County may be placed. Un- wrapped gifts of soap, towels, hosiery, note paper, stamps. brushes 31d combs. are items suggested. Among the speciï¬c immediâ€" ate objectives are: assistance for construction and equipping of a special conservation edu- cation centre which would be located in the Albion Hills con-t aervatlon area and to be avail-‘ able for Metro and district jun-‘ 101' high school students throughout the school year; and continuing development of the‘ Pioneer Village at Jane Street and Steeles Avenue. Correspondent Mrs. F. H. Leaf R. R. 2 Gomley Phone AXmlnster 3-6188 Joe Perkin's death, Thursday of last week, brought sadness to many friends in this community. Mr. Perkin. who lived in Union- ville and conducted a business there for more than 40 years, was known to almost everyone across the countryside. More recently, Mr. Perkin and his son Reg had taken over BP stations in the area. Mary Grant and her new ented with occasional chairs. daughter. Heather Anne, return- There was an error in our ed home late last week after column last week which w wish :everal days at Scarboro Gen- to correct. Mrs. Allan Pope en- eral and a few more with Mr. tertained the staff of Lillian and Mrs. Jack Gough. Heather Street School, North York, Nov- Anne could not be taken home ember 2. The occasion was in immediately because her two honor of Miss Kidd who recent- big brothers had croup. [1y retired from the staff. Dr. A. F. Binnington. con- ducted a baptismal service at Brown’s Corners United Church Sunday morning for Wendy Margaret Craigie. infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craigie, and Jane Bernice Knip. the Henry Knip's new daughter. Mrs. E. Walton speht several days with her daughter. Mrs. Yex. Port Credit, last week. Mrs. Richard Pralet. Mrs. George Kelly. Mrs. George Bar- ker. Mrs. F. H. Leaf and Mrs. Garnet Francey were delegates at the Central Ontario Area convention of Women’s Insti- tutes at the Royal York Hotel last week. . Several local women attend-lbeld Sunday at the United Mis- ed the open meeting of the sionary Church. Mr. Evcrek of YCHA Thursday evening of lasthitchcner was the special spea- week at Richmond Hill United ker at both services. Church. Among those present' The Hisey Male Quartette 0f were Mrs. J. Robinson. chair- man of Buttonville branch, Mrs. . A. w. Miller, Mrs. D. Hood, 1 Mrs. A. Stephenson, Mrs. F. W. ‘ Baker, Miss Mary Rodick and Mrs. R. Boyington. Baptismal Sex-vile m Loyal Fans Mob Leaf Stars At Skyline Opening 18 BUTTONVILLE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bossert and family of Buï¬alo, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stickley. A miscellaneous shower for Miss Ruth Anne Allan and Ger- ald Winger was held Monday night at the youth centre. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger and Bishop and Mrs. Alvin Wina ger had supper Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brillinger and family of Richmond Hill. It was Laurie's second birthday and also birthdays for Roy Brillinger and Mr. Winger. There was an error in our column last Week which w wish to correct. Mrs. Allan Pope en- tertained the stall of Lillian The community held a fare- well party for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bruce and family Monday night. Both couples were pres- ented with oc'casional chairs. Wednesday was a holiday in the local public schonls because of a teachers‘ convention. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stickley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hoover and family of London. Rev. Wm. Vanderbcnt, Rich- mond Hill. Mrs. Frank Bennett, Mr. Harold Nigh, Fort Erie. Mrs. Burnett, Stouï¬ville. and Mr. and Mrs. ‘Roy Wideman were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George French. Bishop and Mrs. Alvin Win- ger are spending holidays with relatives in Sherkston. Anniversary services were held Sunday at the United Mis- sionary Church. Mr. Everek of Kitchener was the special spea- Ifit’s worth having, it’s worth saving for! save at giï¬lAtkinson's Machine THE BFiNK OF NOVH SCOTIR Gormley post oï¬iée is being enlarged and renovated. When grading is completed, the frontage will be artistically landscaped - a ï¬ne addition to this growing industrial section. Clare Atkinson's previous en- gineering ability, coupled with local machine shop experience, is of valuable assistance to ma- ny of the small industrial plants in the Richmond Hill and surrounding areas - especi- ally on breakdowns of machin- of floor space, but expanding business and the installation of more machine tools has made it necessary to move to larger and more permanent quarters - 1,500 square feet." ery - where time is a great factor, as Atkinson’s have the facilities to either weld, repair, or manufacture repair parts "on the spot†Eight in Rich- mond Hill. “Five years ago" said owner Clare Atkinson, “we started business at 96a Yonge Street North with just 490 square feet “Atkinson’s Machine Shop. Electric & Acetylene Welding. General Repairs" - reads the colorful sign being placed above the new concrete build- ing located at 159 Centre Street East. Expands Larger Plant @fléZzBHNK 15, 1962 Cold weather’s coming on fast! Don’t let it catch you with your car unpre- pared for rugged winter driving conditions. Drive in now for our pre-winter check-up and service! COOK'S BP LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS MARKETPLACE OF THE DISTRICT PHONE Get Your Car Ready! Compiete Service To All Makes of Cars Auto Service ELGIN MILLS 3.1151 TU. 4-1105 (STAFF PHOTO) I @MB THE ONLY STOR L I I '7 WITH A COMPLETE EJEEEZT RICHMOD HEIGHTS CENTRE Takes Pleasure In Announcinq The : 3". ‘“ ~> 4' ~ ‘ ‘ ' wwflfwh \\ Wu». \ f“ V. a ‘1 "Cit-3‘ ‘Mi‘; 3 ‘3“ 'I I - ‘I , 1;» '\ E - .\3 ' ‘- '- \ 1 ~. ' , '- \ OUTSIDE OF METRO " A ' ' EJEEREZZT RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE - \ Takes Pleasure In Announcing The Grand Opening ‘“"::3:zr;.f;:drsi'.2??;'dw FREE DRAW - SAT., NOV. I7 YOU MAY WIN A DELUXE GAS DRYER Sales slip or cash register receipt from any store in the Centre dated during our Opening Sale 10% DISCOUNT DURING OPENING SALE Come in and see the Modern Gas Appliances On Our Showmom Floor By Such Leading Manufacturers As INGLIS - THOR - MOFFAT - McCLARY EASY - FINDLAY - BEACH COLEMAN - CLARE HECLA - GRIMSBY MODERN - RUUD - SIEGLER GAS MERCHANDISING CENTRE 46 lEVENDALE RD. JUST BRING IN YOUR FREE GIFTS FOR THE LADIES AV 5-2634 T 2 LUCKY YOUNGSTERS WILL WIN 2 BICYCLES And Many Others FREE DRAWS EVERY DAY Children must be accompanied by adult DURING OPENING FOR MANY VALUABLE PRIZES OF THEIR BALLOON RACE FREE SILVER DOLLARS Capt. Shore will be on the Centre with a Sea Bag full of Silver Dollars. He may ask you “Where can you buy a Gas Dryer and how much does it cost to dry one load of clothes;†If you answer, “Shorgas Ltd., 46 Levendale Road and 2c a load," you will win a Silver Dollar‘ TU. 4 - 4186