Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Oct 1962, p. 6

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6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 18. 1962 PERSONAL Do you have a drinlang prob- lem'.’ if so AA can help. Box 16. “The Liberal" tlcw2 lI'I. KEITH LTD 8242 Yonge Street - WAITRESS wanted."I‘own Inn __,_‘C9’1t_m£9l___ 6 ROOM bungalow in Richmond (Continued) » 74‘ FOR SAI E STRAYED - 5 yearling Holstein ‘ . ._ _. _ . CASH RATES. 1st insertion 50 "£11 "Tat “3‘” “3;?” 75° Restaurant. TU. 4-2141. tfc13iFIREPLACES fixed and built. Hill. available November 151.,33‘C'HEL‘O‘R apartmemfclose mil-4:- .memfdfiéâ€" CedéEheifers from lot 9. concession 6. M- '7 11"“ BA- 1 1103 Second and Sllhlequent "13911033 "or g SURVEYOR-S assistant wanted. AV. 5-2573. c1w16 TU. 4-4732 after 6 pm. clwlfiiyonge. Reasonable rent, TU. 4W Vaughan Township. Lloyd Av- unchanged, 5c per word. min. charge . . . . . . 65c strip boat. 1956 15 hp. Evinrudecn: Bolton‘ phone 1128574625 Spec-"118 . TU. 4-3938. c1w16 JOHN'S washer and appliance l0'3 LUCAS ST. small hou5e1§55_2«< 7 i 7’, fqlfilwm, remote controls, Boatiraii- chm FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charlie D" “15mm” 0" 5'09 RELIABLE gamma“. one “repairs. TU 4-2615 tfc50 suit couple. gas heat. garage. 31,2 ROOM self-contained apart-‘er. Complete ssoooo, TU. 4-1, i - a, e. .. . fl. Richmond Hill COMING EVENT NOTICE: 50 per word; min. charge 75c two days a week AV. 5-3554. _â€"__ALUMI§UM â€"l!’{U‘ 85710. :lwlqmem adults only. A“ 55233. l3902- clw16 LOST buns], colored bquw ‘m V . I s DEATHS . clwlsiDoors. windows, awnings and‘ONE bedroom apganit. self-‘ tfclli ,Bevefley Acres- serial NO- VB lhm‘nl‘l" ‘VlllOWdale CARDS 0F THANKS’ IN MEMORIAM ' ’ OMAN dlrailings Ron Woods TU 4-1514 contained private entrance ‘s-lfdoMâ€"SUHgâ€"aldw VRiChmonâ€"d‘ 1925154‘ male' Amwers to name . GW nt ' " ' ~. '. t ‘ I{“"', i _ ~. -_r‘ - ENGAGEIZEIJnTsfrtldnARRIAGES 1.00 folliEtIl‘lecleNa month in Ricl'lranolid “on central location adum' TU‘ 4‘ Hill Ca” AV- 5'2951' T‘ Mur" 0 Prmce Phone 1U. 4cllivllsfl‘ 3111,5335: 3112:0536 crondllltggfiil v - - ' - ' ~ - ~ ' d' y'm l i m Hill. Phone 285â€"3368. clwidpAiNTtING.Cpaperhanginlg Frie1263- g g “tf615phy. Broker. c1w16 l mm finished basement in Classified advertisements shonl e an ear y n e ‘es ima es. 0 our samp es. BACHELOR apartment, fur-‘ R‘chmond Hill, Mr, Slater, week II 9°"le hi“ "0‘ We" “1'11 1° “11- 0" Wednesdays. “Ehfizfihat‘ffiti903‘g’; 423%: W nished. 86 Spruce Avenue_,APARTMENTs REASONApLE. __ _i__d___.____r_r_ Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone 2mm, ' C4,,” SEPTIC tanks pumped 24 hour Richvale. Av. 5-4373 after 5 T- Murth Broke“ AV- 533?; BOB‘S SODDING 523.700 - Handy Thornhill TU 4-1105 and you will receive anOICe. â€"â€"-' _â€" 'â€" â€" â€" lservice' C Bums} PR 3'5035- P~m- C3W15,._ 7-- _.e..“c‘WD Sod supplied and laid. Roto- location 6 room ranch bunga- . MALE and female help wanted‘ _ tfc4 TOEEFWJB ROOM apartment. private filling Free estimate, 884- filmd low. all rooms extra large. for iaCtgfiy work' tempoiarfl; PLOWING. discing. final grad- Floor sanders. saws and drills. balh‘ 510W? and frldge- $18 2677. 1106 2nd mortgages E T St: has; ‘ mam flqorknouy pme family ' ARTICLES FOR SALE 'TU' '33 ' C w ing and seeding. TU. 4-1538. