condition over Akela. She can est on her laur‘ With everything getting back Kirby Brock. P. L. of the Porcu- into action come September, the pine Patrol, has completed gis Ladies' Auxiliary of the lst tests and is qualiï¬ed to bec:..r.e Maple Boy Scouts started out a Queen's Scout. r thanks from “A with a good omen. This is a great credit to both their parents. - - '- runa __..: Ivan“. and nmpoiallv Ag hm. writâ€, Following days of rain, Sep- tember 26, turned out to be just about perfect for the chick- cn and corn barbecue held at Shut-Gain Farm. Vâ€"liecgï¬se of the flu being ar-| ound town, several who had far plagued touattend were ill. H01 ,,.:_1 ....... fhn r Audrey Magee, social conven- er, aided and abetted by Vice- president Berit Plunkett, dipped the succulent chicken in orange sauce and roasted the com cobs, complete in their husks. ,._‘ -â€".~r-v.- n, Pat Johnson, Muriel Rose and Dorothy Moore arrived early to assist and Ailean Birch supplied recordings for smooth back- ground music. - . n";__v. Even though few actually took advantage of it, I must comment on my beautiful ï¬re in the cot- tage ï¬replace! I ï¬nally “saved face" and am now ready to ac- cept my scout badge. .1 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday With lst Maple Scouts cover-ing themselves with glory atl the Camporee, the Cub leader end his assistant, having become impatient with the little action being taken towards getting new quarters for the cubs and scouts to meet in, they, along with their regular weekly g’ncetings. have taken on the responsibility of heading up a committee to raise funds. If you have a Cub or Scout, or not, but are interested in your community, you'll be hear- ing very soon from this com- mittee. All this action and concern is a wonderful indication that healthy a‘ctiVe Culb packs and Scout troops are setting in for a season of constructive activity. in-g very soon from this com- In a Short time now «An pack mittee- will be starting up again, but All this action and concern to some of us who attended in a wonderful indication that various 'mothers' nightsâ€, when‘ healthy active Cu'b packs and our Cubs put on skits to enter- Scout troops are setting in for tain us and keep us up to date a season of constructive activity. on their “cubbing†â€" it will Scoutmaster Pat Salmon be the end of a special period. proudly announced that. for thei Betty picked up a drooping ï¬rst time. one of his scouts.lpack and got it into ship-shape Maple, Concord and Edgeie‘y District News (By Toby Shore) mumity projects. and to those who purchased â€" Following. the successful Mary House looked after the but then with an auctioneer like white elephant. rummage and inner man and with Hilda Al- Alvin Farmer â€" what chance auction sale last Saturday at the len‘s help they served seeds of did anyone have but to bid and Maple Community Centre, the hot coffee and homemade pies bid. Along with it all it was a Lions are grateful to the people of every variety known. real fun day with the young- of Maple and district for the Lil Brown had her very ï¬rst sters having a time bidding on tremendous response given to taste of organizing a rummage the little puppy dogs. One little this the Maple Lions' ï¬rst at- sale and of necessity learned a gal who couldn’t see another tempt at such a large scale af- lot very fast. dog in their house could pos- tair. Wide Variety sibly matter had her tears turn- Beoause of YOUR sun- The auction had everything ed to a near smile when she got Its' A Success Because of YOUR sup- port it would appear at this early counting that the Lions club will beneï¬t to the amount of about $500. This will be put to use on the continued improvement of the park at the commun- ity centre and local welfare work of this service club. So many contributed in such varied ways that Chairman Frank Robson was almost over- whelmed. Needless to say, Frank will be raring to do it again next year â€" so be fore- warned and start saving up NOW for next year's white ele- phant. rummage and auction sale. sponsored by Maple Lions Club for their worthwhile com- Mm. Madeline Orr is visiting her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Iris Orr and Geoff and Barbara. She will soon return to her home, Saint John. NB. stop- plug to visit friends in Mont- read. