| PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY I: Dahl & Son Construction COMPLETE ALTERATIONS CEMENT & STONE WORK PLASTERING & CARPENTRY Terms Can Be Arranged Bank of Nova Scotia Building Aurora Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Bullding Repairs 8: Alteration: Drain and Concrete Work 1'". 4-32“ cor, Windhurst Gaw & Bayview (1 block south Bayview Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 HERRIDGE ELECTRIC 40 LEVENDALE RD. H. D. M elsness. D.C. X-RAY PLASTERING CONTRACTOR; KING 3 54531/53 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG South Block E ' Richmond Heights Centre gAV 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, September 27, 1962 Building Trades Dr. W. R. Redford Dr. J. M. Wachna DENTISTS AV. 5-2994 English car service centre for all makes. “If it’s exclusive Harrison will build it" GENERAL ELECTRIC DEALER -â€" PHONE TE. 3-5295 â€"- Arthur G. Broad EAV. 5-4865 _ WA. HARRISON'S Custom Carpentry PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 53% YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evenings Gas Extractions 78 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL FREE ESTIMATES TU. 4-1215 Deciantis-Rice 21 Bedford Park Ave Richmond Hill TUrner 4-4251 Accountants Wm. Clubine 75 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill British Cars Chiropractic RICHMOND MOTORS BOB CURRINGTON PETER EDWARDS 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill TU. 4-4601 L. E. Clark Appliances By Appointment By Appointment TUrner 4-1463 TU. 4-2838 AV. 5-5881 All Hours Dental Dr. w. J. Mason :mcnvateAuto b'oay ! f Body A: Fender Repairs DENTIST Complete Reï¬nishing 1 55A YONGE ST. SOUTE [f you haven't heard of our re- TUrner 4-1511 Richmond Ell]? putatlon. enquire from yanr friend: All work guaranteed ; . m s A . [Dr. P. R. M acf arlanelsm 22A yo121°°s.. "Richule i t ! Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Flowers for all over the world Roses cut fresh daily Weddings -â€" Funerals H. J. MILLS LTD. RICHVALE TU. 4-245 Member - Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association 'â€"'i “mm†3â€" 5‘ “"1" 5“ lrdividual Attention HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT j1Hair Styling Permanent Waving Dr. John Simpson DENTIST 7725 YONGE STREET kV. 5-4442 Thornhill, Ont. PHONE 884-5185 Repairs & Reï¬nishing To Antique Furniture Furniture & Showcases Built to Your Speciï¬cation ‘ Dress Fabrics Draperies - Home Service Complete Sewing Accessories Imported Silks and Woollens 90A Yonge Street South Richmond Hill TU. 4-1064 Dr. J. Perdicaris 49 INDUSTRIAL RD. Repairs - Remodelling Cleaning - Custom Work Certiï¬ed Cold Storage CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE OFFICE TU. 4-3571 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 Dress Fabrics SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS MEDICAL-DENTAL 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1974 Leno’s Machine Shop (26 Years’ Experience) 71 Yongehurst Road Engineering Corsages Experienced designers W. Hamilton FURRIER VIENNA FURNITURE REFINISHING DENTIST Gas Extractions 50 Yonge St. North Fabric Fair STEAMFITTING WELDING Furniture TU. 4-1177 Richmond Hill Flowers Retail Division Dental Continued Furs 5-0532 5391mm“ NATURAL SCIENCE ‘; SERVICE 'Yonge Street. Oak Ridge: Ii PR. 3-5071 il Hair Styling 8: I Beauty Salons We personally handle all salei The Bank of Nova Scbtla bills and advertising i 3111mm: PHONE (:ORMLEY 5311 AURORA: ONTARIO GORMLEY. 0NT_ ‘Telephones Office: PA. 7-948 TU. 4-1701 for appointment. ph. AV. 5-3831 Savage J. Rabinowiigliâ€" 3.14 . TRUCK 8, AUTO BODY! Insurance Services IBARRISTER, SOLICITOR - NOT P L Maple Ave. ; GENERAL INSURANCE ARY UB 1C , iFlrc. Automobile, Plate Glass! g‘hongedsai' R'chvale ‘; Automobile Financing. 214:. ‘P Lama“ ‘ A v-nnn Receiving Hours: 8 mm. - 6 sun. or otherwise by appointment 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363 . ‘ Stiver, Vale, Emle BrOCk & so" Peppiatt, Errington Rich vale Auto Body Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties PAINLESSLY DESTROYED by upproved S.P.C.A. Method SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Alvin S. Farmer Air Conditioned Dryers 80 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill TU. 4-2321 Maple Plaza AL. 7-2590 SPECIALIZING [N PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK. FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS COMPLETE COLLISION AND REPAIR SERVICE PAINTING, REBUILDING 285-5334 COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Sellwood Salon 36 