Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Oct 1962, p. 6

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1‘) 1'. ‘ 2.1 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. October 11- 1 ~_d . 962 lI-l. KEITH LTD. 3242 Yonge Street Tllornhill .\\'. 5-1156 BA. l-llOZ Specials I n. Richmond Hill M'ISCELLANEOI'S tContinuedl ‘ITIE’WKN'TED WAITRESS wanted. Town Restaurant. TU. 4-214]. 'REAL ESTATE FOR SALEâ€" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. 1st insertion 50 each word. min. charge 750 TO RENT ’ .- T0 RENT . ~â€" 1 tContinuedi :MO‘ST HOMES ARE LISTED lwml DAvID MeLEAN LTD. ‘lngn _. ._.- {Tho-Of“ bungalow. Richmond v, __ ,__ L I. _ Uf'13JOHN'S \VaSllel‘ and aPDllance liill. (fall AV. 3-2951, T. blur-ROOM near Ma-Killop School. PLEASANTVILLE . . . - _ _ _ V ,_V a” g 7 i 7, , 7 H, V W Th". ' ' Second and subsequent Insertions If wording 6 lWTITRâ€"ES-gf p‘artâ€"Time 11 a_m_’repdlrs. TU, 4-2615. tfcooipme Broker. Clwlg‘m quiet home Breakfas‘ if (RTE-OR SALE or 1.0m 3_..U0med $10800 now \dcant and RE. mm“ Willowdale unchanged, Sc per WON-‘1. mm- Charge - t - ~ - - 5" “0‘3 p‘m_ TL-l +0092. C1w15“ ALU‘HVI.“ fFURRIS’HED‘rgnmâ€"“jmrpriviflsircd. TU 4-5615. 7 c1\\'13]housc on one acre of land. (51h ED [0" lmmCdli‘le 5319- Brick ranch bungalow nice . . 7 , ,__ â€" - m , . A v ,. . Beautlfll l V o 0 ' . . .- ,. , - FOR Box NUMBERS an an“ Charge per Insertion 0‘ we lTVfâ€"(PPLIANCE service maniDom.5' windows. ami‘leges. for rent. 884-2737. ‘BACHELOR apartment. close io§C0n<e>Slm 140‘ 13 \mlsh‘m- - L wmo featmm” ‘4 H‘ 1430‘“ “1th “\lllg mom- dln‘ COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c. per word; min. charge 75c Tu +3211. C1,.151railmgsl Ron \\.00d:"‘.’r“Lf‘~gj_1mi_ W V_ r _ ill-12mph“. Reasonable. m, TU pupils-softy. V ‘ W cl\\15‘:2$:§a::°g‘nnsgl andkkitcihcnfluith CARDS 0F THANKs, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. Is'fifivEde‘SGSSISEdfiEnted;l___‘7 _H V W __tfcl_13 R90“ basement _al>al‘lm€nt-l‘.’.°°.2;# . 7. t[(-1515;i‘:1‘)e%‘1'LGLIBiERIlEOialn‘ltgllm': “’th bum-in oven and 'L‘ounlcr. . pom-00mg 323$ 511$“ ENGAGEMENTS’ MARMAGES BIRTHS, [TUV 4_3583_ v_ #:hilg PAINTING. paperhangmg' Freeil‘urnlshed or‘ unfurnished. rent ADLLTS OKLA 3 room apart- :C‘ieens. -Cau :0“, SJBMI top bill-nexus. ‘5 large bedrooms. age and fenced yard‘ 514.900. ' tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 'Ffivo fiffi‘tfl'ork 5-9 p.m_lestimates. Colour samples. A lsif‘infil’lesz-JBQP'- Smifilmem' 565 pm month' Tb' ft]- Mm. m. Bmke.._ Cm.” ’a‘l‘““lll 5"?” enclosed Show?“ with lst mortgage at low in- per ms" Edam, for $50 per week. writetRolllnson. TE. 3-6671. tfc15 4 ROOM lower apartment. \Vitht4393- cm” p ' tRe‘ma‘m“ 100'“ “'llll fireplaces tercst rote. Miss Clarke. $21000. - Ready to mere in: STIRâ€"007M self-cODtained apart-i Chum“! adve'lisemem “M” be i“ " "fly in the Box 62 The Liberal. c4\vl4.SEPTlC tanks pumped 24 haul-[MOW and 2-piece bath. 285-2248. SOLID BRICK 6 mm“ bu“9~3' mach“ W33“- “lcch' land- - ,m, on Wednesdays). ., .____._,;-â€"â€" â€"-- â€"--- _- “C14; L nuns only, ,w. 5.5233, low in Oak Ridges. 0“ acre lot-,Scapod and well kept garden. ._ , . . . week 8‘ posflble bu‘ “at late: “Ian 10 a t or telephone \VILL exchange $90 101' 40 hours seluce' C Burns' PR' 3 30:32:)“ ~â€"-- --â€" -â€" . . _ a â€" (“men a “cll fully landgcaped. fireplace‘ Must sell, Vacant no“. >\\'_ 5_ ‘ this exculng “nynlaI'Ultalg Send ads by mail and cm: 058 Paymen v p9,. week, Write Box 61 The ,, .__ _, _ .__ _ BACHELOR apartment. laundry ,__,, , __ L, , ,‘Swms and “mom to“... “am-.4905. home. cast of \ongc, I TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. PLOWING. discing. final grad- ing and seeding. TU. 4-1538. ttcl2: -â€"---â€"~l PAINTING 8.: PAPER OAK RIDG'EVS. BayriElluâ€"limlse. 