Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Nov 1962, p. 6

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TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- lble to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Him §XX XXX xxx Steeles AJe., iii The. brook Plaza. BA. 1-562 day and Friday till 9 heady made drapes In all pop- ular sizes. On sale at prices that defy comparison. For bet- ter values come to Draperyland. 5821 Yonge Street south of Steeles Ave., in the Newton-1 brook Plaza. BA. 1-5621. Thurs~ Bowling Leagues . Social Clubs WHOLESALE Turkeys - Ducks - Geese Quotations given on all size orders. Phone PR. 3-5119 or EM. 4-4847 and Maple Egg Gra- ding Station. c5w20 DRAPES. _a large EAGLE From $149 up. Air cooled engine parts - Briggs - Lauson - Clin- ton - Kohler - Lawn Boy. Carl Walker Sales and Service, Don Mills Road. Victoria Square, phone 886-5413. tfc18 SPECIAL on Wall to Wall Drap~ erles, 6 widths, fully lined, 95" long. covers window 144" ac- ross. $47.49. Compare with $59.98. Wyn-Dot Ladies' Shop. Bayvlew Plaza. Richmond Hill,‘ TU. 4-2214. c3w201 SNOWVTHROWER MACHfiEé SNOWBIRD - ARIENS . SNOW firm, extra firm. de-das; GEE: vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Beddlng Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44‘ SINGER feather-weight portable sewing machine, like new. Voigt- lander 35 mm Camera. Strobon- u- electronlc flash unit; man's complete set golf clubs with caddie cart. All in excellent con- dition. TU. 4-5104. , clw21 BEAUTYREST, Marshall, Sim- mons. Serta, Heely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- turned just like new, medium The Original McLernn's MOLLY 01L Cuts oil consumption 50%, proâ€" ven performance, saves oil, paves gas. AV. 5-1175 after 5 OUR ladies' car coats are the most beautiful in town. at the most reasonable prices, well worth a visit. Wyn-Dot, the Ladies' Shop, Bayvlew Plaza, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2214. NEED A NEW STOVE 0R ’FRlDGE? Pine Christmas trees. Choice quality. Within 40 miles of Richmond Hill. Apply to M. C. Beard. BA. 1-7935. *1w21 GOOD used furniture for sale: Call Frank's Movers and Star- age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514 tfc14 iIMI'rED QUANTITY of Scotch dinette suite, 6 pieces, rustic light oak $85.00. AV. 5-3589. TRUMPET, B flat, 'asineiwfsm ELECTRIC train, complete track layout with lights, signals, etc. Excellent condition. AV. 5 61L cook stove, good condition, with oven and one space heater. Reasonable. PR. 3-5116. c1w21 GREY Thfslle carriage. in good condition Convertible. TU. 4- 3972. c1w20 1873 POTATOES {of winter storage. 884-7768: , CZWZI 2 SKATINEdrésses and 1 skirt; size 10-11. Call TU. 4-1529. , BUT wrrn A mW-OOST. LIFE-INSURED 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursdag, November 22, 17% xxx THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Classified ndvertisements should be in an early in the week as possible but not later than 10 mm. on Wednesdays, Send ads by mall and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASE RATES. 1st insertion So each word. min. charge 75c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 5c per word. min. charge . . . . . . 65c I'OR. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 509 COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word: min. charge 75c CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. XXXXXXXX [XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX ixxx ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION LOAN per Insertion selection of TU. {-1745 “019 c4w18 c4w20 c8w17 c1 w21 c1w21 c1w21 NORMENDE “Caroline 700" custom stereo $479. (Buy this E and get free new GE. 19" port- RIDE Wan able TV to fit cabinet). Rd. to Stet CORTING “Aquamarine 62" stereo with bar. SW. AM FM 4 m SRP, 6 speakers. Dark walnut, SLGeorge ‘high polish $349. 