2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, November 29, 1962 of It isn’t good enough to pass over this criticism with the stock answer that any taxpayer is welcome at any time to go to the town office and de- mand any information about public business. As someone rightly said Monday night not many taxpayers have the time or inclination to be private detectives. They shouldn’t have to be to ï¬nd out the essential facts about their own business. It Richmond Hill will have a full scale municipal election and now for the ï¬rst time in some years taxpayers have the opportunity of making a selection for most of the public of- ï¬ces. Last year acclamations were the order of the day and ratepayers not satisï¬ed with the administration of the day were denied the opportun- ity of expressing their wishes at the polls; The great majority of citizens will welcome the election and the op- portunity it offers for an expression of public opinion. Elections are evi- dence of a healthy democracy and serve a most useful purpose in our ystem of government. Year after year we urge ratepay- ers to attend the nomination meeting held annually to nominate candidates for public office. Many times we have said that citizens as sharehold- ers in the community should attend this annual meeting to get an account- ing of their public business. We know that custom accepted through many years dies hard, but we do feel that something should be done now to make this annual town meeting, this annual meeting of shareholders, taxpayers or by what- ever title we wish to call them, more really informative and useful. Councils too long in office tend to be indifferent to the rights of the people at large and too often transact and treat public business as if it were their own private property. Elections are a needed reminder that the public business belongs to the people and council members or trustees are ser- vants of the people. We are not surprised however that many who attended Monday night’s meeting in Richmond Hill were disappointed in the meagre am- ount of real information they receiv- ed about the conduct of their own business. All residents living west of Yonge Street are in ward 4 and will cast Residents living south of Mark- ham Road and east of Yonge Street are in ward 3 and will cast their votes at McConaghy and Walter Scott Pub- lic Schools. Every citizen should take an in- terest in the present election and make sure of casting a vote on elec- tion day. The candidates elected will for the coming year spend your mon- ey and decide how much will be levied on your property in the way of taxa- tion. At election time it’s a good prac- tice to take a good look at the tax bill you received early last summer. The town is now divided into four wards. Ward I takes in residents living north of Crosby Avenue, east of Yonge Street. They will vote at the municipal hall, Beverley Acres and Crosby Heights Public Schools. Ward 2 comprises the area be- tween Markham Road,and Crosby Avenue, east of Yonge Street. Resi- dents of this ward will vote at Mc- Conaghy. Crosby Heights and Walter Scott Public Schools. Richmond Hill citizens will vote in a ward system for the ï¬rst time on December 8th. If the number of spoil- ed ballots and therefore lost votes is to be kept to a minimum then every citizen should know the boundaries of his ward and the offices he is voting for. Subscription Rate {3.59 per‘ ng‘ri W. S. COOK, Managing Editor EDWARD MURPHY, News Ed "Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa' An Independent Weekly: Established 187 Consult Your Tax Bill Gib: liberal lllucpcuucnv vv pun: y n u u u u u . . . . . . v . v 7 _ ‘ ï¬ U I. II" n Rate $3.50 per year; to United States $4.50; 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, Editor and Publisher Information Please Know Your Ward Too long it has been said the people don’t care. We maintain the great majority of the people do care, and we suggest the others better get interested soon or we will be in ser- ious trouble with a still greater tax burden on our homes. EDWARD MURPHY, NeWS Editor is a duty of management, in this case, the municipal council to provide the shareholders, the taxpayers, with this information. At future nomination meetings the mayor and members of town council should have time sufficient to give a complete and detailed account- ing of their stewardship. The same should apply to school trustees. Taxpayers should insist