners Church cat-ldon Fair- ering groups one and two sup- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boyn- plied a smorgasbord luncheonlton and Grace and Mr- and Mrs. on Wednesday of last week forgTreanor Canning had Sunday more than 200 M-F sales andldinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd office personnel, and a beef bar-Scanning and family becue on Thursday evening furl MR and MI'S- George V€ilCh 108 West Toronto Kiwaniansfand family and Miss Margaret and their families, iWalker flew by TCA to Clear- Some 60 miles of track are to be laid by year’s end. The yard, is between Jane and Keele Sts. with its entrance at Highway No. 7. - Turning from the access-line to the yard, 241/2 miles of track have been laid in the yard to date this year and 188 switches have been installed. CN Telecommunications en- gineers and technicians now are working with their railway counterparts on aspects of sig- nalling and telecommunications for the Project. The CGIT for Headford and VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDL! R. R. 2 Gormley â€"- Telephone Gormley 5421 (1 again. 7 V V Miss Ann Buchanan began practice at Brown-Sher teaching duties last week at Church begins thisDickson’s Hill Public School. junior and senior Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr and 5. George Hooper \\-fl]afamfl3r, King City, had Sunday the juniors at 7 pm. dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. J. English will con-'Ol‘r and family to celebrate a )r practice at 8 p.m.‘bEIated birthday for Patricia. [e group will go to te on Maple Side- construction. after will meet at the y meet ’f this 'ednes- Drivers Chime- Which One Is Right? Mr. and Mrs. Fred McRoberts accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett to London. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. McRoberts re- mained for a few days to visit relatives and friends in and garound London. While there [they will also attend the Lon- ,don Fair. ‘dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Alla; Champion FireSide Chat of OH and family to celebrate a 310550111133 Miss Jean Grant’s belated birthday for Patricia. famous boxer female won Best Freeman Barker suï¬ered a of Breed. Best Canadian Boxer heart attack last week. and second in Working Group Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Clubine, 011 September 3 at CNEV Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett, Mr. The old English sheep dog and Mrs. John Empringham. Mr. "American Champion 31118 Ad- and Mrs. Earl Empringham and mifal"- the Supreme best in girls, attended a family rem]. show all breeds and winner in ion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the September hit show was Stanley Leno. Elgin Mills, Sun- beaten by champion Fireside day. Chat on September 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Clubinej Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett, Mn and Mrs. John Empringham. Mn and Mrs. Earl Emprinzham and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boynton spent Sunday visiting friends at Barrie. Birthday greetings to: Peggy Leivtch, 11, September 12; Mardi Tyndall, 10, September 17; Mark Brumwell. two, September 18; Sharon Boynton, 12, September 18; Evelyn Matthews. 13. Sep- tember 18. Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Binn‘in‘gton are attending the opening ses- sions of the general council be- ing held in the Metropolitan United Church, London, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. George Veitch and family and Miss Margaret Walker flew by TCA to Clear- water. Florida. where they spent a week recently. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hagar- man, Pontiac. Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hagerman, of Newberry. Michigan. are visit- ing their sister, Miss Bessie Hagerman. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley DeFoe are entertaining in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dafoe, on the occasion of their 25th wed- ding anniversary, at their Twin Stream Farm home September 16, from 2-6 pm. Neighborhood Notes Alan Binnington is beginning his law studies at Queen's Uni- versity. A miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Janet Wilkins and John Gee will be held in the community hall September 17. Please accept this as your invitation. 25th Anniversary Mrs. Mert Brown of Cashel will give a travelogue of Europe. All ladies in the community and surrounding neighborhood are invited to attend. United Church Women will hold their ï¬rst meeting of the fall season September 19 at 8 pm. in the Sunday School room. Victoria Square girls will meet in the Victoria Square Sunday School room September 13 at 7:15 pm, The leader will be Mrs. S. Rumble. United Church Women All of the access-line will be- signalled by Centralized Traffic Control while inside the you! a complex of television, two-way radio, radar, electronic equip- ment and analog computers will be utilized to sort out freight trains utilizing gravity flow. Some 7.000 cars a day can be handled at what will be the Toronto Yard. -v..., _-- In both the access-line andlpresiden‘t‘ yard ï¬eld offices plans are be- Vice_presj invg completed for remaining secretary work. Within the next month amen J0; contracts are to be advertised er, cal-1 for six more bridges and grade Clarence separations on uhe access-line. Directo Contracts for six buildings to be constructed in the yard are also to be advertised in the near future. Other members of the staff are Miss D. Ferguson. Miss Joy Fuller, Miss M. L. Johnston and Mrs. C. Helfenstein. Pupils attending the school from 5.5. 