Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Oct 1962, p. 5

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It is gratifying to note that whereas the original seven won- ders of the world were for self aggrandizement, the modern day marvels are for the bene- fit of all mankind. day night. Delta Lambda chapter is now Member Stu Harwood gave a in the midst of its Fall Rushing talk on the seven engineering program and the first event to wonders of the world â€" being take place was a party for pros- an engineer, a topic dear to his pective members held at the heart. He drew the parallel home of Mrs. Libby Henson. between the seven wondrs of Bonita Crescent. on October the old world and the seven en- 2. Members and guests enjoyed gineering wonders of the new an evening of games and a spec- world. These range from the ial hilarious presentation of a building of a l7-miie bridge and make-believe ‘To Tell the Truth' tunnel across the Chesapeake television program in which Bay to the Snowy Mountain Ir- four members tried to guess the rigation and Power scheme in.reai “Betty Sigma Phi." played Australia. by three rushees. The "studio" It is gratifying to note that was complete with camera. mic- whereas the original seven won- rophones, announcer and cue ders of the world were for self cards. A very interesting programme was arranged for the Rotary Club at their meeting on Mon- day night. After three Sundays of oper- ation. the newly organized branch Sunday School of the Christian 8; Missionary Alliance in Richmond Hill has a present enrolment of approximately twelve. This sol-Vice to the community is being sponsored by the Alliance Church of Un- ionville where Rev. Richard J. Barker is the pastor and is for the purpose of providing Sun- day Bible instruction for those of the community who have no‘ present Sunday school affiliation and for Alliance families in thei area. The present. temporary. location is 202 Zelda Crescent.‘ The school is conducted on Sun-i days at 3 pm. Rev. Albert Hall is superintendent. Funds received from the sale of the uniforms serve two pur- poses -â€" to enable boys to ob- tain their uniform at minimum cost. and to assist the hard- working auxiliary with their numerous club projects. Can you helb? 'If so. call Mrs. R. Newman at TU. 4-2478 who will arr_an_gg for a pick-up Cleaning out your closets? Any outgrown cub or scout unl- forms? The 5th Richmond Hill Cub and Seoul Ladles' Auxil- hry would very much apprec- iate any donations. Pourlng tea during the after- noon were Mrs. A. S. Elson. Mrs. R. K. Young. Mrs. Walter Scott Ind Mrs. Garnet Francy, In the evening. Mrs. C. H. Sander- son, Mrs. Hardy Hill. Mrs. E. Moon, Mrs. C. McLeod. Mrs. C. Cowan and Mrs. J. Pollard. Out of town guests were from Bolton and Toronto‘ Over two hundred guests at- tended the ‘At Home' given on Saturday by Dr. John P. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson. Church Street South, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Mrs. John Large. chairman of the Canadian Mental Health Christmas Gift Campaign. will be entertaining at a tea at her Bathurst Street home this Sat- urday, for the group captains of the White Cross volunteers in York County. The wrapping and distribu- tion of gifts will be held at the King Township offices on De- cember 4 and 5. Decisions will be made as to the method of gift collecting for patients in appmved homes and the Ontario Hospital in Aurora. On Saturday afternoon they attended the wedding of Ron- nie Barnard and Beverley Gra- ham in Christ Anglican Church in Engiehart. On Sunday they had lunch at Mr. Barnard Sen- ior's lumber camp and dinner Sunday night at his home in Cheminls, returning home on Tuesday after a very pleasant} week-end. ‘ Mrl. J. Hunt and her mother. Mrs. J. Ciapham, motored to Kirkland Lake for Thanksgiving to spend the holiday with her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. William Lamb. and enjoyed very much the beauti- ful autumn splendour of the northern bushland. Plans for their tea and ba- zaar on November 7th. under the convenorship of Mrs. Bob Johnston. Mrs. Ron Ryland. Mn. Sandy Veysalere and Mrs. Stan Plpher. are enthusiastically be- ing carried out. Mr. And Mrs. George Rice and family, Leisure Lane. re- cently returned from a two week car trip to Tucson. Arizona. The Inner Wheel of the Rich- mond Hill Rotary Club met at the home of Mrs. Sandy Veysn Ilere, Tampico Drive. for their monthly meeting. Councillor Margaret