EVERY MONDAY NIGHT, 8 p. m. â€"- Bridge players attention. Duplicate bridge. Richmond Hill Bridge Club. 16 Bedford Park Ave.. TU. 4-3991. Admis- tion $1.25. Uc14 OCTOBER 2 â€" Tuesday 8 pm.“ St. John Ambulance First Aid Course. at the Richmond Hill Municipal Hall, 2nd floor. It is only necessary to register with the instructor on the ï¬rst night. For any further information, contact Jack Williams at TU. 4-3200. c2w13 Walls Up, Roofs On By End Of November Satisfactory progress is being made in both construction of the new York Central Hospital at Richmond Hill and the ad- dition to the York County Hos- pital at Newmarket reported Mr. Douglas Storms at a dinner meeting of representatives of county business ï¬rms held Wednesday of last week at the Summit Golf and Country‘ Club. Jefferson. Mrs Storms is‘ chairman of the York Central Hospital Association. He re- ported the walls are expected to be up and roofs on in both cases by the end of Nov~mber. This will make winter construc- tion possible; Guest speaker of the evening was Dr. Hagar Hetherington of Kleinburg. Dr. Hetherington who Is on the staff of St. Mich- ael’s hnd Sunnybrook Hospitals and the medical faculty of the University of Toronto. is a con- sulting physician in Richmond Hill. lComing Events EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT -â€" Euchre. Legion Hall. Can-ville Road West. 8.15 pm. «0:39 OCTOBER 11 â€" Thursday. 8 0pm. Lions‘ Community Hall, Richmond Hill Horticultural Society Flower Show. For all interested in Flower Arranging, By personal experience and Wi’th statistics he very vividly portrayed the need for additi- oml hospital facilities in both the southern and northern part of the county. He forecast if the present population trend continues the building program now underway will be inade- luate even before It ls com- County Hosgital; Chairman of the meeting was Mr. Harold Pringle who is viceâ€" pi'esident and secretary-treas- urer of the Collis Leather Co. Ltd. of Aurora. Mr. Pringle is chairman of the county corpo- rations committee. Head table guests included General Chair- man Ra-y Marshall of Aurora, Mr. Storms, Mr. Stephen Ro- man, chairman of the national corporations committee, and Mr. Charles Boyd of Newmark- ct, chairman of the service clubs committee. Mr. W. A. Spear chairman of the Board of Governors of York County Hospital will act as campaign treasurer. OCTOBER 12 â€" Friday 8:15 pm. Euchre in Victoria Square Community Hall. This will‘ be the start of a series. Ladies please provide lunch. c1wl4 plated a teaching demonstration by Margaret Dove, well-known gar- den columnist. Everyone wel- come. No admission charge. OCTOBER 13 â€" Saturday 2:00. - 4 pm. Wrixon H‘all, 104 Yonge St. S. annual mammoth Rum- mage Sale, sponsored by the Evening Branch of the W.A. of St. Mary’s (Anglican) Church. Donations welcome. Bring to Wrixon Hall Thursday, October 11, and Friday. October 12. or phone TU. 4-3798 or TU. 4-3190 for pick up. c2w14 OCTOBER 17 â€" Temperance- ville Turkey Supper, Temper- anceville Church. Supper served from 5 pm. Admission. adults $1.50. Children under 12, 75c. Admission by ticket only. NOVEMBER 7 â€"- Wednesday. Turkey Dinner, in the Victoria Square United Church, from 5 pm. on. Admission by ticket only. Adults: $1.50. Children 12 and under 75c. c1w14 Richmond Hill Lions Ha|| NEXT 51:59 9345 c1wl4 c2w14 David Rumble. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rumble. RR 2. Gormley has been award- ed a $250.00 scholarship for general participation in agri- cultural community life. A fund of $2,000.00 was set up by Robert Stewart, a graduate of Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph to be divided between eight istudents entering the OAC. This is a rural agricul- tural award and the winners must come from farms and have been active in rural life. David was a member in the 4-H tractor club for two years and for three years in the calf‘ club. At Thomhill High School he played the trombone in the school orchestra and was one of the stars of their football team. for three years champi- ons of the Georgian Bay Con- ference. He plays hockey and contributed to the many wins for Headrford in baseball. Mr. Marshall called on busi- ness ï¬rms throughout the coun- ty to support the