6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont., Thursday, September 20, 1962 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, 1st insertion So each word, min. charge 75c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 5c per word, min. charge . . . . . . 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion 01' 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5e per word; min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS, per insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10 am. on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE (Contingd)__ FOR S AUTOMATIC washer, 545. TU. PILE of cow manure. Gormley 4_3211' . c1w12 5580. c1w12 __â€".___.-__ ADMIRAL refrigerator alsbiALUMINUM extension laddellg ' ' ’ . - . 1 rangette. TU. 4-5373. c1w12 28 safety TU 4 3338 c W PIANO, antique. TU. 4-1688. c1w12 REFRIGERATOR, good condi- tion, reasonable, owner movmg. TU. 4-7197. c1w12 WESTINGHOUSE 30†electric range, automatic. TU. 4-7755. c1w12 CASCADE cash register. coffee urns, 5 and 3 gallon. AV. 5-4384 *1w12 INGLIS wringer washer, auto- matic pump. 3 years old. very reasonable. TU. 4-3665. c1w12 BABY CARRIAGE, Lloyd, yel- low and white. Like new $25. TU. 4-4848. c1w12 YOUTH bed with mattress and side guards; in good condition, $15. 884-1894. c1w12 FREEZER, good condition, rea- Ionable. Phone TU. 4-3968. c1w12 GUNS TU. 4-1884 c1w12 LARGE Norge space heater with looâ€"gallon tank, $50. TU. 4- 2563. c1w12 GIRL’S 3-piece winter coat out- ï¬t, size 5-6. Excellent condition, $5. AV. 5â€"1597. c1wlZ WRINGER washer with pump, timer and ï¬lter, 2% years old, $50. AL. 7-2669. c1w12 BABY CARRIAGE, blue, good condition, $20, Apt. 1, 12 Centre St. E. *1w12 GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 BLACK top soil for dressing lawns, one back hoe in good condition, 35 good ewes. Phone Unionville 556. c3w10 FRIGIDAIRE cash or swap for Singer sewing machine. 1948 Dodge, good running condition. $100. 884-7527. c1w12 CULTIVATED or uncultivated peat loam delivered, small loads from $4. large loads from $14. AV. 5-5367. tfc10 ELECTRIC stove. Gurney,’ 4- bumer, good oven. Girl’s two wheel bicycle, cheap. AV. 5- 1046. c1w12 R BARGAIN Number 1 White Honey, 30 lb. pails at $6.00 each. B. Kays, R. R. 1 Gormley, phone Gormley 5293. *8w9 “m COW MANURE and peat loam, ï¬nest quality. Small load $5.00, large load $15.00. Call collect TU. 4-2538 or PR. 3-5922. tfc39 FURNACE, steel weld gravity, complete with heat pipes, new condition. $20; 2 pipe fans, 7†and 10", with thermostat. $12. 884-1274, after 5 [NHL c1w12 K NATURAL CEDAR POSTS All sizes available, dressed or undressed. AV. 5-1514 tfc5 BOY’S bicycle, 'fridge, Mof‘fat electric stove, easy chair; excel- lent condition; moving to apart- ment. TU. 4-4997, after 5 p.m. c1w12 . The Original McLeran’s MOLLY OIL Cuts oil consumption 50%, pro- ven performance, saves oil, saves gas. AV. 5-1175 after 5 p.m. c4\v10 CURLING DEBENTURE‘ Single man's debenture for Richmond Hill Curling Club. Value $300.00, 10% discount - cash or terms. Write Box 54 The Liberal. c1w12 CONTENTS of house. Dining 8: bedroom suites, rugs, coffee tables, chesterï¬eld suite. end tables and lamps, electric range, 9’ x 12' tent, etc. AV. 5-3430. *1w12 BEAUTYREST, Marshall, Sim- mons, Serta, Heely and other spring mattresses repaired, re- turned just like new, medium ï¬rm, extra ï¬rm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 ELECTRIC STOVE, 4 burner and oven $25; hand painted mu- ral 80" by 100" $45; 2 wheels and tires 700x17, 8 