2 bedrooms plus attic $60. AV. 5-5240. clw15 FURNISIIED bed-sitting’roohifi facilities. private entrance. suit; one. Phone AV. 5-1009. tfcl4‘ c4wl4 Liberal. YOUNG FAMILY, one child. re,- quire the services of bright girl.l Live in. Own room. Phone 285- rooms. Roman brick, attach- ed garage. paved drive. many extras. drapes. hroadloom. fully equipped kitchen. Good PR. 3-5113. tlcl4 S‘ztr‘s'o'o‘rULL PRICEfRic-hmohd‘ "' “" “lLLOW'mY & 5‘“ Hill. Three-bedroom house. four1 RE‘:‘E‘¥6RS FOR SALE APARTMENTS REASON ABLE ARTICLES ‘ . T. Mu by Brokers Av' -_2951 t 6 ‘ years old. separate dining room, _ ‘i ‘ - t M B . ' -_ m chrgtgluwl AL “233. W 77_c1\\'l5ll HANGING y m OCH-.52 klif-‘hen- Pall‘mc- IGVIV-Qme- _151 panelled den, fireplace. garage). _,_, _,._ ___, gg, Mel“ {SSEâ€"r i-T--i€~ â€"-~ - ‘_--_,21-- TV. $4900, Tu 4.321]. r "-Efiâ€"S‘TIN'G-‘b’s'ition part; R E Dunn TU 44798 r-M ~~-'“â€"»â€"- â€"- â€"â€" "1“ house 035‘ 0‘ Clam“ 5 D‘ugpwnor will accept second Inort-‘ 1°h'“_°,“d H‘llwefl' cathed' 2 CONVECTOR rads‘ one urged Cl‘V15'iiVmTc for ladv livith pleasing. ' ' . ' ' no 34Angng sapal'menk ru‘WstOl‘e at Yong“ “2“” gage. Private sale. TU. 4â€"5056 315.500 - TREES and tar-e 940' f” “mlmg 591“ “"91 bung” - ' - ‘ _.-_e ._ he-" â€"- --â€"---.â€"- - - , . ______‘ ,_'nIs e . ruce .venue_. vr- â€"~ â€"~-~~â€" â€"~ I 5â€". . . ._ a - . r. ~ ‘ . _ EQ'ELE;.4LS£_Clâ€"yl~.plANo, European, lovely lone.lpersonality, full training pro- FRANK-s WELL DRILLING Richmle Av i24373 after 5tRICHMOND HILL 2 bedioom‘fflppomâ€"tmcnt. lot make this 3 bedroom, split! fixedegfgsaonfll gameâ€"1 If, 1 BROWNIE uniformigoo‘l cm" - '15l v 4-48'6. clw15 - - l ' . idu lex. ground floor. space. M "v’ ‘ i :Cutl'ance brick bungalow quite‘ " ‘ " 3'4 ” " ' 10 884-1332 clwlslAL' 726” .. _ 91}! ogrdm- T9; 3 _ “0 Pump Installed and servreed.p.m. (3w15 P ‘6 yo Phone 57,900 ESTATE SALE desirable 5 mom I... a , mortgage 19 yearsi, broad- dltlon 5133';fi__; _,. {BRET 'H‘OM'E’S ARE LISTED ON’E HOUSEKEEPER,one prac- Frank Gerritz, R. R. 2 Auroi-ag'â€"_â€" "TMâ€"“W “ea‘e‘L g6a7‘aee' ' ' HMS Richmond Hill3 mom bungalowng kmh‘enp“nh‘(1.1.193: ',°°m‘ 100m. drapes. etc. fireplace WOOD FOR SALE, for stove or waH DAVID MCLEAN LTDNUCM nurse and helpers part PR. 3-5673. tt'c50 TOOLS FOR RENT f-“iavrkrllaiA 1H , . , ._lbasement garage. treed lot. two full divided basement a’I‘ldl ln living-room. 20 x 14 rec- fireplace- TU- 44966; “All”; cl\v15 time and full time. Nursing F1001- sanders' saws and ari115_‘HOUSE on .farm. on 16th Ave. blocks west of Yonge. Mr. Mash- My mom. Asking 32'200 dew]; rcation room. $24,900. Mr. 2 PAIR ‘39 dance Shm- 123'ilATEOW‘EEN’Pb’nEEins"all‘ Homer TU« 4-2651 after sxx p-m. ROTOVATING _ Hand sanders, jig-saws and naihnear Don Mills Rd.. she-dreams. mm, AV_ 5-1164. David McLean 1);”,an Telepham w 5_1905 , Brown. and 121/420 834.1253, {13150505. 160 Essex Ave” Rich'mond _’-v _w 7m Custom rotovatmg. aerating. drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc213a1l conveniences. AX. 3-4417 or Realtqu Old-15‘ ' ' ‘ ' om’rgâ€"ffige” solid-brickâ€"7 lawn and garden maintenance. Mashinter. 884-7573 nc1w15 CUCUMBERS, also peppers and H111, *2w14 I'CAN USE 3 men at once. Non-0m “.041 ONE bedrOOm apal‘tnlclll. sélfQiUniO’ll'ille 45' $71â€"3_.500_FIORCEDJSALEPG ‘room $12,500 room home, finished pine re- hubbard S “3511- TU~ 4'1524- ".*Wâ€" Vâ€" "“lexperience necessary "0 “llâ€"951" â€"â€"- â€"â€"â€"- â€"- - - A CODIBIHEd. Pl‘lVate entrance] FOR SALE OR RENT bungalow. in immaculate condi- Localcd 0m.- bloCk 0n- YOHP‘C creation room_ 2 car garage. , q clwl5 imadugpmboadggs‘ 3:13:35 giggimem. transportation provided, SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed central location business adults. Storey and half. six-room fill-‘tion‘ storms. screens, fully Street in central Richmond Hill. screened .patio. landscaped RECONDITIOT‘IEDâ€"was'hcâ€"r!$29: duty hoists. 