Joseph Rabinowivch, promin- ent local solicitor, has been elected president of the Rich- mond Hill Symphony Orchestra. The orchestra's executive was elected at a meeting held Sep- tember 23. Conductor of the group [or the season will be Arthur Bur- gi-n. Plans for several con-certs during the year were discussed at the meeting and notices an- nouncing dates of concerts will appear in this paper. Other members of the exec- utive are George Moseley, vice- presiden-t; Mrs. Beth Harwood. secretary - treasurer; Gerald Longworth. membership; and Frank Carr, George Burgin and Jack Larkin. directors. J. Rabinowitch Named Head Of Symphony Orch. During the time not devoted to his legal career, Mr. Rabinoâ€" witch has become a cellist of note and will play principal cel- lo in the orchestra. " ‘lnseley is also concerl , '1e orchestra. Before comma ‘anada, he was a (ï¬nite acm. Hinlinist in Great mm: Playing with the well known Halle Orchestra of Lon- don at one time. Wreck Escapec Killed Sunday On Bayview Ave. A car driven by Barbara Macdonald, 25, of Blue Grass Blvd, Richmond Hill, collided with and killed a roving cow Sunday on Bayview Avenue in Forth York. according to pol. ce. Police say the six to eight- month Hereford heifer, weigh- ing about; 500 pounds, stepped in from of the Macdomld car. Mrs. Macdonald was u-nin- jured and damage to the car was slight. The cow had been wroanng through North York and had eluded police since escaping from last Sunday’s CNR train wreck. Several householders in the area had reported seeing the‘ animal said police, but investiq gatlon failed to locate it. The animal was covered with burrs, indicating M had been roaming in the bush for some time. Other came from the freight mun demilment near Leslie Streed; and Sheppard Avenue, may also be loose in North York, police say. Railway investigators claim they do not know whether adl 0f the estimated 200 cattle in- volved in the wreck have been accounted for. THE LIBERAL, menmouu r1111, Ontarlo, Thursday, October 4, 1962 96 I2 Mange Shea Say/l: ,onliacd, [gulf/e3 6 ’ou are con 57/“; ‘Charge Driver ‘ lFor Passing Bus A Markham Township young- ster is suffering from a bruised hip, cuts and lacerations to the stomach aï¬er being struck by a car passing a stopped school bus she had just left. according to police. Susan Hibbard, 10. of RR 2. Gormley, was running across Don Mills Road Friday when she was hit by a car driven by Walter Sutton, North Gwillim- bury Township, police said. The accident took place on Don Mills Road, (awe and one- half miles north of Highway ’ Police have changed Sutton with passing a school bus while stopped. AURORA 2 Aurora Town Coun- cil has awarded a contract for the building of a new public li- bnary on Victoria Street. just south of the ï¬re hallV WILLOWDALE . North York school trustees moved recently to increase their assistance from bursaries to deserving students from 3:10.000 to $18.- \500. U1? 'ctoloer ACROSS CANADA ONE CENT SALE OCTOBER Ist. TO 6th [QC/r SEEING IS BELIEVING zed/unenld d3): .SLN/ecl 'onfiac - remwr din/[g 7963 'aalouq [er Richmond Hill Public School Board Thursday night approved expenditure of $2,174 on im- provements to the grounds of three local schools. rl‘ihe ex- penditures were recommended in a building committee report. Approval for sodding and planting by Endea‘n Nurseries at MacKiIlop School at a cost of $828 by W. J. Lee Construction Completion of the courtyard at Crosby Heights at a cost of $828 by W. J. Lee Oons¢ruction Ltd., was also approved by the board. A price of $550 from Bob Har- rison for laying sod at Walter Scott School was accepted. Purchase of a Bell and How- ell tape recorder at an estimat- ed cost of $232.50 for Crosby Heights School was approved lby the board, Local teachers will attend the annual teacher's convention at bhe University of Toronto, No- vember 14, the board learned. Children will get a holiday that day. [Ac School Board Briefs an Wi/OIOI'J invited to alien mammal JJz/[i Ont. J 6, 1962 owing cowlan The board was reminded of legislation passed in the last sitting of the provincial house which changes qualiï¬cations for school trustees. Under the revised School Act, a trustee must be a Canadian citizen. Formerly, a British subject was also eligible for the board. The change will be ef- fective January 1. 1963. Correspondence from the‘ separate school board suggest- ing a meeting with the public school board to discuss the \problem of vandalism. A joint meeting of the two boards with council on vandal- ism was suggested in the letter. Trustees were invited to at- tend the Eighth Annual Con- vention of the York County Ele- mentary Sc'h-ool Trustees’ Assoc- iation to be held at Thornhill Secondary School, October 24. imite LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS Phone TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 CENTRE Open Every Day T“ 6 Thurs. 8. Fri. 'Til 9 R c \' LEWIï¬NsD ‘9 I {ATICFArTInM CIIADAMTFFI f-léJD ’63 PONTIAC Here’s what the other ’63 ’3 Wish they looked like! PARISIENNE SPORT COUPE i Performs With a plus! . . . . . . . , . . . . . ‘ . . . . , » 9612 YONGE ST. IPONTIAC on display now! SKYLINE PONTIAC- BUICK LTD. RICHMOND HILL ONT. .12 YONGE ST. AV. 5-1128 â€" TU. 4-2864 LAURENTIAN FOUR DOOR SEDAN /’(///y/(/ I} Vomx/éflï¬k/K... Pontiac 5 come up with another beauty There’s Pontiac’s all-new headlight at- rangement that accentuates the hand- some new grille; its sweeping lines that put Pontiac way ahead in styling. And there are 33 strikineg stylish models in 9 serxes. A full range of energy-brimming en_gmes: 6 or V8. A choice of ï¬ve transâ€" missions. The rideâ€"the most relaxing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or YOUR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED Wh itewall tires optional at extra cost Ilt's your yéar to go UP with Pontiac! you can get. The comfort inside? Partly Body by Fisher plus a long list of luxury itemsâ€"and they’re all standard. There are new economy features, too. Example: rust-resistant rocker panels and mufler, plus self-adjusting brakes. See the car lhe other ’63’9 wish they looked like... Pontiac, at your Pontiac dealer’s now. PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE