Conlin & Keogh SHARTERED ACCOUNTANT: South Block Richmond Heights Centre lulldlnx Repairs 8; Alterations Drain and Concrete Work FLA. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 54531/2 YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ' LEONARD R. ROSENBERG Dr. J, M, Dryer 3- Com- DENTIST Bank a! Nova Scotia Building, Open Evenings {aurora Gu Extractions lmk of Nova Scotia Buildlng, Aurora 1' Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 1 Building Trades If 'LASTERING CONTRACTOR KING Children's Wear GENERAL CONTRACTORS “If it’s exclusive Harrison will build it’ A rtlmr G. Broad 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Navember By Appointment > ‘V. Hamilton FURRIER I. D. "1818,1838, 0.0. (26 Years‘ Experience) x-RAY 71 Yongehurst Road AV. 5-2994 English car service centre for all makes. â€" PHONE TE. 3-5295 â€"- GENERAL ELECTRIC DEALER . Windhurst Gate & Bayview block south Bayview Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 ERRIDGE. ELECTRIC '40 LEVENDALE RD. HARRISON'S Custom Carpentry Fashion Sh0p ll. 4-3211 21 Bedford Park Ave Richmond Hill TUrner 4-425] Deciantis-Rice Chiropractic Wm. Clubine '15 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill British Cars RICHMOND MOTORS Accountants BOB CURRINGTON 36 Levendale Road Opposite Loblaws Richmond Heights Shopping Centre TU. 4-7474 Appliances By Appointment Children's L. E. Clark For QUALITY Chlldreu's Wear PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY with oï¬ices at 474 Botsford St Newmarket W. 52972 and 31 Mallow Road Don Milli 447-0589 TU. 4-2838 AV. 5-5881 All Hours RICHVALE TU. 4-2 AV. 5-4865 â€" WA. 5-0532! Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Flowers for all over the world Roses cut fresh daily Weddings -â€"- Funerals H. J. MILLS LTD. Dr. P. R. M acf arlane DENTIST 55A YONG! ST. SOUTH TUrner (-1511 Richmond Hill Dr. John Simpson DENTIST 7725 YONGE STREET AV. 5-4442 Thomhill, Ont. Member - Florists‘ Telegraph Delivery Association HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT Dress Fabrics Draperies - Home Service Complete Sewing Accessories Imported Silks and Woollens 80A Yonge Street South Richmond Hill “"“hԠ'“J- +2432: GENERAL INSURANCE Repairs â€" Remodelling % FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY Cleaning - Custom Work £113 King St. - Kin: C11 Certiï¬ed Cold Storage 1 TE. 3-523; Dr. J. Perdicaris ‘ COMPLETE COLLISION AND REPAIR SERVICE Dr. W. J. Mason I PAINTING. REBUILDING 285-5334 TORONTO 42, ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 CENTRE BAYVIEW , PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE OFFICE TU. 4-357 1 MEDICAL-DENTAL Dress Fabrics SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1974 Corsages Experienced designers Engineering 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) DENTIST Gas Extractions 50 Yonge St. North 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill . TU. 4-4601 Fabric Fair 78 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL STEAMFITTING WELDING Retail Division TUrner 4-1462 TU. 4-1177 Rlchmond Hill Flowers TU. 4-1064 Dental Furs Suite 2. Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1551 We personally handle all sale bills and advertising TU. 4-1219 iHair Styling 8: 3 Beauty Salons 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363 Fire. Automobile. Plate Glass Automobile Financing. etc. Office 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lune Richmond Hill John S. Walkington TRUCK & AUTO BODY 374] Maple Ave. Richvale TU. 4-1701 Formerly Bloor 8: Yonge Ste. Individual Attention Hair Styling Permanent Waving Air Conditioned Dryers 80 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill TU. 4-2321 Maple Plaza AL. 7.2590 Ernie Brock 8. Son for appointment. ph. AV. 5-368! ill you haven’t heard of our re- ‘ putation. enquire from your friends A]! work guaranteed 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St. Richule? Savage Insurance Services Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties 36 Years Experience SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE. FARM STOCK. FURNITURE AND IMPLEMF‘NTS H errington ! Insurance Agency "HON SAND and ‘GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Alvin S. Farmer! COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. ALplne 7-2621 Res. ALme 7-1224 Sellwood Salon GENERAL INSURANCE Body A: Fender Repairs Cm'nplete Reï¬nishing 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 Roy V. Bick E. CHARITY ()Nzn :‘IV‘MIF' 3311 GORMLEY. ONT. General Busmess Complete Insurance Service Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. A. Burnett General Insurance Insurance Garages 8, 1962 Richmond Hill Richmond Ell! ‘ Banister. Solicitor a; Notary Public 'in to ‘ g n] 15 YONGE 51-. NORTH RANCE g Richmond um. Ontario mlLI’l’! g Oï¬ico TUrner 4-1780 Km; cmi Residence TUrner 4-1863 By Appointment 363-3959 Names H. Timmins:E 9" King City J BARRISTER a; SOLICITOR Insurance â€" Mortgages Fire. Auto. Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service TELEPHONE PA. 7.9488-9i AV. 5-1477 195A MAIN ST. Ph. TW. 5-4571 Nev Stuart Parker, Q.C. RICHMOND HILL 7 Duflerin St. Toronto Oflice - 1a Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 Telephones Office: PA. 7-9488-9 Res; PA. 7-5046. Gariepy and Mann . 5 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Stlve' ’ Vale, Phone 'I‘Urner 4-3962 Peppiatt, Errington: 9.30 . 5.30 Weekdays J Wednesday & Saturday Afternoons by appointment Open Friday Nights BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. f NOTARIES r K. M. R. Stiver. QC. 1 Joseph Vale. Q.C. } J‘ M. Peppiatt' B.Al Ca B.A., 0-] 1 William Errington, B. Com. OPTOMETRIST BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 Donald M. Findlay;i Q.c. Lawlor & LeClaire BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS Suite 2, Lowrle Building 15 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill Every Thursday Afternoon TUrne: 4-1551 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill, Ontario TU. 4-4413 17 Queen Street E., Suite 544 Toronto 1, Ontario EMpire 6-2362 T. C. Newman, Q.C. Norman A. Todd, TE. 3-6684 96A Yonge St. 8.. Aurora PA. 7-9272 link of Nova Scotia Bldg" Aurora. Ontario 6197 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 J. RabinowitE/i Plaxton, Deane & Drew Corner Agency Limited Barristers and Solicitors The Bank of Nova Scolia Building Barrister. Solicitor. eta. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Thornhill Office AV. 5-1197 AURORA. ONTARIO Banister. Solicitor, Notary Public THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 Kenneth A. Gariepy BA. 5-1557 Barrister. Solicitor. Notary W. E. Nell Mann TU. 4-4618 Legal TE. 3-5451 Newmarket TU. 4-1543 Jack Seaton 1 REAL ESTATE BROKER lEyes Examined Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs NOW AT 3242 YONGE ST. In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 mm. to 6 pm. including Sat. BU. 8-8949 Evenings by appointment A. W. Kirchen, R.0. Eyes Examined V Glasses Fitted Prescriptions Filled & Renal" J. C. Harvat,B.A., 0.1). Trailways OPTOMETRIST } Of Canada Ltd. 1 l EYES EXAMINED o PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED! Local Bus Service 0 CONTACT LENSES 1 Daily Richmond Hill- GLASSES MADE & REPAIRED| Toronto Service IN OUR OWN LABORATORY| Chartered Coaches . I By Appointment 1 Information: AV. 5-5451 15 YONGE ST. N. I I Teacher of Piano, Voice and Theory (Preparatory for Royal Conseq- vatory examinations) Rentals. sales. service of off-ice machines. Business supplies and social stationery†m.“ Ileulé Ga. Office Supplies Marguerite Boyle Elocution. Public Speakin‘ Platform Deportment Dramatic Art 23 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Residential - Commercial Sales - Rentals - Leases 428 S. Fernleigh Circle (Markham-Bayview Area) KNAPP'S PAINT SERVICE aint-Wallpaper Benjamin Moore Paints [UALITY WALLPAPERS “HOMEWOOD HALL†YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 15 Yonge Street North PHONE 2 TU. 4 - 2819 Richmond Hill Massage Musical TU. 4-4641 TU. 4-4231 Thornhil] A.D.C.M‘ 285 1-172 a [’5 on Dr. W. Allan Ripleye VETERINARY SURGEON I Telephone 147 Yonge St. N.