Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Oct 1962, p. 16

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THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, ThurSdaY» MW / W 30 Si’iml‘Cannot Break Contract'iliil Sigilifi’lslillutumn Setting For The‘ Town Planning, Gets Attention By Clark Came!” ‘ . . The chapel of the Richmond 0 V Iere's a thrill up on the Hill United Church was the set- _ I lCOhtln‘ued From Page 1) legs go, let’s go. ‘et's go! e S ting of the quiet ceremony of lend of the last war over 45,000 e on - everybodY'S gomg t0 ithe marriage of Janet Page new buildings have been built here. Well, last week the Mason, formeer of 12 Centre The marriage of Suzanne Bar- Hotel where the mother of the‘L that city alone. said the taking place. Ml. Perkins felt the three- It is farther advanced in week tour was beneficial and slum clearance and new hous- Sold he picked up several ideas as valid as a written contract ing than any other city in Eur- that Richmond Hill could use . .- 100 teachers from Vau- ~ ‘ db Clifton d ht f Vi ’b‘ ' ‘ h h " h ' ' ' ' ‘ Knights started us off With over _ _ . . , - _ Street East, Richmond Hill, an ara . aug er 0 . r.l ride received wearing a 5 eat reeve. . ope._ t e reeve found. Iir. planning and administration, ,ng. Dancing starts at 8.15 Shall TOWHSPIP heard 3" had mIthe ‘ifi’g‘lggjo‘grfifgjflgfis are Donald Ferguson of 86 Spruce and Mrs. George Clifton andlstyle dress of pale blue peau de Since 1905 all land within the Giant strides forward liavel He said the exchange of goes till 12.00 That's this dress on emlcs Of the team mg obfgjteeed not to ’accept a job Street, Richvale. The bride Edward John Charman, son of sole with matching accessories city's boundaries has been muâ€" been made in housing stan- ideas between countries is ad- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Charman and a corsage of yellow roses. nicipally owned and it is imâ€" took place in St. Mary‘s Angli- The groom‘s mother chose a possible to buy land privately. -an Church, Richmond Hill. The pink suit with navy accessories It must be leased from the city ~ v 11. profession given by Miss Mar- . . v {28% 3:6 3;; fiffifimflfnd the H. Harrow, executive assis- wth boards whose relationships 5 music arownd as well as tan-t of the Federation of Wo- with the federation are not satis- dards over the past 15 years vantageous and the knowledge with open, park-like housing acquired by ofiicials on the trip developments springing up, he would prove. he felt. most use- wore powder blue embroidered nylon over blue taffeta With beige accessories and a corsagc latest "POD" hitS- This is men Tat-hers. Assomatwns 0: facr‘rioryl’lMésigagftgeztrifsfiiof red roses. She was attended Rev. James O'Neill officiated, and a corsage of talisman roses. and buildings constructed to found. ful. .dance kids _ come out and Ontario, September 24 a {6‘2th erlar as apgroup rather by matron of honor. Mrs. David he wedding muSIc was played For their honeymoon in norâ€" council’s specifications. >ort it. Memberships, 50 George Bailey PPb'l'lC SehoOl' gt?” 6. S; ydeml She said Anderson. 3rd Line, R. R. No. iy Mrs. Cooper and the soloist lhern Ontario. the bride wore Another point that favorably s. A "com"? of Ethlcs. for team- t “an m epe? mfkted to uni 3 King City, and junior bridcsâ€" Ir. George Murray sang The a black and white sheath dress impressed the reeve was the di- -‘ "S “’35 Prepared m 194445 T egdarehno pel -1 for a 0_ maid. licr ten year old daughter. ' ord’s Prayer and Because and matching coat. with a black vertin-g of traffic around the and has Since become PEP-t 0f (1,9? 1 W en app ymg p Mary Janet. Mr. David Anderâ€" Given in marriage by her fa- velvet hat, white gloves. and cities, He was mm by Dutch of- ‘_ the regulations under the 51%;?- H ncluded her son assisted the groom. her the bride wore a floor blaCk Shoes and bag. Her cor- ficials that they have stressed . Teaching Profession Act. 55. harms?” CO. H of map The bride and groom are cngth gown of white] organza sage consisted of red and white this phase in all planning since ‘ . Miss Harrow Spoke 3}“ 3:: gélgewgtnd amaltsecxfist? as ,t af_ spending Thanksgiving weekâ€" \ver peau de soie. accented with roses. the war. Instant/y. . . Willi MENET TEAMS various applications code. She noted that teachers fects young women teachers. should realize that a school ar- Adequate maternity leave of ea's board of trustees may absence may be given. she ex- move a teacher within a school plained. but teachers are not or within an area? expected