'ing hoursg NORDMENDE "Casino" Swed- 5. Av_ 5‘ ish walnut stereo, 6 speakers, sw AM FM 4 SRP $299. TWO GIRI GENERAL ELECTRIC portable WP“ “0”. TV's from $229. “Vlng E511 HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TU- 4'14‘3- 40 Levendale Rd. TRANSPO] S. Block Richmond Heights Yonge and Centre ity Bayvie“ TU. 4-3211 a.m.. retu ,H -V- -vâ€"vl yLIVQL R F. E. COMPTON OF CANADA STRAW has openings for 2 men and 1 By the bale or ton. Can deliver. lady- Second language an “559‘:- Ralph Palmer, TU. 4-7900, 1st 580-0” a week salary, Plus ex- farm north of High school on penses. Phone personnel man- Bayview. opposite Centre St. 33915 c4w19 447-5801 CARRIAGE, grey. In good con- dition; 2 plastic baby baths; girl's ski boots. size 6 and girls' jodhpurs size 10. winter weight and hand sewn. TU. 4-3746. FIREPLACE WOOD AND STOVE WOOD Maple, birch and Oak deliver- ed. Call Oak Ridges PR. 3-5149. c6w21 c1w21 ‘CHILD‘S SWING on chrome stand, converts to car seat $8. Child's snow boots, size 8. boy or girl $2. Man's Remington Roll- a-matic $10. 884-1825. clw21 ACCORDIAN, Salami, 120 base, purchased new this year for $250. Sell for $150. TU.4-5145. c1w20 HONEY, basswood, buckwheat or clover, now ready. with or‘ without containers. Arnold (Werner), 22 Scott Dr., Rich- vale. AV. 5-2724. c1w21 “MAMBO” model plane kit, new, $5.00; hockey game $4.00; steam engine. books, games, etc.. reasonable. AV. 5â€"3589. RUNNERS, domestic, wine preâ€" dominating, one 8Vz' by 27" $15, one 12’ by 22%" $20. Excellent condition. BA. 5-3563 or AV. 5- n1m91 DINING ROOM suite, Imperial Loyalist, red maple, 6 or 8 pieces. Best offer. TU. 4-7828. clw21 ONE boy's lined navy trench- coat, and one boy's navy blazer. Size 8. Good Condition. TU. 4- 3568. r c1w21 TRAIN SET, Fleischmann H.0. gauge. Diesel locomotive and six cars. Transformer and tracks. TU. 4-2436. c1w21 FIREPLACE FUEL, dry hard- wood, cut 16 inches long. De- livered single cord lots. Phone TU. 4-4519. tfc16 CHILD'S pedal car, like new, adjustable pedals $12; spring horse $4. Good condition. TU. 4-4884. c1w21 \REFRIGERATOR. McClary De- luxe, excellent condition, top freezer $75. BA. 5-3563 or AV. 5-3589. c1w21 BEDROOM suite, high boy dres- ser, night table bed, new spring mattress. Needs some refinish- ing. TU. 4-2201. c1w21 1960 CHEFMASTER electric stove. Perfect condition. 2 used wringer type washing machines. TU. 4-4908. c1w21 HEN HOUSE, 15' x 30', to be removed from present location, $25. Don Head Farms, AL. 7- 1493. clw21 DESK, knreéahole, 5 drawers DESK, kneedhole, 5 drawers, red maple, excellent condition, $45. BA. 5-3563 or AV. 5-3589. SNOW PLOW to fit 3 point hitch tractor, front-end blade. Factory made. AV. 5-1074. 4 BURNEfiielectrvic stove. 302 McConvey Drive. Phofie 884: 5831. c1w21 sorted sizes. reasonable. AV. 5- 1352. c2w20 TWO dump bodies, Woods comb. 7'x11', cam and roller heavy gruty hoists. 285-5719. tfc48 STORM Windows. wooden, as- 200 GALLON fuel oil tank for sale. reasonable. TU. 4-3101. ONE Man’siovercoat, size 40, almost new $15. 