Report Increase 1 Okay Debenture Issue In Circulation Circulation of books al Rich- lmond Hill Public Library for iihe ï¬rst 10 months of 1962 has re 1 l ached a ï¬gure almost equa Vaughan Township Council Monday night approved a re- quest from the public school board for the issuing of deben- tures in the amount of $225.000 for building the new Roselawn Public School in Richvale. "Unlu Av: nu. tures in the amount of $22 lay an“, v- for building the new Roselawn borrowing of $77,300 for a mu» Public School in Richvale. nicipal water system in the El- A previous debenture bylaw gin Mills area was given ï¬rst for the school was for $200,000 and second reading by council. only. Council also authorized the borrowing of $75,000 through debentures to buy property on The water system will serve 114 of the 148 residents in the area bounded by Elgin Road, Yonge Street, Oxford Street Yonge Street for the new Lang- and Regent Strea- staï¬ High School, which is to be built by York Central Dis- trict High School Board. Council authorized land ap- praiser J. A. MacMillau of Chambers and Meredith. to ne- gotiate for the purchase of land {or the extension of Trench Included in the system will be mains and a metering cham- ber. Water is to be sold to the township by Richmond Hill. Consumers will pay for the sys- tem through local improve- ments. Duncan. Hopper and Associ- ates. the townshin’s consulting 5,000 “A? bylaw providing for the â€"Total for 1961 was 217,554 compared to 217,096 for the ï¬rst 10 months of 1962. Ac- cording to Board Member Dr. G. K.4M‘artin, this represents an increase of 15 per cent for the period. Figures for October 1962 were 26.837, compared with 22,496 for the same month in 1961. October registration was up from 270 to 323, the report re- vealed. Twenty-ï¬ve per cent of the 157 new adult members and 31 per cent of the 166 new chil- dren members are non-resi- dents. ty you’ll stand for election", ne replied “You never know, do you?†. Mrs. Robertson claims she has not made up her mind, and will not make up her mind un-‘ til Monday night. She says shel would have to drop two part-. time newspaper jobs it she' runs {or council. ‘, She told “The Liberal" she will deï¬nitely not seek another‘ term on the school board. According to informed sourc- es. several other unidentiï¬ed individuals are holding off an- nouncement of their candidacy ‘for both council and school iboard until nomination night. Council also authorized the? borrowing of $75,000 throughi debentures to buy property on Yonge Street for the new Lang- staï¬ High School, which is to be built by York Central Dis- trict High School Board. Council authorized land ap- praiser J. A. MacMillan of Chambers and Meredith. to ne- gotiate for the purchase of land for the extension of Trench Street from Richmond Hill Ioutherly to Maple Sideroad. See The e-xtensiori would provide FOR General Electrit at HERRIDGE ELECTRIC on "’9 I) .. pounds Mrs. Doris Nicholson of Newmarket conï¬dently expects the objective of the County of York United Hospitals campaign to be reached. She knows from personal experience of the great need for expansion at the York County Hospital at Newmarket and a new hospital at Richmond Hill. Only 113 beds are'available in the county today and the campaign hopes to provide 389. Herridge Herridge Electric TV - Appliances Wiring. Sales. Repairs Parts. Rentals 40 LEVENDALE RD. South Block Richmond Heights Centre TU. 4-3211 (Other Portables from $199) $€¥§iÂ¥w $249 ITS NEW! APPLIANCES MODEL BISOZX Support Your Hospital Drive access for the York Central 'toial for 1961, acqordjpg Hospital. Mr. M‘acMillan was authorized to obtain an option on the land. l According to Chairman Wil-V fred Keller of the roads com- mittee. actual work on the road improvements would not begin until the county began making improvements to the part of ‘Bathurst Street between Lang- ysiafl and Maple Sideroads. mm >‘\A"\.