Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Oct 1962, p. 3

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I. Richmond Hill Lions Hall [ MONDAY, OCT. 22 OCTOBER 24 ~â€" Wednesday. 8.15 p.m. at Kingcrafts House, Mr. A. Colucci. curator of Pi- oneer Village will be speaker showing films. Members may bring guests. clw16 OCTOBER 23 â€" Tuesday. 8.15 pm. Woodbridge High School Auditorium. Films of vital in- terest to women, “Time and Two Women”, "Breast Self Ex- amination", sponsored by Wood- bridge Cancer Society. Drs. Garrick, McLean, Storey attend- ing. No admission charge. (See Maple Notes). c2w15 * " * * ‘ Next Tuesday's King-Vaughan OCTOBER 24 â€" Wednesday Plowing Match which will have 5 pm. - 8 pm. Turkey supper, a practical aspect not often Carrville United Church Hall. found in modern plowing ma-t- Adult: $1.50. children, under ches. 12 75 cents c2w15‘ A special feature of the ‘match 12 75 cents It! ill * OCTOBER 24 Wednesday. 8.15 pm. at Kingcrafts House, Mr. A. Colucci. curator of Pi- oneer Village will be speaker showing films. Members may bring guests. clw16 #1 t It * OCTOBER 26 â€" Friday at 8.15 pm. Euchre, in the old Victoria Square Community Hall, Don Mills Rd. Ladies please provide lunch. .clwls c2w15. A special feature of the ‘match will be tractor utility competi- tions where competitors are re- quired to plow a piece of land without stopping to shape fur- rows. This will mean competi- tors are plowing under actual farm conditions. There are eight additional tractor competitions along with two classes for horse-drawn plows. Treasurer Jack Macklin said that King-Vaughan Plowmen, *t‘klk sponsors of the match, expect OCTOBER 24 â€" Wednesday. Women's Institute Dessert Bridge and Euchre. 1 pm. in Library Auditorium. Proceeds Hospital Fund. Price $1.00.- A “x OCTOBER 26 â€"â€" Friday. Rum-'six to eight teams to enter Tues- mage sale 7-9 pm. King City day morning. Masonic Hall‘ Proceeds for The match will start at 10.30 North York Humane Society. am. at Mr. Macklin's farm on Richmond Hill Square Dancers. McConaghy School‘ Beginners welcome c1w16 OCTOBER 20 -â€" Saturday. An- nual Fall Bazaar Our Lady Queen of the World Parish. to be held on Saturday, October 20. at Our Lady Help of Christians School, Bayview Avenue. ch16 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT, 8 p. m. â€"â€" Bridge players attention. Duplicate bridge. Richmond Hill Bridge Club. 16 Bedford Park Ave., TU. 4-3991. Admis- sion $1.25. lfcl4 OCTOBER 18 â€"â€" Thursday 8 pm. Walter Scott Home and School general meeting. Mrs. J. E. Johnson guest speaker, “Peace Research Institute." OCTOBER 18 â€" Thursday. Rummage Sale at 7 pm. at St. George's Anglican Church. Wil- lowdale, Yonge St. at Churchill Ave., opposite the Northtown Plaza. Under the auspices of the Parish Guild. c1w16 OCTOBER 22 â€" Monday 8 pm OCTOBER 20 â€" Rummage sale. Saturday, 1 to 4 pm. St. Theo- dore of Canterbury Anglican Church â€" Moore Park and Cac- tus Avenues. (Stop 12-B). Won- derful bargains! c2w15 EVERY FRIDAY mam Euchre. Legion Hall. Cam-ville Road West. 8.15 pm. tfc39 OCTOBER 19 â€" Friday. York North Women's Progressive Conservative Riding Aswciation Annual Meeting at 8 pm. at the Anglican Church Hall. Aur- ora. c1w16 HALLOWEEN PARADE FRIDAY, OCT. 26 AT 7 PM. At Richmond Heights Centre 3 GRAND PRIZES â€" IO RUNNER-UP PRIZES SEE STORE EMPLOYEES IN COSTUME A Small Prize For Each Child Participating In Parade Club. 16 Bedford OCTOBER 27 â€" Saturday 10.30itee, ' i The police committee was TU. 4-3991‘ Admis- a.m. Bake Sale, in Our Lady of] It is now mandatory for em- asked to investigate complaints thI4lFatima SChOOI. 