Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Oct 1962, p. 13

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v r Amy/4:.»â€" ’ THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. October 18, 1962 13 Oak Ridges lake Wilcox Socials : A birthday party was heldii fcr Arthur Good. 5. at the home, of his parents. Mr. and Mrs}l FOR THE BEST TASING FOOD YOU EVER ‘THAW' tragic accident took place recently when I-‘rank Gerritts. 43 Bayview Ave" KING CITY, OAK RIDGES "The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of in- gravel pit on the CFRB side-I . road. one and a half miles east of Yonge Street. commencing . ' . "-‘J'é'és'ii-‘fi-JH-V- - 7C: _ , . _ _ ‘ , Oak Ridges. was killed by at 1.30 pm. For further de-‘ teIeSt regardm-g pew-Ole and svems m the oak Rldges Lake Bill GOOd' Among the 20 guesm his own machine. while tails phone PR. 3-5582. I . TOWN & Countrv’s food-and-freezer plan Wilcox and King City districts Our news correspondent ' ele Penny Cunningham. the‘ . . , “ . _ , . _ \Iedus children the Brocki drilling a well on a farm Tile teen age dances have. a>>llres you top-quality name-brand foods ,; in Km: City is Mrs wmlam J Houswn' te‘ephone .h‘ld d th H d h‘ld ‘ between Stoumme and “am resumed for the winterI at lowest prices your family ever en'oved â€"' 7' d in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox Mrs. C 1 r.“ an . 9 ur. c I ‘er Claremom. I L - ‘ ‘ - . .I . - t TEmple 3 345 . an . Charlie Stald’ Teddle MCMIH _ it tie ake Wilcox School. firstl Lillian Atchcson. Wildwood Ave, pa. 3-5479, ‘lan Judy Peters and Sharon Mr. Gerl‘itts was the father dance being held on Octobei-t . If your weekly Under our plan IiBuét 10f five children and his widowrl3. ‘ - "â€" expects to enter hospital soon fOOd b1“ is now: liwm be only: $20............$13.40 $25 $14.65 $30 $18.00 9:93-9:40 . . . . $20.00 PHONE COLLECT ESTAB. 1950 TOWN & COUNTRY FOOD PLAN 210 Markham Rd. - - RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-5401 â€" AV. 5-5402 -â€" WA. 4-0997 I ~ A Halloween dance is sche-i . for the birth of a Sixth child. duied for October 26. Dance? ‘ o 0 Funeral services were held atIstarts at 8 pm. and ends atI . Our Lady of Grace Church. 11.45. Age limit 13 and up. I c e 5 ,Aurora. Burial was in 'l‘Iiorn-‘ I hill cemetery. Another tragedy occurred re- ~ - ' ' ccntly when Mrs. Betty Lamon~ The Gilmore family leased ' den discovered her five-weeks- lhe'r Aux-9m house for five: .old baby dead when she went years, to live as nearly as pos- in to get him from his crib in King City Notes turc for King City organized. Mrs. 'Patterson was natives of India WoAmghys' lhgtitute a secondary active at the United Church. in quality of their poultry. improve the rsar . was discussed the King branch .of the Cancer Tighxdmg‘clrs when they met last Society. and at Kingcrafts. week at the home of Mrs. Bev- it s it o . h ' . erley Felndell 0" COHCCSSlon 3- Rev. E. H. Costigan will offic- Sible like-Indian natives. . - the morning. Mr. and Mrs. L4- Three members reported diS- iaily open All Saints' Fall Fair On their.first VISlt to. Mont- The principal of Strange The groomus in his second monden were former residents cussing the possibility with Ber- October 20 at 10 a.m. real. the King group. enjoyed a School in King Township, John year as prinCipal in charge of of North Road, Lake Wilcox. V nard O'Beirn, principal of King Convening the large social ev. bus tour of the eitys main at- Frederick Thompson, took as his the SS. 4 school at Strange. Birthday