Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Nov 1962, p. 7

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THE LIBERAL. Rlclinlond llill, Ontario. Thursday, November 8. 1962 7 _ ALUMINUM SALE REAL‘ESTATE‘CFORâ€"SA‘LE"3â€" MOST HOMES ARE LISTED WITH DAVID “CLEAN LTD. $6,500 OAK RIDGES area. neat Qty-K‘mljcpjs _ BaT\.i‘g["‘5 and tidy lnodern bungalow. “ room Inodcrn bungalow $0.999 - hedmmns' 18”“ Mime” “ice * 'm ' T‘PE'I‘S’E‘O Snows POODLE at stud .tv’ 3‘2495- (‘3wl7i .\Ic('.-\BI‘?. Mai')’ w 3“ 5L Illi'h‘TREE towgoodw home 7 Labra-i ael's Hospital. Toronto. Wed-,‘dm: 1 year old and - . . , spayed. . $999 down. balance like rent. 10L I‘ll“ l“”“*““‘l"‘d “m f"”‘ ncsday. October 31, 1962. ,i;8.1_-;;353~ “Wm, . w D IA. 7-9488 or PA, 7-5046, tfclti ("ed- l”an .\lary Meagher of Richmond BWYRIT,1;>\§§ s, . . I , , . I & wffo'b’vl'il"E‘f’filid lIiIl. beloved wife of the late ‘ ‘ ‘ p‘mw puppms' brick $9.700 .\L'l’iUlt.\, This is a real registered. 8 weeks old. reason- iurnace.‘ .Iohn .1. {\lcCabe; dear mother house. 5) rooms. bath. Quality Products neat and comfortable Ilt me for V . - . - 811163 44 Hillside A\'€.. Concord. ' ' garago' C1050 [U “hool‘ Chur‘lh' the economv minded Jianiilv. oil‘ynlit’nailill‘mnii Caiiiildli CZWIQ I bus easy terms. 439-2439. *3w12 , ,1 v .‘ ,, I _, t, 1 . ', " 1-“- ~ 3199‘ t A l 77 7 7-777â€"~m . 7 . . . , , 7 7 â€" 7 w... r 4”(a“( l” d =""( “n ‘3 allodi Lake; Josephine «Mrs. .l. IMPORHuD from Ireland, reg. : RANCH bungalow, new. only this property has a spat'IOIIS Ilotchkissi. Los Angeles: Dor- istercd black poodle. available, ~ it v r ' ' 51495” “W “’ “‘h“”“~ “0.11"ng mom- Stills“ mode”) kii- othv <1\Irs. .1. Stewart) of Rich- for stud service, TU. 4-4598 . A N G L I c A N S'I‘JOHNS BAPTISrcHURCHl Other Denominations Low down payment, can AV.5-Ichen, well planned family room. mohd H,” in he. 77”, year. 0mm: H i . V . . . .. Fichmm‘d Hm 2951. T- Murphy. Broker. clwl'l' 3 large bedrooms. new furnace, Rested at the mph“, Funeral 7:,777â€"7V 7 77 e . ML LL- A .‘IrlICl‘lals & “omnmnshm [nullV Guarameed ,i rbT- MMin H (Convention of 0% am: 93'9" RICHMOND HILL 7 â€" ‘TTFVTIOV nice garden. 'l'el'ms available. Ho‘mv 126 “We a, V mm BEEN-Nd tShePhlE‘si'd Pimples, . * i A“ 'L'CAN “HUM Ministe“ Rev- J~ M W" FREE METHODIST CHURCH ‘, . ' . b ‘ , a ,an an, wee's old. ' ' / Richmond Hi“ , Meeting in Macmnop public Comer of Elmwood and Rm;ng BARCAIN HUNTERS ‘ w R “RF RF“ NH” mond Hill- (“19 champion pedigree. Iloheneich-' I , , , . i , . . Attractive 4-bedroom home in ‘ ' " ‘ " ‘ ‘ " * * * en Ken I TU 4-2 nwlur‘ Re“ ‘1' I“ 0 M"! t SChoOl V Rev. B. I‘. Holton. Minister older “,1 of Mum, I _ l._ 96 yonge st, 5,, Aurora ‘ t r A, "67. ._ 580. rtfc14 | Assistant Curate: 9.45 am â€" Sunday Sriiqol Church of the Light and Life. p‘ N g 3: WE? "‘ m, “238 “W 14691 RASMLSSEN. I\nud Asger â€" pOODLEr small blag“ indl & é Rev. .1. R. I". Moore 11 a.m. â€" Nursery & Primary Hour, CHML. E) a.m. Sunday In.” milm‘ “para”: d'l‘mgwnm At his home. 68 Oak Ave. whites_ top qlnlitv puppieq . SUNDAY» NOVEMBER 11- 1952 11 am â€" Morning Service ANNUAL MISSIONARY "100‘ kllt'licn, ...‘\\e mi Il'maf'o- . ,, Richvale, Friday, November no“. available, \Vofiderful (“.1 r n .. f TRINITY XXI A church handy to the north- CONVENTION 30”” f‘” V “m5 “10-000 “""h , I 5.12M)" _, , 2- 1-962- “Md ASE” Rasmus' position $100 up. Gormlev 5339 ' I 8 a.m. 7â€" HOLY COMMUNION west section of Richmond Hill FRIDAY T0 SUNDAY 31-000 mm" Balam‘“ 0” "as." Lf”"f””“h1“ b‘mom “1d” 1mm" sen, beloved husband of Jean ' i ' For Free Estlmates I 9.30 a.m. â€" MORNING PRAY-land Elgin Ming, NOVEMBER .34. ' terms. with full basement and garage. Campbell, dcarfather of Anna, tics? ER â€"'â€" ,Miss Naomi Lindsay. iiiissioliili'y 10 RENT “me to Yon‘gc Street lam“ 10": and dear brother of Kaj, EYLEPBROOK REIIDCIS Reg. TORONTO WINDOW MFG co. LTD. We have a few houses available I’hoto Co-op Listing. AV. 5-1905.l Home of Poodles. Pugs. York- from $85 monthly tip. shire terriers and Siamese kit- 'I‘IIORN IIILI. BAPTIST CHURCH Church School lages 2-11 yrs.) Sucnd, Johan. Rise and Mar- 11 a.m. â€" MORNING PRAYER grethe. Private family service on furlough from Egypt: ’ Guest Speaker. . a. i ‘ 'o- ss ~ ‘ 0 I, & ,) , , _ . . , H EARL v. STEWART 314.500 . _ h Id 5 t d f, r tens. Priced reasonably. Terms, 165 CENTRE ST. E. Imam caig \tarzlcm l ‘ (Loglgiimil’? 4l’lfongle‘ Strctfllue Scaliirgiiel: iTrxiomtif O’leil’lciV'Lhill'lllI Real Estate Bmk” B'Vltk Spllt‘vmrancei 3 bedroom. liltaiheePiphirui’uanVeril 91122:): PA' 7'9046' Aurora (‘1W19 RICHMOND HILI Canadian hcflion Chlil't'h Rev Mintoii Johnston. D.D.. a iiirnyish s ccial Srriusiic 21 Yong? S" N" Aurora bungalow taswfuuy decoratedl Richmond Hill. Cremation. l'POODLES top quality minature A . Parade l ' Minismr Other solOistsignd choraliiiroups PI" 7'94” lhrougllom‘ SRaCious combina'l c1w19iblack and 'white from Canada‘s . H i 7 Dim. â€" RVENSLJNG ;%i‘s- Gainersonondregvierzanigi will take part b “‘119 i:fl‘ngigng":L‘Q‘Cfifi,il‘ifciggg‘ ,. , . ,, gigfstdbloctiddlines,lllealth lguar- ‘ 7 7 . , . ' cnc-- ..â€" morn nermc- _ , A ‘ ‘ 10 a.m. â€" HOLYbCOyMMUNION' am iaie Scl‘ilool $ng _ Sunday qchm)! marge 10‘ “"“l "99‘ AV~ 5‘ REDMAN~ Hillary 3- M his Professional 3:231? glibiziiliiiee r “â€" ll] “11- 'â€" Junior SChOUI and 11.30 am. â€" MisSioimry Service 1905' . I . . BY & “ON homer 0'} Wf‘dnes‘] yv OCtOberlSel‘Vice. PA. 7-6669 tfci Ola muggng ,, 7 _ HELP WANTED A- “."r‘ii" ‘ ~ :11;..1Electricians.*‘ POSTIN ‘ 3““ A Cordial Welcome is extended AP'PT" 5â€"“ HT‘ ‘ ‘ ' i ' , THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIEL? p.m. â€" High Fellowship and m the Public PART “ME “0‘9 f0? bake shOP- REALTORS 1 Adams of BrookSIde Dr., R. G 0F Phone TU. 4-4188. dear Crosby and Bayview Avenues Young People's frzWIIBSOLIDP’BRICK 6 roofh'bungaj R. 1. Richmond Hill: ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€" 777 v77â€"â€" 7‘ 7â€"7â€" .- Rev. R. E. McLennnn ' ‘â€"i LADY to quilt 2 crib size 10w in Oak Ridges_ on acre lot! brother of Mrs. Eva Towner, I _ . - 407 Lynett Crescent T H E R A N CALVARY CHURCH quilts. 884-3447. c1w19 fully landscaped, fireplace; Mrs. Ida Larkin. Cecd, Clar- I Reverend PnnClDal and Mrs, _‘ TU. 4-4236 RICHMOND HILL ‘ iD’A'Y bggf’smerf’élgo {fogng storms and screens, town water] ence and Bert. Rested at the iW-igfilatglegnnGolen 0fthThornhill. ., SUNDAIIH‘Nh'vmlII Ismail 1962 THE lASI'I'i'lyltmd Alli; 51.101130th "Tim" Thomhm' ml'st have “rep-134327173777 7 7 79:14 Viigirsfunmiilieliiiidii: ‘mént of tiieii‘nctiéugiiteinggrgiid " REMEMgREANgERDAY ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 1 “Ac viiiie rec “rim 3 l°""°s' AV' 5'5513' “l‘l'19‘$2°-5°° FULL PRICE RIChmm‘d inte‘Fment Claremont Cemel Catherine to Mr. George Evanl ‘ ' - - ’ 8 am H l C . (2 miles south of Maple) ssemTU 54313873“ 3 HA'IRâ€"STQEI’ST. ’A’fiply Chez Hill. Three-bedroom house. four, tery c1w19 collard, son of Mr, and Mrs; - . â€"- 0 3’ 0111mm!“ Pastor - Emil Lange ‘ - I f B u TU years old, separate dining room, ‘ H ' ‘ i p y p 9.30 a.m. â€" Church School N v MBER 11 1962110 a.m. â€" Sunday School Paulme H0159 0 9“ ‘y- - e F- COHaFd. of Victoria ,. ages 7 and up 959:0", % Ed 5 M »1 nd 11 am _ The Pastor 4-2726. c1w19 poanelled ,clilen. firiplace. fang:- * r * * Square. The wedding is to take; 01, ,1, , .. _. ‘ ‘ ..V__77, ..L . .;_ LA _ , ‘ , . ‘ 11 ‘-m' 'â€" Morning Prayer ' a.m. Biblgncgssc 0 a 7 Pm. -â€" The Pastor ‘WOMEN wanted for office gaggerplzkataeccgle565.3] 4'2%r56.SCR_l\/ENLR â€"â€" AI Richmond Place .1“ Knox College Chapel H [‘4 ‘ ChUI‘Ch SChOOI for Children up,“ “n _ The service Tues, 8.30 p.m.