Santa Claus Parade Because of a man named Jack Brockie, many adults took a. fresh look at the annual Santa Claus Parade. As top public re- lations man for Eaton’s - across Canada â€" and his great work in education and publicity for the Canadian Cancer Society, Jack (as he likes to be called by everyone < “please not Mr!†â€"I has endeared himself to a great many people. This is the 57thlment and colour AND small frylby S.C. Parade and for 34 of these. Jack has been the inspiration and director ~ this one being his last as he retires from Eatonsiwith millions, to Jack Brockielting an emergency 0350 this year. It is to be hoped his success- chantment for young and cld‘timï¬ ors retain even a small portion of the Christmas legend he liastdrous delights of childhood areladVisory boardi carried out each year in the overall theme. With "Santa" going modern in so many ways - arriving in helicopters, space ships. etc. - Jack clung to the traditional "Night Before Christ- mas" Santa that has enchanted children for decades. Although each year the main float was decorated differently and his attendants varied, Santa always arrived.‘ through all kinds of Vaughan Twp. Police Hold Annual Ball The Vaughan Township Pol- ice had their annual Policeman’s Ball at the Greystones Restaur- ant in Aurora last Friday even-‘ ing. Reeve Albert and Mrs. Ruth- erford and Mr. Hugh McConkey and Councillor Ruth McConkey were among the guests. Other municipal policemen from sur- rounding townships and O.P.P.'s were also at the ball along with feveral Maple and district coup- es. l 16 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, November 22, 1962 “The Liberal†is always willing to publish interesting items regarding Deo ple and ‘ districts. Our representative in Maple is Mrs. Len Shore. ALpine 7-1150; in Edgeley and Sherwood, ilrs. Concord. Mrs. Ruth Kcfler. 285-4040. This Week's Happenings In Maple trip to the hospital is adtisable. November 5th, their son Ja‘CK‘paL‘k (3011163 M‘OUTld Saturday ' we say it‘s too far for visitors to and Bev took them out to din- am. This is one way the boys ' weather, in his big sleigh with ;his dancing and prancing rein- 'deer In t if 3- from the long ago years when [someone had to take me, ;through the years I borrowe ‘youngsters until I had my ow ito takc and then the last couple {of years of watching it o Ilbul actually missing the excite- ;who didn‘t think they were ‘too Ibig' for such!) Our grateful thanks, along I Ifor preserving that special en- 'alike in a day where such won- so often overshadowed by the [tense state of our adult world. ‘ We know the coming years for .‘Mr. and, Mrs. Brockie up at Bracken Farm will be ï¬lled with all that‘s good and wonder- ful because of the many years they have given to the enjoy- ment and betterment of others of all ages. Surely our memories of “The Santa Claus Parade" will re- main bright. fresh aiid enchant- ed - because of the man who kept the lovely spirit of the old traditional Christmas alive for us on this one big day of each year. Skate Exchange Here we go - just what we needed! The George Bailey Home and School Association is sponsoring a skate exchange on November 24 at the Maple Plaza from 2 to 4 p.m. ‘ You are asked to bring your skates. ski boots. snow boots,‘ etc., already ticketed with your name and address, the size of the boot (when possible) and: your suggested price, to the plaza prior to 2 p.m. so they may be listed. Don't miss this opportunity I I 3â€" everyone stands to beneï¬t -â€" that's November 24. Maple, Concord and Edg ey District events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord & Edgclcy Raymond Stuart, AV. WS 5-1934; and in travel to come to see us __ we'd ner at the Town and Country in have to earn money for their ew such parades 1 Iiavc missed‘routines and environments. etc. W Eand etc. hat a celcbi‘ationf Aw Bev. even a bad case of flu the deed there have been very feel too cut off from our daily the big city OI bright “Sills-,EQUiPmem 311d camping lleedS-l now. Remembering that "Council- lor Ruth" had said she'd have a . Not until 135: week at Maple's next day couldn't really spoil.faniily conference before decid. dlï¬rst canvasser meeting in con- t ninection with the ï¬nancial drive, lfor :to the inconveniences incurred ’SLIC hat ‘loadcd board‘ ~ or could it? family. for a birthday supper. - not to mention the hectic daslijMaple W.I. land