very time BERTHA MAUDE RIDDELL SATURDAY. OCTOBER 6 1 China Cabinet. llrst class con- dltlon 1 TV 21" RCA like new 2 Occasioual chairs 1 Large antique chaii Several walnut bedroom chairs 1 Rug. 12x15. 1 antique Globe lamp, several oil lamps Walnut stand and 2 drawers Electric vibrator. massager Wicker chair. 1 floor lamp Card Table. 1 Large walnut living room chair Chesterï¬eld and 2 Chairs Dining room suite, table and Chairs and Buffet and China Cabinet. 1 small mantle radio Vacuum cleaner like new Rug 6x9. Number of scatter Rugs Wilton Rug 12x15 Writing Desk with 3 Drawers Diningroom Clock. Number of odd Chairs Large low writing desk End table, 1 Wall mirror Chrome wheel chair like new HH Hlâ€"e uâ€"oHHh-O u-n-n-t Thornhill, was the lovely set- ting for the double ring cere- mony on September 15th, when Carol Caroline Kuziw, daughter ior bridesmaid Sandra Vignaux. They were gowned alike in street length sheath style dress- es of silk shantung, the maid of of Mrs. Rose Kuziw of Toronto, honour in yellow and the brides- became the bride of Robert maids in burnt orange. They George Haynes, son of Mr. and carried cascades of yellow and Mrs. Harry Haynes of 37 Idle- bronze shasta daisies with wheat swift Avenue. Thornhill. :and croten leaves. The junior The bride was given in mar-“bridesmaids dress was yellow. riage by Mr. Leo Cardinal. S'hejfull skirted and she carried a‘ wore a floor length gown of gar-small bouquet. similar to they denia white peau de faille. Thelother bridesmaids. l titted bodice had a scoop neck-. The autumn tones were repeaâ€"l line appliqued in French lacented in the standards of mixed The full boufl‘ant skirt ended ini’mums and gladioli which dec-. a chapel train and the lace was orated the church. ‘ repeated at the back oi the The service was performed by gown. With this the bride wore‘Rev. H. R. Howden. Wedding. an heirloom. full length veil,‘music was played by Mrs. Ralph with embroidered edges, loaned Markham. Vocalist Mrs. B. For-‘ by her mother-in-law which 0215- sythe sang "The Lord's Prayer†caded from a jewelled crown. and “I'll Walk Beside You". She carried a cascade of yellow‘ The groomsman was Mr. Ken- sweetheart roses centered with neth MacFarl-ane. Ushers were a yellow orchid. iMessrs. Frank Vignaux, Ronald Attending the bride were Missiand Maurice Williamson and Lana Phillips. maid of honour, Robert Haynes. all cousins of bridesmaids Mrs. Margaret Vig- the groom. naux. Miss Eleanor MacFarlane‘ Following the ceremony some hempâ€"tho Norge electric refrigerator. good condition ‘ 1 Gurney 4 burner electric stove. and Oven 1 Pine drop leaf table 1 1 Small chest of Drawers ; l Spool type antique bed ï¬rst! class condition (single) 1 Pine Chest of drawers 1 Bedroom Mirror 1 Walnut bedroom suite with large vanity dresser. spring and mattress like new 2 vanity dressers, electric lights 2 Spare Mattresses Number of table electric lamps 1 Long Mirror. 1 floor Lamp 1 Iron Bedspring and 1 Bedroom Box. 1 S Clubs Number of Card Tables Several good Rugs. i MattreSs 1 Church. 1 Small Stand. 1 Dresser l at of Golf‘ {the Lord’s Prayer and “0 Per- diï¬erentlfect Love“. Karen McEwen Weds James In a lovely setting of autumn- toned 'mums and gladioli. Karen talisman Gerbera. Mary McEwen. daughter of Mr.‘ The mother of the groom was and Mrs. T. S. McEwen of 23 gowned in beige lace. sheath Dalmeney Avenue. Thorn‘hill. style. She wore matching hat sage was of Talisman roses and lbecame the bride of James Crid-:and accessories and a CUl'Sage land. son of Mr. and Mrs. James’of a pink cymbidium orchid. Cridland of Clarkson, Ontario,h Out of town guests included at Holy Trinity An‘glicaners. Denis Wotherspoon. of Church on September 15th. Vancouver. B.C.. the bride's sis- l The ceremony was performeditel‘. Mr. and Mrs. John S'haw 01' Im, Rev_ William Askew, the f01.,i\\’atei‘loo. Mr. John Poirier of MARKHAN mer minister of Holy Trinity‘ The church organist“ Mrs. Ralph Markham played the? wedding music. Soloist wasl Mrs. Winnifred Scott who sang‘ _ 7v“ .. ..... nut. Sizes 1 Bedspring and Mattress 1 Electric Heater 1 Cream color Chest of drawers 1 Large occasional Chair 1 Hoover Vacuum Cleaner 1 Small Stool, number of Stands 1 Small Chest with 3 drawers Several Toilet sets. antique Several old Paintings and an- chl l-b section bookcase. numberiHa“ of books i M Large quantity of good linen was Number of good blankets mes All kinds of good bedding 'ald Pillows, carpenter tools, garden‘ton. equipment I: A large number of Articles not-sun: mentioned Men: Don’t miss this Sale It is_and No Reserve I ï¬le bride’s mother received Terms Cash - Sale at 12 Noon in a sheath style dress of brown sharp lace over peau de soie. With ALVIN S. FARM'Eï¬Lyctigqeerlthis she wore a feather hat and Y 1--.; push,†Lloyd Turner and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Chesterï¬eld. TV 21" RCA near new 1 China" Cabinet. 