â€"Prayer ltlcctingiclcaning in Willowdale, four for Appointment ' ' t‘fc” HIII.‘ Wednesday, November7 on Friday, December 28th 0t 71 U to 6 years ; ' Rev. P. A. Sorenson. Pastor lhours a night. EM. 2-6771. c1w19 RICHMONDâ€"film 7&9. .. {1T $1183“: ngtnesv stcrgeger 0; p‘m' * * * _, Clwwl , Nursery for Babies 3 - Everybody welcome ""*’A A” "’7' ' 4. ")0n 1 Y en I‘e . es . 10 mon . 7 p.m. â€" Remembrance Day 81" PAULS LUTHERAN â€"â€"_â€"â€" HAIRDRESSER' exPerlgnCEd' Prin'Cipal. interest and taxes. Hill, beloved husband of Jes- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowen wish i 7‘ y a . i . CHURCH ‘ luesday to Saturday. IU. 4- 5m N114 mom a, e 6 - C d f th f to announce the en , e m f (OUNIX 01‘ YORK serV'ce Walter Scott School Markham y 1342 c1w19 one ‘" ‘ “ ' g g ‘ 5‘9 ooper' ear 3 er 0 . gag me, 0 icouts, Guides, Cubs & Road ' SEVENTH-D791 ,;__ .. , LEW». year old detached 3 bedroom Bessie, (MrS. H. Howe) of their daughter, Donna Marie, to, ‘ rownics Church Parade Rev “but E Myers BA ADVENTISTS CHURCH CLEANING lady wanted. Bay- bungalow, oil heat. steps (Oi Toronto and Marion at home. Kenneth Ray. son of Mr. and. Notice is hereby given that I have complied E .BD STM Pastor. " “"5"”? "- G- F'“""“""’ View- Finchareas225-1553-R€-'sch0015. church and shopping grandfather of Dorothea MFS- Hugh O‘Brien The wed- with Section 0 of THE VOTERS' LIST ACT and- EMMANUEL ' " ' ‘ " ‘ Meeting every Saturday verse charges. c2w18 private. Will settle for $3,500 (Mrs. Fehdrau) and great ding will take place Decemberl , ANFLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY' NOVEMBER 11' 19M“ Elgin MIIIS WeSI ' ' v W " Pi” 1A_ cash TU 4-3549. c1w19 grandfather of Linda in his 1‘ 1952) In Teston UHIIEdI that I haVe posted up at my (“rue at BUTTON- . Sunday SChOOI ' ' ‘ ' ' ' 9'45 a'm"1,.i mile west of Yonge Street .YOUNG GIRL warned for c ean‘ ie;---.~i~r~- ~77 7 77 ii - ' -_ Church 1 ml VILLE. Ontario. on the 7th day of November MICK!!! Drive - Richvale Worshi 11 _ , mg plant phone Av_ 5.3272, 321 SKOPIT DRIVE . 92nd year. Resting at the Pl c w ‘ , . . i Re F d C J k p ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ’ ' ' ' ' a'm‘ WOTSth SCI‘VICE 9.20 8111-. ' . . 1 her Funeral Home 125 "' W " ”' " ‘ 1â€"“ l 1962, the list of all persons entitled to vote m- “ re - ac 50“ 1 Nurserv Prov1ded S bb th S l 1 0 0 €1W19 This house must be sold. Listed 1’ , - _ - . . . . . . . . . TU, 4.2413 ‘ a a 0100 1 -3 a.m- 77 777777 Yon-ge St. N., Richmond Hill. Willowdale And the said Munlcmallty at mun1c1pal elections and» at $15,900. Now open to anyi reasonable offer with $1,000 down. 2 years Old. Large rooms. SERVICE STATION attendant. experienced only. Gabriel‘s Tex- aco. 281 Yonge St. N., Richmond Mrs. Jan. E. Howard. Organist SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1962 i) Service in St. Mary's Angli-‘ . can church Friday at 2 p-m' Sr. I'IOCIteY Winners that such list remains there for inspection. . And I hereby call upon all voters to take PRESBYTERIAN UNITED MISSIONARY 8 a.m. â€"- Cor orate Communion CHURCH . , 3 bedrooms, H011 700d kitchen, Interment Maple Cemetery. , - - . , ' , and Dedication Sunday School. RICHMOND HILL GORMLEY “1L7- fl veeuifglm an in immacuim condition, , c1w19 in local senior hockey league. immediate pfocgedlngsdlo ha“? any errors 01‘ 0m" “who” I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. C. E. Hunking, Minister ‘HAIRDRESSER‘ expenenced' Possession immediate. Good * * "‘ " iplay Tuesday evening at the ' lssmns correLle accor mg to aw‘ The laSt day. 9:45 a.m. â€" Junior School .Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister 10 a_m_ _ Sunday school 38 hour week “9 night work mortgage setup. can Mrs_ ‘ town arena Willowdale Rangers - for appeals being the let day Of November, 1962._ 9 and over Mrs. Vern Diamond. 11 am. _ Morning worship and Monday oil. ’lU. 4-2321. Plaxton, Av. 54210 2224548. WELLAND- Lloyd 05”" mild) defeated Stark‘s Larks (Lea- Dated at Buttonvme this 7th da of Novem 1‘ 'em- â€" Primary School Organist and Choir Lender 730 pm. _ Evening Service _irfiigg_wi, {‘2‘} Royal Trust. c1w19 â€" suddenly Sunday, NOVem- side) 6 to 4. Starry Bob Wright 9 y '_, 8 years and under SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1962 ___'__ CAPABLE woman for day care her 4‘ 1962- Lloyd .05?” scored three goals for Willow- ber’ 196‘“ ' ' 11 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School and in OUR home‘ 5 day week, 330 (Bud) Welland of 22 FairVIew " dale while Earl Cairns got two 2:30 p.m.-Confirmation Class Bible Class RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL to 430. $75 mommy, 334-7237_ Ave., 5.5. 1. Richmond Hill. TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM. l and John Drum'mond one. Goal REAL ESTATE 7-39 Pm. â€"- Youth Fellowship 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship 24 (gak Avenue H 011319; 183919353“ :elfibggheroif (23:13 getters for Leaside were paul H. C. T. CRISP, I ST. MARK’S ANGLICAN ii ainEMEngliii‘sAefyCEpegglmem‘Sunday â€" emces fififilkNCED Slip COW” cu" WANTED i all); Spencer Rested at tilt: 15:33:23” 31‘}, $1.13, Clerk' . n â€" s I 7777 r *7» l o - l e (Vengeafitlglim Grove, 7.15 p.m. â€"-â€"S Young People‘s,9.30 a.m. â€"‘- R‘circneembrance Ser-Jtz'teséngégtr fail-38?;- 8Igflhoeif wopLD LIKE to exchangel Eglhgeer Sfulgeritlidflrggi each. 297'1900 2854103 .. x .â€" a s...o.erex-_5-_2te-, , Sign: .2222: ' " ..t".lasagnasmaaidii NOTE= Copies of the voters List supplied? SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 19621-‘Let Us Go IntovThe House Of, School APPLIANCE repairman. part or 5175, ciwia inn Leafs defeated Concord to Post Offices In the Mun101pahtÂ¥~ Remembrance Day Service The Lord" 7 p.m. â€"â€" Gospel Meeting full time. Herridge Electric, 40 LOT fiNTEbh . WFIyers 7 to 2- 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School THORNHILL Tues. 8 p.m. â€" Prayer and Levendale Rd.. Richmond Hill, 7 South of Richmond Hill. west of Yonge St., phone BA. 1-1705. A RETIRED couple wants to buy a home with some addition- al land in Thorn'hill-Rich-mond c1w19 ER. one pracâ€" in memorial“ CHAPMAN â€" In loving mem-’ cry of my dear husband Har- 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Prayer PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . Hwy. 7. 1/9 mi. west of Yonge‘ Dillwyn T. Evans. Minister , SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 19621 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship Bible Reading iTU. 4-3211. Wed., 7 p.m. â€" Pioneer girls‘ONfH'O'U’SEREEP . gm.” . , ‘tical nurse and helpers part mung peoples and ladles ltime and full time. Nursing meetings as announced lHome. TU. 4-2651 after six p.m. “Jesus saves and there is no ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN (Yonge at Jefferson, Oak Ridges) The Rev. Tom Robinson DID YOU KNOW . . . That A “Roadworthy Certificate” Is Mandatory 0n ..Le t w F r to , Hill Area. David Davies Realtor, SUNDAY NOVEMBER ‘7 s e o ge " othe " +“C14 AV 5 1396 tf 19 W . 