w, _-. v:- Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. B. Ball and family from Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Pope and family, To. route and Mr. William Pope, Hespeler. Mrs. Knight was celebrating her Thanksgiving Day, as this was the ï¬rst time that her sis- ters and brothers with their respective families have met for nine years. Mrs. Helen McCormick, Mrs. K. Finn and Mrs. H. Strickland, attended the ‘Welcome Wa- gon" Eastern Ontario Division- al Conference In Paris 135; Week. / ‘ A family reunion was held on Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Knight, fol~ lowing hhe baptism of their niece Shelley Marie Hammer. daughter of Mr. and Mn. Wal- ter Hammer of Brantford, at St. Matthew’s United Church. Rev. W. W. Patterson officiated. Following the ceremony the guests returned for luncheon with Mr. and Mrs. Knight at their home on Crosby Avenue. An evening of dancing, games and an excellent buffet dinner was enjoyed on Satur- day last by friends of Miss Rosemary Stewart and Miss Lorraine Pratt. who held a joint celebration of their thir- teenth birthdays. Rosemary was thirteehmgi September 13th and Lorraine on September 29. The Richmond Hill United Church announces this week that the Evening Service, dis- continued during the summer months, will re-open this S-un- day. M.A., D.D. Was guest préaoher. Mr. Reynolds is United Church M'chivist. Over twenty guests attended the party which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Stewart. Church Street South. Rev. c. G. Hurlnsonrof/Rlch- mond H.111 United ï¬nch was guest preacher a! the United Church anniversary services held last Sunday at Victoria Harbour. In Mr. Higginson’s Qbsence Rev. A. G. Reynold- Ellen Blou R.M.T. returned recently from a trip abroad and while in London, England, sign- ed the visitors‘ book in Buck- ingham Palace. Our 8-week Beginners Course at $2.50 weekly includes the free use of an instrument in your home. Call TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC Start Playing Today Yonu & Centre Sta. Richmond Hill busy at work unloading some of the treasures donated for the annual rummage sale to be held October 13 at Wrixon Hall, 104 Yonge Street, 8., Richmond Hill, are three members of St. Mary’s Anglican Church Evening Women’s Association being helped by Debbie Goodier, left, Mrs. N. McLeod, Mrs. J. Goodier and Mrs. J. M. Langton hold some of the articles to be put on sale. THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT :3 OF YOUR $3) CHOICE guests included Ball and family Mr. and Mn. and family, To. LOANED FREE Editor Margot (rad! L155 The slate of officers for next yea-r is, Mn. Russell Lynett, president; Mrs. E. Mnnsbrldge. secretary; Mrs. Alex Clarke, treasurer, and Mrs. P. Savaer games convenor. { Mr. and Mn. Pétéx'wï¬Evson at their home, while Mr. and Mrs. N. F. H!“ held a dinner party. I'I HERBERT R. BUTT Dr. and Mrs. Lard Joynt en- tertained at their home on Up- lands Drive. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Redford co-hosted a party with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Plu- ton at their home on Sugar Maple Lane. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox also entertained friends at their home on Kerrybrook Drive before the dance. as did At the close of the meeting a presentation was made to Mrs. Huh Yen: and Mrs. Lucy Dickie, (who are leaving for Victoria, Vancouver Island) ‘in appreciation of their many years of association with the ‘Lawn Bowling Club. Mrs. John McNIVen from Vancouver is at present holl- dayin‘g at the home of her par- ems. Mr. and Mrs. James Dunno on Neal Drive. A family reunion - the ï¬rst in four years - took place last (week when their son Able Sea- ‘man Kenneth Dunne - who is attached to the Royal Canadian Navy - flew in from Nova Sco- ti-a. to join his parents. sister and younger brother Raymond for a brief four day visit. Prior to the very successful Calypso Cabaret Dance last Sat- urday evening sponsored by the Richmond Hill Appeal Commit- tee for the Canadian Peace Re- warch Institute, many parties were held. R Richmond Hill 3 Water 4-1312 3 INSURANCE Mrs. Mchven v'vlu be re- maining in the Hill for the next few weeks. ‘ The leies Lawn Bowling Club held their fall meeting on ‘Wednesday at the home of Mrs. James Grainxer, Yonge Street. all‘ A group of women met at the home of Mrs. H. F. O’Toole. 457 South Taylor Mill‘s Drive to make articles for the Christ- mu Booth for the bazaar. Mn. Eileen Wilson and Mrs. R. F. Baldock are the convenors. _A social 1min- was enjoyed by 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hil’l From Kettles To Gowns DEPENDABLE SERVICE l‘elephone “A Twist of Lemon" will be presented at the Cuntaln Club Theatre. 