ply, new, $65; barbecue for built-in kit- chen $35; large concrete mixer= on wheels $150; large mortar box $10; hand painted lamp shades $3.50 each. AV. 5-1584. c1w12 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals DEARBORN loader for sale. 225-2781. c1w12 PIANO, reasonable. Phone TU. 4-2709 after 7 p.m. :1ch SWEET CORN. Gormley 5216. c1w12 5 ACRES of corn standing. Gormley 5216. c1w12 HEARING AID for sale. TU. 4- 4974. c1w12 WASHING machine in good condition, $15. TU. 4-2200. c1w12 GIRL‘S BICYCLE 28". Very good condition. $10. AL 7-1368. c1w12 BOYS C.C.M. bicycle 18". Ex- cellent condition. AV. 5-1528. c1w12 TWO dump bodies, Woods comb. 7'x11‘, cam and roller heavy duty hoists. 285-5719. tfc48 MACDOUGALL deep well pump with motor and No. 82 galvan- ized tank. $50. AV. 5-1295. c1w12 PALAMINO, 5 year gelding, 15 hands. well mannered. AV. 5- 5069. c1w12 STANDARD Underwood type- writer, good condition, $35. TU. 4-2259. c1w12 TELEVISION, Console, 17", working condition. $35; chester- iield good condition. TU. 4-2‘536 c1w12 ORGAN-Bell, piano case, 6 octave, recently re-conditioned. Write Box No. 52 The Liberal. - c2w12 PHILCO radio and record play- er, 3 speed. Child’s desk and chair. Child’s record player. 884-4197. c1w12 1953 CHEVROLET lxé ton pan- el, excellent shape, $75; Easy washing machine, spin dry $35; chicken wire 1" and 2†mesh, $6 and $12 per roll. TU. 4-5452. c1w12 WOOD â€" come and take it away from the CNR right-ofâ€"way between Finch and Sheppard Avenues. Contact Leo Ryan on job or phone Kitchener, SH. 5- 3073. c1w12 MOVING SALE - GE refriger- tor, new; Hotpoint stove, long sideboard, vanity dresser, drop leaf dining table, etc. TU. 4- 5601 or 74A Yonge St. S. c1w12 SALE PRICE on wall to wall DRAPERIES 6 width, fully lined, 95" long, $47.49 traditional & modems WYN-DOT LADIES’ SHOP Bayview Plaza Richmond Hill TU. 4-2214 c4w12 PRESSURE TREATED Osmose poles, posts and lumber for pole barns and other structures re- quiring (weather Protection) Ratcliff Bros. Ltd., Lumber & Bldg. Supplies, phone Stoufl- ville 204w1. c1w37 DRAPES, a large selection of ready made drapes in all pop- ular sizes. On sa-le at prices that defy comparison. For bet- ter values come to Draperyland, 5821 Yonge Street south of Steeles Ave., in the Newton- brook Plaza. BA. 1-5621. Thurs- day and Friday till 9 p.m. c4w12 “â€" PETS FOR SALE 50 RABBITS, Burns, BrooiEsicTe Drive, TU. 4-3154. c1w12 CUTE LITTLE puppies $5. Phone AV. 5-4432. c2w11 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP. Maple Res- taurant, 257-2522. c1w12 YOUNG married man for serâ€" vice station, must be experienc- ed. TU. 4-1502. c1w11 SALESMAN driver for estab- lished bread route. Call Mr. Walters, 244-3571. c1w12 WILL exchange $90 for 40 hours per week. Write Box 38 The Liberal. c4w9 WAITRESS wanted. Apply Pop's Restaurant, 194 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. tfcll PRACTICAL nurse or lady willing to learn practical nurs- ,ing. Call 5315 Gormley. c2w12 WAITRESS wanted for snack bar. Phone 667 Unionville. c1w12 TWO MEN to work 5-9 p.m. daily, for $50 per week. Write Box 39 The Liberal. c4w9 WAITRESS, with counter ex- perience. Lakeview Restaurant, Yonge Street. Oak Ridges. ' c1w12 DRIVER with own car for drug store delivery. Evenings 6.00 to 9.00 p.m. and Sunday after- noons. AV. 5-5793. c1w12 ORGANIST and choir leader for Thornhill Presbyterian Church. Phone Mrs. Boyd, AV. 5-4305. c2w12 MEN WANTED for landscape and lawn maintenance work. Garden Gate Nurseries, 66 Elgin Mills Road, AV. 5-5942. *1w12 