au’ nuu wvaaua u: walnl e v- 5 2‘ Mrs. J.‘Curlew. t The study book, taken by Mrs. Q'H. Murray/and Mrs. G. Hutch- :lnson. brought out a good deal ’Qof discussion regarding the "Na- .ture of the Church". . These are the opening meet- : lugs for the fall and winter 'I months. after a summer recess. "‘ and the programs are being ' planned. if you are not already #a member and would like to I tjoin in this work and the fel-. zlowship with the ladies of this ‘ church. contact the president. {Mrs Kay Lightheart and she ' will welcome you into the unit - of your choice. The members are friendly and sociable and' . their work is worthwhile as , they all work together for God‘s ' kingdom. #9 Family Plan z Branson Hospital. by this ‘ time. is surely aware of Maple. , We have lately had quite a run I of. Maple-ites making use of its§members and the organist at nne‘Seeing her in SUCh a Variety 0f 9 facilities! 1 Perhaps the Thacker family .y». v 5., .0â€, beautiful messages in lections. In the evening. the Rev. Kofâ€" fend spoke of “Life’s Sunset," completing the sermon with the gsolo. “Beyond the Sunset." in 'ï¬ne tenor voice. accompanied by Mrs. Kot’l'end. The Presbyterian Men’s Male Quartette from Bolton with Messrs. Merley. Nattress, Ruth- ?i’ti'e't ‘5!- very fine selections. The McNeil family reunion brought great strength to both services â€" their roots being in this community since early nion- eer days. Among the visitors were Mr. Chas. A. McDonald of Dixie; Mr. Neil McBride and his sister Miss iEstelle McBride. Barrie, whose great grandfather sold to St. Paul’s the property on which :the church now stands; Mrs. J. :B McLean. one of the oldest time. also attended with her ;family. erford and Stewart. gave two. hearsal for the Richmond Hill “A Twist of Lemonâ€. What fun it was â€"- sitting on the side lines I was almost out‘ oi breath at times trying to‘ keep up with the gusto these performers put in to their every act. The cast consists of four It‘emmes and four males â€"- on; the actual stage, that is. lTwo of these strictly ‘femmes'i wait till you see them go into their song and dance clad in black leotards â€" the moulded kind) are Phyllis McMillan. on Neth- erford Road. who is a mother of three children and with inter- ests in most everything that is fun and exciting â€" a real go-ty ing concern. Brand new to this acting biti is Pat Stanley on Lancer Drive. parts and her verve et 31 makes it awfully hard to realize that‘ So it was last Sunday when I ' was invited to sit in on 3 rev Curtain Club’s upcoming review, . Autumn Now? There has been the om. ume that I have lost a day here or there but“ this is the ï¬rst time I've completely lost one whole month! â€"- where. oh “here was Maple, Concord & Edgs!ex...2,i§t5ict News Here we are into the fall schedule and Mrs. Margaret Woods is on her [065 with the ï¬rst reports of the United Church Women‘s meetings. 0n the evening of Septemberllhe l 1]. Unit 2 of the_U.C.W. metlmini: with their meeting taking the‘ian ( form of a work meeting. Presid-land ed over by Mrs. R. Crook. thelFrie( members made ready material gan. for sewing articles for the fall At bazaar to be held November 17. mini: Mark it on your calendar. .brotl Unit 3 of the U.C.W. met on Prodigal Son as “righteous Lut Wednesday. September 12. at 8 dead wrong". The Graham sisâ€" p.m.. with Mrs. J. Jones presid- ters. Misses Donna and Margar- ing and worship in charge of Woodbridge, brought two Mrs. J.‘Curlew. : ibeautiful messages in duet se- Branson Hospital. by this time. is surely aware of Maple. We have lately had quite a run of Maple-ites making use of its facilities! Perhaps the Thackcr family family. holds top billing though â€") The minister at whi1e Mom Marg Thacker “‘as‘Paul’s Church and St‘ recuperating from an operation Church. Keele Street OUI time. is surelS'valivai'le olluhlaplelthe church We have lately had quite a rungB McLean. one of the oldest} of Maple-ites making use of itsfmembers and the organist at one; facilities! time. also attended with her Perhaps the Thacker family family. J holds top billing though â€"l The minister at both St. while Mom Marg Thacker was‘Paul’s Church and St. Andrew’s; recuperating from an operation Church. Keele Street South, in; Concord Socials l Home from Europe On their recent trip “southâ€: As I promised it a few weeks't. Concord Stan, Margaret and- lgo. here is an account of Lori Bryan Keller of North Bay and Tom McClymont’s