Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1962, p. 13

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it in. . u".. Col. A. .-\. Kennedy, Ontario Hydro Commissioner (left), presents trophy to Allen T. Kinsman, Richmond Hill Rural Operatingr Area lineman, for winning top honors in one-ton truck class in Hydro’s recent 11th annual truck roiideo contest. remarkable Ontario Displaying ing skill. an Richmond Hill Rural Operating there were . D - lL’indl lodge in preseru‘d and to day is ill l't‘L," Irate :tiost oi the members of ular use 111 \‘ictorta l.otl_'e 'l‘liw that (lat llll~>f‘(l on to their It‘- dl‘IV'w‘IX 10515 01 dI'IVIIIS 5km. “'35 Bible was originally llll“-t‘llil'tl 'ttzii'd but in many cases the llydrolthe same for each class although to my Lodge in .i ;I't)tip ot' t..i tzinttln s have utmed iiwziy (Till-Cl'ml (1151811905 men includin: the tl'llt lli (‘tt't ’I‘htoitghotu the long history Area lineman. Allen '1‘. Kinsman between obstacles and markers. Bridgeport amt yltx [,nitostnrt ot' the ltitlL't‘ the name of John For the fourth .VCHI‘ in a I‘0\\'. wife of Dr. 1.:uiestail. grant ll. Sanderson is outstandinu took top honors in the one-ton straight truck class in Ilydr0’51Car1 Stewart of Lislowel Rlll‘allfathey of [)t‘ Histort :\tt. Ilitit‘. lllt‘lttiitiiltl Its Illllt‘ill .‘iiiiiitci'saijv. but law)»; to 157)“. The golden \‘icloi'ia Inigul ‘ll'.lii,t llill. thi.s year tt‘lt‘lll'llil‘ tthc lodge has '1 history th’ anlli\‘(‘l‘>‘:t1"\' rear will by many special jevents. otitstitntlint: itllltlllt,‘ which will lie the i’it'tieth Anniversary llllltl- l. to ttt- inthl ;:t the Town Inii. Wetl- ‘ nesday t'\(}lllllf_"_ .\tt\t‘llllt('l ‘_'l.s:. On this historic occaâ€" sion. Elmer Wood. tirantl l\l.tstt'r l'or lliitiii'it West. and Mrs. Wood will llt‘ among the ttfstiiicuishetl Quests. Although history ol’ illt‘ present lodge dates l);lt'lto June, 1912. tht- original charter i'or \‘ictoriii Lodge was granted Octolicr itltlt. 18.31;. and t‘ol, Ilavitl lil'ltltl't‘- lord was the first l'lllllljJ master. Col. l-lritluelord \vas a very prominent tic'ure in the early history ol‘ lichâ€" mond Hill and he served as head ol' the lodge in 183T. 1858 and 1839. It is notable that‘ The membership roll of soinelv bound volume oi' tltc'ttali .t century ago ('Unlilllll‘tl tsacred law presented to the or- tci'y tow names tzimiliar in the has been t‘tlTl'llllllll) today. .\'ot only 111' t l H iimlivt'tt (Ontario Hydro Photo.) a 1137 James Langston and die records reveal him as '1111] annual ll‘llt'k lltl‘ddi‘t) ITCld‘OPCI‘alIng Area 1" 11"“ (‘Ommls'lnow a practicum physict'in in :i pillar oi the t‘ratcriiity with I'CCCH11)’- ‘SiOn'S Niagara region. “'0” [llClRichmond llill nttmhcisltip dating back to This was the third successive threeâ€"ton straight class. .~\‘ Through it“. Him-c tlh. mm“. 1:;73 th. 5..- hhwhlhmt hump,- year that .\llcn Kinsman has driver with the rural line gang-{hership rolls included iii-no. in 13:75: and wit. present at the driven LI (me-loll truck to vic-Carl Stewart scored 19 morehheh pmmhhtm m it“. chi-“.1, Idiot-tit mt‘t‘llllfl on July 1‘3. lory in ('(iiitpolilitm with top-lpoints than hls'closest rival. lbugjncss and ptilillr-u] 1m» at” iti’iz when it wits- d(‘('l(l(‘(l to flight drivers li'om all parts of' A float driver. Ron Collins of the distriL-L wwghmm] mutter» discontinue activities. .\'Ir. Sau- thc province. In this year‘s coined held at the comiiiissioii‘s .\, \l'. Manby Service Centre. .\llcn Killsmall' scored a total of 2501-: points out of a possible 310. Competi- other classes in previous years. Bernard. J. H smuthrmu and tun-lion for many years tors in the 1962 provincial All three winners have received John Bun.» OM 1.9mm“ rm...