WOMAN to work in laundry, 5 lday week. Salvation Army, House of Concord, AV. 5-5126. c2w11 ORNAMENTAL iron worker, fully experienced, for Richvale works. AV. 5-5971 or CH. 1-0495 evenings. c1w12 MECHANIC, Diesel, for gravel pit near Maple, experienced with Euclid, Oummins and Cat- erpillar. AV. 5-3952. c1w12 LICENSED mechanic. Apply to service Manager, Canadian Tire Corporation, Richmond Hill. c1w12 EXPERIENCED service station attendant, or mechanic. Apply Gabriel’s Texaco, Richmond Hill. c1w12 GIRL or woman for general housework Thursday or Friday. Dutch speaking, phone after 7 p.m. AV. 5-4226. c2ww EXPERIENCED hairdresser for Maple store. 5 day week, excel- lent working conditions, part time or full time. AL. 7-2590. tfc9 KING CITY hydro system, male ,or female, clerical and book- keeping experien-ce. Send res- ume to Box 400 King City. c1w12 SANTA CLAUS: Applications now being received for Santa Claus to be at Shopping Centre for three weeks in December. Apply to Box 42 The Liberal. c4w10 CLER - Stenograipher’s posi- tion vailable immediately for girl. Experience preferred. Sal- ary commensurate with qualiï¬- Icaitions. Richmond Hill area. AV. 5-1171, local 249. c1w12 JUNIOR stenographer, short- hand required, office hours 8.30 to 4.30 5-day week, group in- surance, annual increases, age 17-21. Office in Richmond Hill. Write to Box No; 56 “The Lib- eral". c1w12 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Radio Station CFGM requires an experienced sales representa- tive for York County. Excellent opportunity with growing com- pany. Contact Mr. Graham, TU. 4-1624. c1w12 3 MEN OR WOMEN to take ov- er established Watkins business due to students returning to school. Earnings average $2.50 hour up. For appointment 884- 7520 between 7 and 9 p.m. or apply in person, 12 Centre St. ,East. tfc10 G.M. DEALER REQUIRES man to do service station work and clean used cars. Permanent position. C. M. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. KING CITY c1w12 FREE to good home, part Per- sian kitten, also 2 full grown tabby cats. AV. 5-3139. c1w12 RESERVE your rare Saluki puppy now. Pet and show stock, $100 up. Tom Alker, 113 Edgar Ave, Richvale. c4w11 AMERICAN eskimo pups. pure white, small, intelligent. Also Samoyed pups. Innoculated. AV. 5-1972. tfc28 GERMAN SHEPHERD pupï¬ie‘s, black and tan, 8 weeks old, champion pedigree. Hoheneich- en Kennel, TU. 4-2580. tfcll POODLES, small blacks and whites, top quality. Puppies now available. Wonderful dis- ,position $100 up. Gormley 5339.1 tfc9 POODLES, top quality minature black and white from Canada‘s ï¬nest blood lines. Health guar- anteed, stud service available. Professional poodle grooming service. PA. 7-6669 tfcl Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cliédingtngiv and rebuilt stang- Ir pora e and electric mo - â€" els. Special rental rates avail-l PART TIME BUSINESS able to students. FOR SALE L_ H. SIMS Work may be done at home.‘ 88 Bake;- Avc, lTyping an asset. Total price Richmond Hill TU, 4-1745;$l,000. Write Box 53 The Lib- tfc49,eral. c1w12 lWOlVlEN â€" Christmas selling starts early with Avon Cosmet- ics - part or full time - valuable sales territory n-ow available in Doncaster, Richvale, Langstaff, Grand-view Estate. Write Miss Ziegler, PO. Box 141, Guelph, Ont. c1w12 ,A- TO RENT 2 BEDROOM apartment, conveniences, TU. 4â€"7179. c2w12 MISCELLANEOUS JOHN'S washer and appliance repairs. TU. 4â€"2615. tfc50 PAINTING. paperhanging Free all 3 ROOM apartment, close to, estimates. Colour samples. A Y e. R t. TU 4_ Rollinson. TE. 3â€"6671. tfc15 5505‘? 