Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Nov 1962, p. 15

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nlcipal conventions are mpose of improving our and county governments have a voice in the high- .els of government," the sald. artment of Highways, Regional Office. ownsview. Ontario. ale'phone: 248-3445. lbject to Reserve Bids. TMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO 1 and commissioners to 4: delegates and set can- n fees. . 5; Clarke Prentice. .Iarkham. Ontario. phone: Markham 346 : County Council last mswered charges that the was spending too much in sending (our dele- m a European study tour. is the prerogative at this 1 to adopt any method or regarding conventions," port added. om‘prehenslve report on ~ur from Reeve Wflliam : of Sutton. county war- leeves Al‘bert Rvubherford au-ghan Township and Perkins of Richmond Hill, ssioners. and Deputy- Mrs. Caroline Ion. chair- ! the finance committee. 2 presented later. I RM. SDAY‘ snAY. NOVEMBER mi 1962 5: $200.00 Deposit at flme‘ (cash or certified cheque; Jayable to the Treasurer tario) balance payable ‘ thirty days. Overseas Tour of the report from the 1 and commissioners. d,by council. stated that My bylaw enables the ' 7 Hon. Isabel Catto, O.B.E.. otlradio- “VG flaShliEhtS‘ “ammo London. England. is a form- 01' “’00den matches ant z'riON SALE 01" LAND er president of the London Di- and emergency ration; vision of the British YWCA and hours “’23” SALE T4759 is the daughter of the late Lord In case of attack Catto. House of Schivas, Aber- there is two hours and two-mgdi Eris.- 2; deenshire. Scotland. one-time teachers are instructed “058 or 8155' fwngm governor of the Bank of Eng. children at school and; g g? Y'ork “in”: land. She has had a varied and them ihe west side of' Yonge interestlng career in the field of â€"v~ (Highway No In just social welfare work. a career of the C N R overpiass at which has “all?” her interna'l uthériy of Aurora. tlon'al recognition and many . honours. Chief among these} ’ be he‘d 0“ "‘9 Property have been her election to top posts in the British and World: ) P.M.. LOCAL TIME Associations and decorations by‘ gnAy_ NOVEMBER sth, Queen Elizabeth of England.I 1962 who in 1952 awarded her the Order of the British Empire in} OPERTY SALE T-311 recognition of outstanding work , - - I M three, uute “res with YWCA “at serv1ces. Since; I La more or gas; bang on 1955 Miss Catto has been presl-i ms 15' 17. 18. Concession dent .of ivorld YWCA. I _ 3 “ship of King. county of This dinner was a highlight situated between the old or the 69th annual meeting?! + BaChelor, I 1d the diversion of High- o 27 at Bell's Lake ap- ater three miles north leton. + Garages, A ONTAR'O ITION SALE OF LAND IPERTY SALE T4789 and two-third acres of nore or less. being part of . Concession 1. Township g. County of York. situat- the west side of Yonge‘ (Highway No. 11). just of the C.N.R. overpass at utherly limlt of Aurora. ) be held on the property Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Philip Paxton are shown following their re- :ent marriage in St. Monica’s Church. The bride is the former Carol Lor- faine Gooding, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon F. Gooding, Crosby Avenue, {ichmond Hill. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Paxton. (Photo by Robt. L. Cornes) tend Expenses12 Town Delegates Hear Studv GroupWorIdHeadOfY.W.C.A. The Auctioneer *ther information please be held on the property . LOCAL TIME l The World President of the Young Women's Christian As- sociation, the Hon. Isabel Catto.‘ addressed an overflow crowd of more than 300 men and women who attended the annual dinner of the Canadian YWCA at the Four Seasons Motel October 18. Among them were twelve deleg gates from Richmond Hill, Mrs. Drumde Fraser, Chairman of the local YWCA, Mrs. H. En-. dean, Mrs. L. D. Clement, Mrs.