12 gauge shot- gun $10. TU. 4-3519. c1w21 size 14, good condition. reason- able. 884-2983. c1w21 PIANO, upright, in goodidndi tion. painted grey. TU. 4-5592. c1w21 single cord. delivéred. Phone 884-3089. tchO LADY’S muskfit (Coney) coaâ€"t, LADY'S rhinestone wrist watch, in good shape. $45. TU. 4-3687. c1w21 MIXED wood, dry, $12 per 'FWG flight bags, two odd trafn cases, three piece set luggage, never used. 285-2678. c1w21 FOR SALE (Continued) 511 a.m., returning 4.30. TU.4- u. . . .olw21 4060. c1w21 c1w21 clw12 c1w21 clw21 c1w21 1.00 (ROOM for 2 or 3 passengers to ,St. George and Bloor area, work- ing hours 8.45 to 5.00. Call after 6. AV. 5-4473. c1w21 EXCLUSIVE Coin Operated equipment and vending mach- ines routes available for Metro and areas north to Newmarket. Less than $100 original invest- ment. For information phone Ken Foss at AV. 5-4915 or 884- 17271. c1w21l TRANSPORTATION wanted to Youge and Adelaide from vicin- ity Bayview Plaza. Arriving 8.30 TWO GIRLS wanting transpor- tation from Richmond Hill, ar- riving Eglinton Subway 8 am. TU. 4-1478. c1w21 RIDE wanted from Markham Rd. to Steeles Ave. TU. 4-7045. START AT ONCEâ€"Earn big ‘money supplying Avon Christ- mas gifm. We train you to re- present Avon. Write Miss Zieg- ler. P.O. Box 141. Guelph, Ont. c1w21 ONE HOUSEKEEPER, one prac- tical nurse and helpers part time and full time. Nursing Home, TU. 4-2651 after six p.m. MAN required for work around coal yard for winter months. Holder of chauffeur’s licence preferred. 189 Centre Street East. Richmond Hill. c1w21 EXPERIENCED service station attendant for local garage. Must be reliable and honest. Apply in person Cook's BP, Elgin Mills. c1w21 A RESPONSIBLE girl for day care, to live in. Apply 55A Markham Rd. or phone 884-1747 after 6 pm. *1w21 2 '0r 3 days weekly. Referenceâ€"s required Bayview~Steeles area. 285-3191. c1w21 WOMAN for a drycleaning pick- up store. Apply North End Cleaners, 7773 Yonge St., Thom- hill. c1w21 CLEANING LADY, No. 7 High- way and Bayvie-w, preferably with own transportation. 285- 3366. c1w21 13AM: slTTING and ironing CLEANIYG’WOMAN One day a week, must be de- pendable. Call TU. 4-7425. Pauline House of Beauty. TU. 4-2726. CIWZ HAIR stylist, full time. Chez POSTING70LERK, female. Mr. Kennedy, AV. 5-1145. c2w21 EARN $25 on your day off. Write Box 82, The Liberal. 3-5x7 l - 8x10 el passenger and steam freight, complete with 4 ft. 8" track, table and transformer. Any rea- sonable offer. TU. 4-3467. clel 2 DRESSES, peau de soie, pale green. size 16. gold size 12, hats to match worn once, $15 each. After 5 pm. AV. 5-3883. c1w21 2 SNOW TIRES, tubeless 850x 14. very good condition. Electric train, Lionel, including automa- tic switch and 35 watt transfor- mer. $20. AV. 5-2119. c1w21 ELECTRIC TRAINS. Marx (ifs- 2 SNOW TIRES, 750x14 Town & Country; also summer tire 750x14. All good shape. AV. 5- 2245. clw21 USED automatic washer, $79, used dryer $79; used radio rec- ord player $25. 326 S. Paliser Crescent. c1w21 DoiBLE BED, bookcase head- board. with mattress. Reason- a'ble. 285-1245. c1w21 (HE'S white figure skates, size 9, like new $8. Call after 6.30. AV. 5-1569. clw21 EoiY’S hockey sk‘ates, good con- dition, size 3 and 6. Reasonable. TU. 4-2263. CIWZI ONE BLACK and one mauve dress, size 18. like new. TU. 4- 3568. c1w21 HELP WANTED Transportation LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 YONGE ST. S FOR SALE PHOTOGRAPHS TU. 4.2791 (Continued) SPECIAL XMAS 1mg“; 884-7287 ‘ LANET APARTMENTS ; fwzel Metro Customers Call "Collect" IN RICHMOND HILL c 441 ELMWOOI) AT BAYVIEW‘ nsporâ€" â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Large one and two bedroom ap-' .11, ar- artments, modern in every de-‘ 8 am. tail, swimming pool, elevators. c1w21 WANTED to rent 1,2 hom- drive FM music..large balconies. inter- ted to'from Richmond Hill by lst of 00mg Parking. TV outlet, fully vicin-T April or March lst if necessary. Mum?