to ask for a leave of She emphasized the part of absence for marriage. the Teaching Profession Act which states that a teacher may end attending the fall round ace appliques. The bodice was and square dance party a 'ishioned with a scoop neckline Prudhomme’s Recreation Cen nd lilypoint sleeves, and the tre at Vineland, along with ap kid was ruffled at the back proximately 300 other squarl nd set oflr at the waist with a dancers from all parts of WI ‘abric rose. A matching rose United States and Ontario. The) 'aught her shoulder length boufâ€" will then take a motor trii ‘ant veil. She carried 3 cas- through Northern Ontario. Up mice of white gladioli and tea Mr. Perkins was told that a severe shortage of labor exists and unemployment ls unheard of in Holland. “The whole economy is gear- id to the socialist system and 'rom all indications seems to be working out Well. The people are looked after from automatically To Make Your will! O S’uperior’ PROPANE Driving Safer Driving with faulty, 32% 4 ON TERM DEPOS'TS GUARA N TY TRUST Maire Toronto OH!"- DON MILLS CENTRE HI. 7-6453 366 BAY STREET EM. 6-1531 IMPORTANT IUCTIOMN SALE Isehold contents, walnut tur- Ire. antiques and modern, i electric appliances, dishes. etc., at 5 Robinson St., Markham Village r property of the Estate Oil the Late CLARA L. ROBINSON. on ATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 then lis automatic dryer, new gidaire automatic washer, ew odeu table, 4 chairs, stool so goblets, berry bowl, rel- ;h dish and odd pieces in rail cabinet >ver Constellation vacuum leaner Iminum lawn lounge. china nket chest and bedding gidaire freezer, electric :ettle gidaire electric range. near leW gida-irc electric refrigerator, Iear new, electric iron 5 pieces of odd plated flat- vare :chen utensils, glassware mlng room nge old bufiet, tea wagon al antique walnut table, .‘ocker nt dinner service, odd cups Ind saucers, small condiment gieces, glass vase-s, celery lishes, bric-a~bnac v 6 section bookcases 8; books randah okoase, 2 small tables, (eru- Ery mket box, arm chair - walnut frame Ilelsterfleld and 2 chairs l Ill table, bench Ialr, 2 mirrors vinz Room tub shaped chain, I (named prints mill 2 cushion aettee, glas- ware bleached end taibles, bricâ€"a- Approximately 2% acres of brac '. matching table lamps, part to Road Allowance and subject tea set 7e 17" television set. good id cups and saucers pc. Chesterfield suite odd chesterfield chairs Irge quantity 'broadloom, several yards pper Hall icyclopedla Britannica llth edition urtique occasional chair ntique mahogany chest odern mahogany coffee table lectrified oil lamp pare Room arge antique wardrobe ypewriter and table edroom No. l arge chest of drawers and mirror ook case and odd books ewin-g basket, cabinet, lamp edroom No. 2 arge bed and dresser antique ady's luggage, 3 section book case arge amount of bedding luantity of drapes arage ool chest. old Taylor safe eel type power mower. Rotary lawn mower xteusion ladder, wheelbarrow, snow arden tools, 4 fence trunks, number of tools rolls [any other pieces of furniture, ornaments, tools, etc. ishes, 0t mentioned. ‘he real estate consisting o irge brick dwelling, came dwelling, tins through the rt H. Gray, if the entire estate. Tale at 1.00 pm. sharp. Terms ash day of sale, No reserve. l .‘his is a real good sale and urge one. James Smith - Clerk {en & Clarke Prentice - Aucti- ineers. Phone Markham 346 or Stouffville 96208 Estate or Auctioneers will not to responsible for any pnbli ia'bility, injury or also a‘ swimming 001, modern heating in dwell- igs. all up-to~date. The river property. .bove mentioned valuable and ttractlve property is for sale rivately. For further particul- rs regarding same apply to . :oyal Trust Company! 66 King For further information please It, Toronto, Ont.. or Mr. Rob- Q.C. Unionville {R 1, Ont.. who are executors PFOPQPTY Iamage to the public in con- nection with this auction sale} not break a contract with a school board. A teacher would break his or her contract by leaving anytime except December or June with- out the board's consent or by Name G. Cusdin To Hydro Post on their return they will take ui residence in their new apart ment at 29 Elizabeth Street South, Richmond Hill. For travelling the bride wore a brown and beige wool suil being absent withdut leave for even one school day, she told the meeting. Miss Harrow pointed out that an oral agreement is just George Cusdin of King City has been named probationary secretary-treasurer of the vilâ€" lage’s hydro system. Mr. Cusdin, who is a Baptist lay minister, replaces