Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Oct 1962, p. 4

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rs. J. A. Price 0! Richmond} ill and her committee has en busy for the past several onths preparing their variedi andcrafts. A mothers' auxili- has been formed at the ill Girl Guides are making (1 donating candy to be sold d the members of the Don- aster Ladies’ Club are dona- mg the complete tea - sand- iches. cake. tea. and every- ing else. even including the 3. Use your youth wisely and carefully what you learn. Guest speaker of the evening was Mr. McDonald. school in- specter. He told the graduates to look back on this as a happy occas- ton. “Growth and development is how a gardener receives his sat- isfaction from the growth of plant! Which have developed from the seed he planted. “Plans and labor develop into fine buildings. A doctor sees the sick develop into well. strong individuals. Parents and teach- ers have the privilege of direct- ing the growth of children de- veloping into adulthood. "Make your own decisions be- cause there is no freedom with- out responsibility. How well you succeed in high school depends on how well you have learned the skills of life." he told the pupils. Mrs. Croteau wished best of luck to grads and success in their future life. Mr. Sidney Griffith. former school board member when Pow- ell Road School was built. don- ated the Citizenship Trophy to the most outstanding student in Grade 8. Heather Barrett received the honor this year and was pres- ented a Citizenship Replica by Susan Buchanan. last year's winner. Mr. Linifield and Miss Palmer presented the school pins and their year book to the grads. Fred Webster gave a vote of thanks .for all those who were responsible for putting on the banquet. Mrs. Phyllis Cummings. ban- quet convenor, wishes to extend her thanks to all parents who unnâ€" .. u v. tun-VJ "- new members of the church a I this time. Cub and Scout News A group of 30 mothers, mem- bers of the 3rd Thornblll Cub and Scout Mothers‘ Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. A. Tyt- ler. 38 Dove Lane on October 16 and enjoyed a social get- together. Future plans for the auxili- ary were discussed. As it has been found in the past that the first meeting of the year is the only one which 5 well attend- I...» ed. it was decided that the only other social activity of the group would be a picnic held in the early summer. Other than that, the auxiliary will supervise apple day. Hallowe’en parties and arrange the father and son banquet in the spring. The group held a sewing bee on October 3 when seven ladies met at the home of Mrs. B. Tre- maine on Thornridge Drive and worked on neckscarves for the boys. They now have 20, scarves on hand and when these are used up, the group will meet again to make more. United Church News ‘ Plans for the Opportunity Sale to be held under the aus- pices of the United Church Wo- men at Thorn‘hill United Church on November 3, got into high Igear when the committee met. in the church parlour. There‘ were six committee members present and all enthusiastically volunteered to undertake the various tasks entailed in organ: iizing such an ambitious project! At a short meeting of the. Thornhill Village Trustees on1 September 26, the trustees exâ€" pressed concern about the lackl of interest on the part of thei majority of residents in vi1-‘ lage affairs. and particularly the effect this lack of interest will have in future years. Discussion took place with respect to the village and its agreement with the townships in respect to road maintenance. The question of paid manage- ment personnel was also discussed. having regard to the extensive nature of the physical workings of the village. it was decided that at the next meeting of the board. these questions should be considered with I view to approaching the Department of Municipal Affairs for expert advice relating to the operation of other police villages and how these problems might : be solved. short of dis- 1 solving the village. Several bills were passed for :payment. among them one for a total of $1,179.85 to Frank Cowan Co. in payment of in- surance premiums.The secretary was instructed to send a letter to the area recreation committee requesting a cheque