| PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG B. Com. Ink 0! Nova Scoth Building Aurora Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 HERRIDGE ELECTRIC 40 LEVENDALE RI). South Block Richmond Heights Centre 10- 4'32‘“ Dress Fabrics 54531/2 YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 4, 1962 15 PLASTEIHNG CONTRACTOR KING Dahl & Son Construction COWLE’I‘E ALTERATIONS CEMENT & STONE WORK PLASTERING 8; CARPENTRY Ternu Can Be Arranged GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Repairs & Alterations Drain and Concrete Work cor. Windhux‘st Gate 8: Bayview (1 block south Bayvlew Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 II. D. Melsness, D.C. X-RAY Building Trades GENERAL ELECTRIC DEALER English car service centre for all makes. FLA. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT â€" PHONE TE. 8-5295 â€" “If it’s exclusive Harrison will build it‘ Dr. W. R. Redford Dr. J. M. Wachna DENTISTS * HARRISON'S Custom Carpentry Arthur G. Broad Accountants FREE ESTIMATES TU. 4-1215 75 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill AV. 5-2994 Wm. Clubine British Cars Deciantis-Rice RICHMOND MOTORS Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evening; Gas Extractions 78 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL L. E. Clark BOB CURRINGTON PETER EDWARDS Appliances 21 Bedford Park Ave Chiropractic 15 Yonge St. No: Richmond Hill TU. 4-4601 By Appointment By Appointment Richmond Hill TUmer 4-4251 All Hours TUrner (-1462 AV. 5-5881 TU. 4-2838 Dental Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONG-E ST. SOUTH TUrner 4-1511 Richmond Ell] Dr. P. R. M acf arlane AV. 5-4442 Thornhill. ()nt. Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Flowers for all over the world Roses cut fresh daily Weddings -â€" Funerals H. J. MILLS lTD. Member - Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association AV. 5-4865 -â€" WA. 5-0532 Dr. John Simpson } DENTIST 7725 YONGE STREET UUdlll auu 1 u 0 E. CHARITY RICHVALE TU. 4-2452 If You haven't heard of our ro- putation. enquire from your friends All work guaranteed 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St. Richvaie for appointment. ph. AV. 5-3631 TRUCK 8. AUTO BODY}TU ‘ 3741 Maple Ave. 4‘ . IJ Rlchvale ’ l HELEN SIMPSON LYNE’I'I‘ Richvale Auto Body ‘ Dress Fabrics Draperies - Home Service Complete Sewing Accessories Imported Silks and Woollens 80A Yonge Street South Richmond Hill TU. 4-1064 Dr. J. Perdicaris CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE OFFICE TU. 4-3571 MEDICAL-DENTAL SPECiAL MACHINERY GENERA L REPAIRS (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 COMPLETE COLLISION “RE . A131 AND REPAIR SERVICE I PAINTING, REBUILDING {113 King St. 235-5334 T}; Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND KILL AV. 5-1974 Repairs - Remodelling Cleaning - Custom Work Certiï¬ed Cold Storage Body & Fender Repairs Complete Reï¬nishing Engineering DENTIST Gas Extractions 50 Yonge St. North (26 Years' Experience) 71 Yongehurst Road Corsages Experienced designers 2518 YON GE ST. W. Hamilton FURRIER Fabric Fair STEAMFITTING WELDING TU. 4-1177 Richmond nu] Dental Flowers Retail Division Continued) Garages Furs 1 Savage ro-i Insurance Services We personally handle all male bills and advertising i PHONE 110",“va 3311 1 GORMLEY. ONT. Hair Styling 8- ; Beauty Salons TU. 4-170] Licensed Auctioneer ‘BARKISI‘EK. sum ‘. NOTARY P1 York & Ontario Counties-1| . ‘ The Bank of N1 36 Years Experience . Buildln SPECIALIZING [N : AURORA, on PUREBRED CATTLE, ‘Telephones Office: FARM STOCK, Res: FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTR Donald M. y > | Formerly Bloor & Yonge Stu. Individual Attention flair SIyling Permanent Waving Air Conditioned Drvers 80 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill TU. 4-2321 Maple Plaza AL. 7-2590 TROYER NATURAL SClENCE SERVICE Yonge Street. Oak Ridges PR. 3-5071 Recelvlnz Hours: 8 mm. - 6 p m. or otherwise by appointment Alvin S. Farmer SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363 PAINLESSLY DESTROYED by unmoved S.P.C.A. Method Ernie Brock 8. Son Suite 2. Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-155! GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass Automobile Financing. :to. Office 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill -u. . -~-v Illumuuu un- . Ban-ism. Solicitor & Noun Public John S. Walkington 15 YONGE 51'. NORTH Herrington Insurance Agency ' RICHMOND mm. m 7 Duflerln St Sellwood Salon m. 5447, . m GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Humane General Business . 4-1219 25 Grandview Ave. Roy V. Rick â€"â€" NO CHARGE - Complete Insurance Service LTD Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. Bus. ALplne 7-2621 Res. ALpine 7-1224 Insurance A. Burnett General Insurance AVenue 5-1379 Thornhill CATS TE. 3-5283 Services Richmond Hill Richmond Hill 363-3959 King City BARRISTER. SOLICITOE AND NOTARY PUBLIC Donald M. Findlay jT. C. Newman, Q.C. BARRISTER I; SOLICITOR Suite 2. Lowflo Building ‘15 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill ‘ Every Thursday Afternoon TUrner 4-1551 King City Gariepy and Mann M. nuns allu manna..- Flue-M" L.M-w_U†F'R.C_C_o.l 6197 YONGE STREET . . ‘ WILLOWDALE. ONTARIO Available for Instructlon in: BA' 5'38“ v Piano and Singing ; Kennéath A. Garlepy in Richmond Hill A' 5-1557 v 1962 Successful Candidates f W. E. Neil Mum Gr. 0 - Honours - Wendy Ash-! TU. 4-4618 ‘ kanase and Marilyn Plkel Gr. 8 - John Burnett ‘Gr. 7 - lst Class Hon. - Maur- een Hay ‘ Hon. â€" Linda Lyons and‘ QoCal David Burnett ‘ Gr. 6 - Roderick Mllllga-n RICHMOND “ILL lGr. 4 - lst Class Hon. - Martin! 7 bulletin 88. i MCKeMie . lGr. 3 - Hon. â€" Lmda Morton AV. 5-1477 - TU. 4-154! Phone mornings: HUdson 5-2591 Lawlor & LeClaire BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS Toronto Office - 10 Toronto 0. Phone EM. 3-5877 17 Queen Street E., Suite 544 Toronto 1, Ontario EMpire 6-2362 Stiver, Vale, lPeppiatt, Errington TE. 3-6684 96A Yonge St. 8., Aurora PA. 7-9272 James H. Timmins Ph. TW. 5-4571 Insurance â€" Mortgages Fire. Auto. Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. #2117 Floyd E. Corner Q.C. The Bank of Nova Secti- Building BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. N OTARIES Norman A. Todd, Barrieters and Solicitm‘s K. M. R. Stiver. Q.C. Joseph Vale, Q.C. J. M. Peppiafl. B.A. William Errington. B. Com 195A MAIN ST. Plaxton, Deane & Drew Bank of Nova Scotln may†Aurora, Ontario 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill, Ontario TU. 4-4413 Barrister. Solicitor. m. J. Rabinowitch, Corner Agency Limited AURORA. ONTARIO Residence TUrner (-1863 B! Appalntmenc Richmond Hill. Ontario Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Richmond Hill Ollie. \15 Yonze Street N. AV. 5-5144 Thomhlll Oflice Office TUrner 4-1780 Banister. Solicitor. Notary Public RICHM 0ND HILL THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 THORNHILL Legal AV. 5-1197 PA. 74488-8 PA. 7-5046. TE. 3-5451 Newmnrket Marguerite Boyle Lillian A. DeWolfe WIRES {I Optometry Teacher of Piano, Voice and Theory (Preparatory for Royal Conser- vatory examinations) Eyes Examined Glasses Fined Opicnl Ronni" NOW AT 3242 YONG! ST. In North Toronto Opposite Pnk Theme 9 mm. to 6 pm. including Sat. BU. 8-8949 Evening: by appointment A. W. Kirchen, R.0. Eyes Examined ~ Glasses Fitted Prescriptions Filled a. Repair- :1 YONG: 81‘. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 REGISTERED MASSEUSE 174 BAYVIEW AVE. S. PHONE 884-2603 BY APPOINTMENT . EYES EXAMINED | t PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED‘ O CONTACT LENSES * OPTICAL REPAIRS flours 10_- 6 daily Closed Saturday Evening: By Appointmem 1 1100!