Greetings longe Street South, Rich- City Composite School. Fifty out are Mrs. A. E. Jarvis. presi-ll‘actlons.' They stopped at bride Miss Merna June Hall. After attending Lindsay Colleg. Belated birthday wishes to mond Hm. douars was agreed upon as the dent Of the afternoon brand] Beaurepalre' Quebec' to Visa Lorneville, Ontario, in a weldqate Instltute’ he graduated several people Who celebrath _W~‘ W V sum to benefit one or more de- W.A., Mrs. George Cruickshank. Mn FOIllOtl’S cousmst Mr- and ding ceremony at Woodville re- from Toronto Teachers' College their birthdays this month serVing Grade 12 Ol‘ 13 StUdenlS president of the evening branch Mrs- Gilbert FOlliOlt. formerly gently, in 1961. He spent two years Mrs. Helen Fun October 3', t B .t' I1 M t Readers may order re- prints of staff photos appearing in “The Liberal" at the newspaper office. 63 REPRINTS AVAILABLE 1 I I of the school. WA.. and MISS Blair Burrows. of King City' The party re“ Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. teaching eight grades in the b 1. 5 Com The gift is currently effective, president of the chancel guild. turned along the south Side of Arthur E_ Hall of Lumevme' oneqooyn public school at gfgtBClcrihifoOrct£ogcltogc anti Mrs. based on exams of the past Convenors arranging Ithe sale the St- Lawrence' the bride was given in marriage LorneVille before transferring Eva web'b and her son‘ Tcm.‘ spring. Announcement of the of art. baking. fish pond. handi- * * * * by her father during the ser- to King. who celebrated their birmdafii bursary is expected to be made work, hats. knitting. treasures Former President Mrs. vice conducted by Rev. A. Mar- prior to the wedding friends‘on October 1'7 at the forthcoming commence' and luncheon are Mrs. Reginald Glenn Sawyer was present- tineau. entertained at parties in honor Mr and Mr; C Brook and ment of King City ComDOSite Case, Mrs. John Belknap. Mrs. ed with a silver caduceus She wore a street-length dress of the bridal] couple, famil'v VVi1(i‘"vooa Avenue School this autumn. Keith Tuck. Mrs. Frank Baker. pin at the October meeting of white net over taffeta. topped omce associates of the bride Spent' ‘Thanksgivmn weekend a." When the W1. received word Mrs. T. J. Colbourne' Mrs. Roy of King Branch. Canadian by a lace bolero with three-quar- gave a shower. At Lorneville the home of Mrq Emck-q sister their annual fall fashion show Cooke, Mrs. Eleanor Scott, Cancer Society. held at the ter-length sleeves. Her flowers Public School Mrs. J. Taylor. and familv Longer, Onthrio had been cancelled. they imme‘l‘ Mrs. Walter Breckcll, Mrs. Gor- home of Mrs. Leonard Ap- were red roses. Mrs. G. MacEachern, Mrs. M, Mr ana‘Mrs G’ Crang 5nd iater planned a cuchre for last don Wells, Mrs. John Grew. pleyard, Melrose Avenue. Miss Glenna Hall attended Steele and Mrs, R, Mclnhes son ‘Gamet V‘Omil Rogd‘ cn_ evening at Caddehvs Garage. Mrs.‘ Ross Walker. Mrs. Eric On behalf of members Mrs her sister, wearing a street- planned a community miscell-. ,‘d th Tlhi‘mks iving (wok; Mrs. Russ Walker and Mrs. White, Mrs. Eric Johnston and A l d m d th resenta; length dress of turquoise net aheous shower. Joldo t e f _1 games!“ at Harald Ratdm were name-d de-l- Mrs' James Baxter" ting :Taihe soacigty‘seergblem as 0"" tafieta' “cent” by 3 b0“' Mrs. H. McInnis was hostess 31.911.211.19 am y g g egates to the area convention in The bazaar will be open from a memento of Mrs. Sawyer.s quet of white roses. Barry Tru- at a kitchen Shower in her home Mrs. Lor‘raine Recsm. (form Toronto November 7 l0 9- 10 a m. to 3 p.m. in the church . . . man Weston was best. man. . n _ .' . . contribution as a driver and as ‘ . ‘ - at Eldon Slam)” MTS- Hall 3!