75 Yonge Streetlployees working shifts to take of parking on the west side of * t t * ‘North. convened by Mr5~ Fer'ltheir day off within one month Hall Street and in front of the 1s -â€" Thursday signs Houlihang ‘ . c2W“? of the statutory holiday. high school. COMING EVENTS c1w16 s for The match will start at 10.30 iety. am. at Mr. Macklin‘s farm on c1w16 the King Sideroad. “5;; NOV. 3_o â€" Friday. Hi-C Fan- . ‘See tas-y Fau‘ Tes-ton United Church. C2w15v‘Details later. c1w16 ~c'1w16I2 1y. OCTOBER 27 â€" Satuxday 1 to St '7 pm. Thornhaven School Ba- “_ zaar. 317 Centre St. East â€" fea- m turing games. tea court. hand- vn crafts. games. children's village of and pony rides. c1w16 NOVEMBER 7 â€" Wednesday 3-5 pm. The Inner Wheel of the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill will hold a Fall Tea and Sale 'at the home of Mrs. Don Beau- mont, 332 Richmond Street. NOVEMBER 3 â€" Saturday 1 pm. Turkey Shoot at Victoria Square Community Park. Shot- guns, yours or ours. ammo. sup- plied. Sponsored by Victoria Square Lions Club. AH proceeds [for community work. c3w16 [OCTOBER 27 â€" Saturday from '6 pm. on - chicken barbecue at the new Victoria Square Com- munity Hall. Adults $1.50, chil- dren under 12 - 75c. Bingo 8 pm. good prizes. Sponsored by lVictoria Square Lions Club - fall proceeds for building fund. l c2w16 NOVEMBER 11 â€" Sunday. 90th Anniversary, Teston United Church. 11.15 a.m.. Rev. R. Mc- Naught. Queensville. music by York Choraliers. 7.30 pm. Rev. D. Davis, Stouf’fville. Music by Scarborough A.O.T.S. Glee Club. c2w16 Hold Special Feature At Plowing Match OCTOBER 27 â€"- Bazaar. Em- manuel Church, MacKay Drive, Mark-Vaun Women's Institute OCTOBER 27 _ Saturday.1' Rummage sale, bazaar and bake} Changes in me police com- sale under the. auspices of theimmee’s policy for personnel L.O.B;A. of Rachmond H111 at taking days off in lieu of 3mm. w’,‘ix°“ Hall 1 to 5 931- Bar'itory holidays were revealed to gams galore. *2w15ltown council Monday nigh-t in * * * ’5 la report tabled by the com-mit- clw16 I Those not working shifts ~ Em' must wherever practical take Df'lvevthe actual holiday but if ser- Stm‘te vice demands otherwise the 02W16 holiday shall be taken within seven days, the committee has y 1 t0 ruled. Reeve F. R. Perkins informed council he had received several complain-ts about busses stop- ping at Centre Street on the east side of Yonge. Referred to ohe police com- mittee for study was informa- tion from the town solicitor that the CNR would .not op- pose any move to have whist- linvg stepped at level crossings 'within the town limits provid- ing the crossings are suitably marked. Council had previously com- plained lo the railway of exâ€" cessive whistle blowing by trains passing through town. He was informed by Trains- porbation and Parking Commit- -tee Chairman John M-acDiar- mid that schedules were still \being ironed out and it was only a temporary measure; Authorization was granted the Boy Scouts to hold their “‘Apple Day" October 20 in town. Only crossing not marked is the one on Elgin Mills Side- road. Some trouble has been exâ€" perienced on passengers trans- ferring from one bus to an- other, Mr. MacDiarmid said‘ Council approve a request from the Royal Canadian Leg- ion, Richmond Hill branch, for permission to hold their annual Poppy Day November 10 and the evenings of November 8 and 9 at all shopping centres in town. Richmond Hill will study anti-noise bylaws used by neighboring municipalities as a guide to drawing up one of bheir own, the report revealed. Chief Robbins was authorized to advertise for a police cadet to handle office duties at the station. Appointment of the successful candidate is to be effective November 1. seven days, the committee has! Minutes of council proceed- ruled. [lugs and town bylaws will be * t * * kept on file at the Richmond The committee has also ruled Hill Public Library council de- that Police Chief R. P. Robbins cided after hearing a proposal