935°“able re“ tfcll SEPTIC tanks Pumped 2“ hm" FURNISHED accommodation, service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. “C4 adult home, free parking. own TO RENT (Continued) 3 ROOM upper duplex suitable for one or two adults. 884-3829. c1w12 31/2 ROOM self-contained apart- ment, adults only. AV. 5-5233. tfcll phone. 884-5734. c1w12 APARTMENTS REASONABLE. T. Murphy Brokers AV. 5-2951 c1w52 PLOWING. discing, final grad- ing and seeding. TU. 4-1538. tfc12. PAINTING & PAPER _ M h _ HANGING gogsgcslion Oldie,ls‘i?ul§)l;ingzl\rllilgl:: R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. ' TU. 4-4517. c1w12 SMALL, self contained apart- ment, suitable for couple with one child. TU. 4-2596. *1w12 tic FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pump installed and serviced. Frank Gerritz, R. R. 2 Aurora. PR. 3-5673, tfc50 FURNISHED room with privi- I , f .. - 7 7. ROTOVATING eges or rent 884 2 3 “012 Custom rotovating, aerating. ARMITAGE, 8-roomed house. all conveniences. PA. 7-9488, PA. 7-5046. tfc12 FURNISHED room, suit one gentleman, cooking facilities. TU. 4-1629. tfc6 CHURCH ST. S. 3 bedroOm bungalow. Possession mid-Octo- ber. 884-7642. c1w12 THORNHILL Accommodation for gentleman. Meals option-a1. Parking. AVen- ue 5-4115 after 5 p.m. c1w12 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment, Yonge St. South. Reduced rent for part time services. RU. 3- 6229. c4w11 lawn and garden maintenance. Tom Mashinter. 884-7573. tfc4l NOW IS THE TIME Fireplace and furnace wood cut with chain saw. No job too big 01 small. AL. 7-1058. *4w11 SAND AND GRAVEL, crusiicd stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill. TU. 4â€"1701. tic8 DRESS ALTERATIONS First class work. Carolyn Bar- gent. 9018 Yonge St. at Rich- vale. AV. 5-1591. tfc6 PLANNING A DANCE? Call us for stero and hi-fi DANCE MUSIC Reasonable rates, courteous ser- vice. TU. 4-7287. tfc36 TOOLS FOR RENT CHIMNEYS Floor sanders, saws and drills. Chimneys built and repaired. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail Free estimates. Expert work- dl'lvel‘s- AV~ 5'1109- “021 manship. Phone Walker and AVAILABLE for 4-6 young FURNISHED housekeeping 1954 PONTIAC, $125 or best of- fcr. PR. 3â€"5728. 1959 N.S.U., excellent condition, must sell. 884-3547. 1958 VOLKSWAGEN van, best offer. AV. 5-4384. USED CARS FOR SALE c1w12 clwll *1w12 room, grill, share fridge, quiet business person or older. Refer- ences required. 70 Arnold. tfcll 1950 DODGE, $50. Boy's junior size bicycle. 257-1506. c1w12 NEWLY decorated flat in farm- house, separate entrance. suit- able for busineSS or retired couple only. Call 257-2458 after 6 p.m. *1w11 3 ROOM apartment, close to schools, churches and Bayview Plaza. Ideal for teachers or bus- iness couple. Heat, light, water provided. Private phone avail- able if desired. TU. 4-1728. c2wll GARDEN SUPPLIES 1958 AUSTIN A55, condition, one owner. TU. 4- 4639. 1956 CHEVROLET for sale, $550 or best offer. TU. 4-1841. good running order, $50. Sun- oco Station, Richmond Hill. 1951 PONTIAC COACH, $100. Good motor, heater, tires and body. Runs well. TU. 4-7875. 1959 METROPOLITAN, black and white, mileage 15,500, good condition, Gormley 5823. excellent tfc10 c1w12 1943 CHEV. panel deiiver'y‘; c2w11 ! c2w12 $689. *lw12 one owner. BOB’S SODDING Sod supplied and laid. ' Roto- tilling. Free estimate. 