‘ Jas. Downey and Mrs. S. Red-w burn of Walter Scott YW, Mrs. L. G. Hobbs and Mrs. T. Wil-‘ son of East Elmwood YW, Mrs. L. Smoke of the Beverley Ac- res YW, Mrs. J. Arnold Price of the National Extension Commit- tee of the YWCA of Canada. Mrs. Jas. Critchley, chairman of the Craft Instruct-ion group and Mrs. Fred C. Jackson. The beautiful costumes of members of the YWCA from India. Ceylon. Japan and other parts of the world were color- ful reminders that the Y fel- lowship is worldâ€"wide and Miss Catto’s address vividly portray- ed the needs and the concerns and the progress in this assoc- lation of women and girls around the world. Hearts were stirred by her first-hand account of the extreme hunger and hardship under which so many of the 'world's teeming millions live. Her words will give fresh im- petus in support of the Free- dom from Hunger Campaign and those special nutrition pro- jects being sponsored by the YWCA in India and South Am- erica and elsewhere. 1 STIYE FAIM MUTUAL AU"! murmunmmumv, m nut Oh: TORONTO Use your headâ€"and SAVE! Check State Farm‘s low insmance rates for careful driversâ€"rates so low that one out of two may save important dol- lars. Call today! ,.__‘ James Gramger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill. Ont. TU. 4-1529 Happy Couple the YWCA of Canada. which held sessions all last week at lProvide: Schools With Emergency Supplies tunnel As of Monday each school hers was provided with a transistor son’l radio. t'wo flashlights. a supply the g of wooden matches and candles Tm and emergency rations for 48 takes hours. :- .._ The next Canadian YWCA convention will be in Saska~ toon in 1965 and an invitation has been extended to the World YWCA to meet in Canada in 1967, our centennial year. This will be considered at the World Council Meeting of the YWCA in Denmark next year when the theme will be “Our Christian Responsibility for Reconciliation â€"among individuals, among churches, among nations." Meanwhile this will be the theme {or study with local Y groups throughout the world. __-- n..-“ .v ‘. nonud “um-gun»: " Saturday morning of last 31’, Senate; igtjggfims in case week Mrs. Joe Robinson enter- .tained Buttonville YCHA mem- bers at her home. Mrs. F. Jack- son, hospital board member, was the guest speaker. The hospital campaign, which takes place in mid-November. is uppermost in the minds of auxiliary members at present. there is two hours notice. Mrs. Jackson dealt with ques- teachers are instructed to keep tions of interest. children at school and stay with‘ Canvassers for the ramnaivn As of Monday each school was provided with a transistor radio, t'wo flashlights, a supply of wooden matches and candles and emergency rations for 48 hours. In case of attack, unless the Woodlawn Residence of the YWCA in Toronto and the Nat- ional Headquarters at 571 Jar- vis Street. Mrs. Drummond Fraser and Mrs. Fred Jackson were in attendance and were happy to hear numerous fav- ourable references to the Rich- mond Hill YWCA program which is developing so well am- ong women and hopes to extend to girls before very long. Trustees from Township School Area No. 3 held an emergency meeting Friday of last week to consider measures to be taken at schools in case of a nuclear attack. CALI. 884 - 7347 - AV. 5 - I951 LOCATION 62 HUNT STREET CENTRE OF RICHMOND HII.I. Bachelor, 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Garages, Ample Parking From $85 Monthly Immediate Occupancy Intercom Close To Sclrools & Transportation (TURN AT R. D. LITTLE 8. SON) AP'I'S 1 Canvassers for the campaign [are being lined up, and several Buttonvllle women attending were Mrs. F. W. Baker. Mrs. E. Fuller. Mrs. D.Hood. Mrs. A. Ste- phenson, Mrs. G. Kelly, Mrs. Ru- ssell Boyington. Mrs. Powell. Mrs. J. Rodick, Miss M. Rodick, Mrs. J. Donaldson, Mrs. E. Hill. Mrs. H. Stiver. Mrs. W. Cham- pion. Mrs. E. Walton and Mrs. F. Leaf. The women were guests _at the Lord Elgin Hotel. Liberal MP. John Addison entertained the women at lun- cheon in the parliamentary din- ing room and tea was served at the national Liberal headquar- ters. I Phone AXminster 3-61" I The YCHA will hold an open'Buttonville members had more meeting for all its members at than the number