Places Second In Baby Show Capturing second place in the 9 to 12 months age group at the CNE Baby Show this year garnered $25 in cash and a gold medallion for Paul Gordon Paton, 10-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Paton. 28'? Mc- Convey Drive. Richmond Hill. Paul won out over nearly 100 entrants who competed in the annual Kelly. 3. and Margueri Could Happen t u -.._._._.__..-_.. Richmond Hill Fire Chief Maple explosion at the Super- are provided with automatic andibasis for future action taken by Alfred Stung has recommended to town council that no further permits be issued for flammable liquids or explosive gas bulk storage plants within the town limits. His recommendation was con- tgtned in a report tabled before c uncil Monday night by Police and Fire Committee Chairman A1 White. The chief also suggested that gas storage depots be located in isolated ï¬elds with planned separation restrictions. A ban on ï¬res of any descrip-_ tion except heating units. should be imposed on the area surrounding the Altane Propane Ltd., plant on Markham Road and strictly enforced. he warn- ed. Mr. Stong said he inspected the Alta‘ne plant following the'. Hill Youth Here event. The proud parents h te, 2. ior Propane August- 4 which claimed one life. a leak and a spark could causeil as much destruction as Maiplei incurred." the report stated. tpacity of 14.000 gallons. 'tank trucks with a total capacity 'of 3.500 gallons are also located tat the plant site. Only one truck: is operating at any one time.‘ lthe chief said. ‘ All tanks have safety release {valves are grounded for light- ning and each truck is grounded tfor static electricity while being loaded. Fire extinguishers are provided in the scale house. oi-; lice and each truck. the report; said. As well, all tanks and trucks Takes Post In Kenya For One Year A native of Richmond Hill has been chosen to spend a year working with the YWCA in Kenya. Roger Wilson. 23. of 59 Roseâ€" view Ave. will leave for Kenya. near the end of this month. lie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson. Before arriving in Kenya. Roger will stop at the YMCA World headquarters in Geneva. Switzerland. for a tour day briefing. He will also make twoâ€"day stops in Rome and Gain). in Ken-ya. ‘he will work from YMCA headquarters in Nairobi. the capital city, He won’t, be as- noontwnsoa I 3 told . opportunity stand the African people :signed to a speciï¬c job until he. gets there, but says his work will likely be in counselling. education. youth work and' ‘camps. ’ Roger has an extensive backâ€" ground in YMCA work. He re-. ceived his BA from Sir George? sWilliams University in Mom-1‘ areal this year. a YMCA-spon-g :sored school. I f He. worked with YMCA orga- lnizations in Montreal at the university and during the sum-: .mer at various Montreal branch-l tes. 1 Mr. Wilson stressed courses in applied sociology during his.‘ university stay. He has a speci- al interest in guidance. social 4 velfare. group work and YMCA d gadministratlon. “I look on the tirs‘. p.111 ny visit to Kenya mainly a learning experience. “lo;er “The Liberal". “l'll have 0 learn how other people live." Although the YMCA has two 'esidences and a camp in Nai- of Its irobi itself. Roger hopes to be 'come involved in work in the rural area with the names lle feels this will give him the best to home“ underâ€" lot oi lie has been (loin-g .l , reading on Kenya in order to equip himself better for the stay there. if his sta} proves to be an interesting one. he will reapply for an 0\€l‘.\9;l.