---l~. Duncan. Hopper and Associ- ates. the township’s consulting engineers. were authorized to engineers. were aumOl‘lZEG Iobmm gather information for the pro-: | d " thh'.‘tSt win T T d S misï¬t:malemgidessag He 0 e remen 005 "((855 and Elgin Mills Sidei‘oad. V) OF According to Chairman Wil- :2) mittee. actual work on the road improvements would not beginl t'ltl - tbn k'g A l- M , lawman a. :::":;:t“:,f1$§ ugus oon [rod Keller of the roads com]1 The county revealed plans for improving Bathurst during the November session of council. Daniel, 5. and Denise. 4. the Brandon‘s two children‘ were also injured. but were released from hospital later that night. All ï¬ve were passengers in a small model car driven by Mr. Brandon. Collision Sends 3 To Hospital Three York Township resi- dents are in serious condition in Branson Hospital, after a two-car collision at Steeles Av- enue and Dufferin Street Sun- ‘day. J. G. Brandon. 32: his wife. Sonia, 36. and Mrs.jnah Hau- ber, all of Winnett Ave, York Township. were involved in the accident. Police say the Brandon car. eastbound on Steeles. collided with a southbound car on Duf- ferin. driven by Sidney Selig- ;man. 45. of Strathearn Blvd†iToronto. Neither Seligman nor his four passengers were in- jured. The Brandons and Mrs. Hau- ber suffered serious head in- juries aud multiple cuts and bruises. Police say a car driven by Frances Stanway of May Av- enue, Richmond Hill, turned in- to the path of a car driven by Phillip Elliott of Sutton, while trying to make a left. turn off Bayview into Bayview Plaza. An accident Saturday after noon on Bayview Avenue re sul-ted in about $500 damage. Neither driver “as injured and no charges have been laid polio: said. Damage Hits 5500 rket conï¬dently expects the objective vitals campaign to be reached. She the great need for expansion at the and a new hospital at Richmgnd Hill. {o a Eeboi-t released at the No- vember meeting of the Library Board. Twenty-ï¬ve per cent of the 157 new adult members and 31 per bent of the 166 new chil- dren members are non-resi- dents. E? NOW (2 g; CALI. TI]. 4 a 7062 { . xiv-\Mx-vxxxxxxmmmmmw<\cx\m\\ixmxï¬ï¬v¥¥§ ?WWMMWWWMWWVWWWM AS LOW $16 00 AS - MONTHLY NO PAYMENTS TILL JUNE IST. Enquire About Our Free Bonus See Models On Display At Our Don Mills Display Centre 011 Don Mills Road. 1 Mile South of Number 7 Highway. AX.1-1971. call collect NOV. 30th DEC. Ist. {he run has been extended for a further two nights Make your reservation LOUGHLIN LUMBER 9020 Yonge St-, Richvale AV. ’-1109 Mail Delivery Monday iHockey Referee 1May Enter Fray §For Council Seat Developments at Monday nights council meeting in Van- ghan Township indicate a tough election race December 8. .A,A1 Indications are that 5: Trustee Mrs. Mona Robe of Jefferson, and NHL Re Dalton McArthur orf Maple seek council seats. Mr. McArthur, who attended council as an observer refus‘ed to make any announcement about his political ambitions. When a reporter asked Mr. McArtJhur “Is there a possibili- ty you’ll stand for electionâ€, he had been sung to music, the invocation (by Doris M. FitzGerald) At 9 o'clock on Monday morning. November 19. an inâ€" teresting little ceremony was held in front of the Thornâ€" hill Post Office on Yonge St.. to mark an historic occasion â€"- ï¬le inéhguration of door to door mail delivery by let- ter carriers. After '0 Canada’ had been sung to recorded murifl tho invocation was givâ€" en by the Rev. Minton Johns- ton of Thornhill Baptist Church, and Mr. .I. Go Fulze, district director of the postal services. who acted as chair- man. spoke briefly. Reeve Albert Rutherford of Vaugh- an Township then cut the rib- bons strung across the door- way of the post office. and released the trimly uniform- ed letter carriers. who began their new duties at once. The ï¬rst letter delivered was handed to Reeve W. R. Dean of Markham Township. on the spot. by Postman Gor- don Holmes of Thornhill, who also had a second letter for Reeve Albert Rutherford of Vaughan Township. Mr. Dean read aloud his letter from