884- 2677. tfc6 4’ HEDGING CEDARS 75c. Peat Loam, 2% yards delivered $8. Rockeries and Stonework. Call C. L. Knappett, TU. 4â€"3089. tfc50 1953 DODGE, mechanically pEAT LOAM sound, body fair, good tires, peat L m 6 d l d 12 radio, reasonable, TU. 4-3660 oa ’ yar 0a $ ' after 6 p.m. 11ch Also large supply of manure and sod. Bayview Garden Supâ€" plies. TU. 4-2538 or PR. 3-5922. red, excellent condition. 2 new snow tires extra. AL. 7-1319. 1956 Plymouth V-8, good tires, radio; good condition; $300.00. 1950 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, c3w10 or best offer. TU. 4-7951. c2w12 FOR sale. ’51 Studebaker, Eddy poor, brand new motor & clutch, EMPLOYMENT BABY SITTING DAY CARE. any age, in new home. 884-2552. tfcll WOMAN will give day care ’to one or two pre-school children. TU. 4-2184. tfc12 MOTHER'S HELPER SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters, home- maker's service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. WANTED HOUSEWORK, experienced 9-4. Call Gormley 5341 collect. c1w12 R WOMAN would like housework by day. Apply TU. 4-4755. c3w11 R DRESSMAKING and altera- tions. Mrs. MacDonald. TU. 4â€" 5057. tfch \_ EXPERIENCED typist desires work to do at home. 285-3739. c1w12 WILL GIVE day care in Chris- tian home. Phone TU. 4â€"1962. c1w11 R WOMAN would like housework or child care by day. AV. 5- 1407. c1w12 RELIABLE married woman will baby-sit evenings. 260 Demaine Crescent, Richmond Hill. *1w12 YOUNG MEN, 16-19. looking for work. Anything considered Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. AV. 5-5126. do†LADY desires part time employ- ment. Experienced in bookkeep- ing, banking and office manage- ment. TU. 4-4269. c1w12 RETIRED Scottish couple would like position looking after small estate, etc. References. Write Box 49 The Liberal. tfcll CARPENTER. kitchen cup- boards, rec. rooms, alterations, garages, planters any shape. You name it, we'll make it. Free estimates. M. C. Duffy, TU. 4- 2588. tfc10 YOUG WOMAN, presently em- ployed in Toronto Hospital, de- sires office position closer to home, Richmond Hill to Wil- lowdale district. Please call af- ENGLISH comptometer opera- tor, 17 years experience in Eng- land, Canada. All phases of computations. Fast, accurate work done at home. TU. 4-2509. c3w11 EXPERIENCED truck driver seeks permanent employment. Married, steady worker. Will consider anything. TU. 4-2512. nc2w11 a WANTED TO RENT 3 BEDROOM house, preferably in Thornhill area, must be rea- sonable. 285-5517. c2w11 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CHINCHILLAS Can make you money. Stone- house Chinchilla Ranch, R. R. l, Uxbridge, Ont. (at Siloam). tfcll % ROOM and BOARD ONE gentleman preferred. Par- king. TU. 4-5189. c2w12 ONE OR TWO roomers wanted TU. 4-1203. c1w12 BOARD & ROOM, adult the‘, near buses. Phone 884-5734. c1w12 ROOM, board optional, business man. Parking. Central location. TU. 4-1205. c1w12 LARGE attractive room, with Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 E. W. PAYNE Drains septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc3l HOUSE RAISING Septic tanks, bathrooms, brick stone and concrete work, 30 years in this business. Call after 7 p.m. PR. 3-5788. tfc2 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON L'I‘D. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 tfc43 businessmen, a heated furnished house in Richmond Hill. TU. 4- 5778. c2w12 TWO fully equipped 2 bedroom apartments in Richmond Hill. Immediate possession. Contact Miss Anderson, 9-5 p.m. at EM. 6-9961. tfc48 BACHELOR apartment, fur- nished. 