< post~ me. after this term is up He is a graduate of bath Richmond Hill Public and High r ave two other children. (Stati‘ Photo) 7 '7“ Aw» area. High temperatures and' l'humidity during the summer 3 months contributed to the JSOIBEG..PTOPflejants" tates Town Fire hiel manually operated valves. The chief said he observed “Every precaution for safety “No Smoking†signs in the yard ceivcd by the operator at the‘ is performed at this plant, but and a boundary limit sign for sewage plant since May but sev-l the public. “1 do not say an explosion icould not happen here. but asceived during July and August. The Altane ï¬rm has six stor-lmuch. or greater danger trai'els‘Mr. Palmer stared age tanks with an aggregate ca-tour streets and highways every. {Continued On Page 3« "'_"“â€""'“"""“‘ {the act can be made to put in‘ Ottawa Reverses Decision 0n Mail Delivery Mr. J. G. Fulln. district director of postal services for Toronto area announced this week that the Federal Government has reversed its earlier decision and de- cided to proceed with the planned introduction of house to house mail deliv- ery in the Richvalc-Yonge- hurst area. In the face of the Dieteti- baker Government‘s auster- ity program Ottawa had or- dered cancellation of the extended service which or- iginally had been schedul- ed to come into eï¬â€˜ect Sep- tember lst. Cancellation of the service just on the eve of its introduction brought strong protests Irom area residents. Extension of the service was ï¬rst announced last June. In his statement this week Mr. Fultz said house to house delivery will start once a suï¬â€˜icicut lumber of householders have in- stalled satisfactory mail boxes. He said a check of the area had shown that only 46% of the houses had letter slots or receptacles. Mr. Fultz urged residents to speed up installation of the new facilities. Postal inspec- tors will shortly make an- other survey of the area. At Pinecrest Speedwa dint Public Library, 56 Yonge Richmond ’ Hill], Qnt. "in Essentials L’nity; In Non-Essentials Liberty: in All Things Charity" ‘ voL. Siz’xtjnnni: 11 amnnonp niLL. ouraalo. Tnttnsoa’r. SEPTEMBER i2." 196? CLAIRTONE MARATHON Stereo Has Run Continuously For 336 Hours As Of Wed, Sept. 12 Noon See Contest Coupon Page 5 ' li‘ltiR't'Ol’Y 10c .. d. . $& V \ \Wants Probe E penses i A .“e\lc.‘. ul expenditure! Earlier this year Deputs- went to \Viiimpez. and in» be (n.0“r‘tl :..;.--t-: .1“: n in, .\tn‘l)>:tl‘.tlltl ~t.i!t‘tl r. t- .18 V b) od'iciais attending couâ€" reeve Thomas Broadhurst lice ('hiet‘ it P. Robbins. ral'io (‘nli\t"lliiml\ Litre o: twin-r to illltr‘ now .'.'illlt‘|' volition: and a complete backed a resolution prohih- granted permission to attend no \irlllr \'n~ t‘t‘t‘t‘lVE-tt to: that. in tho will or the tour l ' " . srudy of the town'u convenâ€" iting town officials from atâ€" a police chiefs' convention the mono). went by MW“ it tin; new 0\t‘l'~1)r‘lll. lie *1 lion policy was called for tending gatherings outside in Vancouver. three. he. claimed was lrlltn‘lllrtl I») \ll‘.li|'l':1(l- . ‘ Honda} nirht by Councillor of Ontario withont a special Both \lr, \lnl:L)lle'lillti and This opinion (littoral .vl. hum .ulm u :um t‘ituiltnun K John \lacluarmid. 111011011 “emit WNW hi iii: Broadhurst were no: in thy: m \lnvcr James it..r o: 1hr- Iii..n.w commiitt-c. tn tic sponsored a motion re- council [aims of the trin made by car: rho stun-ll “en-:u mlm- 11...: idi' (lt'pltliâ€"t'lw‘l. \l‘titl‘ '\_ a questing: the ï¬nance connnit- The resolution speciï¬ed the industrial t'OlllilllelOlu‘!‘ was coconut". Finch toque-t lllrillt“ it! cur-h Ilt‘lliitllllt‘lll i tee table a report. on con that.emplcn‘eeswishingr to at‘ and building impel-tor. but is t'miwucvi on its Im‘ill 'tiit‘n mm o1 hurt_.'t has 3‘ vention expenditures this tend out of the province agreed the police billet": he said. and added that ow heen testbed year as compared to 1961. meetings. must ï¬rst appear trip was beneï¬cial to ‘he lane. is a lactor that must . ‘.. . .W, I Also asked was a re-exami~ before council with an ex- town. be taken into consideration (V'm‘l‘lt‘lm "‘ . if“?.