Miss Car- ol Brown, who was appointed to the position when the village assumed the system July 1. His post will be part-time only as he will continue his duties as pastor at Bethel Bapâ€" DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Carbon Tetrachloride Experience has shown tist Church in King City, and that the public while aware in Pottageville and Kettleby. of its excellent cleaning He assumed his new duties 0c- properties, is largely una tobei- 1_ ware of its toxicity. Cases of poisoning continue to oc- AGINCOURT A Canadian- bred Holstein bull, Hawkherst Reflection dividend, was sold cur regularly among those in the home or in industry who have used it as a by G. E. D. Greene for 550,000 cleaning agent without due pesos or $5,500 at a recent regard to its POiSOUOUS “’3' auction sale held in Palermo, ture- Argentina. Evemm is urged t° “Se m a safer solvent than Carbon Tetrachloride especially in the home. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. SUPER CARPET CLEANING CO. DRAPES, CARPETS, RUGS, FURNITURE, E ALL CARPET REPAIRS Mum Immediate AUCTIQIXISDALE 0F Pick Up and Delivery Sale of PROP'EIIIII‘OYTBSALE NEW BROADLOOM Free Estimates RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-3833 Approximately 1% acres of land, more or less, with no ac- cess to Highway No. 48 and sub- ject to an Easement over the with brown and beige accessor- ies. __’_____._._.An, MARKETPLACE OF THE DISTRICT LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 Use your headâ€"and SAVE! Check Stale Farm's low insurance rates for careful driversâ€"rates so low that one out of two may save important dol- lars. Call today! LLOYD HARVEY ‘ Office, TU 4-2291 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond uni Res. Phone Gormlcy 5369 KENNETH SHEPHERD Office. TU. 4-2291 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Res. Phone Markham 724 & noun 1 1 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO- mBllilNSURANCE COMPANY, m Mud Omen TORONTO westerly twenty-five feet of the Property. Situated on part Lot 35. Concession 8, Township of Markham, County of York, be- ing on the south-east corner of Highways No. 47_ and 48, in the Village of Ringwmd. Sale to be held on the property at: 2:00 P.M., LOCAL TIA/m FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19th, 1962 TERMS: $500.00 Deposit at time of sale (cash or certified cheque made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario) balance payable in thirty days. PROPERTY SALE T-047 5 land, more or less, with access to a forty foot right-ofâ€"way over the westerly portion of property. Situated on part Lot 31, Con- cession ’7, Township of Mark- ham, County of York, being on the west side of Highway No. 48 and on the north side of Road Allowance, known as the 19th line, approximately 5 miles north of Highway No. 7 (Mark- ham). Sale to be held on the property at: 3:00 P.M., LOCAL TIME FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19th, 1962 TERMS: $500.00 Deposit at time of sale (cash or certified cheque made payable to the Treasurer; of Ontario) balance payable1 the requirements of TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL 6% Debentures TO MATURE NOVEMBER 1; 1963-82 These bonds may be purchased for terms varying from one to twenty years to suit the individual investor. Interest is payable on November 1 each year. Priced to yield 5.90% Greenshields Incorporated ll ADELAIDE STREET WEST, TORONTO TELEPHONE EM.3-5031 toses. Mrs. Judy Else was matron of lOl’lOI' for her sister in gold wow de soie and her brides- Iaids Miss Mary Ann Donald nd Miss Sue Higgins wore fern reen peau de soie. They wore iatching headdresses with tiny oils and carried nosegays of ‘oral coloured gladioli. Flower- YlI‘l Beverly Charman sister of «he groom wore pale green peau de sole with a matching head- piece an-d carried coral colored gladioll. Wallace Charman was best man and the ushers were Will- iam Else and Alfred Charman. Following the ceremony a reâ€" ception was held at the Conroy ‘ sluggish ignition and out- ofâ€"balance wheels can be dangerous. Our safety I special eliminates all three hazards. coox's BP Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS ‘ll 51 Township School Tenders will be received cations. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HANKS, IRWIN & PEARSON Richvale Public School Irwin & Pearson at their office, 2848 Bloor Street, West, Toronto, until 3 p.m., Monday, October 15, 1962 for the erection of Richvale Public School for the Township School Area of Vaughan. Plans and specifications are available from the Ar- chitects, Hanks, Irwin & Pearson on deposit of a $25.00 cheque which is returnable on receipt of a bona fide tender and return of plans and specifiâ€" Area of Vaughan by the Architects, Hanks, Architects. have been Main St. - STYLISTS AND BEA U TY SALON Unionville Have you visited our salon? If so we hope you well pleased. If you have not visited us give us a trial. Phone 735 Unlonville for appointment. You can be assured we will try to please you. OUR SALON IS OPEN Monday to Saturday Open Tues., Wed., Thurs. and Fri. evenings by appointment within thirty days. PROPERTY SALE T-0474 Approximately 9/10 of an acre of land, more or less, with ac- cess restricted to Road Allow- ances only. Situated on part Lot 31, Concession 7, Township of Markham, County of York, being on the east side of High- way No. 48 and north side of Road Allowance, knowu as the 19th line, approximately 5 miles north of Highway No. 7 (Mark- ham). Sale to be held on the property Cleaning . Oiling SERVICE WH 3.30 P.M., LOCAL TIME FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19th, 1962 TERMS. $200.00 Deposit at time of sale (cash or certified cheque made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario) balance payable within thirty days. contact: The Auctioneers: Ken & Clarke Prentice, , Markham, Ontario. . Telephone: Markham 346 01' a ROLL-A-MATIC STORE Department of Highways. Regional Office, Downsview, Ontario. Telephone: 248-3445. :Sales subject to Reserve Bids. c DEPARTMENT OI" HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO o 4887 Yonge Street ELECTRIC SHAVER SERVICE 8230 A.M. - 5230 POI. MM glacial: W . Adjusting . Repairs ILE YOU WAIT If your Remington Electric Shaver is not giving you the top performance for which all just bring it in. Remingtons are famous, Our factory- traiued technicians will clean it, oil it, adjust it and make guaranteed repairs at factory prices. HOURS DAILY (Closed Monday) Phone BA. 2-431 1 You will be plea the New Classic our motto. on October 5 or 6 REFRESHMENTS Your are cordially invited to see RAMBLER FOR '63 ON DISPLAY Friday and Saturday, October'5 & 6 Purdy's Rambler Sales 8. Service OAK RIDGES, ONT. up-to-date features. A fair deal and dependable service is Adult visitors to our showroom Free Draw Coupon AT santly surprised at line of beauty with Will be entitled to a SOUVENIRS he cradle to the grave." Of all the cities visited Mr. ‘erkins was “very impressed" ‘ith the cleanliness of Copen- ~agen, Denmark, and the mas- -ive housing developments now 646‘ mm "mm N0 WAITING . . . because, with gas, there are no glertnentsvthat have to heat up Irs . NO WORK . . . coal shovelling is a thing of the past, with gas working for you. No WORRY. . . thermostatically controlled to the exact temperature you want. BILL DING says: I THIS IS 77-45 TIME '; 7’0 BE DEC/DING- - TO GIVE Your House ‘ \ ‘ I You have all the hot water you could possibly want...atall times . . . for all your household needs. And 603 I: so economical, too Complete with Propane installation and A.D.S‘ s3'75...... ’Automatic Delivery Serviceâ€"a plus benefit available only through your Superior Propane branchâ€"no pre~billing, you pa only for the propane you actuall use after you use itâ€"no rip of running outâ€"no need to re-o er. 5‘ SUPERIOR PROPANE IJD. MAPLE, ONTARIO BOWDENLUTIIBER-Co. (Home Improvement Division) Stop 23 Yongc St. Richvalc AV. 5-4921 - TU. 4-1121 Evenings: Craig Bowdcn TU. 4-1668 GIBSON GIRL STORE 'BAILIFF SALE THE COMPLETE STOCK OF THE GIBSON GIRL STORE, IN THE ALLENCOURT PLAZA, HAS BEEN SOLD UNDER THE HAMMER OF THE AUCTIONEER, TO LIGHTMANS LIMITED, FOR E THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF LIQUIDATING THE ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES’ WEAR AND FIXTURES! THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO THIS GREAT PRICE SLASHING SALE OF FINE QUALITY MERCHANDISE Phone AVenuO 5-1 143 SAVE FROM 1/2 to 1/3 OFF REGULAR PRICES PARIS AND SCHIAPERELLI PLAYTEX AND EXQUISITE FORM BRASSIERES Reg. to 3.50 LOU LARRY AND SABRE NAME BRAND LOU LARRY HARVEY WATSON, ETC. SLIPS V2 PRICE SECRET LADY NAME BRAND nursscs v. PRICE AND LESS LEON DE PARIS AND GRAND’MERE SWEATERS V3 OFF ASSORTED FINE BRAND NAME SLIMS and JEWELLERY GIRDLES SPORTSWEAR V2 PRICE V3 OFF '/1 PRICE These and many, many more outstanding buys will be on sale until entire stock is liquidated Come early for Best Selections. SALE STARTS FRIDAY, 10 AM. AT GIBSON GIRL STORE 437 Markham Rd. - (Allencourt Plaza) Richmond Hill

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