Miss‘ Lenore Longworth of Baker Ave. is a student at the Shaw North Toronto School‘ where she is taking a cleritype: course. New members received, into St. Matthew's United Church on October 7 were Mr. and Mn. Leigh E. Raymond. 227 Elke Drive. from Wilson Height: United Church; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Kelis, 356 Fesserton Rd., from Trinity United Church, Collimgwood; Mr. and Mrs. Everett C. Calver- ley, Misses Sandra and Peuy Caiverley, 439 S. Paliser CL, trom Chalmers United Church, Woodstock; Mr. and Mn. Lon Storey, 35 Cartier CL, from Olde Davenport Rd. United Church, Toronto: and Mr. and Mrs. Graham MacDonald. 387 S. Taylor Mills D12, from St. Clair Ave. United. Toronto. Rev. W. W. Patterson officiated. Sympathy of the community ing. is- extended to Dr. J. M. Dryer, * *1 t 0' Yonge St. S. in the passing of Mr. and Mn. Verne Snider his mother in Toronto last of Bailout attended the funer~ week. al of the Late E. N. (Nick) Hall- * at t :- man Wednesday afternoon of Richmond Hill United last week. Mr. Snider is the Church will observe World former superintendent of the Wide Communion Swodayot 11 local hydro system. al.ng am. in the Church Sanctuary, when new members will be re- ceived, and at 7 pm. in the chapel. Bingo! members wm De recelveu ww Following the Thanksgiving the church at a service of war- holiday bingo will resume at the ship. Lions‘ Hall on Monday, Octobexj A¢_ tmg'close of the worship Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reid. Judith, Lorraine, Gordon and Louis. Jr., Mrs. Rena McDonald Crosby Avenue. spent their Thanksgiving at the Hotel Lon- don, London; Ontario and wor- shipped at the Church of the Hosannas in Hyde Park, where Mr. Reid was conï¬rmed. Mrs. Lols McArthur read from an interesting book, en- titled "Success". Coï¬z'ee was served by Mrs. Agnes Bren Ind Mrs. Jo. Whltwell. unuuo .Auu v.. . .0.-.†--. r _ 15. The jack-pot stands at $375 service the women’s auxiliary with 53 numbers called and $50 will serve refreshments and the full card to go. congregation will welcome the * * * * newcomers ln¢o the fellowflxlp Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reid. of $112 local congregation. With an increasing number of memlbe , twenty four ladies of the Friendship Circle of the Anglican Church of St. Gabriel attended the regular meeting and were all busily engaged in the making of felt novelties, plastic wreaths. and bottling bath salts for sale at their Christmas bazaar. 'H “W FREE Start Playing Today Our 8-week Beginners Course at $2.50 weekly Includes the free use of an Instrument in your home. Call TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC MAKE YOUR HOME ' Built-in Safety Tread ' 102 SIZES IN STOCK Completely installed by us! No MUSS . . . NO FUSS ECONOMICAL T00 PHONE TODAY FOR. A SMART MODERN ENTRANCE You Can Be Proud Of! ‘ LAST A LIFETIME mm a. { STEP A i110: "' UNIT STEPS Yonge 5: Centre Sta. Richmond Hill FREE ESTIMATE UNIT PRE CAST (Toronto) LTD. Pre-cast Concrete ’ More Beautiful ° More Valuable ONTARIU THORNHILL THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT ,\ OF YOUR a CHOICE with AV. 5-5691 LOANED Bathurst Editor Margot Crack rth of. Mr. and Mn. Cllrenoe Lucr- Mlu Loraine Barker, Centre at the quiet left on Saturday to spend Street West, had as her week- School the Thanksgiving holiday with end guest Miss Ellen Holhek rritype their son Clerc and his ï¬ancee from St. Eustache, Quebec. Miss Ruth Kromrey. They will * * * '0' be retumins Thursday mom- Mr. and Mn. E. 12. Markle nunlty ing. _ _ _ . and children Bruce and Debbie, L155 'l‘ A preccommnnlon service will be held at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Octo- ber 12, at 8 pm. when new members will be received into Attending the Aurora Drama Workshop's producï¬on of “The‘ Gramercy Ghost†at the Aurora‘ High School on Saturday last were Mr. and Mrs. John Postle- thwaite. Mr. md