14 THE MBEKAL, Richmond Hill, Ont., Thursday, September 20. 1962 _ A ELGIN MILLS . JEFFERSON Y°""95ter Wins t.'<illllnilt‘tl l“lt)lll Page i “respondent 1‘. Murphy. 311 Benson Ate NEW WORK â€" AL'l‘ERA'I'IONS â€" REPAIRS May Send School Books ROGER PROULX MONA ROBERTSO-V Alziteriiil. Bennett's 'l‘eXtile. BROOKSIDE ROAD TL". 4-1396 .\l limnis. BUT Beech} (fr. :lilll' ionic. Barber Shop. Doug as o ) ‘ _ ‘T ‘ ‘ ' V Newton. Kin: t‘ity. manicure ‘l LL‘DIDING & HLA FLIN'G IChurch \‘ews Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Leno. set. .\ll'iL‘1'lt‘() Shoe Clinic. Alike [tree EMU-“ates Gladb. Gwen D. C' H Michell Elgin Mills. attended a lamin 't'ambawn 'lti Sussex \ye. lioii‘ Vaughan l'ownsnip school ' lor Canada 1.1 'l‘i'inidati Flie Rei. ‘ ¢ . t\\lI() has sorted the parish otibunet supper last Sunday Zl\'€li:;li drthhs. ‘ Mimi‘- L‘c‘lllll't‘.‘ Entrai‘clnalt‘ itT‘n‘itl‘etlin: last d V.Inll‘l\lllll‘i.[_lllllllal .‘It’tll‘t‘all Telephone 52 Crosby Av“ 'Oak Ridges St. Mark's and Stlby Miss Doris Leno. Richmond Sully. -o rl'aldlll ltd ant sun? 1‘ 3 _ ‘lll,II‘-‘(\(L‘lf‘f( It: itl'tub tine \\11 l0 0 51081 TI. l “"0 P ‘ “DVD H†l John‘s Anglican Churches â€" i'orIHill. in honor of her mother.‘Stiathinorc thitlit's. \\. \\ aik. tit (Illalltl lent-nets. Peleia- help in this al‘t.‘éi.‘ll()l llt‘t‘d‘ytiti . - m \I( H. . i . fourteen years. has resigned hisi.\lrs. E. P. Leno. \\ho was on. t-tz‘ Liliby lllxd v ~10†l0! mote Intoi'niatioii aoout conhnc .VOUI‘ M‘U‘llK‘S ‘0 “"109: parish and will preach his lastiyears old Tuesday. September 'l‘laSn .(‘iimer‘zih ytlas lnoio. the vllt‘(‘(l tor coon: tt<etl text-books only because you will a A 7 7â€" A A V 'i iqmmon this Sunday morningAIBth Including nieces and net-fl» ll‘tllloltltï¬ 33†N123? maple lW’k-‘f‘nd f‘lllldI'C‘l“ moi“ Infill“ “ml 41 bllt‘l'ml“ 0f. hm)“ -_. lSeptembcr 23rd. Ipliews. 20 persons gathered to l‘dlllci It‘lltl‘lty >l;1|i(l. Rui'râ€"tiuzlis schools 0. under-demi-‘ped‘ot all kinds 1s nettle 111 this .I. l A reception has been arrang-iwish .\lrs. Leno - who has livcdll‘ut‘tiiltli'e‘. .\l. Rabin. -40 Dr- Colitiiiotinealtli t‘t)llllll‘l(‘< I area “lhere is. It ilal‘llk'lliflr '{ led by the church wardens. foriin Richmond Hill tor 40 years . manic (1'2. transistor l‘3(ll0-.‘ Educationists and others in s‘ ortaue ol (.‘llll(ll'(‘" s books " H1... niche“ and his parishion.â€â€˜_\lany happy returns of tiie'l‘irestone Store. (i. Renncdy. these less tortuiiate hintts. (‘Ol‘iâ€" and 1 can assure you that it you .244 Ashlar Road: 85 meal \Otl- . . i .. l a v farewell and it will‘dat‘. - . leis to 53' and mm. cmWeber. restaurant. S. .l. thud- lbe held tomorrow night. Friday., “The Liberal" I ,V . . . v ‘ 0. .. lin the parish hall at St. John's‘l‘eswndcnl. win this commun-‘m‘l‘; 1’.â€lâ€â€œâ€˜.‘_â€". ““L 7â€â€ . iat 3 pm. All friends and memâ€"jity in extending further good‘Sll‘Tbl illlï¬l‘lf Em’fl‘lt‘†“- I, lbers of his congrecationsi‘wishes to .\lrs. Leno lor tliisIA‘ltlllCF‘ ‘ l‘m'l‘lm†“- , :: i * ‘ 7 . 1 . ~ Girl's threepiece slack \Illl. - ‘through the years are invitedhappy occas1on. . J . ‘ ‘ , I ‘to attend ‘ lBt-ookside Drive Fire ‘Hnd 1’0.‘ S (Ire-mug «10;; n. Uii|~ l ' . . ; 'y "zx ' _ . Su iyan. 49 ‘ On 310110151X EVClllng 0‘ UTIS‘ Brookside had another ï¬re “Hm I 11mm R t . . . . - , . . i'l‘rench SL: ladics' purse. War- “ meek a \esti’) meeting “’35 heldSunday night. when the oldhmk House. Karen ltidell. 