‘~I-ï¬â€˜â€œâ€˜Â° nation of a motion passad in planation Of their request. “Since rite motion vas when granting authorization. ï¬lm†\l.‘ '_ 3‘1_3,"'j“‘u ‘9‘“ "g. V January regarding convenâ€" Since then three emp-loyâ€" passed in January three it". Broadhurst has oi" ilir “Elll‘jnjmnf. led." “T. he term- tion attendance. ees have sought permission people time gone to outside opinion that more lietictit-. 'j' [‘“m “KWâ€; w †~ .\lr. \lacDiarmid's action and received council's sanc- Contentions. It points out are deritcd [mm tii‘tnitit‘inl l"i,ltl'r3~ l't‘lt‘iri‘tl m .u- followed severe criticism of rich. clearly this resolution is no' f'OliiPillJ-ulis it“ said that willth .mir! it-r \.i..u:t snow- ‘ money spent sending employ l‘heywere llluusti‘ialUuiilâ€" worded strongly enough. it's anyone rcqucyin- tit-rum ru t‘hiv: liol‘lilllr was .‘ul- ees to conventions held out- missioner R. [.angl’ord tithe re did something aliolll <loll tuna put mull _'u:(l Homo sum) to»- ill‘ trip to side of the province for who attended a convention it." Mr \Iaeliiarz‘nid tnin‘ reasons ï¬ll.t‘lllllli_ the ‘\l"l «and out \it- which he claimed little value in Cleveland. Ohio; Building council. limtmnuin; a chm]. Iw ll‘n.’|(llll|l‘\‘l was :ixcu #12“ JOHN “ACUIARMIU was received by the town inspector .l'. Ilollov'eli "210 lie suggested empiwnm nmflo or ai‘ bmiewe. \t:- ltrt' mmmumn P\'])lihl'~ -\:flllI51C‘leellï¬ons nuttit.mtnttnuuttumninittttuttl‘ttttttt‘timinimxiiitti‘t'tiii(intuitt‘t‘l‘lllli'n.‘l‘li‘ul’tiluiul't(innittilllnllltill’ tiil'tllilliini‘ntinil't'niin‘nlt'uIt‘llintuit-Milli}t'l'linl'uiitttinmu‘un'u'mtl’li i‘mi‘mIntu‘t‘ti‘tini’nunmummmmmmnut.utmmnmtmn .1 ‘~.leitlllllltlulumllltllllmlmlhulltllhtlthlllllllltlllhll\lllllllIIlllillllhhllllllll'lltlllllillilllllillllhtllillllhlllllhivllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhlllllllllllllll“ BLAME ‘ Complaints of unpleasant odors from the. sewage disposal plant at Markham Road and Pugslcy Avenue in Richmond Hill have been blamed on a local f0otl processing plant by the Commissron. Ontario Water Resources B. C. Palmer. Chief project engineer for the com-l traced the odor to a plant that “squash†being canne cause. The engineer stated that “'63-. titer conditions also helped to make the odor spread in thei trouble. Mr. Palmer said. "It happens each year and‘ there is not much art- can do. about it." the OWRC official told‘ council. He said the mumnission was. tusinvg a masking agent to try" land cut down) the smell from the pram. ' . ‘ ‘Now Making Report L Asked by Deputy- reete tThomas Broadhurst if treatment: {could be made at the source, er. Palmer said a report is now[ theing made and it will be thel the commission. \‘0 complaints have. been re mission. told town council Monday night they have on Centre Street. He said d by the company was the lending material away it would relieve the condition considerâ€" ably. the engineer suggested. Part of the odor is caused by air being blown through the sewage at, the treatment plant Mr, Palmer said. This air is then engulfed in the atmosphere and if high temperatures and humidity prevail at the time. an odor will be given oti‘. An Oii‘RC engineer is expect: ed to make further tests thisl Start 3 Month Trial Period For eral phone calls from area resâ€" idents to the OWRC were re- L"nder the OWRC‘ Am passed lsion has the power to control :industrial waste. Firms violating {proper treatment methods. the lengineer said. Legislation the statute books for municipalities is also on tselves. ; Councillor A1 White asked lit open cesspools on the north tside of the plant were causing ithe odor ! The official said he would in- vestigate this further. but was of the opinion that it was not gthe cause. ‘ Mayor James Haggart asked .ii the OWRC was making an inâ€" lvestigation of the problem. ler they were and that. its ï¬nd-l .ings would be made available to. the municipality shortly install Tanks if the company installed set- ttlin‘g tanks and hauled the ofâ€".' Will Know Name Ot' Lucky Couple Today Some lucky couple will soon. be speeding on their way to at carefree vacation in sunny Nasa salt. The big lucky Nassau draw! for two takes place today‘ Thursday at 3 pm. at “The Liberal" office John Addison .