Mrs. D. Fea- therstonhaugh, Miss Joan Fea- therstonhaugh, Miss Judith Crack and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Crack. SpecLal commendation should; go to Tony Miller. Han-man Crescent, director of the play. who. due to illness 0! the lead- ing mam two days prior to op- ening night, stepped into the ‘role and gave a performance as lonly an aotvr or! his ability Being a fashion co-ordinator has great advantages when it comes to costume plays. Esther Postlethwnlte (Marian John of‘ Eatons) has recently been cast as Lotus Blossom in the Novem- ber production 0‘ Teshouse of tre August Moon. and when call- ‘ed with very little notice, to pose for publicity photographs, within a few hours she had as- sembled a completely suthentic costume including a magniï¬cent hack wig which she had made herself in less than an hour! Wig enthusiasts please note! could I During the evening coffee will be served and courtesy samples of products given to ev- ‘eryone in attendance. For tick- yets please call TU. 4-2442. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith left by plane on Thursday last for their home in Ealmg, London. England. following an eighteen month stay with their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Btoadhurst, 343 North Taylor Mill: Drive. During their stay Mr. and Mrs. Smith made many friends in the Hill and on Saturday, prior to their departure. a farewell par- ty was held at Mn. Broadhurst'l home, when over twenty-ï¬ve guests were on hand to extend best wishes for a safe journey and happy landing. Mrs. Paul Briznntl and Miss‘ Jessie Anzlo returned to New York recently after spending a week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pull Angle, Redford Park. “Tips on Travelling" by Miss Carol Lane will be presented by the Y.W.C.A. in the Richmond Hill United Church auditorium on October 30. Miss Lane, who has tnvelled extensively across Canada with her interesting talk, will give many useful tips on travelling - including various ways of help- ing chiidmn enjoy their trips 4 and many Richmond Hill people will ï¬nd real benefit from her suggestions. In St. Mary's Anglican Church Martha Jacqueline Suzanne Dunklee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Durnklee. was mar- ried to Barry Alan Hopper, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hopper. Rev. James O‘Neil officiated. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore her mo- bher’s wedding gown. tradition- al, white embossed satin with a train. Her elbow length tulle vei'l, embroidered to match this gown, was caught in a coronet, and she carried a cascade bou- quet of red and white carne- Itions. Miss Betty Stothard, of St. I Catharina. was chosen as maid I of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss Wendy Hopper, sister of the groom, and Miss Marg Wat- ers of Richmond Hill. Miss Deb- I bie Dunkiee, sister of the bride.3 was chosen as junior brides-J maid. They wore moss green I organza over gold taffeta, with matching headdresses and shoes, I and carried nosegm of bronze ’mums. Paul Hopper wan best man. and the ushers were Jim Smith, Dave Galloway and Dwayne Pat- Jacqueline Suzanne Dunklee Is Bride Of Barry Alan Hopper Mr. and Mn. E. R. Markle and children Bruce and Debbie, Ddscoll Road. spent the Thanks- giving weekend at their cottage at Cedarhurst Beach. The Engineer’s Wives. Rich- mond H111 Branch, will be hold- ing a “Theatre Night†on Thurs- day, October 18, for the Curtain Club presentation of the revue "A Twist of Lemonâ€. Tickets may be obtained by calling Mrs. J. Miller. TU. 4-4190. 