285-5719. tfc48 Average $210 Per how“ can mam}??? aggimy- T_U._:l:12§3. ~ ticléiished houses recreation roomfllandscaped, close to everything Nice 5 mom 2 storey home with 100 lootlrontage treed lot. in 50; Kenmore automatic washer. SEVERAL lengths ole-gfid'eâ€"n- 384'7520 7'9 P-m- Affilé on 1 ' ‘ 'uca 5 ROOM heated afigrfffigfifcefi- Central 1008111011. Phone TU~_4_- Call AV. 5-2951. T. Murphy..garagc. Must sell. AV. 5-1905. "eSll'lClCd are? neol' schools $39-50- TU- 4-2233- 01W” Ing hose with couplings. in good EXPERIENCED bookkeeper re-l â€"’tral location. stove and refrig- 2225;; ,__ in .. __ .C.l.“.13 ELOFeâ€"r“_w __<__ _,C1lY1,5. “v r , 32:56:55?“ :imnv‘ed‘ate SEWZEjTMOOdâ€"COI; condition. TU. 4-1658. clwl5 quired by Golf and Country! DRESS ALTERATIONS erator. Adults preferred. TU’ua ROOM apartment heated- Tms WEEK'S SPECIAL ‘ "’"woa ‘ m It M." -‘ ' mmpay’ .. râ€" ' 11 l i - - 4-4091. lwlaO t twn )ark. Busmess .. J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SON °‘- ‘ '- “‘11- dmon, $40 or best offer. TU. 4- DRAPES a large selection of Chill Rldlnlond H‘ _area' ear FITSt 91355 work. Cal‘Olyn Barâ€" __',_ _,_,~,_W “V j __ “3051 e 0 . l _ 2 bedroom bungalow. hall aue » â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€".â€"_. 3145. HMS ready mgde drapes in an pop- round 905111011» AV: 3-4309- r sent. 9018 Yonge St. at Rich- OAK RIDGES. Bayview. Mod- 001111119 0; mlfigleaggteSl-erfafit lot. beautifully landscaped. lull? LTD. 3151;5'321-b3r1ck1. immaculhattei. CHESTEREI‘ELDâ€"Epe‘sfiâ€"cb}: ular sizes. On sale at prices‘31w'°vale' AV' 5'1591- “C5 ern.5 room bungalow All con-P010 mafia} ae-COI‘Safég €100 price only 33,200. i REALTORS gal“(Age reclilégiligxlly.ral:clet ered like new. $25. TU. 4-1621. that defy comparison. For bet- FEMALE CLERK for chartered PLANNING A DANCE. Yemences. $95 PA. 7-9488. PA-rggi‘sasfi‘ aftgr 6 m ’c'lwls” NEILL & NEH-L . water 'heatin on 0°58“. 1‘? ' tlwl' [Cy values come to Dra ervland bank in Maple. Experienced 75046. “€14 __,g,‘_ ,‘_.,A _ Sp; 1,, AL REAL ESTATE ‘ g’ , e s‘ 84 Levendale Road. a P . - Call us for stem and 111 ll , .. __-..._..s- _~-__SS APARTMENT for rem 100 M, 5420] m. . landscaped lot. north Side of SUNSIENEbdlfiâ€"Tarrriggefbdb; 5821 Yonge Street Sonth 0f preferred‘ .bm not laecesvsarl’fi DANCE MUSIC {ONE BEDROOM apartment,M k! R d with “av-e rejnow “OQU‘ARME PR 1.5316 WILLOWDALE golf coursc' 401 & Yonge. cal. bed like new; Sump pump Steeles Ave. In the Newton- Apply Stating flge an QXPCFP Reasonable rates. courteous sec-lstove and frig. heated. Su1t"f‘.ar .111“. boa ‘dl n ‘g M '“_at_ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘clwl-‘$10,900 cosy and compact 5-. Carries for $102.00 month I,nd ven’euan blind 12'5" x 48"_ hl‘00k Plaza; BA-‘1'562L Thurs' ence- write 30“ 59 The leeral' Vlce- TU- 4-7237- 11035 young couple. $75. TU. 4-2444. llgelatOI‘ troa 100_1t1"ic‘ow Sher 7 “MaiAiotroom bungalow. 2 blocks from complete. Mr. Budd_ TU- 4'1603- CIW15 day and Fun!“ t1“ 9 pm' â€"--â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-- w» -~_â€"â€"--â€"cfll~4- __,v r r» _ ‘___T!W‘A‘E’:1'd 3:13:11? lc$le1§L per minth. , SCHOMBERG ‘Flnch and Yonge St, modem: 315F635 marmal- EHESTrâ€"EfiFTfiflD_a-Hdâ€"Chgif c4w12 APPLICATIONS own he re.‘Ch_ CHIMNEYS A 6 ROOM 5pm leve] dream Phone 2574229 clwé 11/2 "storey home on large treedgkltchen and bath. full basement, suburban living beal’ltimnv H . ceived by the undersigned for lmneys bu11t and repaireduhomo‘ 2 bathrooms, on ravine ___ ‘7‘, ,__j_,__ .