86 Spruce Avenue, Richvale. AV. 5-4373 after 5 p.m. c3w12 FURNISHED or unfurnished room, home privileges, suit re- fined middle aged lady. TU. 4- 1858 evenings. c2w12 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4 5688. tfc23 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 SPECIAL Chesterï¬eld sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery, phone AV 5-1682. tfc43 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192 King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfcl3 CALL us for your sand, gravel, ï¬ll, top soil and black loam. t Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, ALpine 7-8876. th7 MASONRY, PLASTERING ALTERATIONS. REPAIRS ESTIMATES FREE L. SARGEANT TU. 4-5594 tfcll CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service. WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 tfc8 PAINTER & DECORATOR For good prices see our show- room. Wallpapers, drapes. etc. - Harry Bargent. 9018 Yonge St., Richvale. AV. 5-1591. tfcï¬ SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean, modern service. C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richmond Hill tfc40 CUSTOM CARPENTRY Kitchens remodelled, bedroom and bathroom vanities, stereo, iiiâ€"fl, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. Morris Harrison, TU. 4- 2838. tfc15 CHESTERFIELD suites, and chrome chairs recovered and rebuilt, at a reasonable price. No job too small. Free estim- YOUNG MAN, living near Rich-l mond Hill, with at least four] years secondary schooling, for} junior technical position at David Dunlap Obscrvatoryw Night work involved. Apply in writing to the Director, giving two references. c1w12 REALTY SALES STAFF Opening for one real estate salesman and one saleswoman z’in the busy Richmond Hill of-1 ï¬ces of David McLean Ltd. This is a full time position. Realty experience not essential. Train- ing provided. Call Mr. Shields, TU. 4-3805. clwll WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE . . If you enjoy working 3 or 4, hours a day calling regularly each month on a group of Sin-1 dio Girl Cosmetic clients on a route to be established in and around Richmond Hill, and are etC., write STUDIO GIRL COS- METICS. Dept. CWS-SQ. 840: Lafieur Ave. Montreal 32.1 Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour. c3wll ates. Murrav Upholstery. AV. 5-4767. tfc51 UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4â€"4813 resi- dence, business, AV. 5-5345. tfc44 SWIMMING POOLS â€" 14' x 28' reinforced concrete â€" complete with ï¬lter, steps, splash lip and decking. â€" as low as $1800.00. PAYNE POOLS AV. 5-5762 c8w6 HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV APPLIANCES Wiring, Sales, Repairs, Parts, Rentals General Electric Dealer willing to make light deliveries, Imported Stereo Radio-PhonoslFM musmv large balconies' inter‘ 40 Levendale Road South Block Richmond Heights Centre TU. 4-3211 All Hours tfcll 3 ROOMS and kitchenette, un- furnished, second floor, adults. 58 Hall St. at Wright, Richmond Hill. *1w12 LARGE modern 2 bedroom ap- artment, electrically equipped kitchen, soft water, excellent value. 50 Benson Ave. TU. 4- 3581. tfcll STORE FOR RENT $100 monthly. Bright heated store at 70 Yonge St. South. Also smaller store at $75 month- ly. Mr. Shields TU. 4-3805. Dav- id McLean Ltd. Realtors. c1w10 CENTRE of Maple, unfurnished, 3 bedroom apartment, newly redecorated. Large modern kit- chen, separate dining room, gar- age. $125 per month. AL. 7- 2364. c1w11 ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent. Large living room, kit- chen, bathroom. Suit business lady or couple. Mrs. R. Paris, 50 Church St. N. AV. 5-4741, until 6. tfc12 TOOLS T0 RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns, rotoâ€" tillers, rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental 8; Sales. 