Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1962, p. 5

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Charles Ellison. Mark- ham Road and Eddie Elliott. Fernleigh Circle. attended the 48th Highlanders of Canada Service of Remembrance. at the Regimental Memorial on Sun- day last. _ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pipher recently attended the Ontario Funeral Service Association convention held at the King Edward - Sheraton Hotel and the Queen Elizabeth Building, ONE. Mr. Norman Kennedy of the Bank of Nova Scotia. is at pre- sent on a hunting trip in the Parry Sound district. In)! The good wishes of the com- munity are extended to Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Leno. Leisure Lane. who are celebrating their 63rd wedding anniversary on No- vember 15. “13.60; VtJFetEBiing to the Hill in December, he will be visit- ing his home in Prince Edward Island Mrs. BcsSIe Spinner, Mr. Le- no's sister, who is at present visiting them from Kent. Eng- land. also celebrates her 75th birthday on the same day - many happy returns! Mi‘. anh- Mrs. Leno have been Liberal subscribers for bhe past 40 years. Last 'l‘humday Cyril Bell spoke on ’Dhe European Com- mon Market at a dinner given by The Society of Industrial Ind Cost Accountants of Onta- rlo in the Board of Trade Builâ€" ding, Toronto. The audience of over 150 ac- countants and their friends list- ened intently to the speech de- Icribin'g the development of the United States of Europe. At the close they asked many inter- esting questions on the E.E.C. Ind its effect on Canada 'I‘hls ls the third time Cyril Bell has spoken on the Com- mon market and it is expected he will be speaking in places as far apart as Pelerbaroug‘h and Detroit. A portion of the study book "'Dhe Anglican Church in the Sixties". was explained by the Rev. J. O'Neil. who also con- ducted a short discussion per- iod at the regular meeting of St. Mary’s Evening Branch WA. Reports were given by Mrs. Alice Wilcox on the diocesan board meeting and by Miss Ma- rlon Carter on G.A. work of which she is the leader. Mrs. R. D. Little read areport, prepared by Mrs. J. Lepper, on the dean! cry meeting recently Iheld at St. Gabriel. Mrs. C. R. Williams read the Scripture and Mrs. W. L. Redford was in the chair. On November 6 (Mrs) Elen- nor Gates was installed as Wor- thy Matron in Richmond Hill Chapter No. 302. order of the Eastern Star. ’I‘he Installing Board, per- forming the ceremony was made up of: Installing Matron (.Mrs.) Jean Osborne -P.D.D.- GM. Honorary member, Rich- mond Hill Chapter: Installing Patron - Robert Cooper - P.G.P. Imstalling Marshall. (Mrsl) Al- ma Hill - Immediate Past Ma- tron. Richmond Hill Chapter; Installing Chaplain (Mrs.) Don- n: Madill - PuM. Alhola Chap» ter. Willowdale, onher distinguished guests assisting were (Mrs) Ruby Coo- per. Rita Carruthers. Past Ma- tron; Hilda Lndlow. Hilda Coombs. Past Matrons Rich- mond Hill Chapter, To support Mrs. Gates as Worthy Matron the following officers were installed for the ensuing year: Worthy Patron, Hurdle Nelson, Past Pa- tron Richmond Hill Chapter; Associate Matron Cora Magee. Past Matron Richmond Hill Chapter; Associate Patron, Herb Ludlow. Past Pa- tron Richmond Hill Chapter; Conductress, Nan Simmons; As- sociate Conductress. Evelyn Miller: Secretary. Ruth Hipkiss; Treasurer. Hilda Ludlow; Chap- lain, Grace Sanderson: Marshall, Annette Gardiner; Star Points. Mrs. Grace Jennings. Mrs. Mu- riel Nelson. Mrs. Jean errlees. Mrs. Bertha Walker. Mrs. Irene McGluley: Warder. Mrs. Elea- ner Irwin: Sentinel. Mrs. Velma Potts. Following the installation. a bufl'et lunch was enjoyed by many visitors and members of Richmond Hill Chapter. Richmond Hill TV 8. Appliances A V. 5-3756 Editor Margot Crack 34 YONGE ST. S. TU. 4-7456 ty bagged flee deer on a week's deer hunting at Commands. in the Trout Creek area, south of North Bay. Dr. Jim Langslafi, well known local physician, spent several days last week deer hunting in the Humphrey Township area. Mrs. John Postlethwaite. in search of Christmas presents. visited the Wlmodausis Antique and Treasure Mart at the Casa Loma on opening day. dancing was given by Mrs. R. E. Dunn. Mrs. N. Brown and Mrs. C. Whelan at the Wednesday meeting of the Richmond Hill Senior Citizen’s Association. Over twenty friends from the Richmond Hill High School ga- thered at