for $843.42. LEGAL “Growth and development is how a gardener receives his satâ€" isfaction from the growth of plants which have developed from the seed he planted. Children. The- bazaar this at will be held in the new hool on Centre Street East. ichmond Hill and all those om the area who have con- buted to the school funds 1' the past Aaevera} ye‘ars will doubt be interested to come d see the lovely five-room hool which ‘heir contribu- ons have helped build. Convener of the bazaar is Correspondent Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdnlo Telephone AV. 5-3“: The graduates of Powell Road School were guests of honor With their parents at a banquet uponsored by the home and rchool association October 19 n Thornh-lll Secondary School :afeterla. nded of the annual lunar of Emmmmll readers Ire re- ornhaven School for Retag‘q- Mrs. Palln designed the :mds‘ lnvltvations and was also responsible for table decora- ulons. They were done in the school color: of yellow and blue. Head table included Mr. Lini- lleld. Grade 7; Miss Palmer. Grade 1; M13: Phelan, school nurse: Mr. Kerr. representative of Vau han Township School Board; r. and Mrs. S. Grlf- fltl‘ll. Rev. D. '1‘. Evans, Mr.‘ Brown. presldecnt of home and school association. Mrs. Brown, Mr. McDonald. school inspector. Mrs, McDonald, Mr. McRoberts, principal. Mrs. McRoberts. Mrs. Croteou, former teacher, Mr. Kremln. school custodian, Mrs. McDonald. Grade 2 and 3 and Mrs. Snary. Grades 4 and 5. Mr. Brown, president. wel- comed the graduates and guests. Mr. M. McRoberts offered congratulations to the graduates on behalf of the staff. He gave them three things to think ab- out: “Plans and labor develop into‘ fine buildings. A doctor sees the sick develop into well. strong individuals. Parents and teach-‘ ers have the privilege of direct-1 ing the growth of children de-I veloping into adulthood. l rape} napkins! ’ Mr. T. Bradbeer proposed the mat to the Qpeen. Mr. Sidney Griffith. former school board member when Pow- ell Road School was built. don- ated the Citizenship Trophy to the most outstanding student in Grade 8. “Make your own decisions be- cause there is no freedom with- out responsibility. How well you succeed in high school depends on how well you have learned the skills of life,” he told the pupils. Rev. D. T. Evans. minister of l'hornhill Presbyterian Church, laid grace_ Heather Barrett received the honor this year and was pres- ented 3 Citizenship Replica by Susan Buchanan. last year's winner. VPlacards weré made by the rupilu of Mrs. Snary'a class. {rude 4 and 5. Mrs. Phyllis Cummings, ban- quet convenor, wishes to extend her thanks to all pqrents who helped make this event such a success, Miss Mary McGowan has ar- rlved by plane from Newry, Northern Ireland. to ,spend her holidayl with her brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Mc- Gowan. Carol and David 0! Crestwood Road. Birthday congratulations to Miss Phyllis St. John, Steeles Avenue West, who will be 15 this month. 1,-_Now you are in high school :honae your friends with care. 2. Step out in new paths. Get is much education as possible. ivtlck with it as long as you ran. Take advice from your tea- :hers. Mrs. Rosa D1 Vlncenzo Sr.. has been ill at her home the past two weeks. Crestwood Rd. News THE LIBERAL, Richmond rim, TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 Future plans for the auxiliâ€" ary were discussed. As it has i been found in the past that the first meeting of the year is the only one which 5 well attend- h_ ed. it was decided that the only other social activity of the ds group would he a picnic held ed in the early summer. Other he than that. the auxiliary will supervise apple day, Hallowe'en of parties and arrange the father in and son banquet in the spring. AI hhe bazaar will be held in the comparatively small com-l pass of the school building. a special children's bazaar has‘ been arranged. to be held out- doors. Mrs. L. Redman is to be in charge of this. She was quite bubbling with enthusiasm as she told me about the miniature bake table which will feature tiny loaves of bread, candy-bar cookies and cream pufis hr the youngsters. Then will also be a gift table where youngsters can purchase Christmas gifts for mothers and sisters, and