required of the auditorium in the christian them already signed. education building of Richmond' “It is important to get peop- Hill United Church November 1e to take a fair look at what 8. at 8 pm. Dr. Hagar Hether- the hospital will do for them. ington and Mrs. J. C. MacMick- and what they can do for the ing will speak. Films on auxil- hospital." The York Central iary work will also be shown. .Hospital. which is presently un- a and pride of‘der construction on Vaughan lagnwflurfgxical women 3,01“- Road at Richmond Hill. will be ed a group of 42 from the fed- Paid. for In Part by municmal. eral riding of York North for Provmc!“ and federal grants. a bus trip to Ottawa and the blgleqmpmqnt Will be purchased House of Commons_ ‘w1th campaign funds. There is Work on York Central and York County Hospitals is pro- gressing well. a report last week from the York County yHospital Commission to York County Council indicated. , At York Central. interior footings for the walls of the boiler house and main building are complete. Structural steel for the boiler house is com- plete. Work on the frameworks of the basement and first floors of the York County Hospital Ex- tension at Newmarket is com- plete. Work is now proceeding on the second floor. The Cuban crisis was at its height and the Prime Minister announced Canada's stand with the United States and was sup- ported by Mr. Pearson and Rob- ert Thompson during the after- noon session in the house. In the evening Mr. Addison made his maiden speech. Tuesday of last week several local women attended the “B‘” Fairs convention at Colling- wood: Mrs. George Kelly (in charge of the W.I. exhibits at Markham Fair). Mrs. R. Boying- ton, Mrs. E. Hill, Mrs. J. Rodick, Mrs J. Donaldson. Last week, amid all the talk of nuclear war, the weather cooled things off somewhat with the first heavy snow storm of the sea-son. Road conditions were the cause of several small ac- cidents â€" but nothing serious according to township police. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Walker were happy to welcome a new grandchild last week. born to‘ Gordon and Marian Prentice. A son was born to Charles and Evelyn (nee Thorneycrof't) Turner last Thursday at the Women's College Hospital. Ev- eryone is doing nicely. Among the guests at the wed- ding Saturday of last week, when Dorothy Frazer and Bill Embleton were married at Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Thorn- hill, were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lanthier, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sherman. Mrs. Jean Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sher- man. Paul, Andrew and Martha Mingay were overnight guests of their Miller grandparents last Friday night when their parents attended the United Nations Ball at the Arcadian Court, To- ron‘to. Mrs. Guy Fraier,rrecreiiv_éd 21;; guests at Cedarbrae Golf and Country Club following the ceremony. Doreen Oliver celebrated birthday October 23. Collard at Victoria Square for film Victoria Square anniver- sary services. Buttonville YCHA Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robinson attended anniversary services at Mrs. Robinson’s home church near Brampton last Sunday, and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry MacMurchy for the day. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Stefihensodn' and Mr. and Mrs. D. Hood were gugstsiof Mr. and Mrs. Harvey The_'brlde's parents. Mr. and BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. l'. H. LEAF R. R. 2 Gomley Phone AXminster 3-6188 |but equipment will be purchased plete. Work with campaign funds. There is on the sec ‘ lno benefit in a good maternity - wing if there are no beds." Mrs. H Jackson said. 3V3 I The Liquor Licence Act LICENSING DISTRICT NUMBER 6 TAKE NOTICE that Louis Fil- ipovich and Christo Filipovich. both of the Town of Richmond Hill in the County of York will make application at a Special Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at Ithe offices of The Liquor Lic- ence Board, 55 Lakeshore