Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Nov 1962, p. 9

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To l-6‘/2% N.H.A. Mortgage The "MUSKOKA" Illustrated Above FEATURES located! on fl/famira OPEN "I'll. 9 EM. TU.4-2393 â€" AV.5-2|28 EXCLUSIVE AGENT Drive West on Wright Street to Hall, Turn Right and then Left on Mill St., Turn Right at Evahill and follow Altamira to Model Homes. CALL US TODAY or SEE OUR MODEL HOMES WE WILL ACCEPT YOUR PRESENT HOME IN TRADE 33513:; 33’e§?§‘fffi Paved Roads, Curbs, Storm 8. Sanitary Sewers, Street Lights. Paid For By The Subdivider NORM BLACK FULLY SERVICED WITH ' CHOOSE FROM FOUR DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT PLANS 3 Bedrooms Colored Tile Bathroom Aluminum Storms & Screens Norden Kitchen Double Stainless Steel Sinks Coppertone Exhaust Fan and Hood 517,3 50 Priced From REALTY LIMITED .uuu. In discussing Canadian writ- ing and writers, Mr. Weaver called Gabrielle Roy‘s latest book “Hidden Mountain" an in- vestigation of Canadian loneli- ness and expressed‘the opinion that most Canadian writers porâ€" trayed this feeling of loneliness. It was much more common even in poetry he felt, in such writ- ers as E. J. Pratt. Morley Cal- lahan, Brien Moore, Hugh Gar- ner and John Buchan, all, in writing of Canada, seemed to feel it was a lonely place to be. Several of the students could not understand why these writ- ers felt Canada lonely and were nnmnpllnd to write of loneliness. There is little place in TV for beginning writers, Mr. Wea- ver felt. A one and a half hour play costs something like $50,- 000.00 and even a half hour dra- ma costs $25,000.00 to produce. Consequently the producers must feel sure that it will come oft before they can invest this amount of money in it. The students appeared inter- ested in hearing Mr. Weaver and had several questions for him. It is not quite clear how- ever whether these lectures are for the benefit of the students or the staff as much of Mr. Wea- ver's time was taken up justi- fying his statements to members In discussing Canadian writ- ing and writers, Mr. Weaver called Gabrielle Roy’s latest book “Hidden Mountain" an in- vestigation of Canadian loneliâ€" ness and expressedvthe opinion that most Canadian writers por- trayed this feeling of loneliness. In the third of a series of lec- tures entitled "Impact" senior students of Thornhill Secondary School had as their guest speak- er on November 14th, Mr. Rob- ert Weaver, special programs organizer for the CBC. He is in charge of the CBC's Wednesday Night which introduces new young writers onto the air and is editor of Tamarack Review which prints the work of both established professional writers and newcomers. George Lam- ming, the West Indian writer who spoke to the students last spring has called him the fath- er of his new book about Can- ada. Several of the students could‘for the not understand why these writ- 01‘ the § ers felt Canada lonely and were VeF'S ‘1 compelled to write of loneliness. fymg 11 Mr. Weaver gave the opinion 0f the 1 that Canadian society was “stag- ‘â€" ger-ingly materialistic much Correspondent Crane Mrs. Anne Hewitt ‘Opgémfi 78, 16th Ave. mm \' TU. 4-7645 {runner- The lst Langstaff Cubs and)l‘ecent1 Scouts Mothers held their meet-3'0f the ing at the home of Mrs. Helen‘ihl‘CO Sands, Maryvale Cres. The1‘<e\‘\’01‘e S‘ were 30 mothers present for the the SUI pot luck supper. Business in re-1‘10W W gards to the bazaar was broughtltht‘ d1 up to date. Games were playedfitime i Brownie News 'hopes 1 gift exchange. The time is seven o'clock and they would like to see all the mothers out. Eleven new Brownies were on rolled at lst Richvale on Nov ember 13. These new Brownie: were Pat Norris. Marita Viman‘ if. Wendy Purvis, Debby Smith Barbara Cliff, Wendy Ross. Cal thy Wood. Maggy Lynn Steph- en, Joy Headline. Candy Hart- ley and Cathy Robertson. Five new Brownies were en- rolled on November 20 at 15‘ Richvale. These girls Were Mar) Bowden, Gail England, Margar‘ et Jean Broom, Debby Gods- man and Debbie Hewitt. Ratepayers First Richvale Brownie and‘and Guide Mothers’ Committee held‘Dal‘1 their bazaar on November 17,300“ and it was a great success. They}bl‘al would wish to thank all of the‘HOS mothers who so willingly donat-l G ed gifts for all of the tableslbel‘ The next meeting will be at the‘Bra home of Mrs. B. Houston. This 312V will be in the form of a pot Sh“ luck supper, with Christmas MN The Northolt Ratepayers Committee are approaching th: school board in regards to flu drainage at the school. The-1 On November 17, Mrs. S tleworth was shopping. On way oixt of the store she stopped by John Sprague two hostesses. Mrs. Shuttle“ had one of the products, so groceries were paid for CHUM. would taken. Winner Native Writers miray mess Feeling Of 5.9m Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray 3 Mrs. Dorothy Furness were v itors at the home of Mr. a Mrs. Hewitt. Thornhill Secondary Series Harry On November 16 Mrs. S] tleworth was lucky in \vinr two prizes at the North Y Veterans' dance. Richvale News (By Doris M. Fitzgerald) When we asked Mr. Harry Simpkins if he remembered anything about the Thorn- hill Old Boys Re-union in September 1910 he replied, “Oh yes, but I was just a small boy then. I loved mu- sic and was much more in- terested in the Toronto harpist and his big instru- ment than in the visiting old-timers. After the festivi- ties in the grounds of the Thomhill Mineral Springs were over, the harpist began to play on Yonge St.. in the middle of the village. and soon drew a crowd who sang old songs with him until early morning. I stayed for a while and got a good spank- ing at home for being out so late". As he grew up Harry Simpkins found useful out- lets for his musical talent. He joined the choir of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, and became a trumpet play- er in the Thornhill Band. Hc recalled that there were about 23 men in the band which was conducted by Tom Griffiths. an Aurora foundryman.’ They had no uniforms but wore dark mil- itary caps, and drove around the country in a two horse van to play at picnics. at places like Vellore, Teston, Victoria Square and York like immediate acti shape in though ma not in s largely as ing compe fying his st of the staff lished,’ lishing more that p writer real S] Mr. Wea ada Counc force in 1 culture, kc cieties in ( aging Can really good rus out the the of 1 Yet vilI use QIRYA" 6 Lévendale Rd. Tap Quality MeaIs Lowest Prices Levendale Meat Market I-HI‘ RLOIN. T-BONE )RTERHOUSE. F §mpkins Early Life In Thornhill airitL 3i bus 3nd For Your Home Freezer bl 15 Qtiuifiz‘Rfig‘fiEi: .. ALL STEAKS dale Rd. Richmond Heights Centre South Block - TU. 4-5801 716 felt that the Can- ias been a great :lpping Canadian mg many play so- :ence and encour- m writers. “Any nuscript gets pub- ated. The pub- ss was in good ada, he felt, al- ne publishing was good condition esult of advertisâ€" n with TV. ; T horn/till Notes ling rafile tickets The quilt is in :tern, pale yelâ€" centres and be 'held some 3’. The group 90 on the quilt ans and small x the money to I work of their ‘11ornhi11 area. USE, ROUND raffle tickets he quilt is in em, pale yelâ€" centres and 3 'held some . The group ) on the quilt IS and small the money to work of their iornhill area. t the Decem- the Thornhill )spital auxili- ;s Winnifred of the auxili-i Ontario Hos- At their November 7th meet- ing, the group heard an inform- ative talk on hospital auxiliar- ies in relation to hospitals giv- en by Miss Jean Masten, former superintendent of nurses at the Sick Children’s Hospital and now a member of the auxiliary of that hospital. From her own experience, an auxiliary has a very important part to play in the making of a good hospital, Miss Masten assured those pre- sent. Auxil‘iary members are often able to supply the ten- der loving care which a busy nurse often just doesn't have time to give. ORK CHOPS lb. 65c States" and e of this the E from any LAMB - - DE BACON lb. 59c rgia". and offered by 11:, Harry ; that he ’crcy. who orn. and a obers, now played the only sur- f this pop- a young man and found work with Mr. Anthony Bowes of Concord. Then he met. and married, an Enig- lish girl from Birmingham, and they raised a family of four sons and three daugh- ters of whom only he, and Percy, retired custodian of Thorn-hill Public School are now living. stom Cut and Wrapped) Mr. Simp- the old on .emaker, IcksmHh "March- a", and :‘ered by . Harry that he ‘cy. who I. and a Motor 21/2 - 3|b. avg. Ib.35c eve- :s in n in bug- itch- both arm- the BEEF 3 lbs. 99c We believe these classes to be in the best interests of chil- dren. It is a wonderful way to introduce a child to music, and although some go ahead with lessons from private teachers after the two years of class We still