“ 205 LOWRIE BUILDING! 15 YONGE ST. N. ; RICHMOND HILL J. C. Horvat,B.A., 0.1). OPTOMETRIST Italian & Canadian Cuisine Catering & Banquet Facilities Try our Take-out Service for Spaghetti, Pizza Next Door to Richmond Theatre Elocntlon. Public Speaklnl Platform Deportment Dramatic Art “BOMEWOOD HALL" Thomhlll Jack Seaton REAL ESTATE BROKER F. L. Lowrie, R.0. 9.30 - 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday 5; Saturday Afternoons by nppolntment Open Friday Nights 428 S. Femleigh Circle (erkhm-Bayview Area) Sales - Rentals - Leases Residential â€" Commercial “A Litle Bit of Italy in Richmond Hill" '25:: [gut/z g D’A (ton M. McLaughlin Real Estate 15 Yonge Street North Massage Restaurants PHONE 285-1472 la Cantina Richmond Hill Musical TU. 4-4641 TU. 4-0083 A.D.C.M‘ 'a I‘d on Elangdonk i Coach lines ltd. Ontario Land Surveyors Richmond Hill. TU 4-294! 105 Wlllowdale Ave.. Willow-isle 53 Bedford Park Avenue Ont" BA. 5-3031 lies. George ’1‘. Yates. 0.L.S. Travel Service Oï¬icial agents for all Steamships and Airlines 63 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Phone TU. 4-7851 285 - 5782 Herbert & Joan Goodhoofd Coaches for all Occasions Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 147 Yonge St. N. Office TU. 4-1432 Richmond Hill R. Hill Horticultural Society Planslg; lPhotoqraphic Field Day October 7&3‘1 New Firm Opens On Yonge Street Reliable Service. a repair shop for appliances and tele- visions. has moved irvto the old rMurray Upholstery store on ‘Yon-ge near Lorne. Richmond Hill's downtown area has added another busi- ness. Owners of the new ï¬rm are Thomas Delorme, Herman Plesctherger and Herbert Kol- arek. Experts from our own soc-'branch). 1 iety will be there to advise and 4. Autumn scene - anywhere' oï¬er suggestions. Mr. Large in Ontario. ’ has also arranged that Mr. and 5. Winter scene - anywhere ini Mrs. William Hussey will be Ontario. ‘ there to give valuable heLp andl 6. Ontario scene featuring ‘ assistance. They are old friends‘water. ‘ of our society and their work is 7. Ontario wild flowers or well known. Aileen is a member fungi. of the Toronto Guild of Colour 8. A small section of your ‘ Photography and Bill of the To- garden. ronto Movie Club. so they are While entries will be accepted well qualiï¬ed to give advice on‘up to January 15th, now is the both slides and movies. Etime to add to your possible Members and all interested prize winners and the ï¬eld trip persons are asked to meet in will provide a wonderful oppor- luhe parking lot at the Edwards tunity. All three have maintenance and construction experience. Reliable will use the front part of the store to feature fur- niture and appliances. ((By Elisabeth Grant) On October 7. the camera en- thusiasts of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society will set forth on a photographic ï¬eld day at the Edwards Gardens (Bay-t view). This has been arranged by the chairman of the photo- graphic section of the society, W. J. Large. Mr. Large has chosen the Edwards Gardens as offering a wide variety of sub- jeots. It’s acres of well wooded hills and valleys, its streams, pools and bridges provide splen- ‘did vistas for landscapes. There should be ï¬ne autumn colour- ing to add to the enchantment. Information: AV. 5-5451 Transportation For those who wish to take garden subjects or flower close- ups there are many plantings, formal and informal. where the late-blaming flowers will de- light the eye. FOR INFORMATION Telephone TE. 3-535‘ KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPPTAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-540! 