Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1962, p. 16

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Bank of Nova Scotia Building] Aurora i Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 1‘ Conlin & Keogh CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ll British Cars l 1'". 4-32“ PLAS'I‘ERING CONTRACTOR KING HERRIDGE ELECTRIC 40 LEVENDALE RD. 15 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thrqilfigayt Igovem}. ELA. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 5453»:2 YONGE STREET BA. 5.4701 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG South Block Richmond Heights Centre GENERAL CONTRACTORS uilding Repairs 5; Alterations Drain and Concrete Work Building Trades Lhildren's Wear GENERAL ELECTRIC DEALER - PHONE TE. 3-5285 â€" “If it’s exclusive Harrison will build it” l5 Yonge Street South ,_ Richmond Hill V AV. 5-2994 English car service centre {or all makes. . D. Melsness, D.C. X-RAY HARRISON'S Custom Carpentry . Windhurst Gate 6: Bayer block south Bayview Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 Fashion Shop ~1rthur G. Broad 21 Bedford Park Ave Richmond Hill Tl'rner 4-4251 Accountants Deciantis-Ricc Wm. Clubine Chiropractic RICHMOND MOTORS BOB CURRINGTON Mm Appliances 36 Levendale Road Opposite Loblaws Richmond Heights Shopping Centre TU. 4-7474 Children's with offices at 474 Botsford St‘ Newmarket TW. 5-2972 and 31 Mallow Road Don Mills 447-0589 By ‘Appointment By Appointment For QUALITY Children's Wear . E. Clark TU. 4-2838 A V. 5-5881 All Hours D.C. IAV. 5-4865 â€" WA. 5-0532 I Dress Fabrics I Engineering Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONG]! ST. SOUTH ’l‘Urner 4-1511 Richmond am Dr. P. R. M acf arlanei: Helen Simpson. ‘ Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Member - Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association (26 Years' Experience) 71 mng Road John S. Walkington RICHVALE 'I‘U. 4-2452' GENERAL INSURANCE Repairs _ Remodelling FIRE â€" AUTO . LIABILITY Cleaning - Cu§tom Work 113 King St. - King City Certified Cold‘ Storage TE. 3-5283 Dr. J ohn Simpson DENTIST 7725 YONGE STREET AV. 5-4442 'l‘hornhill, Ont. Flowers for all over the world Roses cut fresh daily Weddings â€" Funerals H. J. MILLS LTD. HELEN SIMPSON LYN ETT Dr. W. R. Redford Dr. .I. M. Waclma DENTISTS Dress Fabrics Draperies - Home Service Complete Sewing Accessories Imported Silks and Woollens 80A Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Dr. .I. Perdicaris Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE OFFICE TU. 4-3571 MEDICAL-DENTAL SPECIAL MACHIN El! GEN ERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST‘ EAST RICHMOND HILL A V. 3-1974 Corsages Experienced designers W. Hamilton. FURRIER 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill TU. 4-4601 ’18 YONGE ST‘ S. RICHMOND HILL DENTIST Gas Extractions 50 Yonge St. North Fabric Fair Gas Extractions STEAM FITTING WELDING Open Evenings TUrner 4-1482 TU. 4-1177 Richmond Hill Retail Division Flowers TU. 4-1064 Dental Furs If you haven't heard of our re- putation. enquire from y'mr fric-nds All work guaranteed 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St. Richule for appointment. ph. AV. 5-3631 TRUCK& AUTO BODY 3741 Maple Ave. Richvale gHair Styling 8: i Beauty Salons TU. 4-1701 South Road Garage at Yonge St. Oak Ridges Res. Garage 884-4934 PR. 3-5141 We personally handle all sale bills and advertising Formerly Bloor a: Yonge Sta. [1 dividual Attention Hair Styling Permanent Waving Air Conditioned Dryers 80 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill TU. 4-2321 Maple Plaza AL. 7-2590 Richvale Auto Body ALL SIZES HEARING AID BATTERIES STOCKED FREE HEARING TEST ASSOCIATED HEARING CONSULTANTS LIMITED 31 YONGE ST. NORTH (Upper Floor) RICHMOND HILL 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363 Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties 36 Years Experience 'Phones 285-4861 - 285-4862 SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Alvin