“ erlv from here) and her two The workshop on W-l- Pro auditorium. Proceeds Will be last yea“ president. A reception followed in the ranged a trousseau tea for her Children. visited her parents cedures", to be held at New' used toward kitchen furnishings Open 3 Savings Account today You Will â€" Earn 31/391; interest on minimum half-yearly balances. â€"â€" Be able to write cheques on your market November 13 will be at- and new choir gowns MFS- Sawyer expressed her EnggcgnicggggngzogofnfirTigrgfiizv Slaughter at their LornEVllle Mr. and Mrs. Webb. North savings account . ’ . ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ome. , . v - tended by King representatives * a t. a apprec‘atwn and WIShed the Stoney Creek, Parry Sound, Road, for 10 days recently pliox â€" Find it convenient to use free addressed stamped envelopes for depositing by mail. Mrs' AuSlin Rumble' Mrs" ver' May Carson Unit members 5,2,2? gfighsjuggfsftiihilfyhitee. Flamboro Courtland. Kirkfield. to leaving for Edmonton where dun Gordon, Mrs. Beverley were uests of the Friendship . Lorneville. Owen Sound. Barrie. they will live. Mr. Reesor, a Felndeu and Mrs‘ William wu' Unit gUnited Church Women Gently moved to- Whltby' u Weston. King Cit-Vi Eldon Sta‘ S member 0f the RCAF’ “I” be loughby. whel; Mrs Larry Rubin Aurora' A“ Informatwe film-u To “on and woodvme_ a e stationed at Cold Lake, Alberta. . t v Smoke Or Not To Smoke was The bride“ mother received. Mrs. Freda Munro. Moray‘ M mbers answered roll call , . . by retaining a member of the Showed pletures and descnbed shown. The urgent need of more Avenue. was taken to hospital} . h ‘ 't to th Hol Land and - - wearing a blue and black flow- w “MW “0““0‘1- Mrs' 09"“ airin‘oim e y volunteer dmers was d‘scusse‘i ered print with black velvet n ater sage.“ Newmark“ menu“ . lieve the few drivers who . M d VI S Ch k t Dawson 5p°k° 0" the mono' ‘ -to re - - hat and accessories and cor- “an l1'5~_ ~ and 599“ "Democracy reflects the traits (1“ng fiucifiripesgfigidvaiihrciigg lravellgd 1100 miles ‘Vllh Pat- sage of pink carnations. t the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. C y - ‘ - ients Since September 1. Nick Charuk. Elliot Lake.‘ °f men' and time primarily Mrs Leonard A 1e ard friend- The groom'5 mother assisted. K. c.t means participation of the ma- Ship’ unit leadegpprisidéd' De_ * * * * wearinga green dress with black I y where Mrs. Charuk. was god- Plans and “hearsals are con' accessories and pink carnation mOlhel' for her mecev Gary jority of the community,” . , M Allan ‘ ~ ’ I I i ‘ Refreshments were served by 12:5??? we hazy Cau__tinu1ng in preparation for the “usage. V A decrease in the amount of Anne. John and Mark, vlsrted.‘ For travelling the bride chose water being used daily in King the" gran‘dmother. Mrs. Lillian Miss Eva Dennis. Miss Annie son Unit "Third Nighter“ presentation McBride, Mrs. Warren McKen- ‘ * * * It by King City Home and School a threepiece navy blue suit City indicates residents CO_Op_ Robertson of Willowdale and dry and Mrs. George Dawson. f S A Association February 15 and 16 with navy purse and Shoes‘ white erated with the recent watep Sandra spent the weekend wlth . * * * * d Seleralpmemeri 0 Cth n}; m A” saints, Chm.” Ila” hat and gloves. The couple are works bulletin distributed by MR 311d MFS- Art Miller Willl’ Dr. J. A. Saunders, who 'nggs tt I:de enan. 1 ruvlgcce The script of “Alice in Blun- making their home in Toronto, the fire brigade, urging careful ams-ford, near Owen Sound. ‘ has joined the practice of 3 en e a Spec” se derland has been completed The bride graduated from the conservation, Mr. and Mrs. Ronny Stork. . 