recent were “honored guests" at a trip to Europe. Arriving in‘corn roast given by Mr. and London by CPA they rented a Mrs. Percy Ash. Twenty-one ear and went up to h'lanchesterpfriends and relatives attended and the-n on to Scottish High-itl.e com roast and thoroughly lands to visit relatives tha‘t‘enjoyed themselves. Tommy had not seen since the. As Stan and Margaret were. )Val‘n They Stab'Ed 3170111 8 \"eek'returninrg home. daughter Lyn- m Glasgow. touring around the da and some friends were on beautiful countryside. Lori was their way down to Concord. impressed with the scenery andyrhey stayed at the Ashvs and said it was a shame there seem-lspem a few days seeing the ed to be so few people aroundlsights in Toronto. to apprecxate It. i Sympathy is An "unmounao- ï¬xtendgd _ to innirlnnd In. "'old" members and especiallyi delighted to add your name. Brand new to this acting hit is Pat Stanley on Lancer Drive. Seeing her in such a variety of EHC put.) 91 llel'Ub. ELLE. 3U.llifll.‘|brlng tnelr “Inners or suppers} lthe meeting could better ldel’l-ttn the area, go for a swim and: ’tily and become more. familiarithen take a walk along the m. parts and her verve et a1 makesmlth the ‘Splces Of me. ' ‘1111‘6 trails With a gllide. it awfully hard to realize thatl Mrs. Charles Summerleldt,‘; The ï¬reside nights were free {his is her ï¬rst time in anyiMrs. Paul Snider and Mrs.§to the public and were indeed a kind of stage show. .George Snider. the committee‘pleasant way to spend an even- Guess 1 should save the plot on home economics and healthï¬ng. Many are looking forward (‘3) for next week but just “antigenveneid the llmeeting. whichito them again next summer. ed vou to be Sure and et tick; eature as ro call “A Brand . ets‘for this one startingg0cto’t'erlName and “5 Slogan". A Con-lWOODBRIDG 1 MEtFOS new- 10 for two weeks .test on the brand names of veg-lest 1841016 golf course. the Gee the next time 1 see phylletables. fruit and soap, follow-“Glen Eagle Golf C1111) Opened and Pat shopping for groceries ed recently. The club is located _ they won't ever appear the Mrs. W. Maginn was named three "11165 north of Bolton. same to me again. Believe me, the delegate to the area con, i x in * * . 1 had a ball just watching themiVemion- MARBIHAM 3 Markham Village having a hall~ ‘ Mrs. Chas. Agnew won tlte‘Council has decided to initiate Ladies’ Auxiliary Barbecue door prize. a sewer main local improve- The )5{1\Iaple Boy scout L3,. Mrs. Summerfeldt. Mrs. Ag-lment bylaw on Highway 48, dies’ Auxiliary is starting its falllnew and Mrs. Darlington were south of Highway 7. session with a get-together or“ T E L E v I S I o N c L E A R A N C E [\l‘ III Inlï¬ II II. “new†members. If you have a5 son in scouts or cubs pâ€" you’re; invited. Perhaps your boy justl join-ed, so help us out by calling‘ Mary Brock and she will be Let’s have a 100% turnout tol Shur-Gain Farm, on SeptemberE An umfdrtuna‘te incident oc- curred at the beginning of the holiday when Tommy had all his luggage stolen. This includ- ed cameras and razor as well as clothes. 50 Tommy “em on a shopping spree in Glasgow - didn‘t buy a kilt. though. From Scotland the McCly-SNew Pastor i monts went down to Londoni Rey, and Mm Arthur H9159. and then on to France. Makingihave moved to concord from headquarters at Rouen. they Port Rowan. Pastor Heise journey“ to Dicppe for in charge of the Brethren in twentieth anniversaiy servicestcmist Sunday School. held at of that battle. They were Verinoncord School for many years' impressed with the ceremonies. on Sunday evening “L30 p,m._ A tour through Belgium was September 23rd, Rev. William he. on the list and the} cnjHuras will be guest pastor at joyed this with some friends.‘Zion Lutheran Church for the Finishing off their adventures harvest home service. Pastor with a trip to Paris. Tom anleuras is the Lutheran Mission Lori wished they had another‘rDeveloper in Don Mills. Rev. week or two to really see that‘E. Lange will conduct the fabulous city. They made goodhnorning service as usual. use of the few days remaining“ ‘ ‘ ""‘ ""’â€"““ ""* however. seeing all they pos-‘ Itbly could. including such di-‘ verse sights as Notre Dame‘ F0" The ( Cathedral and les Folies Ber- f gere! When I remarked that it 0 was a once-in-a-lifetime trip. ,. , Lori replied. "Oh. we're going [Many [llaple bark! Lisa is now on an apparatus called a striker frame. and af- ter this she will be in a body cast for several months. I'm