( Office | TU. 4-1432 TV Mobile Communications Richvale Electronics Stop 22 Yonge Street AV. 5-2669 PETER E. SMITH Antenna Installation We regret The Bell Telephone Company neglected to list us in their current directory. Sug- gest you paste this in a con- venient location. Herbert and Joan Goodhoofd Call Any Time - Free Estimates Antenna Installations Repairs to Electrical Appliances - Car Radios - I Restaurants I Repairs to: Radio - Hi-Fi Ontario Land Surveyors Richmond Hill. TU. 4-294] 105 Willowdale Ave.. Willowrlale 53 Bedford Park Avenue Ont" BA. 5-3031 Res. George T. Yates. O.L.S. 63 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Italian & Canadian Cuisine Catering & Banquet Facilities Try our Take-out Service for Spaghetti, Pizza Next Door to Richmond Theatre Coaches for all Occasions langdonk Coach Lines ltd. Reservations for Sea-Air Tours and Cruises M ath’s TV - Radio Service KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-54.01 Transportation FOR INFORMATION 884-7851 or 285-5782 Yates & Yates “A Litle Bit of Italy in Richmond Hill†Travel Service TU. 4-7903 MATH MERKELBACH Local Bus Service Daily Richmond Hill- ' Toronto Service Chartered Coaches 125 Pemberton Rd†Richmond Hill Veterinary La Canï¬na Surveyors Television Telephone TE. 3-5351 TU. 4-0083 GLOBE Travel Phone: Richmond Hill MacDonald claimed The Scout Law Essay contest 1was announced last May. The above six boys sent in essays. The instructions stated that no name was to be shown except on ‘the entry form. The essays ‘were received by Gordon Mc. lntyre, Superintendent of Rich- mond Hill Public Schools. He assigned each one a number and became the only person able to match up the names and num- .bers. The essays were put in separate envelopes showing the boys age. Scout rank and‘num- ber. These were sent to Pro: vincial Headquarters where a‘ four man team read and graded each essay. The sum of the rat- ings established the standing. The numbers were then co-re-‘ llated with the names. As their award the six boys were taken on a canoe trip in Halihurton during September. The school principals and par- ents gave permission to miss school on Friday to give them a long enough weekend for this levent. The county’s administration of justice committee reported to county council last WEek that Premier John P. Robants had promised to direct the in- spector to make a survey of the situation “having regard to cost, convenience to the people, and every other aspect that might be beneï¬cial to the county." A meeting between the pre- mier. committee, and repre- sentatives of nhe county’s prac- tising lawyers was held October 16 to discuss the matter. Council is seeking the divis- ion of York County into two judicial districts - Metropolitan Toronto and the present York County. A survey of the possibility of setting up a judicial system for York County is to be studied by the province's inspector of legal offices. Desire for the division of the county came with Metro’s pro- posal to build a new $17 million county courthouse on the site of the old Toronto Armories. Donald C. MacDonald, 0n- tario leader of the NDP called for a uniform standard of edu- cation across the province at a banquet held by the York North NDP organization at Maple Community Centre re- cently. NDP Party Chiefi Outlines Plans1 For Educationi He called a recently announ- TYRC plans to co-ordinate all ced Liberal platform calling for works personnel and equipment a uniform standard of educa-jin York County’s 14 municipal- tion a direct steal from thelities with those belonging to the! NDP platform. icommission in case of a major; An earlier Liberal proposalvdisaster. , that the province take over 1001 Council also authorized Mn: per cent of the cost of educa-lMiklas to allocate men and tion would undermine the de-lequ‘ipment