the home of Miss Pat- ricia Barnes. Tampico Drive, on Friday last, for a surprise party for fellow student, King Boake, ‘who was celebrating his 20th birthday Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt is making a satisfactory recovery from in- juries she received when struck by a car. in York County Hos- pital, Newmarket. The accident occured November 8 on Keele Street, King Township. iVI-ier‘ injufies include a com- pound fracture of the right arm. a cracked pelvis. cuts and num- erous bruises. The zirls’ auxiliary of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church spent an enjoyable afternoon on Sun- day, November 4. at the GA many in Bolton. "rifle; were entertained wit-h games and films. A magician also kept them armused.‘ Thgva‘ay was climaxed with a youth service in the church with all branches parading.“ attended from Willow- d-ale. Toronto, Lansing. Bol- ton. Riversview and Richmond Hill. York Presbytery of the Unit- ed Ohureh will meet in St. Matthew‘s United Church on November 23. The challenge of the Christian ministry. and oth- er church duties will be dis- cussed. A special feature of the evening will be the reception as a candidate for the ministry of John Patterson. the son of St. Matthew's minister Rev. William Patterson. The session of St. Matthew’s recommended John as a candidate at its Sep- tember meeting. Members of the Richmond Q“ Hi“ Kinsmen Club Incorporat-ted ed entertained their wives at the annual ladies niglbt, Satur- we (lay. November 10 at the Ric-h- CC mond Hill GOM Club. Ch Also attending were some 30 guests including John Addison M.P. and his wife, Kinsmen and Kinebtes from the North York Kinsmen Club together Witlh former Kinsmen. Kinettes and friends. After a delicious dinner, vice-pres. Roy Swanson made the toast to the ladies with Kin Ron Neill toasting the associa- ion. An evening of dancing end- .ed a most successful event. ‘ Next Sunday night the young people of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will attend Evensong at ‘7 pm. and share In the ser- vice. Reeve Floyd Perkins and par- Afterwards Mr. Gary Cald- well. a student at York Univer- sity will show pictures of his travels in Poland at a Youth Seminar this last summer. Mr. Caldwell will give his impres- sion of flhe conditions in that part of Europe. A demonstration 0{ square 7 All young people are especi- ally invited to attend. Despite Saturday's heavy‘ downpour of rain, the Christmas “Fantasy Fair" held at St. Mat- thew's United Church that af- ternoon was a resounding suc- cess. Thanks is due in no small measure to the ‘many courag- eous souls who braved the wea-t ther and turned out in such‘ large numbers to support this annual undertaking of the Un- ited Church Women. Bazaar convenors Mrs. John Walter and Mrs. Stuart Casement wish to express their gratitude to them, as well as to the many others who contributed in so many ways. great and small. to the success of the event. RCA VICTOR 0 Longâ€"Range New Vista Tuner 0 Picture Stabilizer Circuits 0 Automatic Channel Equalizer 0 Cop- per Bonded Circuits 0 Victor Crafted Furniture Styling I Balanced Fidel- ity FM Sound. $219.95 WITH TR A DE 23" TV TH Deer were plentiful at Eagle' Anyone interested in devel- Lake, Haliburton over the past oping dramatic art as a possible week and local hunters return- vehicle of self-expreSSion for ed with six the Christian witness. and in a Included in the party were dramatic group in St. Mat- Harold Young. Jo Roberts. Bill thew‘s United UhurCh. are ask- Nenl J12. Nels Gage and Frank ed to attend a meeting at the Moorley. home of Mrs. Doreen Kendry. Bill Neal Jr. returned to 333 S. Taylor Mills Drive, on Eagle Lake on Monday to try Monday evening at 8 pm. his luck with bhe ones that got * * * * away! 1‘ some 145 boys and girls at- Deer were plentiful at Eagle Lake, Hallburton over the past. week and local hunters return- ed with six. Walter Scott Home and School Association is present- ing a most distinguished panel this Thursday. November 15. The chairman will be Vaugh- an Inspector R. Macbonald. Other members of the panel will be Mrs. P. Townshend-Carter. president mental health associa- tion. W. D. Middleton, principal Pleasantville. Superintendent G. McIntyre. Psychiatrist Dr. S. Jessen and Psychologist E. Mal- Some of the questions that will be answered are (1) How many children today