S. Farmer mu: - AUTO - LIABILITY TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 COMPLETE COLLISION AND REPAIR SERVICE PAINTING, REBUILDING 285-5334 SPECIALIZING [N PUREBRED CATTLE. FARM STOCK. FURNITURE AND IN‘IPLFN’IF\TTQ yH“ Sellwood Salon For Personal Appointment Body 8: Fender Repairs Complete Refinishing Complete Auto Body Repairs, Painting Reasonable Prices Free Estimates Hearing Aid E. CHARITY Roy 1'. Rick GORMLEY. ONT. General Busmess 5 Grandview Ave Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 Complete Insurance Service PRESCRIPTION FITTED 17 HEARING AIDS Insurance Garages ber 15, 1962 Repairs to All Makes Richmond fllll King City; Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg, r 1' Aurora. Ontario 363-3959 311 ]King City ELawlor & LeClaire‘Rentals, sales, servxce of ‘ office machines. Business BARRISTERS'SOUCITORS supplies and social stationery. 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill. Ontario 1 I 1 TU. 4-4413 i TU. 4-1219 Suite 2. Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1551 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC Ernie Brock 8. Son, .0 Gariepy and Mann Donald M. Findlay Stuarl Parker, Q.C. 17 Queen Street E.. Suite 544 Toronto 1. Ontario EMpire 6-2362 AURORA. ONTARIO Telephones Office: PA. 7-9488-9 Res: PA. 7-5046. AV. 5-1477 Suite 2. Lawrie Building '1 Onion] Repairs 15 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill! NOW AT 3242 YONGE ST, Every Thursday Afternoon In North Toronto TUmer 44551 Oppmite Park 1:12-3:15 ‘ , . 9 am. to 6 pm. incu in: I . "imlfiiflmif HU. 8-8949 Motor Vehicle Finance Service Toronto Office - ' 7 Queen St. E., Suite Phone EM. 3-5877 H errington I Insurance Agency } TE. 3-6684 96A Yonge St. 8.. BARRISTER 8; SOLICITOR 6197 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE. ONTARIO COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Floyd E. Corner The Bank of Nova Scotia Building Barristers and Snlicitor.» Plaxton, Deane & Drew Corner Agency Limited Insurance Barrister Bus. ALpine 7-2621 Res. ALpine 7-1224 Fire LTD. Kirby Brock Maple. Ont. Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Kenneth A. Gariepy BA. 5-1557 7. Newman, Q.C. Barrister. Solicitor Notary A. Burns.“ General Insurance RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Insurance Thornhill Office A V. 5-1197 7 Dufierin St PA. 7-9272 E. Neil Mann TU. 4-4618 BA. 5-8806 Legal Auto. Liability )ntinued Solicitor, etc‘ Richmond Hill Mortgages TE. 3-5451 TU. 4-1543 Aurora 151 Pb. TW. 5-4571 1.4. W. Kirchen, R.0. Lillian A. DeWolfe James H. Timmins Stiver, Vale, Penniatt. Errington Eyes Examined J. C. H orvat,B.A., 0.1). OPTOMETRIST o EYES EXAMIN ED 0 PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 0 CONTACT LENSES GLASSES MADE 8.: REPAIRED IN OUR OWN LABORATORY By Appointment 15 YONGE ST. N. . RICHMOND HILL Eyes Examined - Glasses Fined Prescriptions Filled 8: Replln 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 BAR RISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES Norman A. Todd, Office Supplies Barrister. Solicitor a; Notary Public REGISTERED MASSEUSE 174 BAYVIEW AVE. S. PHONE 884-2603 BY APPOINTMENT K. M. R. Stiver. QC. Joseph Vale. Q.C. J. M. Peppiatt. BA. William Errington. 8. Com 195A MAIN ST. 111arguerite Boyle Elocutionr Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art J. Rabinowitch, 9.30 - 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday 6.: Saturday Afternoons by appointment Open Friday lehts 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 Residence TUrner 4-1863 By Appointment 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill. Ontario Office TUrner 4-1780 Evenings by appointment “HOMEW ODD HALL" YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public Optometry THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 Massage Musical Glasses Fitted TU. 4-46-41 Continued TU. 4-4231 Legal Thornhill Downe, Newmarket IPaint-Wallpaper Italian & Canadian Cuisine Catering & Banquet Facilities Try our