8.0.8.! Attending the Toronto and North York Hunt annual hunter trials at Beverley Farm, Aurora, ,on Thanksgiving Day were Mr. :and Mrs. Bill Angus. Joan and Marian, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Parker, Tlmothy and Sarah, Mr. and Mrs. Dennison Featherstonâ€" laugh, Joan Ind David and Mr. land Mrs. Douglas Crampton. ‘Davld and Nicola. Any American army iypes in the vicinity, assorted ranks, past or present, who could pre- vent four males in the cast of "Telhouse of the August Moon†from appearing on stage in their underwear? If you have whole or part of a uniform, please call the harassed producer, Roz An- derson at TU. 4-2115. Barbara Peirce. daughter of‘ Mr. and Mn. Wm. E. Peirce,‘ Rockport Crescent, has been cast in the lead role in "Hanna" one act the plays in the CBC ï¬lmed ser-ies Scarlett Hill. Dr. and Mrs. l-I-iii were re- cently entertained for a few days by Dr. Ind. Mrs. William Meredith Green at their home in? Bloomï¬eld Hills. Michigan. Mrs. Green was a bridesmaid at the Hill wedding. Barbara, who is in grade 3 at Walter Scott Public School, has already been in two epi- sodes of one of the series “City Mice", and is a busy young lady with TV and modelling commitments. Dr. and Mn. A. S. Hardy Hill were among the guests at a dinner at the Granite Club given by Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Landon! to honour Mr. R. B. Cowan, recently elected Mem- ‘ber of Parllament for York- Humber. Mr. Vaughan Pur- son. brother of Lester B. Pew son, was also present. Mr. Gow- an had been best man at the H111 wedd1ng 26 years ago in Richmond Hm United Church. Among a few dinner guests at the Hill's home. reuniting former members of their wed~ ding party were Senator M. Walhce MoCutcheon, an usher at their wedding and Mr. md‘ Mrs. Stewart L. Page. matron of honour and usher respective- by. Earlier this summer they sadly attended the funeral of Senator William R. Brant of Hanover, who had also been an usher. Saturday October 6, Dr. and Mrs. Hill were guests of Mr. md Mn. Curl Manure of Mea- ford at the wedding of their daughter Frances Anne to Mr. Middleton. The bride and groom are leaving on a three year scholarship to Australia to com- plete his PhD. Mr. Manore was an usher at the Hill wed- ‘di-ng. > This during the past few weeks Dr. and Mrs. Hill have been re-united with all the sur- viving senior attendants at hheir wedding. ï¬eld .Following the reception It Summltview Gardens, both Mr. and Mrs. Dunklee and Mr. and Mrs. Hopper entertained at home. The couple left for a motor trip through Northern Ontario. ‘4‘“““‘“‘“““l {ï¬iï¬Ã©EXï¬Kfl ‘su PUMPED and CLEANED :; EIRANK pAssgn: D D ‘1 “T:llnmpl¢\1n ' i HU. 5-1313 ME. 5-1000; {“I‘ii-““7“““‘ Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate' Septic Tank Service R. R. 1 Willowdale Attending the dinner dance in the Oak Room at the Shera- ton King Edward Hotel last Fri- day were Mr. and Mrs. John Bettie: and Mr. and Mrs. Clive Bottles. Pallbearers at the funeral of the late E. N. (Nick) Hallman were. Dr. Walter Mason, Russ- ell Lynett, Mack Clement. Clltf Bennett. Frank Webb and Lou Wainwright. Mrs. H. W. Adams and Mrs. R. Evans of Slough, Bucks, Eng. presently visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson, Rexdale, at- tended Crosby Heights Grade 8 Graduation held October 3. This ceremony at this age is unknown in England and will be an in- teresting item of Canadian school life to report back to their teen-age daughters. Mrs. Adams who is a long time friend of the family spent a few days at Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. V. Buckinghnm, South Taylor Milis Drive before returning to England. Mrs. T. H .Anderson, Rich- mond Street, wishes to say “thank you" to all her friends who made the recent celebration of her 86th birthday such a hap- py occasion. Since Sunday was the actual day of the event, the opportunn lty was taken to have on Satur- day afternoon a tea party at? tended by neighbourhood child- ren, most of whom do her the honour of calling her “Grand- maâ€; and on the Sunday she was ‘At Home’ to her older friends and relatives, among whom was her slster-in-law, Mrs. John Anderson of Toronto, who is several years her senior. Friends continued to call throughout the following days