Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Nov 1962, p. 10

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This Is commencement \veekle. at Thorn-hill as the school body R settles back to normal after a» win and a near-miss in the‘p Georgian Bay football warst Christmas exams are also loom-‘a: ing large on the horizon and as‘ft a result sports action has been Jv drastically curtailed. An eagerltc group of midget age basketballial players are busily practicing to n.‘ pmvlde one of the few breaks ll‘ from the scholastic routine.lE Thomhill Secondary 10 TEE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, November , ,, -_r.-V-_ _---.. vv..-“ um. UvuybL. nubcpuug uu: uc'dgut: ll'Uley from John McMann, recreational director of the Protestant Youth Organ- ization, on behalf of the team is Ricky DeGraff. Awarded the Outstand- mg Forward Trophy for his play throughout the season was Danny Odette. He is seen being congratulated by Mr. Cooper. Young Dann}r scored the winning goals in both of the final games to capture the cham- hl‘nhnL:h 4'-.. L:.. L- A," soccer competitions, when they were feted by team officials et Inn, Richmond Hill. In top photo Ricky Ede is seen receiving the Best Goalkeeper Award from Coach Ron_Cooper. n Accepting the League Trophy frnm TAL" mun”--- .._-____1: pionship for his tegmul Honor Top Soccer Stars Senior mixed volleyball is proving to be a popular item at the green and white school as 96 boys and girls turned out for this intramural activity. Junior and senior basketball teams, both boys and girls are working out with the gym- nasts also beginning to work on their own particular specialty. Rotsa ruck with the Christmas exams}! Richmond Hill High Ieir own particular special mm: are also looming lax they have time. And should be. Basketball, wrestling and gymnastics are all carded to begin after the examinations are over. The extramural wrest- ling squad' will be made up primarily of first and second place winners in intramural competition. In the meantime most stu- dents are burning a lot of mid- night oil as they prepare for the brain-busters the examina- tions will produce. More books are being bounded hardpr than Colour team standings at the Bayview tri-colour knowledge shop are as follows: Red 330 points. Black 305, Green 270, Gold 265 points. on the horizon as Christmas is hurrying along. Sports are fine but. at this particular time. the wise put books ahead of all else. The day of reckoning is truly at hand. Bayview Secondary m. “'l‘ESLllng and Ev, Jones 613 (252), Anne 31511.: High three flat: Ladies: Joan ; are all carded to op 610 (213) and Janet Flem.‘Laird 727. Priscilla Attridge er the examinations‘ing 602 (261), 704, Nancy Underhill 688. Men: [‘he extramural wrest- Art McGeachie 806 (321), Bob‘Ross Casement 694, Charles :1' will be made up Stevens 801 (3261, Vic Palmer Russell 661, Bob Attridge 650. of first and second 730 (287), Mike Parrett 725} High three handicap: Priscilla mers in intramural (261), Bill Jones 720 i263). John‘Attridge 848. Sharon Fewster n. Man-avers 719 (302’, Dave Nich-i751. Joan Laird 736. Men: Don meantime most stu- 015011 703 [293), Stan ShadofiiKerr 774. Jim Dawson 766, Ross burning a lot of mid- 690 (265), Ron Ribbons 657 (280).‘Casement 733. as they prepare for Bill Roberts 657 (243). George!" )usters the :xamina- Field 632 (242), Neil McDonald Readers may order re- produce. More books 630 (249), Jack Harcourt 624 prints of “an photo: pounded harder than‘i230). John O‘Connor 623 (245V appearing in "The Liberal" been for a lonz. lone’Les Chidley 621 (26D a'nd Vern It the newspaper ofiice. 