346‘ is 1 ‘ | tat-ted by the iederatioti. con~ can arrange to collect any ciiil- I i tirnied the need great .int’ldroh‘; buokh‘. they will be P o h I B . [11 the September ()ntario. u C any fl<<l\lal‘|tf‘ would be :rmtiy “mam twlmmc -~ School Trustees' Council bullew appreciated. 01' interest is {ill extract troni a letter troni the (‘oiiintissioiiei‘ “h. the redonltion tuggcus the 7 most satistzictory arrangement \\otlld be a school-to-scliool pro-l icct whereby individual schoolsi 35 Delegates Attend inyitcs applications for the position of Assistant. Kindergarten Teacher on a half-time basis. ' " " Iin the Upper Room. A former‘bam on the Angus properly at; , _< h D“: .l. k la we†' in Ontario would be put in Teachem imer ‘ i .11 mi“ minim q MONA ROBERTSON ‘curate of St. John's the Revhthe extreme west of the i'oadilgielhg‘f “13h? ll:f_‘l}.)va'\l;“h' touch I\\'llll individual schools ' ' es‘tet l “ l- K I ‘homd d L of Robinson was present. lbui-ned to the ground. The hat-hid.c 'doh‘ m‘,“\_n‘m‘ ‘Luiqmmw i. .~\n~i<-a. \5111. the Caribbean. apply in writing. Arrangements for a personal . <. - '-'ear.\‘ . - r . g : . t. ‘. ‘ . . ,. v - » ‘- . . . .. . 'I‘he advisory board “3? the 5mm†Bf’a‘d' .“n fail h- .onlflere from New Mexico :waa empty. but the ï¬ts drwtclwmmh 177 human hd__ and Lepiiyr Littled Church playâ€" m" '7’†“(mm “.°“d "0"“ d‘ lill€l'\'l€\\' maybe made by telephoning 1U. 4â€"443†Richmond Hill Senior CltllcnS “19 Elgm Mms k QC eltsral Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dre“: El-ghondreds of drivers to thelcanged m'm Immdale “(.31 :cd host to 35 delegates at an mm" m Hm Lummommalm Association has appointed Mrs. ranch to the Yor en Wm Mms Sidcmad. are entewscene' . . . . . school concerned Hospital Auxiliary. a past mem- with the usual traf“Clitobcrt Watson. 186 Yonge St. NANCCUUVE “100mb? of the York H» G. Robertson. RR. 1. Rich- Ifaihihg her mother. . KITS. Laura tie-up and nuisance value. 1 . ‘ ‘ _ I ‘ . lp ~ b at -' 1 U ‘ v. i The area DOEII‘d has a supply Allelntyl'e- l . . ‘ 1 rs - l . . l Fiic dollai \OUCITC‘T. Baiths. ‘05 .‘ 0113 ml?“ CltUtCll . . . . mond Hm to the bofard or (‘1' Eff (ELIEthDICllLIDIOiCIOII‘Igfl'ecuglitlcrabb and h; 11):??? C891“ BWOkSlde ‘5 "0t 3 throungleaners Ann Sliipinan. GBB‘WOmM- 0f boom Madam“ 311d We?“ Superintendent 01 Public Schools. ' '0 ram- ‘ l ‘- ~ ' i'a iisl - -'~ - ' ‘. ‘ . - . . . . . ~ ' ; y in a- I . g . . Fecmsa ‘2. Rings 0 m g Canadian Cancer Society andtï¬iiï¬b ills? “33:1; 31.; Mrs iï¬gï¬tmesgagtmgggiébtlfm Ezlpliï¬ï¬enson Ave: $1.39 \‘O‘UCllOl Dis; I .\lis. .l. Roderick or Browns :?§:.\nl.\‘(§il$0:330“312:2...“ in “115‘ 62 \onge bl. 8.. Richmond Hill ll’th‘oé‘t‘rii'ieiElyfl on the editorial the Canadian Women's Pi‘eSS|Dl'.P“3. hm“- ahd husband Sat-’to the {cone‘of the ï¬re Va“ h it'ount (leaners. l'. (icrace. 23o (,orner United Church was up ‘ ‘ " , h I . s _ .. . g . .. - -. a - ""“ "“‘"Tâ€â€" Tâ€â€" iLucas St; and transistor radio. ;l{e1i Still. S. Addley. 