__., lot I7 by 100 feet, 4 bedroomsfiml heating, on sewers, treed maintained bric’k home blue, good condition. $20 01' best tme position of cadet. Free estimates. Expert work- lot Back and from sodded paw 6 ROOMED farm house With separate dining room. hardwood‘lot. easy financing can be ar- years old 1 d d ’1 Offer' R. P. Robbins. antimhm Phone Walker and ed‘drive TU 45834 'tfc13 lovely country setting. yet only floors, full basement. one car‘ran-ged. mam, extla “$4533? d °,t' 12 STORM SASH. Various sizes. Chief Constable .Iltchell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 ' ' ' 12 mile from Yonge St.. right'garage, in the centre of town. payn'mm Ingbect'this' begs}: also salamander. TE. 3-5070. c1w15 E_ w. pAYNE FOR SALE OR RENT ;in Thornhill. Overlooks golf This home must be sold before THORNHILL AREA ' CAREER SCHOOLS. watchmak- clw15 you buy. Mr. Slater. course. Large garden with lots FOR SALE Drains septic tanks. All types Mme“ 5135"“ to 59500 “NW-500 down- 6 room bungalow with attached 1 mortgage for Good all round condition. has G. M. DEALER 1710. » *1w15 HOT WATER furnace. Gurney No. 4-G, with oil burner. Small jacket heater. AV. 5-1860. , clw15 BARGAIN- fiNumber ,1‘ . White Honey, 30 lb. pails at $6.00 each. B. Kays. R. R. 1 Gormley, phone tires. custom 28 Walmer Rd., TU. 4-2563. radio and whitewall $200 or best cash ofier. c1w15 Requires Service Station atten- dant. Duties will include train- ing in Parts Dept. and preparing new and used cars for sale. Permanent position. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS KING CITY CLERK - STENOGRAPHER lsoss. Painting, paperâ€"hanging, inter- Ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace. etc. V. Ostergaard, 148 'Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4- tfc23 all supplied, $60 a month. Ideal; for business couple. Phone Gormley 5201. c2w14 ATTRACTIVE 3 room apartâ€" ment, cupboards, washing facil- ities. parking. Suitable for young business couple. AV. 5- 2731. tfc14 441 ELMWOOD AT BAYVIEW Large one and two bedroom ap- artments, modern in every de- tail, swimming pool. elevators, FM music. large balconies. inter- com, parking, TV outlet, fully equipped and fireprooi'ed. Lanet Apartments. phone AV” 5-2303. ME. 3-9506. ME. 3-8572. and screens. spacious 1andscapâ€": ed lot. Full price only $12,500. 514.500 Aurora. Gracious older style 2-bedroom brick bungalow}â€" with attached garage. well lo- cated in an older part of town. 4 piece bath. summer porch. oil‘for university student. arriving Features large living room. den.tTR-ANSPORTATION ' m - - ' ‘ . . ‘ . Phone EM. 4-5451. quick sale. Low down payment balance ravin 5 "‘11 f th- 323â€"5790- ' Handy Thornhill GOOD used furniture for sale- __.__...__â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" er-Jeweller, Barbering, Halr- 0f concrEte “01k garage. newly decorated recrea- 0f n 995 V ,7 l . e e l g or Isl . _ Call Frank's Movers and Stor- 1956 MORRIS convertible. new dressing Ask for prospectus, 2855762 FREE ESTIMATES tion room. TU_ 46432. “€15 A__#__7*m_ clwljlwnh easy terms. Eranch bungalow attached gap. 112012310111? I1:00:11 bI‘Stnchlbun- age. 28 Industrial Rd. TU. 4- tires, new top. 221-4218. c1w15 transportation allowance and “C31 - --' . m - RICHMOND HILL : EARL V. STEWART .age_ owner has purchased. im-‘ g . '3 0° 5 e_ '3 “'39- 2613 tfc3 â€"‘â€"â€"'.~.â€"â€".-â€"â€"â€" ATTRACTIVELY funnsmd- 1 . - - b 1 1 Real Estate Broker lmediate possession Pricey mam floor knotty Pme family ._._'__ ._ CAR RADIO, directional signals, benefils- TRANS‘CANADA HOUSE RAISING bedroom. ground floor apart- Aiuacuve 5” mm unga 0w? 91 Yonge St V Aurora l$12 000 L ‘ room with open fireplace and FRIGIDAIRE automatic washer. and an parts from 1950 Meteor. BEAUTY INDUSTRIES, LTD., Septic tanks, bathrooms, brick ment, separate entrance. 1 block with large carport, modern and ~ PA . - - bath ensuite‘ 2 can, “Page, A1 condition. reasonable. Also Phone TU. 4-2505. c1w15 Moncton. NB. *3w13 stone and concrete work. 30 west of Yonge. $75. 884-3348. Y9“ demra‘et‘.‘ “"Oughm“ {,“th ‘ chm, RICHMOND "ILL recreation room treed land- various sized wooden storm sash *â€"â€" â€"- _ CdnnEsp'oâ€"NiEâ€"NT years in this business. can “Wm luge recrea Ion room. ery ‘ '- I - I scape 2/, acre iot financin flfilflisfik-flwlé FAsltfngllzierwaS‘hisliiifilsgfl. “The Liberal" Heads 3 news after 7 p'm' PR' 3'5738‘ m2 EAR-GEâ€"m-od_érnâ€"2_b;di30m ap-SicRigs-£22501se‘zglgrlaggsigi? BUNGALow CARpoflT ifit‘rflgon3:1}?un‘heégigllzlntbddiifi to suu‘ 13“ Myles' ‘ ETJELIEIG fillebeillftureiT toubled. 