I0 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, ThuisidayLIjovembeI: Always keep your ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION Hospital Insurance 2195 YONGE STREET. TORONTO 7. ONTARIO Certiï¬cate handy. 19th Birthday? changing Fog and slippery conditions in Vaughan Township combined Tuesday morning to cause over 20 accidents. A series of chain reaction accidents on Maple Sideroad involved 19 cars. Part of lineup of westbound vehicles is shown above, near Dufferin Street. Centre, two cars in ï¬eld beside road. Driver of foreign car, bottom, went through windshield. Police report no serious injuries in any of the accidents, started when Robert H. Duckworth, 383 Paliser Cr. N., Richmond Hill,stopped suddenly going westbound. Sec- ond series of accidents on Kéele Street involved 10 cars. 5f: Reminders about your 0NTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE ï¬ Cars Tangle 0n Maple Road Separate premiums are required for your insurance from now on. Obtain application form at a. bank, a hos- pital or the Commission. KEEP INSURED! The Family premium must be paid to cover husband and wife. Tell your group OR, if you pay your premiums direct, notify the Commission. Follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certiï¬cate of Payment Form 104, which your employer is required to give you. KEEP INSURED! KEEP INSURED! 17 Fight For Council Vacancies 29, 1962 Vaughan Township Reeve A1- bert Rutherford and Deputy- reeve Jesse Bryson were re- turned by acclamation to their posts for the next two years at Monday night's nomination meeting held in Maple Com- munity Centre. Advocating more action and economy from county coun- cil. Mr. MacDiarmid said Rich- mond Hill contributes $200,000 a year. V"We must have two strong voices at the county level, not one." the candidate maintained. Vaughan Electripin Quiet Top Posts By Acciamation Four Run In Council Race Mrs. Ruth Mchonkey and Wilfred Kefler, 1961-62 coun- cillors. and newcomers Milton Savage, John Neufeld and Gar- net A. Williams. will contest the three councillor positions. Most of the ï¬reworks came during the speeches and quesâ€" tion and answer period for the three incumbents and ï¬ve new- comers seeking seats on next year's school board. Newcomer Bert Stevenson of Maple, active in ratepayers groups for years. charged the board with approving payment to an unnamed board member for ‘work done for the board. Reeve Rutherford. a retired farmer, now owns an insurance agency near Woodbridge. He ï¬rst became reeve in 1960 when he won a landslide victory over Bill Anstey and Vic Ryder. Mr. Rutherford discussed the development of a procedural ‘bylarw early in 1961 through which all business is now fun- nelled through one of ï¬ve com- mittees. J. M. Mulholland of Thom- hill chaired the meeting. which packed the hall. Nominations were from 7.30 to 8.30. De‘pu‘ty-reeve Jesse Bryson, a Purpleville farmer elected to the post in 1960, promised to continue his interest in plan- ning and in conservation and in “getting local government on the ‘ball." Maple housewife Mrs. Ruth MeConkey thanked ratepayers for electing her in 1960 as ï¬rst woman member of council. She claimed she had attended more‘ committee and council meetings and asked more questions than any other member of council. She took credit for hav- ing two-way radios install- ed in water trucks and add- ed that approval for the Edgeley water area had been received, recently. Roads committee Chairman Wilfred Keffer of Maple. a' re- tired farmer, commented the1 increasing importance of road construction and maintenance in the towns-hip’s budget. “There have been too many bylaws pushed onto people by this council without their know- ing about it.†charged Milton Savage, a Bathurst Street farm- er who ran ï¬fth in the 1960 election. “People weren't made aware of the zoning bylaw." Mr. Savage attacked the by- law, which he claimed prevents a man from selling his own property. He charged council has given in to Metropolitan ‘Toronto. tio] a man from selling his own Chairman Lorne A. Wells of property. He charged council the Maple and Kleinburg Unit- has given in to Metropolitan ed Hospital Fund. a chartered Toronto. accountant. promised to bring John Neufeld, former chair- an open mind into board busi- mam of Maple Village Trustees, ness. He caLled for an increased promised to try to keep the standard of education coupled municipal tax rate down. He with lower taxes. suggested the municipal oï¬ices Housewife Mrs. Louise Ed- were overstaï¬ed. Mr. Neufeld, manson, a member of the ex- ‘who owns John's Coffee Shop ecutive of George Bailey Home in Maple. ran fourth in the and School in Maple, charged 1960 elections. ‘the board with depending too Nashville farmer G. A. Wil-‘much on its executive. Nashville farmer G. A. Wil- liams, a lifelong resident of the He said the industrial com- tice efficient administration as the ï¬rst step to sound town g0vernment. He said it was wishful think- ing