“ and firePTOOfed. g 8.30 50 to 100 acres with house andiLanet Apartments, phone AV. TU.4â€"‘barn. Minimum lease three 5-2303, ME. 3-9506. ME. 3-8572. c1w21 years. Phone 285-3578. *3w21 ticsH c1w21 c4w20 c1w21 c4w21 c4w20 $18.00 tfc14 Top notch Stereo and Hi-fidelity PRIZES - GIFTS - FAVOURS METRO MUSIC SERVICES 884-7287 Metro Customers Call "Collect" DANCE MUSIC nichnioha '1 (No “Breaks” - No Time Limits),TU. 4-7456 KERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV APPLIANCES Wiring, Sales, Repairs. Parts, Rentals General Electric Dealer Imported Stereo Radio-Phones 40 Levendale Road South Block ' Richmond Heights Centre TU. 4.321]. All Bouts UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- dence, business. AV. 5-5345. dc“ Kitchens remodelled, bedroom and bathroom vanities, stereo, hi-fi, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. Morris Harrison, TU. 4- 2838. tfc15 CHESTERFIELD suites, and chrome chairs recovered and rebuilt, at a reasonable price. No job too small. Free estimâ€" ates." Murray Upholstery. AV. 5-4767. tfc51 Building, alterations 8; repairs, prompt service. WALKER 8: MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richn CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean, modern service. ’STORM WINDOWS made. saws sharpened; lawn mowers shar- pened and repaired, small ap- pliances repaired. Electrical con- t‘racting, big or small, by licw enced electrician. Phone PR. 3â€" 5126 or AV. 5-1719. c3w19 V grooved 3/16". Cash and car- ry price 4 by 7 $3.36, 4 by 8 $3.84 per sheet. Butler 8; Baird Lumber Ltd.. 191 Yonge St. N. tfc13l FLOOR TILING Rec. roms, kitchens, entries, bathrooms. Also ceramic wall tile. Free estimates. AV. 5-1960. tfc20 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV 5-1682. tfc43 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192 King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 CALL us for your sand. gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple. ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 renovations, garages. recreation rooms,‘ tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4- 5688. tfc23 CARPENTRY WORK. addifions‘ RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc3l CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfcl5 E. w. PAYNE Drains septic tanks. A of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc3l SAND AND GnAv‘izL. crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity. Richmond Hill. TU. #1701. METRO MUSIC SERVICES 884-7287 PLOWTNGi'iscing, final grad ing and seeding. TU. 4-1538. SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR 3-5085. tfc4 New Year's Eve Parties RESERVE NOW!! A complete entertainment service JOHNSWWEIEI' and appliance repairs. TU. 4â€"2615. tfc50 PAINTING. paperhanging. Free estimates. Colour samples. A Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. tfc15 MISCELLANEOUS Hi-Fi - Stereo Dance Entertainment PA Service Indoor - Outdoor - Mobile CUSTOM CARPENTRY MAHOGANY PLYWOOD PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 PAIN'fiNG & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. SOUND Richmond Hill All types tfc20 tfcll tfc40 tfc43 tfc8 hfch ma dc PORTABLE TELEVISION Rent a portable TV Reasonable weekly or monthly rates. Delivery and Pick-Up Eighngggflifl TV. 34 Yonge S. 3 BEDROOM house, large liv- ing dining room, kitchen; close to schools. transportation, shop- ping. Bayview - Markham Rd., Richmond Hill area. Call Mr. I. Feldman, EM. 4-7249 weekdays 9.30 am. to 5.30 pm. *4w18 PLEASANTVILLE GARDENS $140 monthly. 6 roomed solid brick bungalow, 2 car garage, 24’ panelled recreation room. Call T. Hanson. HU. 1-6137, Ev- enings HU. 9-2769. W. H. Bos- ley and Co. c2w21 $115 PER MONTH, 5 room up- per, all large well planned rooms, exclusive court. Call T. Hanson, HU. 1-6137. Evenings HU. 9-2769. W. H. Bosley and TOOLS TO RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns, roto- tlllers, rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental 8: Sales. 