and her family, Norman. Kay, Irene and Lillian, join her in this expression of wppreclaflon. , Art the last meeting of the Pleasmtville Y.W.C.A. Neith- bonrhood Group held on Thurs- day morning last, the president. Mn. J. Douglas Roseborough, discussed the three week “Self Improvement Course" to be given by Mrs. Betty Grant. Starting this Thursday, Mrs. Gmm's subject will be “Deport- men †with instruction in walk- ing and posture; on October 25, “Grand Entrance" =- how to en- ter a room; and on November 1, “Wudrobe and Accessoriesâ€, A graduate of the John 13mm1 and School of Modelling, Mrs. Grant has been a professional model in Toronto for the past ‘15 years and with her charm and ability makes the serious matter of $9111 improvement 3 lot of fun; The Richmond Hill a Thom- hlll Ministerial Association met in St. Matthew's United Church! on September 28, with ten mem-T her: present. The meeting was presided over by the Rev. J. O'Neil, past-president, due to the removal of_ the president, the Rev. Hugh MacDonald of Port Arthur. Books were direct- ed purchased as tokens of good- will from the brethren to the ‘departing ministers, the Rev. Norman Wagner and the Rev. ‘Harold Davies of Maple, and to Who Rev. Hugh MacDonald of Thornhill. The feature of the meeting was a report by‘the Rev. Dil Evans of Thornhill Presbyterian Church on his vis- it in the Spring to Princeton University to hear Dr. Karl Barth, a world famous theolo- gian. A part of the report was given in a tape recording of one of the lectures. In addition arrangements were made for the local minis- ters to tape devotional programs that they might be used in the morning devotions over the sound system in anson Hos- ‘pital. Formerlehovahthessl To Speak Sunday Rally The ï¬rst meeting of the 3rd Richmond Hill Scouts Group ladies auxiliary is to meet at the home of Mrs. M. Banter, 448 ‘Palmer Avenue, on Monday, §October 15, at 8 pm. Miss Terry Caldwell. Elgin Mills Sideroad West accompan- led by Miss Anne Algate of Petcrborough. left on Friday lfor a year in Europe. Holidaying in New York for Thanksgiving weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Gillard and their daughter Susan. Miss Mary DIWson enjoyed seeing the beautiful fall colors on a trip to her home town of ‘Parkhill during the Thanksgiv- ing weekend. Mr, Joseph Rnblnowitch can again be seen at the Crest The-tre this week in the role of a doctor in their production of “Who’ll Snve The Plough- boyâ€. Friends and associates of Sylvia Garson, dance teacher, convey their sympathies in her bereavement of the sudden death (If her father, Sunday, October 7, whom she had been visiting for the Thanksgiving holiday. * * * W Opportunities for private dis- cussion will also be provided. If you are not a church mem- ber you are invited to attend these services. For further in- formation telephone, TU. 4-1675. From October 14 until the last Sunday in November those contemplating membership in the Richmond Hill United Church are especially invited to attend the Sunday evening Chapel services. This being "Guest Night†the following were present: Con- stable Doug Young, Jack Wil- liams, Robert Taylor, Stan Tufts, Don Loughnn and chk Dorman. Deputy Governor of Zone E. The regular meeting of the Kinsmen Club was held last Thursday at La Cantina Restau- rant. Guest speaker was Al Smith of the Bell Telephone Company, who spoke on “The Wonders of Space". _Pl-ans for “leies Night†were discussed. A communications seminar will highlight the 1962 fall con- ference of the District 6 Junior Chamber of Commerce this Sun- day. Special clinics in television techniques will provide the Jay- cees with training in interview- ing and being interviewedn A Jaycees To Take Part In Special Seminar Dinner guest speaker will be Stewart Comford of CFGM. Richmond Hill, who will talk on the problems of mammgmg a growing station. Instructors at the afternoon-1 television training