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bone (pent a short holiday on me east coast last week, flying down on Monday and back on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bone of the universe. Amva‘y, Vivi- opent a short holiday on the an’s mother and dad, Mr. and east. coast last week, flying Mrs. H. Valentine of Kirkland down on Monday and back on Lake knew where it was which Friday. made us all the happier to see Belated congratulations to mem once again. As for the Norman Taylor. son of Dr‘ and bridge, maybe I should take Mrs. N. B. G. Taylor. King bridge instruction instead of High Dr. Norman applied for swimming this year? and won a scholarship to Rid-*New Look for Old House ley College and is attending Ted and Muriel Fawbert, that 8011001 this Year. formerly of Concord, now live Another Concord youngster is in hospital and m‘ll continue to be. Little llpo Manninen. nine years old. has been in Princess Margaret Hospital for a couple of months. It seems to me that for the past few weeks I have written about some child who has been quite ill or un- dergone surgery. Those three jinn-ping, shouting, healthy monsters around here are be- ginning to look pretty good to us after all. Concord, Where's That? After attending a recentl brld-ge party held by our iriends, Si! and Vivian Steï¬an of Richmond Hill, we have the Ieellng that Concord needs a chamber of commerce. Two or three people weren't sure of its “The Liberal†is always willing to pub districts. Our representative in Maple Concord, Mrs. Ruth Keï¬er, 285-4040. Maple Lions First Auction Sale BUDGET TERMS FREE ESTIMATES “I. 4 - 1023 MARKHAM PAVING Quality Driveways Concord Socials This Week's Happenings In Maple willing to publish interesting items regarding people ntive in Maple is Mrs. Len Shore, ALpine 7-1150; in :d ge )5, nd to ed 2k- For the past four years Betty Rumble has been the “Akela†of “A†Pack Cubs. During this period she was most conscienti- ous and attended training cour- ses when available. She was very faithful in her instruction and most popular when she arranged “a special treat" for her Cubs. This might be a ball game, hike, toboggan party, supper at Akela's house, or a visit to the ï¬re hall or police station where Chief Jim Davidson would take them on a wuccua ubvuu. This is a great credit to both their parents Scout and leader and especially As her writ to Kirby at this time as he is handed in tc the ï¬rst one in this district to mittee and it pass the test under the new regret'the “I regulations. will ï¬nd his 1 Maple’s only Queen Scout so for him beca far is former 'Sk-lpper' JaCk Rumble's pre House. There are rumors that We know 5] three more Scouts are aiming one cancel-He for this distinction by next year. the wish th; gwgvuided tour and give a talk on safety and good citizenship. Because as a homemaker she could arrange the time so as to visit the Cubs’ homes. many parents became more under- standing and interested in what was expected of their Cub and of themselves, as a cub parent. The excellent showing of the‘ tenderfoot scouts, recently, could be traced back to their thorough instruction received through their Akela. Betty Rum- ble. l i Lil Brown had her very ï¬rst taste of organizing a rummage sale and of necessity learned a lot very fast. Wide Variety The auction had everything including washing machines, ir- oners, brass beds, grandfather ‘clocks, bikes, tricycles, doll: thouses, chinaware, odds and ends of kitchen ware, chairs. tables, lamxps â€" oh yes â€" if you thought of it. it was there. 0utâ€". side fruit and vegetables were‘ carted away, even ï¬rewood. Per- haps the best thing about it was that everything went â€"-â€" except three bags of potatoes. I left the mention of that beautiful little organ to the end â€"â€" No I didn't get a chance to bid on it! Throughout the weekend all} the Lions worked to ensure its‘ success and “togetherness†surely paid off. Thanks to those who donated location! Can you imagine? Why, any place having a chin- chilla ranch, a turkey ranch, wholesale florists, and the un- forgettable marshalling yards to name only a few landmarks, would be considered the centre Ted and Muriel Fawbert, formerly of Concord, now live in Thistletown where they pur- chased a house over a hundred years old. Some of her former‘ neighbours recently had a chance to see the wonders that the F‘awberts have performed on the house. At the rate they are going, uhe house will cer- ‘tainly be a place of much beauty and charm in a very short. time. No Meeting Last week you read that there would be a home and school meeting on October 15. Such is not the case and the next general meeting will be a games night in November. The executive is reminded of