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail Weekly or $75 monthly- TU~ 4- â€"EVE§‘GREEN‘S’P’ECIALâ€"* Inv stm m U'd 'w‘ 5 figs 5‘ room With open fireplace and r ( CLEANING lady for two daysI tfc12 drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc21 1229 after 5 P-m- *lwm Good selection of large spread- e e s ' " “'le bath cn-suite, 2 car garge. $weekly. Permanent Job. AV. 5- PAINTING & PAPER 5 ROOM apartments‘ centred FURNISHED bed_simng mom‘ mg evergreens, $2.50 each_l._-__‘_ if; recreation room. treed land- SRYER $69 00 TU 4-3211 ELECTRIC STOVE’ $4900” TU' HANGING Richmond Hill. For appointment kitchen. parking. 16 Lorne, lst 7815 Duffel-in St” Concord, just MgNEY agallable for good firstl scapcd “(l acrcllot. financing ’ ' ‘ ' ci'wis 4-3211- “W15 CLEANING lady wanted for 4 R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. call Mrs. Blackwell. HU. 3- thouse east of Clarke's Drug mm, of Highway 7, rawis 3“ 59w" mOFtEages- reason-i ‘0 sult- Mr- My 95- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . s2w15 L- _, Â¥_" rates. Medcof. Lawlor and, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"*‘EFRIGERATOR Crossley $50 GUITAR brand new, reasonable. hours Fridays. Beverley Adres. tic 9432. clw16 store at Yonge. FEAT LOAM Le Claire TU 44413 m2, stone and brick owner bum fiv 54530 ' c'lwm‘ TU. 4-2617. clw16 $4.00. 884-7888. clwl6 FRANK’S WELL DRILLING OAK RID‘GES, Bayview. Mod- NICE ROOM with private bath. Peat Loam 6 yard load $12. $6 000 AVAILABLE 'f ultra modem dwelling with â€"â€"â€"”' - #3211 2 SPACE HEATERS. reason- WAITRESS wanted. Apply Papvs Pump installed and serviced. em 5 room bungalow. All con- in spacious home on Yonge St. Also large' supply 0‘ manure man a" lo: a d or_dlst‘ 2 car garage‘ block from 21 TV- $491)"- TU- 4' - able. AV. 5-2949. *1w16 Restaurant, 194 Yonge St. N.. Frank Gerritz. R. R. 2 Aurora. veniences. $95. PA. 7-9488. PA. Heated garage. if desired. Box and 0d 3,, View Garden gup. . g =9 3“ °".~°° “51 0"". Yongc in Thornhill Village. c1w15____________ . . ‘ _ - 8 L~b lwls 5 ~ y_ ‘ tial property. Willowdale and -- . .â€" _ Richmond Hill. tfc16 PR. 3 5673. tfc50 7 5046. tfc14 6 The 1 eral. c _ _ l Liv1ng loom 15x25 feet. mas __â€"____T__aiâ€" REFRIGERATOR 569.00. TU. _ _ e ._ Plies. TU~ 4 2333 0" PR- 3 5922‘ north end. Kenneth Sharp. Re- b d 15 19 f t EICYC%%‘1’531§'S°° 3%,; 4-3211. clw16 TWO MEN to work 5-9 p.m. ROTOVATING COMFORTABLE furnished ATTRACTIVELY furnished. or tfcll alter, 285462, “mi Leurm fnrgfgkfast:ook 5;» on. . - . . V . - . . . . a _ _ _ 1 WEDDING gown. Size 11, daily‘ for $50 per week, Write Custom rotovatlng, aerating. room in quiet home. near unfurnished. 1 bedroom, ground LOOK LOOK mo stove. refrigerator, wash_ ELECTRIC train set and extra equipment, Triang H.O. gauge. worn only once. reasonable. AV. *1w16 5-2949. Box 62 The Liberal. c4w14 EXPERIENCED service station lawn and garden maintenance. Tom Mashinter. 884-7573. tfc41 schools and transportation. Call, after 7. 884-2741. c1w16. floor apartment, separate en- trance. 1 block west of Yonge. Lovely bushy cedars, 18" to 24" 50c each or $45 per hundred; 3' l er and dryer. pine finished recreation room, thermopane Like new $25. AV. 5-5547. c1W16 _â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€"attendant A - . SAND ANOEEXVEL crushed fr ’ ' ' 884-3348. *2W15 » h d d- . . __________.___ . pply Gabriels Tex- - 6 ROOM Split level dream to 4 $1 93' or $30 Per “’1 re - Windows. aluimmum storms STOVE. full size Acme, clock dugpmbztfigs' 313235 $21,}; aco. Tu. 4-7601. c1w16 “one. 103’“ “1d ml Es Charm“ home, 2 bathrooms. on ravine UNFURNISHED. nery decor- also peat loam $8 a load. Rotted and screens, fully landscaped, and oven timer. good condition, $50. AV. 5-5547. clw16 TV FOR SALE 21" Admiral. in good condition. Phone TU. 4-7425. clw16 FLOOR space heater and 200 gal. tank. 95 May Avenue, Rich- duty hoists. 