seminar are Ron Martin, technical instructor for CBCvTV and J. Gordon lGlynn. producer for CBC tele- ‘vislon news. Canadian Motorola will pro- vide the closed circuit television cameras and the two-way radio communications. it Was reported ï¬llet Dr. W. J. Schnell. author of the famous book, "Thirty Years I Watch- tower Siave," was coming to this area to give a series of aid-1 dresses in Aurora, Newmarket and Oak Ridges. The ministers decided that they would spon- sor him as a speaker at a public service to be held on Sunday evening, October 14, in Rich- mond Hill United Church at 8.30 pm. This will provide Christian people an opportunity to hear one who, coming through the ex- perience of being a Jehovah‘s Witness. has found the evangel- ical answer to this doctrine. Further addresses will be given in Aurora on the 15th, 16th and Nth. A special invitation is emtended to members of the Je- hovah's Witnesses to hear this man’s witness to his faith. Use your headâ€"and SAVE! Check State Farm's low Insurance (ates for careful drivers-rules §o low that one out of two may save Important dol- lars. Call today! mt: mun mnuu. auto. mumsunucmowm. “dull-donut mm James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-1529 (By Mrs. Loren Guild) ‘match was held in 1913 on the Elisabeth Barker is the \vin-Isite of Sunnybrook Hospital. ningest girl and Headford is Surely in this new activity Elis- very proud of her achievements. abeth will ï¬nd more ï¬elds to Da-iry Princess, 4-H delegate to conquer. Britain and now she is taking Billy Wellman, grandson of ploughing honors. ‘ Mrs. W. Wellman won several ‘ The largest number on record, ï¬rsts at the Mount Albert match 163 contestants, competed at the The succeSSfUJ d“ endecl for North York Plougmng match at the contestants when they were Mmmt Albert. October 5. In the guests of the plouehmen’s as The largest number on record, nI'SIS at t 63 contestants, competed at the The 5“ North York Ploughlng match at the con“ Mount Albert, October 5. In the 8‘19?“ 0 class of entries who had never 500mm)“ won in any ploughing match, Elisabeth, in her ï¬rst contest. Need ‘came second for land and ï¬rst l for ï¬nish. There were ï¬ve en- Says tries in this class. She drove a three furrow mounted plough. Richm Coached by her uncle. Leon- Commlss ard Wellman, Queensville, she vacant f attended the East York match Comm the day before “to get the hang ford rep of the thing." Her happy com- the 2,00 ment was, “Well it was fun.†bracket Elisabeth Barker Adds Ploughing Honours To Her list Of Awards Elisabeth passed on the in- teresting information that the Ontario Ploughing matches were initiated in York County in 1844. Rivalry developed be- tween Scarboro and Markham and an organization was formed in 1850. The international or- ganization was formed at Rich- mond Hill in 1911 and the ï¬rst Tall standards of beautiful ’mums in autumn colouring for- med the setting for the mar- riage of Mary Isobel, daughter of Mrs. Rumble and the latei David T. Rumble, to Ralph Alex-2 ander, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tucker. The cere- mony took place in Richmond Hill United Church on Satur- day, September 29, with Rev. ‘Charles Higginson officiating. Mrs. Stewart Rumble was or- ganist and Mr. Jim _Fice soloist. Mary Isobel Rumble lsi Bride Of Ralph Tucken The bride entered the church on the arm of her brother Stew- art T. Rumble. She wore a gown of ivory satin overlaid with French imported lace. Her ï¬ngertip veil was crowned with a gardenia of the same material as the gown. Her bouquet was white 'mums and Johann-a Hill roses. Her attendants were Miss Mary Procter, cousin of the bride, as maid of honour. who was dressed in bronze peau de sole. Bridesmaids Were two nieces, Elaine Howarth and Sharon Rumble in gold peau de sole, two little flower girls, Mary-Jean Copeland and Cathy ‘Willett wore beige embroidered ‘nylon over tan peau de sole. ‘They