The guest speaker of the ev- ening was Mrs. John Lunn, who gave an illustrated talk on bird banding. The Inner Wheel of Rotary held their ï¬rst meeting of the lesson at the home of their president, Mrs. Ralph Butler. Welcome to new residents. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lonan and family from Goldwater, who have recently moved to 223 Neal Drive. Mr. Lowman, a conservation officer, is attached to the Dept. of Lands and Forests, Maple. The young artist. who is 20 years of age. was the soloist at the Toronto Symphony Orches- tra concerts last year and she studied with pianist Lili Kraus in London and at her villa in Llansa, Spain. In Lucerne. the Hungarian pianist, Geza Anda. accepted her as a pupil. Miss Cecilia Anderson. daugh~ ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Berea- tord Anderson, Centre Street West, returned on Thursday from Paris after spending four months in London and on the Continent. She will complete her fourth year honor degree in modern languages at Trinity College. White Shasta mums, pale pink carnations and deep shades of pink gladioli decor- alted St. Mary's Anglican Church on July 28th. for the wedding of Judith Anne Har- ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Terrence Harford and William Elmore Bunker son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bunk- er. Mr. Harford gave his daugh- ter in marriage during evening ceremony conducted by Rev. James O’Neil. The bride‘s floor length gown was of white chif- fon over taffeta and featured a scooped neck and long lily pointed sleeves. The bodice and sleeves were of floral lace, and the hooped skirt was appliqued with lace and rosebuds of chif- fon. The shoulder length bout- fant veil was caught up in a crown of seed pearls and rhine- stones. and she carried a cas- ode of deep pink can-nations, and stephanotis. The bride al- so carried a lucky silver horse- shoe sent from her relatives in England. 'VVVVVVV (v09; 7‘, W& J. NIRENBERSKI, M.D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF A GENERAL AND OBSTETRICAL PRACTICE AT 423 Markham Road, Richmond Hill ALLENCOURT PLAZA TU. 4-3622 Miss Brehda Harford, the bride’s twin sister attended as maid of honour wearing a With the (all season fast approaching. various com- munity, social and bridge clubs are holding their or- ganizational meetings. ‘Life in the Hill' is always pleas- ed to receive news items regarding your club activ- ities - the service is free - just call the social editor, Margot Crack at TU. 4-1105. or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. Wed In St. Mary's Anglican MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM E. BUNKER Editor Margot Crack Clarke prlor to her marriage last week to Mr. George Leib- brandt at Timothy Eaton Mem- orial Church was Mrs. R. W. W. Robertson who held a tea at her Richmond Street home. Miss Clarke studied ballet at Sadler’s Wells In London and has danced with the famous Cakes and tea were served by Ros Anderson, Ann Feather- stonhaugh and Gertie Smith. company company. :- y no: in Friends and neighbours gath- ered together on Friday last for a surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hindle (Bea and Ben) at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Townsend, Knoll- side Drive. After an evening of records. dancing, enjoying the televised football game, lunch was served and a presentation made to the Hindles with the good wishes of all present. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. M. Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. B. Webber, Mr. and Mrs. C. Walk- er. Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott, Mrs. W. Kirkpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mcllveen. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dick, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Har- ley. A group of Curtain Club members were hostesses to the Senior Citizens for afternoon tea on Tuesday last. Baskets of zlnnla and foliage from the garden of Gerry Crack helped to welcome the Seniors on one of their ï¬rst meetings of the season in the theatre. sheath dress of pale pink or- ganza over deep pink floral peau-de-sol, with matching pill box lhat. She carried a bou- quet of white carnations. Junior bridesmaid Judith Bunker and flower girl Debor- ah Spires both wore full skirted dresses of white organza over deep pink polished cotton and carried bouquets of shaded pin-k camations. The bride's mother received guests at the Richmond Hill Li- ons Hall wearing a light beige sheath dress with