SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1962‘ 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 9:45 am. â€"- Junior School 11 em. â€" 8 years and under 11 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer 2.30 pm. â€"â€" Conï¬rmation Class Sat.. Sept. 29 - Youth Rally Par- ty at Rector's Home Sunday. Sept. 30 - Joint Anniv- ersary with Hanlan’s Island friends and Harvest Thanksgiv- mg (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street ‘ (Opposite the High School) ‘11 I-"L - Pastorz: :G. Forbes 1 SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1962 9.45 am. â€" Bible School Classes for all U) 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship Rev. Hu 7 p.m. â€"â€" Evangelistic Service Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting 9.45 am A Friendly Welcome Is an Extended to ALL at “'â€" The Young Church with the Old Message ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. and Que.) Minister: Rev. J. M. Ward Meeting in MacKillop Public School 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"-- Nursery & Primary 11 am. â€"- Morning Service A church handy to the north- west. section of Richmond Hill and Elgin Mills. 10.1.5 am. 4 Holy Cnmmunion SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1962 TU. 4-4236 Church, TU. 4-7083 SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1962 EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Driw - Richvale Rev. Fred C_ Jackson TU. 4-2418 Mrs. Jas. E. Howard. Organist Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil ‘ Assistant Curate: Rev. J. R. F. Moore SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. 1962 Trinity XIV 8 am. â€" HOLY COMMUNION 9.30 am. â€"â€" MORNING PRAY- Xthh Sunday After Trinity 8 mm. â€"â€" Holy Communion 9.45 mm. â€" Bible Classes 11 am. â€" Church School 11 mm. â€" Morning Prayer Preacher: The Rector (2) A Worshipping Parish 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Dr. 0. E. Stephens will address the 'teens and twenties in the parish hall HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL ‘ Brooke & Jane Streets Rector Rev. H. Reginald Howdcn, B.A.,‘ L. Th. e Organist and Choirmastcr, ‘2 R. S. A. Mullen. A.R.C.T.. R.M.T. ; l Wednesday 10.1.5 a.m. â€"~ Holy Cnmmuniom- (Anglican) HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints‘ Church - King City 10 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 a.nL â€" Sunday School ST. STEPHENS CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage, M.A., D.D. 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion 11 mm. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sun- day of month at 11 11 am. â€" Sunday School Holy Baptism by appointment Morning Prayer 11 am. Sunday School .. 10 am. Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sunday (Sunday School bus from Elgin Mills 9.45 3.111.) ER CHURCH SCHOOL lagcs 2-11‘ years) ‘ 11 am. -â€" MORNING PRAYER CHURCH SCHOOL (12 years ' and over) PREACHER: Rev. Canon E. Jacques. L.H. D.D. Canadian Institute for the Blind 2 pm. â€" JUNIOR CONFIRMA-l TION CLASS 7 pm. â€"â€" EVENSONG - YOUTH SERVICE A.Y.P.A. RALLY p.m. â€" ADULT CONFIRMAJ TION CLASS Wednesday 8 ‘A WARM WELCOME AWAITS‘ 10 «am. â€" HOLY COMMUNION I..." . u._ “.v‘. "Cu. u .4...“ Prayer, Praise. Bible Stud Youth activities Tues., 7 pm. ‘ Junior Ambassadors, Saturday.‘ 9.30 am. 1-0340. Dluullsluu. anti u p.111. *2w12 ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hugh Robert MacDonald,'$870 DOWN. Aurora, balance 1 UNITED CHURCH ‘mortgage. Attractive 3 year old Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill ‘detached home, 4-piece ceramic t. Rev. William W. Patterson bath, large kitchen with exlhaust iSUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1962 fan, lovely lot with view of 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School country-side. Priced below mar- l l l } , YOU THORNHILI. BAPTIST CHURCH - ll a.m. â€"â€" Divine Worship ket at $12,900. wags??? gfonggt'sï¬egue') Nursery and Kindergarten I I Rev. Minton Johnston, DID†meet $14,500 in Aurora. Immaculate Minister W 111/2 tstorey4 hgnée, handy centrtal _ I . I I ‘ oca ion. e rooms, separa e ‘1‘?j.3183;igp'izegvin‘gï¬m'gf UNITED CHURCH dining-room, nice kitchen with iate School in“. Hugh Robert MacDonald, breakfast nook. nil heating, one 11 am. â€"â€" Junior School and‘ BA" B.D. Car garage. Low d0wn payment “MMâ€: I Uncle n A with halanm: on (me mortgage 7 Wednesday 1 iate School 10 a_m,_1A10Ly COMMUNIONHI a.m. â€" Junior School and .