DEAL DAYS SPECIAL -? 7/2}; Cost of service pole reloca- nlon as a result of ‘i'mprove- ments to tuhe intersection of Gen. 6 and the Teston Sideroad will be $1,790. Only flhree bids were receiv- ed on the job. The township will bear 25 per cent of the cost, Department of Highways 50 per cent and the Department of Public Works, 25. Estimates of $1,340 from Hydro and $450 from Bell Tel- ephone were accepted by Vau- ghan Township ‘Council Mon- day night. Vaughan Township Council Monday night accepted a ten- der of $14,002.20 from K. J. Beamish Ltd., Thornhill, for the surface treatment of Duf- ferln Street from the Maple Sidemad north to the Lands and Forests Station. Counhil moved to make flue Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Richvale, the‘ only Vaughan Council Notes it’s time to tradeUP to CANADA’S no.1 CHAIN SAW PONEE Menu‘ackmrs of flu Cumpqcf NU-17‘dasigned \Vlâ€! 9M casual our in mind, is hghf, fast and vusatill; whil. thu Suplr 6~20 combines light High} and «lay handï¬ng WIN tugged bug pow-r for prokuionul nudx. COMPACT "ll-‘7 $1 [In had! 6000 FUR PER/DD SEPT. 15-067. 31 Over 70 people attended an afternoon tea at St. Mary Immaculate School Sunday sponsored by St. Mary’s Catholic Women’s League in aid of a membership drive now being conducted by the group. Presiding over the tea table is Mrs. V. I. McCullough, while Mrs. C. McDonald and Mrs. J. Taylor wait to have their cups ï¬lled. Reliable Mower Membership Tea Well Attended Richmond Hill, Ontario complete with 12" uNachmenu This coupon is worth $10.00 on the purchase of any new Pioneer chain saw. Trade-ins are accepted on rhis offer which expires Oct. 31, I962. No deï¬nite sewerimg plans for the Langstaff area of Vau- ghan Township have been made. Possible well sites east of Keele Street between Lam‘gstatf Sideroad and Highway 7 in ‘Lots 7 and 10 are to be expro- priated by the township. Coun- cil Monday night approved ex- propriation of the land. Council's plans for the area were made known in response to a request from Falconbridge Nickel Mines. Langstafl, for in- form‘atibn relative to the tim- ing of available sewers in the area. - The action was taken when council learned the proprietor of Richva-le Pharmacy had been late in sending his remicta‘nce to the township on several oc- casions. place in the community for paying township water bills. U. P. Assistï¬héï¬iï¬ Mr. Fleming is the former as- sessment commissioner of Mark- ham Township. Justice of the Peace Archie Fleming, a resident of Mark- ham Township. is relieving at the magistrate's court in New- market during the next three weeks while some of the reguâ€" lar court officials are on holi- days. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD here- by appoints Tuesday, the 16th day of October, 1962, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon (local time) at the Council Chambers of the Town- ship of Vaughan, in the Police Village of Maple, for the hearing of all persons interested in support of or in opposition to an application for approval of the construction of the waterworks set forth in Schedule “A†hereto and dispensing with a vote in respect thereof. WA'I‘ERWORKS DATED at Toronto this 5th day of Septem- ber, 1962. (b) Development of the WELL located in Lot 5, in the ‘4th Concession and construction of pumping facilities, iron removal equipment, pump house and reservoir at the Well site Construction of WATERMAINS, on: 1. DOUGHTON ROAD, from Jane Street SCHEDULE “A†TO THE FOREGOING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Sections 63 and 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan for an order: (b) (R.S.O. 1960, c. 274), to existing main abprdxiifï¬ï¬agrï¬ï¬o feet east, JANE STREET, from Doughton Road to Highway No. 7, HIGHWAY NO. 7, from Jane Street to 3,430 feet; west APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING MVOINTMENT FOR HEARING approving the issue by the applicant of debentures in the sum of $199,- 795, repayable over a period of twenty years for such purpose, and declaring and directing that the as- sent of the electors of the Township of Vaughan or those qualiï¬ed to vote on money by-laws shall not be requisite to be obtained to the passâ€" ing of by-laws for the purposes aforesaid approving the construction of wat~ erworks at an estimated cost of $199,795, Signed: B. Vickers, Secretary. $199.795 and The women present really enjoyed the quilting, done by Greembank Ladies Aid. They are woa‘kjn‘g on a log cabin de- sign, Mrs. Thompson said, and Everything was most inter- esting, Mrs. Thompson told us. They saw demonstration-s, "said to be for men only", such as the way stone used to be split for foundations. Timber hewin‘g with a broad axe, for beam- making, and th-nashing, by the men of the local community were some highlights. 