11. 1962 .m. 7â€" Evenin Worshi T Way '7" if" “’1’ 'â€"_ ' ' ' c I Remembrance Day Service p “What Is gPrayer"p â€"~’â€" JRUCR DRIVER demd for OTDERRTTick Oâ€"mTf_ Two sad and- lonely years have _..U8,ed cars Taday? 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School Christian Education Classes CHURCH OF CHRIST “lumber yard’ Steady employ- r as W arm passed smce my great sor- 10.55 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 7.30 p.m. â€" Evening Prayer and Fireside Bible Study on Colossians 1 HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL Brooke & Jane Streets Rector Rev. H. Reginald Howden, B.A.. L. Th. Organist and Choir Director Mrs. Ralph Markham, A.R.C.T. Wednesday 10.15 a.m. â€" Holy Communion SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1962 let Sunday After Trinity “Remembrance Day" 8 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 a.m. â€" Bible Classes ll a.m. â€" Church School 11 a.m. â€"- Morning Prayer Preacher, the Rector 7 p.m. â€" Evening Prayer Preacher: Mr. Robert Hartley Trinity Teens and Twenties will meet in the parish hall PARISH OF KING (Anglican) HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints‘ Church - King City 10.30 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 a.m. â€"- Sunday School ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage, M.A.. DD. 8 a.m. â€"- Holy Communion 11 a.m.fâ€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sun- day of month at 11 ll a.m. â€" Sunday School Holy Baptism by appointment BAPTIST RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) 1 Pastor: :6. Forbes SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1962 9.45 a.m. â€" Bible School Classes for all 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship 7 p.m. â€"- Evangelistic Service Wed. 8 p.m. â€" Prayer Meeting A Friendly Welcome 1: Extended to ALL at. The Young Church with the Old Message LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada) Church Street Langstafi Edwin fl. Mitchell Pastor Phone AV. 5-3401 LORD‘S DAY SERVICES 9.50 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" MORNING SERVICE 7 p.m. â€" EVENING SERVICE Supervised nursery at all Lord's day activities "MIDWVEEK HOUR, Wed 8 p.m. Prayer. Praise. Bible Study 1 outh activities Tues. 7 p m. .1 Ilnior [I Ambassadors, Saturday. 0.30 a m WARM WELCOME .\\\.\|'I‘S YOU 9.45 a.m. â€" Grades 4 to 9 and , adults I ‘11 a.m. 7â€" Nursery. Kindergar-, ten and Grades 1 to 3 EVERY WEDNESDAY, 7 and 10 A.M. - MORNING DEVOTIONS and COMMUNION ST. ANDREW’S PRESBY'I‘EBIAN CHURCH MAPLE. ONT. and ST. PAUL’S CHURCH. 7th Com. Vaughan Twp. Rev. B. F. Andrew. Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1962 110 am, â€" St. Andrew’s Church and Sunday School .10 a.m. â€"-St. Paul’s Sunday 1 School 11,15 a.m. â€" St. Paul's Church; UNITED RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH ,Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A.. B.D. ,SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1962‘ 39.45 a.m.â€"Primary Junior, In- ‘ termediate & Senior Sunday I School .11 a.m. â€" Nursery s. Kinder- ) garten ‘ . Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Morning Service Sector - Tile Dedication 7 p.m. â€" Evening Service . Sermon: "Salvation" ‘ ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1962 9.30 a.m. â€" Sunday School ‘ ,11 a.m. â€"- Divine Worship ' An Act of Remembrance. Nursery and Kindergarten meet THORNHILI. UNITED CHURCH Howard J. Veals. , B. Paed. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1962 9.45 a.m. â€" Intermediate and Senior Sunday School Rev. BA. 11 a.m. â€" Sunday School and Nursery 11 am, â€"Morning Worship . For further information call AV. 5-2131 I'NITED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE CHARGE Minister. ' Rev. Ralph C. Williams. BA. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1962 Maple â€" Sunday School 1015 am. Service , . . . . . . . . . 11.30 11.111. Sermon: “The Christian Witness For Peace" Junior Congregation , ('Annvli.l.E l I'NITED CIIL‘RI‘H a ll) Worship Scriirc and Sunday School ' i 0.45 Welcomes you at 7 p.m. each Lord's day Corner of Laurie' Rd. and Concord Ave., Concord Brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. that ye all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you; . . . BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. VanderBent, Pastor Tel.: Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3155 Heise I-IIII (Gormley) 10 a.m. -â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Worship Service 7.30 p.m. â€" Evening Service Wed. 7.45 p.m. - Prayer Meeting ,Vaughan (3rd Com, 2 miles north of Concord) 11.15 a.m. â€"- Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh. Pastor TeI.: Gormley 5544 10.30 a.m. ,â€" Sunday School Births tnee Badger) announce the arrival of daughter. Janice October 28, 1962. at County Hospital. Newmarket. c1\v18 ROGSTAD â€" .-\t Western I'Ios- pitai, Sunday. October 28. to MI‘.’. and Mrs. A. G. Rogstad lnee Patricia Steven) a son. 8 lb. 1 07... first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. R. .1. Steven. 318 S. Paliser Crescent. Rich- mond Hill c1\v18 are happy a CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our appreciation and thanks to all our friends. neighbours and re]- atives for the many kindnesses, expressions of sympathy and floral arrangements in the sud- den death of our father, “Elwood Davis. ,\\'e would also like to thank Mrs. Perce Corbyii and Mrs. Bill Sheets Jr. for the use of their home after the funeral alid everyone who prepared and brought in lunch for us there. Many thanks to Rev. Jenkinâ€" son of King City and the 'l‘homp- son Funeral Home, Aurora. for their kindness and consideration at this time. Beryl and Fred and families c1w19 C.\l\‘D 0F THANKS I would like to thank all those who >(‘llt me cards. lct- ters and flowers and those \\ 110 came to visit mo bile l was Ill St. Michael's llosuitu' Mrs. .l-lst‘i‘liillc lltlli'. c1w19 ment. Bowden Lumber. Stop 23 Yonge St., Richvale, AV. 5-4921, ITU. 4-1121. ClW19 YOUNG MAN. age 13-22 to train 12.30 p.m. â€"- Grades 10 to 13 .'1 cor- 1‘10 NOW I beSCeCh youlfor future management in a ‘leading retail shoe store. Apply Agnew-Surpass Shoe Store, Richmond Heights Centre.c1w19 REAL ESTATE salesman, for Richmond Hill office. prefer married man 30-50. Mr. Shields. 'I‘U. 4-3805. David McLean Ltd. i c1w17 EXPERIENCED car and truck lubricator, top wages. Apply to Service Manager Skyline Pon- tiac-Buick Ltd. 9612 Yonge St., ERichvale. c1w19 PART-TIME JANITOR .For Separate School in Richâ€" .mond Hill. hours 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Reply, by mail only, to Mr. F. Shorter. 51 Palmer Ave. giving experience if any. c1w19 WOMAN with restaurant ex- perience for counter and grill lfor days or evening work, part 1130 am. __ worship Serviceltime. Apply Mrs. Couvrette, 7‘30 p_m_ _ Evening Service Dads Driveâ€"In, 255 Yonge St., iTues.. 