matching ac- cessories and a hat of tiny blue flowers and a matching cor-sage of shaded blue cornï¬owers. She was assisted by the groom's mother who wore a light green linen sheath dress with a white silk straw picture hat and white accessories and a corsage of white carna-tions. Rolf Sundqulst acted as best man and ushers were David Simpson. Brian MacDonald and Terry Harford. Following the reception for 100 guests, the newlyweds left for a motor trip to Sault Ste. Marie and other points. The couple areâ€"now residing in Richvale. Entertaining for Miss Magma The good wishes of the community are extended to Mrs. E. P. Leno, who cele- brated her 90th birthday on Tuesday. I Mr. Charles Reddy. Richmond Street, left on Sunday for Eng- land, having been transferred ito Higher Bebington, Cheshire. A welcome is extended to new residents, Mrs. Bonnie Stansbury and her son Frank, who have recently moved from Victoria Square. and are now in residence at 258 Elka Drive. Miss Judy Langstaï¬, daugh- ter of Dr. James Langstaï¬ and Mrs. Langstafl, left for Ottawa last weekend, to commence her training at the Ottawa Civic Hospital School of Nursing. Mrs. Marjorie Cheesbrough was an attendant at the wedding Saturday in Timothy Eaton Memorial Church of Miss Mar- tha Clarke. daughter of Mrs. Clarke and the late Mr. William Henry Clarke. and Mr. George Leibbrandt, son of Dr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Leibbrandt, Kitchener. The Richmond Hill Square Dancers will begin their season this Monday. September 24th, at 8 pm. in the McConaghy School, Yonge St. Beginners welcome - for further informa- tion, call Mr. R. Dunn at TU. 4-2798. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Drew, E1- gin Mills, are entertaining their mother, Mrs. Laura Crabb and her brother Cecil Crabb from Philadelphia this week. Also visiting are Mrs. Drew's sister and husband, Sgt. and Mrs. iStanley Sandler, stationed in New Mexico with the United States Air Force. Ruth McMullen says an re- voir to her many friends and acquaintances in ‘The Hill’ and hopes to see many of them at her new home at 169 Market St.. Campbeliford, Ont‘, any time they are in the vicinity. Recently moved to Centre treet West are two well known theatrical personalities, Mr. William Fredericks. business manager of the Red Barn. and writer and actor. Mr. Timothy Findlay. Swing Yonr Partner! Mrs. Reddy and twins Mich- ael and Peter, will be joining him in June of next year. Their youngest son Philip is already ‘attending school in England. Prior to his departure, Mr. and Mrs. Reddy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Donnelly for an evening at the Piccadilly Clu'b afterwards partying at the home of Miss Elaine Higgins, and were entertained at a farewell party by Mr. and Mrs. Alan ‘Goodhall in Kleinburg. The ï¬rst meeting of the Pleas- antville Neighbourhood Group of the Y.W.C.A. will take place 'this morning (September 20th) at the home of Mrs. George Fenwick, 317 Richmond Street. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Anne Fraser, chairman of the Richmond Hill Advisory Com- mittee of the Y.W.C.A. She will speak on the origin of the Y and its place in Richmond Hill, outlining what the Y is doing with the various groups. Members will meet every Thursday from 9.30 am. to 11.30 am. with baby sitting services supplied. New members are welcome, please call Mrs. J. D. Roseborough, 884-7682 for the details. The W.A. of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church held their ï¬rst meeting of the fall season â€" a peach dessert, and a ‘Bring and Buy Sale‘ were the highlights of the meeting. Both the eye and appetite were tempted with the many different varieties of peach desserts. A business meeting followed with discussions on the forth- coming bazaar. Members were asked for donations of good used clothes, books, toys, etc. for the rummage sale to be held this Saturday. September 22nd in the Church Hall. The evening closed with Mrs. H. MacKay and Mrs. H. Sayers I as the genial auctioneers for[ ‘the very proï¬table ‘Bring and| {Buy Sale'. Miss Doris Leno enter- tained at a dinner party for her mother on Sunday ev- ening, which was attend- ed by twenty members of the immediate family, in- cluding Mrs. Bessie Spin- ner. Mr. Leno’s sister. from Kent, England, whom he has not seen for ï¬fty-eight years. Our 8‘ at $2. free t your 1 Call TU. 4-5272 MUNDINGER I Start Yonge 3-week Beginners Course :50 weekly includes the use of an instrument in home. me 8: Centre Richmond Hill THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT OF YOUR LOANED FREE ; Today CHOICE 3 Today MUSIC Sts. Miss Edna Imrd is teaching In London, Ontario during the month of September. Miss June E. Hetherington A.0.C.A. of Bedford Park Avenue, has accepted a position on the Hamilton Board of Edu- cation as an art teacher at Cen- tral Secondary School. ‘ VMiss Hetheflngton has intro- duced a new course in which she is teaching textiles and ceramics. Mrs. Herbert S. Hellier of Corner Brook, Newfoundland, who has been visiting her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Wiseman, Centre St. E., during the month of August returned to Newfound- land on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clarke of Santa Barbara. California, Miss Helen E. Clarke, Dean of Wo- men at University of Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke of Kenilworth, Illinois. who have been visiting Mrs. Clarke's mo- ther, Mrs. Thomas Moore, left for hheir respective homes last week. Sympathy of the ommunity is extended to Mr. Owen Grant. Taylor Mills Drive South, on the sudden passing of his mo- ther Mrs. Edith Grant of Tor- on-to. This marked the second bereavement Mr. Grant suffer- ed during the past few weeks. His father Mr. William Grant also passed on recently. At Evensonxg at 7 pm. a spe- cial delegation of Anglican Young People from Toronto will be present and will meet in the Parish Hall afterwards. A dessert and coffee party will mark the opening autumn meeting of the York County University Women’s Club, when members gather at the home of Mrs. J. R. Langstaff, 106 ‘Yonlge St. N., Richmond Hill, Monday, September 24, at 7.30 pm. All prospective members are invited to attend. Special guest will be Mrs. McLean, pro- vincial director Ontario West, Canadian Federation of Univer- 1sity Women. The special preacher at the 11 am. service this Sunday at St. Mary’s Anglican Church is a blind priest from the Can- adian Institute for the Blind; the Rev. CanOn E. Jacques, L.H.D.D. Adult Conï¬rmation classes begin this Sunday after Even- song. Richmond Hill WI Visiting the grain barn built in 1825, Mr. Whitmore demon- strated how the logs were hewn and dove-tailed together at the corners, using no nails in the construction. He also showed how the wheat was harvested and tied in sheaves with strands of the straw and ï¬nally threshed by flailing the sheaves on the barn floor to separate the grain from the straw. The ï¬rst threshing machine was on ‘display built in 1860. On Thursday af_ternoon, Sep- tember 13th, thirty ï¬ve mem- bers and friends of the W0- men’s Institute went by chart- ered bus to Pioneer Village and enjoyed a conducted tour of this conservation area. The annual Card Party will be held in the library auditori- um on October 24th. Proceeds will be donated to the hospital fund, further details to be giv- en later. Other exhibits visited were: the ï¬rst settlers three room home of log construction built by Mr. Daniel Stonlg in 1816 and the more modern two story home built in 1832; the herb garden with more than 40 dif- ferent species of herbs grow- ing; the gentleman’s house in the Greek style of 1844, and the Church and School house used and built in the 1850’s. The souvenir and the refresh- ment stand was well patronized after a most interesting tour. Mrs. R. Fox an_d Mrs. F. Da- vis were appointed delegates to attend the Area Convention at the Royal York Hotel, N-o- vem-ber 7-8-9. Sirloin Sieuk Ib. 13c Briskei Point lb. 4% BAYVIEW PLAZA wood eaï¬ M a A'l' SAVINGS! CORNED . NELS GAGE Mr. and Mn. 1". W. Facey of Long Island, New York were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wise- man on the Labor Day week- end. Mrs. J. R. Langstaff will open her home to members of the University Women's Club of York County for their ï¬rst meeting of the fall and winter season on Monday evening Sep- ‘tember 24th. The meeting will take the form of a dessert and coffee party and it is hoped that many prospective members as well as members will attend. Mrs. McLean. Provincial Di- rector for Ontario West of the Canadian Federation of Univer- sity Women will speak inform- ally to the group. * * 'I t Mr. E. E. Stubbs of Lynett Crescent was recently featured in an article in “Marketing†describing new merchandising innovations of Neilson’s. Mr. Stubbs has been associated with Nells-on’s sales staff for a num- ber of years. The ï¬rst meeting of the 1962- 63 season for the Kinsmen and 'lnette Clubs of Richmond Hill was held September 6th at La Cantina Restaurant. Kin Charter member Dal-t Hicks received congratulations upon receiving