285-5719. KITCHEN table and six chairs in good condition, reasonable. TU. 4-2968. ONE CHESTERFIELD chair. Best offer. TU. 4â€"1478. nc16 and tfc48 clw16 MAN WANTED to help operate feed mill. Apply in person. Roy Cooper, Silver Mills, R. R. 1 Maple. c2w16 APPLICATIONS are invited for the position of church organist in the Village of Maple. Replies l tch' PLANNING A DANCE? Call us for stero and hi-fi DANCE MUSIC Reasonable rates. courteous ser- vice. TU. 4-7287. tfc36 CHIMNEYS Richmond Hill. TU. 4â€"1701. lot. Back and front sodded. Pav- ed drive. TU. 4-5834. tfc13 LARGE two storey, four bed- room house, south of Richmond Hill at Bayview. TU. 4-5542. clw16» FOR SALE oftâ€"RENT ated, $75, 3 rooms. kitchenette, private bathroom, opposite Rich- mond Hill High School. 58 Hall. Street. *1w16 5 ROOM house, heated, newlyi decorated throughout. Opposite park. T.T.C. Business or middle aged couple. Abstainers. Refer- manure $10 load. Landscapingt etc. C. L. Knappett, TU. 4-3089. tfc14 ELGIN MILLS LOAM and SOD CO. LTD. Top Soil, Loam, Cultivated Peat Loam. Sandy Loam, Well Rot- WANTED MEDIUM-SIZED house wanted; Can do repairs. Reasonable for all cash. Write Box No. 67 The Liberal. c1w161 HOUSE WANTED ’’’’ Thornhill 3-bedroom home, ab- flagstone patio. $5,900. down. Mr. Hill. Maple - $15,700. - 6 room brick bungalow. fireplace. 61‘ x 145‘ lot. excellent 10- :ation, N.H.A. 634% 25 yr. mortgage. Carries for $95.00 vale. €1W16 received Box 92 Maple. c2w16 Chimne 5 built and re aired. 5 room bungalow With attached _ â€" ted Manure, Special Mixed out $20000, for waiting client er month, Mr. I). Brown. THISTLE baby carriage, used BLACK LOAM OWNE HOUSEKEEPER one pram Free eslimates. Expertpwork- garage. newly decorated recrea- Magâ€"i131? Loam, Field Sod. Cultivated with large cash payment. call BMW 8 months, $15. TU. 4-3342, Good for lawns and gardens. “C31 nurse and hel’pers part manship. Phone Walker and tion room. TU- 4-5482. rift}? BATHURST & FINCH- self-Seeded Sod. Nursery Sods. Mr. Heiberg. AV. 5-1176 David $29,900. New England Cape clw16 Phone Unionville 556. clw16 time and fun time. Nursing Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 mmshed 0232;219:0222“ Sgogdagarimégtl AV 5-1514 McLean Ltd. Realtors. clw16} God in the Older. more gla‘ SNOW FENCING, approximate. NORGE space heater, cabinet Home, TU. 4-2651 after six p.m. LANDSCAPING. Cleanup. weed- room. Thornhill area. Private. gtove washith galchigg ' an; U62 pRopERTIES WANTED ! elous section of Thorlnhlll. Iy 150 feet. Good condition. style. good condition. TE. 3- tfc14 ing- Planting. Seeding. Reason' Parking- AV- 5-4115 after 5 11m parki’ng $55 00 monthly JrU 4_ We are nearly sold out of prop- Spamofls 7 room film yzome Half Price TU- 4-1360- clw16 6833 evenings clwlfi EXPERIENCED butcher for able “‘es' Ca“ “enmgs‘ H- L”; 3923. ‘ ' ‘ clw16 fmes' bhmises' 1°t5‘ acriage' greathZ :crlgatshes mge‘auticflil WW TWO JUMPERS and one tunic, self-serve supermarket. Must be Somme“ 384'5838' “C16 BACHELOR apartment. furnish- FULLY mode?“ farmhouse‘3 USED CARS 83:;er isttlftégnfir grounds, By a‘ppoimment tank, about 120 feet 11/4” gal- size 7. One coat. size 8. TU. 4- capable to manage department- . E' PAYNE laundry fadl‘ities‘ pnvate en- bedrooms 3 miles southwpst others with good down 3 _' only. Mr. Vincent. vanized pipe; 1 jacket heater. 