their meeting on October 15 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert ‘Witty, Duffel-in St, at 8 pm. condition over her period as Celebrates Birthday Akela. She can now sit back and Katrina Plunkett had both fun est on her laurels and our warm and friends at her sixth birth- thanks from “A†pack cubs and day back on September 11. ‘r_.1:-_ As her written resignation was handed in to the Group Com- mittee and it was accepted with regret. the upcoming new Akela will ï¬nd his task made easier for him because of Akela Betty Rumble's previous leadership. We know she joins with every- one concerned with cubbing. in the wish that you continue to support your Cub and his new :Akela in keeping with the spirit ‘of “good Scouting". Starts Another Season “B†Pack has started their regular Thursday night meet- ‘ings and their own Akela, Russ Locke, expects to be able to attend regularly this season be- cause of a change in his work. This is really good news so‘ now “B†pack with assistant C. M. “Mel†Clark are ready for a full season. ', October 4, 1993 Assistant C.M. Jim Thacker will be missed this year because of the pressure of his school work. Assistant C. M. of “A†Pack. Dixie Sinclair, has resigned and again her efforts were greatly appreciated. Senior Girls’ Baseball This is nearly the end of Helene Spencer’s reports. Last week the score stood one game apiece for Maple and King City, but now King City has a lead of three games to Maple's one. I am not aware of the exact scores for the games played September 24 and 26, but King City won them both. 0n the 26th, nine innings had to be played in order to break the seventh and eighih inn-ing tie. Now Maple must win the next three games and your sup- ‘port is needed more than ever at these closing games. a chance to re-sell her cuddly choice and make another Little girl really happy! ple and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord & Edgeley in Edgeley and Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond Stuart, AV. 5-1934; and in Sharing the party goodies were Judy Magee, Rosemary Brice, Mary Brock, Brenda Langley and Darlene Blakelock. U.C.W. Thankoï¬ering Service In the evening of September 25, the ladies of Maple United Church U.C.W. held their Thankoffering Service in the church. In spite of poor weather a goodly number were out to take part in this service. Ushers were Mrs. W. Field and Mrs. R. Crook. After a short business ses- ‘sion, Mrs. H. Lightheart and Mrs. B. Thurston led in devo- tions as set up in the order of service. Mrs. T. Jackson and Mrs. L. Wells sang a ‘duet. “Take My Life and Let It Be." accompan- ied by Mrs. R. Clegg at the or- gan . Refreshments and a social time followed in the church par~ [or with Mrs. Lightheart and Mrs. Jackson presiding at the tea table. Birthday greetings to Myra Bloom, 15 years old today, Oc- tober 4. George Bailey Home and School The ï¬rst fall meeting was held at 8.15 pm. in the George Bailey Public School as the home and school association started off with “Meet the Teachers" night on October? 3rd. 'Badminton Anyone! Now that Maple Ladies Vol- ley ball is over for the summer, the next thing, which involves exercise and a good time along with it, is mixed couples bad- minton club. Cousins of her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jackson of Harâ€" rietsville, near London, visited Mrs. Tom Jackson for two days recently. They were on their way north‘ to enjoy a ï¬shing trip in the comfort of their compact cabin trailer. While in Maple they also enjoyed a visit with their :cousin, Mrs. Jennie Watson. \Friends In District The several local friends of Edgar Badger will be sorry to hear of his sojourn in Princess Margaret Hospital. Mr. Badger, now living in Willowdale, always enjoyed the results of his “green thumb†in his flower beds and spent mwch time cultivating them. St. Stephen’s W.A. Around this time each year members of the St. Stephen’s WA. and community residents start to make plans around the annual Christmas bazar coming up this year on November 3 at the community hall. The W.A. ladies would like to remind St. Stephen’s members that although they take upon themselves the organizing of this bazaar, it is an all-out ef- fort for all interested and every- one is asked to donate articles for the various booths and as- sist in everyway possible. WJ. The next meeting of Maple W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs. M. Palmer, Keele St. S. on October 10, at 8 pm. An in- teresting program has been