20 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 15. 1962 Y¢NGE STREET NORTH SHOCK ABSORBERS If your car's doing the "twist", you probably need new shock absorbers . . . Replace now, at Canadian Tire's greater discount and enioy new car riding comfort, greater steering stability, especially on high-speed cornering and maybe prevent the need for expensive front-end work. EXPERT INSTALLATIONâ€"most popular cars .90 to 1.90 "NEW CAR" QUALITY â€" Guaranteed 12 months . . . or 12,000 miles GET A "NEW CAR“ RIDE! TU. 4-1196 AV. 5 - IIOI INSTALL A MOTO-MASTER MUFFLER - for quiet, safer, peace-0f- mind driving. You will also gain added horsepower and extra miles on every tankful of gas. For all Cars and Trucks - Save Safely - at Canada’s Largest Muffler Installers- A leaky muffler can load up your car with dangerous gases that are a menace to your driving comfort and safety. 2 26‘ THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL GAS FLOW ENGINE LOCK HEATERS THERMOSTATS ‘ FUEL PUMP KITS ANIls-FREEZE With Guarani FAD! BELTS f Installed . . . . 6.45 3065'!- TERMS BIG MONEY DOM!!! REG. 19c CAN 4-OZ. CAN "WE WILL INSTALL IT FOR YOU" AT FLAT RATES STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS . ’TIL 9 FRIDAY I‘ “Do-it-yourself“ Discount Price Chev. 1951-53 (Most) IT YOURSELF" O Caster o Camber O Toe-In 0 Toe-Out Corrected Car maintenance costs are low when you 1311)’ your automotive parts at Canadlan Tlre. Installations at flat rate labor charges. SAVE WEAR AND TEAR ON YOUR TIRES. COMPLETE WHEEL ALIGNMENT AT CANADIAN TIRE IN RICHMOND HILL. A,“ YOU’LL LIKE OUR SERVICE '2 Big Cur Buys â€" 2 Hoists No Money Down â€" No Interest Charges if budget account is paid within 30 days. If you prefer â€" small monthly payments will be arranged. N0 Appointments Needed - Budget Terms Available Front End Overhaul Plus Balancing Two Front Wheels Modern Service ept. Only Fully Trained Mechanics Touch Your Car at Canadian Tire in Richmond Hill Service Department open six days and ï¬ve nights a week With Guaranteed Performance 1949-54, 8 cyl. (exc. conv.) 1955-56, 8-cy1. . . . . . . . . . . Make and Year Single Exhaust Passenger Cars Only FORD & METEOR DODGE & PLYMOUTH 1951-53 (exc. conv.) . . . . . . . 1954â€"57 (exc. conv.) 1958~61 1949-54, 6 cyl. (exc. conv.) 1955-59, 6-cy1. (most) Similar savings on other passenger cars, including imports. Big dis- counts on Mote-Master Exhaust Equipment for commercial vehicles. Brackets for tail pipe installations (extra, where needed). Clamps, each 19c. ' 1951-53 Can. models . . . . . . . . . . 1954-61 Can. Models (exc. conv.) CHEVROLET PONTIAC from from 1.49 to 2.19 from 1.30 up 2.39 gal- .65 qt. 915 to 2.10 “Do-it- Yourself†Muffler Discount Price AND .SAVE .ON LABOR... . .OR from 4.89 5.65 6.20 6.20 6.20 4.90 5.65 4.20 5.65 New Parts Extra When Needed Satisfaction Guaranteed .65 MUFFLER INSTALLED DISCOUNT PRICE each 7.90 8.45 8.45 8.45 7.15 7.90 6-45