Due to the large class of can- didate: to be presented for the Apostolic Rite of Laying on of Wands, it was necessary once again to hold two services of conï¬rmation at St. Mary’s Angli- can Church. The church was ï¬lled to cap- :gcity on both occasions to give prayerful encouragement to the candidates. The choir sang the lovely anthem. “Faith of Our Bishop F. H. Wilkinson & G. B. Snell At St. Mary's Anglican Confirmation See FOR General Electric AT HERRIDGE ELECTRIC GE Dryers ONLY $199. 1. Automatically cuts oi! heaters when clothes are dry! 2. Automatic de~wrinkler. Automatic dry cycle. Damp dry cycle. Automatic fluff cycle. Interior light. Porcelain top and drum GE magnetic door closer. 12 pound capacity! . One year parts and lab- our warranty from Herridge Electric. FREE electric blanket when you buy a new GE dryer from Herridge Electric during “Sunshine Special." FREE pricing of wiring and 91‘.“ ._. ©9999 FREE delivery Nothing downâ€"ï¬rst payment after Christmas Herndge Electric TV - Appliances Wiring, Sales, Repairs Parts, Rentals 40 LEVENDALE RD. South Block Richmond Heights Centre MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, I962 Herridge All persons who ï¬le a Declaration at the time of voting to the effect that: (a) expect to be absent from the Municipality. (b) as an election official will be unable to attend the poll at which they are entitled to vote. (c) expect to be conï¬ned in a hospital. or (d) for religious reasons, are prevented from vot- ing on the day ï¬xed for polling. Saturday, December 8th, and who are entitled to vote at Municipal elections may record their. vote at the Advance Poll. Richmond Hill, Ontario, R. Lynett, November 28th, 1962 Returning Officer. LOOK APPLIANCES MODEL 78D21 An Advance Poll Will Be Held In The Municipal Building 56 Yonge Street North on ADVANCE POLL TU. 4-3211 From 2:00 RM. to 10:00 P.M. venting TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Fathers" and just before the Laying on of Hands, the entire congregation sang the Ancient Invocation of the Holy Spirit, the “Veni Creator Spiritus". An informal reception was held after each service in the parish hall, catered to by both the evening and afternoon branches or! the W.A. On Wed- nesday evening, the conï¬rma- tion class from Emmanuel Church. Richvale. joined with St. Mary's in both the service and the reception afterwards. The candidates from St. Mary’s were presented by the rector of the parish. the Reverend J. F. O'Neil and those from Emman- uel Parish were presented by the Reverend F. C. Jackson. The Reverend J. R. F. Moore, assist- ‘ant curate, acted as the Bishop's Chaplain, while lay readers, H. D. L. Hill. D. L. Little and G. Lunau read the lessons. The following candidates were presented to the Right Reverend G. B. Snell, M.A., Th. D., Coadjutor Bishop of Toronto on November 25th. Lyn Margaret Armstrong, Judith Lynn Bunker, Leslie Bury, Ruth Marie Carter. Mar- tha June Cover, Barbara Louise Dean, Linda Elizabeth Donald- son, June Anne Growcock. Beverley Christine Gomme. Susan Louise Dewsbury, Chris- tina Munsey, Marguerita Mun- sey, Judith Violet Todd. Nancy Jean Mary Underhill, Sally Nor- een West-Gaul, Karen Anne White. Adults George Blaker De‘wsbury‘ Donald Gay. Jess Russell. Claire Bass, Verna Joyce Far- rell, Lillian Todd, Carol Tufts, Betty Undevhill, Marion Louise Whitehead, Marguerite Wrong, Marilyn Ann Wynn. John Chérles Walker. Robert Whittaker, Elwyn Wood. William and May Bowdery, William and Audrey Harris, Terry and Joan Hood, Sidney and Joan Riley. Bryce and Mary Rimmer, Robert and Shirley Saunders. John Robert Michael Birrell. Douglas David Brooks, John Ro- bert Glover, Peter Gordon Hill, Derwyn Robert Kerr, Michael Ritchie Leishman, Douglas Orme, Thomas Victor Pallas. Jémes Alexander Ross, Mark Pearce Sunderland, Gordon Thomas Timperon, George Paul Thompson, Geoffrey Frank Too- good, Christopher David Too- good. Albert Clifford Windrim. Brenda Geraldine Haddock} Joanne Ellen Harley, Wanda Gale Hilts, Linda Diane Hunt- ley, Lynn Houle, Katharine Dor- othy Mason, Joanna Rosalind McBean, Mary Louise Monks. Carol Smith, Margot Lucy ‘Srweeny, Sheila Elizabeth Towns- end. 