all wore headbands of yellow carnations and carried nosegays of talisman and sunset roses. WM. NEAL‘E PLYMOUTHS :3 i LEFT IN STOCK iGIGANTIc SAVINGS}! ION ALL CARS & TRUCKS Am The groom was supported by Mel-win Barnes of Burlington. The ushers were Bob Cockbum, Bruce Tucker, Harold Howarth and John Rumble. The reception was held at the Yangtze Pagoda. Mrs. David Rumble, wearing a delphinium ‘blue lace dress over taffeta ‘with black accessories received the guests. She was assisted by Mrs. Jack Doop, sister of the groom, wearing pale blue silk with beige accessories. *‘lOOK Guests 1mm Vancouver, Kit- chener, Haliburton, London. Burlington, Toronto, Guelph, TU. 4-7381 I963 MODELS NOW IN STOCKiHRB-HRB. HRB-HRB We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding Districts YOUR LOCAL CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH, VALIANT, FARGO DEALER RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE “Flowers For All Occasions†Phones TU. 4-1812 AV. 5-1812 AT ALL HOURS STILL A FEW I962 NEW VALIANTS RICE’S FLOWERS AT THE CURTAIN CLUB THEATRE OCT. 10-13 and OCT. 11-20“ Richmond Hill's Industrial Commission is looking for small, vacant factories for lease. Commissioner Robert Lang- ford reported that all plants in the 2,000 to 5,000 square foot bracket are full in Richmond Need Small Factories Says Industrial Chief H111 He told the commission atII last week's meeting that he had frequent requests for plants oil that size from industrialists and has been unable to an them. ;I Winona, N.Y. and Buffalo atâ€"‘ tended. The wedding cake was cut with a knife that the bride's great-grandmother had used to cut her golden and also her ‘dlamond wedding cake. Spr-lgs of white heather from the hills of Braemar, Scotland, adorned the top of the cake. Mr. Langford stated that he would be happy to interview builders interested in leasing space‘ The happy couple left to spend their honeymoon in Bufla~ lo and points north. Circulation Up 3,000 At R.H. Public library A record one-day circulation of 1,320 was set September 27, according to Mr. Israel. Previ- ou-s record was 1,289. September circulation at Richmond Hill Public Library this year was up almost 3,000 from 1961. according to a re- port submitted by Librarian Fred Israel at last week's board meeting. cxmilanon Is up 1mm 13,101 to 16.427, it nhowed. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thugsday, October 11. 1962 _5 Phone 285-1073 R 24 Elizabeth St. N. ii HERBERT R. BUTT SUNDAY NIGHT; OCT. 14 8:30 PM. Richmond Hill United Church E YONGE STREET i .0. .0-“u.0.< .. .0.‘ -1w-w.o.o.o.o-u SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS 'your oflloo machine spechllst' 88 Biker Ave., Richmond Hill lee portable models 1‘ typewriters - Adding Mnohlnu Day or Evenings TU. 4-1145 nlclllllUllu I’ll", Ullull [U RELIABLE SERVIC CLAIRTONE MARATHON CONTEST PRIZES TO DATE $238 Deposit This Coupon and See Prizes on Display at Richmond Hill Music Centre In The Mall at Richmond Heights Centre 0d Mina * sAvmes l SPARE RIB ENDS BAYVIEW PLAZA IOINS or BEEF lb. 69: CUT AND WRAPPED INCLUDES SIRLOIN, PORTER HOUSE AND T-BONE STEAKS Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 L H SIMS OCTOBER l5,16, 17 AT 8 PM. FREEZER SPECIAL APPLIANCE SALES 82 SERVICE ALL ELECTRICAL REPAIRS & WIRING TV-ANTENNA REPAIRS 8; NEW INSTALLATIONS Telephone TU. 4-2283 Evenings TU. 4-3392 'nght’s Phll'llfley’ C. NELS GAGE Richmond Hill Sponsored by Richmond Hill Ministerial Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evenings, WILLIAM J. SCHNELl INSURANCE Sponsored by Aurora Ministerial former Jehovah Witness Will speak in this area this coming week Aurora United Church Established 1m . 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill DEPENDABLE Telephone SERVICE Ell populu make: on hand Sneclu Studenb’ Baton Work Guaranteed Toronto, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 TU. 4-769] [12 Yonge St. Toronto