162 Dris- pointed program mumlm' . ltlie executive. Club. Mrs. Robertson told the sen- conyenor ni' stat? of “The Liberal", now a free lance writer, Mrs. Robert- an firemen entered from Bathâ€" urst Street. iaid Mrs. Stanley Sandler. sta- tioned in New Mexico with the . - ' a t their monthly' . . . .. . . .00“ “(It Receipts tor the ï¬rst half oi‘ 1 son has taken a keen thI'EStllOl Omens a u _ . .1L.nited States An Feice. : - - vâ€"v w 77‘ â€"â€" AAAAA . . . . ‘ . ir senior citizens activities, meeting last week. I look totâ€"Visits States .“oimg‘olijzgldar and “0114‘an “4‘ 3031‘ 10181 51016923. The I953 I . since the inception of the local ward to a good year with you1 Mrs. Giles Kerwin Jeflm__ rezidem of Hm community Mr: , _ I I T hqum calls hâ€. 334.2â€). association. and I look to you for your sup-1wn has been touring in Michrhi H R d ‘ f B 1' PfOVlncla sa es ax l‘all rally ot‘ the organization ' Sh - -. l Arman of Lhe’porl in making it a good yeari‘.“ ' f ‘ l t H w k ‘ gal-V. _‘-‘ ma" 0 mo 93â€â€œ is slated for the Aurora United 9 ‘5 Vl‘e'c‘a' . . . h f “9.. Isa-1T 0‘ We 1’35 ‘0 ee siiDi‘ive is in Newmarket Hospital (hurch Ocmhm. ~30 Vaughan Township Public.foi a o .. “Hung the home where she for observation. His many Costly To Town Board . W h.‘ W . ’7 :li ed as a girl and calling Onifriends and neighbours hopet relatives in the area. She i‘e-i ‘ _ he will be home again soon. . lmms “"5 “‘"Pk' , Best wishes for a speedy re-‘ . . _ _ ‘ Meats Aunt F‘TSt “"19 reoverv to Mrs. R. Thompson oftfm “no? While I‘Chmls “i†Mr. Stanley Leno met his’Bmohside Drive‘ who is alsoï¬ppi‘ovetl by the Richmond llili taunt. Mrs. Bessie Spinner. of‘in hospitfl !School Board Vlast week. V LDeal. Ix'eiit. England. for that George Line is home from; Drapes for Walter Scott. (.ros-Y 15"“ “me 135“ “'eek at thelhospital with a cast on his bro-1b): “ï¬ghts and Beverley “‘f'res. theme of his father Mr. E. P. ken 18ft leg the resuh of a fall“will cost the Board $198.Vâ€llie_.\‘. the Presbytery and hear a Fe'llï¬giio' Leisure Lana RiChmon'd Birthday Wishes iii-gilielLillmiliitxhiiioiiilmllil1P8mm , ‘ ' . . 1 I . ‘ ‘ . . H &‘ ‘ 4‘ .. \ ' . I vice was held at Carrville Unit- port on the work of the ll’tmlS-l Mr. Leno Sr†had not seen.h.f°;‘;‘3.ySixth?do.§°1§§iit‘£li A Change in ()ntarm‘s sale“ terial committee regarding akhis Sister. Since 1904. She was . s .. ed OhUI‘Ch SEW-ember 16v “"ith . _ . tax structure will cost the. Rev. H. R. MacDonald in cliargelmlmsleli _ R 1 la gm of thirteen years when Sigiefgglisih‘..- _ ,,-.lioard about $870. 4 ‘Com ' wemer “35 3he ï¬rst came to Canada. ‘ of the service. i WILLOWDALE D‘él'id 311]“ Sales tax applies to about 80; 'Rev. Wm. W. Patterson of St. MT- fmd Mrs- JaCk Bal‘to“ Community Club L.A. .lock. 19. graduate of Earl Haig per cent of school supplies ae~l I entertame‘l the LOL No" 91 DE‘ All women in this commun- Collegiate will teach in .lamal~i"°"dl“g l†Chairman llm'Ol‘ll We plan to attend the Annual SHUR-GAIN Feed School September 19th and 20th in Toronto. This is just one way in which we try to keep up-to-date on the management of livestock and poultry. Purchase til blackout drapes CARRVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone AL. 7-8920 BILL DING says: SAVE MONEY, FRIEND, WHYNOTBE SMART- TH/S IS THE TIME FDR YOU TO START We'll be spending two days at school so we can be of greater service to our custom- QI‘S. -The annual anniversary ser- ILatthew‘s United Church. Bev- Tlioriiihill and a few neighbours at a corn and welner roast Fri- day night. About 30 attended. 