'n Thornhill Presbyterian M L' 1 D U M Ad. . . ‘ - Dr. Quentin Hardy and Dr. I . ' rs. _ione enne , rs. commerual course at Lindsay Gradually the rate of com w1ll take rQSIdence at the form- Jame McPhee, is living qulurfl sundth Evening Eben am DaVldson and Allen sneath‘ Collegiate Institute in 1959 and sumption dropped from 35_000 er home of Mr. and Mrs. F. with his family in the Pat- ‘53 “gm 9 5“” 59° 8 0“ form the central . _ . pmduCtion has been employed by Dominion gallons to a new low of 65 000 Kl‘lliCk on BayView Avenue- terson house on Hollings- E33: ggiliiaia committfife "1 Charge 0f script of Canada General Insurance. a day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Topp and worth Crescent. Mr. and Mrs. ROSS Foumtt of anigrlcbavidson is ch ~r an gun-195 were heard of a house- the twins spent. the weekend at . » _L ‘ Mrs. Fred Patterson moved Strange with their daughter ‘ a] m Wife Who Saved 3 p311 0f laun' Georgetown Wlth Mrs' TOPPS . . , of the concert committ e; Ke ' ' ' recently to Winnipeg to be with Marilyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Aub- Chesney e n TICketS Available dry rmse Water to Clean the parents. is business manager; - ' Mr. and Mrs. Ken Searoer and her husband. who was transfer- rey Glass. motored to Montreal Ralph Loney has the role of $2 l‘ivighle fifiitrhegod‘gofit tiff: family, North Road, 6 spent Start saving your money. Visit our office today. BRITISH MORTGAGE 8 TRUST COMPANY Rudy H. Reiter, Branch Manager, Newmarket new fed from Montreal. to bid farewell to a missionary Stage manager. and Lionel Dem - , , Thanks .v.n v ek nd t th Mr. Patterson used to repres- family from Aurora gomg to Ill- nett is supervising sound efiFects For concert senes dram until It had been used to glflfrgi \ e e a . .e wash the cellar steps_ cottage 0 ends. Mr. and Mis. Association when it was firstt ThethgtfirleEd-lhad3:11;"? Subscriptions for the ted she saved the vegetable Jade Seager is enjoying her 0 mSpec e mpress o n - concert series starting Novem- water _ for bathing her feet new position at the Inverurie . . . ain as they said good-bye to Mr. Former M P To Speak . Wh'td‘urdl PIEb'sc'te their three children Maureen SCh°°1 “‘9 bemg arra‘l‘ge‘l by servation. village trustees com- Turkey Shoot ’ ' - Mrs- James HOUStO“ 855mm by mended residents for conserving Although weather prevented James and Barry Miss Margaret Aitken. Tor- -d G1 . _ . I N Mr Gilmore is one of 45 Mrs- Dal” 355- the limited water available. a larger turnout, the Lions felt ' onto Slated For ov' graduates of the Niagara Chris- . mm College, Fort Erie who are former MP for York - Humber, aila'ble. for the four prograer problem are being pinned on On the farm of WalterPaxton. Whitchurch Township Coun- destined to Spend the next few will be guest speaker Friday at Ezefisggi’ger‘iibetglrd has already the early development of a deep Yonifge1 Street, was (mite suc- cil last week passed a bylaw years in Trinidad, India. Hong the York North Progressive ' well by International Water 0655 u- - women's riding will assist at the concerts are 1, -- d . nshl November 21. Kor a, Northern Rhodes, and . . _ een engaged for the past two competition, an 21 were won “10%: we qugstion is on the Nig:r13_ a aSSOCIEthD meeting in Trinity Tom Arlld'ge and MrS- years by_ trustees in a $9,000 by chance. Another shoot is ballot - the approval of dining Before applying for mission- H‘au’ Aumm' Wuham Curran' teSt'dl'lllmg Program- ’nt valentine Acres. Ratepayers. dial and lighting One woman laughingly admit- Muir. Kirkfield. and Mrs. James Gilmore and her 26 at King City composne Whatever the method of con- Hotel. Paget. Bermuda. Telegram writer. and or the 425 series tickets av- Hopes for solving the water their annual turkey shoot held authorizing a liquor plebiscite Kong, Japan, Brazilv Formosa. Conservative Among, the h°5tesses Who Supply Company, which has Eight turkeys were won in scheduled for October 27 at the L C I ake Wilcox Pin News lounge licenses, authorizing ary duty, Mr. Gilmore was a consumption of liquor with technologist at Kettleby’s Sky- meals. line Farms, where he worked A petition submitted by on developing hens that laid Grant ltlccachcn to council light-yoked eggs. early in September forced the He learned how to produce» vote. chickens with better flesh from' "mm The date was set by the li- less food. Through the United quor license board. Polls will Church he was assigned to use be open from 8 a.m. until 7 his specialized knowledge as a pm. poultry technologist, to helpl D. Glass, P. Rollinson The Lake Wilcox Bowling - 8 points, No. 3 - 7 points, No. League is now underway and 4 - 7 points. team standings are as follows: High average, Len Dion, 245. Numbskulls 17 points. Bot-lad1?5» Shlrley Tull 15,5- toms up 14. Falcons 12. Astro- High Sln'gle- Len D10" 322- nuts 12, Astronauts 9. Defend- M- Bukke? 203- _ . ers 9. Harems 6, Peddle-push- High Smgle Wlth handlcal’» ers 5. J. Adams, 340, M. Bukker 247. Over 600 bowlers are. Dave H‘gh trlple flat! Len Dion Neil 792 triple. Barry Willis 314.3” Arldres 456- 690, Stan Forster 686, Tom Bi- Hl‘o’h mple WHI J- Adams so 687. Charlie Ransom 647. 753i Bl‘kker 609' Ray Hunter 517' Phyllis Hep Ladies Thursday Afternoon bert 624, Ma Post 620. B t L933“ Clyde 614, C101 Friend 6081: a Team standings as of October Garner Highest Marks . Nearly 100 parents and Glass in King City CompositciHunter, 228. MiSfitS 14. GOOfballS 6. friends attended the piano re- SChOOI- Men's high SinglE. Dave Neil. High Single flat‘ Mary Lanta' . , - On behalf of the pupils,‘363; high single with handica. ,mus 246: High Triple flat, Mary cital given by Pupils of Mrs. Cheryl Chesney made the pre_ A. Stuart, 321. P Lautamus 625; ngh Single WH’ easy to buy simple to cash SUPER 6-20 with two I6" chains . . . $224.50 less trade-in ' COMPACT NU- 1 7 James Houston and Miss Diane semation of an oven dish to Ladies high average. Mrs. Peggy Cragg 235; High triple ' with l2” â€"“â€" "_‘" â€"_ Mrs. Houston. Marion Hunter, 188. WH' Mary Lautamus 712‘ firs??? Mrs. Houston presented High single, Marion Hunter, I ' less trade-in “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 awards to Diane Glass and Paul 272; high single with handicap. Rollinson, who tied at 92 for Ida Ransom, 331. the highest theory mark. Oak Ridges Electric League: Sharon Gelleny and DianelTeam No. 1 - 14 points. No. 2: Glass received awards for mak-’ ing "the most outstanding pro- i‘gress." i ONTARIO The program opened with seâ€" goodio keep Snipley. Bonnie McDonald, >i< Reminders about your Dependability Guarantee The new Canada Savings Bonds pay 4%% interest for each of the first three years; 5% for each of Estates, too, may buy. Interest is payable annually by coupon, or on the higher denominations lections by pupils of Miss Glass Elizabeth Cooke. Debbie?l 1 Mary Glass, Denise Berwick,‘, by cheque, if desired. 