'Thomas Wayne Bowdery. Charles Gordon Clayton. Neal Rossiter McRae, Peter Shee. Lloyd William Smith, William Ernest Waters. Ronald Wood. The following candidates were presented to the Right Reverend F. H. Wilkinson, M.A., D.D., Lord Bishop of Toronto. on Nov- ember 28th. John Herbert Hudson, Will- iam David Jellicoe. Bruce Philip Johnson, Stanley David Lunau, James Alfred Mills, John Allan Peck, Vernon Clifford Walters. Allison Lois Cazaly. Louise Linda Harding, Janice Lynne Moran, Dale Marilyn Richards. The following were presented by the Rev. F. C. Jackson from Emmanuel Richvale: CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H Although there are now vaccines against many of the communicable diseases that once were great killers or cripplers, there are cases reported of these diseases every year. Many of the re- ported cases end in death. This is unnecessary. Why do some Canadians neglect such an important procedure? IS IT DUE TO PROCRASTINATION. COMPLACENCY OR APA- THY? TWP. OF NORTH YORK Complacency or Apathy DEPT. OF HEALTH Miss Betty Sprox fully passed her She was a gram; Nightingale School in Town-to. Miss Mary Pattenden gradu- ated November 21 from the Certiï¬ed Nursing Assistants Course at Grace Hospital. Tor- onto. Mary won second prize \for general proï¬ciency. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Patten- den, Mrs. Storry of Goodwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Mullin‘gs of Aurora, and Mr. and Mrs. E1- wood P-attenden of Stouffville, ébtended the graduation exer- cises Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger attended the funeral of their cousin, Ray Irwin of Newmark- et, Thursday afternoon. Baby Vera Lynn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weeks. was dedicated at the Sunday morning service at the United Missionary Church. Present for the dinner fol- lowing were Mrs. Edwards and Miss Vera Doust of Toronto, Miss Anne Hunt of Willowdale, Miss Dorothy Doust of Kitch- ener. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doust. Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Hunkinlg, Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald and family out Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. Burn Preston and family of Stouffville. Miss Betty S'proxton spent the weekend recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sproxton. Carman Matsunag-a is in Room 550 at East General Hos- pital, Toronto. Carmam was Welding under a car and both arms were badly burned. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George French were Mrs. Allan Heise of Hamilton, Mrs. Clifford Winger, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Robim®n of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. John Scharbach of Toronto, had dinner with the Mises Henderson Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mann Sr.. of Elgin Mills, visited Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott recently. Sympathy is expressed to Geonge Sayers and family 1n the passing of his wife, Mrs. Sayers, at their home Saturday evening. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon from the Pipher Funeral Home, Rich- mond Hill. Miss Freda Henderson en‘ter- REEVE FOR 1963 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone Gormley 5201 Competent and Honest leadership ll YEARS EXPERIENCE 0N COUNCIL Sproxton success- her R.N graduate GORMLEY NEWS Election Day, Saturday, December 8 exams. of the Nursing Polls Open 9 am. - 6 pm. YOUR FULL TIME tained her Sunday school class for dinner Sunday. A. F. Leek was taken by am- :bulance to St. Michael's Hospi- tal, Toronto, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Leek is in his 89th year. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bolen- der, and Mrs. Stauffer had din- ner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner. Miss Dorothy Doust of Kitch-‘Church v. ener, spent the weekend with December Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doust. I Sunday Mrs. John Bond slipped on a rug and broke her right wrist. She is now wearing a cast. Mr. and'Mrs. C. Slaynaker, and R. Slaymaker of Lancaster, Pa., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Steckly and John. usiésimg. ï¬pent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wideman. Mrs. Eva Nicklin entertained a number of Gormley ladies at a turkey dinner at the home of her niece Mrs. Nestney of Pick- ering. Saturday. A number of ladies attended the WMS Rally at the United Missionary Church. Stouffville, Tuesday evening, and enjoyed hearing Mrs. Purdy. Mr. and Mrs. A. Benson moved into their home on the vtownline recently. prints of staff photos appearing in “The Liberal" at the newspaper office, 63 Yonge Street South, Rich- mond Hill. REPRINTS AVAILABLE ‘awrence Wideman of Kap- Readers may order re- 'ï¬Sx’ï¬Ã© at of Pick- All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of Herbert Cecil |Joslin. late of Maple. Onrtaro, attended Stock Clerk. who died on or 3 United about the 5th day of August. oufl’ville‘ 1962. are required to send a enjoyed statement of their claims to the undersigned before the 15th day of December, 1962, after which date the estate will be adminis- ‘BLE tered, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned e,- re. shall then have notice. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haw- kins celebrated their 42nd wed- ding anniversary Sunday. Mrs. Ross Brillinger under- went surgery on her knee at Private Patient's Pa-vilion,Tor- onto General Hospital, Friday. .uao Alvao LIA uuusci uuucl' went surgery on her knee at Private Patient‘s Pavilion,Tor- onto General Hospital. Friday. The Sewing Circle met all day Wednesday at the home of Mrs. S. N. Doner. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baker of Stayner. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Heise. Mr. Levi Steckley and girls had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger. The special meetings will con- ;tinue all this week at Heise Hill Church with the closing services December 2. ‘ Sunday dinner guests of Mr. land Mrs. Ralph Emprin-gham were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ben- inett. Sharon and David. Mr. and MrS. Roy Winger and Kevin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wideman, Miss Lillian Reaman. and Peter Jennings. T Year-end records in loans, de-‘bank's operations by more than tposits and resources, plus new:900 offices at home and abroad highs in both proï¬ts earned and were $16,013,512, 9.84 per cent taxes paid. are all shown in the more than in 1961. Taxes also Bank of Montreal‘s 145th annual reached a new high - $18,353.- statement, issued this week. ‘442, or 14.6 per cent more than The statement shows B of M net earnings~ loans at an all-time high of $2.10 Dividend $2,269 million - 17.35 per cent Dividend payments for the more than a year ago- and "9' year to the bank's 22.000 share- flecting a year of intense credit‘holders have amounted to $12,. demands. In contrast. the bank‘s 757_5oo‘ or 3210 per share, ï¬ve securities portfolio was reduced‘cems more than the 1961 ï¬gure 12.5 Per cent. from $1.107 mil-‘and ten cents more than was lion to $969 million. >paid in 1960. 3 0f M resources were 1‘9" An amount of $1,000,000 from Ported at $4.015 minion- 3 new‘tax-paid inner reserves is added year-end record, compared withlto 34.531.933 in undivided pm- $3,950 million a year ag0- De-iï¬ts. fora total of 35.531.938, and posits increased from $3.647‘of this. $4,150,000 is transferred million to $3.713 million. Per- r . . to the rest account. now at sonal sayings. amounting t0‘$150,000,000, The balance of 3111131234 mlnlonv are up by' $35 undivided proï¬ts thus stands at in ion. $1,381,938. ;are listed at $1.820 million, or 47.85 per cent of the bank's pub- lic liabilities of $3.803 million, compared with a 54.56 per cent m'1961, and providing further .ev1dence of the heavy credit demands made on the B of M NEW WORK â€" ALTE] ROGER PLUMBING Free Estimate; Telephone TU. 4-1650 Notice To Creditors ‘ And Others and Mrs. Roy Brillinger. The special meetings will con- tinue all this week at Heise Hill Church with the closing services In the Estate of Herbert Cecil Joslin JOAN MAIDA BAIN JOSLIN DATED at Toronto this 13th day of November, 1962. Administratrix by her solicit- ors, WALSH and WALSH. 85 Richmond Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Year-end records in loans. de- posits and resources, plus new highs in both proï¬ts earned and taxes paid. are all shown in the Bank of Montreal’s 145th annual statement, issued this week. B. Of M. Reports Loans All Time High Of $2,269 Million - Up 17.33% Earnings. after taxes. for the SATURDAY, December 8, I962 The place of polling in the several subdivisions shall be as follows: MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY - REEVE ONE COUNCILLOR Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the centre line of Yonge Street north of the centre line of Crosby Avenue. POLLING SUBDIVISION N0. 1 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the cen- tre line of Yonge Street, north of the centre line of Cros- by Ave. and west of the C.N.R. right-of-way. - MUNICI- PAL HALL. POLLING SUBDIVISION N0. 2 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying north of the centre line of Taylor Mills Drive South, east of the C.N.R. righ-t-ofaway and west of the centre line of Blue Grass Boulevard. - BEVERLEY ACRES PUBLIC SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION N0. 3 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying north of the centre line of Taylor Mills Drive South, east of the centre line of Blue Grass Boulevard and west of the centre line of Neal Drive. - BEVERLEY ACRES PUBLIC SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 5 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the C.N.R. right-of-Iway, north of the centre line of Crosby Avenue, west of the centre line of Bayview Avenue and south of the centre Line of Taylor Mill: Drive South. - CROSBY AVENUE PUBLIC SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION N0. 