are men- tally disturbed? (23 What are bhe symptoms? (3) How can we help them? (4) How do schools deal with this problem? The meeting starts at 8 pm. sharp. arti Mr. and Mrs. Lou Donnelly attended a performance of ‘The Bells’ at the Entertainers The- atre on S‘aturday last. One of the most enthusiastic- members of the group is Alan Stehbings. whom Richmond Hill audiences will rem-ember as Michel in ‘Don'l Listen Laâ€" dies' a role which won him high praise from the adjudicator. . The Entertainers are literally openatinlg on a shoestring and would welcome support from local theatre-goers. At the November meeting of‘ St. Mary's Catholic Women’s League. plans were made to hold a “Christmas Bridge and Euchre” at St. Mary Immacul- ate School on Trayborn Drive. on December 14. Mrs. Mat Ste- phenson will convene the pot- iluck supper on November 21. Guest speaker for the eve- nirnlg was Mrs. Joan Seager, who is a freelance writer. 'I‘wo humorous skits - “A Natura- list‘s Wirfe”. and “'Dhe Perils of a Mother at Christmas" - were portrayed by Mrs. Seager. R-effeshmetnts were served by Mrs. C. Bettles, Mrs. V. I. Mc- Cullough, and Mrs. N. Williams. A meeting of lthe Allenbrae} hospital auxiliary was held on November 12 at the home of Mrs. Shirley Bruce. 403 Allen- court. Over 30 members attend- Mrs. Dorothy Butterworth was elected to the “Gift Shop Committee”. and Mrs. F. Les. chalk and Mrs. Butterworth gave a most interesting demonâ€" stration of candle making. A ‘Bake and Gift Sale‘ is to be held at the Allencourt Plaza on November 30. starting at 3 pm. - so girls be sure to buy your Gray Cup Goodies then. Anyone wanting to donate baking or any ‘hand made ,items please phone, Mrs. B. A. Jones, TU. 4-3739. baking or any ‘hand made items please phone; Mrs. B. A. Jones, TU. 4-3739. 1- rt # 1: At the regular meeting of the Friendship Circle of the Ang- lican Church of St. Gabriel, Richmond Hill East, twenty members were present. Mrs. Helen Fountain led the exercises. Coffee was served by Mrs. Marilyn Van Wicklin and Mrs. Eileen Apps. It was moved by Mrs. Kim Barker and seconded by Mrs. Agnes Bregg that the Friend- ship Circle give $200.00 tow- ards the beautifying of the church Chan-eel. Mrs. Dorothy Price instructed the members lin making mittens from the legs of woollen socks. it It! * it! Miss Joan Leonard of 178 Lawrence Avenue. arrived home on Wednesday. Novem- Personal letters from Group Committee Chairman Hugh Hemphill - sent to sixty-five sets of parents - “failed to bring out more than the usual handful, the remainder showing no interest whatsoever in this extremely important phase of their boy’s upbringing. 'Dhey apparently don’t care to see an interesting program of Cub and Scout activities on film . . . or to hear the leaders outline the vfiuture program planned for their boys. Most important of all, they don't care who is el-‘ ected to watch over their own boy's welfare and activities for the coming year". The Kaa Cub Pack-as pointed out in the October 25th issue of this newspaper - is in grave danger of having to cease acti- vities after six years of out- standing achievements. because of lack of leadership. At the regular meeting of the Friendship Circle of the Ang- lican Church of St. Gabriel, Richmond Hill East, twenty members were present. Miss Joan Leonard of 178 Lawrence Avenue. arrived home on Wednesday. Novem- ber 7. Joan is now in New York City and has passed her pro- bationary period with Amer- ican Airlines. as stewardess. She was home for five busy days. visiting her family and friends in Richmond Hill and Toronto. Joan is flying from New York to Los Angeles, via Washington. DC. and Chicago, also on to San Diego‘ Califor- lnia. While in San Diego. Joan vis- ited Mexico and attended a thrilling bull fight, PERMS FOR THE MONTH 0!