(By Mona Robertson) Inside - outside - and all around Wrixon Hall, the tiny tots are having themselves a regular “teddy bear's picnic" and their mothers. at home, are having themselves “a bail". For it's nursery-school time once again and at St. Mary’s Anglican Church in Richmond Hill, fun time has become an educational period for the three to ï¬ve year old group of boys and girls who attend these co-operative nursery _c_la_sses. Where can one ï¬nd freer expression, but at the easel with paint and brush? Little Leslie McGregor, daughter of Dr. D. F. McGregor, and Randy Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown South Taylor Mills, smile at the happy prospect of “daubing aroundâ€. Mothers, please note the “smacksâ€. We noted for your beneï¬t â€"- they are made out of boys’ shirts, or dad’s. Commencing its third year‘ on Monday of la_st week. the nursery school is supervised by Mrs. Dorothy Wood, and a trained staff of three, Mrs. Eilo McGregor, Mrs. Monique Har- ris, Mrs. Munsey. A different mother helps out each weekday to keep fees at a minimum. This co-operative plan bene- ï¬ts the parents as well as the child. Mother has an opportun- ity to see her little one as one of a group - and to see how Mary or Johnny respond to such activities as: dramatics, music, sing-songs, ï¬nger paint- ing. and group studies in na- ture and social studies. And. this year for the ï¬rst. time.. the. nursery school course will include French. Mrs. Harris. Swiss- French by nationality. now a resident of Richmond Hill, taught French to the little ones for a month last spring and the board of di- rectors felt it was so bene- ï¬cial they decided to con- tinue it this season. The nursery school program followed, is set down by the Institute of Child Study and - - ' - ' hool sit in a “sing-song circle" and The flu tots of lche Rlchmond H111 co operatlve nursery sc . learn all abgut “Tommy Thumb and Friends" as they smg-a-longthh Mrs. Dorothy Wood, super- viser They’ll be singing “Frere Jacques†before this year is out, smce French 1s be1ng Introduced to ' ‘ (STAFF PHOTO) them by teacher Mrs. Momque Hams. ,____.._._â€"â€"â€" I41. “nu-uh Ida hnnrle nnlr If your weekly food bill is now: $20 . . . . . . . . . . . $13.40 $25 . . . . . . . $14.65 $30 $18.00 $35-$40 . . . $20.00 PHONE COLLECT ESTAB. 1950 TOWN & COUNTRY FOOD PLAN Town & Country’s food-and-freezer plan assures you top-quality name-brand foods at lowest prices your family ever enjoyed. FOR THE BEST TASTING FOOD YOU EVER ‘THAW' 210 Markham Rd. - - RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-5401 â€" AV. 5-5402 â€"- WA. 4-0997 is adhered to rigidly, to get the youngsters ready for public school as they ‘come of age'_. All toys used have a learning quality; and musical interludes create a good atmosphere for self expression. Particularly popular is the rhythm band ses- sion During the sing-song period they not only learn the words oi songs. but have an early op- portunity to learn ‘tone match- ing'. In use is the institute’s music book. “The Hi Road of Song". While the weather remains clear and pleasant. teachers and their tiny students hike off on nature-study walks, gather- in-g nuts or leaves, as they u‘n- consciously imbibe lessons in ‘botamy. They also visit the Richmond Hill Public Library, ï¬re hall and post office. At the latter, they each send ‘Mom' 3 post- card - and advanced nursery tots even print their own mes- sages (briefly). For all of these pre-public- schoolers, nursery sch-001 is the ï¬rst big break away from home - and their ï¬rst step toward in- dividuality and independenpe. It's alsb a break fbr mother. For some psychological reason it's far easier for 3 tot to learn PICKERING TWP. . Approval of the naming of ï¬ve parks by the Bay Ridges Recreation As- sociation was given by the Pickering Township Parks and Recreation Board recently. The names recommended are An- BET’Mttcheu, Balsdon, Hut: and Newman. Under our plan it will be g1: $13.40 $14.65 $18.00 $20.00 ESTAB. 