Mrs. Ellen Fairclough. the Postmaster General. It brought good wishes: outlin- ed the beneï¬ts to be shared by every citizen of Thornhill as a result of the new service. and described Thornhill as the 183rd post office in Canâ€" ~ada from which door-to-door mail delivery is provided. Others attending the ev- ent were officials of the pos- tal service; John Addison. MP. for York North; James Walker, MP. for York Cen- and NHL Refergg »a‘rver that School 3L DCIIUUJ RobertwniRolly Manners Heads I annrrap‘ Monday will York Real Estate Bd. ~Rolly Manners of the W. R. Case, real estate ï¬rm in Auro- ra was elected president of the York County and District Real Estate Board at their annual meeting for election of officers in the Summit View Restaur- ant, November 14. He succeeds Wilf. White of the H. Keith Ltd. office in Thomhill. Mr. Manners will be assistedl during the next year by thel lfollowing officers: Vice-presi- lldent. Jerry Meharg of the T. .Shea Co. in Markham: direc- Etors. Max Stiles of M. Stiles ioffice in Newmarket, Larry INeil.1 from the Neill & Neill 1office in Richmond Hill, Fred ‘ICook from the F. Cook office iin Markham, Roy Stewart from Ithe J. A. Willpughby oï¬ica in th. Albert; past president, lWil-f. White of the H. Keith ILtd. office in Thornhilll 7) tre: Deputy-reeve L. Mumber- son and Councillor Allan Sumner of Markham Town- ship.. Thornhill Village Trustee B. P. Roberts and Mrs. Roberts. Mrs. Minton Johnson. the Rev. H. R. How- den and Mrs. Howden. the Rev. H. .l. Veals and Mrs. Veals. Father E. F. Crossland, Mr. Morgan Boyle. Mr. J. G. Barraclough. Mr Don Jam- ieson. and Mrs. C. P. Johns who had used PO. Box No. 1 ever since it was ï¬rst in- stalled a number of years ago. The new 'l‘hornhill postal area is bounded on the north by 16th Avenue. Carville: on the east by Bayview Avenue. on the south by the CNR bypass. and on the west by Bathurst St. It covers a total street distance of some 51 miles and is divided into eight letter carrier routes or "walks". A recent survey shows that 2506 points of call in the fast growing residen- tial and business districts will beneï¬t from this eagerly aw- aited service. Mail will be delivered once a day. Mon- day through Saturday. but the postmen themselves work a ï¬ve day week. For the con- venience of those in outly- ing districts there is a pos- tal sub-station on Yonge St. in Richvale. and another on No. 7 Highway. Langstaï¬. one block west of Bayview Ave. Twenty-ï¬ve post boxes have been set up at strategic points, and the mail from these will be collected twice a day. Thornhill Post Oï¬ice has| been renovated and equipped to handle a greatly increas- ed volume of incoming and outgoing mail. and a larger‘ staï¬'. some of whom will work‘ at night Feeling that her job had become too onerous; Miss Ethel Wice. faithful and: efficient postmistress during the past 15 years has resign- ed from this position but will remain as a member of the MO. left In Dark.l On News Release; From Minister: Dr. R, M King, medical of- clerical staff. The newpost~ ï¬cer for York County. expressâ€" nrl cnrnr-ien and infnrnmf Tune- Moffat Deluxe 24" Rangel Inglis Automatic Dryer l $186.88 SUBURBAN INTERIOR'S FANTASTIC ALTERATION SALE EVERTHING MUST GO REGARDLESS OF COST ELECTROHOME STEREO mom $119.95 SUBURBAN INTERIORS (Across From Sayvette) FURNITURE - APPLIANCES - TV NEW 8. USED - MATTRESSES HERE ARE SOME OF THE FABULOUS VALUES MATTRESSES ICHESTERFIELDSI Hostess Chairs FROM $19.95 i FROM $99.95 $9.95 HERE IT With Your Trade Down Payment EMO. left In Dark‘235 {pal Sat :On News Release (153;; iFrom Minister ed surprise and interest Tues- day afternoon when he'learned that the Hon. Mathew B. Dy- n.ond. minister of health for Ontario, has endorsed the reâ€" sumption of the Sabin vaccine program in the province. When contacted by “The Lib- era‘lâ€, he stated he had receiv- ed no instructions to resume the program. “This is news to me", he said. Dr. Dymond‘announced the resumption of the