hope the trustees will reverse their decision and at this time of elections inter- ested parents should ask pro- spective new trustees to state their opinions on this very worthwhile activity, ‘ Why should the use of one room in the school interfere with the work of the grade teachers in Richmond Hill when the schools in Toronto and all the surrounding muni- cipalities of Metro consider pi: ano classes to be a great assist‘ to school music and make ample provision for the re- quired time? i pital Association. Miss Shooter will discuss the general organ- ization of auxiliaries and their history and functions. In hon- our of the festive season, light refreshments will be served. The meeting, as usual, will be held at Holy Trinity Church parish hall at 10 am. (Continued From Page 2) ‘p.m., and some at the noon ‘hour. In two areas we have per- mission to teach from 8 am. to ‘9 arm. ‘ We must remember we do Lave permission to teach at 5 pm. but this poses two prob- lems. The first is the lapse of time after school closes, which means pupils would have to leave school and return later. ‘Then the time for teaching, one hour to 6 p.m.,. would not ‘allow the number of students to be taught. We only teach eight in a class which limits each school to 16 children. A restriction of this nature also cuts the teachers’ income con- siderably and makes it impos- sible to take reasonable care of‘ the extra work involved in class‘ work. “Dear Mr. Editor” on each side to operate the pumps. When I last saw it about 40 years ago it was being pulled by a team of horses down by the river. I guess some farmer was us- ing it to draw water for his stock." Mr. Simpkins can now be classed as an old-timer him- self, not because of age but because he was born. and educated in Thornhill. be- fore the era of city commut- ing began. His father. John Simpkins. came to Canada from Suffolk, England, as Harry Simpkins farmed for a period. worked for 16 years for the ladies golf club, and was sexton of Holy Trinity Anglican Church for three years. La-tterly he has been employed by the vil- lage, and takes great pride in his work around the park in the summer. When pass- ing the tennis courts one day we noticed him ruefully surveying a particularly fine flower bed in which vandals lb. 65c operate the last saw it ago it was a team of l Printing_| work, many go into other branches of music. Many class pupils will be found in school orchestras and bands. The in- struction received in classes helps them very much in going ahead in this way. We ask the help of all par- ents in requesting the board to change this rule. Thank you, Mr. Editor, for opening your columns for this letter. R. Edmun‘ds Director Canadian Bureau for the Ad- vancement of Music. had been busy. The heads of a number of giant marigolds had been nipped off and thrown against the high fence where they lodged in the wire mesh like golden snowballs. “It just seems as if some people do not want w things to look nice" he said rather sadly. “Here we have a lovely park, free for all to enjoy, but branches are broken from the trees and a: shrubs. flower beds are trampled and destroyed, and the grass is littered with re- fuse". Regretfully we both agreed that though Thorn- hill has never been more prosperous, nor better off for educational, and recrea- tional facilities, there is a strange lack of civic pride, ’- and good manners on the ,- part of some adults, and young people. Besides the " wanton damage in the park, r. the main streets have never been so untidily strewn with cigarette boxes. tissues, "- newspapers, candy wrappers, and, deliberately smashed pop bottles. And it would be worse if business men and property owners did not continually pick up rubbish discarded on their premises by residents, who would not think of throwing it on their own grounds. Paul Sawyer and Harry Simpkins collect a truckload of such trash "J 2.0 fl” ‘ . 