with prices scaled to small pocket-books. All this. together with soft drinks. popcorn and The Thornhaven school now hll between 40 and 50 students ranging from 5 to 17 years of age. Plams are also being dis- cussed for a possible sheltered workshop where the young people can be usefully employ- led when they have passed the school-leaving age. lHospltal Auxiliary Miss Jean Marsden. retired superintendent of nurses at TJronto General Hospital who will discuss with the group the place of a women'u auxiliary in the hospital. Canadian Mental Health Association A group of five Thornhill la- dies. Mrs. R. L. Moore, Mrs. E. M. Bean. Mrs. J. Burrldge. Mrs. John Maver and Mrs. Maurice Lodge. all White Cross Volunteers of the Canadian Mental Health Association. paid ‘a visit to the Ontario Hospital at Whitby on October 19. Mrs. Elizabeth Kelson who is hand- ling the publicity for the local association also went with the group - picking up news for sevenal interesting columns no doubt. ulnar- .. .__., The Thornhill Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxili- ary will hold an executive meet- ing on October 31 to make final arrangements for the next gen- eral meeting. on Wednesday morning. November '1. Speaker at the 10 am. meeting will be The ladies took a tour of the buildings, noting the various activities carried on. aMended a social Mtemoom for the pa- tients and were addressed by one of the stafi doctors. The doctor noted how much of a help was the increasing aware- ‘ness of mental heawh in the country. Holy Trinity News October 28 has been designa- ted as Layman‘s Sunday at Ho- ly Trinity Church. Laymen of the parish will take part in the services and Mr. Phillip Towns- hend-Carter will give the ser- ‘mon at the evening service. At the youth program follow- ing the evening service. Cap- tain R. Taylor of the Church Army will speak on the Bible, the best seller and least read book. With the co-operation of Tri- nity Caterers an innovation in the form of a coffee hour will be held utter the momln: ser- vice. It is hoped that the mem- ‘bers of the congregation will ‘avail themselves of the oppor- tunity to meet and welcome new members of the church at on October 3 when seven ladies met at the home of Mrs. B. Tre- maine on Thornridge Drive and worked on neckscarves for the boys. They now have 20 scarves on hand and when these are used up, the group will meet again to make more. United Church News A group of 30 mothers, mem- bers of the 3rd Thomhlll Cub and Scout Mothers‘ Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. A. Tytâ€" ler. 38 Dove Lane on October ‘16 and enjoyed a social get- ltogether. Mrs. D. River: is ifchéréé of picking up merchandise for 01 PlCKln'g up merchandise for? the sale, so if you have any Jo N. Mulholland, LAGROVE CRAFTS Hand Woven and Knitted Articles Full Line of Knitting Wool Thornhill, Centre St. at Yonge Rear of Barber Shop SO! Ontario, Thursday, October 25, 1962 Thornhill Notes "The Liberal" lo alwayl pleased contributed by It: readers In Ih Our represent-five In Thornhil who mu be reached by phoning items of clothing. white ele- phants. toys. household articles. etc., give her a call at AV. 5- 2174. Anyone wishing to deliver on their own, can leave articles in the Sunday school auditori- um. downstalrs, on Thursday. November 1. during the after- noon or evening. Coffee and donuts will 'beserved throughout the day by the Hl-C group of the church. Sunday. October 21 was de- signated Bible Socier Day at Thomhill United Church. Guest for the day was Rev. Dr. C. A. Gowans. formerly of Col- lege St. United Church. Sunday. October 28 will be Missionary and Maintenance Day. with two special speakers. At the 11 am. service, Miss Ruth McLeod of Formosa will speak. At 8 pm. Dr. E. M. Honey will tel-1 of his experâ€" iences in India and Hong Kong, illustrating his talk with pic- tures. I see Unit 1 of the U.C.W. met on Monday in the church kitchen. This sounds like a cooking bee or something. And I'll bet it was attended by some of the ladies from the Monday morning physical fitness class, too. Take it of! in the morning, put it on at night. Tsk- Tsk! And speaking of physical fit- ness, if any of you men would like to really get back in shape, both physically and mentally, why