____.â€"â€" ,- ‘ Nursery THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 0FM0RN1NG WORSHIP 11 am. CANADA 17 pm. â€" High Fellowship and THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIEL: Young People's Crosby and Bayvlew Avenues } We cordially invite you to Rev. R. E. McLennan 1 WOI‘ShiD With Us 407 Lynetl Crescent ! 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion I - V ' ' ' " " "‘ " 9.30 am. â€"â€" Church School THE ages 7 and up , ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 11 3-m‘ '" Morning pra-Vor ‘ (2 miles south of Maple) Church School. up to 6 yegrs: Pastor_ Em“ Luge 7 P-m- â€" Evening Prayer Wald) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1962 Conï¬rmation classcs- young 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and people ages 14 and up Bible Class Wednesdays 7 ML 11 am. â€" The Service Adults Sundays 7.30 p.111. Morning Prayer Holy Communion Sunday School .‘ ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN ‘ (Yonge at Jefl'erson. Oak Ridges) Rev. D. C. H. Michell. LL.) Rector Everyone cordially invited ST. MARK‘S ANGLICAN (Yonge at Elm Grove. Oak Ridges) ANGLICAN ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST PARISH OF KING SERVIC . 9.45 am. lst Sunday . 9.45 a.m‘ 0“ I 7th Con., Vaughan Twp. 1 CHURCH OF CHRIST ‘ Rev. B. F. Andrew. Minister ‘Welcomes you at 7 pm. each LL-B-n 1SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1962i Lord’s day 10 am. â€" St. Andrew’s Church; Corner of Laurie Rd. and 11 “Tl-l and SundaySchool 1 Concord Ave., Concord 10 am- 11.15 am. â€" St. Paul's ChurchlI Cor. 1-10 Now I beseech you “"3 4â€â€œ The Lord's Supper \Brethren, by the name of our sunday Rev. Prof‘ David Wade of Knox Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all n Elgin;College will take both services Speak the same thing and that ‘ COME TO CRIEEH ' there be no divisions among an, \you; . .. Bible Class 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship 11 am. â€" Nursery Department 2 pm. â€" Pre-Communlcants' Class 7.15 pm. â€"- Young People's Society “Let Us Go Into The House Of The Lord†THORNl-llLL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ‘Hwy. 7. 1/: mi. west of Yonge \ Dilwyn T. Evans, Minister SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1962 Rev. Malcolm Mark. B.A. 11 am. â€" Morning Worship “The Church In The Nation†7 pm. â€" Evening Worship "‘The Responsibility of Church ‘ Membership" ' Christian Education Classes 9.45 am. â€" Grades 4 to 9 and ‘ adults ill a.m. â€" Nursery and Kinder- i garten ‘11.30 am. â€"â€" Grades 1 to 3 [12.30 pm. â€" Grades 10 to 13 â€" ‘The Alpha Omega Bible Class Walter Scott School. Markham! "w"- Road SUNDA Rev. Albert E. Myers. B.A., 10 a_m_ 3.1).. S.T.M.. Pastor SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1962 1130 a Sunday School . . . . . . 9.45 am. 7 pm. Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 am. The Mi SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1962 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and LANGSTAFF UNITED CHURCH } BAPTIST CHURCH ‘ OF CANADA L (Fellowship of Evangelical ‘ MAPLE CHARGE Baptist Churches in Canada) ‘ Minlsger, Church Street Langstam Rev_ Rllph C_ Williams, BA, Edwin H. Mitchell Pastor; SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 ‘ Phone AV, 5-3401 mope _ LORD’S DAY SERVICES 511 am“. _. Anniversary 9.50 am. â€" Sunday School ‘Maple _ 11 am. â€"â€" MORNING SERVICE Sunday Schoo] 10.15 am. 7 pm. â€" EVENING SERVICE Service . I t I i _ , , , , 11.30 am. Supervised nursery at all Lord’s‘sermon - "You and Your Child" day activities 1 .5 l r Con re ation MID-WEEK HOUR. Wed. 8 p.m.