4176- 01W16 Apply REd & While FOOdmaSter,Dralns sept‘c tanks- A“ types‘tm‘ncev 5"“ one- $50 monthly- Richmond. Hill, $90 per momh’ mem' prompt efficient swag; ___â€"â€"â€"â€"-7 AV- 5-3248~ clw16 DOUBLE BED, spring and mat- BaYV‘ew Plaza- 91316 °f c°"°rete mm" M , , 35°13 with electricity. Middle-aged‘ Nine salesmen to serve you. W°°dbridge "9” 524,000- 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES mâ€" -- ‘j" . - 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent 25 R “.3 t - Easy terms complete this 9001) used furniture {or sale. tress. After 6 pm. TU. 4-2909.I CAN USE 3 men at once. No tf 3 ROOMED apartment. heat. couple desired. No small Child- . . years 6'3 sin 9 experience. - _ Call Frank’s Movers and Stor- clw16 experience necessary no invest- Mâ€"Wâ€"aâ€"l electricity. refrigerator. stove ren, Available now write Box 90â€"min“);me HERB SILLS LTD. Cape Cod styled home With age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- mm merit. transportation provided. SepticflggESE batl’goomf brick all supplied, $60 a month. Ideal 66 The Liberal. clwis 1961 FALCON station wagon. Members ggtel‘lggl‘g R931 515- lspat‘éolelslzigmzflllninz 33:23; $.23“ so . i... 1 SKILL SAW. heavy duty a"; c1w15 ' ‘ pm ‘2. years in this business. Call °r 9" ' â€"- lovely country setting- yet only g ' _' ' Ro. 9-4901 * â€"â€"-â€"â€"f~« 1 washing machine, Easy, .w1th KITCHEN cupboards white REAL ESTATE salesman, for after 7 pm. FR. 3_5788‘ “cg ATTRACTIVE 3 room apart- 1/2 mile from Yonge St.. right SACRIFICE 1957 Rambler. one “cm, 5 mom ranch style home on pump. both in good condition, and counter top yells“, linen’ Richmond Hill office, prefer W ment. cupboards, washing facll- in Thornhill. Overlooks golf owner since new, Just traded in a secluded acre of land in $40 each. 884-7214. c2w16 SKATES, girls' tube, size 2; boys’ hockey skates, size 6 and size 4. $1 a pair. 884-7888. ~ c1w15 CURLING debenture, double. husband and wife, Richmond Hill Curling Club $300 cash. TU. 4-1177. c4w14 arborite. Very reasonable. AV. 5-3416. OFFICER’S cleaned and reproofed. Guitar in case, needs restringing. TU. 4 lined -5446 between 10 and 6. clw16 RICHMOND HILL curling clulb clw16 raincoat, married man 30-50. Mr. Shields. TU. 4-3805. David McLean Ltd. Realtors. clw16 TYPIST required for general ofiice duties by industrial plant in Richmond Hill. Preference will be given to applicants with shorthand. 5-day week. Phone AV. 5-4412. clw16 A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 tfc43 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc31 ities, parking. Suitable for young business couple. AV. 5- 2731. thI4 course. Large garden with lots of trees. Days phone EM. 4- 5451, after 5 - AV. 5-2369. 02w16 $22 WEEKLY, lovely furnished apartment, equipped kitchen, separate entrance, parking. bus- iness adults. Aurora. PA. 7-5597. tfc15 $125 MONTHLY. six room solid AVAILABLE November Ist, small building, well heated, good lighting. approximately 1,000 square feet, suitable for light manufacturing. No. 7 High- way, between Yonge and Bay- $28 monthly. AV. 5-1063. clw16 1958 BUICK. top condition. Best. offer. Tel. Aurora PA. 7-9831. clw16 1956 FORD, radio. heater. sell cheap, take over payments $23 monthly. AV. 5-1063. clw16 1954 VAUXHALL Velox, very PET i SUPER CAR CLEANING CO. DRAPES, CARPETS, Richmond Hill. close ill Yonge Street. $21900. Mis: Clarke. [MMEDIATE POSSESSION . THORNHILL. excellent loca tion. beautiful grounds. solid brick ranch bungalow. 