South- well, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Clare Atkinson and Mrs. F. Dodds. took time 011’ last week from her busy schedule for sev- eral days shopping holiday in the States. The executive invites all lady members and prospective mem- bers to attend. Come and hear the minutes of the meeting and enjoy a sociable afternoon in the lounge of the curling club. Their son Tommy and his grandmother, Mrs. H. Rice. who have been holidaying in Tucson for the past two months. accom- panied them on the return trip. The ladies of the Richmond Hill Curling Club will open their fourth season of curling activities with an afternoon tel on Thursday, October 25 from two till four p.m. Editor Margot Crack I The evening ended \\'i"~ q ‘bufiet supper of pizza and sal- ladl served in an Italian setting. __.- wry! The September 25th meeting‘Country Acres of Delta Lambda Chapter, Beta The bride-s Sigma Phi sorority was held at in a blue dres the home of Irene Dawden. with pmhrnid; The bazaar committee of the Thornhaven School for Retard- ed Children met on Monday, to ‘hear Mrs. L. T. Redman explain the plans for “The Children's Village", a new idea for this year and will be devoted entire- ly to the children. The school students will act as sales people and the gifts. drinks. pop-com and hot dogs will be sold at} children's prices. Games. of skill, fish pond, a penny toss: and pony ride should prove an interesting place for every child} ____-_-. --..._ “v.” yuucxa Members enjoyed the pros-‘and matching blue flowered hat ram "Speech" which was given and blue satin shoes. Her cor- by Elsie Herridxe. Who led the sage was an orchid with pinkl group in a series of breathing rose buds. . exercises. Elsie also used tape The groom‘s mother assistedi recorders to illustrate the com- in a turquoise crepe dress with, mon faults in speech and eaChibrown accessories and wore a} member heard her own voice on ' tape. At the program's end. Mrs. F. C. Israel. program director, THE MUSICAL } as) INSTRUMENT ; commented on the presentation of the‘ program. The colourful posters are now on display. Anyone wishing one call the convenor Mrs. J. Arn- old Prlce â€". TU. 4-3674. “Pdsies and Pickles" will dis- play corsages. cut flowers, pot- ted evergreens, a large assort- ment of home-made jams and pickles and a marigold tree, re- ported Mrs. Wm. McIntosh. “The Tea Court" has three door prizes donated, reported Mrs. Morrison for the Doncaster Ladies’ Club. Next Sunday at St. Mary's An- glican Church, Children’s Day and Youth Sunday will be obser- ved by special services through the day. The Little Helper: party this year will be held in the hall at 3 pm. with a public baptism in the church at 4 o’clock at which time the children will be pres- ent in the church. At 11 am. the senior depart- ment of the Sunday School will be in attendance for the pres- entation of awards and prizes held over from the Spring. - Evensong will have its accent on youth. the 4": Richmond Hill Scouts and Cubs will be in at- tendance for their special ser- vices and the address will be given by Miss Edith B. Clift, S. Th.. Director of Youth Work in the Diocese of Toronto. The most important topic dis- cussed was the group commit- tee's annual meeting to be held at the Scout Hall. Monday, No- vember 5. All members are welcomed and are asked to please bring their husbands. Refreshments will be served. Six new members were wel- comed to the group. They are Mrs. Cragg, Mrs. Davies. Mrs. Harcourt, Mrs. Bndney, Mrs. Bird and Mrs. Burton. The first meeting of the lst Rlchmond Hlll Scout Mothers Group for the season was held at the Scout Hall. October 10. The executive provided refresh- ments of desserts and cofl‘ee. The highlight of the after- noon came when Miss Marian Coulson. secretary of Unionville Horticultural Society showed pictures which she had taken when on a tour of the British Isles. France, Belgium and Hol- land. ' Please see "Coming Events" rfor notice of Dessert Card Party. Come out to the next meeting of the Pleuantvllle Home and School Association at the school on October 22. The speaker of the evening will be Mr. Gordon Kidd of Etobicoke and he will outline how the “Aims of Edu- cation” have changed and are changing. This promises to be ‘a very interesting talk. Mr. Bill Luckins will be at the door with his hospitality committee to welcome you. Remember the meetings start at 8:15 sharp. Richmond Hill WJ The regular meeting of the Women's Institute was held on October 11 in the auditorium of the public library with 47 members attending. The Curtain Club took ex- cerpts from its revue 'A Twist of Lemon’ to Buttonville W.1. Hall on Tuesday evening where they entertalned members of the Victoria Square Lions Club on the occasion of their Char- ter Annlversary Night. A group of ladies met at the home of Mrs. C. Wilson. 