building pro- gram with both money and time. In addition to govern- L.ent grants an extra million dollars'will be subscription. Businessmen attending the meeting from Richmond Hill were Mr. William Gilchrist of Gormley Ready-Mix. Mr. Keith Sully of Sully Castings, Mr. J. B. Pritchard of Pritchai‘d X- Ray, Mr. B. V. Pabst of Dieo- mutic Metal Products and Mr. Sam Cook, editor of "The Lib- eralâ€. Wins OAC Award ()AC tural nlust have David was always ready to participate in church duties and managed to take picnics and pot luck suppers in his stride too. When enrolment for the foot- ball team at OAC was called David was in the west. How. ever that was his ï¬rst contact when he reached the campus and he made the team. Use your headâ€"and SAVE! Check State Farm’s low insurance [ates for careful driversâ€"rates so low that one out of two may save important dol- lars. Call today! 9 SYAII FARM MUTUAL AUTO- MOBILE INSURANCE COMPANV‘ CMICM Hut 0M" : TORONTO James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-1529 DAVID RUMBLE raised by public ibrother. John Eric. who lives in Seattle. Washington. and two sisters Alida and Aileen in Tor- onto. phy. The ï¬rm of Murphy & Beynon carried on a general store business in the Switzer block on Yonge Street. now 0câ€" cupied by the Parisi Depart- ment Store. In October 1924 he married Kathleen Murphy and the devoted and happy cou- ple have lived for many years at 33 Arnold Street. 1 Throughout his lifetime in this district Morley Beynon has been a good and dearly loved citizen. Always a willing wor- ker in community causes he has been through the years identi- ï¬ed with many projects and a most enthusiastic supporter of many branches of sporting ac- tivities. He is a past president of the local Holy Name Society and is a loyal and devoted church member. Well-Known Man Honored By Firm 0n Retirement His retirement in line with company policy does not mean that he anticipates a life of in- activity. A gifted artist he has through the years carried on a sign painting business and this and other projects which he has in mind will occupy his time in the coming years. Morley Beynon. who was born? September 23, 1897. is a son on the late Mr. and Mrs. G. M.‘ Monday’ octOber 8 Beynon. His father who was widely and favorably known‘ 2 travelled' extensively in con-_‘ nection with his patent media Horse Shows Ponies, cine business passed away in? ’ January 1935 and his mother? Came‘ Hogs' Sheep‘ Poultry' died in April 1946. He has one1 Rabbits ‘35 caVies ‘ 4'“ Ciub' (Continued From Page 1) Mrs. Thomas Moore of Richmond Hill cele- brated her 94th birthday September 26 with a dinner party at her home on Yonge Street with members of her immediate family. Mrs. Moore received hundreds of congratulations in the form of telegrams, cards and gifts. She is in excellent health and still takes a vital interest in current events. AV. 5 - 3756 34 YONGE ST. S. TU. 4 - 7456 OUR PRICE s209.so|::‘;::†ouapmc PORTABLE TV's FOR RENT COME IN AND lOOK AROUND Richmond Hill TV & Appliances OUR PRICE $219.50 Electrohome Savoy Reg. $479.50 With Base Reg. $299.50 1962 MODELS TELEVISION ISTERE< ADMIRAL - CSOIX ADMIRAL - C3IIX ASK OUR PRICE CLEARANCE SALE Regular $279.50 94th. Milestone James Ryan of Canine Con- trol, - Maple. reports having found two dogs in the past two weeks whose owners may be looking for them. One, an old dog of mixed an- cestry, has obviously been well- fed and cared for, although it is blind. It was picked up, wandering and covered with burrs during the rainstorm last Wednesday in Markham Township on Four- teenth Avenue between Cons. 6 and 9. Canine Controlf Seek Dog Owners; A sable and black German Shepherd wearing a 1961 Whit~ churc‘h license tag is the second homeless dog. According to Mr. Ryan. the owner lives somewhere in Richâ€" mond Hill, but cannot be traced further than that. The owner of either dog is asked to phone Canine Control at 257-1081. “HUUIIS N DEVICE ‘ '2'“ hillâ€. I - . r _ ,,, ,, _ at Fanlawn HU. 8-0406 H' sRa- -M0dav'( ) - -- alne S (95 n . 