240 King Street, King City Trailways Of Canada Ltd. Local Bus Service Daily Richmond Hill- Toronto Service Chartered Coaches Surveyors Veterinary GLOBE Travel & Yates The ï¬rst general meeting of Thornlea Home and School As- sociation was held at the school on September 26. President Roots opened the meeting. Business under discussion was the coming fall bazaar to be held on November 3 from 1.30 pm. to 4.30 pm. Further notice of this will appear at a later date. Correspondent Mn 8. Lenten Phone AVenue 5-3489 Thomlea Home and School News Principal Lynne Evans, of: 'I‘hornlea, introduced Mrs. Mc- Dowell, who assists him with Grades 5 and 6, he also extend- ed a warm welcome to Mrs. Perry, who is known by many parents, from being at the school last year. ~ r. Mr. Evans and Mrs. Perry with tied in the parents attendance with count so each were awarded blems the prize of $2. school Further plans for the coming as d1 graduation banque¢ will be dis- For ( cussed at the October meeting. [stem Mark - Vaun Women’s Institute Fea The ladies of Mark - Vaun James WI were awarded sixth prize for can“) ‘their entry in this year’s Mark- with ‘ham Fair, their entry was won j“Apples". Mrs. Neiczporuk, teacher of Grades 1 and 2 was unable to attgnd this meeting. One of their senior members, Mrs. Thompson, Morgan Ave., received ï¬rst prize for her oil painting. Birthday Greetings Brian Stiver. â€"Su'ssex Ave, celebrated his eighmh birthday on September 27. Gabriella Czarnopyski. No. 7 Highway E. celebrates her 11th birthday on October 1. Camien Maiersrwllll be slx years old on October 5 and ‘her brother Karl will be 8 on October 11. Correspondent Mrs. A. Blackburn 108 Yonzehunl TU. 4-2617 The ï¬rst meeting of the seaâ€" son of Ross Doan Home and School Association was held on October lst. Principal Peter Kurita of} Richva'I-e School, the guest speaker, showed ï¬hms on his guided trip through Japan this past summer. This certainly proved to be most interesting and educational. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Socials Miss Gertrude Lever, post- mistress of Richvavle Post Office has just returned from a three week trip through Western Canada Miss Lever spent one week with her sister. Mrs. R. Arn‘ott in Ceylon. Saskatche- wan, a few days in Banff, and then drove to British Columbia. Mrs‘ G. Baker of Yonlgehurst Rd. is now recuperating at home, following her appendect- omy operation in Newmarket Hospital, two weeks ago. A surprise birthday party was held for Mrs. W. Turner. at the home of the Blavckbums. on September 22. Cards were played, followed by the traditi- ona-l refreshments. Gardens at 1 pm. on Sunday, October 7. The entire after- noon will be spent with the experts among the scenic beau- ties of the gardens and park- land. This ls an opportunity to be highly prized and who knows but that the prize winning slide for 1962 may be shot then and there. LANGSTAFF and THORNLEA NEWS Debbie Blackburn was one of the guests at Lorayln Barker's birthday party on September 15. The children all enjoyed a birthday luncheon, followed by a bowling party. Mrs. J. Gardner who spent the summer with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gard- ner of French River, arrived on September 26 at the home of Mrs. W. Costofl‘, Walmer Rd., where she will spend the w1n~ ter months. AURORA : An Aurora coin, the size of a Canadian silver dollar, is to be minted for Aurora's 1963 Centennial. STOUF‘FVI’LLE: The East York‘ Plowing Match will be held at the farm of Cam Kennedy, Con. 7, Markham Township, October 24. Members are reminded that it isn’t too early to be screening their slides for the annual co]- our photography contest. 1. General 1 anywhere in ( and design to be portant factors) There are eight classes for 35 mm and 21/. x 21/4, slides. 