\l.P.. York North. will draw the. winning entry. All entries must be in "The Liberal" office no later than noon today. The contest merchant whose customer wins the trip will re- l ito control the problem them-. . He was assured by Mr. Palm-131) is only $2.648.“ [week Rattle plains site. .‘ 3 Second Hill Bus r Council has agreed to add a‘ .second bus to its local service ‘for a trial period this fall. Pur- pose of the extra bus would be. Two day with gasolilw. oxygen afiel- earlier this year the commisrto 3110“. an increase in the: 'length of the present bus routes.‘ 'l‘rial period for the second‘ bus will be Oct. 1 to Dec. 31.‘ . Larry Needler. representing ;'l‘railways of Canada, said his. lï¬rm would provide the addition-t 'al service for the trial period at ‘39 cents a mile rather than the; 42 cent rate for its present ser-‘ tvice. l According to a report froml ithe transportation committee tol lcouncil, the trial period can be )paid for within the committee’s present budget. A ï¬nancial report submitted. by the committee showed that i-tthe deï¬cit for the ï¬rst sevenv ‘montihs of 1962 lending July as comâ€"l pared to $4,434.35 for a similar: period in 196]. Part of the decrease is a reâ€". sult of the purchase of $1.125‘ worth of tickets by the separatel school board. Deï¬cit before this" ti gure w as d ed uct ed was $3,773.41. ‘ including the sale of the bus tickets. the projected deï¬cits for: 1962 would be about $4.560.‘ compared with $6,803.56 for. 1961. ‘ According to the agreement between Trallways and Rich mond Hill. the town pays up to' $6,000 of the deï¬cit incurred by the company. New Seven Crown Motel Nearing Completion The ultra modern Seven Crown Motel located on Yonge Street North Ill Richmond Hill is nearing completion.‘ It marks a new departure in motel construction in Canada. rated in a Toronto factory and then erected on the site here in town. it was prefabri- lt‘eaturing' the latest in luxurious furnishings and comfort able Slil't‘Olllltllllg‘s for the travelling.r public the new mote] is ex- pected to officially open for business at the end of October. drive-in restaurant. also of Toronto. Over 400 J um p In Enrollment At Four Schools Enrollment at the tour schools belonging to the York Central District High School system is up over 400 this year over [961. According to ï¬gures re- leased at Monday night’s board meeting. this Septemâ€" ber's registration is 2.909. Figures for September 1961 were 2,505. Enrollment at Richmond Hill's two high schools to- totals 1.384. Some 799 stud» ents have registered Richmond Hill High Hchooi and 685 at Bayview Second» ary School. ’l‘hornhill S e c o h d a r y School has the largest stu- ll dent population â€"- 1.078. Enrollment at il’oodbridge is 347. Sergeant Resigns From Town Police Force Richmond Hill Town Council has accepted the resignation of Sgt. D. K, Deyman from the Sgt. Deyman's resignation was requested and submitted followâ€" ing the ï¬ndings of Chief lob- bins under a hearing institutcrt ceiie a tree quarter page ad- io‘vl’n's 901109 force as l't3C41119‘Tl'lJext01'r’ him under rite Police vertisemeni in "The Liberal". Y ed by Chief R. P. Robbins. \ct May Charge Operators For Not Having License Yunnan“ l'tmu- .tp T’ollte ale considering lawn; .« charge against Hisxon Eulerprhes. op- erators ot Pinecrext Speedway for operating the track without a license Stoc‘mcar rice» were resumed there September l al'wouzl“ a temporal‘} license had been re- voked earlier b3. the township. issuance of the temporary Li- (‘liv‘ .