3 .. D .. fl? ‘ o #3 w I‘- D fi‘. WHAT WE HAVE: CASH: The B of M has cash in its vaults and money on deposit with the Bank of Canada and other banks mounting to . CHEQUES and other items in transitâ€" representing the net amount of the moneys moving between branches of the Bank and into the B of M from other banks on account of customers’ transactions . . . INVESTMENTS: The B of M maintains a strong liquid position through investments in high-grade government bonds which have a ready market. Listed on the Bank's books at amortized value, they amount 10 . . CALL LOANS:'1'he B of M has call loans which are fully protected by quickly sale- able securities. These loans amount to . . QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES: The resources listed above cover 47.8% of all that the Bank owes to the public. These “quick assets" wont to . . . . . . LOANS:During the year. many millions of dollars have been lent to business and in- dustrial enterprises for production of every kindâ€"to farmers, fishermen, oilmen. miners, lumbermen and ranchersâ€"to citi- zens in all walks of life. and to community organizations and provincial and municipal governments. These loans amount to . . MORTGAGES and hypothecs insured under the National Housing Act, 1954â€"repreâ€" seating advances to homebuflders . . . TOTAL RESOURCES WHICH THE B of M HAS TO MEETITS OBUGATIONS . _ . . . . . . . BANK BUILDINGS: In hamlets, villages. towns and large cities from coast to coast the B of M serves its customers at 900 ofiices. The value of the buildings owned by the Bank, together with furniture and equipment, is shown on its books at . . OTHER ASSETS; These chiefly represent lia- bilities of customers for commitments made by the Bank on their behalf, cover- ing foreign and domestic trade transactions CONSULT "THE LIBERAL" TUrner 4-1105 The B of M has other investmentsâ€"in- cluding a diversified list of high-quality short-term issues. Thcse investments are carriedat............ What are THE FACTS BEHIND THE Yours sincerely Here is a concise summary in layman’s language of how the B of M stood at the year-end on October 3731‘, 7962 vefsified list iofr high-quality I; sues. These investments are 7 The B of M has call loans 11y protected by quickly sale- fl SAT. DEC. 8th ) N WWW r. r. r éPARADE§;{ ' ' u‘l’él * #3?! #3 ‘ a §West on Markham Road, North on Yonge To The Richmond Heights Centre gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMfimmmmmmflfii Don’t_ For et To Write To, Sanfa And CHILDREN Bsiszfiieizir Szztaéhi‘mcfzz‘r: 3;: EVERY lETTER WILL BE ANSWERED g; every Saturday morning, but they have many other duties to perform around the vil- lage, and they cannot cope with the myriad scattered shards of glass which are danger to small children walking to school, and ruin- BE sun: 'I'O Vls All In His House In The Mall RemembermAll ‘, Stores .Will BenOpene,From 9 am. To 9 pm. Starting Monday, December 10th Two Weeks Before Christmas. THE LIBERAL, RichmondiHill, 0nt., Thursday, November 29, 1962 IO A.M. CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS 12 NOON T0 9 PM. DAILY S 520,065,342 $1,819,737.579 $1,825,682.590 $4,015,164.576 741197.030 TOTAL OF WHAT THE B of M OWES ITS DEPOSI- TORSANDOTHERS . . . . . . . . . . . ,TO PAY ALL IT OWES, THE B of M HAS TOTAL 236333553 RESOURCES, AS SHOWN ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THIS STATEMENT,AMOUNTING To . . . WHICH MEANS THAT THE B of M HAS RE- 213.548.259 SOURCES, OVER AND ABOVE WHAT IT OWES. AMOUNTINGTO............ 224,644,086 112,094,335 OTHER LIABILITIES: Miscellaneous items, representing mainly commitments under- taken by the Bank on behalf of customers in their foreign and domestic trade vans- actions............. 65,878,133 79,222.188 at "MY BANH' 70 3 M/ll/OII (Al/ADM“ ous to bicycle, and motor car tires. Mr. Simpklns is a long time member of Thornhlll Orange Lodge. and of the Ancient Order of Foresters which used to have a local lodge. He and his wife who WHAT WE OWE: DEPOSIT52While many business ufacturers. merchants. farmers and people in every type of business have substantial deposits with the B of M, about half of the money on deposit with the Bank is the savings of private citizens. The total of all depositsis............ BANK OF MONTREAL W’ " w-em/ This figure of $212,131,938 is made up of money sub- scribed by the shareholders and, to some extent, of earnings which have from time to time been ploughed back into the business to broaden the Bank’s services and to give added protection for the depositors. WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 was formerly Verna Picker- ing of Willowdale, have three married children, Thelma. Mrs. G. Chambers. and Eva. Mrs. Walter Hughes. 0! Thornhill. and William, of Willowdale. and seven grandchildren. S3.7!2.565,329 33.803.032.638 S 212,131,938 90,467,309

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