6026 Yonge St.. BA. 1-‘ 1711. tfc42 ATTENTION Two bedroom apartment, cen- tral, close to Yonge, west side. Immediate possession, reason- able rent. Call AV. 5-2951. T. Murphy, Broker. c1w20 HOUSE, west of Yonge, 3 bed- room, llxé storey, attached gar- age, 2 bathrooms, fireplace, new- ly decorated Excellent condi- tion throughout. $125 monthly. TU. 4-7270. c1w21 2 BEDROOM apartment, large modern kitchen and living room, 3 piece bath, stove and frig sup- plied if required. Reasonable rent. Vicinity Markham Rd. and Bayview. TU. 4-7710. tfc21 BEAUTIFUL APARTMENTS are available. Reasonable. Bachelor, one, two and three bedrooms in Richmond Hill. Call Mr. Franklyn, TU. 4-5693, RU. 1-9582. IDEAL for single woman. dup- lex, apartment, large living- room, one bedroom, garage, beautiful garden. TU. 4~2149. tfc21 'CONVENIENCY of an apart- ment, privacy of a home. Six large rooms including modern kitchen, $110 monthly pays rent, heat. hot water and garage. Maple AL. 7-2364. c1w211 LARGE modem 2 bedroom ap- artment, electrically gquipped, water softenel‘m excellént value, 50 Benson Ave. TU. 4-3581. WARM furnished accommoda- tion to respectable couple. Au- tomatic washer, refrigerator and freezer. Phone PA. 7-4963 be- tween 8 and 9 pm. only. c3w19 TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc21 BACHELOR apartment, 25 Yonge St. N., stove and frig in- cluded, available December lst. Phone A. R. Hill. TU. 4-1196. RENT’ on TRADE $125 - 1% storey 3 bedrooms, extra washroom, fireplace, gar- age, Pleasantville School area. TU. 4-2330. *1w21 MODERN basement apartment. electrically equipped, $100 mon- thly, available December 1. 36 Church St, 5., Richmond Hill. PA. 7-5319. tfc20 YONGE & DUFFERIN 2 bedroom apartment, newly de- corated, stove supplied. $100 per month. TU. 4-4413. c2w20 6 ROOM split level dream home, 2 bathrooms, on ravine lot. Back and front sodded. Pav- ed drive. TU. 4-5834. tf013 HOUSE, BayView. Oak Ridges, 2 bedrom'ns and attic. Lower rent for improving house. AV. 5- 5240. c1w21 SELF-CONTAINED one bed- room basement apartment, hard- wood throughout. Child wel- come. TU. 4-3454. c1w19 FACTORY 41 Industrial Road. 2,000 square feet. Vacant January lst, 1963. ME. 3-5661. c4w20 RICHMOND HILL, Bayview Plaza, dry, warm baseme'nt. good de storage, 5,000 sq. ft., will divide. EM. 4-1964. c1w21 BACHELOR apartment, fur- nished. 86 Spruce Avenue, Richvale, AV. 5-3993 or AV. 5- 4373 after 5 pm. tfc20 A FURNISHED room, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clark's Drug Store at Yonge. , ~ *2w20 COMFORTABLE farm house, 011 ‘heat. 4 bedrooms. Bayview Ave. ‘Phone TU. 4-2158. c1w21 3% ROOM selfâ€"contained apart- ment, adults only. AV. 5-5233. tfcll SANTA CLAUS suit deluxe to rent, Langstafl‘ Young Women’s Institute. AV. 5-3270. c2w21 on Bayview. Immediate posses- sion. AV. 5-3785. clw21 $60 SMALIZ ’1 bedroom house T07 RENT AV. 5-3756 tfc28 c2w21 c1w21 tfc19 tfc19 LOST CAT dark grey female. part Persian, white face and chest and 4 white feet. Vicinity Bayview and Briggs Ave. Re- ward AV. 5-2390. c1w21 PAIR of boy's dark rimmed glasses. approximately Novem- ber 3. Reward. TU. 4-2124. BEAGLE male, 5 months tattoo on right ear Bayvie'w and Mark- ham Road. AV. 5-5542. c1w21 ‘ CONVERTIBLE 11957 Monarch, spotless, power brakes, steering. windows, new whitewall tires, $300 continental' cost $5,400 new, must sell to buy home. Best offer. Consider cheaper trade. Mrs. Nadeau, BA. 2-3815. c1w21 1956 PONTIAC Laurentx‘an, hard top, automatic, excellent condition. 