sure she would appreciate hearing from her little friends in Concord. Beth Bonner. infant daughter of 'Jim and Marion Bonner spent a few days in the Hospit- al for Sick Children recently. while she underwent tests for a respiratory condition. Fortun- ately the cause of her choking attacks was discovered and treatment is underway. Tommy wants to lake the kids next time. Carol. Bruce and Martha are probably pack- ed and ready to go. Bridal Shower Margaret Guest was the hap- py guest of honor at a miscel- laneous shower given by her sister. Mrs. Elfrieda Medensky last week. Margaret will be married to Mr. Richard Bark- er. Downsriew. in early Octo- ber. Socials In the same hospital is Li Boron who had a spinal opei‘ tion and is coming along we ' Slï¬l'rlééiï¬' iraiwii'dï¬ sé'liiéfribé} 26, at 7 pm. for all the mothers Sympathy is extended lo ’0' .5udrey Knight whose father. he Mr- Walter Montgomery passed at scouts and cubs in Maple. 3†away at Midland recently. Mnhhaple Winners At Volleyball d- Montgomery was well known in what a town of champs we as the Midland district and many,1have _ just to add to our co}- almany old friends came to pay‘lection of sports honours. the 'ltlleir respects to Audrey and Maple Ladies‘ Volleyball Team {her sister. won a total of 54 games to top W-!New Pastor ’ Map [0 Notes Concession, Vaughan Township, commemorated its 111th anniv- ersary. It was a memorable day with the Rev. J. A. Koï¬end. D. Th.. minister of Fairbank Presbyter- ian Church, preaching morning and evening services. Miss Frieda Constable was at the orâ€" gan. At the morning service, the minister referred to the elder brother in the parable of the Prodigal Son as “righteous Lut dead wrong". The Graham sisâ€" ters. Misses Donna and Margar- et. at Woodbridge. brought two take part in the rummage andj auction sale â€" watch for .iext issue when the small fry \rill‘ ï¬nd out about special excite-‘ ment and fun just for them. Make it a family day to share in the fun that will help the less fortunate of our community via the Maple Lions Club. I Get A Break Sometimes There are times when being a scribe for local news leaves me â€" well somewhat cold â€" such as in any occupation. How- ever being a scribe at other times makes for lots of uncx. pected lifts. At the morning service, minister referred to the e brother in the parable of Prodigal Son as “righteous 0“ Sunday evenijE 7-36 qmrd‘The ï¬nest in floral designs .“¢_.._L_._ nn . ..,._ For Classes In Ballet - Tap - Toe Acrobatic & Baton WEDNESDAY â€" 4 PM. GEORGE BAILEY SCHOOL - MAPLE For The Convenience Of Our Many Maple Area Friends SYLVIA THE OPENING MAPLE BR THE DANCE STUDIOS ANNOUNCE Maple. is the Rev. B, 1". Andrew. Regular Sunday services are} held at 10 am. in St. Andrew's and at 11.15 am. in St. Paul‘s. The ladies have an active WA. and W.M.S. group and invite new members to attend. ic young people of these churches also take an active part. If vou have just recently moved 0 our district and you‘re wishing to affiliate with this church. glnne Mr. Andrew at AL. 7-2519 â€" he will make you most welcome. Lions’ Rummage, Auction Sale of *B. W. MILLER Keele NG OF A BRANCH GARSON GROWER â€" FLORIST ahd bedding plants. PHONE Al.pine 7-1471 or AL. 7-1363 Street v Maple. Ont. :In - Toe Baton 4 PM. ple and "Int: contribute}! by its readers In Maple. Concord 8c Edgcley districts. and Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934: and in Concord. Mrs. Inch Since 1880 355 Mrs. John Stuart and daugh- J toher Beverley, returned home by and!pl:me last week from New lext Brunswick where they visited win their folks in Rothesay for three 5..., weeks. the league that played each Tuesday night at King City‘ Park. Bond Lake Team came second with 44 wins. King No. 1‘ Team with 32, King Not 3 Team with 25 and King No. 4 Team‘ with 14. All in all it was a fun summer“ with a lot of exercise and laughs thrown in The Maple Team members took off to a Chinese dinner in lWillowdale last Monday night to {celebrate the winning and clos- ‘ling of volleyball this year Next year they m'll be up and at it again to make it three years top of the league! Congrats. 1girls. 