‘ "ugâ€" RICHMOND HILL 1 UNITED CHURCH Te Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A., B.D. He SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1962 10 9.45 a.m.â€"Primary Junior, In- 11 termediate & Senior Sunday 73 School w‘ 11 am. â€" Nursery & Kinder- va ‘ garten 1 Sunday School 11‘ 11 mm. â€" Morning Service Co The Minister in LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) Church Street Langstal Edwin H. Mitchell Pasto Phone AV. 5-3401 LORD’S DAY SERVICES 9.50 am. â€" Sunday School Sane“ north of Concord) Sunday _School 11.15 am. â€" Worship Service 11 1"" â€" Mommg ser‘ice Concord (Schoolhouse) The MmlSt†10 am. â€" Sunday School Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. CARRVILLE ‘ Roy Nigh. Pastor UNITED CHURCH i Tel.: Gormley 5544 Rev. Hugh Robert MacDonald. ,10.30 am. â€" Sunday School B.A.. B.D. i11.30 a.m. â€"- Worship Service 9.45 am. â€" Worship Ser\'ice[7.30 p.m. â€" Evening Service and Sunday School iTues., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting PRESBYTERIAN Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond. Organist and Choir Leader RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. ANDREW‘S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MAPLE, ONT. and AND BURNER SERVICE TU. 4-4361 RICHMOND HILL LUTHERAN ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH HALL'S DOMESTIC FUEL OIL ST. PAUL’S CHURCH, W \_ UNITED Nursery Provided Rev. E. T. Holton, Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour. CHML, 9 am. Sunday Friday. Sept. let F.M.Y.‘s opening get together of the season SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1962 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School ‘ Promotion Day ‘11.30 a.m. â€" Worship Service 7 pm. â€" Family Gospel Hour The Minister in charge at both services. CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL 96 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada TU. 4-4387 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 n M ’FL.‘ Dual-nu. Auction Sale of 3 point hitch Ferguson tractor and full line of Ferguson implements. Disc h-arrow, power posthole digger, Prillion model GDP shredder and pulverizer. chisel plow, other pOWer implements. Full line of household furniture, 2 trefrigeravtors. bedroom suites. patio furniture, ohinva dislhes, cooking utensils, lalwn furniture, garden equipment. carpenter tools. Don’t miss this sale if you want good quality of goods at lot 23, Con. 6, Markham Township, the property of E. E. Ott. No reserve as property sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1230 sharp as this is a large stale. Lloyd Turner and son clerk, AI- vin S. Farmer. Phone Gormley 5311. c2w11 B. Pacd. - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1962i$15.000 Gracious 2-bedroom 9.45 am. â€"- Intermediate and bungalow with attached garage Senior Sunday School in quiet reï¬ned area of town, 11 a.m. â€" Sunday School and pleasant living-room with ï¬re- Nursery place, recreation room. oil heat- 11 am. â€"Morning Worship ing, many extras including air- For further information call conditioning. Terms. AV. 5-2131 W. R. CASE REAL ESTATE CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL 96 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada TU. 4-4387 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" The Pastor 7 pm. â€"â€" The Pastor Tues., 8.30 p.m.-Prayer Meeting Rev. P. A. Sorenson, Pastor Everybody welcome RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH (Pastor H. G. Fischbacher) Meeting every Saturday Elgin Mills West 1/4 mile west of Yonge Street Worship Service 9.20 am. Sabbath School 10.30 am. UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rev. C. E. Hunking. Minister 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL Sunday â€" 9.30 am. â€"- Remembrance Ser- vice 11 am. â€"- Bible Hour 8; Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Gospel Meeting Tues. 8 pm. â€"- Prayer and Bible Reading Wed., 7 p.m. â€"- Pioneer girls group Young people’s and ladies‘ meetings as announced "Jesus saves and there is no other way" Wm. VanderBent. Pastor Tel.: Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3155 Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. -â€" Evening Service Wed. 