Blvd. East. in the City of Toronto, in the County of York on Thurs- ‘day the 22nd day of November, i1962. at the hour of 9:30 o'clock ’E.S_T. 1n the foreman for the is- Lsuance of 11 Dining Lounge Lic- ience, for the sale and consump- 5tion of liquor with meals for the lfollowing premises: 24-248 Yonge Street South. Richmond Hill. being part of Lot 47 in the First Concession West of Yonge 1Street, having a frontage on onnge Street of 48 feet 8% inches running North from a point 18 feet 10% inches north of the South East Corner of Lot '47, rear 31 feet four inches. depth one hundred and fifty ,Ieet. ‘ DATED at Toronto this 24th day of October. 1962. LOUIS FILIPOVICH. CHRISTO FILIPOVICH, 36 Yonge Street South. Richmond Hill. Any person resident in the licensing district may object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with Mr. H. J. Browne the deputy registrar of the licensing district, whose address is 55 Lakeshore Blvd., East, Toronto 2, Ontario. 31 least ten days be- fore the meeting at which the application is to be heard. Brown's Corners United Church choir with Mrs. Donald Reesor, organist. and Mrs. Eng- lish, leader. provided music at the morning service when Vic- toria Square celebrated anniv- ersary services last Sunday. Citizen. she said‘ i Richmond Hill Public School Training sessions for canvas- Board has accused the local pol- sers will be held in different ice force of failing to follow areas. through with prosecutions on During the meeting. Mrs. vandalism when they had all John Brown and Mrs. Russell the necessary evidence. Boyington modelled a candy- The accusation was part of a stripe pinafore and a pink resolution passed by the board smock. costumes to be worn by asking at a meeting last Thurs- junior and senior auxiliary war-[day night to be placed before kers in the hospital. icouncil on the November 5 avg- Ahniversary Services 'enda- Service clubs and organiza- tions throughout the area have already made donations, and large sums have been contrib- u-ted from many sources. but the bulk of the campaign funds will be gifts from the average citizen. she said. Many of the Brown's Corners congregation attended both ser- vices to hear Rev. Douglas Da- vis and Rev. Ray Hord. guest speakers. In the evening Mrs. George Hooper, a member of the York C'horaliers, sang a solo. In Oratorical Contest Buttonville members had‘more than the number required of Barbara Harrison and Neil Armstrong represented Button- ville School when the TSA No. 3 Oratorical Contest was held at S. S. No. 4 school Wednes- day of last week. Neither Barbara or Neil was chosen to represent the area in the township contest which was held Monday evening of this week in the municipal offices at Buttonville. The honor went to Keith Burton â€"- but all the contestants were given a pen, courtesy of the Victoria Square and District Lions Club. and the winners won a pen and pen- cil set. Open House at School Wednesday of last week was “open house" at Buttonville School with the teachers and parents’ club members as hosts. According to Principal How- ard Atkinson, approximately 75 per cent of the parents were present. They were free to ex- plore and ask questions on all matters pertaining ‘to their children's work and the school. Drive in now for our pres-winter check-up and service! COOK'S BP Get Your Car Ready! Cold weather’s coming on fast! Don’t let it catch you with your car unpre- pared for rugged winter driving conditions. NOTICE OF APPLICATION Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS "l'. 