333 Cells Road. to assist with mak- ing decorations for the Christ- mas booth at the bazaar of Our Lady Queen of the World par- ish being held on October 20. 91'. Ben The bride's mother received held at in a blue dress of silk organza an. with embroidered front panels 3 Prog- and matching blue flowered hat 5 given and blue satin shoes. Her cor- led the sage was an orchid m’th pink eathing rose buds. Miss Heather Miller of Maple was maid of honour and the bridesmaids were Mrs, Marilyn Broad of Nobleton- and Miss Beverley Miller of King. They wore gold peau de soie gowns with veiled bow headpieces, as did the flower girl, Miss Sharon Black of Ottawa. They each car- ried a cascade of bronze and gold ’mums. Mr. Tom Cober, twin brother of the groom. was best man and the ushers were the groom's brothers. Mr. Jack Cober and Mr. Alan Cober. “The reception was held at Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white peau de soie featuring a boat neckline and traditional long sleeves. The bell skirt had an overskirt chapel train elab- orately decorated with cabbagel roses and leaves. The elbow length veil was held with a tiny crown of crystal and pearls.‘ She carried a cascade of yellow roses and white ’mums with‘ trailing ivy. Tall baskets of gold and bronze mums were placed on the altar and the church pews were decorated with bows and heather which was sent from Scotland. Mr, Robert Carson played the wedding music and accompanied Mrs. Marie Lyons as she sang “Wedding Hymn” and the “Wedding Prayer". The Rev. R. Graham officiat- ed a-t Kettleby United Church, on October 6, at the marriage of Carol Jean Black. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Black, Kettleby, to Donald Ross Cober, son of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Cober. Schomberg. Carol‘ Black Is Bride 0f McConaghy Teacher Mr. Duncan Chamney is per- sonnel officer for central re- gion. He was associated with the local office of Ontario Hy- dro here for many yeam Mr. Roy Taylor was pgééen‘t from Brampton Hydro where he is now the superintendent. Another former resident Mr. Norman Chatterley also attend- ed. M‘r. Chatterley is area man- ager for the Sutton district. Sevenal former local resi- dents attended the official op- eninvg of the new head office Ontario Hydro Central Region in Willowdale, Wednesday af- ternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Grainger, Yonge Street South. celebrated their silver wedding annivtrsary on Sunday last with a buffet supper attended by twenty-five close friends and relatives. Chairman Sam Cook and of- ficials Brydon Ellis and AI. Hor- wood represented the town hy- dro, while Area Manager L. J. Roy represented the rural oper- ating unit of Ontario Hydro. In the evening some 40 staff mem- bers of Ontario Hydro and their families from this district tour- ed the new building. Both the local and provincial hydro were represented at the official opening of the new head office of Ontario Hydro Central Region, held Wednesday after- noon of last week in Willowdale. They had been married twenty-five years on October 16. The many friends of Mr. John Berestord. Arnold Street, will be pleased to hear that he is making satisfactory progress following an operation on Mon- day at York County Hospital, Newmarket. '1 “film FREE Start Playing Today Our 8-week Beginners Course at $250 weekly includes the free use of an instrument in your home. Call TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC “Life in the Hill“ is al- ways pleased to accept your news items for inclusion in the column. The service is free, just call the Social Editor. Margot Crack at TU. 4-1195. or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South â€" we'll be glad to hear from you. Yonge & Centre Sta. Richmond Hill THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT g2) OF YOUR 5-3 CHOICE LOANED \ 28 Yonge St. corsage of an pink rosebuds Leaving from Country Acres the bride wore a brown two- piece suit with a wedding ring collar, matching shoes and purse and a winter white hat. Mrs. Cober had been pres- ented with a Blue Mountain vase. prior