2. A single plant. shrub or tree 3. An individual bloom (one flower only - not a spray or branch). North Richvale News garden views - Ontario (beauty be considered im- Speaker for the day will be Rev. Barry Moore. Lon-don On- tario, president of Crusade Evangelism of Canada. who has held evangelistic campaigns on both sides of the border. Mr. Moore is an experienced youth counsellor who speaks with authority on youxrhs' pro- blems today, having taught school in London and served as director of_ London Yowth For Christ. He has also min- lstered abroad. Young people from the Lang- stafl' Baptlst Church in Lang- stafl‘ will be among the hun- dreds attending the Fellowship Baptist Young People‘s Asso- ciation Thanksgiving Rally at Stratford. October 8. Utilizing the luxurious facili- ties of the Stratford Shake- spearlan Festival Theatre, seating 2,258. sessions will be held at 11 a.m.. 1 pm. and 7 pm. featuring the timely theme, “It's later than you think". ' District Young People Go To Stratford Rally Featured soloist is Home!" James of Ottawa, who has re- cently been awarded a contract with RCA Victor. His singing won nation-wide acclaim in Canada as a result of his win- nin‘g “Talent Caravan" in 1960 on the CBC coast to coast tele- lvislon network. He served as a \member of the Bllly Graham Holstein Cattle 14 15 16 17 18 grade Holstein cow. full flow, bred Aug. 15th I grade Holstein cow, supposed to calf, Dec. 25th grade Holstein heifer, 2 yrs, bred July 13th grade Holstein cow, supposed to calf Nov. 26th grade Holstein cow. full flow, not bred grade Holstein cow, suppos- led to calf Dec. 7th grade Holstein cow. full flow, bred June 24th grade Holstein cow. milking good, bred July 5th , grade Holstein heifer, milk- ing good, bred June 5th. 2nd calf grade Holstein heifer, full flow, not bred grade Holstein cow, milking good, bred July 14th grade Holstein cow, milking good, bred July 22nd grade Holstein cow, full flow, bred Sept. 5th grade Holstein heifer, full flow, bred Dec. 13th grade Holstein cow, milking, bred Aug. 18th grade Holstein cow, full flow. bred June 23rd grade Holstein cow, spring- ing grade Holstein cow, spring- ing “‘3 narrows 19 Set 4 section drar barrows 20 Holstein cow, fresh. bred Set MH tandem dgisc narrows sept‘ 10 Cockshwtt 3 furrowed narr 21 grade Holstein cow, fresh tt tractor low on rub. 22 registered Holstein cow. No. :21. gm p ' 1277181. Boes Wendy, fresh, McCormick _ Deermg tract not bred 23 Holstein cow fresh. bred 910W, ace bottom, 3 furrow, Sept. 10 ' ' ‘ on rusbber. near new 24 Registered Ayrshire cow, Al- Cocksh‘utt 30 tractor on rubber. ken Gretas Rose, No. 433- live PTO. lights. starter. pul 705, born Apr. 29/56, fresh ley, etc, good with calrf by side. oalved Cockshutt 30 tractor on rubber. Sept. 12 live PTO, lighlts. starter, pul- 25 ley, etc., good 26 Cockshutt 40 tractor, on rubber. 27 grade Holstein heifer. fresh-11w: pTo, pulley, lights, starter. ened Sept. 10, calf at foot etc. good ‘28 grade Holstein cow, milking, Wagner heavy duty commercial full flow, bred June 11th , . 29 grade Holstein heifer, fresh? egg lggfftgrto Egmï¬ï¬gte ened Aug' 20th with manure bucket. dirt 30 grade Holstein cow, milking“ bucket grader blade and ‘31 bred June 22nd wings to attach for snow plowing, good 32 rade Holstein cow. mllkin , % imposed to calf g Cockshutt manure tractor trail- ‘33 { er spreader on rubber, good 34 registered Holstein cow, Case manure spreader. 105 Dundrenan Futurity Peal, tractor trailer type, PTO on No. 1162010, born Sept. 30/34, rubber. near new full flow, bred Sept. 7 to Rubber tired wagon. 300‘! Emeraidale Citation Ensign, Flat rack for same registered Holstein No. 278- Home made 2 wheel tractor 190 trailer eqquipped to haul hay 35 and straw 36 grade Holstein cow, full flow, No. of used cow stanvchions bred June 14th Rubber tired wheel barrow 37 3 home made wooden feed 37 38 grade Holstein cow. milking 300d. brad Aug. 11th Case hammer mill 39 grade Holstein heifer. 