1 The biggest item on the agenda for the ï¬rst meeting 3f the community club women’s group. held at Jefferson School last Wednesday night, was the annual bazaar. It's to be held November 3rd. WA Bazaar Both WA‘s of St. John‘s will unite for the annual bazaar convened by the afternoon branch. To be held in the par- ish hall on Yonge Street, No- vember 28, the afternoon W.A. will be in charge of the bake sale and sale of work. The eve- ning WA will look aï¬ter the beamom. Mrs. N. Thompson and Mrs. H. J. Warner, attended the of- ï¬cial opening of Pickering Town‘ship's museum at Brougâ€" ham, on Highway No. 7, last week. Visit Brougham Museum The choir, under the leader- ship of Mrs. J. Ha'mden sang M†the beautiful hymn of praise, her 0 “How Great Thou Art." me“ ‘ Following the service the Straw rector greeted each pa‘rishioner mats and asked their name and ad- The dress, stating he hoped to call ceme- each by name within a short house ‘time. ‘nfl 1 St. John chapter one, and said for the next few weeks he will lead his congregation in a stu- dy of this apostle. The Rev. D. C. H. Michell, who resigned his parish after fourteen years orf service, will arrive in England this week~ end. Mr. Michell will spend an 18 month's Sabbatical leave in an English parish, before re- turning to CanadE again. Community Women Meet The Rev. Thomas Robinson preached his ï¬rst Iermon, as rector of St. John’s Anglican Church, Jefferson, last Sunday morning. He took his text from St. John’s Church News BROOKSIDE ROAD ELGIN MlllS ‘ JEFFERSON 119712-62 Correspondent MONA ROBERTSON Spinning angora woo], from rabbi-ts she had raised herself, also demonstrating two types of hooked tugging, pioneer style were Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Annis and Mrs. Warner. Mrs. Warner, who is a memâ€" ber of Kingcra‘ft had even the men interested as she demon- strated the weaving of place mats on a loom. converted old one-room school- house, an old log cabin, and a log house which has been moved to the one-acre site for posterimy. converted old one Altona Women’s Institute was also there, working ‘on a "fan" quilt. The museum is held in Now you can train to be a Prac- tical Nurse. Single and married women are urgently needed as Practical Nurses in doctors’ of- ï¬ces, clinics, private homes. High school education helpful but not necessary. Books and equipment supplied. Spare time home study course with a special period of prac cal LECTURES and demonstrations (afternoon or evening classes). Get full information -for free booklet on the Course - Mail coupon below. (No obligation) Canadian Schools of Practical Nursing, 2 Elm Street, Toronto 2 NAME ...... ADDRESS ... CITY ........ Starï¬re Coupe Whikwall tire: aptianal chum mt Mares teams/79mg ex/xa 'abaw' own/77g an Super 88 Holiday Coupe OLDSMOILEFOR'63 SPECIAL CLASS 0N DISPLAY OCT. 4th B01 CHEVROLET â€" CORVAIR = OLDSMOBILE DEALER 355 YONGE ST. N. (just north of Richmond Heights Centre) TU. 4-1194, AV. 5-4991 TU. 4-1396 WILSQH - NILE'I'T PHONE Brougham Boy Scouts made cider, and the children present “rode†an old steam engine, a dated gasoline driven tractor - and a twoahorse democrate - which is a two-seated buggy to you. Wife Of Slain Man Arrives From Africa Mrs. Merlyn Grove. wife of a Mennonite mission-any stabbed to death in Africa earlier this summer, arrived in Toronto with her children September While the ladies of the local historical society wandered about the grounds dressed in old-fashioned costumes, the Brougham Boy Scouts made cider, and the children present “rode†an old steam engine. a They are making their home with Mrs. Grove’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Hess, Toronto. Al‘bhough Mrs. Grove is un- able to walk because of stab wounds, she is reported to be in samisfactory condition. delight you! All the regulars were out and winners were Marg McFee, Jessie Hall. Vi Gamble and Dor- othy Cmcknell. Mrs. Thompson said bazaar convenors might like to note. one of the more pleasant items of by-gone days was being de- monstrated .too. A Talman Sweet apple, ï¬lled with whole cloves - to stash away in a linen cupboard or drawer - is simple. yet pleasant to do. The Monday Nighters held their ï¬rst euchre party of the {all season at the home of Mrs. Ed Gamble. Euchre Party SOME OF THE SERVICES AT BRITISH MORTGAGE ARE You'll Find Many Services MORTGAGE 8 TRUST. BRITISH THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 4, 1962 OMPANY 1V meLy-nxgun uuxury 0-163-G UNDER OUR ROOF... Savings Accounts Deposit Receipts Guaranteed Certiï¬cates Retirement Savings Plan Guardian for Minors There, waiting for you, with its long look of elegance to sweep you into 1963, is Oldsmobile. This is the car for you . . . with unrivalled performance . . . unstinted luxury. For 1963, each Oldsmobile series is distinctively different, with its own special grille and rear-end styling. So which ’63 Olds will it be for you? Your Oldsmobile Dealer has all the answers. See him soon! Visit or phone our office to ï¬nd out how our services can help you. Hours: Mon. to Thurs. - 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Friday - 9:30 am to 8:30 pm Administering Pension' Furids LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS - and trained, experienced officers to handle your business efficiently and in complete conï¬dence Rudy H. Relter, Branch Manager, Newmarket. Ont. Executor of Your Will Investment Management Estate Planning First Mortgages Safety Deposit Boxes A GENERAL MOTORS VALUI Dynamic 88 Converflbh Ninety-Eight Luxury Soda- 0463-0