Years Experience Humane E. CHARITY 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhil] AVenue 5-1379 Roy V. Bick General Busmess Bus. ALplne 7-2521 ’ 195A. MAIN Bea. ALplna 7-1225 Ph. TW. 5-4571 - NO CHARGE â€" Complete Insurance Service LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. Insurance Garages CATS Services Richmond Hill 363-3959 )BAERISTER. SOLICITOR AND ‘ NOTARY PUBLIC iFlre. Automobile, Plate Glass! t Automobile Financing. etc. ‘ Office 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill , TU. 4-1219 113 King St AURORA, ONTARIO Telephones Office: PA. 7-9488-9 Res; PA. 7-5046. AV. 5-1471 Donald M. Findlay John S. Walkingtonj King City Stuart Parker, Q.C.‘ D’Alton M Suite 2. Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1551 Toronto Oflice - 18 Toronto St.E A-D-C-M- “1°†“1' 3'58" Teacher of Piano, Voice â€"â€"â€"â€"-4 and Theory Plaxton, Deane “Preparatory for Royal Conser- Lawlor & LeClaire BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS 15 Yonge Street N Richmond Hill, Ontario TU. 4-4413 1'? Queen Street E., Suite 544 Toronto 1, Ontario EMpire 6-2362 Suite 2. Lowrie Building 15 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill Every l‘hursday Afternoon I‘Urner 4-1551 Gariepy and Mann James H. Timmins BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES TE. 3-6684 96A Yonge St. 8.. Aurora PA. 7-9272 Herrington Insurance Agency GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY BARRISTER 8.: SOLICITOR K. M. R. Stiver, QC. Joseph Vale, Q.C. J. M. Peppiatt, BA. William Errington. B. Com 6197 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 Floyd E. Corner Barristers and Solicitors Barrister. Solicitor. etc. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Office Kenneth A. Garlepy BA. 5-1557 Barrister. Solicitor. N otary RICHMOND HILL 7 Dufl'erin St. Banister. Solicitor‘ Notary Public 15 Yonge Street N AV. 5-5144 A. Burnett General Insurance ‘. Newman, QC.i Insurance AVenue 5-3165 Thornhiu Office THORNHILL & Drew TE. 3-5283 E. Neil Mann TU. 4-4618 AV. 5-1197 Continued legal Richmond Hill TE. 3-5451 TU. 4-1543 Remakes King City! 15 YONGE 51: mom}! 2 Richmond Hill. Ontario ‘ om†TUmer 4â€"1780 {TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 747m lam McLaughlin F.T.C.M., L.M.W.U., F.R.C.C.0. Available for Instruction in _Piano and . Singing in Richmond Hill ‘ ’1962 Successful Candidates Gr. 9 - Honours - Wendy Ash- kanase and Marilyn Pike Gr. 8 - John Burnett Gr. 7 â€" lst Class Hon. - Maur- een Hay Hon. - Linda Lyons and David Burnett Fire. Auto. Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Lillian A. DeWolfe Piano and Theory Gr Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Prescriptions Filled a; Repair: Norman A. Todd, In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 mm. to 6 sun. including Snl. EU. 8-8949 Evenings by appointment Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Barrister. Solicitor & Nohry Public Enroll now for Fall Term 125 Laverock Ave. TU. 4-3787 REGISTERED MA SEUSE 174 BA IEW AVE. PHONE 884-2603 BY APPOINTMENT Marguerite Boyle F. L. Lowrie, R.0. 9.30 - 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday & Saturday Afternoons by appointment Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg" Aaron, Ontario Elocution. Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art ESTELLE MARKHAM A.R.C.T. Optical Repair; NOW AT 3242 YONGE ST. 101‘. W. Allan Ripley In North Toronto vwrpmxupv :nnnwnn 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 . W. Kirchen, R.0. Residence TUrner (-1863 By Appointment Insurance 428 S. Femleigh Circle (Markham-Bayview Area) 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 6 - Roderick Milligan 4 - lst Class Hon. - Martin McKenzie 3 - Hon. - Linda Morton Phone mornings: HUdson 5-2591 “HOMEWOOD HALL†Thornhill orner Agency Limited vatory examinations) Optometry Open Friday N13111: Massage Richmond Hill Musical (Continued) Legal Mortgage: a; ’5 Oil 1w. 4-1432 Hours 10 - 6 daily Closed Saturday ; Evening: By Appointment ‘ R00“ 205 LOWRIE BUILDING 15 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND BILL Italian & Canadian Cuisine Catering & Banquet Facilities Try our Take-out Service for Spaghetti, Pizza Next Door to Richmond Theatre l Transportation SCARBORO : The Ontario Mu- nicipal Board has asked Scar- boro to reduce its capital works program for the period from 1963 to 1966. J. C. Horvat,B.A., 0.1). OPTOMETRIST Ontario Land Surveyor- nlchmond Hill, TU. 4-2941 105 Willowdale Ave., Willowdale 53 Bedford Park Avenue Ont" BA. 5-3031 Res. George T. Yates. 