6026 Yonge St., BA. 1- 1711. tfc42 RICHMOND HILL RENTALS 3 and 4 bedroom homes. from $90 a month. A large selection available. Call AV. 5-1951 Charles Marple Real Estate tfc37 PORTABLE TELEVISION Rent a portable TV Reasonable weekly or monthly rates. Delivery and Pick-Up Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonge S. TU. 4-7456 AV. 5-3756 tfc28 AURORA LOVELY furnished apartment with living room, bedroom, equipped kitchen, dinette, bath- ,room. Separate entrance. All services included, $85 monthly. Business adults. PA. 7-5597. tfc12 LANET APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL 441 ELMWOOD AT BAYVIEW Large one and two bedroom ap- artments, modern in every de- tail, swimming pool, elevators, FM music, large balconies. inter- com, parking, TV outlet, fully equipped and ï¬reproofed. Lanet Apartments, phone AV. 5-2303, ME. 3-9506, ME. 3-8572. tfc9 RICHMOND BILL 192 Bayview Avenue Beautiful modern apartments * 1 and 3 bedrooms * Two ceramic tiled baths * Large balconies * Garage, free parking * Walk in closets * Near everythin-g Apply Apt. 1, or call TU. 4- 7755, TU. 4-5693 or RU. 1-9582. tfc 12 LANET APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL 441 ELMWOOD AT BAYVIEW Large one and two bedroom ap- artments, modern in every de- tail, swimming pool, elevators, lcom, parking, ’I‘V outlet. fully equipped and ï¬reproofed. Lanet Apartments, phone AV. 5-2303, ME. 3-9506, ME. 3-8572. tfc9 7-0-1 i-u-o-o-o-ii-o-o.u.o.u-u.o.o-o.o-<-0.o.o.¢“>-o-o.o-o-! $40 or best offer. AV. 5-3953. *1w12 1956 CHEV. Coach V8, standard, radio, new whitewalls, absolute- ly immaculate. Sacriï¬ce. AV. 5-3054. c1w12 1956 PLYMOUTH for sale, good mechanically. Needs body work, $300 or best offer. TU. 4-2871. *lwll 1954 De Soto, 6-cylinder, 4-door, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio and other extras. Engine and body in good condi- tfcll EVERGREEN SPECIAL Good selection of large spread- ing evergreens $2.50 each. 7815 Dufferin St., Concord. just north of Highway 7. c2w12 ELGIN MILLS LOAM and SOD CO. LTD. Top Soil, Loam, Cultivated Peat Loam, Sandy Loam, Well Rot- ted Manure, Special Mixed Loam, Field Sod, Cultivated Seeded Sod, Nursery Sods. AV 54514 tion, $200. TU. 4-1494. “02 c1w12 LOOK LOOK 1955 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan, Lovely bushy cedars, 18" to 24†50c each or $45 per hundred; 3' to 4’ $1 ea. or $80 per hundred; also peat loam $8 a load, Rotted manure $10 load. Landscaping, etc. C. L. Knappett, TU. 4-30'89 before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. please. tfc12 P. HANSEN and Co. COMPLETE landscaping, sod laid and delivered, sandy loam and peat loam, crushed stone for driveways. Underground lawn sprinklers, chain link and wooden fences, patio, sidewalks installed, spray-ing of lawns and shrubs, pruning, maintenance. AV. . 