111;}3341. _____ clw15 correspfindept {or ‘th‘ethchvatle pLUMBING- HEATING artment, electrically equipped $125.00 monthly. References re- $1.300 down, balance one mart-dill”- 5‘4"" mortgage “"195 Y?“ “’i“ 1°.“ “‘9 9939C and H3151 a3 l-an [5' $363 monh 1954 NASH Metropolitan, radio. an.” ere Shobom c ancned ":3 A. MILLS 8: SON LTD. “When; 50“ ‘Vatefi exceuent quired. Call British Mortgage gage. Aurora. Biggest bargaing$o9 monthly. recreation room, 11111.91 0f “115 COUHtl'yfllke lo- TU 44115757“ u C35141956 Plymouth, radio. privatewzglevzagzuiime rgsmargmz “gal James 13- Stewart Vfilue- 00 Benson AVB- TU- 4‘ 8; Trust Company. HU. 5-9381 of the year in this fully detach- bl'9ad100m- alumlnui“ 5mm“ caimn near Thomhm'. “I” ' -__‘_-_._.__.._. - Your choice $195. TE. 3-5291. .n mane Please contact ‘our TU. 4-2201 11081. > _n_ -_tfcllior evenings H1. 4.4683. c1wl5 ed. 3 year old brick beauty with Price $13,900. Mr. Keller. AV. neighbours who take pride In USED LUMBER 2x6 20 ft. long elwis Pl. y~ _ _ tfc43'3 ROOMED apartment heat mmmpfis 3 bedrooms, large divided kitâ€"@3315 of AW. 0-3315- “‘9” Wm and the child. daisies: 2X4’5' metal Siding rea‘ “fl'w‘_7â€"_‘h~ Edltor “r- s. COOk at TU‘ 4I1105'lREPh-EWERKTfiâ€"é electricity refrigeratory stove, R C ‘IOND HILL chen with exhaust hood storms‘ ren WI“ love you tool no “name. AV_ 54649 or A'V_ 5_ 1953 FORD Vlctorla Hardtop. , ,, l . IN I Hi . FLECK &KEFFER REALTORS through traffic and just a short walk to school. 3 nice bedrooms with bath ensuite. gracious living and dining room completely broadloom- ed. large bright hollywoodI kitchen, warm cozy recrea- tion room. 2 car garage. Full price just $19,900. Mr. Vin-‘ cent. c1w15‘ Transportation required. Gormley 5293 *8w9 for Government Department in CARPENTRY WORK. additions, $22 WEEKLY’ loyer fugpislhw: 11509 heating‘ nice garden Terms- )9 a-m- TU' 4'2521- 01W15 , ' Aurora (5 day week - 3 week, renovations, garages. recreation apartment, eqmpped' ltC1enH . W. R. CASE REAL ESTATE {WAâ€"thb leavinâ€"nâ€"Bâ€" T.‘ w *d Buying, Selling or Trading SNOW FENCE vacation - sick benefits). Short- roomS- tile flOOI'S- N0 1017 £00 §eparate entrance’ parking bus" . 96 Yonge St' S'- Aurora [Cartier to arrize algdi and‘ C 11 K ' 39 1’9" 5° f°°t r01" “951 909“ FALL PLOWING Phone 257- hand and typing essential. Sal- small Free estimates- T- Price- mess adults‘ Aurm‘ PA‘ 7'5597‘ PA' 7'42” ‘ WA' l'lssllJarvis at 315 am andwretiii1 - a a”! m" :13] cent;Uea§hi4£3ree delizferiyd 8756. ' mm m, according to experience. AV. 5-3653. tic-28 tfc15‘ GARDEN “W15I4‘35 pm C511 M‘rs.'Bant0n th‘l Av. 5-1156 - BA. 1.1103 one - ' ~ 0 â€"â€"_â€"‘â€" A 1 Box 63 The Liberal. SPECIAL ‘ o ‘ - 'i andd alters- pp y c2w14 Chesterfield sets recovered _l T0 RENT ‘ ___._,Im_’,w,_ cl'wlksK Member Of the Toronto finest quality. Small load $5.00: 513:75' Mrs' Mammal ' Til 24i Ellâ€"Ewa EXPANSION lar e 111'le We“ $69-00- NW“ “size $99â€" Ceme‘“ mlxers- fl°°" sanders‘ BOB’S SODD'ING â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- !WAMED leavmg m the “Cm? Real Estate Board large load $15.00. can collect . ‘ fl . inf 5 years guarantee. Terms if (18- an Edgersv ramset guns: mto' sod supplied and laid Row. D My 0f Ma“th Road and Bely'r M h f th TU 4-2538 01- p3 3.5922 “C39 HOUSEWORK wanted. 