63 that's exactly how llfThomson 620 (217’. Yonze Street South. Rich. (STAFF. PHOTO) 1962 I‘S: Red 330 High scores in last week's ac- Gl'een 270, tion were Madge Nicholson 660 (251), Ethel MacRae 635 (227), stling‘ find Ev. Jones 618 (252), Anne Bish- ngh average standings: Lad- ‘les: Jeanne Richardson 226, Mu- riel Stevens 200, Ellen Parrett 195, Ev. Jones 191, Ethel Macâ€" Rae 189. Ruth Lang 186. Men: Bill Jones 247, Art McGeachie 244. Les Chidley 239, Stan Sha- dofl’ 231. Mike Parrett 227. Vic‘ Palmer 221, Bob Stevens 221. Eastsiders The Orioles are leading in the present series with a total of 14 points in their bag. ln second place are the Senators .with 12 points while the Red Sox, White Sox and Red Legs own 10 points. Three bowlers are left in the current “beat your average" con- test with a winner to be decided this week. Bowlers vying for the win are Madge Nicholson, Edna Thomason and Lil Mayor. High average standings: Lad- ies: Jeanne Richardson 226, Mu-I Three game flat: Ladies: Lucy :Smith 771, Frieda Littlefard 705. Betty Smith 528. Men: Mac Clement 771, Bob Littleford .729, Clare Walker 644. Average: Ladies: Frieda Little- ford 212, Lucy Smith 203, Mary Wheeler 196. Men: Bob Little- ford 222. Bud Wheeler 212, Herb Relf 203. Langstafi-Richvaie ‘ I High average: Ladies: Jean‘ ‘Laird 202. Nancy Underhill 190,} ‘Gert Thompson 185. Men: Chas. Russell 187. Ross Casement 186. Bob Attridge 182. ' The Orioles are leading in the present series with a total of 14 points in their bag. in second place are the Senators with 12 points while the Red Sox, White Sox and Red Legs own 10 points. John Moore paced the league with I total of 858 (322), Dan Boyle h-it for 856 (338), Bill Jackson 814 (313), Les Adam 805 (326) and Phil Blanchard 798 (348). Games over 300 were recorded by Mike Parrett 316. Bob Weeks 312, Jim Davidson 3304 and How- ie Inch 303. High average belongs to A1 Richardson at 261. Les Chidley has a 256 avenage, while Bob Kennedy, Tim Saul and Arne Skretteberg are all bowling along at an average of 254. Elstsiders Single games over the 200 mark were bowled by Jim Hoult 318, Les Adam 301, Jim Neal 281, Dot Webster 273. Cliff Goodman 260, Jim Morley 256, Eric Basciano 244, Jim,Curt-is 242, Peter Svenson 241, and Ken Roberts 219. Allencourt Major Team standings at the end of the first series: Manufacturer's Life 63, Dynes Jewellers 58, A1- lencourt Lanes 53. Richmond Hill Auto Wreckers 49, Connor Transport 41, Turnbull Grocer- ies 40, Tom Hughes Shell Ser- vice 38, ABC 33. Street’s Auto Electric 26. Keay’s Supertest Garage 26. Rothman’s King Size 22. Rangers 13. High three honours went to Les Adams 839 (301). In second spot was Jim Hoult 795 (318). followed by Jim Morley 744 (256), Eric Basciano 703 (244), Dot Webster 687 (273) and Cliff Gobdman 676 (260) Garrett Richardson's 537 (203) was top score for the men as 1Ian MacGillrivray racked up a 1525 total. Gary Wise bowled a 522 (214), Steve Bambridge 522 (199), Dave Thomson 519, Joe Boyer 504 (191), George Bun- svton 503 (190) and A1 Medhurst 501 (294). Team standings: All Sports Trophies 12, Rose Gardens 12. Dave Thomson‘s Sunoco 10. George De Boer 9, Rumble Transport 7, Metro Distribution 6, Mundinger Music 5. Team 6 4, Town & Country 8, Team 4 2. Monday Niters Bill Fln’uvcan was the draw winner last week. High average at the moment is a 249 belong- ing to Jim Hoult while second spot goes to Cliff Goodman at the 233 mark. Les Adam enjoys a 226 average, Eric Basciano 214, Jim Curtis 199 and Derrick Thorns 196. Pam Graham was top lady of ‘the night with a total of 529 for three games. Her high game was 138. Edna Maybury was one pin off at 528 (194), with Sandy Richards hitting for 494, Barb Taylor 474 and Peggy Weide- man 452. 1 Edna Maybury is the pace setter for the distaff side at a 163 clip. Second lady is Pam Graham with a 157 average. Garrett Richardson has the men’s highest average at 173. followed by Ian MacGillivnay at the 172 level. 