3 bed- rooms, den, finished recrea< l r ' ~_ g00d condition. no rust. Attrac-‘ RUGS, FURNITURE, tion room. 2 car garage, pav- CONTINENTAL double bed geolgbevllsilllpsellol‘or r335 FEMALE CLERK f" Charter“ MASONRY CONTRACTOR hm“ bungalew» “mad gar' “Wm days Al “"9 Sec‘md mi 3400- AL 7“ ALL CARPET RFPAIRq ‘ “d (We- make ’“ "fie" spring mattress white padded or tehms Write box No 64 The bank in Maple" Experience‘i gtgneworlg Egefiacev “Sc- ;- :Fefi automfigfi $351 £19337? can mg 5' -c W 61502. c1w16‘ ' ’ ” 1 Owner transferred. Mrs. ' ' ‘ ‘ preferred, but not necessary. 5 ergaar , onge t. .. . 3115011, SOD ' -eV9”' “igi’l’ "7 ‘ ' Bare. g-efsd5goard' like new' “EEGH Apply stating age and experi- Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4-ings HUdson 9-2769, W. H, nos- LANET APARTMENTS ECONOMY CAIR , . Immediate ' . B Y’s. m k BELL & HOWELI.‘ mov'ie cam' ence- write BOX 59 The Liberal. ley & C0. C2W16 AN RICHMOND HILL Upnlo tsgsgnlfisenzulgta %Tlvi1£?: Plck and Dehvery Buying‘ Selling or Tradln‘ magnet ‘iifyeqt’im‘iQEE’ i’i'i' “it”; rm sump ____c3-w14 cit-Renter worm. additions. routs ro am igigfgl'yggewggggogygggngfjus, ,2, m,,,,,,,, AV, ,_ s... of C3,, W m bricefaize 1 TU 4 1678 are”! ea 3 set ba-y SUPPLY TEACHERS “www.115- garages- retreat"!!! Cement mixers, floor sanders artments model. in 6 er de 1063 clw16 ‘ * ' ' ' ' cl'wm it"slei'sgfmm Encycde‘a‘ Richmond Hill Separate School momsv “19 floors- N0 10b P00 and, edgers. ramset guns. roto-talil swil’nming :00] ejevztors' 19 ' (3%erng NEW BROADLOOM AV. 5-1156 - BA. 1-1102 “‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"- ' - ' clwm Board requires qualified teach- small. Free eStlmates- T~ Price- tillers. rotovators, also 500 other FM’music large balcénies inter: _ 62 f n cotnve 1 :1 Free Estimate‘ M h f. th Toronto SMALL CIRJB. jumper chair and APPLES, Red Macs, slightly 91-5 for part time supply teacm AV. 5-3653. tfc28 tools willowdalesgengaAl & com parking TV outlet. fully like “53wA u tpolwer, arms :V ‘ b em er 0 e d ' n. l e new. Also lad-les' hail marked, excellent eatin ' . - . SPECIAL Sales. 6026 Yonge tn - 1- ' - ' range - 6091) C 93D" 03 A A - Real Estate Boar will“: coat. size 16-13. ru. 4- g “5- Reply by “‘3” ‘° G°rd°n RICHMOND HILL and cooking. $1.25 a bushel. Chesterfield sets recovered â€"- 1711. vtfc_42 equipped and fireproofed. 5-1063. c1w16l Trussier. 27 Cartier Crescent , - "e â€"~â€"â€"â€", - â€"~ â€" r â€" M mb r of the York County 2138. clw16 Also pumpkins. Bob Campbell, South, Richmond Hill, stating 2 We“ 369-0“ Nym“ frame. $99 192 BAYVIEW $131-$332. Riggs??? lDEAL SECOND CAR TU' 4'3833 e Rzeal Estate Board "Minnow trailer, sleeps 4 to 6’1st farm north Elgin Sideroad qualifications. clw16 5. years guarantse- Terms If ‘18- RICHMOND HILL ' ' ’ - “cg-1959 Vauxhall, 6,000 miles, ab-I also other camping equipment, 011 Bayview- TU. 4-3042. *1W16 LADIES part time work fun Slre‘l- A“ smlthv UPhOlSttfrgé New 6 room apartment, un-‘ solutely like new. Cheap, easy $325 or best offer for complete BLONDE maple crib large size the pa’ If ’ W furnished, close to all conven- terms. AV. 5-1063, clwlflfi W i I _ v y. you have the use DR LLINg- - - S. d ’d - u“tfltrTU- 4-7826. 1'le6 with mattress, good condition; of a car and evenings free you KING CITY WELL I ‘ences' For Inspecuon an” 3y 1959 CHEVROLET Belalr Se- ) BARGAIN Number 1 White also chrome high chair. and can earn above average commis- Pum e uicgérfi'rg'staned and and sum” iwgsgrffilj’plly dan, automatic, radio, extras“ g Honey. 