Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Sep 1962, p. 13

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KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WIICOX Mrs. Glenn Sawyer regretfully tendered her resignation as president of King City and Dis- trict Unit, Canadian Cancer So- ciety, at an executive meeting at the home of Mrs. Harry J. La- cey, Hollingsworth Crescent. Mrs. Sawyer was starting her second year as president when she and her family moved to Whitby recently. Mrs. Lacey was named new president. Plans for the year were dis- cussed and it was decided dressings would be made at the first general meeting October 1, at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Leonard Appleyard. Melrose Avenue. ’ Guide-Brownie Notes Guides and Brownies of King City district have started their weekly activities. ‘ In spite of a shortage of lead- ers in the spring. several volun- teers are now staffing the two Guide companies and four Brownie packs so that. more girls can be accommodated. All groups are meeting at All Saints' Church, with the excep- tion of the Third Brownie Pack. which meets at Sacred Heart School on Con. 5. The First Guide Company. led by Captain Mrs. Harry Gould- ing and First Lieutenant Mrs. S. C. Calvert, meets Monday af- ternoons from 4:30 to 6. Second Guide Company, un- der Captain Mrs. Ray Rumney. First Lieutenant Miss JoAnne Harrison and Second Lieuten~ ant Mrs. Everett Corcoran, meets Mondays from 7 to 8:30 pm. First King Brownie Pack con- Brown Owl Mrs. A. E. ilinton,‘ Tawny Owl Mrs. Robert Ber- wick and assistant Mrs. B. K. Glassford. venes Tuesdays after school. is led by Brown Owl Mrs. Kenneth, Lawson. Tawny Owl Mrs. Jack Tumbull, Thursdays from 3:45 to 5 p.m., is in charge of Brown Owl Mrs. launching a new Guide com- King Ci Second Brownie Pack con- and assistant Mrs. Henry Sierolawski. Third Brownie Pack, meeting Wilhelmina Molevelt and Tawny Owls Mrs. Lawrence Fink and Mrs. Herbert Marsh. Mrs. Molevelt is taking addi- tional leadership training and her group is aiming toward pany shortly. For the first time a Fourth Brownie Pack has developed in King City. Weekly meetings were started'today at All Saints’ Church with an enrolment of 14, and will continue Thursdays from 4:15 to 5:30 under the lea- ershlp of Brown Owl Mrs. Ar- thur Munisso, Tawny Owl Mrs. Ralph Church and assistant Mrs. Howard Hayward. Scout-Cub News A shortage of leaders ham- pers Scout and Cub activities for King City area. In a letter to parents, the two remaining leaders, Mrs. A. E. “The Liberal" is always please a to publish items of in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridgesâ€"Lake Wilcox and King City districts. in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston, TEmple 3-5457; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Mrs Our news correspondent telephone Betty Orton. Aubrey Ave, PR. 3-5610. ty Notes Mrs. Raymond Burt of King City invited a few friends to tea before Mrs. Fred Monson moved from Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kitchen's Springhill Road home to live in North Bay. a w s k Brian A.Knlght . a Grade 13 pupil at King City Composite School. is the first local student awarded a cadetship as naviga- tor in the RCAF by the Depart- ment of National Defence. The cadetship is under the Regular Officer Training Plan and provides four years at a un- iversity of the cadet’s choice, leading to a degree. Brian has chosen a B.A. hone ors course and will be in resi- dent-e, attending McMastcr Un- iversity, Hamilton. After com- pleting his university training, he expects to serve three years in the RCAF with rank of Flyâ€" ing officer. He successfully pas- sed tests this summer in Toron- to and Centralia. His older brother. LAC Tom Knight, is with the RCAF at Trenton as a draughtsman. IF it its 3k A family dinner party. comp- lete to candleâ€"lit. cake, marked the 80th birthday of Eru Hol- linshead at his Kinghorn home. m u: in m y Bamford and John Agnew. war- ned they would not be able to resume the two Cub packs “uns less interested uniformed assist- ance is forthcoming by the com- mencement of the Cub season." A meeting of the group com- mittee, under the chairmanship of James Flucker. will be held this evening at All Saints’ venes Wednesdays from 6:15 to Church to deal with the prob- 7.30, under the guidance of lem. Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Socials For the past five years the pupils of Grades 6. 7 and 8 have Bayview Avenue are the proud been receiving instruction in parents of twins a boy and a girl, born at York County Hos- The course, of a three year pital, Newmarket. tenure, is conducted by a mem- it a second and third grandchild .ber of the staff and for the past for Mr. and Mrs. George Fos- three years Jack Williams has ter, Hamilton, formerly of Bay- view Ave. The school is visited each Leaders Needed preliminary first-aid. instructed the pupils. spring by Mr. Hammond. a St. John Ambulance Corps inspec- and Scouts held a meeting this week to resolve the problem of The children perform prac- no leaders. ,tioal first-aid and are given oral Cub meetings will appear in this "tests. On completion of the column as soon as possible. tor. third year, each student is prea~ cnted with a diploma. in walletl identification card and a they lack a sociation This is an organized Awards for the past year were group of mothers who promise handed out last week. It is a to help as a ways-and-means with transportation. 