1 The next day was David Bar- ton's birthday so his wife made a birthday cake and happy birthday was sung. Lance and Christina Gray are holding a joint party Sep- erley Acres. was guest speaker. The Carrville choir sang their anthem. .Following the service Bert Middleton presented Rev. Mac- Donald with a gift of money from the 'Carrville congregation and friends prior to his leaving. for Port Arthur. ity are cordially asked to at- tend the ï¬rst meeting for the. ladies of the Jefferson School Community Club. this Friday night at 8.30. at Jefferson Pub- lic School. . This is a very important; meeting. since the program for} the year is to be planned. Ill ca for nothing next Van as a.Sanderson. Formerly schoo . supplies were tax-exempt. 3 ember of the Canadian Vol-. Cost of the supplim‘ untary Commonwealth Service.;are now taxable. is 529.000, which vi 1 il ASK US ABOUT IT WHEN ‘ WE COME HOME The Carrville Choir pi'cscnt<le_mb°1‘ 17- “’l‘iCh is LanFe:s you have any ideas along this] ed Jlm Bushéll with a pen. and 311't1}da-Vbu'13“;59 Egifen‘t'ra‘yhegre‘ line, bring them along. If youl the WA presented him with a amie . e’: i {haven’t come along anyhow . 1 -. - .cheque. Robert-Paike. Blair and Tefll)d.y1 and meet your friends and “Home [inp)rovement Diylsmni He left; Sunday for his stu- H951°P~ Dua’f‘e and. Km‘ 9 neighbours and have an hour I Stop -3 Yonge St. dies at Queen's University, BFOCCO? J0d3 Lambs Roy and of [ellowshih | Richw‘le David Hill. David Wark. Mag- gy-Lyn Stevens. Margaret Jean Brown. Donna and Larry Wade, Donna Bone. Nancy Middleton. Rickey Greenï¬eld. Marvin Hirâ€" ano. Lynda and Ron Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gray and family entertained in honor of Ralph Lang at a surprise birth- day supper August 31. Mrs. fLang was also present. Mr. Lang said it was the ï¬rst‘ birthday party he ever had. Kingston, in preparation for his chosen life to serve in the min- lstry. Jim will be missed by the Carrville Choir. Beverley Bustiell will step Into her brother’s work as or- ganist and choir leader. Mrs. J. Baker will still be assistant or- ganist. United Church Women The Carrville United Church Women met Se tember 12. at the home of Jack Bushell Rev- Hugh R. MacDonald was with 14 people present. Follow. in charge of the serum: at Carr- mg the opening exercises‘ Mrshville United Church last Sun- J. Bushell read the scripture, meditation and prayer. Mrs. J. Baker read a paper day. On Sunday September 16 will be anniversary Sunday at ‘Carrville United Church and Wm. W. Patterson. St. written by her aunt. l\Irs._Rev.Jackie Brooks of Toronto, “let;M?ttl19_“’5 i us be thankfulâ€. 1H1“ “"111 be guest speaker. Eleven members answerediRo‘Vnu‘l‘e'HendTy Picnic the roll call, Mrs. Dorothy Drud .The annual Rowntree-Hendryi ry was present at the meeting_ipicnic seemed to get washed outl Mrs. J, Baker read the treahalmost botli times. Last June 101 surer‘s report in the abseneezli "3mm Very hard and 911118 8‘ of Mrs. Williams. Mrs. R. Kit-tidings crowd had gathered As the‘ read a thank you letter froniihmght home “'35 .1101 large; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Baker,lenougli to hold all it was de-l and a letter from CHUNi radimcided to Call It [01‘ Septemberl station 9. and that day hung heavy and‘ Mrs. E. Bone turned in $5. Eda“? only a‘bom 40 turnEd “Pd gift from a friend to the groupyso‘ it is hoped that next year. Mrs. Jean Busliell gave anlw‘“ be heme!