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (311! Com. 2 miles Other Denominations Rev. Howard J. Veals, B.A BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH 24 Oak Avenue Services SELL 0R TRADE BURLINGTON: large 6-room bungalow, 5 miles west of Oak- ville. fully landscaped. storms &' screens. convenient to schools and shopping. Owner transferr- ed to Rlchmond Hill. Phone NE. 4-8926, Burlington, after 6 pm. $14,500 in Aurora. Immaculate 0â€" Norm 1% storey home, handy central Bmker' location, 4 bedrooms, separate dining-room. nice kitchen with‘ breakfast nook, nil heating, one‘ car garage. Low down payment mf_# with balance on one mortgage.lAT'pRAc'p1VE SAT., OCT. 6 â€"â€" Auction sale of household furniture, TV 21" RCA near new, large china ca- binet, refrigenaztor Norge, good, Gurney electric 4 burner stove, bed room and dining room fur- niture, dishes, china, silver} ware, cut glass, bedding (some antiques), linen table clotrhes. In the village of Thornhill at 7608 Yonge St. ‘North of Arnold Ave. The E5â€" tate of the late Benthla Maude Riddell. No reserve as this is a clear sale of extra good quality goods. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Lloyd Turner & Son, clerk. Alvin Farmer auctioneer, phone Gonmley 5311. PRIVATE, KING CITY $14,200 6-room brick bungalow large lot. many extras. Call TE 3‘5177. c1w12 $13,500 FORCED SALE, 6 room bungalow in immaculate condi- tion. Storms, screens, fully land- scaped, close to everything. Call AV. 5-2951. T. Murphy. Broker. c1w12 WED, SVEi’T. 26 â€" Important Auction Sale of 3 point hitch Ferguson tractor and full line of Ferguson implements. Disc h-ai‘row, power posthole digger, Prilllon model GDP shredder and pulverizer, chisel plow, other pOWer implements. Full WED., OCT.‘ 10 Auction Sale‘ of 40 head of Holstein milk cows, registered and grades. fresh cows, springers, large hea- vy milkers, McCormick-Deering self propelled combine new, 3 tractors, new 66 can bulk milk cooler, new cement slab silo, modern farm implements, baled hay and straw, grain, tools, etc., on Lot 25, Bob Line Pickering Township, on No. 7 Highway, 1 mile west of Brougham. Prop- erty belonging to Ray Anderson. Large sale, will start at 12.30 noon. Terms cash on day of sale. No reserve. as proprietor quitting farming entirely. See posters. James Smith, Clerk. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auction- eers, Markham, Ont. l LOW DOWN payment. Full price $12,500 for 3 bedroom bungalow. Aluminum storms and screens throughout. Fully dec- orated. Both lawns sodded, shrubbery, chain link fence at rear. Gas heat and hot water. TU. 4-4808 after 6 pm. c1w12 96 Yonge St. 8.. Aurora PA. 7-4288 WA. 1-1691 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c1w12 SALE REGISTERS SAT.. OCT. 13 -â€" Auction sale of household effects, quantity of it is new, and a number of an- tique articles, electric freezer, electric appliances, walnut fur- niture, dishes, ornaments, glass- ware. cooking utensils, etc, at 35 Robinson St., Markham, 0nt., property belonging to the Estate of the Late Miss Clara L. Rob- inson. Sale at 1:00 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. This is a real good sale and everything is in exceptionally good condition. This is a very large sale, and will start on time. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. c4w12 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Phone For Free Estimates TORONTO WINDOW MFG CO. LTD. All Materials & Workmanship Fully Guaranteed 165 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL ALUMINUM Windows 8. Doors Quality Products At Manufacturers Prices ALI. MAKES OF WINDOWS REGLAZED & REPAIRED *2w12[$695 Y $700 DOWN. Big 6 room bunga- galow. low, storms. screens, newly dec- sll TE., orated, immediate possession. c1w12|Call now AV. 5-2951. T. Murphy. ï¬ï¬On quiet avenue' 3 bedroom'ounon or me vaccme. slated to |c_ brick bungalow Spacious r00mshbegm Oct. 9. Will not be resum- _d full basement on large lot 60‘ x 8d. “m†all elements of “SR are at‘ 168', priced to sell at only enmlnated' ’r $4.900, with $1.800 down. Earl The postponement came when 12 V. Stewart Real Estate Broker. the unit learned that {0111‘ D90- ~ 21 Yonge St. N.. Aurora, PA. P19 “*0 had taken the Vaccme 7-94m- clwlz in Montreal were suffering from m ____ __________ â€"â€" polio. k_ SACRIFICE 3 bedroom bunga’ People who took the ï¬rst of “5 low, storms and screens. newly two doses of the vaccine in ’15 decorated- Close ‘0 SChools and Metro Toronto and York Coun- r_ shopping. $695 down to NBA __, E_ mortgage carrying $69 monthly. n Phone TU. 4-3547. tfcll MnD'l‘f‘ A FUD gage for balance. Charming 3- bedroom brick bungalow at Newmarket. blue and white kit- chen, tiled bathroom, vanity, complete storms and screens, aerial, full painted basement, fenced landscaped lot. Steps to school and shopping $10,700. Mrs. Horsley, PA. 7-9632 Aur- ora. Norm Black Realty Ltd. Broker. c1w12 FREE RIDE to We'st’CoTast. per- son to share part of driving. Ar- ound Oct. lst. TU. 4-5601. c1w12 Do you have a drinkingflpriéb: lem? If so AA can help. Box 16, “The Liberal" tfcw2 A DANCE and social club for cultunal persons of reï¬nement requires additional members. Write to Box No. 55 “The Lib- erval†giving address and phone number. clw12 $14,900 MAPLE Village. 2 storey! brick home, large treed lot, 2 bathrooms, storms and screens. Mr. Gregory. AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd. Realtors. c1w12 MUSIC TEACHER MOTOR fo‘r sale, 10 h.p. Mer- cury Hurricane, model K.G.7. Phone BA. 1-9855 after. 5.30 pm. 1109 CONSERVATORY and univer- sity qualiï¬ed vocal instruction. Wiifli‘alm Nth-r, A. Mus. and Mus. G‘ Paed. Late NBC and New York City Centre Opera Company. Call Associated Music Schools, TU. 4-5317. c2w11 ATTRACTIVE fluffy pie bald kitten; can be claimed at Canine Control Kennels. c1w12 PIANO and theory lessons. Fe- licity Reading. AV. 5-2748. Boalt storage space for rent for winter months, AV. 5-5233. Broker PIANO, ORGAN, Accordion tuition, classical or popular. Children or adults. Associated Music Schools. TU. 4-5317. BOATS & MOTORS FOR SALE FARM wanted, 100 acres or more with a good house and ham suitable for riding stable to hold about 40 horses. Call Herb Hagen, 300J2 Wasaga Beach. c2w11 FARMS WANTED Waiting buyers for Vaughan and Markham Township farms and acreages. Call Mr. Cariisle. AV. 5-1176 or Mr. Shields. TU. 4~3805. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. c1w11 HOUSES WANTED Buyers waiting for Thornhill, Richmond Hill, and Oak Ridges homes. Call AV. 5-1176 or TU. 4-3805. David McLean Ltd.. Realtors. clwll PROPERTIES WANTED i We are nearly sold out of prop-E erties, houses, lots, acreage,l farms. businesses, gas stations.‘ Buyers waiting, some with cash: others with good down payn ment. Prompt efficient serviceJ Nine salesmen to serve you.[ 25 years Real Estate experience} HERB SlLLS LTD. Members of Toronto Real Es- tate Board AT. 8-1143 Woodbridge R0. 9-4901 285-141! REAL ESTATE WANTED VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTION DOWN. One NHA mort- PERSONAL STOUFFVILLE FOUND c1w12 C“wllfFOLLIOTT *2w11 c2w12 UclO Officials state that the distri-‘ï¬rst dose. None bution of the vaccine, slated tolso far contracte begin Oct. 9. will not be resum-} Included in ed until all elements of risk arelments will be ( eliminated. lfor pupils of B The postponement came when‘Crosby '(eights the unit learned that four peo- Scott schools or ple who had taken the vaccinelMacKillop. Mc‘ in Montreal were suffering from‘Pleasantville on polio. 