25 Yonge St. N. (rear) on October 10. 11, 12 and 13, and October 17, 18, 19 and 20. Some nights are already sold out, so make sure of your seats by phoning now TU. 4-4936. This week Miss Kay Raspln, niece of Mr. and Mrs. L. Haw- kes, of Roseview Ave., left for England and her second year at Cambridge University. after a seven weeks visit to Canada and the Whilst visiting with her We latives she was able to see a considerable section of Ontario travelling to Algonquin Park, Ottawa, Kingston, Upper Can- ada Village and Niagara Falls. She made a brief visit to Roch- ester and Detroit. She was able to visit Toronto University where she was given permis- sion to sit in at one or two lec- tures, physics and chemistry, but couldn’t avail herself of this opportunity. l “A Twist of Lemon, the Cur- tain Club's new revue. really ‘needs no explanation - it is, as its name implies, an attractive ‘bit at nonsense, the purpose of ‘wldch is to provide colour and humour with a decidedly acid1 flavour. Its satirical comments are never cruel, bwt director‘ Rex Sevenoakn knows just whene to give a twist to some of the more serious aspects of a mixed-up world. Since sim- plicity of setting ,and costume ‘is the keynote of the produc- _tion, a flick of a switch and the wish od’ a curtain (lemon yel- low, of course) will take you from asuburban breakfast table to the launching pad at Cape Canaveral. or from the jungles of Borneo to an equally peril- ous Bloor Street. Miss Raspi'n enjoyed her vis- it to our country, and hopes to return When her education is completed. "The Liberal’ join with their many friends in the community in wishing them every success for the furbure. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Yerex and daughter Linda, left by car this week for Victoria, Vancou- ver Isl-and, where hhey will be talking wp residence. Toronto, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 112 Yonge St. Toronto § Members and friends of the Richmond Hill Women's Insti- tute are reminded of the regu- lar meeting Thursday, October 11, at 2 pm. In the auditorium of the \public library. Pictures from overseas will be shown. The November meeting date has been changed to November 15 - members please note. 1 It’s Beverley Acres Public School. Neal Drive, at 8.15 pm. Thursday, October 4, for 'the Y.W.C.A. ‘Sllm and Trimâ€. Filling a busy schedule dur- ing the past week has been Tony Miller, Harrygan Crescent. who, ‘as well as playing the lead role in “The Lie", one of the plays in the CBC ï¬lmed series “Scar- lett Hillâ€, is directing "The Gramercy Ghost" for the Aurore Drama Workshop - to be prew sented this Friday and Satur- day at the Aurom High School. Richmond Hill WJ. Mrs. E. S. Hay. Physical Ed- ucation specialist from Thom- hill, will be on hand to conduct lthe exprplse programs. Mrs. William MacAndDew of Renfrew is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bey- non, Amobd Street. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. ï¬nding. Mill Street, became grandpar- ents for the fourth time on Sep- tember 25 when their daughter, Mrs. Donald D. Roberts, Wil- lowdale, gave birth to a son. James Philip. at Brans‘om Hos- pital. Don’t forgei yJur ééi‘fee mug! ‘ CALI. 884-7347 _ AV.5-I95| LOCATION 62 HUN! STREET CENTRE 9E RICHMOND I'lll.l. (TURN AT R. D. “THE & SON) Bachelor, I Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Garages, Ample Parking From $85 Monthly ‘ Immediate Occupancy Intercom Close To Schools 8. Transportation APIS The society hopes to pet's-u~ ade Miss Dove to give a course 01’ lessons heme and not only members but all interested flower lovers are urged to at- ‘tend the October meeting and Flower Show to meet her and to make yl-ms for a class in flower arranging in the near future. “You can make beautiful flower arrangementsâ€. says Miss Margaret Dove, and so you can after seeing her at work. She has a special gift for making it all simple and uncomplicated. Miss Dove will give. a teaching demonstration at the next ‘meeting of the Horticultural Society (October 11, 8 pm. at‘ the Lions’ Community Hall). She is a delightful speaker, an expert arranger. past president‘ of the Garden Club of Toronto. She is also a well known writeri on horticultural topics and; garden columnist for the Tor-1 onto Telegram. 