6 are from Grades 1, 6. 7 and 8. Richvale Female Boxer} Winner At The C.N.E. Mrs. P. Tyndall of Goodwood' will return to teach Grades 2- 5 at 5.5. 6. Pupils are taken to the three schools on buses owned by Gor- don Mortson. Closing of He‘adford Public School (8.5. 3. Markham Town- ship) and enrolment of pupils from 8.8. 6 has increased re- gistration considerably at SS. 4, Markham this year. Some 24 pupils entered the school as beginners this fall. Principal of the school is W. Dodds of Richmond Hill. At 5.8. 7, only eight begin- ners enrolled last \veek. Mrs. M. Donaldson of Scarboro and Miss U. Christieï¬sen of Rich- mond Hill are both new teach- ers at the school. Miss Ann Buchanan began her teaching duties at Dick- son's Hill on Tuesday. Lion President Forest Dul- lelge showed part of his color slides taken on his visit to the Lions International Convention in Nice, Finance. Report Increase In Attendance At€ S. S. 4 Markham Lion Treasurer John Smith stated that $1,000 had been realized from the Auction Sale and Fun Fair. All proceeds to bc used for community pur- poses. Lion John McCague. chair- man of the safety committee. reported that awards of safety plaques had been made to all schools in the di‘strict. Lion Frank Williams reportâ€" ed that the 200 ampere hydro service. donated by the Lions Club, had been installed in the hall. Fraser Gee, chairman of the park trustees acknowledged the donation by the Lions Club of $300 and many hours of vol- unteer labor. Lion Jack Stewart is heading a committee to organize 1 mon- ster chick-en barbecue. This event will take place in the new park community hall. All proceeds will be donated to park building fup‘d. The club’s third charter an- niversary night will be held in Buttonville Women's Institute Hall, October 16. A turkey shoot will be held in the Victoria Sqware District Conununi-ty Park early in No- vember. Secretary, Arthur Wilson; Treas- surer, John Smith; Tail Twistâ€" er, Carl Walker; Lion Taemer, Clarence Steckley. Directors are John M‘cC‘ague, Geoffrey Campey. Everett Van- derkooy and Richard Jones. Im- media-te past president is Frank Williams. Plans were made for a very active Lion year in the district, which comprises the area bet- ween Highway 7 on the south. Mvarkham-Whitchurch Townline on the north and between Con. 3 and 5. Officers are. President. For- est Dullege; lst Vice-presi- dent, George Brands; 2nd Vice- presiden‘t, Frank Donn'ly: 3rd Vice-president. Jack Stewart; The ï¬rst meeting of the 1962- ’63 term was held by the Vic- toria Square and District Lions Club in the Community ha‘ll September 4. Victoria Square Lions News (right), only hours later, the Bopulation had already sky-rocketed to 17,600. Perhaps the prediction of the Potvin Report that the town will have 50,000 people by 1981 is a little conservative. RiCHMOND HI POPULATION“ H.600: gs: fran Watts Says . . . 7059 YDNGE sr. 01:25:22? 285-5494-5â€"293-8286 40 LB. COVERS 339°â€. 9.98 FRANK WATTS 20 LB. COVERS ‘S'ngFT. 5 o * '- II II - ' NUW IS THE IIME FDR SEEDING NEW LAWNS OR OVERSEEDING OLD ONES. WE CARRY ALL GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED NO. 1 GRASS SEED. MERION BLUE WHITE DUTCH CLOVER CREEPING RED FESCUE NO. 1 MIXTURE PASTURI MIXTURI PERENNIAL RYI HIGHLAND BENT KENTUCKY BLUE FOR A CRABGRASS- FREE LAWN NEXT YEAR, USE "PAX" THIS FALL 80 lb. bu 40 lb. bag 20 lb. bug 80 lb. bag 40 lb. In. 20 lb. bag THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, Seï¬tember 13, 1952 Sn any 1m in: this Srtiflfl'.’ I! you did, it muns‘wa nut Spring yourlaun my amortth while gmb damn: as wall a: winter kill. Set lull umuctiol against both [hm mior Own pmblums by feeding your lawn now with SO-GREEN 7-7-7 Fani- quwmi AUNTâ€"Whit» Grub K-Herâ€"pmflin protection "aim white grub damn. $6.95 $3.95 ' $2.49 $4.95 $2.95 $1.95 WITH AlDRIN 1m REGULAR CERTIFIED LAWN SEED PROTECT voun [AWN against 0 WHITE GRUB DAMAGE 0 “WINTER KILL†REGISTERED WITH THE DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE KC. 478 This is I special mixture which we have :old in the past years far ovorueding. In this respect it his prawn oxeollont in thickening the turf and has saved many 1 thinning lawn. W. art sure you will be proud of tho thick turf Ind fin. stand of gun this mixturo will gin your lawn. Complete Landscaping Service - CALL us FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Frank Watts Special Overseeding Mix CONTAINS ABOUT THREE MILLION SEEDS PER POUND 85¢ per lb. SPREADER [UANED FREE WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF FERTILIZER 0R SEED WHITE GRUB KlLlER* FEED YOUR LAWN NOW WITH 7-7-7 FERTILIZER WITH 2.00 80¢ 1.35 55¢ 85¢ 50¢ 35¢ 90¢ SUD 8: SEED SUPPLY [10. “0. "Creator: of Beautiful lawns" One w. yd. will top dress eighty sq. yds. (720 sq. ft.) half In inch in depfh Loam by tho bushel may be picked up of our yard. RICH, BLACK, SANDY ARE OUR BUSINESS! 15tan Photo) yd. load ‘20.00 yd. load ‘15.00 lb‘ HUMIlIZER is highly re c o m- mended for top dressing :1 f t e r you seed. 2V2 bu 1V4 bu 1/: bu TURF FARMS has a COMPLETE lANDSBAPING SERVICE FREE ESTIMATE FROM OUR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SUI] JUST CALL AV. 5-5494 NURSERY FRANK WATTS OWN 99¢ 2.39 4.59"