1 Re- frigerator Norse. good. 1 Gur- ney Eleétric Stove. 4 Burner Dishes, Cooking Utensils. China. Some Antique Articles at 7608 Yonge St. in Villue of Thorn- hill. North of Arnold Ave. The couples club of Holy Trinity will open its fall season with a corn roast at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rob- lnson, Bayview Avenue on Sep- tember 29 at 8.30 pm. Holy Trinity News SCARBORO : Scarboro taxpay- ers will vote on the question: "Are you in favor of amalgama- tion in the Metropolitan Tor- onto area?" in this December’s municipal election. AUCTION SALE The program for the new “Teens and Twenties" group on Sunday evening. September 30th will include the showing of the interesting movie "A Man MARKHAM . A bylaw was passed recently by council per- mitting the building of a sub- division on Hawkridge. north of Robinson Street. .I. N. M ulholland, \l 4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday. September 27. 1962 80 Richmond St. West. Toronto Consultation by Appointment Phones: Thornhill AV. 5-3315 Toronto EM 4-2780 u. nuss Lms sale. It is large and must start on Thornhill and District News The Estate of LEGAL Q.C. zuch war! I Ixtfl good pie e, Maid of honour “as the - c s bride‘s sister, Miss Wendy Mc- Ewen. Bridesmaids were Miss Norma Mur of Toronto and Mrs. . John Bright of Niagara Falls. mung ""5515 All were gowned alike in street 1‘33! “umâ€? 0f length dresses of periwinkle “5115 _ _ blue with lace bodices and bell For “’m‘ Elecu‘lcfskirts of peau de soie. They _ lwore matching headdresses with fWCh- SWINE typeltiny veils and carried bouquets '39“ _ of Johanna Hill roses. inter- mg machine ‘spersed with ‘plumeria from wokcase. numberinawaii. ' Mr. Kerry Day of St. Thomas was best man. Ushers were led blankets Messrs. Bruce Stephenson. Ron- :ood bedding ‘ald Lockhart and Terrence Clif- nter tools. gardenton. dishes and glass- y of good linen TELEPHONE A V. 5-2381 vv‘vllvv- III-AU .3116 Hub: u ACGLIICI [16L auu Sbn. Clerklmatching accessories. Her cor- The bride was given in mar- riage by Mr. Leo Cardinal. She wore I floor length gown of garâ€" denia white peau de faille. The ï¬tted bodice had a scoop neck- line appliqued in French lace. The full boui’fant skirt ended in a chapel train and the lace was repeated at the back 01 the gown. With this the bride wore an heirloom. full length veil. with embroidered edges, loaned by her mother-in-law which cas- caded from a jewelled crown. She carried a cascade of yellow sweetheart roses centered with a yellow orchid, Given in marriage by her fa- !ther. the bride chose a floor :length gown of white peau dc soie, full skirted. and ending in ‘a chapel train. Embroidered in seed pearls, the gown was styled with a square neckline and long sleeves. Her elbow-length veil of illusion fell from a coronet of seed pearls. Her bouquet was a cascade of cream coloured Jo- hanna Hill roses. stephanotis and fleurettes of pale blue del- phinium with an ivy garland, In an afternoon of sparkling sunshine. some 120 guests at~ tended a lovely garden reception and enjoyed tea in a marquee at the home of the bride‘s par- ents. Holy Trinity Anglican Church, and Miss Helen Witiuk, and jun- Thornhill, was the lovely set- ior bridesmaid Sandra Vignaux. ting for the double ring cere- They were gowned alike in many on September 15th, when street length sheath style dress- Carol Caroline Kuziw, daughter es of silk shantung, the maid of of Mrs. Rose Kuziw of Toronto, honour in yellow and the brides- ‘became the bride of Robert maids in burnt orange. They George Haynes, son of Mr. and carried cascades of yellow and ‘Mrs. Harry Haynes of 37 Idle- bronze s‘hasta daisies with wheat swift Avenue. Thornhill. ‘and croten leaves. The junior The bride was given in mar- bridesmaids dress was yellow, riage by Mr. Leo Cardinal. Slhelfull skirted and she carried a‘ wore a floor length gown of gar-:small bouquet, similar to the denia white peau de faille. Thelother bridesmaids. l Attending the bride were Miss Lana