1 An adult clin ESTATE FUNDS to purchase lst and 2nd mortgages. Call Mn McLean. AV. 5-1176. David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtors. tfc39 MONEY available for good first‘ and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and Le Claire. TU 4-4413. tfc2 FUNDS available for lst and 2nd mortgages. E. T. Stephens Investments Ltd., AV. 5-3785. clw12 Postpone Sabin Clinics. At Town Public Schools FOLLIOTT â€" In loving memory of our dear brother-in-law Lawrance, who was called to be with the Lord on Sept. let, 1961. We do not need a special day To bring him to our mind For the days we do not think of him Are very hard to ï¬nd. He had so much to live for. And he was all too young, But when the Saviour whisper‘ed Our Lawrance had to come. Times of sadness still are with us. Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow That is in our hearts concealed. you Are very hard to ï¬nd. â€" Sadly missed by mother, sisters Marjorie and Bernvice and brother-in-law Raymond, brother Bill and sister-in-law Dorothy. c1w12 MCMAHON â€" In loving mem- ory of clear Jean M‘cMa'hon who passed away Sept. 24, 1960. There is a family who misses you. And ï¬nds time long since you went. We think of you daily and hourly, But try to *be brave and content. Tea-rs that we shed are 'in si- A second mass distribution of Sabin oral polio vaccine has been postponed by York County Health Unit. GOURLIE -â€" In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Sapper D. J. Gourlie, who was killed in action, Sept. 22nd, 1944. We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind, For the days we do not think of HALLâ€"In loving memory of a dear husband, C. Bruce Hall, who passed away Sept 19. 1957. â€"Sadly missed and ever re- membered by his wife. Mabel. â€" Sadly missed by Orland, Doris and family. c1w12 lence, And we breathe a sigh of For you were ours, and member, Though 3-11 the world forget. â€"Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by the Lund Family and son Paul Mcha‘hon. *lw12 Mr. and Mrs. Pete McMahon, RR 2, Wood‘bridge, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Joan to Mr. Donald Ross Gil-lies. son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gillies, RR 2, K‘mg, the wedding to take place in Teston United Church on Saturday, October 20, 1962. c1w12 lnï¬ï¬‚emuriams Qï¬ngagemtnt CALL 884-7347 â€" AV.5-I95| MORTGAGES LOCATION 62 HUNT STREET CENTRE OF RICHMOND HII.I. Bachelor, 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Garages, Ample Parking From $l00 Monthly Immediate Occupancy Intercom Close To Schools 8. Transportation (Behind R. D. Little & Son) AP'I'S regret. We re- forget. N *1w12 An adult clinic at WalterBURBIDGEâ€"Isobcl and Lorne Scott on Oct. 17 has also been‘ are “app-V m, anno‘mc“ “)9 Cancelled. b1th of thelr son. Dav1d W ~ 7 Lorne. Friday. September 14. A iï¬â€˜A ‘ a, 1962. at York County HOSPL tal. Newmarket. a brother for Alexander. Student Tickets 313 ‘ eatbï¬ â€˜ At For FICHT. Stanley Francis â€" At Passengers will be allowed to transfer from the new bus route to the one now operating, the chairman said. Agreement has been reached between Richmond Hill and Trailways of Canada Ltd.. for a new bus service slated to start Oct. 1. Mr. MacDiarmid also recom- mended to council that when the agreement is reviewed next year, maximum subsidy should be a portion of a mill to allow the service to expand with as- sessment and growth of the town. ty are almost certainly in no danger. officials say. They said that over 780,000 people in the area received the ï¬rst dose. None of them have so far contracted the disease. Included in the postponeâ€" ments will be clinics planned for pupils of Beverley Acres. Crosby '(eights and Walter Scott schools on Oct. 17 and MacKillop. McConaghy and Pleasantville on Oct. 18. The committee will investigate the possibility of postng sched- ules at main bus stops through- out the town. The present subsidy is $6,000 a year. Deputy-reeve Thomas Broad- hurst lauded the committee for its effort in improving the ser- vice and said many more resi- dents will beneï¬t from it. Councillor John MacDiarmid, chairman of the transportation and parking committee. outlinâ€" ed to council at Monday night's meeting the basis for the ex- tended service on a three- month trial period. The agreement calls for 30 minute service with the last bus leaving downtown at 6.15 in- stead of 6 pm. On Thursday and Friday nights the last bus will leave at 9.15 to accommo- dlate shoppers. Arrangements will also be made to supply student tickets at 10 for $1. Mr. Ma-cDiaI‘mid said. THURS, FRI., SAT. SEPT. 20, 21, 22 THE MOUNTAIN ROAD James Stewart $1.00 MON.. TUES., WED. SEPT. 24, 25, 26 PARRISH Adult fun spot for duff Includes all occupants BIMBO THE GREAT All Star Cast .UU CAR JI.