may not take a vacation period from Deputy-reeve Thomas extending longer than two Broadhurst to the effect that weeks at any one time. residents would be able to in 1x 1- * avail themselves of this inform- A new structure of “Stop ation when the town office is Streets" will be established as closed. A new structure of "Stop Streets" will be established as soon as construction is com- pleted on Newkirk Road. Libby Boulevard and Altamira Road are two streets under consider- ation. council was told by P0- lice Committee Chairman A1 White. He'also revealed he had re- Council Briefs Police say both Stanley Briggs driver of a car travelling northbound on Don Mills Road, and Wilfred Pielsticker, driver of an eastbound car on the Gormley townline, claim they drove through a green light Police estimate the damage donations will be grat to the right side of Pielsticker’s ceived and are deduct can at about $450. Pielsticker, income tax. Cheque: 31, his wife Hildegard, and 21/2- made out to the Canad year-old Ralph, all escaped with- Research Institute an out injury. or taken to the Bank No charges have been laid. Scotia. Richmond Hill -‘ ‘Uanadlan Peace Research Insti- esfalgggs' B'Hl‘iieaévzlf'glitute. The-fund will provide fin- Rita received abrasions to her anual aSSISFanCe t? a. team 0f left leg, knee and a twisted left “’9 Canadla“ selentlst‘s Wh“ ankle. The Briggs car is a total 1313’} to Study on a fun time wreck police say_ b21515 ways and means for the prevention of nuclear war. All Police estimate the damage donations will be gratefully re- to the right side of Pielsticker’s ceived and are deductible from car at about $450. Pielsticker, income tax. Cheques can be 31, his wife Hildegard, and 21/2- made out to the Canadian Peace year-old Ralph, all escaped with- Research Institute and mailed out injury. or taken to the Bank of Nova Installation of traffic lights at the intersection of the Gormley townline and Don Mills Road failed to prevent a collision Sun- day afternoon. Mayor James Haggart and Councillor Alec Campbell are appealing to residents living here and working in Toronto to take into consideration when donating to the United Appeal that Richmond Hill derives no direct benefit. They said the town does not belong to the United Appeal and asked for residents‘ sup- port of local charities. Light Was Green succeeding Roy W. Chandler, who moves to Oakville. Mr‘ Smith comes here from Hamilton. where he was the first manager of the bank's Ixountain shopping plaza branch. Upper Ottawa and Fennel. A native of Cape Breton, N.S,. he joined the bank in 1945 at Glace Bay. Most of his banking experience has been gained in Hamilton where he was formerly accountant and assistant manager of the bank‘s mvain King Street branch. He «has also worked at Acton and Sarnia Branches. He is mar- ried to a Hamilton girl and has two young sons. Both Drivers Sayfigfif‘fl. and ch After Collision§§§§3 Mr. Perkins said the narrow road and busses travelling on the street has led to complaints about congestion in the area. ceived four letters from pas- sengers suggesting ways to imâ€" prove the service and intimated he would be pleased to receive more. a“ ..... "MUN “I’m your Presser . . . . and I work with profes- sional equipment designed for each pressing operation. I know fabrics . . . just the right heat needed . . . just the correct pressure . . . how to prevent shine or fabric damage. All in all, I bring back the tailored look to your clothes. That’s why our Sanitone drycleaning is so popular. Try us today.” Why Sanitone Service is more than just drycleaning CORNER YONGE & LEVENDALE RD. For Prompt Pickup Service CALL TU. 4-4411 ‘25 yrs. of C omnzunify Siervlje’r $50.00 FULL CARD TO GO & SHIRT SE Mr. Trevor Pierce. vice-chair- man of the Richmond _Hill Peace Research