1 'Maple in the n‘éws New Home Economist Mrs. Mark Waldon. the former Wilda Gordon. commenced her duties on July 1 as home econ- omist for York County. She succeeded Miss Lois Smith who, two years ago, succeeded Mrs. Waldon as home economist in this area. Therefore. Mrs. Wal- don, whose husband’s work is at times in connect-ion with the country calendar TV program. is no stranger in this area, and the 4-H Homemaking club girls are looking forward to commen- cing their new season‘s prog- ram under their former teach- er’s guidance. In a recent Toronto Star Weekly. Maple was represented in a much more interesting Frankie Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Young and Miss Margaret Fitzgerald were mar- ried on September 1 in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Sher- bourn-e Street. Toronto. lull. Sunny. nu... er's guidance. WJ. I The Edgeley Women's Insti- tute held a particularly inter- esting meeting on Thursday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. R. Jr Darlington. This was because the guest speaker, Mrs. H. MacKay of Richmond Hill, gave a most in- teresting talk on the use of herbs and spices in cooking. Mrs. MacKay brought along lit- tle pots of herbs. etc.. so that the meeting could better iden- tify and become more familiar with the ‘spices of life". AVA und “and. ‘ Among the other attractions during the summer was a “For- est Wonderland“ day in July which included Smokey the Bear, the national forest ï¬re prevention symbol, a leaf iden- tiï¬cation contest. cartoons for‘ the children and displays ex-‘ plaining how trees grow. various‘ tree species. forest protection measures against fires. insects and disease. forest products and recreational value. Families were encouraged to bring their dinners or suppers to the area, go for a swim and then take a walk along the na- ture trails with a guide. TELEVISION CLEARANCE Of All I962 Models At REDUCED PRICES RCA VICTOR-ELECTROHOME-ADMIRAL Portable TV For Rent Richmond Hill TV 8. Appliances AV 5-3756 Everybody likes Edgele Socials (Bat-Sumatra: f ‘ “ 8541811 34 Yonge St. S. each City came No. 1 Team Team light then in their recent front page. newspaper stories‘ The regular article. “A Can- adian Worth Knowing". of the September 8th issue. \\‘as a story about. and a gorgeous picture of. Maple’s excitingly interesting claim to fame - Jean Miller. fashion artist. Mrs. Miller and her husband Charles live on Keele Street right at the hub of Maple. Mr. Miller lis on the Vaughan Township Planning Board and chairman 90f committee of adjustment. Even though they didn't men- ‘tion she lives in Maple. resi- dents are well aware of the fact when “marvellously ele- ;gant Jean" brightens up the {shopping quarters on a house- lwife‘s sortie to our local stores. the social committe! Fireside Night The people in this district‘ enjoyed six “ï¬reside nights" during the summer. the last one was held September 4 at the Boyd Area near Woodbridge. A ï¬reside night was also held in other conservation areas during the summer. and more and more people learned the pleasant ex- periences that the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conserva- tion Authority had in store for them. The evening's activities usu-‘ ally consisted of a nature trail with a guide. a ï¬reside sing- song, and outdoor movies on various aspects of conservation. One other special but different activity for each ï¬reside even- ing was also provided. including a “water-drop†over a ï¬re by an Otter aircraft to show this effective method of ï¬ghting ï¬re. This was held on August 22 at the Albion Hills Conservation Area. The ï¬reside nights were free to the public and were indeed a pleasant way to spend an even- ing. Many are looking forward MARKHAM : Markham Villagelsary service Council has decided to initiate a sewer main local improve- ment bylaw on Highway 48, south of Highway 7. TU 4-7456 I68 Yonge St. N. New Barn Takes Shape By NEIL CAMPBELL One ‘of Canada’s most mo-l dern dairy barns is presently under construction on the Maple Sideroad. east of High-‘ way 400. ‘ Findlay Dairy Ltd. is build- ing the up-to-date cement structure as a showcase for the ï¬rm's customers. It is schedul- ed to be completed by mid-Oc- tober. According to owner Eric Findlay. it is the only dairy to still own its own dxairy herd and barns. Findlay Dairy has been in business in Toronto since 1926. Overall size of the building‘ is 50 by 200 feet; stasble size is 50 by 160 feet. « ‘ Join in with the' Hope mem- bers for their special anniver- structure as a showcase for the ï¬rm's customers. It is schedul-: ed to be completed by mid-Ocâ€" tober. According to owner Eric‘ Findlay, it is the only dairy to still own its own dairy herd and