8 p.m. â€" Prayer Meeting SEW” Chi/19 NEED‘iSiTRA’MONEY': FOR ‘CHRISTMAS? Our Representa- Itives earn $500 to $1,000.00 dur-i ting the Christmas selling season .now in full swing. We can help ‘McQUARRIEâ€" Merv, and Jane you earn this kind of money to with Avon. Openings in Doncas-‘ ter, Richvale, Langstaff, Grand- Elizabeth, view Estates, Write Miss Zieg7; York Icr. P.O. Box 141. Guelph. Ont., l c1w19 DUE TO OUR CONTINUING GROWTH large life insurance company offering life-time opportunity for aggressive and ambitious ,young married man. aged 24-45. .For sales and service work in Willowdale and North ’l‘oronto‘ and south. High school education an asset. Full training program. or village home, large lot, wide frontage, at least 4 bedrooms. within one hour of Toronto. Private party. Write Box No. 73 The Liberal. c1w18, DO YOU HAVE a home located on 10 acres in King. Mark- ham, Maple. Woodbridge or Richmond Hill area? For quick sale, contact Mr. Richardson, HU. 7-3361. Peters and Wiles Realtor. c1w18. HOMES WANTED Buyers waiting for Thonnhill and Richmond Hill homes. Al- though new listings continue to come into our office regularly we are at this time desperately in need of more properties for waiting clients. Please call AV. 5-1176, David McLean Ltd., Re- altors. c1w19 PROPERTIES WANTED We are nearly sold out of prop- erties, houses. lots, acreage. farms. businesses, gas stations. Buyers waiting, some with cash. others with good down pay- ment. Prompt efficient service. Nine salesmen to serve you. 25 years Real Estate experience, HERB SILLS LTD. ‘Members of Toronto Real Es- tate Board 1 AT. 8-1143 Woodbridge ‘ R0. 9-4901 tfclO PIANO TEACHER: for children or adults at Concord. AV. 5- 5002. *3w17 PIANO. ORGAN. Accordion tuition. classical or popular. .Children or adults. Associated Music Schools. 'l‘U. 4-5317. c4w16 WANTED ‘And leave the rest with God. i Sadly missed Alma & Scott. row fell, The shock that we received that day no one can ever tell. God gave us strength to meet it and courage to bear the blow, , But what it meant to lose you! no one will ever know. It's lonely here without you. dear, we miss you m-ore‘ each day, i For life' is not the same to us‘ since you were called away. You bade no one a last farewell nor even said goodbye, You were gone before we real- ized and only God knows why. . 7â€" Sadly missed by wife May and family. c1w19 trunk ESPEY â€" In loving memory of: my mother, Bessie, who pass-‘ ed away November 10. 1955. Your presence we miss. Your memory we treasure, Loving you always, Forgetting you never. - â€" Sadly missed by daughter Evelyn and Charlie, ¢1w19 :0: Ir i It .SLOAN â€" In memory of our brother, William Sloan, who passed away November 10, 1961. Looking back with memories, Upon the path you trod. ‘ We bless the hours we had with, you, i lTom a. Vina. *1w19 SALE REGISTERS INOVEMBER 24 â€" Saturday â€" llmportant auction sale of 82. Iacre farm, farm implements,1 IFord Major tractor. threshing‘ ‘machine 24x42 Mount For- iest with graiii thrower and) Starting salary 3100 week, Fuâ€"‘WANTED one rural mail boxdseed attachment. Case binder lure earnings most active. Ap- iAV. 5-5003. c1w19 8 ft. cut. 2.500 bu. oats, mixed ply .I. C. Kyle, 2293 vonge. iIU-‘DOUBLE CAR garage Phonegrain. large quantity of baled. 576523. cl\\'19 TRAIN FOR MANAGEMENT (in Full Salary Salary is one of the many fea- Program. Earn full salary as you train. with frequent increas- es directly related to your pro- gress â€" and a definite executive appointment as Branch Manager a: program completion. NO sell- 1113:. no experience required. Friendly t-O-workcrs, interesting otl‘icc and field work with ex- penses paid Outstanding em- ;iimec benefits, rapid promotion. . secure future \\ill1 Canada's old- est alld lal'flcst consumer finance compani .