1:. John lapel button. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Foster, This makes The group committee to Cuba Announcement of Girl Guides and Brownies are n a similar predicament, but local Guide As- credit to Jack Williams and committee to help from a fin- former teacher Tony Memicuk ancial standpoint. .there has never been a failure. M. Finch - W. Robertson Wed In First Ceremony At the first wedding cere- mony in St. Paul's Presbyter- ther. the bride wore a bouffant Rev. gown of satin brocade with an Gordon K. Augar united in mar- overskirt of white satin falling Ruth into a short train. She had a and tiered fingertip veil fastened to in Church, Nobleton, riage Miss Margaret Finch, daughter of Mr. Mrs. W'hatley Finch. RR 1, ' King. and William Austin Rob- ertson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Robertson, Weston. ‘ Gladioli decorated the church for the service attended by 60 ‘relatives and friends. Spencer Finch played the organ and ac- companied the soloist. Miss Patricia Maw of Nashville. who Ian-g, “The Lord’s Prayer” and "'1th Lord Is My Shepherd". Victim Dies Following Car Accident last April A funeral service was held in Thompson's Funeral Home and at Toronto Crematorium on Monday afternoon. September 10. for Norman E. Lamb of 'Holland landing. who died in Queen Elizabeth Hospital on September 6. Rev. Roy ngh of Brethren in Christ Church. Oak Ridges, took the funeral service. Mr. Lamb was removed to the hospital on April 2 follow- ing a motor accident on Yonge St. south of Aurora which took the life of Ross Irvine. an Oak Ridges youth. Mr. Lamb was driver of the car in which Ross Irvine and his father. Morley Irvine. were passengers. Mr. Lamb suffered a fractur- ed skull. He never recovered consciousness and was in a co- m from the time of the acci- dent until his death. Born in Toronto 33 years ‘ego, the late Mr. Lamb was an .employee at Ontario Hospital, *Aurora. His wife is the former ,Doreen Houting of Oak Ridges, wand _Wayne and Darrell. Mr. and TMrs. W. Houtinvg of Oak Ridges are Mrs. Lamb's parents. BOD King City they had two childreml A meeting is planned for the Given in marriage by her fa- a pearl coronet and carried a cascade of deep red roses and stephanotis. Miss Janet Finch was maid of honor for her sister and Miss Esther Finch. bridesmaid. Their fern green satin gowns were styled like the bride's and also made by Mrs. Finch. The atten- dants carried cascades of red. roses and carnatioms. ‘ James Finch acted as best man. Ushers were Robert Rob-, ertson and Ralph Finch. The bride's mother wore a two-piece dress of gold bro- cade. accented with brown ac- cessories and corssge of Sensa- tion roses. The groom's mother wore a beige ensemble with white accessories and corsage of yellow roses. For the wedding trip to the Maritimes. the bride had chos- en a rose silk shantung suit with black patent shoes and: purse, black accessories, andl corsage of Happiness roses with: stephanotis. ivy and white car-l nations. The reception was held in the’ church hall, where refresh-t ments were served by the la-‘, dies of St. Paul's. .85. N0. 2 KING TENDERS 7 for supply of No. 2 fuel oil,i approximately 10,000 gals; for King City Public} Schools for season 1962-3, will be received up to Sep-1 tember 30th by the under-j signed. Raymond Burt. Secretary-Treasurer ' SHOP Expert Auto Body Collision Repairs and Repainting 3 FREE ESTIMATES = GMA C FINANCING , C. M. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. Gall. Dealer TE. 3-5301 King City Composite School is being used to capacity these days, while an increase of al- most 100 students awaits the completion of the school addi- tion. This term's enrolment totalled 629. Last year when the new school initiated classes. attend- ance reached 533. The large cafeteria is being Clearview Heights. 