on ï¬n- ancial accounting in the form of ï¬n- ancial statements or auditors’ reports which give detailed information and a complete picture of the year’s ad- ministration. The only practical solution ap- pears to be the holding of two nom- ination meetings, one for municipal council and another for school trus- tees. In this way there could be ample time for an intelligent discus- sion of both municipal and school af- fairs. It is ridiculous to expect any kind of a useful accounting from a mayor or school board chairman in anything less than half an hour. This kind of time should be available to all elected officials and if possible t all council members and trustees. T ere should be time too for questions from the taxpayers. “Expenses†is altogether too broad a heading. If taxpayers’ money is used for expenses the taxpayers have ev- ery right to know the details of what is considered to be expenses. The ï¬nancial statement issued by the municipality should be more in- formative and give at least some de- tail of receipts and expenditures. Reach into the ï¬les also and get out the bills for 1961 and 1960, and for previous years. A great many of our people have expressed genuine alarm at the pattern of continually increas- ing taxation and probably will want to vote for a change. To some these increases may not seem out of the way and they will want to continue the same representatives in public office. Many people share the generally accepted widespread opinion that in any event an election is a good thing. That councils too long in office he- come complacent and careless with the expenditure of people’s money. Whatever the result the outcome depends on the people. All year the elected council is boss and tells you what to do. One day in the year, elec- tion day, the people are boss, and have authority in their own hands. That authority is expressed by the ballot which is the right and privil- ege of every qualiï¬ed ratepayer. All elections are important, and in every election the vote of the in- dividual is What determines the re- sult. This is the responsibility of every voter and the issue rests with you. We only urge you to make sure and vote. If you are satisï¬ed with the old council vote to give them an- other term of office. If you are not satisï¬ed then vote for the new can- didates and give them a trial. SOD: It's amazing just how much there is to talk and write about in this business of music, and also equally amazing just how little most folk are inclined to give themselves or their group a boost, or even the decent ‘plug’ they deserve. It not for themselves, then at least for the group they lead or represent. Why not appoint some one from your band. choir etc. to get in a little news now and then. This column is waiting and able. Take this point for instance. Out of a quarter page school item we man-aged to glean by a process of sifting and elimina- tion the following report about 'the school band local sports column. ‘a team - - played hockey against another played several selectionsdurirlgl team. _ someone batted in a the evening' ' Splenéld‘ f home run'. The kids would be the work and Preparation J“St pretty disillusioned for sure. for that. What do you suppose Hear we are. Please use us. the members of the band feel On Being Active like when they scan the report See where Dick Edmunds and of the activities? There's noth- his York Choraleers are keepâ€" ing really wrong with this kind ing right busy. by all accounts of thing but We want to know and hardly a week goes by beforehand of what you might where they all aren't out Some- be doing and then we can tell where giving a bit of good cho- the world through the medium ral enjoyment to some church of this column. Again we read or group. ‘the choir sang a number’ or Phil Barnes, who looked af- ‘someone played the piano'. 0f ter the musical side of the ï¬ne course this might be exagger- Pantomime we had last year atlng a wee bit but you get the says that another one is in the idea. Now just picture say the oï¬ing._ That's what we could the band. - Take this point for instance. Out of a quarter page school item we man-aged to glean by a process of sifting and elimina- tion the following report about More and more people are coming to realize what a community newspaper means in their lives. I believe this, because a good cross-section of people have admitted to me that the daily paper cannot take the place of the community newspaper. Of course, people do not always give the same reasons for liking a paper. One says that he likes the paper because it enables him to know more about his neighborhood. Another reader says: “Even if you don‘t know the people, you can get to know the streets, and you can just about ï¬gure out where people live anyway." And again: “The community paper gives the names of the people we know. It has always something inter- esting going 'on in local politics or crusades of one kind and another, and that’s something you can’t get from the daily paper.