“ .1_ it Sandcrgiyn “at 0m. of roadco from llydi‘o's various 3 number of trophies for their that at a rcgulhl'h' mmtitutul RiL-lititond Ilill's most widely regions displayed a remarkabletskillful driving in roadeo meets decree of ability and dexteritydiu the past few years. Eieliteeii drivers participated in the final roadeo with a totaliwith prizes at a dinner follow-. I construction services. from the commission’s A. W. Manby Ser- dcrson was active in the revival oi the IoLILtc and in 1912 was cl- David Ili‘iductord :\ltl.\t‘ included Co]. the first master in 1357. vice Centre 51811. drove to aGambic. William I‘oxuc \\iIIi-i‘r'tt'd the new lttdcc‘s first close victory in the tandem axle‘am Craig \v, \v yh-me (hm-«3.. Il't‘iiSlll‘t‘I. :in ofl'ici which he trailer diViSion. “0 has “'01" B. Nichol. James Botheby. G. r\. tilled with eti’icicnci' Emd d18- :mOQIing on July 13. 1332 with known and most active citizens. _ jten members l't‘L'.1~ll'l‘(‘(l as pct-- The winners were presentedisem h was dehhthd in thump tinue lodge activit ics, lat llll‘t‘l‘ ol' the then l‘atiious Dr. Sandt'i‘soii's lnt‘allible Oil. lie was a \ctcriiiary and manu- El i‘ l i.tit‘i_‘t' “It in} :iieiiibei'â€" 11111 lit 14'1‘7 Uni; I) tlt‘l- illl' t’ :l‘ It‘ll and it. t' t ._ o, Hindi-1'‘. illi‘llltliit. to. he not ‘.tl l> iti'iiu', wt 1‘ {Ill in 1923 vi'shtiit'ul t hi't‘ tilllt't‘s ll .txtiie: which \, .it-tiu- 'llt ti.ill otlit'ei‘ ol‘t lllt' Howl l:.:.. lx’ =‘tt-trcptory at At present the regular lodge \tttttt'tt meetings are held at Victoria . l)iti'iit. ‘.i.t - motor} of Square, and through the years history. \'tt~ttttt.t I.titl;t~ nus licoiilnieeting places have included host to (minim ittt~titit ccle- the old mechanics hall, Masonic ~ lll'EllltIlir in lilt‘iltlltllltl 11111 in Hall, William Neal Building, ‘. tom; and t’ti‘ I-ittvcy otherstone house on present site of 'l'welilli tltt I’i'pl‘l‘si‘li'tttl :t. roiito .‘illtl tintit' \llll‘li'll l'I'llil'I-- lliltl tot. .t Thomas .I, I) this been well gt.i..t(lt‘s iii Tn-1 outitv .‘:t‘:(l proâ€" ittiisi ‘llltl"til 1.1m (I Sniult l\ i lit-gtttv and itow deputy‘ Rttus . at: uwrn Ettgtit‘tl county Galloway. .I Casement. :iz-osciit he Lecce. 2nd lecturer; Fred Bo- ‘ and ist‘vaird. marshall; Ronald Sanders, . mast er. Present Fred Thomas. financial D. Sanders. treasurer; lst lecturer; secretary; lst cominitteeman. "Richmond Heights Centre. and other locations. "The Liberal" joins with the lltt‘ lotl'lt‘ has people of the community in ex- iltils‘t‘l'x Fred tending congratulations to Vic- its toria L..O.L. No. 2368 on golden anniversary. JEFFERSON in l‘tciiitig‘ Branch St. John‘s Anglican Church TU. 4-3008 wrapâ€"“m... 'llit' Lil. ttitw‘liit! tit lll.‘ \‘ot‘k' Donner) held his: week at St. (:nliiiol \tttjltmii Church. All'\ \t Ihttioit and ,\Irs N. Dibl‘ .litiitlt'tl ‘.tis The CHILII'LLIII‘III tit St John‘s. was mod llupit} to welcome the i'ector's mother. \Irs. Robinson .to the Mirth-tilt l‘tat. service. Sitiidag. .ctt in toting memory ol' thorc lll titt‘ path-h \vlio flied: Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore re- turned Sunday from a week' trip to the east coast - they vis- ited in Prince Edward Island, meetinggtwo days in Fredericton, and several days in Quebec City. The canvass for funds for the County of York United Hos- lpitals is now under way. A vol- Tlic llufl't‘t's on tittt altar lastttunteer canvasser will be call- ing on you soon. Mr. and Mrs. officers of Victoria ‘ .toniltci-s oi‘ Lodge are: Ronald Belfry, wor- Saiiâ€" sliiptul master: Stanley Ransom, ‘l'i‘tlmlll't‘l‘ of deputy; Lloyd