to any area within gree of local autonomy. Mrflor outside the township during If no a durli 884-1 F In Phone Under a plan outlined by Mr.f"'""" 5"", ' V""" MacDonald. this assured stand-‘ ard of education would be met‘ Markham Township Engineer by a uniform tax rate. levied‘lDusan Miklas was named Mon- on a province-wide equalized‘day afternoon by council as co- assessment. ordinator of emergency opera- The revenues needed over and‘tions for the township works de- above this local levy to meet a‘partment. province-wide standard could be Mr. Miklas attended a meet- met by provincial grants. being of the Toronto and York suggested. ‘Roads Commission Saturday Mr. MacDonald charged the provincial Liberal party talks with two voices on policy mat- ters, often in conflict or even in contradiction. The number of entries was small but the spirit was high, and the material good. These boys deserve a lot of credit for theirl efforts. They all expect to enter the next contest with, it is hoped, many other boys. Province To Make Studyi Of York Judicial Setupi The Scout Movement has a wonderful reputation. Yet it is possible that some of the boys are not absorbing the aims and ideals of Scouting. With this in mind a long range program was initiated. The ï¬rst step was to ask the‘ Scouts to write their interpre- tation of each of the ten Scout Laws. After all, a scout pro- mises “on his honour that he will do his best to obey the Scout Law". This only means something when hevunderstands what he has promised. Winners in the Scout Law Essay Contest are seen above (left to right): Ronald Macnaughton, Robert Boardman, Murray Day, James Fraser, Roddy Loftus, Douglas MacDonald. Essay Winners From all reports the boys and leaders thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The boys now have lso much in common that when assembled for the above picture they did not want to part. This is Scouting. Mr. Dales has suggested the county could build quite an im- pressive courthouse of its own for $680,000. According to Reeve Joe Dales of North Gwillimibury, York would pay at least four per cent of the cost of the build- ing, based on assessment. It is estimated this would work out to over $680,000. Reeve William Hodgson of King Township, chairman or! the committee, was of the op- inion beneï¬ts derived from a separate judicial district for York would outweigh any in- creased cost She said administration of justice was the only punpose for which York County still in- cluded Metropolitan Toronto. Deputy-reeve Mrs. Caroline Ion of Newmarket criticized the present ï¬nancial arrange- ments in the county. the bill," she changed. Cost to the county of justice must continue to increase since total cost is increasing, she said, and reminded council the county's share of the cost based on assessment would also in- crease, since its assessment is increasing faster than Metro's. This report means the pro- vince Is at least going to ex- amine the possibility of separ- ating Metro and York County, she stated. Mr. Miklas attended a meet- ing of the Toronto and York Roads Commission Saturday called to discuss the part com- mission and municipal works de- partments would play in event of a national emergency. He told council Monday the TYRC plans to co-ordinate all works personnel and equipment in York County’s 14 municipal- ities with those belonging to the commission in case of a major Ronald Macnaughton â€" lst King. Law 1 â€"-“A Scouts hon- our is to be trustedâ€, and Law 2 -â€" “A Scout is loyal". The Boy Scouts of Canada, York Summit District. express their appreciation to “The Lib- eral†for agreeing to publish this and then one law essay per week for the next ten weeks. It is hoped that all those inter- ested in Scouting will follow this series “Metro decides how much it will spend and then sends us Douglas MacDonald â€" lst Melville. Law 8 â€" “A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficultiesâ€. Give D. Miklas Emergency Power an emergency The boys were accompanied