Phillips, maid of honour. bridesmaids Mrs. Margaret Vig- The ceremony was performed by Revi William Askew, the for- mer minister of Holy Trinity Church. The church organist, Mrs. Ralph Markham played the wedding music. Soloist was Mrs. Winnifred Scott who sang the Lord’s Prayer and “0 Per- The new organist Ind choir lender It Holy Trinity is Mrs. Ralph Markham. Mrs. Markham is forming a junior choir and invites boys and girls of 10 years of age and over to attend the rehearsals on Thursday ev- ening at 7 pm. in the church. Because the township will not permit any addition to the ‘Thornhill Baptist Church build- ‘ing. a portable classroom has been erected to the south of the church building. The extra room was necessary for the Christian education program both on Sundays and weekdays. The ï¬rst meeting was held in the new classroom on Monday evening, September 17. when the C.G.I.T. girls held their ï¬rst meeting of the season. With their leaders, Mrs. John Schope and Mrs. H. S. Payne. they will meet every Monday evening and.all girls from 12 lo 17 are invited to attend. The Rev. H. h. Howden prea- ched at the induction of the Rev. Gordon King as rector of the Church of the Comforter, Coxwell Avenue. Toronto. on September 26. Before emer- ing the ministry. Mr. King was one of Mr. Howden's "boys" at St. Michael and All Angels Church, Toronto. as was Rev. J. D. Abraham. rector of St. Andrew's Church, Scarborough. Mr. Howden will preach at the harvest thanksgiving servlce at Andrew's Church. Scarborough, Sunday. September 30 at 11 Called Peter". It will be shown in the parish hall following the evening service. All young people and their friends are cordially invited to attend. The new organist and choir leader at Holy Trinity is Mrs. Ralph Markham. Mrs. Markham is forming a junior choir and invites boys and girls of 10 years of age and over to attend the rehearsals on Thursday ev- ening at 7 pm. in the church. The Rev. B. h. Howden prea- ched at the induction of the‘ Rev. Gordon King as rector of the Church of the Comforter. Coxwell Avenue. Toronto. on September 26. Before enter- ing the ministry. Mr. King was one of Mr. Howden’s “boys†at St. Michael and All Angels Church. Toronto, as was Rev. J. D. Abraham. rector of St. Andrew‘s Church, Scarborough. Mr. Howden will preach at the harvest thanksgiving service at Andrew’s Church, Scarborough, Sunday. September 30 at 11 am. Baptist Church New Because the township will not permit any addition to the Thornhill Baptist Church build- ing. a portable classroom has been erected to the south of the church building. The extra room was necessary for the Christian education program On Wednesday night. Septem- ber 19th. the ï¬rst meeting was- held of the newly organized! boys‘ group. the Sigma-C. Boys from 12 to 14 are invited to at-; itcl‘ld this group. which is underi ‘the leadership of ‘Vlr. Robert} 'Abbey. Mr. Abbey “as recently w‘baptized at the church. . On the same evcning. the Ex-‘ iplorers. a group for girls and. boys of 9 to 11. met in the church. Leader of this group is Miss Carol Ryder. . On Tuesday evening. Septem- .ber 18. the ï¬rst meeting of the combined WA. and W.M.S.. was held at the church. The meeting began with a pot luck supper. The guest speaker. who was very well received by her attentive audience. was Mrs. Jessie London, an associate edi- tor of Chatelaine magazine. Mrs. London is a member of Donway Baptist Church. She told the ladies that the purpose of Chat- elaine is to serve the women of Canada. In order to do this better they spend a great deal of time and effort ï¬nding out the needs of their readers. This is often done by means of con~ tests where their readers are in- vi-ted to express themselves on various subjects Thus. they have found that some 80% of their readers are middle income mothers of young children. Such as“ ":4-" {urns-maï¬a» "puns..