6 mm“ 113 “019" frame de- Diane Berwick and Betty Hare l t \ Second to the next three years and 51/670 d taclieti house situated on Part of A variety of numbers f0110w;‘ ~ for each of the final eight years You can cash your Cana a Lot 30. Concession 3. Townshlpaed by pupils of Mm Houston 7 . "one â€"an average interest to matu- Savmgs Bonds at any time, at of Markham. County of York,_ Cathy . , Smider. Cindy 0" the South Side Of the TownSheath. Francoise Venchiarutti. Line between the Townships OfIJoanne Hadwen. David Fae“. rity in 14 years of 5.11% per .WHEN YOU lRAnEIlp . in CANADA'S No. 'l CHAIN SAW PIONEER Reliable Mower ‘ any bank, at full face value plus KEEP INSUREDl earned interest. Separate premiums are required for year- In dOIlal'S and cents eVel‘Y . - “r ‘ ~ . . . ;, . . I , , , .n S ailing/Email? milgllgélslil‘cglf tithe {{eenaigfier ViViPlot-[pointb tfhPratty , your insurance from now on. Obtain $100.00youmvestmllgroivplvglglg B Bialytggw anidief'awl g railway tracks in Gormlcy. D' an (“9‘ a e me . application form at a bank, a 1105- accumulated Interest to$ . on s ayâ€" es e . ‘Venchiarutti. Anna Houston. . ‘ ’ ‘ Ofl‘crs will be received by a‘Ii‘olmeC Gilleny' Jghn HQaSlip' Department Representative who 0m 00 8' Shem-V Agnew' Ca" ' ‘ I ’- ‘ ~ will be on the 1.0 01.”. bet . thy Curran. Laurie O'r, Anne the hours of. p p ' “een Heaslip. Sharon Gelleny, Cher- . , . ::»:\\\11:00 AJL & 3:00 PM“- _\I Chesne). Paul Rollinson and. . pital or the Commission. at maturity. You can buy a $100.00 bond for as little as 29¢ a day, through the convenient Payroll Savings KEEP INSURED! Diane Glass. . \\\\\\\ The Fm,th - v Plan where you work. Canada ' . ' . . . . . ~~ _ premium must be paid to v v . . 'ri £50.“, OCTOBER 16th, Two pupils. Nadine Derl‘lckl com husband and “he Ten 1mur- =slnllolut~ YONGE ST. l\. TU. 4-1121 Savtngs Bonds can also be NHL. and Catherine Whalley were I chainsaw RICHMOND HILL group OR, if you pay your premiums direct, notify the Commission. bought for cash, or on instalments at any bank, investment dealer, stock broker, trust or loan company. For information please contact unable to attend. the: The two instructors conclud- Department of Highways, ‘0d the program With dUElS. 5 Regional Office. “Rendez‘lousur 8nd. “Joyous' Downsview, Ontario. Baum"- ..§;J t . $4.1. -t~. Telephone: 243.3445. I Many of the young pcrform- KEEP INSURED! Theyareavailableinamounts DEPARTMENT 0i“ If? thgdhhhneiér (381333 arifduhIII-‘El Follow carefully the instructions on the aslowas$50.00 to any'Canadlan ,1. HIGHWAYS. ‘James B. Hou‘sm'n' Méni‘r'l‘: back of the Certificate of Payment residentâ€"adult or childâ€"up b0 3;? 6000 FOR PERIOD SEPT. 15-001 31 This coupon is worth SI0.00 on the purchase of any new __ Pioneer chain saw. Trade-iris are accepted on this otter which expires Oct. 3I, I962. Form 104, which your employer is ONTARIO Street. for refreshments follow- E i: _ ' ‘ ‘ reqmred to give you. ing the reCitaI. a limit of $10,000.00 per person. BODY SHOP Expert Auto Body Collision Repairs and Repainting FREE ESTIMATES - GM AC FINANCING C. M. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. King City GJI. Dealer TE. 3-5301 '~ ’ fifi‘i‘fi 8‘. " Always keep your Hespital Insurance Certificate handy. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 YONGE STREET. TORONTO 7, ONTARIO

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