\:e 21-28. senior mat- l‘i('lll1tllfll‘i is required HOI'SICIIOIJ) FINANCE (WHIP. 13 Vonee Si. N. Richmond Hill ch18 PR. 3-5126. c3w'19 DOLL'CARRiAGEf’suitable for ten year old. Reasonable. AV. 5-2703. after 5 p.m. c1w19 SAIL-{LIED upright piano, not apartment. Good condition, reasonable. Phone AV. 5-5551. " ' ’U’S’ED’ FURNITURE" Frank's Movers TU 4-2613, AV 5â€"5101. Lfc? .‘hay and straw, large straiwstack Iloose, quantity of furniture. some antique articles. ’55 Pon- tiac hydromatic 5 passenger .,Coupe and ’49 Dodge. Estate of ‘the late Pearson Smeltzer at Lot 2, Con. 6. King Township just south of Laskay, first road ‘ west Of 400 highway. No reserve lures you'll like about this well- WAXTED â€" pianos and used'on Chattds- Terms 0" Chattelsl planned Mana‘lement Training furniture. Cash prices paid, can cash. A. S. Farmer, auctioneerl and Storage. Sale at 12.30 p.m. sharp. Jack. \Valkington. clerk. c3w19 IMPORTANT Richmond H Association A general meeting will be held 2 p.m.. Sunday, November 18th at the Masonic Temple. 112 Crosby .~\ venue. The meeting will cl business and election of otTicers. Richmond Hill Minor Hall Association ill Minor Bah; implete the 1063 seasOn's DID YOU ALSO Thixt All Used Cars Displaying Our 0-K. Seal Have Always Been Approved Roadworthy? â€" THE @ .SEAL MEANS THIS â€"1 It means a better Used Car Buy, because every car is thoroughly inspected, and road tested for trouble-free driving. A written O.K. Warranty to the Purchaser, provides -‘ further assurance of dependable trouble-free motor- ing for some time to come. 62 Chevy II 2 Door Convertible, radio, 60 whitewalls, windshield washers, Spec- ial wheel discs 62 Chevrolet Sedan 62 Pontiac 2 Door Laureiitian automa- tic transmission. power steering, windshield washers 61 Ford 2 Door V-8, whitewalls, whch discs, windshield washers 60 60 61 Corvair. windshield washers, auto- 60 matic transmission. \vhitew‘alls icour- tesy car) 60 59 (Iiiâ€"Chevrolet 4 Door Hardtop, automatic transmission 6 cylinder. windshield washers, wheel discs; power steering. radio ’ 59 (1'1 Chevrolet Sedan, automatic trans- mission, windshield washers. 6 cyl- 59 inder 61 Pontiac Station Wagon. automatic 59 transmission, 6 cylinder. power steer- ing, radio ‘ 60 Chevrolet 2 Door 6 cylinder, automa- 58 tic transmission two-tone, radio 60 Oldsmobile'Tudor. automatics trans- mission ' 6t) Oldsmobile Hardtop, power steering, power brakes. radio, automatic trans- mission. windshield washers Kindly contact one Of the -l U) or ‘1 Pontiac 4 Door. automatic transmis- .3 sion. 6 cylinder, two-tone, radio. wheel discs Chevrolet 2 Door, 6 cylinder, automa- tic transmission Chevrolet 2 Door. llardtop. automa- tic transmission. 8 cylinder. power steering, power brakes, radio Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan. automatic transmission. 6 cylinder. wheel discs, ' radio, windshield washers Chevrolet 2 Door Hardtop Chevrolet 2 Door Sedan, 6 cylinder. radio Oldsmobile Sedan "98" 4 Door, fully equipped Chevrolet ‘2 Ton Pickup Chevrolet 4 Door, 6 cylinder, autom~ atic transmission. radio. windshield washers Chevrolet 4 Door, 6 cylinder, automa- tic transmission, windshield washers. radio, wheel discs Chevrolet Sedan Oldsmobile 4 Door Hardtop, power steering, power brakes. radio, wind- shield washers following experienced Wilson-Niblett representatives. HOWARD JACKMAN EARL MORTLEY JOHN MacKINNON 355 Yonge St. N. HAL BROWN VINCE KNAPP REG. LUI’TON LEWIS REID KEN MORTON MOTORS LTD. CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE, F.85 CORVAIR, ENVOY, O-K. USED CARS AV. 5-4991 - TU. 44194. Just North of Richmond Heights Centre For Your Convenience lhe Parts Dept. will be open "Hill 3 ll-l“- Dallll'dafid i

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