frustration involved in get-I lnearest treatment centre As secretary of the medical Charlie Birkett. spoke on the:I general feeling of the local doc- tors who more than ever real- izc the expediency in having. ‘hospital facilities in our own. larea. lie cited several instances, :where the life of a patient. an; (unborn child or perhaps a mail bleeding profusely from a sev- iered artery, was seriously jeop- Iardized by the distance to either Branson or York County Hospi-b tals from Maple district. In1 many cases operations. not of an emergency nature have had to be postponed time and again because of lack of beds and space thereby creating anxiety in the patient. . No doubt most of us have had such frustrations but our doc- tors come up against these tax- ing situations every day as well as putting in many extra working hours on our behalf. So let's rally round and def our canvassing pronto â€"â€"- there-‘ by supplying the means to get our hospital ï¬nished and ready to open its doors by this time next year - concentrate on the wear and tear we’ll save on ourl doctors. their dispositions and automobile tires and engines - then he will have more time to sit back and concentrate on our Mrs. E. Harris. of King. was son gave a splendid report of' the W.I. convention. telling of' Institutes. Mrs. Davis of Rich- 'mond Hill told of the wonderful, .work done for and by the Senâ€"‘wonderful time in the Santal ior Citizens of Richmond Hill. Mrs. H. Stephenson showed in-I teresting pictures, including combine harvesting grain on llel“ brother‘s farm near here. also the sad destruction wrought by the propane blast and the beati- tiful summer and autumn scenes. taken at her cottage, near Huntsville. Mrs. M. Palmer gave the courtesies. Mrs. Gor- don Watson will be hostess De- cember 12th for the Christmas meeting. Please bring parcels. for the Christmas boxes. Have A Turkey Feast. The annual Lions turkey din- ner coming around on Novem- ber 29 is your chance to really enjoy a turkey feed. It is your chance also to assist the Maple Lions in their project to raise $1.600 towards the furnishing of‘ a 3 bed room in York Central Hospital. It’s a two-way community ef- fort - it will be in the commun- ity hall. All welcome - see any Lion for tickets. Scout & Cub Bottle Drive .The semi-annual bottle drive that sends scouts and cubs col- lecting ALL bottles that are re- ‘ing if she would run for rev When Jack House‘s birthday, our York Central Hospital came round on November 16,}tliat it must have been agreedf n TVSâ€" did we stop to give a thought his mother invited him. with histliat “Mom’ would “go it again‘fl election. we mentioned the fact This family is a going con-‘ our doctors having to travel-Sons Ricki. Jeff and Steve \vereicern on its own as each member h a distance for routine visits in on this fun least this time. ;has his or her own special inter-t csts. Hubby Hugh is acting as lliSl to our,the hostess for the November‘wii‘e‘s campaign manager. along; in‘ 14th W.I. meeting. Mrs. H. Jack-Iwith his advertisin g chores andl hobbies. ; Diane is in grade 12 at Lor-. Maple's own Dr.:the work and resolutions of theletta Abbey and is 17 years old.I Debbie, at 15. is in Grade 11 at. Richmond Hill High and had 3‘. Claus parade in the Enchantedl North Wind segment as slie’ marched the whole route. John is 91/2 and in grade 4 and is a Cub with 5th Richmond Hill Pack, Judy is 7 and in grade 2 and young Peter at 5 years is‘ really enjoying his ï¬rst fewl months in kindergarten. , I Four members of the Maple United Church Women ex organization’s bazaar, held in the auditorium of the Chr The ladies are, left to right. President Mrs. H. Lighthea C. Williams, Mrs. E. Oliver and Mrs. E. A. Bori‘ett. and ï¬nancial success. Princess Margaret Hospital And Lodge yiullllwltlllfliliiflllii i (STAFF. (more! Quilt Display Draws Attention l l l l l l Madame VanierHonoursVolunteers. _ amine hand-made quilts for sale at the istian Education Building of the church. rt. Mrs. Ralph Williams, wife of Rev. Ralph Mrs. Williams termed the bazaar a spiritual To The Municipal Electors Of The TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN I No. 12, Mrs. Lyman (Ann) HenI derson, who is so adept with the ing the din-ner. about 200 re- little patients in the children’sl ceived long service pins which ward. was there and Mrs. Maud} had been especially designed by Woodbridge. who so expertly1 Mrs. Cecil Richards. co-chair- and diligently cuts out and pinsI man of volunteer art committee. thousands and thousands oil and I was one of them. aprons in such a way that the.