to think that industry is clamoring to locate Iere. township. stated that the town- ship should get more industry to Iower the mill rate. Chairman Sam Kaiser, Klein- burg painter, recalled closing of one-room schools at Carr- ville. Purpleville. Mount Le- banon and Lower Ninth since he was elected to the ï¬rst township-wide board in 1960. Trustee Terry Goodwin, Thornhill salesman, commented on the increased interest in edâ€" ucation that had come with the setting up of a township area. He suggested a planned pro- gram of providing better facili- ties, including the closin-g of one room schools. Mr. Goodwin predicted Jthe ‘1962 school rate would go up ï¬ve mills because of an over- grant by the Department of Education of $78,000. Pine Grove housewife Mrs. Dorothy Robertson, third in- cumbent running for re-elect- ion, contended that closing the smaller schools and building consolidated schools would send the mill rate up. She stated the ï¬ve mill tax i'hcrease was only Mr. Goodwin’s idea. Mr. Stevenson, a personnel manager. is president of the Normaple Ratepayers Associa- tion. secretary of Vaughan Township Federated Ratepayâ€" ers. and president of George Bailey Home and School, He charged the board with attempting to skirt controversy. failure to keep promises and with calling special meeting with such short notice that the public and press are unable to attend. Another Pine Grove resident, M. D. Armstrong, contended that his wide travels and re- search background would give him a valuable background as a new trustee. Mr. Armstrong, a profession- a1 engineer with the Depart- ment of Highways. has lived in the township for only a year. He suggested that his English training and lack of involve- ment in township affairs would produce a different point of view. “A board can only be en- riched by having different kinds of people on it," he added. “Inexperience can be an asset.†Mr. Arm- strong suggested his re- search training could be applied to school business. Ross Joliï¬â€˜e. a Thornhill salesman who lost out in 1960, charged the board with mis- management and conversion of school business into a political football. “We must have a good edu- cational climate to attract in- dustry," Mr. Jolif’fe said. Mrs. Edmamson quoted a (All of Our Town West of Yonge St.) You Can Depend On Me For Action For Election Information WM. F. LEISHMANI x VOTE FOR “I. 4 - 1540 “Over 500 municipalities throughout Ontario are bidding for available industry and many have much more to offer than we have.†Mr. Tinker said. He said there is no guarantee that industry would locate on town-owned land. Rising debenture debt was another point criticized by the candidate who said it was rea- ching the saturation point. It now stands at almost 21 per trustee as saying at one meetâ€" ing. “Anything the superinten- dent says is okay.“ The board should set up a policy which the superintendent should work w’thin, according to Mrs. Ed- manson. “If the trustees had assumed more responsibility and done more probing. the board wouldn't be paying back that overgrant of 378.000" she said. Oral French. an issue e- vaded by all candidates during their speeches, came up during the ques- tion period, when Dalton McArthur of Maple asked: “Why did you refer the question of oral French to the council?" Mrs. Robertson replied that she had felt it would be cheap- er to hold a plebiscite in con- junction with the municipal elections. She was not sure the whole township was in favor of oral French. Newcomer Bert Stevenson re- ported that a check with the Department of Education show- ed it was unprecedented for a school board to take a curriculâ€" um question to the electors. He called for the board, as an el- ected body, to take a stand and make its own decisions. Trustee Terry Goodwin main- tained that the board has more pressing problems than oral French. He claimed that it would be difficult to secure ad- equate teachers of the subject. He noted that he and Sam Kaiser had both opposed sub- mission of the question to the people in the form of a plebis- cite. Elections are slated for De cemrber 8. A ratepayers association meeting was held last night (Wednesday night) at Jefferson School. Ratepayers meeting have al- so been slated for Powell Road School (November 29). Lang- staff School (December 3), Charles Howitt School (Decem- ber 5D and Thornhill School (December 6). Three Meetings At Town Schools For Candidates Richmond Hill Junior Chamber of Commerce have scheduled three pre- election meetings for next week. Ratepayers in Ward 4 will get a chance to meet their candidates Monday night at 7.30 at MacKillop School. In Ward 3 a meeting has been set for eight o’clock the same evening at Me- Conaghy School. Thursday night ratepay- ers of Wards 1 and 2 will have a chance to meet their candidates at Walter Scott School at 7.30 pm. Candidates for mayor. reeve, deputy-reeve and councillor in the ward have been invited to attend each meeting. cent of the total assessment