by Harry Johnson, Scoutmaster of 2nd Thornhill; Assistant Scoutmaster John Turner of 5th Richmond Hill and Dave Bruce, Graduate in Forestry and a member of the Executive. Rov- ers Peter and Richard Mac- naughton went along to help ‘portage canoes and luggage. ‘They returned to their homes Sunday evening. Roddy Loftusâ€"â€"-5th Richmond Hill. Law 6 â€" “A Scout is a friend to animals". and Law 3 â€"“A Scouts duty is to be use- ful and help others". Murray Day â€" 3rd Richmond Hill. Law 4 â€" “A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout". and Law 9 â€"- “A Scout is thrifty". James Fraser -â€" 5th Rich- mond Hill. Law 5 â€" “A Scout is courteous", and Law 7 â€"- “A Scout obeys ordersâ€. The winners were: Robert Boardman -â€" lst Beverly Acres. Law 10.â€"-â€" “A Scout is clean in thought word and deed". l 3rd Richvale Brownies held their Hallowe’en party in the school on Monday evening, en- ijoying cookies, candies and salt drinks. Winners of the costqu prizes were C. Madeiimo, D. Blackburn, Caren Brown, J. Lund. Brown Owl is very an- lxious to have someone to help lher as Tawny Owl. Experience Misn't necessary. just a helping hand for Monday evenings. | Bruce Blackburn and Vaughn lJakobsen left on November 8. Ifor a week’s hunting trip in Northern Ontario. Guide 8: Brownie News ‘1 Sympathy of the neighbor- ‘hood is extended to Dennis lMoore on the loss of his mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, who re- sided with Dennis on Yonge- rhurst Road. Socials A luncheon of Chinese food was very much enjoyed on Novâ€" ember lst by Mesdames M. Hall. D. Schurman, M. Blackburn, D. Warwick, D. Higginson and M, Bateman at the home of Mrs. R. Voigt, Concord. PICKERING : Pickering Town- ship ratepayers recently voted for re-establishment of liquor outlets in Pickering Township, which has been dry since 1906. Wet forces won ï¬ve of eight liquor questions. it very hard to judge a winner. Mrs. S. Brown was welcomed u a new member. Wiriners of priz- es were Mrs. R. Cartier, Mrs. W. Turner. Mrs. A. Young, Mrs. T. Saul, Mrs. B. Shepherd and Mrs. S. Brown. Hostesses of the evening were Mrs. W. Turner and Mrs. B. Houle. Guesswork Is Eliminated NEW SCIENTIFIC METHOD “CHECKED†Electronically WITH THE STROBOSCOPE The Sugar and Sp-ice Club held their hallowe'en party at the home of the Blackburns on October 25. The costumes were both unique and varied, making Mr. and Mrs. A. Blackburn of Yongehurst Rd. will leave November 10th for a ï¬ve day holiday in New York. They will spent the week-end a: guest! of Mr. and Mrs. R. Yagley, Long Island. Mrs. J. Gardner. mother of Frank Gardner, formerly a! Weldrick Road, is quite ill. and being cared for by Mrs. W. Co:- toï¬â€˜ at her home on Walmer Rd. PIANO 'I' II N I N G REPAIRS REPAIRS Nancy Urben of May Ave. celebrated her ninth birthday on November 3 by having four little friends. Barbara Rankin. Debbie Blackburn. Karen Wood and Linda Baker. at her home for party games, sandwiches, ice-cream and cake. November birthday greetings are extended to Cathie Fettes, Don Turner. M. Tomlinson. D. Green and Jim Lawson. AL PYLE Cheryl Ann Baker of Weld- rick Road is home from the Branson Hospital, recuperating nicely from her recent tonsil- ectomy. (Continued From Page 2) President Kennedy’s position was wrong. Canada doing otherwise is hard to understand. The ï¬rst Can- adian leader to otate clearly that Canada must support the United States against Russian aggression and world Commun- ism was the Hon. Lester 8. Pearson. Surely. for Canada there can be no other position. Sincerely, Canada’s official stand was slow enough in being expressd ed by the Government, but even though slow in taking I stand it stood alongside its great ally. friend and neighbor. How anyone could think at M.P. Reports â€" North Richvale If no answer at 884-3614 during daytime, call 884-1105 or 285-3318 5 BEAVERTON RD. 884-3614 FREE ESTIMATES Correspondeni Mrs. A. Blackburn 108 Yongehurst TU. 4-2617 For Piano Instruction News A V- 5-3920