I: THE LIBERAL Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 4, 1962 Fâ€"P". ’ â€" â€" â€"' â€"" â€"'-â€""â€"â€"â€"â€" '_'_ "' MM ih't i. "9‘ v. i: ‘ ~- I» at. " Sixty students were on hand last week at Beverley 'Acres Public-School, Richmond H111, to their graduation diplomas on successfully completing .Grade 8 examinations held 1n June. to right) R. Graham, J. Samuelson, B. Nockles, B. Prldmore, L. Ladm, Coven, J. Kells. (Second row) E. Pipher, D. Thornton, D. Rutledge, Farlane, M. Connally, Mr. J. Sandiford, teacher. idge, S. Munro, M. Basinger, L. Midmer, J. Nelson, GSteventon. ‘!£i“:£!’1t"5041‘%’ (Front row, left L. Aird, P. Dickinson, B. Schenle, R. C. Nelson, J. Lomax, J. Parsche, T. Mc- (Back row) S. MacDonald, R. Nokes, P. Sutton, S. Kerr- Sixty Students Receive Diplomas At Beverley Acres Other half of the 1962 graduating class taught by J. Morrison are (front row, left to right) S. Lang D. Goach, C. Nickle, B. Robinson, D. Turton, D. Inch, U. Solich, M. Squires, M. Sparling, J. Burton R. Bur: ton. (Second row) S. Lynn, L. Einarson, R. Arsena, L. Morton, B. Grant, W. Puztay, M. Gount D. Garter R Plummer, G. Peters, B. Gubby, Mr. Morrison. (Back row) ~M. Goach, K. Trew, B. Firman, C. Wilson N. Nel- son, L. Davies, E. Derry, A. Miller, R. Inkens, D. Hurst, D. Kerr. , receive .M.tnmxxxmmunmv... . .. . . I (51%; 21-1910! Stouffville when a large tree they celebrated 'their 112th an- limb fell across the car just in nlversary. front of the windshield. Mr. Most of them were on time, Bunker was unhurt but there too, in spite of the Buttonville was $1,000 damage to the car. News announcement that the Last week at the Markham service would be at 11.30 in- Fair Mrs. 0. Brooke, Mrs. K. stead of 11 am. STOtS and Mrs. J. were morning speaker Was busy keeping fair board direc- Rev. W. J. Burton, and in the _‘_" There were two christenings lies, who 'had baptized all the tors and judges happy with re_ evening Rev. J. Laveu Smith, a .1 local interest performed in GI‘aY children at Kirkland freshments. former student on the charge, the Toronto area last weekend, Lake, officiated. Friends were sorry to learn was the guest when four little girls were bap- Later, the balbies' grandpar- that A. W. Miller was taken On October 18, Mrs. A. r. used' entS Mr. and Mrs- K- 0- Gray, suddenly 111 last Saturday Binnington is entertaining at ~ At Domands uniteq Churcn entertained for family members morning. tea in the m‘anse. Proceeds will w‘ I' G' Perkins aï¬ldated at and friends- Among those Pre‘ Harvey Brown was chosen a be for man-5e improvements. Q service for Susan Elizabeth sent were Mrs- S- J. English, member of the OAC judging School Parents Club Ed Margaret Anne StOtS. in- Buttonville, Mrs. Olive Bart- team this year and has been on Wednesday evening of Last BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. l'. l. LEA! R. B. 2 Gonnley Phone AXminster 3-6188 nt daughters 0‘ Mr- and Mrs- ram. Londonv Mrs- James Rus‘ a 10 day trip in various parts week the Buttonville School 11:31: Stow of Toronto. sell and Miss Betty Russell, of the United States and Canâ€" Parents’ Club held their ï¬rst East aug‘ ters of Mn and Mrs- Unlonvme- adia. meeting of the season and elec- ' 0'93“ For the second week in a row Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robinson ted new officers for the coming ‘ Afterwards maternal the Jones family had news of a were hosts at a couples’ clwb year. Endparents. Mr. and Mrs. narrow escape from serious in- party, from Holy Trinity They are: president, Howard est Wa-tton. entertained im- jury by a close relative. Church, Thornhill. Saturday Atkinson; vice-president, Mrs. latte relatives at luncheon. Two weeks ago their son