5-1286. tfcll 6 cylinder, standard transmis- sion, engine and body excellent, low mileage, owner going ab- road. $350. Private. TU. 4â€"3627. c2w11 1957 DODGE, 1 ton, 300 Series, dual wheeled truck. Line type body equipped with hand oper- ated hydraulic assist 28 foot ladder. Richmond Hill Hydro, Superintendent Al. Horwood, 104 Newkirk Road. c2w11 NEW CAR TRADE-INS Must sacriï¬ce $50 down, small monthly payments â€" 1960 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery 1956 Oldsmobile Hardtop (power equipped) 1960 Vauxhall Station Wagon (one owner) 1959 Volkswagen (low mileage) Apply 7377 Yonge St., Thorn- hill, AV. 5-1063. c1w12 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HORNED Dorset Ram. Gormley 5216. c1w12 Transportation RIDE wanted, Highway 27 and 401; work hours, 8:30 am. to 5 p.m. 884-2161. *1w12 lTRANSPORTATION required, Leisure Lane to Yonge & Eglin- ton, office hours 8.30 to 5.00 MONEY TO LOAN $25,000 FOR LOANS, invest- ments, mortgages, etc. Private, conï¬dential. Write Box 45, The Liberal- *2w11 p.m. TU. 4.1523. c1w12 WANTED transportation from stop 22A Richvale, 7.30 am. to Bathurst and St. Clair, or near there, returning 4 p.m. AV. 5- SOCCER boots, size 11. AV. 5- 4280- “W12 5617. c1w12 TRANSPORTATION available from North Taylor Mills to downtown Toronto, John and Richmond, via Bayview. Leave ten to seven, return ten after four. TU. 4-5576. c1w11 STAMP collection by new c; lector. Call Major AV. 5-5126. c2w11 DEEP WELL electric pump, capable of pumping 200 feet, uphill. R0. 7-6201 after 6. c1w12 DEEP WELL PUMP, in good condition. Phone Mount Albert 247W4 collect. c1w12 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€"â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid. Call Vocal Instruction CONSERVATORY and Univer- sity qualiï¬ed vocal instruction. William Nahr, A. Mus. and Mus. G. Paed. Late NBC and New York City Centre Opera Com- Frank’s Movers and Storage. pany. Call Associated Music TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc7 Schools, TU. 4â€"5317. cZw12 5 YOU HAVE ‘ HIDDEN MONEY IN YOUR PROPERTY TO PAY YOUR BILLS Real Estate Loans arranged in One Visit in the Following Areas: Richmond Hill Thornhill Stouffville Maple Langstaff Oak Ridges Unionville King Richvale Concord Gormley ‘ O lst & 2nd Mortgages 0 Up to 20-Year Terms 0 Low Interest 0 No Hidden Bonuses O Loans on Frame, Insul and Brick Homes We do not put a Chattel Mortgage on your Car or Furniture Phone, Come In or Write - Ask for Mr. Clemens M. C. BEBER LTD. 21 Dundas Square, Toronto CALL COLLECT EM. 3-6251 Free Parking at 220 Victoria Street 24-Hour Phone Service Including Weekends Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers’ Association I'D-I-l.s-lh-l_i--~-__~m-l_v-““m. ter 6.30 p.m. TU. 4-7814. c1w12 Ward, Parkm- AV- 5‘3270- x RELIABLE married woman czwu seeks permanent office position. ROOM 8‘ .BOARD available for Part or full time. Experienced young busmess man' TU' 4'4198' with typing, bookkeeping and ._..“__CIW.IE shorthand. Apply Box 51 The STEADY working man will Liberal. nc2w11 share apartment with same. All K home privileges. Phone TU. 4- DRESSMAKING .. ALTERATIONS w DESIGNING FURNISHED ROOM in attrac- Tu 4_4670_ *2w11 tive, quiet home, for business lady, one block from Yonge. OFFICE GENERAL Meals option-a1. TU. 4-1555 after Reliable, mature woman â€"-, ex. 5 P-m- tfcs perienced typist, comptometer,m reception, accustomed to res- fence contractor near Hwy. 48 ponsibility and meeting public, and Steeles Ave. State price desires position Richmond Hill and number of men. Apply Mrs. to Newmarket area. Box 50, L. Ryan, 168 Plymouth Rd., The Liberal. c2w11 Kitchener, SH. 5-3073. c1w12 m :Chryslers ouths Valiants The Best Buys are on Sale Now SAVE SAVE SAVE. AT WM. NEAI. 4 61 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-7381 Ladies’ Printed Flannelette - if I I Pyjamas and ' 7,7 Gowns - S.M.L. ‘ ' $2.98 Ladies’ Seamless Nylons First Quality - 9 to 11 pair SIMPSON'S DRYGUODS 12 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill i...