†“It gives local news about stores and people, churches and welfare organiza- tions and many other activities too numerous to mention.†And that’s not all: People say that the commun- ity paper by means of its editorials, columns and ar- ticles gives inspiration and credit to local people and helps plant the seeds for community betterment. And the readers should know for it is they who help to make a good community newspaper. (It’s A Heaven for the Local Artists) One of these days when you’re down Thornhill way, you should drop in on “Peggy’s Bazaar†on Yonge Street. This shop has a unique flavor only because a large-hearted woman named Peggy Penny- legion is a staunch supporter of the works of local artists. Let us step inside this store for a moment if only to share some of her enthusiasm. First to the Christmas card section. There you will ï¬nd the at- tractively designed cards of Floyd Baillargeon, 21 Highland Park Blvd. Mr. Baillargeon is a commer- cial artist, formerly associated with Artand De 'gn Studios in Toronto. He is 150 known as an illustijtor of children’s books. The hristmas cards df‘ROI ald Mitchell Duncan of Studio Twelve, Thornhill, and/Loi Hathaway of Aurora show originality and are well worth looking at. While you are looking at these Christmas card designs, you may come across one that includes a recipe for MULLED CLARET. The artist who designed the card is not local but the re- cipe comes from one of our distinguished citizens, Mrs. R. H. Neil of John Street, Thornhill, and is used by her every time Christmas time rolls around. Here is the recipe: Take one quart of claret, add juice of a lemon and one-third lemon slice. Add one cup of sugar, 1 piece stick cinnamon and 8 cloves. There you have the recipe, but you should see the cards. Now . . . let us look around some more. Our ceramic artist, Gwen Sands from 19 Uplands Avenue has an interesting display. Her little ï¬gurines are charming and one of the most popular of models are those of cats and they are all shapes and sizes. Hanging on the walls of the shop are the lovely wood- carvings of Richard Tompkins of Bolton. Mrs. Kay Stothers, Centre St. and Mrs. Williamsdn, Yonge St., Thornhill, offer their landscape paintings for your delight. For quilt lovers, Mrs. J. Henry of 139 John St. has much to offer in this line. Theo Dawson of Richmond Hill has some very attractive gift sugges- tions in her lovely floral arrangements and her hand- some ornamental bottles which are tastefully arrang- ed on the shelves of Peggy’s Bazaar. Theo collects bottles, spray-paints them and then hand-paints the beautiful designs. THE BUS DRIVERS ARE INTERESTING PEOPLE And this complimentary statement comes from a. reader in the Richmond Hill area. And she offers two little stories to prove it. “Bus drivers are very interesting people,†she said. “I like to listen to their stories. They meet their share of difficult people. This story was told me by a Scotsman and this will give you some idea of how he handled a difficult fare. As you can see . .. Peggy’s Bazaar is not an ordinary shoppe . . . it is a medium of expression for your local artists in and around your own district. The fare said to the bus driver, sneeringly, “There’s nothing on the books that says I can’t give you this.†He reached into his wallet and handed the driver a ï¬ve dollar bill. “Noâ€, said the driver with the Scottish burr in his voice, “and there’s nothing on the books that says I can’t give you this.†The bus driver reached into his box and handed the passenger a roll of ten cent pieces. “What will I do with all these dimes,†wailed the man. “You just put two in the box and we’ll call it square,†said the driver. “How do I know I have the right amount?" asked the passenger. “Well,†the driver replied, “they’ve all been counted by the machine and I have never known them to be short yet, but if you want to be sure, just sit right down there and count them.