1-3151 i i } DOWN BUYS Y0" Have Evidence, Say Police Fail To Nab Vandals A two-year summary of the costs of vandalism would be submitted to council, both by the public and separate school board. All board members have been asked to attend the meet- ing. Recount: submitted to council “ by Finance Chairman W. H.I Hutchinson indicated that re-‘ placement cost of glass brokenl by vandals during the summer totalled $1,384.98. M Work on the frameworks of the basement and first floors of the York County Hospital Ex- tension at Newmarket is com- One trustee commented that vandalism of this type Is as much a reflection on parents, as on the vandals themselves. Beverley Acres School receiv- ed some $825.83 of this damage and Walter Scott $199. Board Chairman Harold San- derson stated that this summer’s bill for broken glass was the largest ever. Both Hospitals Making Progress $2.50 FOR A $50 BOND, $5 FOR A $100 BOND, ETC. BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR ' on M pMAKE VERY DAY INSTALMENTS A DRYING DAV “SYI‘n‘l’lZMffiInOIA‘iZT T ELECTRICALLY BANK OF MONTREAL W 70:41 34446 CANADA SAVINGS BOND IORKING WI?“ CANADIANS IN EVERY Vlle OF LIFE SW6! )8” BllY YOURS MY HANH" 70 3 Mill/0N (AflAD/Al/S rota board o BEATT OCOFHI ICONN o COROP IDOMM o Eaton's o&M.H IGENEF stephenson‘ Miss Eve Lie, Durâ€"tMail Delivery . Roll call is "name your favâ€" ban, South Africa. Miss Bever- I see “The Liberal" has aiourite pet". The program With ley Frazer and Miss Phyllis notice in this week asking all Mrs. Morris as convenor will be Frazer. subscribers who receive tlieir"‘finding out about dogs". prior 10 the in the bridepapers by mail to inform them Mrs. Audrey Kupchanko and was guest of honor at several of their new postal address. Mrs. Margaret Blow will be in showers_ including one given by With the prospect of houselcharge of refreshments. -‘ I I“I ‘_I I I I I I I I'I I‘I I i I I“I”i‘i"i_i“f Attending the guests and also in the rooms displaying the gifts were bridesmaids. Miss Joanne Stephenson, Miss Eve Lie, Dur- ban, South Africa. Miss Bever- ley Frazer and Miss Phyllis Frazer. A!!“““““““““!!!!!§ 1W %’ fl/ BUYAN \"" ElEcmlc clOIHES DRYER Mow CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS BETA FREE ElEBTBIB BlANKET ECONOMICAL o FLAMELESS ODOURLESS c SAFE PRECISELY AUTOMATIC BEATTY COFFIELD-HAMILTON CONNOR CORONADO DOMINION Satan's-VIKING G.M. FRIGHDAIRE GENERAL ELECTRIC Langstafl 8. Thornlea News YOU IN SAVING FUEL 71 Centre St. E. Richmon OPEN MONDAY T0 THURSDAY, 8 AM. TO 6 P.M. FRIDAY 9 P.M., SATURDAY 4 P.M. LET US LUMBER I THE LIB FOR All. YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B. LEPKEY Phone AV. 5-3489 THIS OFFER GOOD AT THE STORES DISPLAYING THIS SYMBOL uov. 8RD TO DEG-15"! nsulation - Rockw001 â€" Zonolite or aluminum 00F luminum all weather combination door and Si] - Weather stripping SERAL ASK FOR A FREE ESTIMATE TODAY PHONE 285-2267 884-1361 Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. November 1. 1962 15 0 INGLIS 0 KELVINATOR a LEONARD I MAXWELL o MAYTAG o McCLARV-EASY O PHILCO-BENDIX Mr. Evans and his staff. Mr. Curtis. the custodian. and also the pupils have feverishly been trying to sell ‘11 their tickets. Let us make the walls of the school bulge next Saturday from 1.30 to 4 pm. Mail Delivery I see “The Liberal" has a notice in this week asking all subscribers who receive their papers by mail to inform them of their new postal address. With the prospect of house COMPANY LIMITED ...AND OTHER FINE MAKES. 0 RCA WHIRLPOOLL o SIMPLICITY - Simpson'a-KENMORE-EIMpQOHQ-Seara 0 SPEED QUEEN I THOR paw“ M W, oCo-opVISCOUNT J“ "@431 cwssrmeHous: (,3 9"”9 0 DOUBLE BED SIZE 0 FULL 2-YEAR GUARANTEE O A TOP QUALITV BLANKET O CONVERTIBLE CONTOURED CORNERS 0 CAN BE WASHED AND DR!ED AUTOMATICALLY delivery one realizes we will lose the services of a man who has been more than just the mailman during these past few years. since Langstafl post of- fice WIS closed‘ We sincerely hope a corner can be found for this sincere and hard-working man in the future postal services of Lang- staff and area. Instead of making us take a trip to the Richmond Hill P.O. for parcels he would leave ours at the sub post office so we could easily pick it up. The man who contracted to be the courier for Langstaff and the Scott Subdivision and all the Langstafi‘ Young Women‘s In- stitute will hold their Novemo her meeting at the home of Mrs. Peggy Morrisl 85. areas has been a good friend to us all. Richmond Hill IWLINMD LUMBER

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