0.L.S. Herbert & Joan Goodhoofd Telephone 147 Yonge St. N. Oflice 63 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Jack Seaton REAL ESTATE BROKER Coaches for all Occasions langdonk Coach lines ltd. Information: AV. 5-5451 Travel Service Official agents for all Steamships and Airlines fl 1 i * EYES EXAMINED PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED CONTACT LENSES OPTICAL REPAIRS KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPYPAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 240 King Street, King City FOR IN FORMATION Telephone TE. 3-5351 VETERINARY SURGEON Sales - Rentals â€" Leases Residential - Commercial Trailways Of Canada Ltd. Yates & Yates "A Litle Bit of Italy in Richmond Hill†15 Yonge Street North PHONE 235-1472 Real Estate Restaurants Local Bus Service Daily Richmond Hill Toronto Service Chartered Coaches Optometry Phone TU. 4-7851 la Cantina Veterinary Surveyors TU. 4-4641 TU. 4-0083 GLOBE Continued) Travel 285 - 5782 Richmond Hill I Mu- Scar- \' orks from Mrs. Wm. Askew, Toronto,! showed delightful pictures of€ Austria and Switzerland taken‘ by Mr. and Mrs. Askew while on a European tour Last summer Before her marriage to Ver- non Murrin last Saturday, Lois Vaughan was entertained on several occasions. Mrs. Wm. Catton held a per- sonal shower; Mrs. Frank Keith, Mrs. Victor Murgaski, Mrs. Bruce Johnstone and Mrs. Roy Sanderson each entertained at miscellaneous showers, and the bride’s associates at the Manu~ facturer’s Life Insurance Com- pany presented her with gifts for the bathroom and kitchen. The week of October 15 a travelling euchhre, sponsored by the Doncaster Ladies‘ Club to aid the fund for retarded chil- dren, will commence, and con- tinue until Nov. 19, when the ï¬nal game will be played at Buttonville W.I. Hall. Mrs. George Kelly, or Mrs. Barbour, AV. 5-5205, may be contacted for information. Church Notes Service at Brown‘s Corners Sept. 30 will be withheld so that the congregation may attend an- niversary services at Headford Church at 11:30 am. Sunday School will be held at the reg- ular time. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brown, Guelph, were guests of Harvey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Sunday. A smorgasbord has been set for October 23 and a bazaar is slated for November 10 at the church. September 23 was Rally Day at Brown's Corners, and Sunday school personnel, Garnet Stew- art and Charles Turner were in charge of the service. Mrs. Harold Steffler told a story, and the children’s choir, under the direction of Mrs. George Hooper performed, ac- companied by Mrs. Dona-1d Ree- sor, organist. Mrs. S. J. English conducted the senior choir. Ushers were Jim Hood, Gordon Brown, John Stefl'ler and Ross Hord. Neighbourhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. John Storey left last week-end with their son Art and a friend who are return- ing to college at Salisbury, New Brunswick. The Storeys planned to visit Quebec City and other points of interest before their return. The Messengers for children up to nine years of age will hold its ï¬rst meeting October 13. Roy Robinson spent last week- end at home with his family, returning to Guelph for classes Monday. Mrs. John Brown and Mrs. Russell Burr were members of a party visiting relatives in But- falo, ‘N.Y., last week. Sammy and Janet Snider, Rae and Betty Donaldson, Howard and Mary Brumwell and Doug and Joan Tribbling motored to Oswego, N. Y. for the stock car races last week-end. The Explorers â€"â€" girls from 9 to 12 -â€" held their ï¬rst meet- ing of the season at Brown’s Corners Church Monday even- ing last week. The leaders this year are Mrs. Rae Donaldson, Mrs. Sam Snider and Miss Mar- garet Patterson. Last Monday Mrs. John Wil- kins spoke to the group on “Home Nursingâ€. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all girls in this age group to attend. Executive members of the Brown’s Corners United Church Women met at the home' of Mrs. A. W. Miller for a dessert luncheon and business meeting September 18. Last Monday Mrs kins spoke to the “Home Nursingâ€. A vitation is extended in this age group to Plans were discussed for a smorgasbord. October 23; the annual bazaar November 10; and a luncheon for York Presbytery executive members of UCW who will meet at the church Novem- ber 13. WJ. News met at the home of Mrs. Bill“ Wilson Tuesday evening last week for their ï¬rst meeting of' the autumn season. 1‘ The president, Mrs. John Brumwell, was in the chair. Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Rae Donaldson and Mrs. Sam Snider conducted the devotional. Guest speaker was Miss Adele ‘Carruthers, who de- monstrated flower arranging. Explorers Meet Mondays The “Happy Timers" ofl' Brown’s Corners United Churchl Mrs. Harold Stefl'ler conduct- ed the meeting, opened with a brief devotional by Mrs. Nor- m-an Reid. Splashing happily in the pool at Lanet Apartments on Elmwood Avenue in Richmond H111 are these three youngsters. The pool is one of the many features offered to tenants at the new ultra modern building. Elevators. F-M- mUSIC. Intel‘COHL large balconies and free TV. hookup are also included. Nearing completion. the two buildings are the latest word in modern apartment conveniences. BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. a. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 Lanet Apartments Featuse Pool Mrs. Adam Brown presided and the following dates were noted: October 3, quilting at the home of Mrs. A. Robinson, and Mrs. Ada Rowe accompan- ied by Miss Elizabeth Francis sang two solos when Buttonville W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Joe Robinson September 14. Miss Jean Parke, maid of honor, and bridesmaids, Mrs. Wm. Catton and Miss Patsy Vaughan. sisters of the bride, wore full-skirted nylon sheer dresses with matching cotton lace over-tops in shades of peach-pink and turquoise. Their headdresses were a single full- blown rose with veiling. They carried pom-pom balls of pink or turquoise and white chrys- An early autumn wedding was solemnized at the Church of the Holy Spirit, Sheppard Ave.. September 22, when Betty Lois, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vaughan, Hughson Drive, But- tom/ille, and Vernon Murrin. son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mur- rin of Cape Breton, Nova Sco- tira, were united in marriage. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a waltz- len-gth wedding gown of white nylon organza over taffeta. The basque bodice featured a bateau neckline and cap sleeves out- lined with appliqued embroid- ery, and the bell-shaped skirt swept to a back bustle effect with inverted pleats and bow detail at the lowered waistline. A small pearl embroidered lace and taffeta cap held her short pouffe veil of tulle illus- ion. and she carried a cascade of white carnations and red rose- buds. Her only ornament was a single strand of pearls. Rev. T. R. Harding officiated at the ceremony. Mr. Montgom- ery played the wedding music and Mr. Duquette was soloist. 5mm“: PASSE: i HU. 5-1313 ME. 5-1000; {‘I“ï¬â€œâ€œâ€œâ€œ-‘-IU Betty Vaughan Becomes Bride Of Vernon Murrin 1 SEPTIC TANKS: PUMPED and CLEANED Service Accurate Septic Tank Service Complete Septic Tank Repair R. R. 1 Willowdale For a trip to Nova Scotia the bride chose a navy and white double-knit suit. the white jacket featuring paler blue flow- ger embroidery and 1 matching ’blue hat and corsage of blue rosebuds. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murrm and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wadden of Tliornhill: October 16 members cater at a dinner for Lions' La- dies night: October 19. euchre series begins at Buttonville W.l. Hall. to continue every second week until November 30; Cancer Society beneï¬t euchre Decem- ber 14; quilting in November at home of Miss Mary Redick. date to be set. Plans were also made for the W. I. display at Markham Fair under the direction of the work committee. Sherman Robert Brann attended the groom. Ushers were Neil Mac- Neil and Gordon Vaughan, bro- ther of the bride. The bride's uncle. Victor Vaughan, Guelph. was toastmaster at the recep- tion. Refreshments were served at the conclusion by Mrs. Robin- son, Mrs. Frane and Mrs. M. anthemums Following the ceremony Mrs. Vaughan received the guests wearing an aquamarine sheath dress with peacock blue hat and matching accessories. Her core sage was pink and white rose- buds Mrs. Murrin assisted wearing a ï¬gured dress in shades of pink and beige with beige vel- vet cloche and a corsage of yel- low roses. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Mun-in will live in Toronto. Cape Breton, Nova Scotia; Aus- tin M. Murrin, Braemore, N.Y.: and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vaug- han. Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright of New Radnor, Wales, were un- able to attend but cabled con- gratulations. Local guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vaughan, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oatton, Mr. and Mrs. David Prentice and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gofton. Staff Photo. Mr. and Mr. and and Mrs. Mr. and