0 l as lunches. Some health class- es arc held in the double gym- nasium. The library, projection, room and board room are doub- ling as classrooms. Of the dozen new rooms ex- pected to be ready next year. live are shops. Technical cours- es now begin in Grade 9 and this term marks the beginning of the Roharts educational plan. Almost two-thirds of the stud- ents are transported to and from school by bus. Langdon’s Coach Lines supplies nine buses, each averaging about 50 passengers. The longer routes cover up to 40 miles daily. Bridal Parties Several parties were given in honor of Miss Margaret Finch before her wedding to William Robertson. RCE. in St. Paul‘s Church. Noblcton. I A miscellaneous shower at the church was arranged by Mrs. W. B. Cross, Mrs. J. Mont- ,lgomery and Mrs. C. Chamber. am. Miss Betty Arbuckle was hos- tess at a miscellaneous shower: in Laskay Hall. " fi'VJ‘Vâ€".;Z’_y_‘,’râ€" Miss Flora Alexander of Long Branch, aunt of the bride, in-. vited relatives to a personal shower. Miss Donna Jennings and Miss Pat Macklin entertained at a miscellaneous shower at the Jennings’ home, Temperance- ville. . I it: * ‘I' The end of September will likely see the closing of the temporary book shop operated at 22 Keele Street South by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bramford of The store was run as a ser- Hold 50th The golden wedding anniver- isury of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burt was shared by more than King City neighbors and ltriends. , Visitors came from a distance lfor the reception. and mes- :sages of congratulation arrived lfrom different levels of govern- ;ment and far-away friends. i Seven cables and telegrams Iwere received by the well- ;known couple who marked the lhalfâ€"century anniversary of ltheir September 7 wedding in iLondon. England, with an fafternoon “open house" the ‘following day. l Governor - General Georges Vanier and Madame Vanier wired good wishes. Three cablegnams came from Eng- Lland and telegrams from Van- ,couver. Philadelphia and Sa- llcm, Oregon. ‘ King City Village Trustees .s‘unt a letter in recognition of the occasion and more than 70 acquaintances remembered the day with greeting cards. I Mr. Burt's brother, Jack lBurt. telephoned from Califor- Inia during the reception and len-gaged the family in conver- ‘saiion for half an hour. About 100 triends were wel- loomed by Mr. and Mrs. Burt {in their colorful garden. where lrefreshments were served by lthe grandchildren. I Mrs. Fred Manson, Mrs. T. IJ. Colborne, Mrs. Eric John- lston. Mrs. T. Dunsmore and .Mrs. J. Morrison, both from lToronto. took turns pouring tea. A hand-crocheted cream :lace cloth covered the outdoor ’table. which was decorated ‘u‘ith large Chrysanthemums. [the gift of All Saints' Church WA, and a white two-tiered (STAFF PHOTO) decorated cake. Celebrate 50th Anniversary A host of friends and relatives were on hand September 16 when Mr. and Mrs. William Carter, 21 Maplegrove Ave., Oak Ridges, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. The happy couple were married September 12, 1912. They now live with their son-in-Iaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDonald. A letter from Prime Minister dale and the United States, atom used for study periods as well headquarters will be guest spea- ker. All mothers are urged to attend. med the likelihood of Guides and Brownies continuing is very School staff as vice-principal. remote. On the holiday weekend, the Squirt and Pee Wee teams of home, “Kingswold”, on Con. 7, the Legion sponsored ball club King, next Wednesday after- travelled to Maple Leaf stad- ium and enjoyed a double head- meeting of the organization she er between Leafs and Syracuse. founded, Kingcrafts. It was the more enjoyable be- cause Leafs won both games. The boys were accompanied by coaches Dick Sweeney. Ernie Collins and Bill Duncan as well as a few fathers who helped A hearty thank-you is due these men. and George Critten- den. Bantam coach for many lovely summer nights sacrificed and for many out-of-town trips. as far away as Coe Hill and Wheatley. These trips are en- tirely at the coaches’ own ex- pense, not to mention refresh- ‘the venture in August for stud- ‘ents wanting text books before near future at which time the King City Composite School op- commissioner from Girl Guide ened. patient If no local association is for- Hospital. noon for the 12th charge of refreshments. been called out to a variety of fires lately. A grass fire beside vice to the high school, explain- ed Mrs. Bamford. She and her husband, who is in the printing and publishing business, started can» Alfred Gilham has been -~ in Toronto General Mrs. Gllham is on Kettleby it: It! 4‘ It! Lady Flavelle is opening her birthday The weaving group will be in King City Fire Brigade has the railway track north of King Blvd, a tree believed set ablaze by pranksters at the end of Patricia Drive, and a car fire on Patton Street. ##‘IQ‘ King-Teston-Laskay Men’s Club invited wives and friends to a successful corn roast Wed- nesday of last week at the home John Diefenbaker congratulato tended the open house. ing Mr. and Mrs. William Car- gram from Ontario Premier ter on their 50th wedding anniv- John Roberts was also received} ersary highlighted celebrations by the couple. Sunday at the home of their Receives Medal For 30 Years Of Army Service , Captain and Mrs. Jack Carlo, 'â€" S-outh Road. Oak Ridges, were guests of Lieut. Governor J. Keiller MacKay and Mrs. Mac- ' Kay at an lnvestiture service at Fort York September 15. Capt. Carlo was awarded the 3. Canadian ForcesDecoration and " Long Service Medal the Lieut. Governor. Following the ceremony they by were entertained in the oiiicers' mess. Capt. Carlo has completed 30 ments after games. win or lose. Celebrates Birthday Wally Lavigne, Bond Ave., who returned from a six week vacation at Fort William, in time for school, celebrated his 14th birthday by entertaining his friends at a corn roast. Wally’s mother, Mrs. Isabel La- vigne, also was celebrating her birthday. son. Teston. gregational dinner will be held September 24, in the cafeteria of King City Composite School. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rob- King City United Church con- The dinner marks the begin- ning of a fund-raising campaign to boost the building fund for a new church. Harold Gilbert is chairman of the building fund campaign. years of service in the MPCM. Canadian Army Services Corps. He is currently a member of 106 Manning Depot, Army Militia. He is also the welfare officer .' for the Department of Veter- ans' Affairs in this area. FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 7 son-in-law and daughter. Mr. postmarked London, England. and Mrs. Gordon McDonald. 21 Mr. Diefenbaker is presently ai- Maplegrove Ave, Oak Ridges. Guests from TOFOHtO, WillOW- Prime Minister’s Conference. tending career with the City of Toronto which lasted for 40 years. Visitors included Mr. Burt's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Burt. Sher- THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ont, Thursday, September 20, 1962 18 Anniversary brooke. Quebec; Mr. Burt's nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. M. Keller, Long Island1 a brother. Stanni Burt, Winni- peg; Mrs. Burt’s cousin, Mrs Geoffrey Higgins of Sand Lake. Ontarlo, and several Toronto friends. Among the many gifts were a bouquet of golden roses from School Section 2 Board, for which Mr. Burt has been secre- tary-treasurer 13 years, and a plant from York North MP. John Addison. Mr. and Mrs. Burt were mar- ried in Leyton Old Anglican Church. London and came to Canada in 1920, They lived at Leaside before making their home in King City 17 years ago. Mr. Burt retired in February, 1949. as CNR customs agent and since then has served as school secretary. He is chair- man of the sidesmen at All Saints' Anglican Church. As a boy he engaged in foot- ball, cricket, tennis. cross- country running and long dis- tance cycle racing. He served in the British Army during the first. World War. After extensive music train- ing, Mrs. Burt was a piano teacher in Toronto several years. She is vice-president of the Afternoon Branch. WA at All Saints'. On her 40th wedding anni- versary she was honored with a life membership in the Dio~ cesan Board WA. Mrs. Burt became a charter member when Kingcrafts was organized 12 yea-rs ago. They have a daughter, Mrs. Richard Canney. Willowdale, a. son, Terence. Toronto. who is organist at St. Aidan's Angli- can Ohurch, and six grand- children - Linda. Jo-Anne. War- ren and Stephen Canney, and Rosemary and Leslie Burt. A tele- HAROLD’S A UTO REPAIRS The Diefenbaker letter was Llcensed mechanic with I small well equipped shop. Wants , . auto repair work. Try me for '- common“ealthlthose hard to get done jobs on older models and foreigr makes. Mechanical - welding . fenders - towing. Small fleets complete maintenance. Low lat bour rate - Quality workman the Mr. Carter is retired, after a Mrs. McDonald is the Carters' only child. They have two Ship W ‘ grandchildren. Brian and Penny ' McDonald TE. 3-5781 KING CITY “MW” "7' hGlftS- dflowetf and clams were Phone 285-1073 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill 5 were on e Coup 9- _ TRUST SERVICE RIGHT NEAR YOUR HOME If you would like the ssrvica of a "financial secretary” at a moderate cost, get in touch now with National Trust at the Northtown Shopping Centre. Willowdale. One of our Trust Officers will be glad to meet you here by appointment, and discuss the many advantages of our Agency Services. We can manage your property. and disburse income, pay taxes. keep accurate recordsâ€"as well as supervise your investments. Phone National Trust at BA 5-8809. Northtown Shopping Centre 5385 Yongs St. Phone Baldwin 5=8809 MSTâ€"22 90 imperial scientists and technicians pose for their pictures in the ultramodern wing of lmperial's research laboratories at Samla. Not shown: another 115 members of the Sarnia research staff. and another 130 who work in imperial laboratories at Calgary. 90% of all oil company product research in Canada ‘ I is done by Imperial many fields, from gasolines to household At Sarnia, Ontario, and Calgary, Alberta. Imperial operates the largest petroleum rem search laboratories in Canada. At Same, the company’s scientists and technlmans areworkingtoimprovepresentproductsand to develop new ones. Their research covers ALWAYS LQQK. TQ IMPERTAL. FOR THE 5E8!" detergents. At Calgary, Imperial research personnel are exploring means to find and produce moreCanadIan crude Oil and natural gas. imperial does more research than all other oil companies in Canada combined. ss ‘

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