4 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying north of the centre line of Taylor Mills Drive South, east of the centre line of Neal Drive and west of the centre line of Bayview. Avenue. - BEVERLEY ACRES PUBLIC SCHOOL. part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the cen- tre line of Yonge Street, north of the centre line of Mark- ham Road, west of the C.N.R. right-of-way and south of the centre line of Crosby Avenue. - LILLIAN McCON- AGHY PUBLIC SCHOOL. Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the centre line of Yonge Street and south of the centre line of Crosby Avenue to the centre line of Markham Road. POLLING SUBDIVISION N0. 6 - Comprising all that POLLING SUBDIVISION N0. 8 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the C.N.R. right-of-way, north of the centre line of Markham Road, west of the centre line of Bayview Avenue and south of the centre line of Centre Street East. - WALTER SCOTT Also at the same Polls the following question will be submitted to the electors: POLLING SUBDIVISON N0. 7 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the C.N.R. right of way, north of the centre line of Centre Street East. west of the centre line of Bayview Avenue and south of the centre Line of Crosby Avenue. - CROSBY AVENUE PUBLIC SCHOOL. PUBLIC SCHOOL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 28th, 1962 WARD NO. I WARD NO. 2 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL E L E C T I O N S for VVOTING WILL BE HELD IN THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL ON “Are you in favour of public games and sports for gain after 1:30 o’clock in the afternoon of the Lord’s Day to be regulated by Municipal By-law under the authority of The Lord’s Day (Ontario) Act, 1960-61?†each of Wards l to 4 inclusive ‘from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 RM. to elect persons for the following offices: holders have amounted to $12,- 757,500, or $2.10 per share. ï¬ve cents more than the 1961 ï¬gure and ten cents more than was paid in 1960. to $4,531,938 in undivided pro- ï¬ts, for a total of $5,531,938. and of this. $4,150,000 is transferred to the rest account. now at Quickly available resources THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, November 29, 1962 15 Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the centre line of Yonge Street and south of the centre line of Markham Road. POLLING SUBDIVISION N0. 9 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the centre line of Yonge Street, north of the southerly limit! of the Town, west of the C.N.R. right-ofaway and south of the centre line of Markham Road. - LILLIAN McCON- AGHY PUBLIC SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 10 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the C.N.R. right-of-way, north of the centre line of Palmer Avenue, west of the centre line of Bayview Avenue and south of the centre line of Markham Road. - WALTER. SCOTT PUBLIC SCHOOL. Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying west of the centre line of Yonge Street. POLLING SUBDIVISION N0. 12 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying west of the centre line of Yonge Street and north of the centre line of Benson and Rumble Avenue. - 0. M. MacKlLLOP PUBLIC SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION N0. 11 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the C.N.R. right-of-Iway, north of the southerly limits of the Town, west of the centre line of Bayview Avenue and south of the centre line of Palmer Avenue. -WALTER SCOTT PUBLIC SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION N0. 13 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the Town limits, north of the south Town limits, west of the centre line of Bridgeford, Bridgeport Street, Libby Boule- vard and south of centre line of Rumble Avenue. â€" PLEASANTVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION N0. 15 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the centre line of Bridgeport Street, north of Vaughan Road, west of Yonge Street and south of the centre line of Rich- mond St. - LILLIAN McCONAGHY PUBLIC SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION N0. 14 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the centre line of Bridgeport Street and Libby Boulevard, north of the centre line of Richmond Street west of the centre line of Yonge Street and south of the centre line of Benson and Rumble Avenues. - MUNICIPAL HALL. l at $1.820 million, ortduring the year. cent of the bank's pub- Valuation of bank premises is ties of $3.803 million, shown at $65,878,133. compared with a 54.56 per cent with $63,062,983 in 1961, an in- and providing further crease of 4.46 per cent. and an of the heavy credit indication of continuing branch made on the B of M modernization and extension. WARD NO. 3 WARD NO. 4 R. Lynett, Returning Officer