barns. Findlay Dairy has‘ been in business in Torontol since 1926. Overall size of the building is 50 by 200 feet; stable size is 50 by 160 feet. Present size of Findlay's herd of holsteins totals about 115. This number will be ex- 13 aided as a result of the new barn. ‘ Cement blocks were used rather than more tradition- al wood for the outer walls of the building. Mr. Find- lay claims they are cheap- er, lessen the ï¬re hazard and cannot become infest- ed with rodents. One of the features of the ‘barn is the excellent accommo- dations provided for the ï¬ve or six men who will work on the farm. Employees‘ wash- rooms and showers have been installed. Adjoining them is an office for the farm manager. A modern milking parlor is also being (‘nngih‘llr‘l’nd A «an. Hope United Observes 92nd Anniversary On Sunday, September 23 Hope United Church is ob- serving its 92nd anniversary with a special service Sunday, September 23rd at 11 am. The special speaker will be the well-known minister serving King United Church,’ Laskay and Teston, the Rev. M. R. Jen- kinson. : FRANK WATTS A special music treat is in store for you with the music and singing of the Joseph Fam- ily of Gormley. With their mo- ther at the organ, the children take and give, great enjoyment in their singing. i 7059 YONGE STREET r l SIFTO WATER SOFTENER SALT PRODUCTS An Additional Service To Householders--- FRANK WATTS SOD 8; SEED CO. LTD. ARE NOW THE DISTRIBUTORS IN THIS AREA FOR . . . . 'Ivuvv .u“. . A__r.- AN IMPORTXNT MESSAGE TO WATERâ€"s'dfTENER’GWNERSâ€"l‘i'i’i' office for the farm manager. I (By Toby Shore) A modern milkin-g parlor is‘ Mada‘m‘ here’s your Chance also being constructed. A Spe- to clear out those corners you've cial section has been built to been eyeing all summer â€" won- enable visitors to watch the‘dermg what use could be made milking process. Both of theselof that old fumibure. rugs. areas are heated. lAun-t Bessie’s old lamp and The milking parlor aocommol lpicml‘e. Etc-i and lots more EEC; For Free Delivery Call AV.5-5494-5-6 The milking parlor accommol dates ï¬ve cows at a time and employs two workers. dates ï¬ve cows at a time andl Sir. hOW'S abOUt those 01d employs two workers parts and pieces of this and Two other areas besides the that, these and those. that clut- stable occwpy the ground floor ter' up your basement, gauge of the barn. and work benchi? They are a room for the milk Your town folk. a‘lon'g Witlh cooler and a room where the your country COUSin‘S ' With farm's electrical equipment and their similar problems of un- motors are located. lused articles. furniture, equip- The stables are a far cryiment and farm implements, cooler and a room where the farm's electrical equipment and motors are located The stables are a far cry from the traditional dungeon- llke basements which are un- der so many older barns. Indi- cations are that it will be at least as clean as most kitchens. Some of the features in the stable are a complete ventilating system, fluor- escent lighting and storm windows. ‘ Flooring in the upstairs area consists of two-by-four-inch your country cousins - with} their similar problems of un-1 used articles. furniture, equip-‘ ment and farm implements, can turn all these seemingly useless items into a bank ac- count for the Maple Lions Club to be spent on welfare and community projects in our dis- triot. Start today to sort out your stock of unused articles suit- able for sale at the GIANT MAPLE LION'S RUMMAGE and AUCTION SALE to be held at Maple Community THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, September 20, 1962 11 Richmond Hill Lions Seek Donations ForGiantRummage Sale announces . . . . . heating! Call Marion Robson - the big chief. Frank’s wife - at AL 7-2490 or yours truly Toby Shore at AL 7-1150 for infor- mation or if pick up is required - or call any Lion. - r The Lions are planning big doings for September 29 with Alvin Farmer as auctioneer and a lot of side lines that will hold the interest and afford entertainment for young and old alike. Get yourself into the excitement that Maple is planning (this time) to go all out for. by way of fun. frolic and above all everything is geared to a worthwhile cause the needs of your community! Centre. September 29 A little effort on your part can assist the Maple Lions. a service club for your commun- ity. to realize the where with all necessary to carry on their worthwhile work all year round. Phone Marion or Toby