“ l explanation and talk on what'. Thesavme people will remainl has taken place on the minis_pn oflice. president. Bill Rown-f terial committee. Committeelll‘ei‘ “€510â€. l'iCE-Presidentfl members include Mr. and MrslGeOl‘ge Rowntree. Weston; sec-I Bushell and Mr. and Mrs. Mer-tretal'y'tl‘easure" MI'S- Bill ROW“- l‘lII Wilson. for the CaX‘I‘ViIIeiuee- Weston ‘ Congregation. . ISports committee. Lloyd Da- October 24 was the date cho-iV‘dSO‘L WOOde‘idgei 301m Bar-F lien for the turkey supper. do†“39191 Sam Stewart. OS'hâ€". The October meeting is to he‘awa and Gordon Monks. Allis- at the home of Mrs. Jo Bakerdton‘ ‘ 46 King High Drive. Concordh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knight at 3 pm. :asked the picnic to return for: 'Lunch was served by the 1105-,1963 and It is “096d 8 date United. Richmond tess. Mrs~ Busheh. assisted by will be set and weather suitablelZ bus stops below City Limits: Mrs. R. Gray and Mrs. B. And-DEV» 3'9â€; 'dleton. ‘ " Greetinds to Mrs. Walter‘ Wynn WI]; had a birthday Sepâ€" TORONTO AND YORK i tember ,6. _ t ROADS COMMISSION 1 Sunday School ' ‘ Sunday School will start' 1 September 23 at the Rail: Day; . service. starting at 9.45 a.m. ati " A ‘ Carrville United Church. On September 23. Carrvillei SEALED‘en‘lCFSJn duplicate and properly marked will be re United Congregation will atâ€" -.. , v tend a special meeting at ï¬l\§(i.\fb“ ,f'ESU-‘r‘demg‘md unm Tliornliill United Church at “ ‘ ‘ ‘ '0“ 12.15 p.m. to meet members of' TUESDAY, OCT. 9. 1962 W for the supply and delivery of treated sand in stockpiles in the following districts â€" . DISTRICT A - East of Yonge I l Street in the Townships of v . DISTRICT B - West of Yonge kept In Stock Street in the Townships of Ring and Vaughan. teach tender. ‘ Tender forms. Information to iBidders and Speciï¬cations may ‘ . 7 T 4 I mission on the Don Mills Road. 1'4 miles north of the Aurora T0 CUStOI“ Sideroad iPostal Address: - P. 'Aloiiday. September 24th. l9‘2. ‘ Lowest or any tender not ner- . . 1essarily accepted. 6 2 Otonobee NORMAN “1 LONG Markham. Whitcliurch and Portable Crane ; A marked cheque for the sum be obtained at the office of the Speciï¬cations 0. Box .\'0. 29 New-market. A. J. RETTIE. P. ling. BA. 1-3344 Chairman East Gwillimbury. of $1000.00 stiall accompany Serv1ce Toronto and York Roads Coni- !Ontario' on and after l2 noon Chief Engineer 1W5â€" All Wacleflzineg Over 1,000 3 NEW FALL HATS: Elegance and color is fashion magic for the headliners of Fall. ‘62 now at Madeleine’s , Included in our collection are domes. fezzes, turbans. cloches, featuring the “Fur Look" - real and fake. so chic in high pill- boxes. draped and slanted slouch chapeaux. You will want to see the latest‘ in handbags. colorful costume. Jewelry. gloves, scarfs to com- . plete your fall ensemble. Wade/aha Millinery & Accessories 3319 YONGE ST. . (at Fairlawn) HU. 8-5406' 9 a.m. - 6 pm: Friday to 9 p.m.' I \. â€"» l FRIDA Y 0 WHITE GRUB DAMAGE - “WINTER KILL†fEED YOUR LAWN NOW WITH See any Julia bugs this spring? It you did. it means that next Spring yourlawn may softer from white grub damage as well as Winter kill. Get lull protection against both these major lawn problems by feeding your lawn now with SO-GREEN 7-7v7 Fertis lizer WITH ALDRIN‘â€"White G_rub mienâ€"positive protection against white [rub damage. 