1950 (STAFF, PHOTO) SOMETHING NEW IN on HEATING! THE 34â€; Sam. PRODUCES 20,000 Extra BTU's CHIMNEY J. FOX 6:. SONS Silent, unseen, it saves you money all winter long! You Reduce Your Oil Consumption PHONE “I. 4 - 1610 DISTRIBUTED EXCLUSIVELY IN THE RICHMOND HILL AREA BY The average, modem furnace wastes heat up the stack and out the chimney. look for yourself. See exactly how it works The 700' of waste heal I: directed back into the furnace. STOP 24A YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL to wash his hands and face, ‘master the intricacies of “shoes off" before the morning rest period which includes juice and cookies, and “shoes on and tied or buckled" afterwards. when all one’s little playmates are doing these things too. But the real difference in these youngsters is noted most, when they graduate and enter kindergarten for the ï¬rst time", Mrs. Wood to_1d us. " They are totally-devoid of1 qualms or fears, on entering public school life. Quite often they are able to do Grade 1' work in very short order, when they reach public school age. Children are never too young to learn", Mrs. Wood said, “and getting to know one another and coâ€"operate is a big part of growing up.†Richmond Hill's Co-operavtive Nursery School at Wrixon Hall is directed by President Mrs. Eileen Woods, vice-president Mrs. Clare Urquhart, and Sec- 1reta'ry-Tl'easurer, Mrs. Olive Werico. Thirty boys and girls from the age of three to ï¬ve are en- rolled eaoh term. Mrs. Dorothy Wood says: “We would like to see junior kln-dergartens incor- porated in Richmond Hill’s pu- blic school program. Toronto has them now, and we are all watching the results of this ex- periment with interest." UP TO 25% At School Bredict-s .Libelril. Win On Saturday, September 8, 1962. Miss Evelyn Gail Golding and Mr. Joseph Edward Greer, ’exchanged vows in the Rich- mond Hill United Church. Rev. C. G. Higginson officiated for the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Golding of Richmond Hill, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Greer of Charters, Quebec. The bride. who was given in marriage by her father, chose a white floor length gown of Chantilly lace ang organza over S'.;in. Her matching shoulder length vell fell from a crown of seed pearls and she carried a nosegay of red sweetheart roses on a white Bible, loaned for “something borrowed" by Miss Gail Scott of Toronto. Richmond Hill United Church Setting Greer-Golding Wedding The bride's sister, Miss Diane Golding, was maid of honour, wearing a dress of lime green nylon organza. She carried a nosegay of yellow Chrysanthe- mums. Bridesmaid Miss Doro- thy Greer of Campbell‘s Bay, Quebec, the groom's sister, wore yellow nylon organza and carried pink 'mums. Junior bridesmaid Miss Rae Insley wore a taffeta dress with nylon overskirt in tangerine orange, and carried red roses and baby ’mums. A11 attendants of the bride wore white feather hats and white gloves. Best man was the groom's brother, Mr. Floyd Greer and R Richmonu “All I. TUrner 4-1312 R24 Elizabeth St. N. I. Richmond Hill 3 INSURANCE El HERBERT R. BUTT UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED ! DEPENDABLE Telephone SERVICE 'flIe hot waste goes through the Silent Saver, which re- claims 20,000 BTU’s and re- duces stack waste from 700' to 375'. The reclaimed heat joins the regular heat from the fur- nace, in the hot air duct: A party. following the recep- tion, was held at the home of the-bride’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of New-‘ market. For travelling the bride wore a navy blue suit with white and black accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. On their honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Greer will visit in London, On- ta-rio with the bride's grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kincaid, who were unable to at- tend the wedding because of illness, but who sent best wish- es by telegram. The young couple also visited the groom's grandmother. Mrs. Lottie Smith in Shawell. Quebec, and his parents in Charters, Que- : bec. They will reside in Weston, ‘. Ontario. ushers were Mr. Elwin Greer brother of the groom. and Mr Brian Wiens. cousin of thr bride. All male attendants were charcoal grey suits. At a reception held in the Greystones, Aurora. Mrs. Gold- ing received ï¬fty guests wearâ€" in-g royal blue lace over satin with a corsage of pink carna- tions and white and beige ac- cessories. For her son’s wed- ding. Mrs. Greer selected -a blue-black suit with white ac- cessories. Her corsage was of red roses and white carnations. Mr. Thom-as Smith was master of ceremonies. - you get more heat,faster your circulating fan starts taster. your thermostat shuts on the