Beatty. chaplain; Alex secretary; Ross John ‘ l J. D. SANDERS ‘toria L.0.L.. 1 past; master and at present treasurer of the Lodge which is this year cele- brating its golden anniversary. DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK A Faulty Diet S can result in that let-down fatigued feeling that pre- vents enjoyment of many activities. Checking up on the daily menu to see if it: conforms with Canada’s Food Guide will help to reâ€" medy any serious discrep- ancies in the diet. CARL E. HILL, M.O.H. N. Dibb cele- Long time member of Vic- THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. OntariohThursdayihovembcr 15, 1962 15% 'Wo PROCLAMATION For The Year 1962 Notice is. hereby given that pursuant to the “Municipal Act” Chap. 249, Sec. 43 & By-laws “2365, 2483 and 22-10 of The Corporation of the Township of Vaughan. :i meeting of the Municipal Electors of said Township will BE HELD IN THE \‘COMMUNITY CENTRE HALL . MAPLE j} MON., NOV. 26, 1962 From 7:30 o‘clock until 8:30 o‘clock in the evening for NOMINATION 0F REEVE, DEPUTY-REEVE AND THREE COUNCILLORS To Serve in the Said Township for a Term of Two Years AND FIVE SCHOOL TRUSTEES To serve on the Board of School Trustees for the t Township School Area of Vaughan for a term of Two Years. If More Candidates are Proposed for any Particular Office than are Required to be Elected the Proceedings for Filling Said Offices will be Adjourned until ‘SAIURDAY, 8th. DAY or DEC. I962 When a p01] will be opened at Ten o’clock in the_fore- noon and shall continue open until Seven o’clock in the afternoon and no longer, by the persons and at, the places as provided by Township By-law. All persons interested are hereby required to tak notice and govern themselves accordingly. t J. M. MCDONALD, Returning Office MAPLE. NOVEMBER lst, 1962 of six to a class. Previouslyiing the competition. They I'e'tFirst Officers cure for many ills of man and iii thcttirs‘. .Illtl svt-ond \vorldthrated three birthdays at their wars. ‘home over the weekend when The \llt‘l’tl'mll Ilt‘niich ol' the their guests included Mr and ‘Woman',\ \tixi‘titn'x will be Mrs J. Graham, Acton, Mr. holdiii; illt'it' \ttittti‘tbcr meet-l ‘ v |and Mrs. Hotstetter and family, in}: :it the paitstt hall on Wed-:Kitchenen Mr. and Mr5_ sween- tncxduy. Ne'u'lnlim‘ ‘11 “11°11 fin-tey, Belleville, Mrs. Allan Boyce, at plans ‘\'lll lit' completed for Toronto and Mr, and Mrs_ Herd, n _ “““\“““‘l““ they had competed in a seriesiceived a cheque. a small per-‘ Lodge acmhv m,” rmhvd beast. lle lived in a house on of rural operating area and re-lsonal trophy. also the General'and [fie prowni Mlth (mm 34mm. gm.” hm north of gionalcompotitions {oi-the righthanagcr‘s Shield to be held from June 1‘8 101., .Hw Hm“ t‘oniro which was demolished to drive in the provincial l‘tmdt‘Ouljmnlly by the driver and hls 91,5 01. the mm in mi. “N 1., mxhphay 19,. um Gridlhnlof lhc course. which included area manager. wear under Hm “m mam‘rtho 17ml“; (hurch (human .â€" ‘H" W 7‘ â€" "igAâ€"lhvere: Thulnas _\. Donnellft'.‘Edm'almn “ “12’ . worshipful ma‘tmh W D M_ Another name which stands ’ ‘ ‘kmson depuhf “hm”: 'R ‘ I out iii looking through the his- I . ‘- - “' . ._, ‘ :4. x L'. ee VICE n OSIngmy 3:;th ' " ‘ r t'r‘. \. R. .\1ctâ€" “ " ," 'rccmdmg 50C 0 d ‘ was a charter member In 1912. Of Hill Public Schools Richmond llill Public Schoolt Board has instructed Superin- tendent Gordon llrchntyre to ask the Ontario Department of Edu- cation iI principals have the right to close their schools in event. of a national emergench Mr. McIntyre told the board there “does not appear to be any information available to deter- mine whether pupils should be kept at school or kept home." “The very great majority oft children in our schools could be home wi.