A Dog Heaven Here On Earth You May Be A Lucky Winner SEE THE PRIZES ON DISPLAY IN THE MALL AT ‘2 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTREé wA A A \m MA A NA mum SOME OF THE STAINLESS STEEL KENNELS (TOP) ISOLATION KENNEL THE LIBERAL: Ricimond Hill, Ont, Thursday, September 13, 199'; Just Fill In Your lucky Buck Coupon Available At Any Member Store And Deposit In Store Box In a race against time, it skid- ded and slid over icy roads. An accident call from the On- tario Provincial Police on a bit- terly cold night last winter brought an ambulance speeding toward the scene. YONGE ST. NORTH AT LEVENDALE ROAD Ahead on Highway 400, the driv- er could see the flashing red light of the police cruiser and IS he slid to a halt, the ï¬gure of an officer bending over a crumpled ï¬gure. Immediately a sedative was a ‘\\‘ nuns ammum. m; .3 annupuus wherever and whenever possible to enlighten the public to the Last Call 503 cu. mg; HURRY [his Sat. At 4 [3.11 Over 40 Fabulous Prizes In Cash and Merchandise is James Ryan whose skilful hands have over the past year many times set broken bones and sewn deep wounds of in- jured animals. At the kennels where spot- less surroundings and whole- some food greet abandoned or lost dogs, Mr. Ryan is overcom- ing the old stigma attached to the “dog catcher". . ‘ Dedicated to the cause of suf- fering animals, he is attempting ed. Gently the prone ï¬gure was placed in the ambulance. This sequence of events is not unusual. It occurs constantly on our highways. But our story of this accident call is unusual. administered to the critically in- jured victim. Two major arter- ies severed in the crash were crushed and the bleeding arrest- He emphasizes the dangers of letting pets run loose and ex- posing them to the danger of rabies. At present ï¬ve dogs are In isolation undergoing observa- tion for rabies symptoms. The average nnmbe'r of In the rabies control unit, dogs who have bitten people, are kept under strict observa- tion. If in a 14-day period, symptoms of rabies appear. the Pasteur treatment is imperative to save the life of the victim bitten. Mr. Ryan stresses the vital necessity for public awareness of rabies control. According to him. the Pasteur treatment is extremely unpleasant and has been known to be fatal. care pound of bye-gone days is dra- matically seen in the well- equipped kennels heated by \a modern oil furnace in winter. A specially prepared meal is used for feeding. If an animal is upset and refuses to eat. his appetite is whet- tened by chopped liver kept in the kennel’s frig. Stub- born animals are coaxed with dog candies. called "Loni-Pupsâ€. Every evening water and feed- ing bowls are thoroughly clean- sed and sterilized with a chlor- ine powder. the kennels are animal im- pounding, rabies control and animal accident service. A sharp contrast to the dog 1eed for d The three a kennels YOUNG PUP GETTING ATTENTION IN FIRST AID ROOM control and main fund are anim L011 31 proper Case number 423 came to a happy ending at Canine Con- trol Kennels. Almost two weeks had passed when a King City resident came looking for a lost pet. A tail wagged in response to a fam- iliar voice and tears of joy ran down the owner’s face, as dog and owner were reunited. Our opening accident tale has a story book ending. The aged crossbred hound through the kindness of the OPP officer‘s call and the medical attention of Canine Control did survive and ï¬nally recovered. Among them are a magniï¬- cent pure-bred German Shep- hard, quite placid in nature for whom a home is sought and a sad-eyed Basset Hound appar- ently mourning for a lost mas- ter. Although the kennels‘ ngg'is- diction is solely canine many calls about sick or injured birds and animals are answered. In his spare time Mr. Ryan has driven miles to minister to a coon stricken with distemper amd has even answered a re- quest to attend an injured sea- gull. At least three calls regarding ca-ts are received each day. Callers are requested to bring them to the kennels. monthly admittances is 80 but over the past mom-Uh. 112 dogs were handled by the kennels. In addition to the ï¬Ve ii, the isolation section, eight strayed or abandoned dogs are present- ly receiving the excellent care given at the centre. JOE PARSONS LAKES URGENT CALL WHILE JIM RYAN PINPOINTS LOCATION Movmeovvï¬gw‘ééééem' ‘ ' ‘eaesev = 10 mmmm m mmmm mmmm m m mmmmmmmm mmmm m m mm mmm‘ 9 ï¬lumnummmmumummummmmummymum:xmvmnmnmmumu)wwwï¬ Don't Forget To Fill In Your Lucky Buck Coupons :_ LUCKY “CK Available In All Member Stores BACK - T0 - SCHOOL RICHMOND HE|GHTS CENTRE LEAVING FOR PATROL IN SPECIAL (‘ANINE Tkuuc BOYS and GIRLS. Get Your Dog Ready for the DR. BALLARD MUTT SHOW ON SAT., SEPT. 22nd