don't you call Mr. David- son “ AV. 5-1654 or Mr. Neale at AV. 5-1360 and volunteer for a Scout leader. Leaders for the 1st Thornhlll Scout Troop are urgently needed and working with these lively boys is guar- anteed to get anyone on their toes. How about it! lThornhill Lions Club Have you heard about the latest project of the Thornhill Lions Club? Under the leader- ship of Mrs. Ede Butlin, they are sponsoring a junior teen- town for all students of Grade 7 and 8 who want to learn to dance and meet new friends. The grade seven’s enrolled October 22 and the grade eight's will enroll October 29, at Thomhill Secondary School. Each group will meet taw-o Mon- days each month. Each group will meet qu Mon- NEWMARKET : The National days each month. Employment Service office in Annual membership in the Newmarket has experienced junior teen-town is a modest difficulty in filling work orders 25¢ annually and a 25c admis- for people to work garnering in sion fee will be charged each the Holland Marsh and surroun- night. Dress will be cas‘ual.ding area. Village Trustees Deplore Lack Of Interest In Local Affairs 80 Richmond St. West, Toronto Consultation by Appointment Phones: Thornhill AV. 5-3315 Toronto EM 4-2780 nu pleased to publish Items of Interest leaders In the Thornhlll area - - . . . . . In Thornhill ls Mrs. Margaret McLean, hv nhonin: AV. 5-2331. a y . . u v . . u v . Social Notes If you missed the H. R. Bur- gess’s of Thornridge Drive this week, they left last Satur- day for a two-week stay in New Orleans with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fleming of Scarboro. And Kay emphasized that this was no business trip. but strict- ly a holiday. The quartet will be staying at the Royal Orleans Hotel in the French quarter. When I asked Kay if she felt her conversational French would be up to the strait. her comment was “You don’t need .your French, all you need is .your money - there's nothing 'like a good conversational buck to get thin-gs moving!" And you :know_ I think she has some- thing there. ‘ v Nursery School On Saturday of this week. the Thorn‘haven School for Re- tarded Children will hold its annual bazaar and bake sale at. the school in Richmond Hill. The Doncaster Community Ladies Club will be at the Thornhaven bazaar operating the tea shoppe. They are hoping to see many Doncaster residents taking part in the festivities for this worthy cause. Donations of white elephants and attic treas- ures to be sold along with the many other fine attractions are requested. Doncaster Community Ladies Club met a week ago last Mon- day at the home of Mrs. Edgar, Sbrucewood Dr. At the gathering the ladies laid plans to handle the Thorfl- haven bazaar and approved the purchasing of two Scout shirts fnr flnrdnn Snider and Kevin I At the Woodland Public iSchool graduation banquet held Girls are asked to wear flatllast Monday, the Doncaster heels but no slacks or jeans. Community Ladies Club prize Boys are asked to come in was divided equally between slacks and shirt or sweater (jack- honor students Lynda Brain and ets and ties on special party David Bagg. both of Thornh-ill. night) but with no cleats or The two cheques of 35 were dark rubber heels on their presented by Mrs. Heather Mor- shoes. rison. president of the Doncal- This/sounds like a Droject ter Community Ladies Club. The newly-elected executive of the Thornhill Co-operative Nursery School met at the home of their president, Mrs. Win Hill, John Street on Octo- ber 10. Other members of the executive are vice-president Evelyn Burden. secretary Shir- ley Jamieson, treasurer Jo Cruise, social con‘venor Ruth Joynt, telephone convener Vel MecLeod. and equipment con- vener Fran Sohildroth. The school’s supervisor. Mrs. Car- lotta Broderick, also attended the meeting. The youngsters have already had one outing - to the Master Feeds‘ Farm and plans for fu- ture trips were discussed. as well as plans for the Christmas party. A parenvts‘ meeting will be held in N-ovember‘ There are still a few places left in the school and anyone who would like their child en- rolled could call Mrs. Hill at AV. 5-5760. And Here’s a Reminder for you folks - Watch out on Hallowe'en for the little goblins who are carrying UNICEF boxes - and give generously. This is the