Take-out Service for Spaghetti, Pizza Next Door to Richmond Theatre Call Any Time - Free Estimates Ontario Land Smeyou Richmond Hill. TU. 4-294] 105 Willowdale Ave.. Willowdale 53 Bedford Park Avenue Ont" 8A. 5-3031 Jack Seaton REAL ESTATE BROKER Antenna Installations Repairs to Electrical Appliances - Car Radios - Repairs to: Radio - Hi-Fi Mobile 4 Communications Richvale Electronics Stop 22 Yonge Street AV. 5-2669 9mm R. SMITH Antenna Installation ; We regret The Bell Telephonel Company neglected to list us in their current directory. Sug- gest you paste this in a con-‘ venient location. Res. George T. Yates. O.L.S. M ath’s TV â€" Radio Service Coaches for all Occasions langdonk Coach Lines Ltd. Benjamin Moore Paints QUALITY WALLPAPERS Information: AV.‘5-5451 23 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Transportation Sales - Rentals â€" Leases Residential - Commercial FOR INFORMATION Telephone TE. 3-5351 KNAPP'S PAINT SERVICE Yates & Yates “A Litle Bit of Italy in Richmond Hill” Trailways Of Canada Lta. TU. 4-7 903 MATH MERKELBACH 15 Yonge Street North Real Estate Restaurants PHONE 285-1472 ‘Local Bus Service Daily Richmond Hill- Toronto Service Chartered Coaches La Cantina TU. 4 - 2819 Surveyors Television 25 Pemberton Rd.. Richmond Hill TU. 4-0083 TV (Continued from Page 2) work out and enough space is not available in a logical place they can and do send children of any age group to where space‘ is available. All this involves the spending a great deal of money and the use of much good sense. This is a tremendous responsibility which, in Rich- mond Hill, is left in the hands of eight elected people When we elect trustees to the public school board. we are giv- ing these eight people absolute authority over the teachers, principals, the superintendent and, in a sense. our children. Those who work with the child- ren have nothing to say to af- fect the decisions of the school board even though that decision may DIRECTLY affect the child- ren. As long as a public school board stays within the author- ity given to it by law, wise de- cisions or not, no one can alter the decision unless the school board itself chooses to do so. It is hoped that a public aware- ness will make some changes for the future. The trustees change at regu- lar intervals but not all at one time. It is a method of learn- asâ€"you-go-alonvg. It is not unusual for a person‘ to seek the office of trustee ofi a public school board with n01 opposition and, therefore, find himself elected. The reasons for seeking the position may be an! honest desire to serve the com-‘ munity, but then there are other reasons. It is not unusuali for the school board to be used as a stepping stone toward ful- filling other political aspirations. ‘These too may be good but then ‘again they may not. It does give one food for thought. The public school board is re- sponsible for choosing the sup- erintendent of schools who is :11- so the inspector. In this task our present school board in Richmond Hill has made an ex- cellent choice. to the Richmond Hill Public School Board that people with more qualifications than just good intentions will seek the of- fice of trustee. I sincerely hope that when the time comes to elect new trustees It is hoped that the electors will THINK of the amount of authority they are giving to those they elect BEFORE they cast theif vote. If this should come to pass then all this furor, 4th Canadian Rover Moot St. Roch de Mckinac, P.Q. For many boys August was just another mom}: but for six Rovers of York Summit Dis- trict who attended the 4th Can- adian Rover Moqt in the lovely Lauren’cians in Quebec, it was the most exciting month of the year. Over six hundred Rovers from Canada and Explorers from the U.S.A. registered at camp on August 26-27 where they were assigned to a sub camp named after rivers in Quebec. The boys from York Summit were all at “St. Laur- ent". Premier Jean Lesage opened the Moot officially and inspect- ed all the sub camps. Thursday, fifteen