'ner. , It was pointed out to the l The new president for the meeting by Mike Parrett that a '1963 season will be Jim Mans» constitution has become an ab- bridge with Jim Stevens step-Jsolute necessity. A committee, ping into the post of past presi- chaired by Joe Cornack has dent. Vice-president is Don been charged with the drafting Bromley, while Audrey Graham of a constitution to be presented will be filling the secretarial to the incoming executive. Com- position. Al Webster will be mittee members who will de- treasurer. Don Brayshaw regis- sign the constitution are Angus trar, Ron Berresford publicity Philip, Mike Parrett, Ralph director and Gene Wright sta- Davis and Walter Donkin. Hlfih single game: we" bowlâ€" ILH. 10 Pin Mixed League bJimMansbridgeTo Head Local Minor Ball In '63 At a meeting held at the Masonic Hall on Sunday last. the R.H.M.B.A. elected a new slate of officers for the coming sea- son. The general meeting was attended by 20 interested people and the necessary business was concluded in an efficient man- ner. 9 PIN "a PATTER High single handicap: Ladies: Winnie Jamieson 350, Ev. Miller 328. Priscilla Attridge 306. Men: Jim Dawson 360, Ken Green 304. Don Kerr 301. High single flat: Ladies: Win- nie Jamieson 318, Ev. Miller 280. Gert Thompson 276. Men: Jim Dawson 310, Ken Green 289, Charles Russell 274. Single flat. Ladies: Frieda Littleford 267. Lucy Smith 263, Betty Smith 241. Men: Clare Walker 290, Mac Clement 287, Bob Littleford 257. Games of 200 and over were bowled by Ruth Proctor 265, Audrey Harris 235, Mable Willis 232, Irene Everett 231, Ellen Parrett 228, Anne Irving 224, Pat Jordan 218, Betty Hughes 215, Darlene Buchan 212, Madge Nicholson 211, Audrey Bowers 203, Gladys Rogers 202 and Ida Madill 200. The Cards Team standings: Jacks Aces 43, Queens 38, Sevens Jokers 33, Deuces 28, Tens Kings 26. Ida Madill won the cup and saucer last week, with the silver dollar being won by Shirley Mansbridge. High score was a 662 (259) bowled by Shirley Mansbridge. Dot Webster bowled 619 (270) and Jean Nugent 617 (292). The outlook was bleak for the Manufacturer's Life team last weekend. Bowling at Willow Bowl against Ace Bowl. the Richmond Hill entry won only one game out of five. Art Mc- Geachie was the leading ’Lifer with a five game total of 1280. This Saturday the team goes ag- ainst the league leading Pas- quales at Bayvle-w Bowl. Thursday Afternoon Top games last week were bowled by Henry Knuckey 872, Dick Yule 854, Norm Hein‘tz; man 826, Al Richardson 821, Ken Moore 810 and Norm Tho- mas 801. City Major Team standings: Allencourt Lanes 55, ABC 1 54, Davis and Day 50, Burgess Wholesale 46, Vettese Construction 44, ABC 2 41, ABC 3 39, Tumbu‘ll Grocer- ies 35, Dynes Jewellers 33, Mi- chael's Gift Shop 33, Baker’s White Rose 30, Hall’s Fuel Oil 26, John’s Boys 25, Town and Country 25, Sports 22, Topper’é Farm 8. Army Gaglione holds the three game total without handi- cap record with 989. With han- dicap added in, Dick Yules is the leader at 929. High single game was the 374 of Tom Lem- perg, with Gord Mayor’s 389 holding the single with handi- cap lead. High aVerage belongs to Tim Saul with 260. Ernie McMeekin bowled a single game of 245. Al McLeod 240, Pat Jones 240 Jack Thoma- son 237, Jim Fitzpatrick 231 and Al Jackson 229. ABC Major led by Pat McLean 289. Marion ‘McGeachie 272, Pat Jones 238, Betty McMeekin 233, Lynn Rob- erts 233, Joan Gow 226, Muriel :Stevens 226, June Amos 217, Nan Shadofi 216, Barbara Bun- ker 210, Lil Mayor 209, Edna Thomason 206, Ruth Lang 205, Jeanne Richardson 205 and Mary McDonald 201. , Readers may order re- prints of staff photon appearing in "The Liberal" at the newspaper office. 63 Yonge Street South. Rich- mond Hill. Members of the committee are Kevin Dowden. Lawrence Rich- ard, Sterling Reid, Helen Slater, Angus Philip, Mrs. Lund. Norm Lewis, Russ Cripps, Ralph Da- vis and Joe Ranierai. tistician 50, 36, 26, DATED at Toronto this 13th day of November. 1962. JOAN MAIDA BAIN JOSLIN. Administratrix by her solicit- ors, WALSH and WALSH. 85 Richmond StreetVWest. Toronto 1. Ontario, All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of Herbert Cecil Joslin. late of Maple, Ontaro, Stock Clerk, who died on or about the 5th day of August. 