his 100% at- t'ndance pin for the tenth year. This was a joint installation night, Governor Bob Luke of- ï¬ciating at the installation of the new executives. The follow- ing Kinsmen were installed: President - Don Bellamy; vice- president - Roy Swanson; sec- retary - Gord Bryan; treasurer -(‘nlin Robinson: Bulletin Edit- or - Harry Thomson; registrar Members and guests of Delta Lambda Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, celebrated Begin- ning Day with a pot luck sup- per held at the home of the president, Mrs. Annabelle Black, Aurora, on September 6. - Jackie Bellamy; vice-presi- dent - Bev Neill; secretary â€" Laurene Swanson: treasurer - Anne Maddocks; Bulletin Edit- or - Marg. Robinson; registrar - Betty Bryan. - Ron Neill; directors - Dalt Hicks. Ray Gemmill and Harold Van Dyke. The following Kin- ettes were installed: president The ï¬rst meeting of the‘ chapter this year was held‘ September 11th in Aurora at the home of the president. Members were pleased to wel- come Mrs. F. C. Israel who has kindly consented to be the Oh-arpter's program director. Plans for the coming year’s ac- tivities were discussed. The program "Oratory" was very well given by Annabelle Black who used Sir Winston Church- in as an example of a great ‘oraltor. Coffee was served. Inactive members or mem- bers-at-large please contact Mrs. Libby Henson, TU. 4-4140, in Richmond Hill, or Mrs. An- nabelle Black, PA. 7-9612 in Aurora. Praise J. Rabinowitch Crest "12 Angry Men" On the air last Sunday, Ar- nold Edinburgh, editor of “Sat- urday Night", in reviewing the plays of the week, said that he had liked “12 Angry Men†cur-‘ rently playing at the Crest Theatre, and referred to the excellent performance of Jo- seph Ra'binvowiteh. “12 Angry Men" continues until October 6th with matinees on Wednes- day and Saturday. Appoint T. Robertson To Library Vacancy Richmond Hill Town Coun- cil Monday night ratiï¬ed the ap- pointment of T. L. Robertson of 355 South Taylor Mills Drive to the Library Board. His terni of office will run Dec. 31 of this year. He succeeds Donald Watson who tendered his resignation to council last week. Over 200 P At lions Ha‘ Mr. Robertson was proposed by Deputyâ€"reeve Thomas Broadâ€" hurst to ï¬ll the vacancy. Some 214 players took part in Monday’s Lions Club bingo held at the Lions Hall Monday night. It was the ï¬rst of this year‘s bingos sponsored by the club. Al-l proï¬ts go into Lionus - sponsored charitable work. Jackpot at next Monday night’s bingo is $325.00 on the ï¬rst 51 numbers. The jackpot increases $25 per week until a winner is declared. 3 lbs. 89: TU. 4-7691 ay Bingo I Monday A unique social event for Richmond Hill is being planned by the local peace research committee, to be known as a “Caribbean Calypso Carnivalâ€, for September 2’9bh, in the Liâ€" ons‘ Hall. Dancing cabaret style to the rhythm of bongo drums and melodic West Indies bal- lads played by “Lord Power" and his Jamaican calypso band promises an exciting evening. To give a truly international flavour, a buffet of delicious ap- petizers from many difleren-t countries will be served. An added attraction will be a demonstration of the famous (By Philip Drury) The keystone of a successful chair or orchestra, is a con- ductor who not only has a keen artistic sense, but a broad knowledge of music, acquired by a sound technical training and ability to transmit his in- terpretations to the members of the choir or orchestra. Mr. Smart was born in Tor- onto, was brought up in Cali- fornia, bwt returned to Can- ada at the outbreak of World War II to join the RCAF. He was a bomber pilot and flew many successful missions over enemy territory. Frank Smart, a resident of Richmond Hill for four years, has agreed to conduct the Rich- m-ond Hill and District Choral Society now in course of forma- tion. He possesses all these re~ quirem-ents in full measure. Frank Smart To Conduct Local Choral Society ‘R Richmond Hill ‘ n TUrner 4-1312 At the conclusion of hostili- ties, he enrolled in music at the University of Toronto, from which he graduated as Asso- ciate of the Royal Academy of Music, after specializing in voice training and choral dir- ection. Following graduation, Mr. Sm-art has had a varied musical HRB - I'IRB . l-IRB- HRBE : INSURANCE ii HERBERT R. BUTT - - - SINGERS WANTED â€"- ALL VOICES - - - For Richmond Hill and District Choral Society Conductor: Mr. Frank L. Smart, A.R.C.T. An interesting and challenging programme, and coâ€"operation with the Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra is planned. Send