712 bus stops below Cxty lens MIDWAY - BOTH DAYSi9 m. - a pm; Friday to 9 pm. WWIWW WWW “WWW WOODBRIDGE ' FAIR WOODBRIDGE, ONT. Saturday, October 6 PLAN TO ATTEND and REGULAR REFRIGERATOR ADMIRAL . R143A-13 cu. Ft. STEREO Hl-Fl EleCtrohoeme Castanet Regular $399.50 Electra-home C202 ASK OUR PRICE ASK OUR PRICE 35 yrs, of Community Service’ $50.00 FULL CARD TO GO Regular $269.50 OUR PRICE $249.50 Water Supply Nears anger Point Over 1,000 3NEW FALL HATS developing a third well near the present two. Test-drilling at the new site has revealed a good quality water is available for a deep well at 330 feet. A minimum pumping capacity of 200 imperial gallons a min- ute has been assured, twice the guarantee of number two well. Work is expected to start Oc- tober 14 as Village trustees an- ticipate rapid clearance by King Township Council and OMB for a debenture issue. Trustee O'Reilly did not con- sider the importing of water would be feasible in the present emergency. He noted some higher sections of the village are getting “bubbly†water when at times air is pumped into the waterworks system. In I bulletin headed “We Have No Water", ratepay- We Deliver I V Toronto & Surrounding I | Districts ! i i “Flowers For All j Occasions†Phones jTU. 4-1812 AV. 5-1812; i AT ALL HOURS 3' Most luxurious are the furry beaver felts, so chic, so feminine are the newest silhouettes â€" high and bubble crowns. soft brims, picturesque turbans. deep cloches, tailored slouches. Irresistible describes the col- ors highlighting the vivid hues of our Autumn chapeaux. iRICHD Elegance is the ’62 Fall chapeaux. To complete your fall cos- tume we have fashionable hand- bags. costume jewelry, gloves, now at -n-n-n.n-n. -u-_ . ¢ .V‘VR’AVA‘Q"VAVmeV-‘VI‘V‘VmVo‘Vm‘m‘flx‘ï¬k‘flm‘ï¬u“ ‘ Wacle/eine Millinery & Accessories 3319 YONGE ST. (Continued From Page 1 JJI Wacle/eine :4 RICE’S FLOWERS MOND HEIGHTSj CENTRE 3 keynote for ers were cautioned that: All commercial use of water has been stopped and schools are doing all they can. within health needs. to conserve water. It is now up to the individual user to stop and think twice. and then twice more before us- ing any water for any pur- pose. ;before using any water.“ the lbulletin said. “Your trustees are doing ev- erything possible to speed the development of a further well. Only you can help yourself and ,your neighbors by squeezing all ‘,the use you can from every drop of water." it added. When one housewife told the visiting ï¬reman. "We‘ll soon "If a pint “ill do the job. dohave to stop drinking water," not use a gallon. in fact. make he sure that the job recommended cheerfully. is essential “Drink beer like I do‘". Aerify Your Lawn With Rich Black Sandy TURKEYS “YOUNG HENS†IO to 16 LBS. ‘ CALIFORNIA RED 2 L35. 2 5c Maple Leaf Sausage Meat lb. 43‘ McLAREN'S ONTARIO'S FINEST, ‘FRESH GRADE 'A' 29 YONG! ST. S. TULIP MKRGARINE 2 1 lb. ans. 45c A 2 28 oz. tins 39C AYLMER FANCY HENLEY CHOICE BLUE RIBBON FRUIT COCKTAIL 20 oz. tin FRESH YOUNG TOMS, 18 lbs. 8: UP Fresh Capons, Frozen Turkeys & Ducks PHONE CANINE CONTROL Top Dress Your Lawn, Flower Beds iii? 53 uufléEiiEEXqu MORLEY 'S Elgin Mills Loam AV. 5 - 1514 TOKAY GRAPES FANCY GRADE, McINTOSH 6 QT. BSKT. APPLES 69‘ HOMES WANTED FOR Pure Bred Dogs 2 Purebred German Shepherds (male) 1 Weinaraner (male) 1 Adult Labrador Type Dog 3 Black Labrador Puppies Also many cross-breeds available Peat loam Top Soil MANURE COMPOST Seed - Sod Use Our Special Mixture SWEET WAFER “Your trustees are doing ev- erything possible to speed the development of a further well. Only you can help yourself and your neighbors by squeezing all the use you can from every drop of water." it added. LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. October 4. 1962 7-1081 California DEVON SIDE RINDLESS Lean, Fresh Sliced Cooked 2 20 oz. tins 29C CRANBERRY SAUCE Wholle orJeIIied KRAFT DINNER MITCHELL'S “I’m your Checker. JUMBO SIZE EACH Clothes come to me ï¬rst. I test buttons and trims, watch for spots, note minor repairs to be made. Also, I recognize trouble fabrics and earmark them for special handling. This is just the start of our "more than just drycleaning" service that returns your Sani. tone-cleaned garment ready to wear. No won- der Sanitone-cleaned clothes come back to you looking like new! Call on us today and see for yourself." CORNER YONGE & LEVENIMLE RD. For Prompt Pickup Service CANTALOUPE CALL TU. 4-4411 CL SHIRT SE RYJQE 5! 95¢ LB. 32 oz. jar I lb. pkg. 2 pkgs. 25C iar39c LIMITED