7-7-7 FERTILIZER WITH WHITE GRUB KILLER* Frank Watts Sod & Seed Supply Co. Ltd.: 7059 YONGE STREET. WILLOWDALE. ONT. ENDEAN NURSERIES YONGE ST. JUST NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL PHONE AV. 5-5122 1855 CLASS B 1962 MARKHAM FAIR THE SHOW WINDOW 0F YORK COUNTY SEPT. 27 - 28 - 29 THURSDA I" Landrace TORONTO AND YORK ROADS COMMISSION " Tenders For Rentali of Trucks for Snow Removal I SEALED tenders in duplicatei and properly marked will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 11 A.M.. E.D.S.T. on TUESDAY. OCT. 9. 1962 for the furnishing of trucks and drivers tSliO\\' plows will be fur-l nished and attached by the Commissiom for the removal of snow from the Commission's highways in York County dur-l ing the season of 1962-1963. ’ A marked cheque in the sum of $1,000.00 shall accompany.l each tender. Tender forms and speciï¬cs-i may be obtained at the office of the Toronto and York Roads Black & White Zone 4 Sheep Guernsey's Monster School Parade 1 p.m. Fair oï¬'icially opened by T. R. (Dick) Hilliard. Deputy-Minister of Energy Resources 4-H ('Tluhs Pony Part y Pony Racing Harness Racing Markham High School Girls‘ Band FRIDAY NIGHT Band Competition Milking Competition Greased Pig ’l‘ug-of-wai' _" Jack Fraser Stores Call Scramble Variety Entertainment by Tom Hamilton SA TI’RI).1 Y Commission on the Don Mills Road. 1‘: miles north of the Aurora Sideroad tPostal Ad- dress: - PO. Box No. 296, New- market. Ontariot on and after 12 noon Monday. September 2411i. 1962. i I Lo“ est or any tender not nee-I essarily accepted. A. .l Reitle. P. Eng. Chief Engineer Norman W. Long. Chairman {ed & White Show :5 York's Light 6; Heavy Horses Berks Tanis Horse Racing Road Race Green Shows on Midway Monster liance at nitl'lll Art L‘elsie & lll‘t’llt“‘l'2t Maurice Hamill President bred Spring Secretary Treasurer Y'AV. 5-4921 - TU. 4-1121 ‘ Evenings: Craig Bowden TU. 4-1668 MILL AI.. 1 - 1241 LOCAL YOUR FEED SERVICE MILL M'I‘-1I' -lI-At-ll-l'.(l.0.|‘-(l-li-l'-II-1 1-11-11-0-4 1-11-“-y I-(l-(I--ll-l'.0.(i.(-|.4 1-1 a.m---- .0-0.ti-n.o-I--..1 Jerseys 5'. Pony Racing if. -â€"i-â€" "H‘|'-1v-li-ll-ll-II-N-t‘-"-IVâ€"t'-i'-u-<r-‘l-I- .-r - -»-t-uâ€"oâ€"-A r-tI-lI-tl-‘v-u-I-I'-h-U-\ oâ€"u-o-u-t-o-u- .1'-0-tl-i-tr-0-1ï¬-tr-l--l'-lv-ll-"-â€-“-' 0 our own d ylAA/DS'C‘AP/Nï¬.’ FALL PLANTING All Nursery Stock ' 0% OH" * THIS WEEK ONLY SANDY BLACK LOAM or PEAT LOAM 3YD. LOAD $4 . per yd. OR OVER Delivered LARGE SELECTION OF COLORADO SPRUCE .ldeal Lawn Specimens PLANT NOW For Christmas Lighting SALES LOT LOCATION Stop 22A Yonge St. RICHVAL OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 AV. 5-19†,v} Richmond Sod LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS LTD. SALESJIEN: LEN RICE. RON RICE -15 is tar 2- 5-5 a 6-9 is“; ~s an*ewaa-Mï¬sacawsswaaua'lcawa aura-guanoâ€; i PYRAMIDAL CEDAR is" - 2t" With Each Loam Purchase FREE g ._ .â€" .- .- -..â€" -â€" - .â€" .- .- .â€" l- - - - .- t-n-I-napn‘n-N-. --..- a-.--p.m-1-w-1-1-1-1-- '--N-N-W-i-"-4-U-t-.-_AI-II-I-