‘ Such a pin was presented to (By Toby Shore) 0n the occasion of the ï¬fth anniversary of the Princess Margaret. Hospital and Lodge, where about 450 volunteers give' of their time in varied ways of helping to brighten the days for the patients, a dinner was given November 6th. under the. ed such a tribute. 0f the 300 volunteers attend- Take notice that the following question: “Are you in favour of moving pictures after 1:30 o’clock in the afternoon of the Lord’s Day to distinguished patronage of Her Excellency Madame Georges P. Vanier, with the Honourable M. Wallace McCutcheon. chairman of the Ontario Cancer Institute presiding. in the Empress Room Madame Vanier to be sent to H.R.H. Princess Margaret, for whom the hospital was named. A message of greeting was read earlier from Her Highness to the volunteers. patients can effortlessly use thel needle and thread provided, to I ï¬nish them as gifts or for per-g sonal use. All in all it was a delightful occasion and one each volunteeri l be regulated by Municipal By- law under the authority of the Lord’s Day (Ontario) Act 1960-61?†will talk about for weeks tot come. I tale of woel! Family Birthday Celebrations With Lowell House having his birthday on November 3rd and his wife, Mary. having hers on deemable, is set for this Satur- day. November 24. Just empty your cupboards, basement and garage and have them ready. when a member from "B" Cub Richvale News Correspondent Mrs. Anne Hewitt 78. 16th Ave. of the Park Plaza Hotel. The other head table guests were Mrs. J. Keiller Mackay, Health Minister Doctor and Mrs. Matthew Dymond, Mayor and Dr. Clifford I. Ash, director of the Ontario Cancer Institute, proposed a champagne toast to the volunteers and answered in kind by Mrs. Frankel. . Maple United Church Women On Tuesday morning, Novem~ ber 13, unit 1 met in the church parlours with Mrs. R. Hunter. presiding. Mrs. J. Boron was is a correct statement of the question which will be submitted to the electors of the Township of Vaughan for their opinion under the authority of By-Law No. 2743. REPRINTS AVAILABLE I Readers may order re- . . . l m charge of a devotional andi IMrs. Nathan Philips, Metro On behalf of the volunteers prints of “an photos i Tu +7645 Mr . w.d man combined r _ 0 Chairman and Mrs. W. R. AIlen,-’of the hospital and lodge, MI‘S.' , . n ,, I - . ' ' ' Cu†News grasm frlor: the study book?“U‘l?e S and Madame Vanier’s lady-in- Frankel was presented with a“ “new†'" Tl" when] ' The vows WI“ be taken at the mumcmal demon on December 8, 1962 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (Local Time) at the polling l l l at the newspaper office. 63 Yonge Street South, Rich- On November 14, there were ten boys invested as Wolf Cubs waiting. Mrs. Louis Berger, along with representatives of gold disc with the picture of the hospital and lodge engraved on one side and a tribute inscribed Church of Christâ€. Unit 11 cancelled their Tuesday Games Night .‘usual brightness coming from of the lst Richvale group. These boys were Russell Hills, Robert Purvis, Billy Hewitt, David England, Stephen Daven- port, Bill Hazelwood, Ray O'- Brien, Geoffrey Cutler, Robert White and David Carrac. Many of theiparents attended the ce- remony. The next meeting of the la- dies auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. O'Brien. Buck Ave.. on November 26 at 8.30 p.m. Socials Mrs. Sheri Butler. and Mr. Earl Freeland, Spruce Ave.. atâ€" tended the wedding of Miss Julie Yonge to Mr. William 0'- its“ at Maple on November Mrs. Renfrerw of Richmond Hill was guest speaker at the ladies meeting at Richvale Chapel on November 15. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Clarke' and family attended the ï¬ftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. Clarke's parents who reside in Toronto. Congratulations to Miss M. Clarke of Maple Ave, Richvale on receiving three awards at the Thornhill Secondary School on November 17. I Mrs. D. Clarke entertainedl some of Marilyn's classmates after the graduation commence- meat. Mrs. A. Falcon has part Pers‘ ian kittens. gray and white to give away. to a good home. Her phone number is AV. 5-4453. Birthday greetings go out to Mr. Don Clarke who celebrated his birthday on November 19. Robert Clarke will be celebra- t’ing his birthday on December 'Winnei- on the lst Richvale Guide and Brownie Bazaar held on Saturday, November 17 were Mr. Dan Leonard, w: Daerksen. K. L. Wood, Patter- sl‘zln. IlicHough. Miss S. Butler. . . onnor, R. Bre d P. Kurite. e on and The winner of the oil ' ‘ paint- ing held by the East Richvale Ritepayers rummage sale was t Fitch ell of y prizes were To by Mrs. H. H. Thwaites. ronto. Mrs. N. Brettell. Rich- vale and Gary Cliife R‘ v Congratulations ' whale. “1‘ tom of Sixt school in wi eenm lonship. NORTH YORK , “ms With a total million have been the ï¬rst ten mon 1'I‘om $84 million “ame period of 1961, airing the champ. Building per. value of $104I issued during 10 the soc» Aves evening meeting in favour of' doing some work for the bazaar. Unit III met in the evening of November 14 with Mrs. J. Jones presiding and giving a message on mission studies fol- lowed by devotionals in charge of Mrs. F. Reid. assisted by Missl M. Evans. The general meeting will be held November 27. 8 p.m. and the slate of officers for 1963 will be presented. The program committee has secured Mrs. Somers from Eatons, to demon- strate “gift wrapping". It is hoped a good attendance will- be on hand so come and bring a friend â€" everyone is wel-l come. 1st Maple Ladies’ Auxiliary The ladies auxiliary of the 1st Maple Scouts and Cubs is getting into full swing this fall, with the newly appointed execu-. tive getting ready for a busy. year in the interest of scouting. The members of the executive are: Past President Toby Shore; President Berit Plunkett; Vice- president Marge Brock: Secret- ary Bev. House; Treasurer. Dorothy Moore with convenors - membership Marg Crook; pro- gram, Birgetta Weidenfelder and Isolda Clarke; social, Audrey Magee and Phyllis Miller; sew- ing, Gina Stein and her assist- ants; sunshine, Goldie Keffer and birthdays. Phyllis McMillan. A special thanks to Past Pres- ident Pat Davis for presenting the slate for nomination, and Olive Harrington. vice-president of York Summit District Ladies' ecutive. Mrs. Harrington is the her executive experience {Scouting in all its aspects, w of lst Maple are indeed fortu late to have her to call on. . The next meeting will be onl *Auxiliary Bake Sale lst Maple Boy I Auxiliary SALE at the Saturday morning at 10 a.m. on December 1. Members and friends are asked to get their ,baking goods in before ten. Cof- I ,fee will be served so ‘have your coffee break with us‘ and choose iyour week-end baked goods or {to have on hand to serve aftergthe pe lthe Grey Cup game. Still Another Angle! So very often we. as patients fveniences we encounter when Auxiliary, for installing the ex-‘ contact with district to assist in: :any way when needed and with in. auxiliaries and her interest in! e: November 28 in the Lions den,lone in ‘58 community hall. ‘ Another successful gamesl night was held by the home and school recently. Although the evening was a ï¬nancial success, the attendance was only two- thirds that of last year, with just over 80 people present. Those who did attend enjoyed them- selves as usual, some going home with a very nice prize. A very big thanks to all those who helped in any way to make the night its usual success. Speak- ing as “acting social convenor" I can only add my appreciation to the mothers who supplied usi with a wonderful variety of 1 cookies, and also to .those who! made sandwiches, and helped‘ to serve and clean up. Really. who needs a convenor? School News After beeï¬ng about the lack of school news, I have received so much lately that I’m embar-i rassed. Not that embarrassed though. just keep it coming!‘ This week Diane Smith brought me a very complete and concise report on the school’s soccer season, climaxing with the win-‘- ning of the R. J. Keiling Soccer Trophy. Congratulations boys“ ‘and here is the report, wellâ€"i written by Fred Warwick: ,Concord Defeats Powell Road.I IWins Keeling Soccer Trophy Ii 5 On November 13, Concord. played Powell Road at Thorn-lI hill Secondary. The game was played to a 1-1 tie. Fred War- wick successfully used his head to hunt home the tying goal. Two days later Concord downed' Powell Road 2 to 1. The goals .that brought home the trophy‘ ;and plaque were by Ed Sturgeon :and John Sherman. Concord also won four exhibition games and three league games, defeat- ing Woodbridge. Maple and Kleinburg. The game was refer- eed by Mr. A. Taylor, president l Fiander. This was Concord's 3rd out of ï¬ve wins on the trophy,l , again in ‘59, andl 'now in ’62. . Birthday greetings to Anne-l . Scout Ladi65,.