program in a release to the press Tuesday morning. The Sabin Vaccine program had been suspended in Septem- ber due to the suspicion that four cases of paralytic polio in Canada were caused by the oral vaccine. Grounds for the sus- picion have apparently been re- ‘moved. The Department of Health is prepared to provide the Sabin Vaccine free of charge to any local health department for ad- ministration to children or a- dults in good health, who have already completed the Salk vaccination program. master is Mr. Frank J. Fors- ter who has been with the Canadian Postal Service for 22 years. He has a staff of ï¬ve clerks and 11 letter car- riers and is looking forward with pleasure to his new work. “We know there are bound to be some mixups and delays at ï¬rst". he said. “due to improperly. or insufficient- ly addressed mail, but we hope the public will be pat- ient. I would like to suggest," he continued. “that residents in the area write their full address on outgoing Christâ€" mas cards this year and in that way bring it to the not- ice of their friends. I would also like to remind the own- ers to remove their padlocks from group boxes no longer in use.†The sound of letters drop-i ping through a slot in thej front door is a new and wel- come one in Thornhill. Nev- ertheless there are a few old timers who will miss "going‘ for the mail" a ritual of counâ€" try living in this area since 1829 when Squire Benjamin 'l‘horne successfully petition- ed for the establishment of. a post office. Prior to that thel early settlers had to post. and pick up mail in York (Toron- to). Wm. Parsons. the ï¬rst Thornhill postmaster was fol: lowed by Josiah Purkis, T.‘ A. Hewitt. W. A. Bradley. J. T. B. Lindsay. J. H. Francis. Robert Clark, Clayton Scott.1 Ethel Wice and now Frank J. Forster. During the past 133 years lfllf.lh I ,-r. .w...._ TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Question to be submitted to. a vote of the electors of the, ‘Town of Richmond Hill: r “Are you in favour of‘ public games and sports for gain after 1:30 o’- clock in the afternoon on the Lord’s day to be reg- ulated by Municipal by- law under the authority of The Lord’s Day (Ont- ario) Act 1960-61?†l I, Russell Lynett, Clerk of ’the Town of Richmond Hill‘ do hereby certify that the 'above is a true copy of the question to be submitted to FROM the electors at the Munici- pal elections to be held on Saturday, December 8th, 31962 from 9:00 AM. until 26:00 PM. “Are you in favour of public games and sports for gain after 1:30 o'- clock in the afternoon on the Lord’s day to he reg- ulated by Municipal by- law under the authority of The Lord’s Day (Ont- ario) Act 1960-61?†the Thornhill post office has had several locations. Believ- ed to have been opened in a small building beside Wm. Parson‘s house on the east side of Yonge St‘, it was moved down the hill to the Thorne and Parsons store on the west side. then to Josiah Purkis‘ general store (Elgies Village Hardwareb. next to the small shop now occupied by John Cole. the Jeweller (where the rent was $4.00 a monthl. The present post of- ï¬ce was built by Mr. Roy Wice in 1957. Your English Car Service Centre ..A MORRIS-MEA-RILEY-WOLSELEY(“Gmâ€"“ME,- RICHMOND MOTORS COR. INDUSTRIAL 8. ENFORD RD. (The Former Hill City Motors Bldg.) AV. 5-2994 AV. 5 -2994 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ont" Thur; 1y. November 22, 1962 13 ‘lt‘t so,“ Specialized Repairs and New Car Sales ROUTES GROUP SERVICE DEALER HAVE MOVED TO R. Lynett, Clerk (u More Modem Premises At All Wood FROM FROM (BOB CURRINGTON Prop.) I963 PHILCO TV 30%EASTER! SEE FOR YOURSELF! $188. SUPER 6-20 Reliable Mower Yonge St. N. TU. 4-1124 RICHMOND HILL | moom SUITES 17 cu. FT. FREEZER $179.95 $197.77 Yes, we made last year‘s favourite sow even beHer. Our engineers have refined and improved on the famous 6-20 to produce a super saw. The 1962 Super 6-20 is a much better saw. PIONEER’S .. IO P.M. ‘ Phone 225 4223 I V W3 r WHAT lï¬bii‘Sï¬ifAL RT)