ar- ranged. Everyone welcome. Crest Theatre Plus Adventure Ray and Ilse Thompson at- tended the Crest Theatre Pro- duction of 12 Angry Men with! their friend Joe Rabinowitch in the cast. on September 28. As always the “femme†of Ilse had to straighten her hair and ap- ply lipstick â€" and wouldn't you know â€" the lock jammed and with Ray oblivious to the time racing away â€"â€" Ilse spent a half hour trying to attract just any- one’s attention. The ï¬rst show was wonderful â€" but as for the ï¬nale, pretty frustrating!!! Happy Birthday Dr. Armitage Officiates Quiet Maple Wedding At a quiet ceremony, solem- nized by Rev. Dr. Ramsay Ar- mitage on September 22, Mrs. Alma Kathleen Dyson was mar- ried to Mr. George Jones-Whit- tey, of J-W Enterprises Reg'd., Maple. rfhe bride was attended by her daughter, Miss Kay Dyson, and by the bride‘s sister, Miss Beryl McElroy. The groom was at- tended by his two sons, Charles of Montreal and Robert of Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones-Whittey will reside on Keele Street, Maple. ï¬ETWES THAT WHIPPED THE RAJA RUN . . . TUUGHES T UNDER THE SUN. . .T0 SHOW THE WORTH 0F NEW ENGINES, FRAMES AND SUSPENSIUNS! L to in today, Mr. Fitzgerald gave his daughter in marriage. The and school bride was gowned in floor ,eting waslenglth white la-ce over nylon. the George The ï¬tted bodice was trimmed n] ,g mp with sequins and the bouï¬an-t A very pretty wedding took place on Saturday morning. September 1, at eleven o’clock when Margaret Ann Fitzgerald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack George Fitzgerald of North Bay became the bride of Frank George Young. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Young of Edgeley. The marriage took place in Our Lady of Lourdes' Church, Tor- onto. which was beautifully de- corated with red and white gla- dioli. Rev. Father O’Leary per- formed the ceremony. The groom received his edu- -u- n_L_A1 skirt was fashioned plain in back and tiers of nylon and lace frills adorned the front of the skirt. A crown of crystal and pearls held her scalloped, shoulderâ€"length veil and she carried a bouquet of red roses and stephanotis. Rose Mary Fitzgerald of North Bay was maid-of-honor for her sister. She wore a strapless gown of gold nylon over taffeta with matching bo- lero and a gold colored crown and veil. gold mittens and bone colored shoes. Her bouquet was gold talisman roses. 1 The groom received his edu- cation at Edgeley Public School and is now employed as a civil‘ servant in Downsview. The bride attended school in New ‘Liskeard and is an office clerk for Associated Medical Services in Toronto. FRANK WATTS Margaret A. Fitzgerald Is Bride Of F. G. Young ‘i 7059 YONGE STREET 1 III-IIIIIIIIIlI-IlIu-I SIFTO WATER SOFTENER SALT PRODUCTS FRANK WATTS SOD & SEED CO. LTD. ARE NOW THE DISTRIBUTORS IN THIS AREA FOR . . . . AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO WATER SOFTENER OWNERS I - - I ' An Additional Service To Householders - - - Miss Averie Fitzgerald, sis- ter; and Miss June Young, the groom‘s sister, wore similarly fashioned rust colored dresses and carried gold souvenir ros- es. Mr. David Young of Edgeley was best man and Messrs. Ger- ald and John Fitzgerald were the ushers. The wedding party received 130 guests at the Piccadilly Club where the reception was For Free Delivery Call AV. 5-5494-5-6 held. The bride's mother wore Eche a fur trimmed pale blue sh-anâ€" Mr. tunvg dress, white accessories Fitzg and a corsage of pink roses. Leod ‘The groom’s mother was attired Lee ï¬n a pale mauve lace dress.a1'. t ‘white accessories and she wore Nort a pink roses corsage. Mrs. Ag- Pr atha McLeod of Port Arthur, coup the bride’s grandmother, look- cella ‘ed stunning in fall beige dress Miss with matching accessories and onto a corsage of 'white roses. Mr. William Morrison, the groom's Among the out-of-town guests who attended the wed- ding were: Mr. and Mrs. Clark Pacey of Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pull of Belle Ri- ver. Mrs. Walter Dubs, Detroit, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Garry announces . . . . . 1 Prior to their marriage. the couple were honored at 2 mis- lcellaneous shower given by Echensviller, New Liskeard, Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph Fitzgerald, Cobalt. Mrs. W. Mc- Leod, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Moore, Kirkland Lake and all the Fitzgerald family from North Bay. PHONE ALpine 7-1471 or AL. 7-1363 Keele Street Maple. Ont. iss Jackie Proudlfoot of Tor-