30 lb. pails at $6.00 each. Child's tricycle- 0811 TU- 4‘ sions showing fine table ware servigedfi gem-g6 Adams, Box Sgggtment 1' ‘ ' ’ tf‘clé A1 condlt‘l‘m- orlgm‘al owner' ) gg‘Kays, R. R. 1 Gormiey. phone 1704- *1W16 by appointment. No canvassing. 192 King City_ phone King TE. ' _. PA. 7-9170. Aurora. clw16, I .ormiey 5293. *8w9 EXPENSIVE Turret 3 mm. mo-Eampées SgfipllEG-zggisatggéingMof 3-5321. tfc13 . Pogfiffigfigfim C H I N C H i L L A s i FIREPLACE FUEL, dry harm- vie camera and attachments, al- .3113 a- one - - F~ ’â€"‘ d ravel, . Can make you money. Stone- ‘ mod, cut 16 inches long, be. most new. professional quality. 5_____‘mr “Wm EiiLlOSSSZ‘il yfll’; Sggclcgloam. Reas‘mable Weikly °r “mm” house Chinchilla Ranch, R. R. 1 xxxxxxxx ‘ * liter-ed single cord lots. Phone Will take $50-00 01" Ofier- TU- PrOmpt delivery. Reasonable Deliveryrzs‘i'mcbup Uxbfidge. Ont- (at Siloam) UL. xxxx): xxxxxkxxxx i 4.4519 “(:15 4-7898. ‘ clw16 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, Richmond Hill TV. 34 Yonge s_ 2'3757v RU~ 2‘5306- “€11 ‘x:xxxxxxx:x:x:x;xxxx;xxx;){}< ‘ ,. SNOW FENCE HALLOWE’ENpumpkins. snow I ALplne 7-8876- 7 W7 Tu, 4-7456 AV. 5-3756 ____________ exx xxxxxx 0 xx OCTOBER 22’ 1952 $9 per 50 foot mu, steel posts apples, Greenings, McIntoshs, S “0 longer 5‘ Pmbl‘Fm When MAHOGANY PLYWOOD rtfc28 90 cents each. Free delivery and Courtlands. All at reason- the Avon Representatwe Caus- V grooved 3/16”. Cash and car-la BEDROOM house largeliving- MARCH 23, 1963 ‘able prices at Top ers. B the Those earnings can take care of - 36 4 b 85 - - ’ . â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" WHO ELSE WANTS Phone TU. 4-1443. this 9 y our Chit h . a ,ry price 4 by 7 33- - Y dlmnig room, “When! Close ‘0 DAY CARE an age in new ‘ BL M bushel or basket. Toppers, 3’ , 15.11135 5 OPPmo lOO- 53,84 per sheet, Butler & Baird schools transportation, Shop- v 3’ v MEMBERSHIP FORMS AVAILA E SQUASH, pepper and butternut. Yonge St” Elgin Mills, clw16 Openings 1n Doncaster, Rich- Lumber Ltd 191 Yonge st N_ . 'Ba . W_Mark]ham Rd home. 884-2552. tfcll, A :lgeflglbusglll' BuTIrls’4llil-100k-2 CHESTERFIELD chairs one lale’ Langsmfl’ Grandwew ES" " “913 1Rlirdlgi'montiyvillii area Oaii Mr, A MOTHER m give “3mg” . 4 rve. one . - 54. . . ' ates. Mis Z' . . v ‘ ' ' . _ g _ I ‘ .lwls rocking chair, one large bed, 141_ Guelpsh éigtler‘ Poclgfg MASONRY, PLASTERING I. Feldmlan, EM. 4-7294 week- day care, any age. TU. 4 79751. BUY IT MW WITH A E“. one wardrobe. rubber stair ' ' . ALTERATIONS. REPAIRS days 9.30 am to 5.30 pm. if}. _ ( $97 00 for First Child 52431139 and treads and Christmas decora- . ESTIMATES FREE 04W“; DAY CARE for one Child» anyl LOW-t0“ LIFE-“EUR” ll $§3'00 f E h Addit'onal Child ' e; “ethos. Reuben Llne. Brookside L SARGEANT ELMDAIjgâ€"Ecfijfi age by capable person in my ‘( - - 0r ac 1 (a _ . ' i xxxx xxxx x xxxx , _ mdel A Ford- AL- 7 112?.-1 Wm Drive. *1w16 DANCE TEACHER TU. 4-5594 $115 monthly, upper five mom‘ home. 884-7307. clwlti g“ r; a; n; s §XX§ ‘ $23.00 for Each Pre-School Child DUR'O FREE SMALL DANCE “35585 f” “‘1' w.