8 days 195mm“ comPany 0 firms ‘9' sired, A. Smith. Upholstery, tillers, rotovators, also 500 other . . t. t‘ 884_ TEACHERMew. to arrive at Uanel‘Sltyl em er 0 9 York counl’ a week. $7.00 plus carfare. TU. “me opportumty for aggresswelphone AV 5â€"1682. tfc43 tools. Willowdale Rental 82 “11mg Free 5 “m e‘ â€"‘â€"-- - -~ -â€"_:and Conege at 9 am” return, Real Estate Board HEAVY GAUGE steel roofing, “966. clwls and ambitious young married Sales_ 6026 Yonge St” BA. 1_ 2677. thG SMALL DANCE classes for ad-l l 20 squares or over. $10.00 per sq; under $10.35 per square. Gormley Lumber. phone 5710 Gormley. clwlo HONEY, basswood, buckwheat or clover ~ now ready - with or without containers. Arnold (Worn-er), 22 Scott Dr., Rich- vale. AV. 5-2724. c1w15 BOY'S dark brown check suit, size 16; girl’s woollen blue plaidl coat. detachable fur collar. size! 12-14. Both in excellent condi-.1 tion. Phone Gormley 5369. HMS TREE for removal, felled logs. For 'sale, 2 cribs. one bassinet size and one large size: also console model Singer Sewing Machine, 2 Spring mattresses;' 1 double bed size. I 39-inch size. Phone AV. 5-3489. c1w15' SALE PRICE ' on wall to wall DRAPERIES 6 width, fully lined, 95” long, $47.49 traditional & modems WYN-DOT LADIES' SHOP Bsyview Plaza I Richmond Hill c4wl2 BEAUTYREST. Marshall. Sim- mons, Serta, Heely and otherl spring mattresses repaired, re-l turned just like Ilew. medium‘ firm. extra firnl. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. 0n-: tario Bedding Co. AV. 54591.: iren. any age. 884-4182 or 884- lgarages. ‘ TU. 4.2214IYou name it. we‘ll make it. Free‘gleat HOME TYPING wanted. Dicta- c1w15 Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. AV. 5-5126. tfc52 HANDYMAN, good worker. re- liable, part time or full time. Day or night. TU. 4-3287. c1w15 RETIRED gentleman, office, re- ception. investigation work_ full or part - modest pay. AV. 5- 3754. *1w15 WOMAN with nurse’s experi- ence will give day care to child- 4740. *1w15 DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS DESIGNING TU. 4-4670 phone experience. TU. 4-5687.‘ YOUNG MEN, 16-19. lookingl for work. Anything considered.l man. aged 24-45. For sales and service work in Willowdale and North Toronto and south. High School education an asset. Full training program. Starting sal- ary $100 week. Future earnings. mast attractive. Apply J. C. Kyle. 2298 Yonge. HU. 5-6523. c1w15 lSALESl‘IEN & CANVASSERS l lahead in the sales field then take this opportunity and learn .to sell at our expense. No exâ€" lperience necessary. Car essen- tial. Salary, commission and ov- er-ride. Apply in person, Friday, October 12, 10.30 am. - 3.30 pm. Regent of Newmarket. 188 CHRISTMAS IS CARPENTER. kitchen cu}?- boards. rec. rooms. alterations. planters any shape. estimates. M. C. Dufly. TU. 4- 2588. tfclO BABY SITTING DAY CARE, any age, in new *2w15‘ GIVING TIME. Avon Cosmet-I ics appeals to every member lot the family. Show these qual- iity Products and cash in on this demand. Openings Doncaster. Richvale. Langstai‘f, Grandview Estates. Contact lMiss Ziegler. jGuelph. Ont. clw15 l WANTED - REQUIRED i “ If you are interested in getting-V ETOOVed 3/16 - Cam and car" Davis Drive, Newmarket. c1w15‘ l ~ tfcll [[1, PO. Box 141,- KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192 King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 CALL us for your sand. gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerl‘ari, Maple, ALpine 7â€"8876. MAHOGANY PLYWOOD . ry price 4 by 7 $3.36, 4 by 8. $3.84 per sheet. Butler & Baird' Lumber Ltd, 191 Yonge St. N. tfc13 MASONRY. PLASTERING ALTERATIONS. REPAIRS ESTIMATES FREE L. SARGEANT TU. 4-5594 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations & repairs, prompt service. WALKER & MITCHELL ’ AV. 5-2526 1 tfc8‘ PAINTER & DECORATOR For good prices see our showâ€"“P room. Wallpapers. drapes. etc. â€" Harry Sargent. 9018 Yonge St., Richvale. AV. 5-1591. tfcfi‘v SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 l5-2303. ME. 3-9506, ME. 3-8572. 1711. tfc42 A BRIGHT unfurnished one- bedroom apartment, fully equip- ped kitchen, available Novem-I ber Ist. No children. McLatchy Building. 80 Yonge St. South. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1733 or TU. 4-1064. tfcl4 PORTABLE TELEVISION Rent a portable TV Reasonable weekly or monthly rates. 