†Another fare came on the bus one day, and he was really in a ï¬ghting mood. He said, “All I have is this ten dollar bill and you are going to take it.†The driver thought for a moment, then he took the offered bill and tucked it into the fare box. He turned to the man and said: “Now I will give you a receipt for nine-eighty and you can go down to the office tomorrow and get your money.†The man snapped angrily, “I need that money, I’m going out for the evening.†“I need my money too,†said the driver. “Sit down please!" PEGGY’S BAZAAR IS NOT AN ORDINARY GIFT SHOPPE WHY THE COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER IS IMPORTANT TO YOU amt: Ma "I'HE MUSIC BOX (By Elizabeth Kelson) Ray Stephens Very nice to see David Sale receive such outstanding hon- ours from the high school. Da- vid says that he proposes to enter university to major in music. See where Dick Edmunds and his York Choraleers are keepâ€" ing right busy by all accounts and hardly a week goes by where they all aren't out Some- where giving a bit of good cho- ral enjoyment to some church or group. Phil Barnes, who looked af- ter the musical side of the ï¬ne Pantomime we had last year says that another one is in the offing. That's what we could do with is an annual jolly Pant- omime. Phil also mentions that a young lad of 12 years has come up with a dandy song and it is hoped that it can be in- cluded in the production. We’ll hear more about this later on. I have one request for an old clarinet (not too old but not too expensive). One of our readers has the urge to pick up and re- new old acquaintances in the matter of playing a bit of clari- net just for fun. up... Received a most interesting last booklet called music and paper m , from the Provincial Paper Co. do“ dealing with the association II from the very beginning of printed music and the paper business. There are some really old plates of songs of yester- year and then some. going back into the last century. Looking closely at the reproductions we out could see such names as Harry of ( H. Sparks (1899) Music Publish- T er. The Mendelssohn Piano cati mor our pos: US pan Company of Toronto and sev- eral other names now long ex- dre1 tinct in the music printing ï¬eld. Strangely enough after reading the name above Harry H. Sparks, I had a feeling that it was known to me so over the PI weekend my boys and I drove around the King area looking for an old church with an even Dea older grave stone. My hunch It was wrong but we did locate W154 the stone, now overgrown with why high grass and almost tipping th over, of one Henry Smart died mm 1851 age 35. This man was a T musician of some note during goo his day but in the teaching ca- the pacity and his manuscripts now acti can be seen in the music room unit of the Ontario College of Edu- piai cation. He lies unknown in the on little church yard of the Pres- p.m byterian CIh-urch north on Duct- ferin right opposite the new boa Eversly Public School. The ref‘ church built in 1848 is now un~ ind der the care of the Lady Eaton we! estate. to 1 Nostalgia _ I Reading where Mr. William Morden Basie, known as the Count, was in Toronto last week and he is now 58. The last chapter of a great jazz era. One O’clock Jump. Basie Boogie, Lester Leaps, with such great names as Illinois Jacquet, Don Byas, A1 Killam. J. J. Johnson (or am I talking to myself). By today’s standards these types seem to be of the Metropolitan Opera category Ragtime, Cake- walk, Oharleston, Boogie. Bun- nyhug, Bebop, Rock and Roll, the Twist and now we are ent- ering the new era of Bossa No- A MEAT COUNTER WITH A FRIENDLYâ€"MAN BEHIND IT! Mayor Phillips and Controller Summerville have both promised to tell the REAL story of how Toronto lost the 1967 World's Fair . . . And which version will be the fair-y tale? Reports on the almost-successful robbery of a downtown Toronto bank proved once again that there is some good in the worst of people. The robbers showed they had a basic sense of decency when they blindfolded the bank janitor before leaving him tied in the women’s washroom. This is Grey Cup week-end in Toronto. (Usually pronounced DRINâ€"CUP by football-fansâ€"for-a-day.) We wish Deputy-reeve Tom Broadhurst would explain again his plan to make payments on land for off-street parking with the revenue from parking meters on the off-parked street. An RCMP warning on “very good†counterfeit $20 bills says that “the only way