fifth year that Thomhill youngsters have collected these funds which go to help youngsters all over the world. being its share of the 1962 in? surance premiums. ‘ V.0.N. ‘ A letter was also to be sent to Mr. McDougall, president of the Richmond Hill Branch of the VON, suggesting that they contact Vaughan and Markham Townships seeking the exten- sion of their services to cover this area. IAV. 5-4921 A letter was also directed to go to the Thornhill Golf Club stating that their garbage will be picked up as requested. A cheque for $30.00 was sent to Vaughan Township to be cred- ited to the village account. This was the amount received from the sale of a motor. BILL DING says: BOWDEN LUMBER Co. (Home Improvement Division) Stop 23 Yonge St. Richvale And if anyone asks “Who'll Save the Plowboy” - don‘t bother to volunteer - he’s past saving! Evenings: Craig Bowden TU. 4-1668 TU. 4-1121 Correspondent David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 Johnny Benclc. 113 Hender- son Ave.. celebrated his third birthday October 17. Bill Menzies Jr. of Glen Cam- eron Ave.. underwent surgery October 12. for the removal of tonsils and adenolds. He return- ed home the following day. Henderson Avenue School an- nounced it will hold its gradua‘ tion party November 4. Mrs. T. Townsley. Clarke Ave. had the cast removed October 18 from her wrist broken in a fall in her home last month. Doncaster Community Ladies Club met a week ago last Mon- day at the home of Mrs. Edgar, Sbrucewood Dr. At the gathering the ladies‘ laid plans to handle the Thorn- haven bazaar and approved the purchasing of two Scout shirts for Gordon Snider and Kevin Maher, of the Villa Hospital, who have joined the 5th New- tonbrook Rover Crew. Leader of the 5th Newton- brook Rovers is Alf Wille, form- er Scouter of 2nd Thornhlll Troop. ' A meeting of the Hendersmi Avenue Home and School As- sociation was held Monday eve- ninug in the auditorium of the school. Guest speaker was B. A. Lane, supervisor of juvenile probation of the juvenile and family court of Metropolitan Toronto, who spoke on “The ;Insecurity of the Child". Parems have been asked to aid the association in obtain- ing a large coffee maker. Clan- ada Packers have agreed to fur- nish an 84 cup electric coffee urn in return for 6,000 of their lalbels. Parents have been asked to save all their label-s and a col. lection will be made in about three months. Graduation party for the 1961-62 graduates of Hender- son Avenue School ls slated for November 2. Parents are in- vited to attend with the pupils. Parents have been asked to be sure that their children's rubbers are labeled to avoid be- ing lost. Pupils and parents have been i1 vited to take part in a fun fair at Woodland School, No. vember 10. Thornhaven School is hold- ing a bazaar at 317 Centre St. 13., this Saturday between 1 and Henderson Ave. Home 8. School Association Cold Weather’s coming on fast! Don’t let it catch you with your car unpre- pared for rugged winter driving conditions. Drive in now for our pre-winter check-up and service! COOK'S BP DONCASTER Notice Is Hereby Given That DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Will terminate in the Township of Markham at 2 o'clock am. on Sun- day, October 28, 1962, and at that time the clocks will be set back an hour to Eastern Standard Time. This means that Sunday, October 28, will be on Standard Time. Get Your Car Ready! Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars Harry Crisp Clerk ELGIN MILLS 'l‘U. 4-3151 PROCLAMATION Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Meeke were married on September 8th at St. Paschal Baylon Roman Catholic Church in Willowdale. The bride was the former Miss Frances Joanna Read. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Read of Thornhill. The groom is the son of Mr_ and Mrs. G. Meeke of Belfast. Ireland. Reverend Vin- cent LoSavlo officiated. with ‘Rev. Maurice Whelan. 