burner faster. your burner works less. Toronto, Ontario EMpirA 2-3456 112 Yonge St. Toronto Mr. Addison stated that un- certainty at Ottawa has result- ed in the delay of many needed municipal works. “A lot of day-toâ€"day business is piling up in Ottawa and it’s wOrk that’s got to be done." he said. Before the electlon. it was difficult to ï¬ght the Prime Min- ister's and local members' con- Local MP John Addison was one of the speakers at last week’s Liberal testimonial din- ner held in Toronto’s Royal York Hotel to honor Metro's 13 viberal M.P.s. He predicted that a new elec- .ion would produce a clear-cut 'ictory. There is bound to be i new election in the near fu- ture. Mr. Addison said. How'- ever, he suggested the NDP party would string along with the Prime Minister until NDP leader Tommy Douglas is safely in a seat. Next Federal Election EFrank Watts_Says . . . . .. ARE nun BUSlNESS! ' now Is IHE TIME run SEEDING NEW LAWNS OR OVERSEEDING OLD ONES. WE CARRY ALI. i - GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED NO. I GRASS SEED. 7059 YflNGE ST. 40 LB. COVERS 223%. 9.98 20 LB. COVERS 's'Sfmn. 5.50 FRANK WATTS MERION BLUE WHITE DUTCH CLOVER KENTUCKY BLUI CREEPING RED FESCUE NO. I MIXTURE PASTURE MIXTURE PERENNIAL RYE HIGHLAND BENT FOR A CRABGRASS- FREE LAWN NEXT YEAR, USE "PAX" THIS FALL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, 0nt., Thursday, September 27, 1962 15 so lb. bag mum 20|b.bag $6.95 $3.95 $2.49 so lb. bag 40 lb. m 20 lb. bag $4.95 $2.95 $1.95 See-any June bun misgflnlf If you did. It muns, I nu! Sprjnz your lawn mly sufler from white nub damage as wall I! winter kill. Ge! lull prptullon Igllnst hath than major lawn pmblems b leedlng your lawn now with S ~GREEN 1-1-7 Fenl- IIzer WITH ALDRIN'-Whlt| Grub Killerâ€"positive ploleclion Igtinst white nub damage. WITH ALDRIN REGULAR CERTIFIED LAWN SEED I PROTECT YOUR g [AWN against 0 WHITE GRUB DAMAGE ‘ “"WIN'I'ER KILL†Frank Watts Special Overseeding :Mix REGISTERED WITH THE DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE R.C. 473 This I: a speclal mixture which we have sold In the past years for overseeding. In this respect it has proven excellent in thickening the turf and has saved many a thinning lawn. We are sure you will be proud of the thick turf and fine stand of grass this mixture will give your lawn. Complete landscaping Service - CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE The undersigned will accept until 3 pm. Tuesday, October 9, 1962, tenders for equipment reâ€" quired in the technical shops of Bayview Secondary School. Full details including lists and des- cription of equipment may be secured at the High School Board Office or by calling 285- 4949. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. D. J. Ashworth, Business Ad- ministrator, York Central Wis- trict High School Board, 25 Yonge St. N., Richmond dii. tentions that things were never better. Mr. Addison stated. “People know better now and they won't forget who misled CONTAINS ABOUT THREE MILLION SEEDS PER POUND 85¢ per h. SPREAER, [DANED FREE WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF FERTILIZER 0R SEED TECHNICAL SHOP EQUIPMENT TENDERS JUST NORTH OF STEELES WHITE GRUB KILLER* FEED YOUR MWN NOW WITH 7-7-7 FERTILIZER WITH _ 80¢ I. 1.35 .. 55¢ 85¢ 50¢ 35¢ .. 90¢ 2.00 285-5494-5â€"293-8286 SUD & SEED SUPPLY 00. ND. "Creators of Beautiful Lawns†One cu. yd. will top dress oighty sq. yds. (720 sq. ft.) half In inch in depth Loam by the bushel may be picked up at our yard. RICH, BLACK, SANDY Ib‘ yd. load ‘20.00 yd. load ‘15.00 Some 850 peop'le- attended the dinner. during which Lib- eral leader Lester Pearson at- tacked Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, and warned that his party would force an elec- tion at the ï¬rst opportunity. them before the [ï¬st election." n___. nun ,, ,_A._.‘_.- Driving with faulty. sluggish ignition and out- of-balance wheels can be dangerous. Our safety special eliminates all three hazards. COOK'S BP Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS To Make Your Driving Safer HUMILIZER is highly re c o m- mended for top dressing 0 f f e r you seed. 2V: bu. 1% bu V2 bu. TURF FARMS has a COMPLETE [ANDSBAP'NE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATE FROM OUR jMMEDlATE DELIVERY JUST CALL AV. 5-5494 SUD NURSERY FRANK WATTS OWN FOR A 99¢ 2.39 4.59' U51