884-4934, PR. 3-5141. *1w21 DODGE, black hardmp, 1958, automatic, excellent red leather upholstery, body good. heater and radio, $1200. TU. 4-4884. 1954 BUICK 2 door hardtop, ou¢standing car, looks like new. Automatic, radio. white walls. Cash $475. AV. 5-5108. clw21 1957 RAMBLER, very clean. with low mileage, $26 and take over payments. AV. 5-4655. mer. Reasonable. Phone V'rl‘inl‘ 2158. c1w21 1959 RENAULT. Ideal second car. Sacrifice for $450, includes Eadie. Terms. AV. 5-5413. c1w21 1955 CHEVROLET, 2% ton truck, with 12’ platform, rear tires 825. TE. 3-6321. c1w21 GMC VTRUCK, suitable for far- owner, must sell. AV. 5-4741 TU. 4-1312. clv 1961 CHEVROLET Impala Con- Lemme. AV. 5-5412. c1w21 RENAULT Dawpthe 1959, one 1959 VAUXHALL, original 5-4655. (3 1952 PONTIAC, excellent con- dition, $125. 884-3128. c1w21 1955 FORE matic, radio. LANET APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL 441 ELMWOOD AT BAYVIEW Large one and two bedroom ap- artments, modern in every deg tail, swimming pool. elevators.‘ FM music, large balconies. inter- com, parking, TV outlet, fully equipped and flreproofed. Lanet Apartments, phone AV. 5-2303. ME. 3-9506, ME. 3-8572. 1950 DODGE, best ofier‘ 4314. ‘APARTMENT, equipped kitch- en, living room and one bed- room. Private three piece bathâ€" room, chlld welcome, parking‘ facilities, $18 weekly or $75 monthly. 45 Dufferin Lane, Rich- mond Hill. \ c1w21l BRICK farmhouse, Carrville, near Keele, six rooms and bath, oil furnace, $45.00 monthly for six months - $55.00 monthly for winter months. Box No. 83 The Liberal. clw21 3 BEDROOM house, finished rec. room, on quiet crescent. TU. 4- 5778. c1w21 OAK RIDGES, Bayvlew. Mod- em 5 room bungalow. All con- veniences, $95. PA. 7-9488. PA. 7-5046. tfc14 bathroom, Gentleman'prerferred. AV. 5-4409. c1w21 1 BEDROOM apartments. 102 Markham Rd., TU. 4-3302. Vaun Women's Institli'te. AV. 5- 3096. c4w21 TWO bedréom apartment. Avail- able December lst. TU. 1-7179‘ _s_ANT{a1 CLAUS suit, Mark - FURNISHED _room, private ROOM toil-em. Suit one gentle- man. Cooking facilities. TU. 4- 1629. c1w21 Richmond Hill Thornhill Stouffville Maple Langstafi Oak Ridge: Unionvllle King Richvale Concord Gormley O lst & 2nd Mortgages 0 Up to 20-Year Terms 0 Low Interest 0 No Hidden Bonuses 0 Loans on Frame, Insul and Brick Homes We do not put a Chattel Moxjgage on your Car or Furniture Phone, Come In or erte - Ask for Mr. Clemens Real Estate Loans arranged in Following Areas Richmond Hill Thornhill Maple Langstatf Unionville King Jon cord Gormley M. C. BEBER I.'I'D. USED CARS FOR SALE Free Parking at 220 Victoria Street 24-Hour Phone Service Including Weekends Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers’ Association TO PAY YOUR BILLS TO RENT LOST (Continued) Fairlane V8, auto- BA. 1-9855. nc2w17 21 Dundas Square, Toronto CALL COLLECT EM. 3-6251 IN YOUR PROPERTY YOU HAVE c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 741 or c1w21 c1w21 *1w21 c1w21 c2w21 tch AS USUAL we have choice young dressed geese for Christ- mas. Orders taken now for de- livery in Richmond Hill on Sat- urday, December 22nd. Mrs. Freeman Barker. TU. 4-3004. LAYING HENS for sale. Re}:- sonable. TU. 4-2122. c2w20 PROPERTIES WANTED We are nearly sold out of prop- erties, houses, lots, acreage, farms. businesses, gas stations. Buyers waiting. some with cash. others with good down pay- ment. Prompt efficient service. Nine salesmen to serve you. 25 years Real Estate experience. HERB SILLS LTD. Members of Toronto Real Es- tate Board AT. 8-1143 Woodbridge R0. 