he said. “It is time for a retrench- ment of town affairs. Our rock- et is out of fuel and it is time we faced cold hard reality", Mr. Tinker told a responsive aud- ience. In Ward 1 J. Ql Fayette, Wal- [er Scudds and Allan J. Smyth are contesting the seat left va- cant by Mr. MacDiarmid. Mr. Fayette and Mr. Smyth both said they would work to promote more industry. Increased greenbelt areas and safeguarding the right of the taxpayer were other vmints scored by the two candidates. Mr. Scudds said the main is~ sue was holding the line on taxes. He said they had jumped 40 per cent in four years. A stable tax rate will encour- age industry, he told the meet- ing. Opposing Councillor Alex Campbell in Ward 2 are two newcomers to the political ï¬eld‘ Patrick Smith and Stan- ley Ransom. Mr. Campbell‘ chairman of the welfare committee‘ said welfare costs had dropped dur- ing his term of office. He said industry was ham- pered in locating here due to shortage of industrial land. Paving of Bayview Ave- nue was termed “essential†by the candidate. Mr. Ransom said he was not a “yes man" or a fence sitter. He strongly opposed land spec- ulation and annexation. He has been a member of the Parks Board for the past tWO years. ming 'blue@coal' RAMER 8. SON TU. 4-1313 189 Centre St. E. Peoplein everywalkof life go outoftheirwayfor‘bluecoal'. Because ‘blue coal’ in your furnace means safe, clean, dependable warmth in your home. ‘blue coal’ is colour marked for your protection. Get ‘blue coal’â€"a warm experience. ‘ 5077 COUNCILLOR VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP Election Day - Saturday, December 8th gPoils Open 10 «.m. Io 8 p.m. Progress with Economy VOTE Smith advocated swim- pool facilities. more ice MILT SAVAGE Common sense planning and a lhalt to residential development Iwas also urged by Mr. Smith. 1 In the two-way ï¬ght for a council seat. Mrs. Margaret Southwell, seeking her fourth lterm. is being opposed by real estate broker Thomas Murphy. ‘ Mrs. Southwell said she was in favor of planned growth over a long-term basis. ' time for youngsters wishing play hockey and more park sites Urging an immediate start to downtown redevelopment Mr. Murphy said industrial assess- ment is far out of balance to residential. She promised to work for her ward and invited payers with problems to in and see her. More parks and recreation fa- cilities for our youm was an- other point stressed by the can- didate. Completing his second year on council Mr. White will be ap- posed by Robert Saundcrs and To The Ratepayers of Markham Twp. Saturday, December 15, I962 The facts of the matter are as follows: The present home of my wife and myself on Yonge Street where we have lived for many years has been expropriated by the Department of High- ways who are planning to demolish the house. We are required to vacate by December 1, 1962, and consequently have had to purchase a new home. My' wife and I purchased a new home in the Township o‘n Ladyslipper Court. The house was fully completed before we purchased it. The build- er had entered into the usual subdivision agree- ment with the Township long before we ever con- templated buying and has complied with all its Last Monday afternoon at the council meet- ing of the Township of Markham, Deputy-Reeve Lawson Mumberson, who is now a candidate for Reeve, criticized my purchase of a new home in the Township. - The subdivision agreement is open for inspec tion at the Township Offices. Yours truly, Wilfred R. Dean Reeve .of Markham Twp. terms between the hours of 8 the Returning Officer. for the office of one Public School Trustee for Ward N0. 1 will be held in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Hall, 56 Yonge Street North, on If more candidates are nominated for this office than are required to ï¬ll the same, a vote will be conducted by the Returning Officer at Richmond Hill, Ontario. November 29th, 1962 NOMINATIONS Thursday, December 6th, 1962 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Town of Richmond Hill Notice Is Hereby Given BEVERLEY ACRES PUBLIC SCHOOL FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 6:00 I’.M. tn ~ Infra c (leu? - hard tax- drop :00 RM. and 9:00 PM. by He predicted a good year ahead for Richmond Hill. Mr. Leishman called for “ac- tion not argument" at the coun- cil table. F. Leishman in Ward 4. e was chairman 01 he p“. nd ï¬re committee this year. .ie said the two forces were in his opinion the best In the county. A resident here for he urged the council their responsibilities in ahead. Claiming a dire need for ex- perienced leadership and action is badly needed. Mr. Saunders said he has the knowledge and the experience to cope with the problems facing the town. He said he was against an- nexation and urged that devel- opel‘s be stopped from coming to the area. Work methods and inefficien- cy in town afl'airs were other points the candidate said needed inmmediatc attention. R. Lynett, Returning Officer 10 years to meet the year