‘iiin 10 to 1:") minutes of receiving warning." he said. Trustee Joe Rabiiiowitch sugâ€" gested an ()\(‘1‘(lll plan should be set up for all types of disasters. Discussion of the problem was prompted by a report from Mr. McIntyre on a meeting called by Mayor James llaggart to con- sider setting up a plan for the gency. ln event of a national ciiici-gcney. the chief oti'iccr nt’ EMO would advise the board office. which would telephone the town‘s six Request Change From Residential '|; To Agriculture Executors ol Leitclicroft Farms have asked Markham Township Council to change the zoning of their property in a proposed new oil'iciiil plan from ‘ residential to agricultural. Proposed zoning in the area calls for a density of eight people per square mile. in the southwestern part of the town- ship. Recve Wilfred Dean told rep- ‘ resentatives ol' Chartered Trust. executors of the estate. township was trying to attract assessment through estate type homes. rather than through in- - dustry. George ’l‘i‘viluk. solicitor for Chartered 'l‘rust. claimed the market for such homes is not as good. He siiuucstcd that part . of the area thilchrrot‘t Farms) remain agricultural until the township had an llltllt‘dllull of how strong: the demand tor these .1 homes was. He warned it would be (lilti- cult to change the density once the area had been developed. Ratepayers who bouflht homes on the basis of the more cyclus- ' ivc zoning would not be happy if density was raised. he said. ‘ the E suggested that telephone lines would likely be completely tied up during an emergency. warned principals might easily lished policy. Iated for Richmond Hill. town in case of a national einer-z’ ' icalfe financial secretary. .I. II. iSanderson. treasurer \1', Fury. director of ceremonies and lFrank Dolan. lecturer. ‘ .1. F. Hickson was worshiptul master in 1914 and he was l‘olâ€" ‘Iowcd by A. R. Melt-alto ()ihâ€" Harold Sandersonlers who have ruch the lmllt’t as master include Aubrey \fâ€" (‘hol 1925. .I. D. Stindcrs Iflflti’ and 1927. Geortze .\lll\'t"1‘ 15131”. R. J. Beatty 1925). (.‘lareiirx- Br- tlie lodgc's first chaplain. and afterwards served as master on several occasions. He had two sons serve as masters. Clarence Beatty in 1930 and Lloyd Beatty who went on to be county master. \\'El> Victoria ruling inas- ter in 1.043, The late R. J Beatty tarnted in Markham 'l‘owiiship .ind lor many years was town- ship councillor. lie was active schools. Chairman Hel have no way of contacting sup-lath 1930. \V. Rtl~§ (‘Liscmt-m ‘“ m" 1‘ "LB ~'\- 0”“ “Houghollt eriors. forcing them to either11931: Fred .\ lloppci‘ 1934? 77 Â¥Wv w___ _A__>_ W make their own decisions or thorman Stephenson 1933. \lâ€"‘ operate according to an estab- fred Hawkes 1936: Roscoe REPRINTS AVAILABLE Cauthers 193T and 1938. James attending the meeting he would 1952; Fred Thomas 1953: Allan accept responsibility for sendinngorwood 1954: Fred Bovaird children home from school in11955: Wiliain Cook 1956: Willi» event of a national emergency, am Pearson 1957: Bert Smith if an emergency plan is formu- 1958: Richard Taylm" 1959: M. Wiseman 1960, 1961. TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Clerk’s Notice of First Posting of VOTE RS' LIST Municipality of the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill County of York 9 Three size. 0 Spacious c private Notice is hereby given that 1 have complicit with Section 9 of The \'oters' List Act and that l have posted up at my otTice at .36 Yonge Strict . North, Richmond Hill. on the 10th day ol‘ Nov~ ember. 