- n he has classes in both Geog- raphy and History. High School NeWs Thornhill High School \\ as the scene of much frenzied activity last week when election cam- paigns were in full swing for elections to the board of student senators. The halls seethed with frenzied supporters of the various candidates. clad in a variety of costumes. beating drums and chanting their slo- gans. tlt all seems like a ghastly repetition of the American e1- ection campaign. which were unfortunately televised» At this writing. the outcome of the el- ection was still in doubt. And if the students will show only half this much energy and en- thusiasm in tackling their books â€" look for many scholastic rec- ords to be set! That's all for now folks. How about giving me a call at AV. 5-2331 and letting me know what's going on in your neck of the woods? How about those bowling teams â€" are you getting set for a busy season. Let's hear about it. And how abâ€" out that new baby down the street? And the shower you went to last week? These are all news and everyone would like to hear all about it. Hospital Auxiliary Choose Fall Setting Thornh ill [Votes Karen, McEwen, Weds James Cridland Carol Kuziw Weds Robert Haynes "The Liberal" u IJWGJB planned to publish Items of Intent contributed by It: readers 1:) the Thornhlll uel - - - - . - o Our representative tn Thornhlll ls Mrs. Margaret McLean. who may be reached by phoning AV, 5-2331. The autumn tones were repea- ted in the standards of mixed ’mums and gladioli which dec- orated the church. The service was performed by Rev. H. R. Howden. Wedding music was played by Mrs. Ralph Markham. Vocalist Mrs. B. For- sythe sang "The Lord’s Prayer†and “I’ll Walk Beside You". The groomsman was Mr. Ken- neth MacFarl-ane. Ushers were Messrs. Frank Vignaux, Ronald and Maurice Williamson and Robert Haynes, all cousins of the groom. style. She wore matching hat Stroud, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. and>accessories and a corsage Barton of Aberfoyle. Mr. and of a pink cymbidium orchid. Mrs. J. Chapman of Meaford Out of town guests included and Mr. and Mrs. Murray of St. Mrs. Denis Wotherspoon. of Catharines. Vancouver, B.C., the bride’s sls- Following a wedding trip to ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw of the Laurentians the young Waterloo. Mr. John Poitier of couple will live in Leaside. Rev. and Mrs. Johnston’s Youngest son. Leslie, received his degree in Honours Geog- naphy from McMaster Univer- sity in June. He then enrolled for the summer course at the teachers‘ college and is now teaching at Stoney Creek where On Tuesday evening. Septem- ber 18. the ï¬rst meeting of the combined WA. and W.M.S. was held at the church. The meeting began with a pot luck supper. The guest speaker. who was very well received by her attentive audience. was Mrs. Jessie London, an associate edi- tor of Chatelaine magazine. Mrs. London is a member of Donway Baptist Church. She told the ladies that the purpose of Chat- elaine is to serve the women of Canada. In order to do this better they spend a great deal of time and effort ï¬nding out 0n the same evening. the Ex- plorers. a group for girls and boys of 9 to 11. met in the church. Leader of this group is Miss Carol Ryder. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 3rd. FARMERS MARKET Thornhill District Lions Club BUDGET TERMS FREE ESTIMATES MARKHAM PAVING Quality Driveways BINGO SEASON 2411 Their Old Friends For The Grand Opening of the Extend A Hearty Invitation 'bera. as of Bracebridge, Dr. W. J. 1' oi the groom was Barton of Stroud. Ontario, Mr. beige lace. sheath‘and Mrs. W, E. Barton also of Talisman roses andIMontreal, Judge and Mrs. Thom- "J. 4 - 1023 at the to i The groom's mother chose a [jacketed sheath dress of taupe and gold floral brocade. She had a matching hat and acces- ,sories and wore a corsage of ltalisman roses. For her honeymoon trip to the Dutch East Indies the bride wore a Gino Puoli knitted wool suit patterned in brown and black. With this she wore a black velvet hat with a picture brim and high crown, black gloves and bag and brown shoes. Her corsage consisted of a yel- low orchid. The mother of the bride re- ceived wearing a sheath style dress of old rose peau de soie with a floating lace panel at the back. She had matching ac- cessories and wore a corsage of yellow roses. 150 people attended a wedding dinner at the Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club, the ï¬rst reception held in the new club- house. Following the dinner, the guests enjoyed dancing. On their return. the young cowple will reside in Thornhill. Mr. Douglas Storms. chairman‘ of the board of trustees of York Central Hospital will speak on the progress of the building of the new hospital in Richmond Hill. The next meeting of the Thornhill Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary will be held on October 3rd at Holy Trinity Church at 10 a.m. at 8 pm. a lovely autumn wedding at 10.30 am. on Saturday. Sepâ€" tember 8, when- Rev. H. R. Howden