name, address, voice register and any notes of previous experience to Mr. Philip Drury, \West Indies Calypso King Lord Power and his talented daughter Donna Armstrong will be the featured performers at the Caribbean Carni- val being staged at the Lions Hall on September 29th. unique social event for limbo dance by eleven year oldmay give full~time study to rnond Hill is being planned Donna Armstrong together with ways and means of preventing :he local peace research her sister and father, this talâ€" nuclear war. nittee, to be known as aented family having appeared V . ibbean Calypso Carnivalâ€, recently on CBC television Mrs- “59911 Rablnowltch is ieptem'ber 29th, in the Li- coast-to-coast performing this Convenor 1‘“ Charge .01 arrange- Hall. Dancing cabaret style competitive West Indies dance ments for “)9 evening. Tickets 1e rhythm of bongo drums on the occasion of Jamaican may be 01mm“ by calling Mrs. melodic West Indies bal- Independence Day celebrations. Lloyd Brown, TU. 4-5775. Mrs. A M l’,nuvnhm‘A.~.. In" A‘IHEA Peace Research Sponsors Caribbean Carnival 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill 400 Bent Crescent, Richmond Hill. DEPENDABLE Telephone SERVICE The public is cordially in- vited to come and join in the fun, entire proceeds of the af- fair going to the Canadian ,Peace Research Institute to aid the establishment of a research centre in a Canadian universi- ty where Dr. Norman Z. Aicock ‘and a team of top scientists career, including the position of assistant to the late Dr. Les- lie Bell during the formation of the well-known “Bell Singâ€" 7) ers . He has also done work with the CBC, Army. Navy. and Air Force shows. Elsewhere on this page will be found an advertisement for members of the proposed Rich- m-ond Hill and District Choral Society. It is hoped that local singers will take advamtage of the formation of this choir, so that under Mr. vaa‘rt’s direc- tion it will reach a standard of excellence such that Richmond Hill, with an amateur sym- phony orchestra and choral so- ciety, will become a well-known name in local musical circles. In addition to directing choirs, Mr. Smart has been tenor soloist at Thomas Eaton Memorial and Bathu-rst United Churches, Toronto, and at churches in Brampton. Before moving to Richmond Hill in 1958, Mr. Smart lived in Sault Ste. Marie for four yeam, and was director of the Saulm Ste. Marie radio an-d‘ television choir. ‘ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont., Thursday. Sentemher 90. 10R? Toronto, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 112 Yonge St. Toronto Mrs. Joseph Rabinowltch 1s convenor in charge of arrange- ments for the evening. Tickets may be obtained by calling Mrs. Lloyd Brown, TU. 4-5775. Mrs. A. M. Loughridge, TU. 4-1359, or Mrs. Lewis D. Clement, TU. 4-1252. SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS “ ‘your office machine specialist‘ 88 Baker Ave., Richmond 8111 see portable models at ‘nght’s Pharmacy’ Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 l‘ypewriters - Adding Machinel Deposit This Coupon and See Prizes on Display at Richmond Hill Music Centre In The Mall at Richmond Heights Centre Classical Ballet School Is Now Open At WRIXON HALL - RICHMOND Hlll. For Information Call TU. 4 - 5102 SYLVIA GARSON CLASSES FOR CHILDREN & ADULTS 1n Ballet - Toe - Tap - Acrobatic Modern Jazz - Baton Spanish - Character Dancing Special Physical Culture Class RICHMOND HILL STUDIOS 428 S. Fernleigh Circle - Bayview High School From 6.30 to 9 pm. 428 S. FERNLEIGH CIRCLE, Richmond Hill L H SIMS (Preparatory for Royal Conservatory Examinations) A.D.C.M. TEACHER 0F Piano, Voice & Theory vunmommmuwumwnm THE DANCE STUDIOS 'I'HE BUBIK Markham-Bayview Area Information 4.30 to 9 pm. ‘SHIELDSW 8%wa Shootin’ irons all cleaned and loaded. Ready for action. Young feet on the run. If you have them in your house you know how fast they grow out of shoes. The average child’s foot size changes every 1 to 2 months to the age of six. After that. every 2 to 3 months. In these formative years, proper Ihoes are paramount for the growth of normal healthy feet. Shoes that are too small or too large, poorly designed or worn out can affect the whole body. We recommend Savageâ€"the correct shoe for children. You'll ï¬nd a good selection of these ï¬ne sturdy shoes at our store. Be sure your child gets the support he needs. Bring him in for regular size check-ups. BILLY the KID Illâ€"PERSON! Richmond Heights Centro SOUTH BLOCK TU. 4-5341 “I'm! WWII/PM XII popular makes on hand Snecial Students' Rates