buses took all the boys to Quebec city, a distance of ninety miles each way. Here they had a tour of the city, his- torical sites, Montmorency Falls, the Ile d’Orlean, which has the oldest church in Can- ada and were entertained at luncheon by the Royal Bank. Sixty boys from across Canada were chosen\ as a reception committee and were taken to the Lieutenant Governor's re- ;sidence and presented to Hon. lPaul Comptois. Some of this lgroup were among twenty cho- sen to visit Mayor Wilfred Ha- mel’s ofiice, who presented them each with a key chain and Due to school all the York} RICHMOND HILL’ ONT' Summit boys had left by Sun? phone; day morning but we don’t think that there are any who are not 884-785] or 285-5782 planning to attend the am Can- _ .adian Moot in British Colombia Herbert and Joan Goodhoofdim 1955. They all have so many imemories of the spirit of scout- ‘ing, the friendship of boys from . coast to coast on both sides of v the border; the swapping of 'badges; learning to speak a bit ‘of French; finding out how _ D small the world really is; the loaning and borrowing from r. W. Allan Ripley'stranvgers; the beautiful moun- tain scenery; the campfires with VETERINARY SURGEON boys singing the same songs in Telephone 147 Yonge St. N.'t‘v\'0 languagesy all the intang- omce lible things that make a national TU. Richmond nurscout camp an um'orgettabie :experience. 63 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Reservations for Sea-Air Tours and Cruises KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5491 GLOBE Travel Service Travel “Dear Mn Editor” over what seems, on the surface only a small thing, will have been worthwhile. ((Mrs.) Elizabeth M. Hamilton 343 Browndale Crescent. Beverley Acres. TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOL 30. Dear Mr. Editor Regarding the letter in your November lst issue from the Trustees of the Richmond Hill Public School Board pleading for the honour of their chair- man, who represents them, could be it is a guilty conscience crying so loudly. As for the right to speak, we thank you for your editorial "Free Expression of Opinion" as it has covered the subject aptly. Not only people actually involved in an unpleasant sit- uation are disturbed but those who know they could well be in the same situation at any time. The petition was offered to the chairman of the board. and was refused by him in person on September 25th. This would not likely appear in the minutes of the meeting. This petition was signed mostly by people who did not have children involved in the current juggling. but who were concerned about any shuf- fling or re-zoning next year. This, of course, would affect all children in the chosen area. These people were looking a- head to the future, and rightly so In June the heavy enrolment in kindergarten was obvious to anyone who was there for the occasion. Wonder what caused the delay in reaching a solu- tion? Most of the excuses of the trustees are “hog-wash" and so we would like to add the facts that were eliminated in ttveir plea for understanding. Interested persons attended the meeting of September 27th as the meeting of Septmber 25th was considered an absolute ifarce. They attended the Sep- ‘tember 27th meeting, not as a delegation, but as parents of school aged children who have the right to attend a public‘ school board meeting. They were hoping for a proper discussion ‘with an open minded school board on the immediate prob« lem and the plans for next year. Naturally, they hoped for a de- cision satisfactory to all. They were informed, at that time, 1 After cooking breakfast in -the rain the next morning some {boys noticed that there was a iwedding at a nearby church, so they decided to make an arch- way for the bride and groom. By the time the wedding party came out of the church - a few rovers had turned into hun- dreds and joined the arch where they gave the delighted couple a real send off. official crest. They then went to} the Bishop of Quebec’s palace