to her marriage, by the nurses in the residence of York County Hospital, Ne‘wmar- ket, where she is on the staff. WIGHT'S PHARMACY Mr. Cober teaches grade 5 at McConaghy Public School. Rich- mond Hill. Previous to his mar- riage. his pupils presented him with a lovely decanter and six glasses. The staff also presented him with a set of steak knives. service By certificate from other churches: Mr. and Mrs. David Don, 423 Wenlock St. from Alexandria North, Dumbartonshire, Church of Scotland: Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mock, 402 Fernleigh Circle. from Durham Pres- byterian Church; Mr. A. C. MacLean, 25A Yonge St. N. from St. Paul’s Presbyter- ian Church. Toronto; and Mrs. Amy Johnston, 148 Yonge St. S., from Rich- mond Hill United Church. They were received into fel- lowship at a special Pre-Com- munion service held in the church on Friday night, October 12, when refreshments were ser- ved by the women's auxiliary in the church hall following the OCTOBER 18 To OCTOBER 27 his Peter is the president of the Richmond Hill High School Student Council. Mrs. W. Purvis. convenor of the 1962 Rummage Sale spon- sored by the Evening W.A. of St. Mary's (Anglican) Church, and her committee. Mrs. J. Goodier, Mrs. J. M. Langton, Mrs. N. McLeod and Mrs. C. Williams, wish to thank “The Liberal" and all who helped in any way to bring this important parish and community event to a most successful conclusion. New members added to the roll of Richmond Hill Presby~ tel-Ian Church and who took their first communion in the church on Sunday, October 14. were: Richmond Masonic Lodge Wednesday evening was host to a large number of visitors from _ Toronto and lodges. . Cast and production crew 0f; It was the occasion of the of- 1the Curtain Club revue, “Amciai visit of R. w. Bro. s. H. Twist of Lemon" me? on Sat-iBrennan. District Deputy Grand urday night for a mid-run party Master of Toronto District 5. at the home Of Mr- and MI‘S- W. Bro. Stanley F. Tinker. the Harold Monks Woodlane. iruling master and the other of- * * * " ‘ficers were complimented on TwentY-five friends gathered tht degree work of the evening at the home of Jane Clement, and at a banquet the usual Harding Blvd._ on Friday even- toasts were honoured‘ ing for a surprise party for Peter Hiscott, who celebrated By profession of faith: In Ross and Rosemary Ross. 130 Centre St. W. and David Smith. 155 Centre St. W. BAYVIEW PLAZA BEEF 35: lb. 3 lbs. 95c lOINS 0F BEEF lb. 69< (‘UT AND WRAPPED INCLUDES SIRLOIN, PORTER HOUSE AND T-BONE STEAKS @Good eatian \(QaA-r SAVINGS . 17th birthday on October FREEZER SPECIAL MINCED C. NELS GAGE orchid with dark TU. 4-1521 rfrom l to 5 pm The convenors of the event. Mrs J Wiseman, Mrs A John- ston, Mrs F Simpson, and their committees have worked hard to make these sales successful, but they need your help. Make a note of the date. October 27 The president thanked the Ladies who helped with the membership tea. The member- ship convenor, Mrs. James Coug‘hlin. reported eleven new members. Refreshments were served by Mrs. W. George. Mrs. T. Van Wieringen, and Mrs. R. W. Southcott. There will be bargains galore for everyone at the rummage sale, and the booths at the ba- zaar will be well stocked with fancy goods, aprons and gift novelties, to delight the early Christmas shopper â€" and to tempt the gourmet, a table of delicious home baking. Two new members, Mrs. Dor- othy Van Goozen and Mrs. Bar- bara Armstrong were introduc- ed at last Thursday's meeting of the Friendship Circle of the Anglican Church of St. Gabriel. making a total of twenty six members present. At a recent meeting of the ladies of Empire L.O.B.A. No. 894, plans were discussed for their forthcoming bazaar and rummage sale to be held on 0c- tober 27th at Wrixon Hall, 104 Yonge Street South. ‘ Once again the Midmer Dance Academy pupils enter- tained thousands when they ap- peared on Channel 11. on the‘ popular "Tiny Talent Time" programme. This time it was a modern jazz number. The dancers in- cluded Linda Bobo, Lynda Char- trand, Marilyn Chartrand. Judy Jenkins, Mary Johnson. Susan Owen, Bernice Pozdrowski and Linda Stokes. The children were rewarded with a "Mr. 1Channel 11" pin. and a parch- ment scroll to commemorate ‘the occasion. On Monday. October 15. a joint meeting of the Catholic Women's League. and the Holy Name Society of St. Marys’ was held in St. Mary Immac- ulate School. The bake sale to 'be convened by Mrs. Fergus Houlihan. will be held in Our Lady