94901 A RETIRED couple wants to buy a home with some addition- al land in Thornrhill-Richmond Hill Area. David Davies Realtor, AV. 54396. tfc19 in Richmond Hill area. RU 5674. cm COUPEE desires furnished flat FURNISHEIT bed sitting room, kitchenette, parking, outside entrance. Immediate possession. TU. 4-1768. *1w21 ROOM for Iaicliyiivith home pr-iv- ileges, TU. 4-2268. c1w21 board, private parking. AV. 5- 3270. *1w21 LARGE attractive room with MOTHER'S HELPER SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters, home- maker’s service and day work Cal] day or night‘ TU 4-7253. DAY CARE given to one or two children, 5 days a week. Bever- ley Acres. TU. 4â€"7740. c1w21 KIND DAY CARE for children. TU. 4-5329. c1w21 ROOM and BOARD DAY CARE by hour or day. Good home. AV. 5-4184. c1w20 Close to Neal Drive. 'fU. U4- 5013. c1w21 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid. Cal] Frank's Movers and Storage. TU‘ 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc7 DAY CARIE fqr child any age MOTHER win give reliable day care in my home. TU. 4-7975. 300-400 FENCE RAILS, good condition. Phone TU. 4-2704. OIL BURNER, complete with tank and controls. Phone after six. AV. 5-1802, c2w21 TOYS, suitable for girls, 6 and 9, stove, frig, sink, gté 1600. COMPLETE Brownie uniform, size 10. AV. 5-1407 after 5 pm. ONE’GOOD used stroller with adjustable back and rfddt-lr-ééfi. TU. 4-3142. c1w21 ‘ELGIN MILLS LOAM and SOD CO. LTD. Top Soil, Loam. Cultivated Peat Loam, Sandy Loam. Well Rotâ€" ted Manure, Special Mixed Loam. Field 450d. Cultivated Seeded Sod, Nursery Sods. AV 5-1514 BABY SITTING REAL ESTATE WANTED POULTRY FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT One Visit in the GARIWIV SUPPLIES WANTED c2w21 tfc20 c3w19 t1c10 clw21 c1w19 *1w21 tfc2 DECEMBER 6 -â€" Thursday â€" Auction sale - 200 lots of un- redeemed pledges under in- structions of prominent Ontario pawnbroker. Ladies’ and men‘s fine watches include Elgin, Lon- gines. Gruen, Wittnauer, Bul- ova, etc. Ladies and men's dia- mond rings, cameras such as Kodak, Keystone. etc., silver- ware sets, electrig shavers and many other items. Sale at 8 pm. sharp in the new Town hall in Maple Village. Terms cash. Night of sale. Alvin S.‘ Farmer, auctioneer, phone Gormley 886-5311 SAT., DEC. 8 -â€" Auction sale of general store and dwelling and lot, store equipment and entire household furniture, 17" TV, pian-o, refrigerators. 4 space heaters, 3 piece ohesterfield, new, china cooking utensils, locker service equipment, com- ;pressors and freezing unit, meat slices shelving store coun- ters, at Lot 20, Con. 4, Mark- ‘ham at Willows General Store. ‘Victoria Square. The Estate of the late Florence Madil]. No‘ reserve on chattels. Terms ‘cash. Sale at 10.30 A.M.. This is a large sale and must start on time. Victoria Square ladies will serve lunch and coffee throughout the day. Property sold at 3 pm. sharp. Lloyd Turner and son, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer, phone ' ormley 886-5311. c3w21 NOVEMBER 24 â€" Saturday - Important auction sale of 82 acre farm, farm implements, Ford Major tractor, threshing lmachine 24x42 Mount For- ‘est with grain thrower and ‘seed attachment, Case binder ‘8 ft. cut. 2,500 bu. oats. mixed grain, large quantity of baled‘ hay and straw. large strawstack looseY quantity of furniture, some antique articles. ’55 Pon- tiac hydromatic 5 passenger coupe and ’49 Dodge. Estate of the late Pearson Smeltzer at Lot 2, Con. 6, King Township just south of Laskay, first road west of 400 highway. No reserve on chattels. Terms on chattels cash. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. Sale at 12.30 pm. sharp. Jack Walkington, clerk. c3w19. LOT FOR REVT Completely stoned, ready for use, choice location, centre oft Thornhill. frontages on Yonge‘ and Jane Streets, 125’ x 165', complete with office. Could be used by nursery man, taxi~stand, used car lot, etc. Immediate pos- session. CalI AV. 5-4416. c1w20 SALE REGISTERS SIMPSUN’S DRYGUUDS boards, rec. rooms, alterations. garages, planters any shape. You name it, we’ll make it. Free estimates. M. C. Dufl’y, 'I‘U. 4- 2588. tfclo 12 Yonge St. S. CARPENTER, kitchen cup- EXPERIENCED Finnish wo- man wau‘ts steady housework in Richmond Hill. Call after 6. AV. 5-3934. *1w21 YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. AV. 5-5126. tfc52 ENERGETIC truck driver seeks steady job. Experienced. relia- ble. Will consider anything. TU. 4-2747. nc3w2] tions. Mrs. MacDonaid “Flâ€"1f;- 5057. tfc21 QRE§SMAK[I§G and altera- Boys’ Lined Heavy Twill Jeans $4.19 Boys’ Suede Cord Casuals LOTS TO RENT Boys’ Heavy Corduroy Dress Trousers Men’s Corduroy Dress Trousers Men’s Washable Dress Trousers “Hip-O-Flan” EMPWETH‘ WANTED Boys’ Casual Sateen Sport Checks 54’95 & 58'95 DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS DESIGNING TU. 4-4670 $10.95 W $4.95 $5.95 $3.95 p" c2w21 ‘2w21 POODLE PUPS FOR XMAS! A1 black miniatures. female- and males. Registered. Ready for new home mid-December. Private sale evenings. TU. 4- 4215. c1w21 HOMES FOR SALE POODLES. top quality mlnaturo black and white from Canada's ‘finest blood lines. Health guar» Ianteed, stud service available. Professional poodle grooming service. PA. 7-6669 tfcl lGERMAN Shepherd puppies, black and tan, champion pedi- gree. Hoheneichen Kennel. TU. 4-2580. 1120 SIAMESE kittens. 2 male. 10 weeks, house trained. no rea- sonable offer refused. TU. 4- 5418. c1w21 COLLIE PUPS 8 Sullivan‘s Kennels Phone PA. 7-5174. with papers. 4 years 0151 5248. MONEY av‘ailable for good first ..4 GERMAN SHEPHERD, male, I..:LL 7 7 fl - ,-_‘ -.._ va‘l nua- and second diortgages. reason- able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and Le Claire. TU M413. tch rumus available for lst and 2nd mortgages. E. T. Stephens Investments Ltd., AV. 5~3785. §U_NDs available E $500 down for this 3 room house on a large 82' x 325’ treed lot, Richvale area. $75.00 month principal and interest. Inquire now. Mrs. Bare. . $5,800 - Full price for this nice two bedroom house on large 50’ x 150’ lot in the Woodbridge area. New roof - just freshly painted. Inquire now. Mr. Budd. Maple - $15,700. 6 room brick bungalow, fireplace. 61' x 145‘ lot, excellent location. N.H.A. 6%% 25-year mortgage, car. ties for $95.00 per month. Mr. Brown. $7,200.00 - 5 room bungalow. situated on large lot 72’ x 159‘ in Richvale. 4 piece bath, new gas heat, low taxes. $60.00 month carries princi- pal, interest and taxes. Mr. Vincent. Thornhill - 70’ x 182’ lot. Private cul-deâ€"sac location overlooking ravine. Excellent terms. $6,300. Mr. Vincent. $9,500. full price, $1,200. down - 6 room clapboard bungalow on fully serviced lot. Carries very reasonable. 1 car garage. Discount for cash. Mr. Vincent. 514% Mortgage. carries for $89.00, $14,900.00 - 6 room modern detached brick bun- galow, enclosed yard. garage 12’ x 22’, paved drive. plazas. schools, transportation. Sac- rifice price. Mr. Slater. 1/2 Acre Lot - Thornhill. $20,900. - 6 room ranch bun- galow, attached garage, 2 baths. $2,000.00 down. Mr. Myles. $12,900.00 ~ Newly decorated bungalow in excellent condi- tion. Prepaid mortgage pay- ments and taxes are only $77 per month. You will like this lovely home, See it today. Miss Clarke. BA. 1-1102 Richmond Hill MORTGAGES 8242 Yonge Street AV. 5-1153 weeks 013. Vandarf. c3w21 c1w21 TU. 4Q *1w21 tfclz

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