where they met Mgr. Maurice Ray‘ One of York Summit’s Ro- vers Richard MacNaughton of lst King crew was fortunate to be with the group that made all three calls. The same evening the gov- ernment of Quebec was host to the whole Rover Moot at a for- mal dinner in the Chateau Frontenac. It seems that a wait- er dropped a tray and the boys nearly raised the roof with ap- plause. A choral group “La Flambee” entertained a I 1 through dinner. On Friday, after a day of track and field events the camp was divided into five sections‘ for a twenty four hour ramble} There was a choice of a canoe-1 trip, a mountaineering trip, a cross country compass course and two groups who were taken a distance from St. Roch by bus and dropped off ten miles from French Canadian towns. Some of York Summit boys‘ hiked to Ste. Adelphe where the townspeople entertained them at a folk dance. The eve- ning ended with an impromptu choir of Rovers singing several of their campfire songs for their hosts. They were billeted at the dance hall, as the \vea- ther looked bad and many of the boys had no tents with them. After returning to camp 3 display of parachuting was put on by three boys from the Moot. The boys from York Summit who attended were Brian Stap- ley, Brian Coulson, Ernie Co. wan and Larry Lucas of the lst Richmond Hill Crew. Petgr and Richard Mac- Naughton of the lst King Crew. that the matter would be discus- sed in committee, therefore, the meeting was closed. The board FAILED T0 INFORM these people that the meeting could be RE-OPENED TO THE PUBLIC AFTER THEIR PRIVATE DIS- CUSSIONS. This is fair play? \We wonder what would be the ‘reaction of each of the trustees if the shoe was on the other foot. As for the traffic safety fea- tures, we invite anyone to ob- serve them at the peak times of day - they are useless. The children and motorists are ob- livious to the white marks on the road. As these markings are not actual cross-walks, the same l *les do not apply. Very few motorists even bother to slow down upon seeing the School Crossing sign. We wonder how long it will be before a tragedy occurs. As the parents of Cros- by Heights have been trying for some time to obtain safety meas- ures, to no avail. we cannot see that the board deserves a “pat on the back” for next to noth- ing. As for the rest of the letter. we do not feel it is worth com- ment except perhaps the fact that there was no mention of the private telephone calls by the chairman to persons who DAR- ED to express an honest opin- ion in public. The chairman ap- parently deemed it necessary to express an opinion in private with no one else to hear, yet he represents the public school board. A school board has no choice but to supposedly defend their chairman as it is HE WHO REP- RESENTS THEM. This point failed to get across. Everyone has the right to defend them- selves. This the public school board has done much to the amusement of the general pub- lic. ' To end on a pleasant note. we do have the sincere pleasure in thanking the public school board for their choice of super: intendent. They have chosen a very fine and intelligent man who has a job far more complex and difficult than it would ap- pear on the surface. He is not only school inspector but a real diploma-t. A bemtr choice could not have been mais. Yours truly. P. Jones, E. M. Hamilton, Mary K. Derrick, A. Aud- rey Davenport, Rose E. Ohittenden, Joan Russell. Joan Gibson, B. Stonehouse, Mary M. Gooch, M. Crowe. Mrs. Hely, J. Dunlop, Gwen Hurllbut, Mrs. J. Gaviga'n. BILL DING says: BOWDEN [UMBER Co. AV. 5-4921 - TU. 4-1] Evenings: Craig Bowden TU. 4-1668 ' (Home Improvement Division) Stop 23 Yonge St. Richvale Guesswork Is Eliminated NEW SCIENTIFIC METHOD “CHECKED” Electronically WITH THE STROBOSCOPE REPAIRS REPAIRS AL PYLE For Piano Instruction Phone AV- 5-3920 PIANO TUNING If no answer at 884-3614 during daytime, call 884-1105 or 285-3316 5 BEAVERTON RD. 884-3614 FREE ESTIMATES TU. 4-1121

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