1 \fIlhe ï¬rst meeting of the sea- son wlll take place at the Scout Hall, 8 pm. on October 10, \when a nominating committee lwm be chosen. The executive have planned refreshmenm of deserts and coffee. New mem- bers will be welcomed. Mrs. Wilder Ind Mrs. L. Pol~ lard served refreslmnen’os at the close of the evening. I Recent baptisms at St. Mrry’s Anglican Church: Mark Steph- en, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Austin; Patricia Marlene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilkinson; Thomas William, son of Mr. and Mn. N. A. Saun- ders; Debra Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. E. Lewis: Donna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Thompson: Vicki Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. McArthur: Kimberly Eric, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Van Wert. Richmond Hill; Kimberly Ann. dawghter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hopper, Toronto, amd Pe- ter Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Hopper, Calgary. Alta. The executive of the lat Richmond Hill Scout Mothers held a meeting September 25 at the home of Mrs. B. Wilder, 120 Lawrence Avenue. The im- portance of a group committee was discussed. To make the Fishpond booth at the forthcoming bazaar at Our Lady Queen of the World Parish on October 20 a real suc- cess, Stanley parties have been held at the homes of Mrs. P. Killenn, 429 North Taylor Mills Drive, Mrs. M. Flnnerty. 367 Browndale Crescent .md Mrs. W. Barker, 27 Benfer Drive. Pro- ceeds were donated to Mrs. J. Daley and Mrs. B. Carter, con- venors of the booth. With twenty one members present, The Friendship Circle of the Anglican Church of St. Gabriel held their regular meeting. The new lady mem- bers introdticed were: Mrs. Lois ‘McArthur, Mrs. Charlene Wil- wson. Mrs. Edna Fourtiere and MIPS. Jo Whitwell. The girls brought along plas- tic clear bags and started to make up Christmas wreaths. Mrs. E. Rayson took care of the youngsters in the nursery, and will continue to do so until the end of the season. Coflee was served by Mrs. Billie Sninbrook and Mn. Charlene Wilson. Mn. G. Yerex and Mrs. Lucy Mr. end Mrs. George Sweeny Dickie accompanied by Mrl- A- entertained at their home on J. McLatchy left this week by Highland Lane following the car for Victoria. Vancouver 15- Caribbean Carnival on Satur- land. _ jday last. ‘ Marilyn Ross. 11 yea-r oldi Mr. Bill Scrivaner, Centre daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross.'St:eet West, is at present a pa- ‘36 Edgar @venue. Pficpvmlei wll} tient at Richview Nursing this fall be awarded a Royal Conservatory Silver medal and a scholarship for her outstand- ing singing in summer exami- nations. Her mark was 90, the ‘highest in the Province of On- ‘tario. Max-113m is a pupil of Ellen Blou R.M.T. \ Before the meeting Miss J‘rmces Hurst entertained for Mrs. McLean and the new ex- ecutive in her Richmond Hill apartment, and aï¬terwa'x‘dzs the eleven guests enjoyed dinner at the Yangtze Pagoda Restauranm \ Mrs. Gibson of the York 1County Health Unit and Miss ‘Jean Forrester, formerly on statf of University of Toronto, ‘now Physical Education Direc- tor of the National Y.W.C.A. gave brief messages of whole hearted smppont of this Slim and Trim project. Prospective members of Uhe‘ University Women's Club of York County were entertained at an evening dessert and cof- fee party held at the home of Mrs. J. ll. Langstnfl in Rich- ‘mond Hill on Sep¢ember 24. ‘Over sixty members and guests enjoyed this social introduction to the 1962-63 sea-son. Members were observed ma- king motes for future use as Mm. Grant outlined principles of lasting value on the subject of good grooming. The mood ‘was set for self improvement, ‘a-nd this continued as the en- thusiastic weighing-in and mea- suring took place. ‘ Changes in the executive due to recent resignations were an- nounced. As president, Miss‘ Edna land will replace Mrs. J. L. Forster of King, who has‘ moved out of the area. other; changes are: Mrs. G. L. Fish on Aurora, vice-presidem; Mrs. G.‘ L. Oliver of Aurora, secretary; and Mrs. Francis Redeimeier of Richmond Hill, treasurer. Special guest for the evening was Mrs. McLean of Burling- ton, who as Provincial Secreta- ;ry for Ontario West, brought greetings from the Canadian Federation of University We: men. Mrs. W. R. Kinnear of Richmond Hill and Mrs. W. P. Fish of Newmarket reported on the spring conference in London. Miss Betty Grant, charm course specialist from Willow- dale, was on hand to present fascinating ideas for accessory co-ordination along with basic wardrobe rules. Approximately '70 ladies from Richmond H111 and surrounding area helped to get the Y.W.C.A. “Slim and Trim for ’62" off to a running start at Walter Scott School on September 24. Home, following a recent fali His many friends throughout the Hill will be pleased to hear that he is making saflsfactory progress end join with ‘The