1962. the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take iii'~ ‘;' mediate proceedings to have any omissions or ’ errors corrected according to law. the last day for appeal being the 24th day of November. litt‘ifi. . DATED at Richmond llill this itttli day of .\ovember. 1962. ‘ l 4 i 4. l J ~I I R. Lyiiett. Clerk Town of Richmond Hill I. i. A AIER U I} c.1533 P ALL YOUR D ‘vlt’li‘tiiéil CLOTHw their lis‘xaai‘ on the 20th. Birthdays ‘ Related 2. 18011 on the ~iytlt to Gary‘- .iii(l to Kathâ€"1 ti‘iiie Iliitvhlortl on ttie 9th. .VIaâ€"‘ 'ny happy l’i‘Iill'l1\ ol’ the day tot 0111;th ‘.Ieaniiic (‘orlzin and Chuckie lMorris on the 17th. lJefferson Community Club The (-onimuii11y club had a.‘ splendid turnout tor the Family‘ Night held :‘i the school on Fri-t day. The children square ‘(lanced with .\ll. Carson Whal- en calling ol‘i'. They enjoyed at ‘siiig >011}; under the leadership‘ .ot .‘tli' liouit .tlai'tin. Music hh moith h (hunted and loyal’SupCIWistil' ior \aughon School.Bissell. tarca. tNelglllNH'lltHltl Notes l Mrs. Hall. .\lrs. 15. J. Gam- ble and Mrs. D. (joulding vis-y Vitcd .llt's. 1. Peterson on her! birthday. ., 111‘s. 1’ v‘ltulili, lâ€"‘ii'onkside: Road. at'i'itctl homo last week‘ with a new baby boy. M Mlt 1 d l ‘B u lqsg R J B 1M“ Readers may order re- i r. c nyre exp aine that u er .' : . .. catty . . . .~ . . permission from the board R. H, Kane 1941 and 19â€"12. 2:11;};inffin I‘i%!;:;(;ls! would apparently have to he Lloyd Beatty 1943. 194-1. 19-15. at the HEWVD'JDPI' office 63 given before principals cnuld Lu W- Zucfclt 194“ I947; ‘A'onec street South Rich- ‘close their schools. under exist- Stanley Ransom 513 19431 R» mmid Hi“. . ing legislation. ,Horwood 1949. 1950: George A.“ A.._, , Mayor Haggart told ofl‘icials Fenwick 1951: Fred Bovaird s to suit your needs ° Cost is little more than a penny a day: 35.00 per year - small box $6.01! per year - medium box $10. (It) per year â€" large box oupon l"“".‘.s Jtt‘t' coiitcitient Keep Yfll‘t‘. valuable: safe iii a llt‘iti=it ‘tlorteatrf‘ Surety l)\1,t.'.l l' )tI‘L. lTlSi’i ‘RTGAQE TRUST COMPANY ‘~J cwma I'het .- 2ng fig; .. »--“ 23 T- perm-“w, AI. 1 i J n .Mrs. lZED Aurora. ‘ A speedy recovery to Michael Ensor who had his hand crush- ed last week at work. lst Jefferson Cubs and Scouts Mothers’ Auxiliary November meeting will be held at the home of J. H. Passmore on No- The lst Jefferson vember 21. at 8 pm. School News The school children had day's holiday tihis week while the teachers attended Teachers’ Convention, held this year at the University of Toronto. The chief speaker was Dr. Claude president of Toronto University, and his subject the University looks ahead. A speedy recovery to Doug- las Workman who suffered broken leg on Friday at school. :Douglas is a newcomer to our community and this unfortun- ate accident happened on his third day at Jefferson. For Your Solety . and Convenience A British Mortgage Safety Reposit Box 0 Protect your \ahtnlilc: and it-npoi'tant papers in a Safety Deposit Box and Emily Reitcr. Branch Manager. Ifls‘ Main Street. FOR “HOUR CEILING TILE‘“ SPECIALS I ~ en es ! STACKS UP BEST! a a en 11'/2c S '/2x12"x12" FOR ‘ DECORATIVE BEAUTY '/le2" x12” White Finished '/2 x16" x16" White Finished ten one FOR SOUND CONTROL Standard- Random- 31/4c SQ. FT. PHONE 285-2267 884-1361 1 SHEPPARDH g LUMBER ‘ 71 Centre St. E. OPEN MONDAY TO THURSDAY, 8 AM. TO 6 P311. FRIDAY 9 P.M., SATURDAY 4 PM. "OI! IMPROVEMENT NEED; 0 t IE Q. FT. ,4. Acoustic Tile- Mim Pattern Applicators Needs 9-16 Staples & Rental Staplers COMPANY LIMITED Richmond Hill _| .= 'ih N .a. O) N .. a

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