1 Delivery and Pick-Up ' Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonge S. TU. 4-7456 AV. 5-3756 tic28 LANET APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL ‘ 441 ELMWOOD AT BAYVIEW‘ Large one and two bedroom ap- artments, modern in every de-i tail, swimming pool, elevators, FM music. large balconies. inter- com. parking, TV outlet. fully equipped and fireproofed. Lanet Apartments, phone AV. tfc9l 192 BAYVIEW AVE. 1 block south of Markham Rd. Richmond Hill Ideal for career girls to share. New unfurnished, fully modern, tetc. C. L. Knappett. TU. 4-3089. llawn sprinklers, chain link and EVERGREEN SPECIAL Good selection of large spread-‘ ing evergreens. $2.50 each., 7815 Dufferin St.. Concord. just- north of Highway 7. *3w15; PEAT LOAM Peat Loam, 6 yard load $12. Also large supply of manure and sod. Bayview Garden Sup- plies. TU. 4-2538 or PR. 3-5922. tfcll .ing 5 p.m. TU. 4-1959. clwls, ults, commencing October 15L and 30. Cha Ch-a. Samba. Tango,l Waltz. etc. Expert instruction; best references. Call Mrs. Du- biel, TU. 4-1883. c1w15 REAL ESTATE 7 WANTED LOOK LOOK Lovely busily cedars. 18” to 24"I 50c each or $45 per hundred; 3’ to 4’ $1 ea. or $80 per hundred: also peat loam $8 a load. Rotted manure $10 load. Landscaping, tfcl4 ELGIN MILLS LOAM and SOD co. LTD. Top Soil. Loam, Cultivated Peatl Loam, Sandy Loam, Well Rot- ted Manure, Special Mixed Loam, Field Sod, Cultivated Seeded Sod, Nursery Sods. AV 5-1514 1 ‘ tlcz P. HANSEN and Co. ; COMPLETE landscaping, sod“; laid and delivered, sandy loam and peat loam, crushed stone for driveways. Underground wooden fences. patio. sidewalks installed, spraying of lawns and HOUSES WANTED Buyers waiting. some with large cash payments. for Thorn-hill and Richmond Hill homes. Call Mr. Heiberg. AV. 5-1176. Res. AL. 7â€"8941. David McLean Ltd. Realtors. c1w15 PROPERTIES WANTED We are nearly sold out of prop-- ertics, houses, lots. acreage} farms, businesses, gas stations. €- Buyers waiting, some with cash. others with good down pay-i ment. Prompt efficient service. Nine salesmen to serve you, 25 years Real Estate experience.= HERB SILLS LTD. Members of Toronto Real Es- tate Board AT. 8-1143 Woodbridge R0. 9-4901 tfc10 , PERSONAL $99 FULL PRICE, LOW DOWN PAYMENT 11/2 storey home in good condition. 4 Bedrooms ' Lot 60’ x 210’ - Double Garage 'I'Il. 4 - I119 EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS “6441’ -. - iTile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean, hot water heated, three bedroom shrubs. pruning. maintenance.‘_____+__.__ ' ‘ _ 15 CUEfC‘iiddi-‘fiéa‘erspg. lig'l‘e'faizsfz' -,,__EC.H‘COMPLETE Brownie outfit, slze‘modern service. apartments with balconies, twimAV- 5-1236- WILD" 3°“ have a dm‘kmg pmbj Ladies W001 Fur Trimmed 35 mm Vojgtlander camera “.‘i-u;.G00D DAY CARE for two Dre-lit) or 12. A. 5-3376. clu 16 C. STUNDEN bathrooms. twin entries. close .lé‘m‘.’ 1f Sf} AA "can help. Bol- - . . Strobonar electronic flash unitiscllool Phildren‘ Thomhm area'i USSâ€"EbgFURNITUâ€"RE TU‘ 4.1245 RlChmond Hm to Shopping‘ Sghools‘ Churches ‘m' The Llhera‘ tfcwz Coats - Ch'dlIIOIS Interllncd $100: man's full set golf cliib5.;AV' 1539569:,E,___ __ “1“‘15iwnyTED _ pianos and used __"E A __E _ w , __ ,,_tf_°4_° all“! tl‘allsportahpll- Immeglate i 1 bag and caddy cart 5100; elec-I MOTHER'S HELPER ifurniture. Cash pricesi pasid. Can K't (fiUSTOM CiAlllquNbTRdY Vgig:upiggyafiphaggfzrg; 5:: . MARKETPLACE OF THE 0 . F K ,V ri fl r '- - 2'; - ‘1 -. r , :Frank's Movers an torage. 1c ens remo e e. e room- ‘__ _ _.--_.,.‘ DISTRICT - ‘ w (.c . 0° “afhmqs D WEN”? . . Sm“ . Tu. 4.2513. Av_ 5-5101, tic'zland bathroom vanities, stereo,.Sunday 2-5 pm. or apply apart- FREE to good home. 2 part Per-t LIBERAL CLASSIFIED 1'” . picnic coolcl $1... All In excel- Experienced bab3-SIMEIS home-t . . . . .. - - . 5 . 