‘ MON., TUES., WED., DESERT WARRIOR Ricardo Montalban Troy Donahue THE LIBERAL. R Cartoon Cartoon ueIlL ucxets Ma-cDiarmid iRICHMOND nn‘v $1.00 Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday, September 20. TCARD or ‘THANKS Grimmâ€"THANKS i We wish to express our thanks y . to all those who were so kind| It “as Indeed a- s l to us following the death of our MISS Ruth Garson . (who awards a sch father and grandfather. Wllfredy . Woman Sr†the outstandmg stuc FICIIT, Stanley Francis â€"â€" At his home 357 Carrville Rd. W.. Richvale, Tuesday. Sep- tember 18th, 1962. Stanley Francis Fich't beloved hus- band of Flora Allen. dear father of Elizabeth (Mrs. Harold Lewis), brother of l AT ALL HOURS l i We Deliver i l'l‘oronto & Surrounding | Districts i “Flowers For All i Occasions" i Phones QTU. 4-1812 AV. 5-1812! BROWN â€" Dave and Joan tnee com‘t C Hal-ding) happily anlnounce YOU 1'†the birth of their son, Michaelmalf Of David, six pounds one ouncc,‘\Vinn€F- at York County Hospital onl Wednesday. September 12m. 1962. at 8.45 p.m. A brothelâ€"FAR" for Shirley and Sheila. I wm Thanks to Dr. H. Focol. c1w12 and ne Gladys (Mrs. James Ruvthcr- ford), Wilfred. Violet (Mrs. J. P. McNam-arat and the late Herbert. in his 62nd year. resting at Piphcr Fun- eral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service on Thursday at 2.30 pm. Inter- ment Maple Cemetery. c1w12 Lorne. Friday. September 14, 1962‘ at York County Hospi- tal. Newmarket. a brother for Alexander. lBeathï¬ DUES YOUR [Ill] CHAIN SAW SUFFER FRflM GENTLEMEN DEAl DAYS Lot 60’ x 210’, Double Garage Owner Moving Out Of Town TU. 4-I7l9 - EVENINGS 8. WEEKENDS GOOD FOR PERIOD SEPT. 15-007. 31 Wilf Worrall and Familv RICE’S FLOWERS EANADA’S no.1 CHAIN SAW: JIUERS AND SHAKES NERVflUS INDIGESTIDN FULL PRICE - LOW DOWN PAYMENT flirt!) 0ND HEIGH'I‘Si CENTRE 3 4 BEDROOM HOME Reliable Mower If 80, IT’S TIME Tl] TRADE PIONEER Richmond Hill, Ontario WE ALSO HAVE A lARGE SELECIION 0F RECUNDIIIUNED SAWS $10,200 1.1. 2 1 ! ! i Q ! ! ! for the removal of existing con‘ ‘cretc curb. sidewalk. pavement, ,ctc.. and the construction of an ienlarged radius at the north east corner of Yonge & Centre Streets in the Town of Rich- mond Hill. . Speciï¬cations and . tender forms and additional informa- tion may be obtained at the of- ï¬ce of the Works Commissioner. Municipal Building, 56 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. ‘ A marked cheque equal to ï¬ve percent,(5%) of the tender price shall accompany the ten- der. - This coupon is worth $10.00 on the purchase of any new Pioneer chain saw. Trade-ins are accepted on {his offer which expires 0d. 31, 1962. marked as to contents M11 be received by the undersigned until 4:00 PM. The lowest or any tender nut necessarily accepted. L It was indeed a surprise {or Miss Ruth Garson. A.D.C.M [who awards a scholarship to the outstanding student of the season) to be confronted with a donation from a private source to that scholarship, to be used for the next season. Such a thoughtful gesture was made by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce of Allen- court Crescent. A sincere thank you from Miss Garson CARD 0]“ THANKS I would like to thank friends and neighbors for their kind‘ ness and sympathy extended to my wife and me in the recent loss of my father and mother: Owen Grant ‘ MON DAY. SEPTEMBER 24th. 1962 0R IS IT JUST PLAIN WORN lllJT Tl] TRADE U m T0 SEALED TENDERS. plainly TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Tenders For Widening 0f Intersection R. Lynelt, Clerk 8: Treasurer, 56 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. Ontario HIGH TEMPERATURE the future schoiéi‘sï¬fp W 1962 7 'clwlz 'ude