1962, are required to send a statement of their claims to the undersigned before the 15th day of December, 1962. after which date the estate will be adminis- tered, having'regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. In the Estate of Herbert Cecil Joslin an Bowen and Roy McBrien. Assists went tn Clarence Duke- shire 2, Willie Bark 2. Hutch- inson, McBrien and Mike Stod- dart. Rotary’s goals both unas- sisted were by Peter Bird and Richard Burton. Dynes Jewellers 4 Butler Ind Baird 2 More fine goal tending‘ This time by Steve Brown and Alex Baln. Two goals for Dynes from Chris DunlmWelson Lund and Gar Chass with lone assist o 0 W] B ‘and B goals were by Ron Chap- man and James Hemphill. McKay 0011': 1 Richvale Pharmacy 1 Another tie g-ame. Goalies were sharp as knives. McKay's lone goal was from Dennis‘ Notice To Creditors And Others BANTAM LEAGUE Town and Country 7 Rotary 2 These lads must have had their Wheaties for breakfast. Seven goals went to T and C. Two goals each [for Barry Clemen- burg and Danny Phillips and singles to Bob Hutchison, Bry- Deciantis and Rice 3 Gunnars 1 Chris Moffit was flying in this game scoring two of D & R goals. Sinugle went to John Benton. Assists to Al Smusiak and Mike Cartier. Gunmar's lone effort went to Dave Gross. Pinewood Aggregates l Shleld’s Shoes 1 One all tie in this fast game. Pinewood’s lone goal went to Rich Montgomery. Shields lo‘n- er, unassisted went to John Fitzpatrick. Shepherd 3: Gill 3 Street Cons’t. 0 A sh-utout for goalie Paul Howleht. Ron Armstrong, David McGee and Ken Hitchins all scored singles for S & G with an assist to Ken Hitchins. Loren Gordon 3 Al’s Cycle and Sports 3 A three all tie this game. A- gain fine goal ten-ding. A “hat- trick” for lam McKinley ocf Gor- don’s with a lone assist to Jim Hamilton. Al's Cycle goal get- ters were Frank Petronski. Steve Campbell and Bill Wrightt. l Young’s Service Station 3 Fine goal tending this game. Brian Gilpin scored two goals for Mills with singles to Derry Andrews and Jeff Crane. Young’s goals were two from Don Brown and a single to A1- len Hawkins. Sharp and SI for Rumble played well : lone goal. PEE W Wilson Nihlett Motors 1 Markham Paving 0 A shutout for David Cannell, Niblett’s goals were from Craig MacKenzie and Tim McArthur with assists to Stacey Richard. Billy Mantin and Glen Heppler. Sunnyhrook Riding Club 3 Marley’s Foodland 1 Two goals from Bill Weber and a single from John Brom- ley for Sunnybrook with an as- sist from John B. Marley’s Wesley Wark scored their lone goal with the help of John Stokes and Martin Peterson. ‘ Bob’s Boys 6 Skyline Motors 3 ‘ Bob’s Boys are playing good ‘hockey this season; Two goals each for Stephen Brown. Bobâ€" by Duern and Sweater No. 16. Assists went to Bobby Duern. and again Sweater No. 16. Sky- line goal getters were two from John Clement and one from Steven Thornton. Dan’ Essa 3 Allencourt Pharmacy 0 A shutout for Gord Wool- nough. Two goals by Gary Tulk and a single from Ray McIntosh with an assist from James Moorley. Charlton Hardware 3 :was by Ken C1 Gnrmlcy Sand and Gravel z vsist to Vern W This game saw nutstanding; Frank's goaltending from Tom Kirk- ’ Craigie’s M patrick and Andy Reinhardt. Frank‘s boys Bob Harsraves. Brian Dunlap goals from Dor and Robbie Clepham scored Wilkinson, Mac Charlton's goals with assists wart Cook. As from Dunlap and Glen 3036113, Don Harrm Gormley’s goals from Alex Sy- Smith and 1).- week with a lone assist to Paul Craigie's goal v Enugler. ris with assist i Rumble Trar Consumer’s close game I and Scott ’I BY BOB ROSS JR. SQUIRT LEAGUE ITomcheski E WEE Mills F 'vcoht Taylor 2. Dennis scoring Cor Transport Roses LEAGUE Gas 1 with 'ith Glen or scoring 5 Avcomvb ‘onsumer’s MINOR ...SPORT SPOTS. (Continued from page 9) CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS . BEATTY - COFFIELD-HAMILTON o CONNOR - CORONADO . DOMINION I Satan's-VIKING 0 GM. FRIGIDAIRE . GENERAL ELECTRIC . INGLIS . KELVINATOR c LEONARD I MAXWELL o MAYTAG I McCLARV-EASY I PHILCO'BENDIX I RCA WHIRLPOOL I SIMPLICITY o Simpson's-KENMORE-Slmpsom I SPEED QUEEN o THOR I Co-op VISCOUNT IWESTINGHOUSE Trailways 8 Littles 2 Trailways trimmed Littles this game, but Littles fought hard. Trailways goal getters were Howie Cazaly 2 with sinvg- has from John Baxter, Rod Ma~ bley, Jim Henderson and Jim Zubek. Assists Rod Mabley 