-F_‘tf°11 two bedroom apartment. RELIABLLE day care given to u; §Xx g5“; g; ; 5 g: d ; pgeffure pump and tank, ults. Cha Cha, Samba. Tango. CONCRETE - MASONRY $120 monthly. lower five room, infants and ore-school children. x x x ‘ gew cvgn ldOn. Four 16 x 600 Free for removal. - felled logs. Waltz, etc. Also private lessons. CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS two bedroom apartment. Call AV. 5â€"3991. c1w16 ’9‘”; § §xxx xx x 5:506 en combination (lioolré FOR SngEil 2 Cl‘llbs. 1 gassinet Expert Clnlstruction, best refer-Building, alterations & repairs, T. Hanson. HUdson 1-6137; eve- DAY CTR'Eâ€"fg’nghéjritwo :XXX ,1 §x"§ § xx: - ' - C W size an arge size, a 0 con- ences. a Mrs. Dubiel. TU. 4- prompt service. nings HUdson 9-2769, w. H. Bos- . ‘ x xxxx x x x x hm“â€" . children. Large fenced yard. COW MANURE and peat loam, sole model Singer sewmg ma- 1383. c1w16- WALKER 8; MITCHELL ley & Co, c2w16 _ finest quality. Small load $5.00 chine. 2 spring mattresses, 1 AV. 5-2525 ‘" 165 Baker Avenue' TU“ 4 76,10‘ - . . . a 3 LANET APARTMENTS cIvtid large load $15.00. Call collect double bed Size, 1 39 inch Size. 0 IN RICHMOND HILL ,mn :Ubggas 3r 131;. 13-5922. tfc39 Phone Av. 5-3489. ciwis, EMPLOYMENT ngfiifi) 4 41 ELMWOOD AT BAYVIEW} SERVICE THE B ANK 0|: , an ma ress. excellent ‘ A - I ' ' - ' ' . ! ‘ - . t. lean. Large one “‘d “'0 bedroom ap"‘Ex erienced bab -sltters, home- minim tile; “Renew. legggggggtgrd “5 0 new... not... a. mm... 2..., d... NOVA SCOTIA se wt 3 y bath, diaper DAY CARE for children. Plea-l DEN tail, swimming pool, elevatorsucm da or ni m, TU 11.7253. pail and bottle warmer. Rea- sant environment. AL. 7-1589.TU 412405 STUIinchmond Hulls-M music’large balconiesdntepl y ‘ g ‘ mm sonabIE. 4-2441. ihkfilâ€"w‘lf): ‘ “(:40 com, parking, outlet, fullyl! !‘ McDOUGALL deep well pump, beauties_ 530. TU' 447411" “W16 DRESSMAKING and altera- chsnjfi‘fmyâ€" equipped and fireproofed. ‘ 95 hp. motor, gallon tank, 140 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" tions. Mrs. MacDonald TU. 4» - d b d oom‘Lanet Apartments. phone AV-l‘ I‘ if ~ PUREBRED G r Sh h d Kitchens remodelie . e r a [ °°t pump “‘1' 14° “9‘ 1 “‘Ch u S m a] fem,“ $20” 6’1 l5°5_7- _ _, “at and bathroom vanities. stereo. 5-2303. ME. 3-9506. ME. 3.351%. , it pipeiand cyl'lnder' Av‘ 5'31“ £36, 8314598; ma e ‘cfivalg DENTAL assistant desires posi- hi-fi, china cabinets. Free estim- ivikA it_fc_9,! YOU HAV E : WEE HOIUND l. bx k (M 811011 in or near Richmond Hill.,ates. Morris Harrison. TU‘.f fifdfidtjffii; PLAZA ' 1 D NTICAL snow suits! blue. , ma 2. ac. an an. TU. 4-3522. c2w16-2838. C 62 HUNT ST. 5 size ‘4. like new; 2 'identical $011311?! G550- lRallbltS 25‘: aqdyoupic MEN, 15-19, looking CHESTERFIELD suites. andl l i girls coat and legging sets, c ‘ om ey 33.91'_c__1“ 6:‘for work. Anything considered..ChI‘0me Chairs recover“ gndfiituated in the heart of Rich- Y 7 , : brown tweed. Size 4. Good con- TWO YEAR OLD collie to giveICan you help us. Call salt-a, rebuilt, at a reasonable pricean“ Hill on a quiet residen-” lI\ TOUR PROPERTY dition. Will sell separate1y_ away to good home, Tu, 4-51203tion “my AV 56126. “(52.1% Job too small. Free estlm- tial street within walking dis_ : I PR' 3'5186‘ “MS clwlsjllAN-D'x’hlAN good oorker re la‘fiarMmay UphelStery'tftgll-‘tance or Shopping transportaU! - . l A - . ‘ ' . -‘5. , . BEAUTYREST, Marshall, sim- GERMAN Shepherd puppiesiiabie, part time or full time.‘ c-â€"sTERYâ€"‘â€".t‘°“' 9"“ “hm” A“ “we”: ! 1 mons. Serta. Heely and other black and tan 12 week Idl . , UPHOL lCOl‘iVenlenCES have been includ ' | Spring mattresses repaired. reriehampion pedigree. H0he:e?cl1:.Day or mght- TL. 4.3287c1w15 Recovering aqd repalllring ffnany Ed in this buuding' Al-ummumli Rea} Esmte Loans arranged in One “Sit in the gm“ JtUSt fluke I'll?" dmedium en Kennel‘ TU' 4-2580” thI{RETIRED a ti _ it" 7 r Okllngcglfldlggl/llg’lllrlhrnl‘tfir;.eFI‘Ee mng antd “re-ens“ “bu? do-Ors i Following Areas: Vim. ex H rm “3. 