0.8.3.. and Rev. John Mullins, C.S,B.. attending in the sanctuary Given in marriage by her' father. the bride was gowned in silk organza with a bodice of alencon lace which also was appliqued on the front and the back of the skirt which swept into a cathedral train. Organza petals formed a Chry- santhemum headpiece which caught her hout‘fant illusion veil and she carried red sweetheart roses with white Chrysanthe- mums and feathered carnations. Miss Barbera Briggs was the maid of honor and she wore a floor-length gown of straw- berry organza with a belied shaped skirt and streamers at the back. Also in floor-length gowns were the bridesmaids. Miss Marian Tucker, Miss Mar- gery Aliman, Mrs. Thomas New- ton, and the junior bridesmaid, Miss Janice Savage, a cousin of the bride. Gerald Read. brother of the bride, was ringâ€"bearer. Mr_ Vin- cent Murphy was best man. and ushers were Mr. Rlchard Read‘ and Mr. Barry Read, brothers of ‘the bride, and Mr. Len Lund and Mr. Blair MacLeod. The bride's mother received in an aqua embroidered silk organza sheath dress with a long opera coat. Her hat was ‘a luscious pink French velvet lmade ln- folds of velvet inter- mingled with velvet petals. An Honour Guard of Girl Guides greet Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Meeke as they leave St. Paschal Baylon Roman Catholic Church following their wedding. For travelling. the bride chose a two-piece ruby red suit with black kid accessories. Her hat was peacock blue French silk VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH MISS E. Woodbyrne Richmond Hill Municipal Hal] PHONE TU. 4-4101 VAT! FARM MUTUAL AUTO- OBILEtNSURANCECDMPANVA Clnndun Mud Oll'kl: TORONYO Use your headâ€"and SAVE! Check State Farm's low insurance rates for caretul driversâ€"rates so low that one out 01 two may save important dol< lars. Call today! James Gramger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-1529 V. O. N. W. R. Dean Reeve Chose Fall Setting The Liquor Licence Act 1 LICENSING DISTRICT NUMBER 6 ‘ TAKE NOTICE that Louis Fil- ipovich and Christo Filipovich, both of the Town of Riehmond Hill in the County of York will make application at a Special Meeting of The Liquor Licence [Board of Ontario to be held at Ithe ofiices of The Liquor Lic- ‘ ence Board. 55 Lakeshore Blvd., ' East, in the City of Toronto, in the County of York on Thurs- day the 22nd day of November. ' 1962, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock ' E.S.T. in the forenoon for the is- ' suance of 3 Dining Lounge Lie- 5 ence, for the sale and consump- ‘ tion of liquor with meals for the following premises: 24-243 'Yonge Street South, Richmond ' Hill. being part of Lot 47 in the First Concession West of Yonge ‘ Street, having a frontage on ' Yonge Street of 48 feet 81/2 ' inches running North from a ' point 18 feet 10% inches north of the South East Corner of Lot 47, rear 31 feet four inches. ’depth one hundred and fifty 'feet. velvet with a large hand-smock- ed brim, It had a very high draped crown. Any person resident in the licensing district may object to the application. and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with Mr. H. J. Browne the deputy registrar of the licensing district, whose address is 55 Lakeshore Blvd.. East. Toronto 2_ Ontario. at least ten days be- fore the meeting at which the application is to be heard. LOUIS FILIPOVICH. CHRISTO FILIPOVICH. 36 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill. DATED at Toronto this 24th day of October, 1962. NOTICE OF APPLICATION In The Following Areas THORNHILI. â€" DONCASTER LANGSTAFF â€" CARRVILLE RD. RICHVALE â€" YONGEHURST TO BE SERVED BY HOUSEHOLD POSTAI. DELIVERY IN THE NEAR FUTURE In Order To Ensure Uninterrupted Delivery Ol Your Liberal We Urgently Require The Following Information By Mail Or Phone NEW POSTAL DELIVERY ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTICE TO “LIBERAL” SUBSCRIBERS NAME PRESENT MAILING ADDRESS STREET 87 Yonge St. coast. specializing in fast. convenient service to Canadians who need to borrow for some worthwhile , purpose. How about you ? fi NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY lIMITED Luau! All-Canadian Consumu Loan Cnmpcny CALI. 884 - 7347 - AV. 5 - I951 LOCATION 62 I'IIIN'I' STREET CENTRE OF , RICHMOND I-Ill.|. Bachelor, 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Garages, Ample Parking From $85 Monthly Immediate Occupancy Intercom Close To Schools 8. Transportation (TURN AT R. D. LITTLE 8- SON) AP'I'S Loan Manager â€"- J. Koscher Open until 8 pm. Mondaysfi NUMBER Phone 884-4423

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