to determine if they are genuine is to compare them with a genuine $20 bill†. . . and if they don’t compare, ONE of them is a counterfeit. Is Canada considering a distinctively Canadian flavor in its postage stamp mucilage? The question was asked in Commons by an NDP member. He sug- gests Maple or Blueberry . . . And Rye should be popular. An Alberta Senator wants to send Ottawa’s Mayor Whitton out west to deal with the defiant Doukhobor leaders on a woman-to-woman basis. But Ottawa’s city council would never let her go. If the dealing ended in peeling, 2. Charlotte in the raw would be the last straw. Premier Robarts has appointed a ï¬ve-man com- mittee to give Ontario’s tax system a “stem-to-stern†examination . . . Well, with a $100 million jump ex- pected in next year’s budget, the “stern†obviously couldn’t mean “the end†of provincial taxes; the best we can hope for is some stemming. Progress Note: One of Toronto’s newer supermarkets advertises that it has tiheilra§tgword feature in modem shopping; by Georga Mayes O Yesterday’s news is not necessarily dead. 0“ Perhaps with this new interest rbeing shown, parents will at long last show a little more interest in what their school board is doing, 7 _ _ _ “The Liberal“ that at least four candidates will seek to ï¬ll three vacancies on the Richmond Hill Separate School Board. Perhaps at long last the apathy towards the school board and the mem- bers on it has come to an end. It was with great interest that I read in last week's issue of It seems strange. in a demo- cratic system such as ours. that such a responsible position as members of a school board is taken for granted by so many of the voters. Eear M'. ng'IOI‘ What are the names of the present school board? How often do they meet and when? What is their past record? How much do you feel they will ac- complish if they are elected? Make up your mind. then have enough fortitude to go out and express your opinions by voting for the candidate of your choice. These school boards have a great responsibility. because through their decisions schools are built, teachers hired, and policy set. The new parish of Our Lady Queen of World has four mem- bers seeking election to the school board. While at this writing the two incumbent mem- bers. Mr. N. Meehan and Mr. F. Shorter from St. Mary's Parish have not indicated they will seek reâ€"election. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD ___._.c. In a world where higher edu- cation is becoming more and more essential, where we urge our children to get the best possible education they can. let us remember our ï¬rst duty as parents and taxpayers is to get out and vote for the candidate of our choice. The de’c’i'sions in 1963 will have a great influence on just how good an education our chil- dren will receive. Clare H. Harrington, 161 Lucas St., Richmond Hill. Dear Mr. 'Editor It seems to m; wise thing to te why we have hm th piano classe mond Hill pimin The one poi] this argument c‘rasses are a 1 approved by eV PIANO CLASSES IN TOWN SCHOOLS ems to me it would be a iinlg to tell your readers e have had to discontinue ano classes in the Rich- Hill public schools. public school board in its a the as it : was . YOUR. . WHISIKEY. AND-YOUR WOMEN!..'.‘:,; Here ‘ Come.z..:, -:Im;‘m AQdef-Im . 1 WEWï¬ESiEEEï¬ACULAR ï¬ï¬LMED! If. Phone TUrner 4-1212 “The Three Stooges Meet Hercules" PLUS COLOR CARTOONS COLUM BIA PICTURES Enioy Sunday Movies This Sunday Dec. 2 Please Note: Thurs., Fri., last complete show 8.30 pm. Continuous Daily From 7:00 p.111. Saturday From 6:00 pm. Saturday Matinee, 2:00 pm. Air Conditioned for your comfort by Refrigeration. also Mon., Tues., Wed. - Decgmber 3, 4,}? RICHARD STARR1N6 UULUMBlA HUIUHtS PRESENTS WW WALK E on THE? II". n \1Ԡa side of life you never expected to see on the screenL 'Eï¬iuMBIA mums mm cums Thurs., Fri., Sat., - Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1 STARR AAAAAAAAHAAVAA ; cAPucIAA JANE AAAAA ANNE BAXIER BARBARA AAAvacA aHew kind of love-story with} hmm meKFHDMM mmflWflW FREE PARKING AT REAR 0F THEATRE AU'ï¬REY-UVS-WI'EDE-BUOTHUEEEREES SATURDAY MATINEE 2 RM. null. , IHISKE "'1 Y0 [OMEN fete 'ome //l\ ANNE JAMIE MARU TODD TECHNIBBLUR TECHNIRAMA†'aa'sed' On A 3m 81 wow swmmn - Music Composed 91 um ADLER Produced By ' Direded By AN IRVING ALLEN IJAMIE UYS FILM PRODUCTION a ACOLUMBLA PICTURES RELEASE Mmmmms 'H'ARdLD' EWANTON, PATRICK KIRWAN moHARDLD HUTH JAMES u with o- m- ADIHHANCI LIONEL