\larie Medensky and David D’-ith€.V know HOW; wrll hold a BAKEI Eath. November 11, who were: .lpy birthday. too. to Margaretl ‘Thompson. who is five on Nov-I ,ember 21. ‘ We were fortunate to see "My .Fair Lady" last week. with Sill {and Vivian Steffan, Richmond1 .Hill. They weren't starring inl rformanee. they were withl Ius. just in case there's doubt inl ianyone's mind. ' Jim and Marion Bonner saw ths of 1962, upior relatives. of some â€" ï¬nd our-:the production later in the week' during theSelves grlpmg about the incon-cnd enjoyed it also. IZion Church ï¬iour doctor informs us that a In case anyone noticed an on: MAPLE LIONS CLUB ANNUAL TURKEY SUPPER November 29th The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. _ anon ALpine 7-1471 or AL. 7-1363 Keele Street Maple, Out. from 6.00 - 9.00 p.m. LIONS HALL. KEELE ST. NORTH, MAPLE In support of a furnishe d 3-Bed Room in the new York Central Hospital Adults $2.00 Tickets may be pu Children $1.00 i'chased at the door the windows of Zion Lutheran Church last Friday, we can tell you it was caused by the CBC .lights. which had been moved in for the ï¬lming of a program to be seen on country calendar, December 23. , Rev. Alec Forrest. editor of the United Church Observer, ar- ranged the program which shows him telling his youngest daughter, Diane, about his boy- hood Christmas. The Forrests lived for several years on the farm across from the church, and as a boy, Mr. Forrest at- tended the Sunday school at- Zion and was conï¬rmed there. Coming from a Methodist fam- ily. the children returned to that denomination which eventually (comprised part of the United Church in Canada. A simulated concert was held last Friday with recitations by Ellen Suter, Heather Eberschlag and Gary Keffer. Mr. Roland. Kelfer was master of ceremonies and Mr. Harry Suter played a “man in a red suit," who used to take part in church concerts when Mr. Forrest was a boy. Those of us who made up the audience found this quite an' experience; the CBC technicians and directors have the patiencel of Job â€"â€" or else they take, tranquilizers. To be able to take‘ certain scenes over and over' again somebody moved a chair, somebody coughed. some- one rattled a paper â€" takes at certain kind of person â€" not me. by George! I Sympathy Once more 3 Concord family has lost a loved one. Ilpo Man-I ninen, aged nine. who had beenK ill with an incurable disease ,Glass of Richmond Hill, and El- ‘mer Garrow of Willowdale were. the clergy and Canadian Can- cer Society. Mrs. Egmont Frankel. presi- dent of the hospital auxiliary and her vice-president Mrs. George Mulligan were their us- ual charming selves, making us so proud to have them so inter- ested in us and to have arrang- Vellore Euchre Club Aids New Hospital 1 l A special fund raising night for the York Central Hospital Fund is to be held Monday night by the Vellore Euchre Club at Vellore Memorial Hall. Admission to the euchre par- ty being held by the club at eight o’clock that night is 50 cents. A lunch will be provided.‘ All proceeds will go to the new hospital. Vellore's enchre nights are held every second Monday night. The club was formed in 1928 and has run continuously since then. Cost of furnishing a single room at the hospital is $700. Club officials have already rais- ed 5150 towards the cost of a room. Mary Bishop Line. both of Maple. were win- ners at the club's semi-weekly euclire night. held November 12. at Vellore Hall. Mrs. Bishop. a substitute. Les and Mrs. a - I men S winners. Mrs. Line, Mrs. Lloyd of Wil- lowdale and Mrs. E. Orr, copped the women’s prizes. Consolation passed away at his home last Sunday night. . Recently. Mrs. Jacquelin Barrett, on behalf of the neig ninens with a gift of money for‘ llpo. to help in some small way to make his illness more bear-‘ able. ' The Manninens knew then, as1 . that Concord was in complete sympathy with Maple Plaza on'three and ï¬ve respectively. Hap-lthem. and Wished to share the burden in the only way possible. K W...†STEEL llNTELS I BEAMS Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING To Custom Speciï¬cations PINDER BROS. LTD. 