0 o . ‘ - ' ' w '. . t hI-fi, china cabinets. Free estlm-zment one. TU. 4-7755. RU. l-,slan kittens and one gentle ol-| PHOVE lent condition. TU. 4-3104 fter makers service and dav work» i . . , . , . . . - A , 530 pm (1“.15 can dav or night. TU‘ 114-53 ‘i ates. Morris Harrison. TU. 4- 9382. 7 {tel-l del‘flklitten. 4-3139. rclula- Tu. 4’1105 I, “WM” â€"' ' ‘ f __§€1_5; YdVGE‘“ {HEâ€"PLAZA ,GERMAN shepherd pups. 1; W on AV. 5-3316 TYPEWRITERS ! CHESTERFIELD suites- and: ' . ‘ . ‘ weeks. priced reasonable. A\'.jm ADDfNG MACHINES and BOAR-Dichgonlle chairs Pet‘0\i)(‘ll‘ed and 62 HURT ST‘ 5.2455, evenings a1w15: . ‘ U t ' d woo] ‘ Ere uit, at. a reasona e price. v , t I ‘ 7», â€"-â€"â€"â€"---â€" - - - 7 Y . 1' Sales Service Rentals lFURNISIâ€"IED ROOM in attrac-No job too small, Free estjm_lbllual€d In the heart of Ricn-‘WANTED a good home fox tuo Ladies 11 rimme V, IN trained kittens. clwlS AV..mond Hill on a quiet residen- Dal‘l Persian lip-allial street within walking dis- 47-3285g r _ UP'HOLSTERY"’ “ tance of shopping. transporta-AMERICAN eskimo pups‘ pure Authorized Dealer _ ‘tive. quiet home, for bilsiness‘ates_ Murray All Popular makes for sale In- FUNDS available for lst and‘lady. one block from Yonge.'5-4767. ell-"1mg new and rebuilt stand-22nd mortgages. E. T. Stephens Meals optional. TU. 4-1555 after Upholstery. Dress Coats - CLEANING CO. ard poi-table and CIQCIFIC mOFl' Investments Ltd, AV. 5-3785. 5 pm. “CB Recovering and repairing of any tion. and schools, All modernlwhite' small‘ “Helm-gen“ Also ' ele. Stpectlal'l rental rates avail-‘ uglz‘ kind of furniture. Experienced.conveniences have been includ-lsamoyed pups. Innoculated AV. 8 e o s u on s. .______...1 ion Scandinavian flu-mung Free’ed in this building. Aluminum-5.1972, {£923 DRAPES. CARPETS, pricesllstorms and screens. patio doors tMONEY available for good fii‘StL 'and second mortgages. reason- L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. sizes 10 to 201/2 Reasonable ICERMAN SVhâ€"cgherd puppies. lestimates. RUGS. FURNITURE. and'MISCEI-LA H ALL CARPET REPAIRS -___. _-.. A _ “649.1”: Clam" TL +4413 m2iDO YOUR Christmas shopping tfc44§appliances optional heated gar- (1131;531:231 p'i‘iigliigsgoo 161132.114 1 dzt MAKE your pennies work for; at home with friends Have a, 7 .ages_ 3917 77”» ~wH-w: -7 if r mme 1d 6‘ you. TWO of any item listed in‘ lRonald party your choice of: HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV POODLES. small. blacks and pick Up and Dem-91y our new FALL REX.\I..L lc Thostess gifts. Call now PA. 7' APPLIANCES Bachelor, 1 Bedroom & whites. top quallty. Puppies gale of SALE Advertisement for the BLTSIVENS 4620. clulfi Wiring. Sales, Repairs. Parts, ‘ 2 Bedroom 5110*" a‘allahl“ ‘lmldm"”1-.dn“' L price of one. plus I penny? ’ l b 7 Rentals apartments are amilable position 8100 up. Gormley 33.39. VIA-4w BROADLOOM THURSDAY, October 18 to'. RELIABLE SERVICE General Elecmc Dealer , “cg - OPPORTUNITY . SATURDAY, October 27. More; than 350 bargains APPLIANCE SALES AND ilmported Stereo Radio-Phones} Free Estimates Rents from $85.00 â€" iPOODLES, top quality min‘aiiiré toehonseCHINCHILLAS SERVICE 40 Levendale Road Call 884-7347 or AV 5-1951 lblack and white from Canada‘s . .\ ( VD LL {mill Wighl‘s PhaFmaCN- The Can make you money. Stone-.Hare your antenna repaired or South Block Directions west nfi‘ yongp at‘finest blood llne\ Health guar- RHH‘I)‘ HI Rexall Drug Store. 28 'i'ollgelhousc Chinchilla Ranch. R R. l'installed NOW before “Inter Richmond Heights (‘cntre Hunt. St. second block south of fillit‘t'jd stud scrim- a= allahlc. TL. 43533 ~Streel. South. Richmond HillJUxbridgc. Out at Siloamv l'L.’53 Yonge St. S. TL. 4-2283. , Tl'. 4-3211 All Hours shopping centre PI'r>{r--lnn2l pnod'e Quorum"; 3 v TU. 4-1521. Cl'll'l5l2-3757, RU. 2-6806. tfclll cluml tfclll Uclfi service. PA. 76669 Lichm

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