evening. George Arnold, Jr.; secretary, .. On Friday evenln-g Mr. and Bruce's boat blew up on the Mr. and Mrs. M. Sherman and Mrs. Gerald Johnson; social, Mrs. Jimmie Gray of Calgary, river at Walla-ceburg, burning Mrs. Jean Cook were guests of Mrs. Alex Woods and Mrs. Bert i ived at Malton _with their his daughter Wendy’s clothes Mrs. James Sherman and her Craigie; membership, Mr. and 'in daughters, Christine Anne and hair, and damaging the daughter in Toronto, Sunday. Mrs. John Buchanan; program, and Jan-lee Marie, and a christ- boat beyond repair. There was a good representa- Jack Stewart and Bob Leitcll. hug for them was held Sat- Last week Mrs. Jones’ bro- tion from Brown’s Corners con- S. R. Patterson, chairman of day afternoon at Presteign ther M. Bunker was driving his gregation at Headford Church ï¬nance for TSA, and Gordon United Church. Rev. A. P. Gil- car near the medical clinic in last Sunday morning when Mortson, whose bus transports the HAL BROWN Sales Manager PAUL LA CHAPELLE Service Manager HOWARD JACKMAN Sales Representative ,t -." LLOYD BROWN Sales Representative . ' i REG. LUPTON Sales Representative tinguishing side chrome grade gasoline. ILSDN- . V EARL MORTLEY Sales Representative TOHRE ST. HORTH I963 OLDSMOBILE An entirely new roof line is the chief characteristic of the 1963 Oldsmobile Dyn- amic 88 Holiday Sedan shown here. includes two sedans, a coupe, two station wagons and a convertible. fullâ€"size Oldsmobiles are restyled throughout and feature an optional tilt-type adjustable steering wheel and improved safety features. Oldsmobile series â€" Dynamic 88, Super 88, 98 and Starï¬re â€" has its own dis- 280â€"horsepower Rocket engine or a 260â€"horsepower version for use with regular LETT MOTORS CHEVROLET â€" OLDSMOBILE â€" CHEVY ll - F85 â€" ENVOY â€" CORVAIR â€" CHEVROLET TRUCKS Tl|.4-1194 the children to and from No. 5 source of half of this year’s school at Buttonville, were school population, with more present to discuss matters of than 45 children attending from transport with the parents. that area. The timetable has been a Several parents have taken problem, but Mr. Mortson stat- advantage of the school bus ed the bus would be at High- which takes children to Bay- way 7 and Don Mills Road at view Glen School. There are 8.15, and would leave Lunar eight attending the kinder- Drive and Don Mills at Arnâ€" garten, at a cost of 50 cents per leigh Heights at 8.20. day. Arnleigh Heights is At Buttonville School, the caretaker, Mr. Stinchcomb, has been instructed to allow the children on bad days to enter the school upon arrival. V. O. N. VICTORIAN ORDER OF the Approve Application For Propane Plant Building of a propane gas- storage plant for the north- western part of North York has been approved by the town- ship’s committee of adjustment. NURSES The application came from Monarch Propane for a site in , RICHMOND HILL the Milvan industrial subdivis- BRANCH ion on the south side of Fen- mar-c1 Drive, west of Weston Miss E. Woodbyrne Roa . Richmond Hill Municipal Hall PHONE TU. 4-4101 A proviso on the committee’s recommendation was that the storage plant could only be built subject to approval of the fire and plumbing department. was... GORDON B WILSON A President JOHN JACOB Secretary-Treasurer It is one of six Dynamic 88 models, which All the new Each of the regular-size trim. All Dynamic 88 models are powered by the famous [00K AHEAD ...buy 1962 ‘ CANADA SAVINGS BONDS ' A1- TORONTO-DOMINION N THE BANK THAT LO°K3.AHBAD Richmond Hill Branch P. DYSON, Manager JOHN SMITH Parts Manager JOHN McKINNON KEN MORTON Sales Representative Sales Representative HOWARD ROBINSON Sales Manager GLIS Asst. Service Manager AV.5-5435-B-7 *