of Fatima School, 75 Yonge Street North. Mrs. Helen Fountain led the exercises. which included some new variations. Mrs. Gladys Palmer and Mrs. Rita Boyle showed the girls how to make colored candles and bath salts. Mrs. Marion Danter read from the Circle's book “Seeing the Best". Coffee was served by Mrs. May Carney and Mrs. Au- drey Dillstone, who also brought her mother. Mrs. Griff Owen from London. Ontario, as a guest. Mr. Walter Scudds. Blue‘ Grass Blvd.. attended the two day annual convention of the New York State-Canada Magic- lans .Convention. .The con- vention is held in a Canadian location every six years. This year‘s convention was held at the Central Y.M.C.A. in Tor- onto. Mr. Scudds has enjoyed the New York where they spent a hobby of a magician for several week with their daughter Mrs. years and is in great demand Doug Allan and family. at children's events. While in New York Mr. ~Wag- * * * * ner had the good fortune to be Richmond Masonic Lodge a guest at the fourth World Wednesday evening was host to Series Baseball game at Yankee a large number of visitors from Stadium. Richmond Hill TU. 4-7691 Many happy returns! Five] friends of Neil Paton gatheredl at his home on Driscoll Road‘ on Wednesday last for a birth- day luncheon to help him cele- brate his fourth birthday. Enjoying the fun were Judy Edwards. Terry Davis, Paul Evans, Kim McMaster, David McCartney and Neil‘s two old- er brothers, Ross and Alan. “Apple Day" - that worthy annual event in the Richmond Hill area - is scheduled for this Saturday, October 20. Bright and early that morn- ing, the eager. smiling Cubs and Scouts will be around, vis- iting homes - offering luscious. red apples - and the usual generous response will be ap- preciavted. Appliance Sales 8; Service All Electrical Repairs & Wiring TV-Antenna Repairs 8: New Installations Telephone TU. 4-2283 Evenings TU. 4-3392 The AOTS Men's Cltl') of Richmond Hill United Church held a dinner meeting Wednes- day evening. Mr. John Aspin of Presbytery Men installed the new executive. The members en- joyed an evening of fellowship including a sing-song, games and a movie. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wagner of Richmond Street have just returned from a motor trip to New York where they spent a week with their daughter Mrs. Sunday evening services have Mrs. J. W. Eikins of Pat resumed at Richmond Hill Un- Claire. Quebec, is visiting her i_ted_ Clgnrch for thg fall. Rev. parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hill. C. G. Higginson will preach a series of sermons on the mean- ing of church membership‘ 53 Yonge N O W . . . . . For The First Time In Richmond Hill SOUTH BLOCK THE MOST AMAZING SOLE IN NATURALIZER HISTORY ‘ge St. 5.. Richmohd Hill Work Guaranteed CORNELL TULANE AMHERST Black $15.99 Brown $14.99 Brown $15.99 Three wonderful styles with Naturalizer’s AMAZING SOLE. . . made of soft durable leather much like the top of the shoe but treated to be scufl-proof and waterâ€"proof. Invisibly cushioned inside for a new kind of comfort. Reliable Service SHIELDS Wright Street Cold weather's coming on fast! Don't let it catch vou with your car unpre- pared for rugged winter driving conditions. Drive in now for our pre-winter check-up and aervice! COOK'S BP STATE VARM MUYUAL IUTO- MOBILE INSUfiANCE COMPANY. emu/m Hut om“: TOIONYO Use your headâ€"and SAVE! Check State Farm's low insurance rates tor cateful d riversâ€"rates so low that one out at two may save important dol- lars. Call today! ,3â€"“ James Grainfi? 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars Get Your Car Ready! HM: FMMM ELGIN MILLS ‘l . 1-3151 TU. 4-1529 THE I_.IBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 18, 1962 5 Richmond Heights Centre h this week Phone 285-1073 STAN BUDNY SAM BRUZZESE Announce Th_e Opening 01‘ STAN'S EUROPEAN SERVICE Deposit This Coupon and See Prizes _on Display at Richmond Hill Music Centre In The Mall at Richmond Heights Centre STOP 24A RICHVALE 8.1). SERVICE STATION CLAIRTONE MARATHON CONTEST PRIZES To DATE $238 1 estimate the Clairtone Italian Proi'incial will run day & night without stopping for hrs. Name Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F01? fill: [WM/[V Specializing In Volkswagen Repairs And All Makes 0f Cars Also Fender & Body Repairs LTD. 1'". 4 - 5341 Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond "ill Cushioned comfort wrapped in soft scufi-proof leather

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