“ NOVEMBER ONLY We have added a new and wonderful perm to our selecâ€" tion. Ask about the wave that gives body only to your hair. This is the perm so many women have been looking and waiting for. 6m Regular $12.50 NOW Our Regular $10.00 NOW Allencourt Plaza TU. 4-4581 Open Thursday and Friday evenings 3 Some 145 boys and girls at-‘l ltended the ‘special “Cubs-Scouts- |Brownies - Guides" Remem- brance Day Church Parade ser- vice held at St. Gabriel's Angli- can Church, Richmond Hill East. on Sunday last. I l Mr. M. J. YouJe-White. Pear- son Avenue, amended the 11th annual conference of the On- tario Association for Carricul- um Development held at the King Edward Hotel on the 8th, 9th and 10th Novem'ber‘ The sermon “The Uniform of Faith" was given by Mr. Rob- ert Flowers. student assistant. Those present spent the af- ternoon working on articles for the gift shop or articles to be sold to friends, the proceeds of which will be turned over to the auxiliary A dessert party was planned, to be held early in the New Year at the home of Mrs. C. H. Sanderson. SPECIAL The members of the Rich- mond Hill East Central Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary met on November 7 at the home of Mrs. .1th Heard. Observatory House Afternoon tea was enjoyed in the delightful livingroom of the hostess. New members are encouraged and anyone interested should contact Mrs. Sanderson. TU. 4- 1404 or Mrs. Holmberg, TU. 4- 7984. He was a delegate of the OSSTF‘ and was a member of the group dealing with Inde- pendent Learnimg' and Intellec- tual Growth. Many stimulating discussions took place, and a great deal of hard thinking and talking was accomplished. Outst'an d i n g talks were given by Dr. Jerome Brunet. professor of psychology at Harvard University, and Dr. MaXWell Cohen. professor of Jurisprudence at McGill. The1 theme of the conference was ‘Learning to Learn‘. Mr. Youle-W'hite is the ‘head of the English Department at fl‘hornhill Secondary School. At the annual general meet- ing of the sponsoring body ofl the 1st Beverley Acres Scout and Cub Troop held at the Be- verley Acres Public School, the following were elected to serve on the Group Committee for the coming year. Stu Hamilton - chairman: Al Whaley - vice- chairman; Hugh Hemphill - sec- retary; Dave Newing - treasur- er; Bill Charboneau - transpor- tation; Tom Carney - camp chairman; Jim Davenport - fin- ance chairman; Owen Grant - badge chairman; Joe Derrick - training chairman; Dave New- ing - public relations. Surely, in this young and heavily populated area, there must be one more father, an uncle. an ex-scout - who real-I ises what the training did for! him â€" or, maybe just someone. who likes to see kids get OR; the right foot in life. and a; phone call to Group Secretary' Hemphill at 884-5684 by some‘ young potential cub leader. who‘ would be amply rewarded by seeing these boys turning into! the fine young citizens of to- morrow Major Robert Pimm and Mrs. Pimm attended the Rememâ€" brance Day services at the Church of St. Edmund the Mar- tyr, where the Lord Bishop of Toronto. the Rt. Rev. F. H. Wil- kinson. dedicated the memorial window of the 4th Technical Regiment R.C.E.M.E. Following an evening of games and crafts the Richmond Hill United Church Explorers held a worship service directed by Valerie Fenwick. with Karen Larke. Anne Martin. Brenda Hunt. Donna Larson and Brenda Ferguson all taking part. Fancy work. home baking, toys, fish pond and novelties, will be some of the many at- tractions at the bazaar. spon- sored by the afternoon woman’s iauxiliary of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, to be held on Novem- ber 24 in Wrixon Hall. After- noon tea will be served. Exhibitors at the Royal Win- ter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest.1 Redelmeier and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Redelmeier, have been entertaining visitors from many parts of Canada and the United States at their Don Head Farms. Among their guests was Mrs. Diana Ryan of Rhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Niddrie. Trayborn Crescent, ce- lebrated their 20th wedding an- niversary at the Skyline hotel. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klein, Lt.- C01. and Mrs. Michael George,‘ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lennox, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Veyssiere, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sands. Maj. Charles Huggard and Alleyne Silver. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grant. Mr. and Mrs, E. Benton and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pur- die. ‘TQP QUALITY USED â€" CARS AT v v v v V AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA‘ WM. NEAL 1961 Morris 850 - cheap transportation 1961 Rambler Classic A] 1959 Dodge Viscount, 8 cyl., perfect 1958 Pontiac Coach - one owner 1958 Morris Coach - like new 1957 Dodge Sedans - 2 to choose from Many More To Choose From 61 Yonge St. S. TU- Mrs. Ray Jackson, choir leader at St. Matthew’s Church. is seen above, centre, cutting the ribbon officially opening the Christmas “Fantasy Fair” held in the church on Crosby Avenue last Saturday afternoon. Sponsored by St. Matthew’s United Church Women, the fair was a highly successful one, despite the heavy rainfall. Assisting Mrs. Jackson in the picture above are, left, Mrs. W. W. Patterson, wife of the minister at St. Matthew’s, and, right, Mrs. Robert Wallace, president of St. Matthew’s United Church Women St. Matthew's United " Fantasy Fair" During the evening a colour and sound movie of the 1961 Grey Cup game and Grey Cup Parade was shown. The movie and projector were obtained by Pat Smith, father of David Smith. the very capable team manager. Paul Craine was host on Fri- day last to the Bayview Junior Football Team at his home on Paliser Crescent South. meeting this Monday. Novem- ber 19th, in the Rlchmond Hill1 A former deputyweeVe‘ John PUblic Library' A Bradstock. has been honored by The gueSt Speaker W!“ be Dr- town council for bhe part he Huguette Leger. Canadian Over- has played in setting up the “seas volunteer, who has recent- parks system in Richmond Hill, 1 o,,_i__ _-..L...... Tho-Ha 11-....-“ INAâ€"4.... -:-L.+ nan-And The York Branch of the Un- - - ‘ ited Nations Association will be‘F'ormer O'ch'al The guest speaker will be Dr.‘ Huguette Leger. Canadian Over-1 seas volunteer, who has recent- ly returned from eastern India. Ways and means will be discus- sed to raise money for sponsor- ing an overseas volunteer. Fred Page To ManageW‘fi“: {forts ‘buted GuildWood Red&White Mr. Fred Page. popular and energetic manager of tihe Red and White Foodmaster store in Bayview Plaza has left to take up a new assignment. He has been appointed manager of the modern new Red ahd White store in Guilrdlwood Village in Scarboro. During his stay in Bayview Plaza Mr. Page became well liked by the many shoppers who visited his store for his friendly warm manner. The new manager at Bayview Plaza is Terry Hood who was Mr. Page’s assistant. The Page family will continue to reside on Osiris Drive. TU- 4-7381 i{Name Park After} élFormer Official] Following an absence of four years from the Hill, having been transferred to Windso: and Re- gina, Mr. and Mrs. W. Barnes, daughter Patricia. and sons. Blair and Billy. have recently returned to their Tamvpico Drive home Council Monday night agreed with a recommendation sub- mitted by Parks Board Chair- man Russell Tilt to name the three-acre park site at the rear of MacKillop School, John Bradstock Park. Mr. Tim, said the untirimg ei-l forts of Mr. Bradstock contri- buted greatly to the present Our 8-week Beginners Course at $2.50 weekly includes the free use of an instrument in your home. SOMETHING TO SELL Phone TU. 4-1105 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Call TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC I “mm FREE Start Playing Today Yonge & Centre Sis. Richmond Hill Do You Live In This Area?.... system If You Do..... YOU ARE A RESIDENT OF WARD 1 IN THE FORTHCOMING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS AND ELIGIBLE TO VOTE FOR A FELLOW RESIDENT AND CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILLOR, WARD 1. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 15, 1962 5 295 Bluegrass Blvd. ELGIN MILLS RD WALTER scugns'é CROSBY AVE THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Ex OF YOUR 779;. CHOICE 'your office machine specialist’ 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill lee portable models at ‘Wixht’: Phlmacy' Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 Typewriters - Addln: Machine- SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS " - - - bounded on the north by the Elgin Mills Sideroad, 0n the east by Bayview Ave., 0n the west by Yonge St, on the south by Crosby Ave. eatina SAVINGS ! BEEF 35clb- 3 M 95c SIDE SPARE RIB lb. 55c BAYVIEW PLAZA L. H SIMS LE AN ME ATY MINCED BRISKET . NELS GAGE Tel. 884-5390 For Soup lb. '9: IS _ THE TO CALL FOR THE BEST BUY ON YOUR INSURANCE James Grainger 130 YOnge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ontario TU. 4-1529 .0... ml popular make! on hand Snecial Students' Ram rISTATE FARM Canadian Head Office, Toronto, Ont. TU. 4-7691 P821010

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