Committee. is heading an area appeal that opened this week for contributions to the Canadian Peace Research Insti- Bomh Mr. and Mrs. Smith have been active in community and church work. Mrs. Smith has sung in church choirs and been a Sunday school teacher. Mr. Smith is a keen participant in winter sports and bowling. The Bank of Nova Scotia an- nounces the appointment of Campbell R. Smith as manager of its Richmond Hill branch. succeeding Roy W. Chandler. who moves to Oakville. ' Peace Research launches Drive Appoint C. Smith Branch Manager Of Nova Scotia LIMITED Ill-lull" :Wh Elect Dr. J. Wilson Head Election of officers was con- ducted by Mrs. F. C. Jackson. A. E. Plewman was named hon- orary past president and H. Calverley. past president. Other officers named were: E Lomax, treasurer; A Skil- liter, secretary: Mrs. F. Srigley, refreshment convenor; Mrs. N. Clement. transportation; and Mrs. C. Brown. membership. Mrs. J. Sheahan, publicity; Mrs. G. Sayers. sick and sun- shine; Mrs. E. Masters. repre- sentative .on advisory council: J Hillman and W Medhurst. Dr. J. P. Wilson has been elected president of the Rich- ‘mond Hill Senior Citizens’ Club ;at the annual election of offic- ers held October 10 in the re~ creation building of Richmond Hill United Church. Of Hill Senior Citizens MO'RLEY'S FIRST GRADE lb. 53c NEW ORANGE PEKOE Red Rose TEA BAGS Pkg-0f“) 75c FAB DETERGENT King Size TOMATOES 2 lbs. 49c i'ISYAGHETTI 2 20 oz KENNEL CLUB Aerify Your Lawn With Rich Black Sandy LIBBY’S NO. I HOT HOUSE FLORIDA, PINK â€" SIZE 96's GRAPEFRUIT 10for 59c 29 YONGE ST. S. 566F660 6 15 oz. tins 49c WING -â€" T-BONE â€" SIRLOIN Top Dress Your Lawn, Flower Beds Use Our Special Mixture MORLEY'S NO. I FANCY SNOW APPLESI JACKPOT Elgin Mills Loam AV. 5 - 1514 Peat Loam Tap Soil MANURE COMPOST Seed - Sod Mrs. M. Lilly and Mrs. G. Po- well. pianists; and Mrs. E. Mas- ters, singing. Following election of officers, the executive announced the club would hold its annual baâ€" zaar December 5, from 2 to 5 pm in the auditorium of the Richmond Hill Public Library. ‘vauuulll uncaucia a: 10W as $3.00. rousners at $34.38 - 559.50. M s. F. Ba ’15. entertainment r ‘ Also see our New Washers and dryers, starting at $109.95. con-venor: Mrs. Marsden assis- ted by F. Rose and J. Shearem PICK YOURS OUT THIS WEEK mailing: Mrs- J~ Shearer» bowl" Famous Singer Warranty and Service. Free instructions. ing; V. Sheahan. welcoming _ . . . , , committee; Mrs“ R Davis. M This Is an opportunity once in a lifetime. Hillman and I. G. Shenvood,: PHONE ORDERS NOW â€" TU. 4-2931 representatives on VON. Mrs. E. Andrews. assisted by Mrs Grace Sayers reported to the club on the recent On- tario Convention archivist; and H. Calverley, te- lephone. 54 NUMBERS CALLED ing Size 99( THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, October 18, 1962 8 RM‘N‘fiVx‘me‘WHx‘xM‘ “x‘m"‘W SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 18A YONG!) ST. NORTH. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2931 Gigantic Moving Sale! SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS PRICES DRAS'I‘ICALLY REDUCED See complete line of reduced Sewing Machines, as low as $62.00. Vacuum Cleaners as low as 49.50. Polishers at $34.88 - $59.50. Also see our New Washers and dryers. starting at $109.95. PICK YOURS OUT THIS WEEK Famous Singer Warranty and Service. Free instructions. STARTING TIME â€" 8 PM. CLUB HOUSE â€" ICE BOX JAR Delsey Toilet Tissue 2 roll pkg- White or Colored PEANUT BUfiEIi "ié‘mar 39c Maple Leaf "Sliced or by the Piece" KOTEX NAPKINS 2 Regular Packages BATON TWIRLING LEAN MINCED DENNIS MOORE SCHOOL OF DANCING “I. 4 - 2815 REGISTER NOW NEW CLASSES IN 6-10 YEARS OF AGE GRADE 2 R. A. D. BALLET TEEN - AGE BALLROOM BOLOGNA AND 6 QT. BSKT. lb. 33c

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