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 5 †«MWWOW e: . h-‘ r r lInof the soccer assoCiation and i\Ir.:b0Ul‘S. had presented the Man- prizes went to Herb Ross of King and Alex Galloway of Richmond Hill. has proven that cattle sh choice at all times. SHUR-GAIN guaranteed analysis. and is Remember! You should he 85.00 per cut. for cattle in See us now for all of your aloe Essential Mineral on the other - most in keeping with Mrs. Frankel’s wonderful gift of service and organization. A highlight I enjoyed in the evening was seeing the “Volun- teens†(teen age volunteers) in their perky yellow striped uni- forms as they acted as ushers! These young girls are such an asset and work throughout the summer months relieving the la- dies who go on vacation. Indeed they brighten the place when- ever they pop in. Another local volunteer, look- ing lovely. who attended the banquet. was Mrs. R. F. Patti of Richvale. a former correspon- dent for “The Liberal" in her district. During the morning when Madame Vanier toured the hospital. Mrs. Paul was one of the volunteers to have her pic- ture taken with Her Excellency and printed in the morning pa- per. Madame Vanier was seen admiring a floral arrangement these flower volunteers had made to brighten an in-patient’s room. From Woodbridge. the imme- diate past president of the. Maple-Wood Unit of the C.C.S.; and now president of district] mond Hill. DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Headache A persistent headache Is often a symptom of some trouble other than just tir- edness or too much close work. Also a persistent pain or ache or other dis- comfort should be investi- gated. Take a tin and dis- cuss it with your doctor immediately. On his advice you may be able to prevent an illness before it hap- pens. And remember too that although you may have the same symptoms as a friend who is suffering from some particular mal- ady. what cures him won't necessarily make you feel better. If you have been feeling ill lately see your doctor, do what he recom- mends and use only the medicines he prescribes. CARL E. HILL. M.D.. .\'I.O.H. 3 R 2 O '3 Fuel on : Blue Coal 6 i â€"r .1; . Ml. ... '1- "a I :3 .‘ ould have minerals free for Cattle has a priced realistically. ver pay more than about ineral. winter Feeding Needs MAPLE FEED MILL AL. 7-124I AMER FUELS ONLY LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR OF FUEL OILS IN RICHMOND HILL RAMER 8; SON- TU. 4-1313 189 CENTRE ST. EAST , FEED Maj... /‘/ U {W i JV“... 1‘" is“: I ;‘!‘. iii‘i‘i'iiifh' Purina Feeds Building Supplies 'muélp “ O 0.. COMMUNITY CENTRE HALL places designated for the Municipal election. Any persons who wish to be appointed to attend at the polling places and at the ï¬nal summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons voting in the affirmative or negative on the ques- tion, shall be present at the office of the Clerk on the 3rd day of December, 1062. at the hour of 10:00 a.m. (Local Time). The votes on the question shall be summed up by the Clerk at the Municipal Office of the Corpora- tion of the Township of Vaughan at the hour of 10:00 a.m. (Local Time) on the 10th day of De- cember. 1962. J. M. McDonald, . Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan. VOWVV N _PROCI.AMA'I'ION To the Municipal Electors of the TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN For The Year I962 Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the “Municipal Act†Chap. 249, Sec. 43 & By-laws 2365, 2483 and 2249» of The Corporation of the Townshipof Vaughan, _a. meeting of the Municipal Electors of said Township wtll BE HELD lN THE MAPLE MON, NOV. 26, I962 From 7:30 o’clock until 8:30 o’clock in the evening for NOMINATION OF REEVE, DEPUTYâ€"REEVE AND THREE COUNCILLORS To Serve in the Said Township for a Term of Two Year! AND FIVE SCHOOL TRUSTEES To serve on the Board of School Trustees for the Township School Area of Vaughan for a term of Two Years. If More Candidates are Proposed for any Particular Office than are Required to be Elected the Proceedings for Filling Said Offices will be Adjourned until SATURDAY, 8th. DAY OF DEC. I962 When a poll will be opened at Ten o'clock in the fore- noon and shall continue open until Seven o’clock in the afternoon and no longer, by the persons and at the places as provided by Township By-law. All persons interested are hereby" required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. J. M. MCDONALD. Returning Officer MAPLE. NOVEMBER lst, 1962