3y ser_ WW _‘ _ . gen.eman,o ice. e- t‘ t R 3 enable prices lea ing 0 private Iva comes. _ I _ _ : ‘ ce. Eiderdowns recovered. On- . ‘ 95.1m0 .Pups- Purefieptlon- lm’estlgatlon “0Tb. fun es "‘13 95-, e 5 4813 r -_‘HOlly\\'OOd kitchens “1th new ' Richmond Hill Thornhill Stoufiwlle | tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. ‘Svmtev small, itntemglenttd fliloor part â€" modest pay. AV. 5: €311 31133111.”- 5_5345es"app1iances. Optional heated gar-t: Maple Langstafi Oak Ridges PRESSURE t td 0 “CE 5-11??? mm mow” 'trc2813754‘ 7 ~ “w” an“. usmes, . . dc.“ ages. gigging Ogiler Rmhvale l \iATCHING rea e smose . ; DRESSMAKING â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'F’f r A ‘ o , POODLES, black miniature. , . l HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T\ Bachelor. 1 Bedroom 3, ,. y . V V galls: Eliscitstft'i‘i‘irlufi‘rbuiitffésp‘fii‘flpurebred, so without papers. “$323,186,” ‘ APPLIANCES 2 Bedroom 3! o lst & 2nd Mortgages 0 Up to. 20-1 ear Terms ! Tun-L Pnnrs quiring (weather Protect-ion\.l$35 “'lth Papetsv Tu 4'5375 af' TU. 4:45:70 Wiring, Salesr Repa‘rst Parls- apartments are available 0 Low Interest 0 NO Hidden Bonuses lgficliff Brlos. Ltd. Lumber 8:3” 5 9"“ “Ms *2\\15 General ‘32ng Dealer R I from $85 00 ll 0 Loans on Frame. lnsul and Brick Homes ! ,I - ,. i _ .u_l-.-- . .V. L-” ‘ _ en 5 . = 4 ' zmvgns‘mp les phone Stoug‘flg‘Elggg'rbfiizkfmgdielagiilzgi’elCARPENTERi kltChen PUP‘ Imported Stereo Radio-Phonos Can 3844347 or AV~ 5.1951 We do not put a Chattel Mortgage on your Car or Furniture i ‘for stud servicg. TUE-4598. boards‘ rec‘ rooms' alterations' 4'9 Levendale Road Directions. West off Yonge at Phone, Come In 01‘ VVl‘lte - ASk for Mr. Clemens TWILL SHIRT TYPEWRITERS c-lw16 gf‘rages- Plant?” any 5”” South Block Hunt St, second block south of = i ___. .____..Iou name it. well make it. Free Richmond Heights Centre shopping centre 3 . , ,_ - s‘leNG MACHINES IPOODLES' 5m“ blacks andlestima‘es- M~ 9- Dum- TU- 4- TU. 4-3211 All Hours tfclS l M c l ' to 5 ' ‘ . aes Service Rentals whites, top quality. Puppies 2588. tfclO tfcll = . . ' ' ' ” ' . Anthoriled Dealer now available. Wonderful dis-‘ " ” '7’ g P l = l glldlmeular mafies {Jorltsalf lg- position 3100 up. Gormley 5339. 350211Affiriflan‘lasgfifigh‘ceg“3;}, j '21 Dundas Square, Toronto I ‘ ’ 11 mg new an re in san â€". tic-9 > . ' g . = _ - ‘ ~ _i gardening. landscaping and . .' L COLLECT EM. 36231 . S D and portable and eleculc mogJPOODLES, top quality minaturepainting. Willing and able to ‘ CAL ‘ els. SpeCIal rental rates avail . . . . | I able to students lblack and white from Canada'si‘do all kinds of Odd jobs. Wishes PIANO. ORGAN. ACCOI‘dllOni SEASIONA‘BLE- b Free Parking at 220 Victoria Street L_ _ , finest blood lines. Health guar- full or part time as janitor or tuition, classical or popu ar.,4 BEDR OM ‘rl‘c semi- unga- ‘ ., _ , , ,- - W , v . . H SI‘IS anteed. stud service available. :al‘d‘nor. So what have you to Children or adults Associated low. Al condition. Richmond ' "4 Hem Phone senice Indudmg “bends Yonge St. S. RlChmond Richm gsnlllalker AVTU 41745 Pr fessional poodle groomin otter Cali eienin 88-15838 ilusic Schools TL‘ 4531’ Hill Full price $12900 TL’ 4 l Member 0mm" Homage Broke” “swam” - n . - o g 2 ‘ gs. - . . . . - .. , a, . . â€" . o “c49l58rvico. r‘ ClWlG t-----“_--"~-_ (

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