‘ as Lolitililvlldl rue on! 1181“ making improvements to the sanitary facilities and stands. According to Deputy-Clerk 'l‘el'i Jacknzan. the owners lzad brought the stands up to a bet- ter standard. but sanitary facil- ities still were below par. when council decided to revoke the license Ull lite opcraloh T‘Jid t'ultl.t.‘ll they were under the unpression the York County Health Cur had closed the track earlier due to lack of adequate sanitary fac- ilities. 1):: Gordon King. medical of- ï¬cer of health for York County. told “The Liberal" Tuesday that his office had no power to close the track because at inadequate- Sh..7.'1i'f- tavill’uw An order has Décl. nztirtl b3. the health unit. 1'» hic'n requir . the owner: of the track to l'il- prove the facilities. Dr. Kin: stated ges would be laid few days if Bisson failed to comply. Pinecres‘. Spedway is located near Highways 7 and 400. in “he next Enterprises lie predicted that c1:a;-- Built by Toronto interests it will be managed by Appointed Superintendent The motel will have .\lr. 12 rooms and a lei-hard Gershman, (Staff Photo) ‘Develop Natural Talent' Says Yorlr Central Head "Unit hl_h schools nm~t lw run on tlv. buds of ».t‘\it'.*." the educational putlmopii Sam Chapman. tit-cl} appointed superinleudtht oi the . ul District Hi_l| School Hoard. "We mux' do merithua: ‘.'r~ can in our st'lttulls to (li‘tlltp ouch iltdititltiol's unlmwl tul- enls." ho maintaim \ll‘ ('lluliiilull i':llit“/ltl llll‘ oltl lllsll \l‘tllill iil'u;l.t‘l: which '11 lti~ opinion is Slfilltl"(l 'o ‘ :ml. the student hoping to :u 101111-- \ei’~il) "'l'lm' ‘}.‘it‘lll It'lmmlrtl at hutsl TU pl 1' mm? of our sittlla l‘llinn l'ilc ila'vv Itl’u‘ \ll’r :.Ii Hill)- .ti'ts plan ~‘tould eliminate t-iis mun: of fruâ€"xrmim:. \lr (lutl‘h man lf‘t’lx Lnde-r the l'liitml'li pt-m a ~111- dent may sturihli/e in any out" of three murstw â€"~ .iit- and sciencca ltllSilir“ and mm.- merce. and St’. rice and law 1“â€- log} ".l‘xic li.-.I~l tumor" .ti‘. -<v..l m the liwilsi'lQ o'rm is to l w .4 lm [utilill‘l t‘ .‘i lilltt‘ it'll‘u ~nlllvil.l (all Li ins ~ gm"- .'ir.t amt (tunru’ile .1. '1 .t. “it. 12.: i.(»:'~l‘j Man i." Le to lurk Central front (" Film. t: ‘ ig... ,. "UnE‘, 'xlr (“asylum ....~ a luJ..I l)&.C‘ii’__l".'L‘l:ti in education. C‘t""‘i tall} in \letrooolï¬tan Forum. After graduming from the L n- liversity of Toronto in maths, tori. irul [)H‘~‘ll". in: «‘r-lit to [Curl Hui. (‘Wllt‘glfllt' m 1.033 as a lltlilllt‘llilili'\ llhil'llljilll'. In limit. bi~ tent-hing career n murmptvrl by World War ll. lie Sl'l\t'(l ill the valimlinn 'Ii 14; tor ‘i\ yous S.\.\l (‘ll \T’HAN A?! r the "27' he helped .r a C':.nwtli.-n Arm sr‘nt \‘ woo. Holl. :ul. Emers- ;......1 (“him l: and 13 'i'ooos ~lli‘lui’ï¬d "uere. Later. he taught mathem~ atics at the Khaki Knives: .‘)[‘- :0} 1:) b it" ‘ mathematics Great Britain, inst outside London. Courses were otter-ed to Canadian troops in Grade 13 and tirst year university subjects. on rcrtu'iiiilu to Canada sit)‘ in he .1.: hack to Karl l-laig, where head of the and (t ouoini ctl department ‘(Viillliiticd on page [6! 1.1 HS [9'an ()f Month The lick. D C. ll. \llill- I‘ll. llt‘l:lt)l‘ of >1. John's and \l::t'k‘~ thrill-ah (‘hur- chm. link llitlrcx. ha- rc- Slgllvtl, (ll‘tl will In- leaving. the parish. l'lc ~-ill preach ill: l::~t sermon on Nurem- lwi‘ Zill'rl. A reception to m} good- bye to \il'. \iitjllL‘ll liill be 5| held at \1. John's parish tall HY) <tl‘it“lll)tl' 31:1. vi". ll lino. it} ".ult'l. litt- on." (lm e ('Hl'llii'lll} lttli'r' ‘tll il'il'lrll». Mr. \L::hvll is going to e\\‘ e luitcd kingdom «here he uill be "lurking in an Fuelis‘i ;13l‘i;li. He plans to rotor: 'n titi~ country in almu: if. months timr a :e'~.\ z'ecror will be apâ€" pomted to the parish of Oak Ridges “very shortly.