3rd Endless drive belt calf.,br8d J1me llth Lawn boy power lawn mower _ _ ‘ A V _ A No. of electric fences, with 41 purebred V Holstein heifer, “Basis; ' suï¬posed ‘0 calf Dec- 25th 1951 Pontiac sedan, good mo- 49 white Holstein heifer. full tor, good tires flowv n°t bred W terloo no. 20 arden tractor Above cattle are artiï¬cially bred temple“, g - t0 reglsmred buns 12 Cockshut‘t 30 tractor wheels Dairy Equipment ' and tires DeLaval No. 600 electric bulk 2 Heat Houser, one for 30 and milk cooler, 66 can capacitY. one for 40 Cockshubt trac- complete with Copeland unit. tors This bulk cooler is perfect No_ of cedar fence posts and new Surge milking machine, com-i . plete with 4 single units. This‘many useful articles not men- is good, ltioned. Forks, shovels. hoes, tools. and lTerms cash. No reserve. Proprietor quitting farming 5 entirely. Large sale will start at 12.30 noon Lot 21, 6th Line Pickering Township, On No. 7 Highway, 1 mile West of Brougham on James Smith Clerk Proprietor or auctioneers will not be responsible for any public liability, injury or property damage to the public in connection with this auction sale. 1162010, born Sept. 80/34, full flow, bred Sept. 7 to Emeraldale Citation Ensign, registered Holstein No. 278- 190 0F 40 HEAD HOLSTEIN MILK COWS, NEW BULK COOLER. NEW COMBINE, MODERN FARM MACHINERY, HAY, GRAIN, STRAW. ETC. Wednesday IMPORTANT EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE RAY ANDERSON Auctioneers Phone Markham 346 or Stouï¬'ville 96208 Property of KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Team during the Caribbea Crusade in 1958. Accordion virtuoso Dixi Dean will also make a valuabl contribution musically to th rally. Mr. Dean played profes sionally for a number of yea before his conversion to Christ Since that time he has be come a member of the sta of missionary radio statio HCJB, the Voice of the And in Quito, Ecuador. Organis Lyall Conlin and pianist Pa_ Kerr will complete the musica' team. A highlight of the day‘s acti- vities will be the annual paradt of witness through the street: of Stratford prior to the morn- ing session. Float and car en: tries will represent many of U11 young people’s societies particil Dating in the rally. Following the afternoon ses- sion the top teams of the Tor- onto FBYPA softball leagul and the Central Ontarlc FBYPA softball league wil meet f0r the FBYPA champ ionshlp in what promises to b1 3 closely-fought contest. Thanksgiving Day may mean a day of rest and relaxatior for some people. but for Fel- lowship Baptist Young People ii promises to be a day ï¬lled wlti activity and spiritual blessing a1 Straitford. the festival city 01 Canada. October 10th Bulk tank electric washing ma chine Electric 8 can milk cooler. used very little. complete Campbellford cement slab silo‘ 14 x 25 new Grain. Hay 8: Straw Approx. 4,000 bales of real good oats Approx. 150 bus. Rodney cat‘s Above are grown from register hay Approx Approx ed seed Colony House on skids 12 x 1 Farm Machinery McCormick - Deerinvg No. 9 combine, self propelled, 8 cut. almost new No. 45 McCormick - Deerim PTO hay and straw pick ball er, good No. 5 M-cCormick-Deering sid rake, on rubber. real good near new McCormick-Deering PTO mow- er, 7 ft. out, near new Smoker bale and grain elevate: Electrlc motor H.D. 3/: H.P. Smoker ï¬eld bale loader Cockshurtt fertilizer grain drill power lift. good MH 11 tooth stiff tooth tracto: cultivator, power 11ft, etc. Sert Case spring math 3 sectim racks Case hammer mill posts. wire, etc. 1951 Pontiac sedan. good mo- tor, good tires Waterloo no. 20 garden tractor complete ' 2 Cockshutt 30 tractor Wheels and tires 2 Heat Houser, one for 30 and one for 40 Cockshubt trac- tors No. of cedar fence posts Forks, shovels. hoes. tools, and 800 bales of good straw 150 bus. new Russe?