officiated at the wed- ding of Shelagh Mary Halliday, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Robson Hallid‘ay, Thornvhill to David Alex Rowat, son of Dr. and Mrs. John Mackenzie Ro- wat of 239 Woodland Drive. Oakville. Mrs. R. Markham. at the organ. played traditional wedding music. Given in marriage by her George Houigh. All matle memâ€" father the bride wore a floor bers of the wedding party wore length gown of white peau de directors‘ suits, soie and lace with train and a F‘01‘10Win'g the Ceremony aild tiny pillbox headpiece with a a reception held at the Tri-Bell very full shoulder length white Four Winds C1u_b on Steele’s veil. Her bouquet was of white Avenue West, the happy couple ‘mums and yellow rosebuds. left for a honeymoon at Cape Maid of honour. Miss Sharon Cod. the bride donning a beige Historic Holy Trinity Church‘I. in Thomhill was the scene of E Dated at the Township of Markham this 7th day of September 1962. The above described parcel contains 0.099 acres by admeasurement. At the above mentioned meeting the Council will hear in person or by his or her Counsel any person who claims his or her land will be preju- dicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Township of Markham proposes at its meeting to be held at the Markham Township Council Chambers at Buttonville, Ontario, on the 22nd day of October, 1962, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon to pass a by-law to authorize the stopping up and sale of the following described portion of highway. That parcel of land situate in the Townshi} of Markham and being part of the road allowance between lots 10 and 11, Concession 4. said road alâ€" lowance being that portion reverted to the Munici- pality by Deposited Plan Number 2649 (Highway File-A-42-31) Registered May 16th, 1930, more particularly described as follows: â€" From a bar planted at the north-west angle of Registered Plan Number 3560 a dis- tance of 10.08’ on a bearing of S. 72 deg. 31 min. 10 sec. W, thence N. 10 deg. 11 min. 50 sec. W. a distance of 10.08‘ to a point in the. east limit of Don Mills (unwidened). said point being the point of commencement. Assuming the bearing of Don Mills Road to be N. 10 deg. 11 min. 50 sec. W, thence northerly in and along the east limit of Don Mills Road 66.54 feet. Theme 68.72’ on a line‘bearing S. 1 deg. 19 min. E. said line being the productions of the line from a bar at the south west angle of the property described in Instrument Num- ber 33640 and through a bar planted in the north limit of said property and 41.51’ from the north west angle of said property as shoWn on Toronto and York Roads Commis- sion Drawing Number L-122-17. - Thence S. 72 deg. 31 min. 10 sec. E. in and along the south limit of above mentioned road allowance a distance of 60.27' to the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT. Thence N. 72 deg. 31 min, 10 sec. E. in and along the north limit of the road allow- ance between Lots 10 and 11 a distance of 70.97'. I’UBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM M. A. N. Shenï¬eld - Deputy-Clerk Wed In Holy Trinity Church MR. AND MRS. DAVID ALEX ROWA'I‘ Lewis, and bridesmaids Miss Elizabeth Coull. Miss Carolyn Myers and the bride’s sister, Miss Donna Rowat, wore knee length dresses of peau de soie. The maid of hon-our woa‘e a warm rust shade, the brides- maids were in gold shade and the other in beige. All carried; bouquets of yellow ’mu-ms bor- dered by tiny rust ’mums. Mr. Gerald Rowat was his brother's best man. Ushers were Mr. Ian Coull, Mr. Chris- topher Goodev'e and Mr. George Hough. All mavle memâ€" bers of the wedding party wore directors‘ suits, STATE FARM MUIUAl AU '0‘ MOBILEINSURANCECOMPANY Cur-mu Hud OM": TORONYD NAME PRESENT MAILING ADDRESS In order to facilitate the uninterrupted delivery of “The Liberal†to your new mailing address, would sub- scribers on the following streets please ï¬ll in this questionaire and mail or phone to “The Liberal†ofl’ice immediately? YONGEHURST s WELDRICK 2 MAY AVENUE PEMBERTON RD. - PEMBERTON CRESC. KERSEY - BATHURST - HILLSVIEW DRIVE OBSERVATORY LANE - WALMER RD. NEW POSTAL DELIVERY ADDRESS “LIERAL†SUSCRIERS IN THE NEW Postal elivery Area ATTENTION WWW Number FLOORS SANDED. STAINS REMOVED WAXED We specialize in all types of floors Complete professional work . . .Free information. estimates on floors†Jnnitor Services and Supplies > RICHMOND HILL #7 COMMERCIAL CLEANERS‘WJ PHONE TU. 4 - 3714 Street