L1- beral’ in extending best wishes for a quick recovery. Mrs. W. J. Ankenmnn's unit of the UCW will meet this Thursday, October 4 at 2 pm. in the Chapel of the Richmond Hill United Church. A “Thank Offering Service†will open the meeting which w;ll be followed by a ï¬lm by Rev. Anson Moorehouse. “Rim of Tomorrow" which will be shown as an introduction to studies on “Rim of Asia". Persons interested in seeing this ï¬lm are cordially invited. i {If} ; ' fl _ ARE FALLING I ARE QUR plugs; AT THE CURTAIN CLUB THEATRE QC‘!’e 10-13 and OCT. 11-20 J. & P. ROSES 91c Pyramidal Cedar (reg. $5.00) $2.91 Jumpers (reg. $5.00) $2.97 Norway Maple 6’-8' $2.97 MANY OTHER SALE ITEMS wITH EVERY PURCHASE OVER $10.00 WE WILL GIVE A FREE CHRISTMAS TREE _ IO 55 91cm up ANYIIME AFTER DEC. lAth Open Until 9 pm. Mon. Thru Friday Saturday 6 pm. Sunday 5 pm. i V o ’0 O anlean I/Iumemezs oleltel Just north of Richmond Hill on Yonge Street ed for. This meeting will tie held in Beverley Acres School on October 716, at 8 pm. Welcome to new resident Mr. Barry Forster. Who has recent- ly moved from Victoria Square to the Hill. An enthusiastic euchre play- er, he was a regular attemder at the Victoria Square Com- munity Club, and on Friday, following an address by Mr. Herman Morison, Mrs. John McCaxue presented him with a number of giï¬ts on behalf of the community. Mr. Forster? has lived at Vic- toria Square in the same house for 66 yea-m. Ladles having sewing to hand in. or donations, should phone :Mn. Haviland, TU. 4-3456 or Mrs. Richards at TU. 4-7009. As me new executive will be ln- stalled at the next meeting. a full turn-Ont of members is hop- On September 22, Louise Kenny and Rickey Farr. ages 6, 8 and 10 years, spent a most en- joyablle surprise birthday at the Professor: Party on TV, Channel 9. Afterwards the chlldren saw themselves on TV, then had a luncheon at Scott's on Bloor Street. The balance of the mf- ternoon was spent at the Mu- seu-m. enjoying all its wonders Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Valentine . from Kirkland Lake, are at pre- sent visiting at the home of their daughter. Mrs. 811 Stef- fan. Elmwood Avenue. Word and the Way" on Wed- nmday, October 10 at 9.30 am for the women’s group, Mon- day October 13 at 8 pm. f0' the mixed group and on Sunda: October 21 at 8.15 pm. for th men's group. They will be hell h. txhe Church parlor. They took along their friends Sheila Harrison, John Delaun- dro and Kenny Hughes. Louise had the pleasure of dancing with Amity Iris and the Pro- fessor, and Rickey and Kenny Hughes showed their “safety lmowled-ge†by driving the little Austin em. Sheila, Louâ€" ‘lse and Kenny Farr helped to ‘blow owt the candles on the special birthday cake at the end of the program, with everyone enjoying a scramble for bal- loons as they floated down from the ceiling. Lorne Farr. their little brother. stole the show by slowly strolling across in front of the TV camera. The Richmond Hill United Church Bible Study groups will 9381!} their study on “The The In Beverley Acres Cub 0: Scout Auxilllry held Its monthly meeting at Beverley Acres School on September 18 with Mrs. June Dunlop presid- ln-g. It was decided to hold the bazaar at Bayview Plaza on Oc- tober 27. from 10 am. to 6 pm. A weekend guest at the home of Professor W. S. Thomson and Mrs. Thomson was Mr. Philip Holmes from Victoria B.C. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Watson recently returned to their Centre St. East home, from an exgendeq vlsltt to the west coast. Travelling by train. they vis- ited Banï¬, Vancouver, Victoria. Canada Week at the World's Fair in Seattle, and Jasper Na~ tional Park. A wonderful would heartin all Canadians. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 4, 1962 experience they recommend for 9°†LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS Phone 285-1073 'yom- omce machine speclulllf 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill lee portable models .9 typewriter: - Adding Machine. SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 Deposit This Coupon and See Prizes on Display at Richmond Hill Music Centre In The Mall at Richmond Heights Centre CLAIRTONE MARATHON CONTEST PRIZES TO DATE $238 BAYVIEW PLAZA STEAKS lb. 79: Wood eaï¬nq QaAFI' sAvmes! l. H SIMS I estimate thé Clairtone Italian Provincial will run day & night without stopping for hrs. Name C. NELS GAGE FOR THE HOLIDAY MEAL WE WILL FEATURE FRESH KILLED TURKEY & CHICKEN 'leht’l Phlmnoy' SIRLO‘IN, WING, T-BONE Most Complete Stock of Holland Grown Bulbs In Area Established ms 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hi All popular makes on Mud Sneom Studenu' Batu TU. 4-7691