2. singles John Baxter, Frank St. Louis, Jim Zubek. John Ross and Stuart Nicholls. Littles goals from Len Huke. Gary Charity, assists from, Mike Ball and Terry Stewart. ‘wukinson, Mac Smith and Ste- ‘wart Cnok. Assists Gard Sale 12, Don Harrower. Roy Dunn, ‘Smith and Danny Boyington. Craigie's goal was by Bob Mor- ris with assist to Bill Huke. i MIDGE’I‘ LEAGUE A.B.C. 4 Bowden’s Lumber 3 A close game, very fast and furious. Goals for ABC were by Brian Haviland 2. and singles from Clay‘ Chapman and Jim Webb. One assist from Brian Hall for ABC. Bowden's goals all singles were by Paul Sulli- van. Doug Carter and Doug Nicholls with assists to Bob Lelshman, Wayne Richards and Sullivan. ECONOMICAL. FLAMELESS O ODOURLESS .SAFE 0 PRECISELY AUTOMATIC Tomcheski Tomcheski. Richvale‘s loner was by Ken Chapman with as- sist to Vern Waltel‘s‘ Frank's Movers 4 ’ Craigie's Men’s Wear 1 We BIANKET MONTHS BBYERNow MAKE EVERY DAY A DRYING DAY ELECTRlCALLY HOCKEY RESULTS 56 YONGE STREET NORTH SAM COOK, Chairman Richmond Hill Hydro - Electric Commission THIS OFFER GOOD AT THE STORES DISPLAYING THIS SYMBOL NOV. 3RD TO DECI boys played well with 1 Don Harrower. Don §\ HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV - APPLIANCE o MAXWELL O MAYTAG I MCCLARV-EASY 0 PHILCO'BENDIX - RCA WHIRLPOOL O SIMPLICITY o Simpson'sâ€"KENMORE-Slmpsons-Surs 0 SPEED QUEEN o THOR - Co-op VISCOUNT OWESTINGHOUSE AND OTHER FINE MAKES STORES RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE CALL TU. 4 - 4401 Mr. Nugent and members of the floor traders association have knocked themselves out before on behalf of Thornhaven School. This time they ex- ceeded their fondest wishes as final financial returns were best ever. As they say in Bristol “Good show chaps â€" may your light never diminish!" â€" SPORTS SPOTS â€"- Mention a rod and custom car club to many people and they immediately envision a bunch of deadend types dragging madly down a public street. Somewhere on this tired old globe there may he a car club that operates this way â€"â€" anything is possible. One thing is sure that is that the Aristocrat Rod and Custom Club with headquarters in Richmond Hill has a most responsible and public-spirited membership. If an aristocrat gets out of line with a car he may get into trouble with the law. That's only half his problem. He is liable to club discipline as well with fines and extra duties imposed to enable him to see the error of his ways. Banishment from the group is the final disgrace. They are dedicated to safe, sane driving and do a great deal to ensure that members cars are in top safety condition. And that’s a definite sign of. responsibility. If you have any toys around your house that the kids have out grown or gotten tired of why not turn them over to the Aristocrats? A telephone call to Aristocrat Jim Pollard at TU. 4-2126 will ensure that your old toys will brighten some unfortunate child’s Christmas. Anybody’s opinion of car club. changed just a wee little bit? Mr. Ray Nugent of Richmond Hill, a member of the Toronto Stock Exchange Floor Traders ASSOC- iation reports that nearly $1,100.00 was raised for Thornhaven School at the recent gala hockey ight at Ted Reeves Arena. They put on a real show 0_ hockey and made a great deal of money for a most worthy cause. all counts as a good sponsor. Despite the fact that his team ran out of the money on all counts this year, every player has been presented with a new jacket in green and white, the team colors. Through- out the softball season all necessary equipment was never a problem and now this nice bonus at the end of it all. A big tip of the hat to Vern Dynes for being a “good” sponsor and a really nice guy! â€" SPORTS SPOTS â€" TV - APPLIANCE Sales - Repairs - Parts 40 LEVENDALE RD. South Block Richmond Heights Centre TU.4-32|I AL. HORWOOD, Superintendent 0 DOUBLE BED SIZE 0 mu. 2-VEAR GUARANTEE o A TOP QUALITY BLANKET o CONVERTIBLE CONTOURED CORNERO 0 CAN 3: WASHED AND DRIED AUTOMATICALLY Aszsssvmw TU. 4 - 35H

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